“Allah loves those who are clean. What are the signs that Allah loves a person

The love of Allah Almighty is the most precious, the most valuable thing that a person can have. After all, the love of His Creator is the finding of oneself, one's own happiness and the realization of the truth. The love of Allah is the ultimate goal and meaning, because the love of the Almighty is limitless, all-embracing and infinite, and the one who is rewarded with it gains unlimited contentment, happiness and protection.

Allah has indicated how a person can find the love of His Creator, and there are many such means. But there are also those whom Allah does not love, because they themselves gave up what could bring them to the love of Allah. Who deprives himself of the love of Allah Almighty? What are the signs of the deprivation of Allah's love?

1. First, these are those who themselves do not love Allah Almighty, who do not follow His precepts and the Sunnah. In the heart of one whom Allah does not love, He placed hatred of faith and adherence to the truth. Everything seems burdensome to him. Such a person himself renounces the love of his Creator, as the hadith says:

“Say (oh Muhammad to people): If you love Allah, then follow me (ie, accept the monotheism of Islam, follow the Quran and Sunnah), then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful ”(3:31).

2. Those who are alien to love for the Creations of the Most High, they do not love their loved ones, others, and people in general. They do not help others, do not worry and do not worry about them, and are indifferent towards them.

“My love becomes obligatory for those who love each other for my sake, My love is obligatory for those who visit each other for Me, My love will be obligatory for those who help each other (in financial relationships), My love will be obligatory for those who maintains a relationship for Me. "

"Anyone who shows enmity towards someone who is devoted to Me, I will declare war."

3. The absence of trials, an even and carefree life without worship can be evidence of the lack of love of the Most High. After all, life's tests are just the same sign of his love. Tests for the soul, no matter how bitter they were, are useful.

The Hadith Qudsi says: “The greatest reward comes with great trials. When Allah loves someone, He tests him, the one who accepts it with patience is rewarded with the pleasure of Allah, and the one who complains deserves His wrath. "

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When Allah desires good for His servant, He hastens punishment for him in this world, and when He is angry with His servant, He postpones his punishment until he (the slave) appears before Him with his sins on the Day of Resurrection ”(narrated by At-Tirmizi).

4. Dislike from others. If a person is not loved by other people, they show hatred and rejection.

“If Allah loves any of (His) slaves, He turns to Jibril and says:“ Truly, I love such and such, love him too, ”and Jibril begins to love him. Then he turns to (the inhabitants of) the heavens and says: “Indeed, Allah loves such and such, love him too,” and the inhabitants of heaven begin to love him, and then he is well received on earth. If Allah hates any of the slaves (His), then He turns to Jibril and says: "Truly, I hate such and such, so hate him and you," and then Jibril begins to hate him. Then he turns to the inhabitants of heaven and says: "Truly, Allah hates such and such, so hate him too," and they hatred him, and then they begin to dislike him on earth. "

A person who does not love Allah, and who is deprived of the love of Allah, loves what is hated by Allah, follows what is forbidden by Allah, and he hates what Allah has prescribed. So he is constant in committing sins one after another, not realizing the perniciousness of his deeds, he does not bring repentance, since he does not consider himself guilty.

When Allah does not love a person, He gives him three things, but deprives him of three other things:

1. Allah blesses him with the environment of pious people, but deprives him of taking advice from them.
2. By the will of Allah, he can do good deeds, but Allah deprives him of sincerity in his actions.
3. Allah Almighty bestows wisdom on him, but deprives him of the righteousness in it.

Good deeds and faith go hand in hand. Doing good deeds is a practice of faith in the heart. That is why, when referring to true believers, the Qur'an says: "those who believe and do good deeds." The Holy Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) say that the best Muslim is the one who has the best disposition in relation to other people.

In the words of the Quran and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), it is said about the qualities that a Muslim should display.

1. Righteousness.
O you who have believed! Fear Allah and speak the right word (33:70).

O you who have believed! Fear Allah and be with the truthful (9: 119).

O you who believe! When testifying before Allah, defend justice, even if the testimony will be against you, or against your parents, or against close relatives. Whether he is rich or poor, Allah is closer to both of them. Do not indulge in desires lest you deviate from justice (4: 135).

2. Sincerity.
So worship Allah, purifying your faith before Him (39: 2).

The hatred of Allah is great for the fact that you say what you do not do (61: 3).

Woe to those who pray who are careless about their prayers, who are hypocrites (107: 4-6).

3. Unselfishness.
Indeed, from those who disbelieved and died as unbelievers, even gold the size of an earth would not be accepted if any of them tried to buy it off. They are destined for excruciating suffering, and they will have no helpers (3:91).

