Tipping with osteochondrosis will quickly relieve pain in the neck. Rules of tapping of the back in osteochondrosis of the spine Kinesio Teyp Instructions for use of cervical osteochondrosis

Proper tipping of the back eliminates pain, restores the flow of lymphatic fluid, blood flow and prevents edema, hematoma. So that the procedure helps, be a special ribbon, cut a teype of the desired length, spin the ends and stick on your back. Be sure to scare your hair on the processed area, otherwise, as a result of treatment, get a painful depilation.

Tipping the loin and other departments of the back - the medical procedure, which is an imposition of a special sticky tape to the affected area. Its use relieves pain in injury and pathologies of the back, sticks, dislocations, bruises. Most often, taping is prescribed athletes to preserve the form during training and people having diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

When need a tipping back

Athletes regularly face injuries, stretching muscles, lumbar, cervical and thoracic bonds, so they stick tees in preventive purposes during each workout. Upon completion, they remove the tape tape.

The method is also used in a complex with therapeutic measures at:

  • Stacks and radiculitis. Restores the bloodstream and flow of lymphatic fluid at the place of inflammation, affects receptors, thanks to which the acuity of pain decreases.
  • Scoliosis, osteochondrosis of the lower back and cervical. Fixes the back in the correct position, adjusts the bloodstream and prevents the appearance of intervertebral hernia.
  • Injury to the back. Removes the load from the affected area, pulls the skin, preventing the formation of swelling and hematoma.

The tipping of the neck and the lumbar spin is performed, both in medical facilities and at home with the help of loved ones. However, it is important to pump a teype correctly, otherwise the benefits of the procedure will reach a minimum or worsen the patient's condition.

Note! Before applying a TEYP, consult your doctor!

What gives tipping

Before learn how to properly impose Kinesio Tape on the injured back, it is important to know how the procedure affects a person. Skin cover (partially) refers to the muscles, as some muscle groups are attached to the skin with a connective tissue. Ribbons create such an effect:

  • Reliably fix the joints in the right position.
  • Unload muscle fibers.
  • Remove inflammation and sharpness of pain.
  • Restore the movement of fluids at the place of lesion, reducing the likelihood of the occurrence of hematomas and swells.
  • Improve metabolic processes and pain relief.
  • Tensioning the skin by forming the correct posture.

Properly attached teyps do not cause self-election deterioration, discomfort, but partially limit mobility, as far as necessary for the affected joint or tissue. At the same time, tipping does not shine movement and does not interfere with the usual lifestyle.

Types of tipping

Tipping neck and back is divided into several types:

  • Lymphatic drainage. Fero-shaped imposition at strong fixation of the main teip.
  • Bound. Reliable fixation on sides with stretching adhesive tape up to 40%.
  • Corrected. Over the finished taping impose an additional teype with tension to 90%.
  • Muscular. Teeper stretches up to 60%, depending on the need to increase or decrease muscle tone.

In therapeutic and preventive purposes, various types of teypers use. They can be different in shape and exercise different tasks.

How to apply TEYP, depending on different situations
Tepping technique depends on the identified diagnosis:

  • With osteochondrosis of the neck. Tape shape y. Double end is glued to the base of the cranial box and stretch along the spine to the chest. Next, horizontal tapes are superimposed with a small stretch.

How to apply a teype at osteochondrosis of the neck, in detail in the video:

  • With scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the loin / chest. The patient leans as low as possible. The tepping anchor is fixed at the bottom of the lower back and stretch from both sides of the spine to the blades with a stretch of 50%. The bottom is interconnected by a transverse teype. In this case, tipping actually replaces wearing.

Master class on tipping the waist in the video material:

  • Tipping the loin with pain. The first thing is imposed on the crescents 2 vertical teip, and then combined with a horizontal ribbon.

We impose a teyp from lower back pain:

  • Lumbar hernia. The patient is completely leans. Apply the ribbon horizontally, vertical and 2 diagonally.

Tipping with lumbar hernia shown in video:

Note! With the individual characteristics of the disease, the intensity of the stretching and the technique may differ.

To the edges of the teip do not spare, spin them, and to improve the fixation on the skin before sticking to the warm-up (squeeze) with your hands. Do not overlap with scratches and similar injuries. Before overlay, it is necessary to skip hair, otherwise the shooting tape will cause painful sensations.

Contraindications for tipping backs

Despite the safety, tipping of the lower back and the cervical spine is strictly forbidden to make some categories of people who have a history of:

  • severe pathologies of infectious, mental and neurological nature;
  • malignant tumors;
  • thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • closed hemorrhage;
  • open wounds at the place of imposition of Tape;
  • fractures of tubular bones.

The same restrictions also apply when tipping other joints:

Their cost depends on the width and length of the day.

Table 1. Tape cost

The availableces are available in various colors, so you will find a ribbon suitable for any wardrobe.

Tipping is a modern method of treatment of the back. It does not prevent the patient and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease or injury. The correct imposition of Teipa does not harm the person, but if there are contraindications to use, use other methods of treatment.

A bit of theory: what kind of kinesiotapprovacy

Kinesio Taipping is a sticker Kinesio Tapes to support muscles, improving blood circulation and lymphotok. Kinesio TEYP - is an elastic colored adhesive tape, made of 100% cotton. It is covered with hypoallergenic glue on an acrylic basis, which is activated at body temperature.

