How to clean the energy with salt. Salt - Powerful protection against the evil eye and damage

After reading this article, you fully answer the question of whether it is possible to remove the damage to salt? I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, would not say that in the rituals of black magic there are not so many salt cleaning from the evil eye, but they are, and they are pretty effective. In the rituals for removing damage to salt, in addition to the salt itself, water or fire is often present. Powerful cleansing elements. And, in addition to them, there is still an independent conspiracy on the salt for removing damage from a person. Strong witchcraft spells checked the intention of the magician. And all this in the aggregate gives the desired result.

How to determine the damage of salt and spring water

This magical ritual with spring water and salt is a well-known prophylactic method, which makes it possible to see the basic signs of the evil eye induced. If there is a negative, then in a glass with water, it will manifest quite clearly. To determine the damage to salt, pour into a transparent glass of spring water, and throw a few pinch of salt. If there is a negative, the water will change its color, becomes muddy, will acquire a gray or greenish tint. To observe changes, put a glass with salt water for the night in the headboard, where you sleep.

Independent removal of damage through the salt fire and water

Any witch rituals to get rid of damage better to do on a decreasing moon. But there are difficult cases when it is necessary to clean urgently, in an emergency, removing. Then you do not look at the moon, and take and do. Moreover, if we speak specifically about this magical rite, it is rather soft. If necessary, produce urgent cleaning salt from damageIt can be used on any day. But, in general, the second and fourth lunar phases are good for cleaning the body.

In order to independently remove the damage with yourself, prepare the following:

  • bowl with water
  • pure frying pan

Put on the table a bowl with clean water. Pour salt on the pan, as much as it will fit in 3 of your fist. And start in the middle fire salt glowing.

Break the salt counterclockwise with a knife, and read a plot of damage to the salt 6 times:

"Salt Bela and Chista, cleanse me (name) from Pull, Silla, Privotov, Ovular, from conspiracies, leading to water, for food, in the wind, in the back, in the eye. From the old, yes old women, from the younger, da Moroda, from the Father, and Mother. May it be so".

Mount the palms of some water, and splash on the face. Water let it stand on a hot salt. After that read the conspiracy on Removing damage through salt and water:

"Water sister, you drag, yes on the heat you get, in the heat you disappear. So the damage disappear and the evilness and challenges, conspiracies, conspiracles on the water, for food, in the wind, in the back, in the eye. From the old, yes old women, from the younger, da Moroda, from the Father, and Mother. May it be so".

So to do 3 times - splash in your face and read an independent conspiracy. No need to change salt. Then, after completing the fry salt in a pan for delivering a person from damage and the evil eye, and another challenged or someone soaked the negative, the salt must be poured into the bowl with water. This cool salt solution is made from home and pour to any tree. At the same time, it should be read a strong conspiracy on the removal of the evil eye with water with salt:

"Water, tequets with a white salt, yes damn black, and everyone is rotable with (name). Yes, dooms to the root. Yes, drink the root of drinking water, yes, drink, yes, take away Salla Belo, but damaging Cherno. May it be so. May it be so. May it be so".

Yourself get rid of damage to salt in the shower

Home rite, which I, Mag, Sergey Artgrom, I suggest to take your useful workflow, proven, and fully worker. Effective, both sensations and results. Sloga, whisper, as well as a negative, who will have time to join the day, are all these accumulations. There is a very curious moment - this rite of removing the evil eye with a person can give impetus, move the case from a dead point if other cleaning is not effective. Magic rituals Cleaning salt from damage They make it easier, give strength, whereas, say, castings on the wax are energy-price and are very exhausting.

I, Magician Sergey Artgroma Dame Practical advice: rubbed a dry body, then the cleaning itself passes stronger, and there will be no irritation on the skin. So, all, then you will need a new pack of a large salt. It is very good to use sea salt without impurities.

In an empty bath, pour salt, approximately half the pack. Stand up with both legs on this salt, and the remaining salt to graze the naked body.

Read a conspiracy on salt from damage and evil eye, and black negative is at least 3 times:

"Salt salt, dedication, reply all the lessons, proud, whose springs. You're clean, and I will clean, you melt and my misfortune. Salt creak, and, that I took off, I went back, my spell was found, the fur coat was thrown to him, so that the defense of him would crush, who I evil wished me, so that I groaned from pain, groaned from Besalie. From me, throw away from me, on the spell of my rolling, I do not eat, do not break, but to death to death. As he said, so be the castle in the snake company, not to leave anyone, the key does not pick up, the defense does not break. As he said so. Amen".

And get up under the shower. As can be seen from the magic conspiracy on the removal of damage with salt, this cleaning with the return. Make on a decreasing moon. How often can this saline cleaning? If you need to remove a light negative type of random evil eye, bad thoughts and wishes, it is not forbidden to repeat if necessary. Yes, at least every evening before bed, you independently make damage to salt at home in this way.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

You can make such a salt washed of the evil eye on Tuesdays and Saturdays. These days are well suited to get rid of the magical and other negative. They are considered the most stronger for cleaning. Saturday - Day Saturn. Well suited for cleansing, as well as the day of Mars - Tuesday. If Mars burns the witch negative, then Saturn eliminates it, destroys. Mars is associated with fire, war, force, aggressive energy. Saturn is the God of Rock, karma, inevitable death, death. Mars and Saturn are responsible for justice and pay for the deed. That is why Tuesday and Saturday are suitable for removing negativity with return.