They provide food for the poor, orphans and captives, even though it is desirable for themselves. They say: “We feed you only for the sake of the Face of Allah and do not want any reward or gratitude from you! (76: 8-9).

Show no mercy for more! (74: 6).

4. Humility.
And the slaves of the Merciful are those who tread the earth humbly, and when the ignorant turn to them, they say: "Peace!" (25:63).

Do not turn your face away from people out of arrogance and do not walk the earth arrogantly. Indeed, Allah does not love any proud and boasting (31:18).

Do not praise yourself, for He knows best those who fear God (53:32).

5. Patience.
After all, Allah loves the patient (3: 146).

We will certainly test you with insignificant fear, hunger, loss of property, people and fruits. Rejoice the patient, who, when trouble befalls them, say: "Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we will return" (2: 155-156).

6. Forgiveness.
May they forgive and be condescending. Don't you want Allah to forgive you? (24:22)

who make sacrifices in joy and sorrow, contain anger, and forgive people. Indeed, Allah loves those who do good (3: 134).

who avoid great sins and abominations and forgive when they are angry (42:37).

The retribution for evil is equivalent evil. But if someone forgives and establishes peace, then his reward will be with Allah. Indeed, He does not love the transgressors. And if someone will show patience and forgive, then in these matters should be shown determination (42:40, 43).

He said: “Today I will not reproach you. May Allah forgive you, for He is the Most Merciful of the Merciful (12:92).

7. Cleanliness.
He succeeded who purified himself, remembered the name of his Lord and performed namaz (87: 14-15).

Clean your clothes! (74: 4-5).

8. Honesty.
Do not approach the property of an orphan, except for his good, until he reaches adulthood. And be true to your promises, for promises you will be called to account. Fill the measure fully when you release the measure and weigh accurate scales... So it will be better and more beautiful in outcome (or in reward) (17: 34-35).

Do not unlawfully devour your property among yourself and do not bribe judges to devour part of the property of people, knowingly committing a sin (2: 188).

9. Kindness towards people.
Indeed, Allah commands to observe justice, do good and give gifts to relatives. He prohibits abominations, reprehensible acts and atrocities. He exhorts you, perhaps you will remember the edification (16:90).

Make donations in the way of Allah and do not doom yourself to death. And do good, for Allah loves those who do good (2: 195).

10. Respect for people.
O you who have believed! Do not enter other people's houses until you ask permission and greet their inhabitants with peace. This is best for you. Perhaps you will remember the edification. If you do not find anyone in them, then do not enter until you are allowed. If they tell you: “Go away!”, Then go away. It will be cleaner for you. Indeed, Allah is aware of what you are doing (24: 27-28).

O you who have believed! Avoid many assumptions, for some assumptions are sinful. Do not watch each other and do not speak evil behind each other (49:12).

When you are greeted, respond with an even better greeting or the same. Indeed, Allah counts all things (4:86).

11. Courage.
The people told them: “The people have gathered against you. Be afraid of them. " However, this only increased their faith, and they said: "Allah is enough for us, and how wonderful this Guardian and Guardian is!" (3: 173).

12. Moderation.
O sons of Adam! Put on your jewelry at every mosque. Eat and drink, but do not be excess, for He does not love those who are excess (7:31).

Do not allow your hand to be chained to your neck, and do not open it to its full length (do not be stingy and wasteful), otherwise you will sit down censured and saddened (17:29)

Verily, religion is easy. And whoever is excessive in religion (she) will defeat him. Be moderate, and be close to it, and proclaim and ask for help early in the morning, in the afternoon and a little at the end of the night (hadith).
Also in the Quran about the qualities beloved by Allah it says: “Indeed, for Muslims and Muslim women, believing men and believing women, obedient men and obedient women, truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, humble men and humble women, giving alms to men and giving alms to women, fasting men and fasting women, keeping the chastity of men and keeping the celibacy of women and often men and women who remember Allah, Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward”(33:35).

Sayda Hayat

Question: What are the signs of Allah's love for His slave?

Answer: Praise be to Allah

You have asked a serious and important question about what only a few of Allah's righteous servants achieve.

The love of Allah is “a position for which the believers compete and strive for ... it is nourishment for hearts and souls ... delight to the eyes ... this is life, and the one who is deprived of it is dead ... this is the light, without which there comes total darkness ... this is healing and the one who is deprived of it is sick ... this is joy, and the one who is deprived of it lives in sorrow and suffering ...