Kinesio Teypa are used:

  • with pain in the joints and muscles (spin hurts, knee, etc.)
  • to correct posture and flatfoot in children
  • when rehabilitation after operations and strokes
  • at palsy
  • for the restoration and protection of muscles and joints after injuries
  • with hematomakh
  • with valgus deformation
  • with head and menstrual pain
Before applying Kinesiio Tape, the skin must be prepared: - shave the excess hair; - degreased with alcohol or special liquid; After the imposition of Kinesio Tape: - the glued teype should be lost to hand to activate the glue; - wait at least 30 minutes before the start of sports; How to remove Kinesio TEYP: - Spread TAYP in the shower or sauna; - or holding the skin, remove with one sharp movement for hair growth (not recommended for children); Kinesio Teypa is divided into 3 types by the number of glue and tissue density: - Standard Teypa - Strengthened Teypa - Designer TAYP

If Kinesio Teip is pasted on the rolling part of the body (shoulder, knee, ankle, etc.), we recommend using reinforced.

For curious: how Kinesio Tape works

1. Improving blood circulation and lymph movement:

With inflammation of the tissues, a stagnant lymph occurs. The cluster of lymph increases the pressure in the nearby tissues and as a result, the localized edema reduces the space between the skin and the muscle and reduces the natural flow of lymph.

Kinesio Teip lifts fabrics, alleviating lymphotock and blood flow, increasing this space. The affected body of the body is stretched and therefore a teype is superimposed without tension.

After the imposition of a teip, the stretched skin is reduced, as a result of which TEYP is compressed. The tepe forms folds in the form of waves. Due to its elasticity, Kinesio TEYP increases urban space. Due to which the pressure drops and the sensitive and nerve receptors are stimulated, which leads to the relief of pain. Connecting tissues relax and improved lymphotok. In combination with the movements of the body, Kinesio Tape stretches the skin and massages it. What also leads to the outflow of lymph.

2. Removal (relief) pain:

A man feels pain when signals from thin receptors react to irritation reach a brain cortex. Kinesio Teyp affects larger receptors to which the brain draws paramount attention. As a result, while TEYP is stuck, a person does not feel pain. The effect is manifested in 20-60 minutes after overlay.

The relief of pain due to tipping improves the functional recovery and the healing process. At the same time, a normal motor function becomes possible again, and the fabric returns to its original energy regulation.

3. Normalization of muscle tone and improving muscle function:

Often pain in the muscles occur due to muscle imbalance, which is manifested as a result of the wrong posture, the effects of cold, overloading the untrained muscles. Kinesio Teypa helps to bring muscle tone to normal and relieve pain. The muscles of the body should be relaxed and should not be in a hard state. This means that the body balance must be restored. Under the balance of the body, a wide range of functions is understood (the energy function of the body, the functionality of the body, metabolism, activity, tone, load, etc.). Deviations include loss of balance stability. The lack of balance affects the healing process.

In practice, this process often undergoes not the most optimal way, delaying the healing of tissues and restoring functions (for example, with acute pain and edema, high activity, a motor stereotype that delivers pain, etc.). After the imposition of Kinesio Tape there is an immediate improvement in muscle function. This provides a more favorable process of recovery.

4. Support for joints:

Kinesio Teypa mechanically support the joints and teach the muscles to be in the position at which the load is distributed correctly. The improved sense of movement when the balance change in a certain group of muscles leads to a positive effect on the function of the joints.

With the help of ligators, the Kinesio Tape ligament provides more efficient passive support support (in this method, TEYP is stretched to maximum length). In case of injury, the joint or bundle disrupts the normal function and the stretched teype helps to restore it. The sense of support occurs due to the constant impact on the skin receptors using a teip (constant stimulation of the nervous system).

For specialists: Basic methods for applying Kinesio Tapes

1. Muscular technique: The required Tape length is superimposed with a tension from 40% to 60% (depending on the indications), provided that the muscle is in a stretched state. When the muscle tape is applied, there is a difference between the imposition to increase the muscle tone and the imposition in order to reduce the muscle tone.

The selection of the imposition direction is caused by the effect that needs to be achieved. The base and end of the Kinesio Tape are superimposed without tension.

2. Bedroom equipment: TEYP is superimposed in a stretched to 40% condition (the degree of stretching is determined depending on the indications), followed by fixing the base on both sides of the Tape without stretching.

3. Correctional technique: When measuring and cutting a teip, it must be borne in mind that it is superimposed with a tension of 80% -90%. Both end are rounded (to simplify: fold the teype twice). Broken teype in the middle, leaving 4-5 cm on both sides. Teeper is superimposed on top of the ligament. Carefully, but tightly press the teype, and the ends of the teip are imposed without stretching.

4. Lymph appliances: Teip's length must be measured when it is stretched. Depending on the length, the TEYP is cut on 4-6 long strips. The base of the teip must have 4-5 cm. It is superimposed without tension in the direction of lymph flow, the strips of wavy or straight lines are superimposed on the skin with minimal tension.

With a local edema, after a recent injury, or hematoma, you can apply a teype in the form of a grid. To do this, you can impose two fan-shaped lymph-teip or strips of one lymph-teip in two different directions. Tape strips should be superimposed so as to cross swelling, increasing the local pressure drop and providing a more intense Lymph outflow.

Video review about Kinesio Tapes from professional athlete from the Crossfit

Video instruction on kinesiotapproving

Below you will find the most common options in the places of imposition of Kinesio Tape. Click what interests you oron the red point right on a person.