This is the spirit of faith and good deeds ... with the help of which one can approach Allah ... and the one who is deprived of it is like a body without a soul. "

Allah's love has signs and reasons, which are like keys to a door. And these reasons include the following:

1. Follow the guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allah speaks in Holy Quran:

قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم والله غفور رحيم

"Say:" If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, because Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. " (The family of Imran 3:31)

2. To be humble towards believers and adamant to the kaafirs, to fight in the way of Allah and not be afraid of anyone but Him. Allah mentioned these qualities in one verse, where He says:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا من يرتد منكم عن دينه فسوف يأتي الله بقوم يحبهم ويحبونه أذلة على المؤمنين أعزة على الكافرين يجاهدون في سبيل الله ولا يخافون لومة لائم

“O you who have believed! If any of you deviate from your religion, Allah will bring other people whom He will love and who will love Him. They will be humble before believers and adamant before unbelievers, they will fight in the way of Allah and not be afraid of the reproof of those who censure. ”

In this verse, Allah describes the qualities of those whom He loves, and the first of them is to be humble and not to be arrogant with Muslims, to be adamant with kaafirs, not to humiliate and not insult a Muslim in front of a kafir. Those whom Allah loves fight on His way with the shaitan, kaafirs, hypocrites and sinners, and they fight the evil of their souls (jihad an-nafs). They are not afraid of the censure of the censurer, because as long as they follow the orders of their religion, they do not care for those who ridicule and condemn them.

3. Perform additional (nafil) worship. Allah says in the hadith al-Quds: "And My slave does not cease to approach Me by voluntary actions until I love him." Additional actions include additional prayers, alms, umrah, hajj and fasting.

4. Love, visit each other, help each other (financially) and give sincere advice only for the sake of Allah.

These qualities were mentioned in a hadith, where the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) conveyed the words of Allah: “My love is necessarily prescribed to those who love each other for my sake; and to those who visit each other for my sake; and to those who spend in support of each other for Me; and to those who communicate for Me. "

Ahmad, 4/236 and 5/236; At-Tanasukh Ibn Hanbal, 3/338; Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic in Sahih at-Targib wa at-Tarkhib 3019, 3020,3021.

By the words "visiting each other for my sake" it is meant that they come to each other only for the sake of Allah, love each other and worship together only to gain His pleasure. Al-Muntaka Sharh al-Mutawwa, hadith 1779.

5. To be tested. Troubles and misfortunes are a test for a person and this is a sign of Allah's love, because it acts like a medicine: although it is bitter, you still give it to the one you love. An authentic hadith says: “Verily, the size of the reward corresponds to the size of trials and troubles, and verily, if Allah loves any people, He sends trials (troubles) to them. And the one who shows contentment (before the test) is also the contentment of Allah. The one who is angry, to him is the wrath of Allah. " at-Tirmizi 2396; Ibn Majah 4031; Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic.

And troubles in this life are better for the believer than the punishment postponed until the last life. And how could it be otherwise, if through trials the position of the believer is increased, and his sins are erased? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allah desires good for his slave, He punishes Him already in this world. If He wants bad things for His servant, then he postpones the punishment until the Day of Judgment. at-Tirmizi 2396; Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic.

Scientists explained that one who does not experience troubles and misfortunes is a hypocrite, and Allah does not punish him in this world to appear before Him on the Day of Judgment with all his sins.

O Allah, make us the ones you love.

If Allah loves you, do not ask about the benefits that you will receive, because it is enough to know that He loves you. These are the great fruits of Allah's love in His slave:

At first: People love him and accept him on earth, as stated in the hadith from al-Bukhari (3209): “If Allah feels love for (His) servant, He turns to Jibril (and says):“ Indeed, Allah loves such and such , love him also you, ”(after which) Jibril (begins) to love him, and Jibril turns to the inhabitants of heaven (with the words):“ Indeed, Allah loves such and such, you will love him too ”, and the inhabitants of heaven ( begin) to love him, and then they give him a good welcome on earth. "

Secondly, in the hadith al-quds, Allah mentioned the great virtues of those whom He loves. It is narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:“ I will declare war on those who are at war with those who are close to Me! The most beloved of all, whatever (does) My servant in striving to get closer to Me, is for Me that which I have charged him with as a duty, and My servant will try to get closer to Me, doing more than what is laid (nafil) until I love him, when I love him, I will become his hearing, through which he will hear, and his sight, through which he will see, and his hand, which he will grab, and his leg, with which he will walk, and if he asks Me (for something), I will definitely give him (this), and if he turns to Me for protection, I will definitely protect him. And nothing that I do makes Me hesitate to such an extent as (the need to take) the soul of a believer who does not want death, for I do not want to harm him. " Al-Bukhari, 6502.

This hadith lists the benefits of Allah's love for His slave:

  1. “I will become his hearing, through which he will hear”, ie the believer hears only what Allah loves.
  2. "And by his sight, through which he will see", ie the believer sees only what Allah loves.
  3. "And with his hand, which he will grab," the believer will only take what Allah loves.
  4. "With his foot, with the help of which he will walk," the believer will only go to what Allah loves.
  5. “And if he asks Me (for something), I will definitely give him (this)”, i.e. the believer's dua will be heard and his requests fulfilled.
  6. “And if he turns to Me for protection, I will definitely protect him,” ie Allah will protect him from everything.

We ask Allah to help us in what causes His contentment.

In one city there lived a little boy Musa. He was good to everyone, but he did not like to swim or wash. Yes, he did not love so much that when it came time to swim, he ran and hid, mom and dad barely put him in the bathtub, and even then he screamed as urine as possible and tried to run away!

Because of this, he constantly quarreled with his parents. And no matter what they told him, he still refused to swim, wash his hands, brush his teeth and take care of his clothes. Over time, he began to simply deceive mom, saying that he washed and changed clothes.

And then one day a big holiday was approaching in their town, all the inhabitants were happy and looked forward to this day! Our Musik was also happy - after all, he was so fond of treats and gifts! Before going to bed, as usual, he lied to his mother that he brushed his teeth and washed his face and, pleased that his mother believed, lay down in the crib and began to dream about the day ahead, about gifts, sweets and entertainment.

Musik began to fall asleep, when suddenly his tummy suddenly hurt! So much so that he jumped up in pain! Musa rolled over on his side, hoping that the pain would go away, but it didn't work! My tummy began to hurt even more!

The pain became so strong that Musik burst into tears and began calling for his mother.

- Oh oh oh!!! Painfully! Mother! Mother! He shouted, clutching his tummy.

Mom ran into the room, she saw the pale Musik, got scared and immediately called the doctor. While the doctor was getting there, my mother kept reading dua Allahso that her son gets better soon.

So the doctor has arrived. He examined the boy and shook his head in displeasure.

- Ah ah ah! Dear friend, you have a serious illness! The disease is serious, the treatment will be difficult! And all just because you didn't wash your hands before eating and didn't brush your teeth! Don't you know how important hygiene and cleanliness are in our life? Cleanliness is the key to health, remember this, my friend! We get a lot of diseases due to lack of personal hygiene. Therefore, Islam requires Muslims to wash their hands and rinse their mouths, both before eating and after eating! The doctor said.

Musa blushed and turned away. He felt hurt and ashamed. And the doctor continued:

- And now, due to the fact that you did not wash and did not take care of yourself, you will have to endure bitter medicines and injections!

Musa was even more upset and then remembered about the holiday:

- But what about the holiday and treats? He asked plaintively.

- What are you?! The doctor said sternly. - No holiday! Only bed rest! And absolutely no sweets! You are now on a strict diet until you finally recover!

Mousik burst into tears from chagrin, and the doctor took pity on him:

- Well, no need to cry! Tears of sorrow will not help! Do not worry, with the help of Allah you will quickly get better, and this holiday is not the last in your life, insha'allah. The main thing is to learn well the lesson about how important cleanliness is in our life, remember that Allah constantly sees you, and from now on, be always clean and tidy! After all, the Almighty said in the Holy Quran (meaning): “ Allah loves those who are clean "(Surah" Al Bakara ", ayat 222).

- And our glorious Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that: “ Cleanliness is half of faith! "(Muslim), added my mother. - A Muslim must be clean and look neat! This is our duty to the Almighty!

- Yes Yes! By keeping clean, we maintain our dignity, strength, and righteousness. When we are clean and tidy, we are pleasant to others, attracted to ourselves and set a good example! Don't forget about it, dear friend! - finished the doctor, said goodbye and left.

A week passed, Musa finally recovered and since then he never forgot to wash his hands before eating, he loved to swim, brush his teeth and wear clean and tidy clothes! After all, now he knew how important cleanliness is in our life!

Love for Allah is the most expensive reward that every servant should strive for, and which only the most righteous of his slaves attain.