How to apply kinesio teip on the neck


  • painfully straighten the neck
  • painfully rotate the neck
  • painfully tilted the neck
  • arthritis

Overlay methodology:

  • muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 tape strips, one of them is cut in the form of the letter Y. First impose the basis of Y Teip on the spine and tilt the head to the maximum to stretch the muscle.

The second TEYP is superimposed with the maximum tension perpendicular to the first for the stabilizing effect. Initially, the middle of the Tape is glued, then the ends without tension.


How to choose Kinesio Tape:

How to apply kinesio teip on a trapeze


  • relaxing a trapezium
  • pain in the neck
  • painfully tilted and turn the head
  • painfully raise shoulder

Overlay methodology:

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a teype in the form of the letter Y. The base is glued without tension. Next, the head leans in the side in the opposite direction to stretch the upper part of the trapezoid.

It is enough to use 30% tension. Initially, Teyp is pasted on the top of the trapezium. The tip of the teip is glued without tension, returning to the initial state.

Next, the head bends again in the side and the second part of the Tape is glued to the middle part of the trapezion. It is important not to cross the spine. Tape tip glued without tension Returning to the original condition.

The trapezium is a big muscle. In this example, it is an impact on the upper and middle part of it.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on the shoulder


  • hurt shoulder
  • rehabilitation after shoulder injury
  • to prevent shoulder injury
  • relaxation of deltoid muscle

Overlay methodology:

  • correctional

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a TEYP in the form of Y. The basis of the Teip is superimposed without tensioning the muscle attachment point. Then the hand is put on the opposite shoulder and the first half of the tape glues from the back side. The tip of the teip is glued without tension, when the hand returned to the original position.

After that, the hand is given back and glued the second half of the tape from the side of the chest. The tip is also glued without tension in the original position. Do not forget to always break the Kinesio Tape after stickers.

For example, we use Kinesio Tape BBTape Zebra 5cm * 5m, as it is well held up to 5 days.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on the chest


  • muscular imbalance
  • angina
  • thrums of shoulder joint

Overlay methodology:

  • muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a teype in the form of Y. The basis of the Teip is superimposed without tensioning the muscle attachment point (above the bezvoid process).

We stretch the chest muscle, pulling your hand up and forth so that it becomes the maximum long. Glue the first and second part of the tape with a tension of 30-40% on the left and to the right of the muscle.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teype on the blades


  • back pain
  • painfully straighten your back

Overlay methodology:

  • muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 strips of teip. One teip is glued to the right along the spine, the second is left.

The initial position is the slope in the lumbar spine. It is necessary to impose the basis without tension in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades and with a small tension paste Kinesio Tape along the spine. The second tape is glued similar to the other side of the spine.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on the elbow


  • inflammation Bursa elbow
  • student elbow
  • long clamping on the elbow

Overlay methodology:

  • lymph appliances

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a tape strip. We fold TAYP in half and cut the middle of 5-6 strips. Tape ends remain integer.

Take out the elbow and impose the basics of a teip without tensioning on both sides of the elbow, given that the Tape is crushed. Then bend the elbow and impose Tape strips to the corresponding site.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teype for lower back


  • pain in the lower back
  • spin hurt
  • pinching back
  • to protect against injuries and as back support

Overlay methodology:

  • muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 4 strips of Kinesio Tape. The initial position is the slope in the lumbar spine. You can lean to the couch, but, note that it is impossible to rely on your feet.

The first teype is superimposed vertically. The second teype is superimposed horizontally. The 3rd and 4th teype is superimposed on the diagonal. TEYP is superimposed with a tension of 30-50%, the middle is fixed, the base from two sides is fixed without tension. When a person straightens, folds appear on the tepe.

Do not forget, every time after the stickers of Kinesio Tape, it needs to be thoroughly watched with his hand, as the adhesive begins to act when heated. This type of tipping is used for pains in the lower back, to protect against injuries in sports, it ensures a sense of stability and creates the feeling that the lumbar supports an invisible hand. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the middle creates the maximum space and this area is unloaded.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teype on a brush


  • tunnel syndrome
  • traumatic epicondyl

Overlay methodology:

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 strips of teip. The purpose of the overlay of the first Teip is to unload the long palm muscle. Therefore, I measure TEYP when the muscle is stretched.

Cut the teype on one side by 5 cm to get 2 small tip. We impose this teype on the hill of the thumb without tension. Then with a tension of 30-40% glue the remaining part of the teip along the forearm.

The second TEYP is superimposed to unload the wrist. We stretch your wrist and glue the middle of the second tape with a tension of 30-40%. Ends glue without tension.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teype on the thigh


  • harvested overshadled fold
  • irritation of the cruciform ligament

Overlay methodology:

  • muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

Kinesio Teip is cut into the form of the letter H. Tape base is located in the center. It is superimposed first and without tension. Then the tips with a tension of 30% are superimposed.

Teip should not limit the movement of the knee joint.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on your knee


  • hurt in Knee.
  • age-related changes of the knee joint
  • rehabilitation after removal of meniscus
  • protection and stabilization of the knee during training

Overlay methodology:

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 Kinesio Tape in the form of the letter Y. The base is placed without tensioning above the knee cup. Next, bend the knee and glue teype around the knee cup. Straighten the knee and glue the tip of the teip without tension. To improve fixation, we assign the second TEYP is similar to the first, only now the base is under the knee cup.

We use designer tapes, as they hold well and are not afraid of sports load.