Love for Allah is the status to which the righteous aspire. It is food for the heart and soul, joy for the eyes ... The life of one who does not strive for the love of the Almighty is not important. Such a person is dead, since that light has extinguished in him, which can lead him to the satisfaction of Allah and Paradise in the future. Once having lost the divine light, a person finds himself in eternal darkness. He lives in eternal suffering, as he deprives himself of joy and happiness.

This is the spirit of faith and good deeds, with the help of which you can become closer to Allah. When a person does not strive to achieve the love of Allah, such a person is like a body without a soul.

Allah, make it so that we are among those you love.

Love for Allah has certain characteristics and reasons that are the key to achieving it. These reasons include the following:

1 - Follow the instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allah says in His Holy Book:

Say "If you love Allah, then follow me, then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins" - indeed, Allah is forgiving, merciful.

2-5 - Humility towards believers and adherence to unbelievers, struggle in the way of Allah, and not be afraid of anyone and nothing but Him. Allah mentioned these qualities in one verse, in which he says:

O you who have believed! If any of you falls away from your religion, then ... Allah will bring people whom He loves and who love Him, humble before the believers, great over the infidels, who fight in the way of Allah and are not afraid of those who blame them. This is the bounty of Allah: He will grant it to whomever He wishes - after all, Allah is all-inclusive, knowing!

In this verse, Allah describes the qualities of those whom He loves, the first of which is humility and lack of arrogance towards Muslims and intransigence towards unbelievers. They (those whom Allah loves) are trying for the sake of Allah, fighting against the shaytaan, unbelievers, hypocrites, villains and themselves (jihad al-nafs).

6 - Performing additional acts of worship. Allah says (according to the hadith qudsi): " My slave continues to approach me with additional acts of worship until he obtains my love."Additional acts of worship include nafil prayer, charity, Umrah and fasting.

8-12 - Love for each other, visit each other, both material and spiritual help and sincere advice to each other for the sake of Allah.

These qualities were mentioned in a hadith in which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrated that Allah said: “ My love becomes obligatory for those who love each other for my sake, My love is obligatory for those who visit each other for Me, My love will be obligatory for those who help each other (in financial relationships), My love will be obligatory for those who who maintains a relationship for Me».

13 - Pass the tests. Troubles and misfortunes are a test for a person, and this is a sign that Allah loves him. Tests for the soul are like medicines for the body: even if they are bitter, we still give them to those people whom we love for their own benefit, and Allah sends us tests for our benefit. According to an authentic hadith: “ The biggest reward comes with great challenges. When Allah loves someone, He tests him, the one who accepts it with patience is rewarded with the pleasure of Allah, and the one who complains deserves His wrath».

The troubles that befall a person in this life are better than punishments in the future life. How could it be otherwise, because through troubles and misfortunes his sins are erased. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: " When Allah desires good for his servant, He hastens his punishment in this world, and when He postpones his punishment until His servant appears before Him on the Day of Resurrection".

The scientists explained that the one from whom troubles and trials are kept is most likely a hypocrite, because Allah postpones punishment in this world in order to bring him with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.

If Allah loves you, do not ask about the good you will achieve and the virtue you will gain. It is enough to know that you are loved by Allah. The great fruits of the love of Allah His servant are:

  1. People will love him, and he will be accepted on earth, as stated in the hadith narrated by al-Bukhari (3209): “ When Allah loves a slave, He says to Jibril: "I love this person, so love you too," and so Jibril loves him, and then turns to the people of heaven: "Allah loves this person, so you love him," and the people of heaven loves him and he will be accepted on earth."
  2. Allah mentioned in the hadith qudsi about the great virtues of those whom He loves. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: " Anyone who shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I will fight with him. And the most beloved for Me from that, by means of which, the slave approaches Me - this is what I imputed to him as a duty. And My servant will not cease to approach Me, doing voluntary (nafilya) deeds, until I love him. When I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his vision with which he sees, the hand with which he hits and the leg with which he walks. And if he asks Me, I will certainly give him, and if he asks Me for protection, then I will definitely protect him"(Narrated by al-Bukhari).

This hadith qudsi includes a number of benefits of Allah's love for His servant:

  1. "I am his hearing with which he hears," that is, he does not listen to anything that Allah does not love.
  2. "The sight with which he sees," that is, he does not see anything that Allah does not love.
  3. "The hand with which he strikes," that is, it does nothing that Allah does not love.
  4. "The foot with which he walks," that is, he does not go to what Allah does not love.
  5. “If he asks me something, I will certainly give it to him,” that is, his dua will be heard and his desires satisfied.
  6. "And if he would ask me for protection, I will certainly give it to him," that is, he is protected by Allah from everything.

May Allah grant Him to be pleased with us.