Thus, we make a lung immobilization of the knee joint. Kinesio Teip stabilizes and does not make pathological movements, while all physiological movements are saved. This technique is used for pain in the knee, age-related changes in the knee joint, after the removal of meniscus.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on ankle


  • hypermobility of the foot
  • heel bursitis, the instability of the ankle

Overlay methodology:

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

With the instability of the ankle joint, a TEYP is superimposed, which creates support for the joint. TEYP is superimposed in the form of the figure 8.

It can be superimposed in both directions depending on the mobility of the joint. To impose the basis of the TAPE just above the side of the ankle. Then stretch and impose a teype under the heel.

Continue pulling the teype and applay the medial of the ankle up to the back of the foot. To impose a back of the back of the shin and back, crossing the medial part of the ankle to the sole of the foot.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio teip on ahill


  • gap or achilla
  • pain in Achille Temons

Overlay methodology:

  • correctional and muscular technique

Video how to glue:


How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 tape strips - long and short. A long need to measure with a stretched muscle, from the heel up without reaching the patelled cup.

The base of the long strip is put without tensioning on the heel, the sock stretches up and with a tension of 40-50% tapes. The end of the teip is glued without tension.

The short strip of the teip is glued perpendicularly long, with a tension of 50-60%. Initially, the middle of the Tape is glued, then the ends without tension.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the Tape
  • the base is always glued without tension
  • adhesive part can not be touched by hands
  • tape edges always need to round
  • after the stickers of Kinesio TEYP, it is necessary to rub thoroughly

How to choose Kinesio Tape:

On the page you can choose exactly the teype that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tees. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Photo Instructions for the imposition of Kinesio Tapes

Tight muscle


  • tendinit
  • bursitis

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the foundation of Kinesio Tape without tensioning on the top of a large tubercle. Then, by holding the foundation, impose Kinesio Tape in the direction of the early muscle. The hand is in the usual position.

Podlopean muscle


  • tendinit
  • when rehabilitation after injury in the shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tension in the usual position. Pull the shoulder forward and stick the Y-shaped Kinesio Tape over and under the blade.

Front stair muscle


  • labored breathing
  • whip injury
  • ladder muscle syndrome

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique with minimal tension

How to glue: To impose the basis of the Kinesio Tape without tensioning for the middle of the clavicle. Tilt the head in the opposite side diagonally and impose Kinesio Tape without tension.

Medium staircase muscle


  • labored breathing
  • whip injury

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: Measure the Kinesio TEYP when the muscle is in a stretched position. To impose the basis of the Tape in the usual position. Tilt the cervical spine in the opposite direction and make a calm exhale. During these movements, TEYP is superimposed in the direction of the ribs.

The instability of the shoulder joint


  • the period after the injuries of the shoulder joint
  • weching Sweepers
  • hypermobility of the shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Correctional technique

How to glue: Tighten the Kinesio Tape, while the muscles of the hand should be stretched. The hand is assigned to 90 degrees, the elbow joint will be bent. To impose a teype in front-back, starting from the gap of the shoulder joint, with the maximum stretched middle part of the TAPE. The second teip is applied with the help of the league-techniques starting from the top and then around the shoulder head. Energetically take the shoulder forward and impose a rear and facial basis without tension.

Twichever shoulder muscle


  • trigger Points
  • tonus disorders
  • tendinit
  • traumatic epicondyl

Overlay methodology: muscular or binder



  • tunnel syndrome
  • chronic tensile tendons
  • traumatic epicondyl

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique with a binder



  • in itself is an indication

Overlay methodology: Bedroom machinery



  • rheumatological changes in the joint
  • tendinit

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Mispan-phalange joints of the thumb


  • big finger injury when assigning and breeding

Overlay methodology: Muscular or lymphatic technique depending on the indication

Hip muscles rear group


  • arthritis of the femoral joint
  • the instability of the knee joint
  • correction of posture
  • biceps hips

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: Measure the Kinesio TEYP when the muscle is stretched. The base of the teip is superimposed on the head of a small-terror bone. After that, you need to straighten the knee and bend the thigh. Finish the imposition of a teip on a sedlicated bug.

Title triceps


  • causes
  • gap or achilla
  • violation of muscle tone (with neurological diseases)
  • hypermobility of the foot
  • pain in Achille Temons
  • heel Bursit
  • unstability of ankle Sustava

Overlay methodology: Correctional and muscular technique

How to glue: Tighten the Kinesio Tape with a stretched muscle (a person lies face down, the knee is straightened, and the feet in the rear flexion position). To impose a Tape under the heel, without stretching, and then apply a teip across the Achilles of the tendon near the middle of the calf muscle up to the point of starting the muscle.



  • weching Sweepers
  • bursitis
  • trigger Points
  • violation of tone muscle

Overlay methodology: Correctional, Muscular or Bie

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tension. Then put your hand on the opposite shoulder and stick the outer side of the Kinesio Tape. After that, take the hand back and paste the inner side.



  • rehabilitation after surgery, injuries

Overlay methodology: muscular and correctional technique

How to glue: Take a hand of more than 90 degrees. To impose an upper part of the Tape on a trapezoid without tension, then stretch the teyp and impose a lower base on deltoid pegs without tension.

Front gear muscle


  • rheumatological changes in the shoulder joint
  • the instability of the shoulder belt

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tension in the usual position. Lower the shovel back and impose Kinesio Tape.



  • pain in the shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Bedroom machinery

How to glue: Kinesio Teyp is superimposed in the form of a star.

Small round muscle


  • arthritis or Arthrosis
  • weching Sweepers

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tensioning to the lower edge of the blade. Bend your hand and impose the rest of the Kinesio Tape.

Plug muscle


  • dislocation of clavicle
  • problems with diaphragm

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of the Kinesio Teip without tensioning to the connection of the first edge. To impose with minimal tension in the direction of the lower part of the clavicle.

Lock Susta


  • dislocation or hypersobility of the elbow joint

Overlay methodology: Correctional or Bie

Shoulder muscle


  • overload or traumatic epicondylitis

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Long palm muscle


  • channel Channel Syndrome

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Channel Channel Syndrome


  • see Tunneling Syndrome

Overlay methodology: See Tunneling Syndrome

Torch stability


  • violations of posture
  • back pain
  • lumbago
  • problems with straightening of the lower back and pain

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: Measure TEYP with a maximum slope. If it is difficult to make a tilt you can use support. To impose a Tape on the crushes under the usual position of the muscles. Tilt the back as low as possible and apply both strips to the left and right in the upward direction. Then we impose Kinesio Tape on the transverse muscles of the abdomen. The base of the teip is glued without stretching. We make the inclined movement of the Wilk and during this movement we impose a teyp. The last part of the teip is superimposed by inconsistent. TEYP is superimposed on both sides.

Lumbar department


  • pain in the bottom of the spine
  • unstable lumbar department

Overlay methodology: muscular or binder

How to glue: First we impose Kinesio Tape on the ileum-sacral joint. The combination of three i-teypers are superimposed horizontally and overlap with each other. The smallest strip is superimposed primarily, the following strips are superimposed by layers in the proximal direction. Then the three vertical strips of teip from the sacrilant joint are superimposed.



  • rheumatological changes
  • post travematic period
  • hypermobility Sustava

Overlay methodology: Correctional and binder

How to glue: Kinesio Teyp should be applied without stretching to create support for lymphatic drainage from the knee area. It will take 4 i-teip. It is necessary to accurately establish the position of the trapped cup. Start overlaying the first Tape where there are the strongest pain. Kinesio TEYP is superimposed using the league-technique, overlapping the middle part of the Tape to the edge of the trapped cup, and both ends without tension. This technique is repeated for the remaining teypers. The 3rd and 4th teype are superimposed with less tension on superimposed trees. They fix the first two.

Kryvoid-Shoulder Muscle


  • the instability of the shoulder joint
  • degenerative changes in the shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tension in the usual position. Then take a hand back and impose Kinesio Tape in the direction of the beak process.

Small thoracic muscle


  • muscle contractions (muscular imbalance)
  • angina
  • thrums of shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of the Kinesio Tape without tension above the beak process. Take the shoulder back and impose tails towards the chest.

Rear staircase muscle


  • labored breathing
  • whip injury

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

How to glue: To impose the basis of the Kinesio Tape without tension at the level of the second edge. Tilt the head in the opposite side diagonally and impose Kinesio Tape with minimal stretching.

Shorty muscle back


  • trigger Points
  • thrums of shoulder joint

Overlay methodology: Depends on the indication, muscle or binder

How to glue: To impose the basis of Kinesio Tape without tension in the usual position. Put your hand on the opposite shoulder and impose Kinesio Tape.



  • pain in the cervical spine, which irradiate in hand
  • hand Sensitivity Disorders

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Bursith elbow processist (tennis player elbow)


  • inflammation Bursa elbow

Overlay methodology: Lymph appliances

How to glue: Take over the elbow and impose Kinesio Tape on Bursa. To take into account that the Tape is crushed at the bend. Bend elbow and impose a teype on the corresponding site.

Possible variant. To impose a X-teype in the transverse direction of the bursa.

Traumatic epicondyl


  • injury

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Elbow Golfer


  • inflammation of the tendon

Overlay methodology: Muscular technique

Stabilization of the Dorsal Department of Psytz-Falangie Sustav


  • stretching of the Psyat-Falangie joint

Overlay methodology: Correctional technique

Lumbar hernia


  • pain in the lower back and pain, which are in the leg

Overlay methodology: Lignet and muscle technology

How to glue: Initially, it is necessary to strone as much as much as possible in the lumbar spine. The first teype is superimposed horizontally. To impose both of the end of Tape not stretching. The second teip is imposed vertically - perpendicular to the first one along the lumbar hernia. To impose the Third and Fourth Tape on the diagonal.

Drainage Tape Knee.


  • break injury, tendon or meniscus injury
  • arthritis or overload, caused inflammation
  • otka Knee.

Overlay methodology: Lymphatic appliances

How to glue: Cut two teip in the form of a fan. To impose without stretching the basis of the first teip along the direction of the outflow of the lymphatic fluid. Shoot without stretching the basis of the second teip is also along the direction of the outflow of the lymphatic fluid. To impose ends of teypers at an angle, one on another.

About 25% of cases of omissions fall on the cervical department. Due to dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, severe pain arises, muscle spasm and restriction of neck mobility. The treatment of the disease is integrated, one of the components of therapy is kinesiotapproving.

One of the most frequently diagnosed diseases of the spine is osteochondrosis. About 25% of cases of omissions fall on the cervical department. Due to dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, severe pain arises, muscle spasm and restriction of neck mobility. The treatment of the disease is integrated, one of the components of therapy is kinesiotapproving.

Kinesiio tipping is the method of overlaying a special plaster - Kinesio Tape. The technique was developed in the 70s of the 20th century by American scientist Kenzo Casa. For the first time, tipping was made athletes at the Seoul Olympiad in 1988. In Russia, kinesioteping began to gain popularity for the last 10 years. First, applications were used to treat and prevent sports injuries. Now Taiping is used in various sectors of medicine: traumatology, neurology, orthopedics, phlebology, gynecology.

TEYP is a cotton ribbon treated with a special adhesive composition on an acrylic basis. The plaster is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. The tepping technique has a minimum of contraindications. This treatment method is directed not to limit the mobility of the neck, but, on the contrary, on its preservation. When osteochondrosis, the neck, Tayping performs the following tasks:

  • Fixing muscles in a physiological position.
  • Removing muscular spasm.
  • Reducing inflammation and swelling of tissues.
  • Normalization of blood supply to the affected area.

The method is shown in osteochondrosis of 1-2 degrees, if the pain syndrome is expressed moderately. The effect is noticeable immediately after the first day of wearing appliqués. Applying treatment in combination with the leaf and massage, it is possible to remove the pain of moderate gravity and swelling in a few days. If the patient is experiencing severe pain, its condition is greatly facilitated.

Important: By itself, the plaster cannot restore the cartilage tissue of the spine, he only helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations and establish metabolism.

Types of teipov

There are several different forms of patches, each of which has its purpose. The form and method of overlay are selected depending on the purpose of treatment and from the place to be overlap. For therapy of the osteochondrosis of the cervical and chest departments, tees are used in the form of X or Y. This type ensures reliable fixation. Also for the breast, several tapes in the form of a snowflake are superimposed. It is possible to use standard strips of tape 3, 5 cm, but stick them according to the described method.

Also, the tapes differ in the material from which they are made. The following types of teypers are produced:

  • Cotton. Standard type, material Maximum hypoallergenic and properties close to human skin.
  • Nylon. It has increased elasticity. It is stretched in length and width. This species is preferred for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
  • Synthetic (rayon). Thin and durable tapes. Maximum breathable, suitable for patients with sensitive skin.
  • Plock with enhanced adhesive layer. The most waterproof, so it is convenient to use for skin sites with an increased sweating.
  • Tape with soft glue. Preferred for patients prone and allergic reactions.

Also produced cross-tees, that is, made in the form of a lattice. They are comfortable for overlaying on the shoulder or thoracic spine.

How to apply kinesiotapes?

Applying plasters with the help of various techniques:

  • Bound. TEYP is stretched by 40% and fixed at the edges.
  • Muscular. The tape is tensioned by 50 or 60% depending on whether it is necessary to reduce or strengthen muscle tone.
  • Correctional. The tension is up to 80%.
  • Lymphodnaya. The tape is superimposed in the form of a fan.

For the correction of osteochondrosis, muscle technique is used. To ensure the most reliable fixation of the tape, it is necessary to prepare the skin. Cleaning should be dry, clean without hair.

The TEYP's cervical department is superimposed as follows:

  1. Stick the ribbon in the form of Y, stretching the tape in the middle.
  2. Then glue another strip perpendicularly, also stretching the middle.
  3. The tapes need to be confused so that the skin temperature at the site of fixation slightly increased.

Two tapes are superimposed on the chest department in the form of the letter x and the third transverse strip. During gluing the patient, the back should be rolled as much as possible. If the patient experiences pain in his shoulder, then it is preferable to stick a teype in the shape of a lattice or snowflakes.

Wearing one plaster can not longer than 3-5 days. You can take a shower, bath, play sports, swim in the pool, this is not reflected on the properties of the tape. Then teip must be removed, as it loses its healing properties. For this reason, it is impossible to re-glue the plaster, even if it does not lose adhesive abilities. You need to impose a new tape. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the kinesiotheraping rate lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.

Delete the plaster should be gradually, after removal, the skin needs to be treated with a nutrient cream.

Important: You can not remove a teep jerk, otherwise the glue layer will remain on the skin, which is difficult to erase.

The effectiveness of the technique

The method of kinesiotapproving has undoubted advantages:

  • Teyp does not limit the movement, as it has great elasticity.
  • Tapes can be worn for several days without crossing, wash with them in the soul, swim in the pool, play sports.
  • The plaster does not provoke stagnation, but normalizes blood circulation.
  • Thips hypoallergenic, so it is possible to use in individuals with sensitive skin. You can also stick and pregnant women.

The only drawback is inefficiency when wearing on a decayless cutting skin.

The effectiveness of the methodology for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is as follows:

  • Removed pain syndrome.
  • Employment is eliminated and inflammation in the neck.
  • The mobility of the spine is restored.
  • The exchange processes are normalized.


Despite the hypoallergenicity of the plastering and the safety of the method, there is a series of contraindications for the kinesiotapproving. It is impossible to use this type of therapy in the following cases:

  • Allergic reaction to components in the composition of the adhesive.
  • Purulent lesions of the skin, burns, wounds.
  • Oncological skin diseases.
  • Serious heart disease.
  • Violation of the kidney function.
  • Endocrine pathologies, especially diabetes with complications.
  • Veins thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester.

Also do not wear one tape more than 10 days without a breakThis can cause excessive relaxation of the muscles.

Useful video

Check out the method of treating neck from osteochondrosis by means of kinesiotayp


Kinesiotayping for osteochondrosis therapy began to be applied relatively recently, but already gained recognition of doctors. The positive treated dynamics is noticeable immediately after the first application. The patient gets rid of pain, returns to a full life. The safety of the method and the possibility of its application in any conditions makes a kinesiotayping indispensable for the treatment of back pathologies.

About 25% of cases of omissions fall on the cervical department. Due to dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, severe pain arises, muscle spasm and restriction of neck mobility. The treatment of the disease is integrated, one of the components of therapy is kinesiotapproving.

One of the most frequently diagnosed diseases of the spine is osteochondrosis. About 25% of cases of omissions fall on the cervical department. Due to dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, severe pain arises, muscle spasm and restriction of neck mobility. The treatment of the disease is integrated, one of the components of therapy is kinesiotapproving.

Kinesiio tipping is the method of overlaying a special plaster - Kinesio Tape. The technique was developed in the 70s of the 20th century by American scientist Kenzo Casa. For the first time, tipping was made athletes at the Seoul Olympiad in 1988. In Russia, kinesioteping began to gain popularity for the last 10 years. First, applications were used to treat and prevent sports injuries. Now Taiping is used in various sectors of medicine: traumatology, neurology, orthopedics, phlebology, gynecology.

TEYP is a cotton ribbon treated with a special adhesive composition on an acrylic basis. The plaster is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. The tepping technique has a minimum of contraindications. This treatment method is directed not to limit the mobility of the neck, but, on the contrary, on its preservation. When osteochondrosis, the neck, Tayping performs the following tasks:

  • Fixing muscles in a physiological position.
  • Removing muscular spasm.
  • Reducing inflammation and swelling of tissues.
  • Normalization of blood supply to the affected area.

The method is shown in osteochondrosis of 1-2 degrees, if the pain syndrome is expressed moderately. The effect is noticeable immediately after the first day of wearing appliqués. Applying treatment in combination with the leaf and massage, it is possible to remove the pain of moderate gravity and swelling in a few days. If the patient is experiencing severe pain, its condition is greatly facilitated.

Important: By itself, the plaster cannot restore the cartilage tissue of the spine, he only helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations and establish metabolism.

Types of teipov

There are several different forms of patches, each of which has its purpose. The form and method of overlay are selected depending on the purpose of treatment and from the place to be overlap. For therapy of the osteochondrosis of the cervical and chest departments, tees are used in the form of X or Y. This type ensures reliable fixation. Also for the breast, several tapes in the form of a snowflake are superimposed. It is possible to use standard strips of tape 3, 5 cm, but stick them according to the described method.

Also, the tapes differ in the material from which they are made. The following types of teypers are produced:

  • Cotton. Standard type, material Maximum hypoallergenic and properties close to human skin.
  • Nylon. It has increased elasticity. It is stretched in length and width. This species is preferred for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
  • Synthetic (rayon). Thin and durable tapes. Maximum breathable, suitable for patients with sensitive skin.
  • Plock with enhanced adhesive layer. The most waterproof, so it is convenient to use for skin sites with an increased sweating.
  • Tape with soft glue. Preferred for patients prone and allergic reactions.

Also produced cross-tees, that is, made in the form of a lattice. They are comfortable for overlaying on the shoulder or thoracic spine.

How to apply kinesiotapes?

Applying plasters with the help of various techniques:

  • Bound. TEYP is stretched by 40% and fixed at the edges.
  • Muscular. The tape is tensioned by 50 or 60% depending on whether it is necessary to reduce or strengthen muscle tone.
  • Correctional. The tension is up to 80%.
  • Lymphodnaya. The tape is superimposed in the form of a fan.

For the correction of osteochondrosis, muscle technique is used. To ensure the most reliable fixation of the tape, it is necessary to prepare the skin. Cleaning should be dry, clean without hair.

The TEYP's cervical department is superimposed as follows:

  1. Stick the ribbon in the form of Y, stretching the tape in the middle.
  2. Then glue another strip perpendicularly, also stretching the middle.
  3. The tapes need to be confused so that the skin temperature at the site of fixation slightly increased.

Two tapes are superimposed on the chest department in the form of the letter x and the third transverse strip. During gluing the patient, the back should be rolled as much as possible. If the patient experiences pain in his shoulder, then it is preferable to stick a teype in the shape of a lattice or snowflakes.

Wearing one plaster can not longer than 3-5 days. You can take a shower, bath, play sports, swim in the pool, this is not reflected on the properties of the tape. Then teip must be removed, as it loses its healing properties. For this reason, it is impossible to re-glue the plaster, even if it does not lose adhesive abilities. You need to impose a new tape. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the kinesiotheraping rate lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.

Delete the plaster should be gradually, after removal, the skin needs to be treated with a nutrient cream.

Important: You can not remove a teep jerk, otherwise the glue layer will remain on the skin, which is difficult to erase.

The effectiveness of the technique

The method of kinesiotapproving has undoubted advantages:

  • Teyp does not limit the movement, as it has great elasticity.
  • Tapes can be worn for several days without crossing, wash with them in the soul, swim in the pool, play sports.
  • The plaster does not provoke stagnation, but normalizes blood circulation.
  • Thips hypoallergenic, so it is possible to use in individuals with sensitive skin. You can also stick and pregnant women.

The only drawback is inefficiency when wearing on a decayless cutting skin.

The effectiveness of the methodology for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is as follows:

  • Removed pain syndrome.
  • Employment is eliminated and inflammation in the neck.
  • The mobility of the spine is restored.
  • The exchange processes are normalized.


Despite the hypoallergenicity of the plastering and the safety of the method, there is a series of contraindications for the kinesiotapproving. It is impossible to use this type of therapy in the following cases:

  • Allergic reaction to components in the composition of the adhesive.
  • Purulent lesions of the skin, burns, wounds.
  • Oncological skin diseases.
  • Serious heart disease.
  • Violation of the kidney function.
  • Endocrine pathologies, especially diabetes with complications.
  • Veins thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester.

Also do not wear one tape more than 10 days without a breakThis can cause excessive relaxation of the muscles.

Useful video

Check out the method of treating neck from osteochondrosis by means of kinesiotayp


Kinesiotayping for osteochondrosis therapy began to be applied relatively recently, but already gained recognition of doctors. The positive treated dynamics is noticeable immediately after the first application. The patient gets rid of pain, returns to a full life. The safety of the method and the possibility of its application in any conditions makes a kinesiotayping indispensable for the treatment of back pathologies.

Osteochondrosis is often found among representatives of any sex, because it often occurs because of a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and chronic diseases. When a disease appears, a person begins to suffer from painful syndrome, as well as from stiffness of movements.

If you do not treat the disease, then a person may even have disability. That is why the doctors strongly recommend to seek medical attention in time.

It has proven well tipping at osteochondrosis of the cervical department. It has a small number of contraindications, because it is considered a secure procedure. People will be useful to familiarize themselves with how the process passes to know about its features.

Osteochondrosis may appear in a person at any age, and in any case, it is considered a dangerous disease. If a person has faced pathology, then it will be necessary to immediately begin treatment.

The earlier the therapy will be performed, the easier it will be possible to achieve a positive result. You should not wait until the operation has to do, because after it is not easy to recover.

At first, the pain is poorly manifested, and the person feels it only during physical exertion. As the disease develops, the symptom occurs increasingly, and it becomes more difficult to get rid of it. Negative sensations are particularly enhanced when a person moves sharply.

The patient becomes hard to rotate and lean. The part of the body that is amazed by the disease suffers. When cervical osteochondrosis is hard to turn his head, because stiffness is observed in the neck area.

Increased fatigue - a person becomes unbearable, because osteochondrosis appears. He gets fastest, maybe even after sleeping feeling weakness. Also often occur racing mood, the patient becomes aggressive, depressive and overly nervous.

And darkening in the eyes: similar symptoms are explained by the fact that the bloodstream is disturbed due to the compression of the artery. As a result, the brain displaces oxygen and nutrients. For this reason, it is extremely important to follow the state of health and improve blood circulation on time.

: Preferably, hands suffer, and on the one hand. It all starts with light tingling, but then there is a significant numbness.

Headaches may occur for two reasons. First, they can provoke the compression of the artery, due to which the blood flow is broken. Secondly, the pain in the neck can be given in the head and forehead, which leads unpleasant feelings in the head.

If a person notices the listed symptoms, then it is necessary to worry about treatment. For example, you can make kinesiotapprovacy when there are no contraindications. It quickly leads to a positive result and at the same time is considered harmless.

How is the procedure?

Kinesiotapproving is a method of treatment under which an elastic adhesive tape is used, the task of which is to support the muscular corset during the exacerbation of the disease. With cervical osteochondrosis, this method helps well, because the muscles relaxes, relieves inflammation and eath, and also eliminates pain syndrome.

The effect of kinesiotapprovacy during osteochondrosis brings not immediately. The first result can be noticed an hour after the procedure, but significant changes will be within a few days.

The procedure is shown to obtain the following results:

  • Elimination of pain due to the fact that muscles will be relaxed.
  • Getting rid of the inflammatory process caused by osteochondrosis.
  • Restoration of the mobility of the joints.
  • Relief from the eases arising in the neck area.
  • Improving metabolic processes in the affected joints.
  • Normalization of mobility in the neck.

Under osteochondrosis, the neck tipping is negotiable. The doctor determines which tape to use, and just how to impose it. A suitable degree of elasticity will be seamless depending on the anatomical features of the person. Tepai will be superimposed on pre-purified skin. In this case, excessive stretch should not be present, because it is impossible for the person to have discomfort.

Each TEYP will be well smoothed to attest the maximum adhesion with the skin. At the same time, the end is glued almost without tension so that there is no risk of dugout. If the procedure is spent correctly, then the teaps will last up to 5 days.

When the desired result was not fully achieved, then new ribbons are used, because the previous elasticity is raised. Usually, with osteochondrosis, teaps are often superimposed in the form Y, as well as I. The specific option is selected depending on human well-being.

There are a number of reasons when this method of treating the cervical selection cannot be used. As a rule, it is prohibited for those situations where human has skin problems. Although the procedure is considered harmless, but still a negative effect it can bring. That is why it is important to verify the absence of contraindications before starting treatment.

Main contraindications:

  • Skin diseases having different nature of origin.
  • Cadic problems, as well as serious pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Pregnancy (first trimester).
  • Mental disorders in which tipping can aggravate the situation.
  • Endocrine disorders, let's say a heavy degree of diabetes mellitus.
  • Allergic reaction to elastic ribbons. To prevent it, you need to check the skin for allergies before treatment.

For older people, tipping is quite rarely used, and it is connected with the poor condition of the skin of the back. Indeed, in this case, the epithelium becomes extremely sensitive to external influences. That is why it is necessary with caution coming to treatment with an elastic ribbon. It is more correct to use this method of therapy along with other options. For example, you can combine medication treatment and tipping. In this case, it will be possible to achieve the best results and improve well-being faster.