Days of descending Moon are very good for cleaning salt from damage and evil eye.

And not only salt, of course, we are talking about a variety of techniques adopted in the practices of Russian witchcraft.

  • 19 lunar day carries the overwhelming energy of Saturn, good in order to selfget rid of damage with salt.
  • 23 The day of the lunar month is the best moment to return to their offenders and enemies of their evil. This day carries the destroying energies of Mars.
  • And in the 29th lunar day, on the day of the Black Moon, the energy of Saturn and Mars merge together. This is a dark strength day, the day when the Warlock with the support of his patrons can work great things. Newcomers on this day work is prohibited. Any error can be addressed against them.

In the ritual of the salt washing of negativity per person, there are 2 strong magical substances that remove the negative - salt and water. Plus home conspiracy on salt to get rid of damage. Light and spores light negative. But, if working in a complex with other rituals, really remove heavy witch porches and curses.

Another working ritual - how to remove damage yourself with salt

The Witchcraft ritual to delivered a person from the damage induced on it can be used on any day, in mind. All you need is a tutu of an ordinary cook salt. Not extra. Only a large salt that has not been subjected to special processing is taken. Salt pour out in a bath, filled with warm water. Quietly, relaxing, to lie in salt water for a short time. You yourself feel when enough. You do not need to read the plot itself. You can simply calmly think about the last day.

This extremely simple way to get rid of the energy negativity. Of course, by applying this method. severe damage with salt and water do not removeBut the evil eye, envy and everything that is caused by its negative energy is very well eliminated. The result - the negative, dialed during the day, goes, increases the tone, energy is added, internal comfort appears.

How to remove damage with a return

Like all ways of removing damage from a person, cleaning this method should be performed on a decreasing moon. To remove the negative salt, as well as some effects of damage, you need to take:

  • large crawled salt
  • pure frying pan
  • plug

Pour salt into the pan so that it was completely covered by the bottom. Through the entire surface to draw an equilateral cross with a fork from the bottom up left to right. Thus, it will be 4 parts, and each part also sharing the equilateral cross. Crosses draw counterclockwise, starting with the right bottom. Having done this, the skillet put on a strong fire, and fry salt in a frying pan for 15 minutes, reading the patient (or ourselves) from the damage made. In this case, the salt is stirred by a fork in a circle against the sun.

How to clean the energy of the house with salt, holy water and prayers.

There are different homes: in some breathing easily, in others on the shoulders, it seems to immediately lie around the heavy load, and I want to leave there. You probably noticed this, first coming to visit families. But sometimes it happens that after a quarrel or an unpleasant visit it becomes hard in the walls of your own house. What to do in this case?

How to clean the energy and aura of the house from negativity, damage, evil eye, unclean strength and all bad salt?

Salt symbolizes the element of the earth. Slow, powerful and omnipresent strength, which turns everything in Tlen, and as if Phoenix birds, gives rise to a new clean life. So, salt is able to help clean the energy of the house.

Salt and Element Earth - Powerful House Cleaning Tool

How to Clean the House, putting salt in savings

This is a well-known "magic" method of cleaning aura at home. Right ritual simply, just put the saucer with salt over all corners of the house.

  • Salt must be in an open place, not in the closet and not behind overall furniture.
  • The dishes in which the salt is puffed, should be made of natural materials: ceramics or clay, transparent glass will also fit.
  • It will not be superfluous to put an extra saucer and under the bed.
  • Over time, the salt will be darkened, and it needs to be changed.

This method is considered effective, but slow enough. It has both a logical, scientifically proven basis. After all, the salt is a powerful natural filter, it can absorb moisture from the air and stop the development of bacteria. There are even salt rooms that help to cope with some diseases. Therefore, the magic method with salt in savors is really useful.

Getting rid of the negative with salt in a frying pan

This method refers to black magic, and suggests not so much getting rid of the negative, as his return to the unfair.

  • First you need to buy a new pack of salt, and you cannot take the delivery from buying in any case. Therefore, give the amount under the calculation or leave a trifle.
  • Better if it is a "creek salt", that is, a man purchased on Thursday.
  • We take the pan, any, including the one you are preparing food. The main thing is that it is well washed away.
  • I pour out a cold frying pan near the salt and put it on fire.
  • Still salt and observe how fun begin to jump salt crystals.
  • At this point, we present that "fridge" their offenders. The ritual is recommended to supplement such a plot.

  • If the salt darkened and strongly cracks, then the whole ritual must be repeated first.
  • The frying pan after the roasting salt is carefully wash.
  • The "spent" salt is being added in the place where it is walking, it is an intersection, a walkway, and sometimes the threshold of the proposed enemy.
  • Whether this ritual will help return the negative offender the controversial question. But here's what to look at how the salt jumps in a frying pan, fun - unequivocally.

How to clean the energy and aura of the house of the church candle?

We will immediately make a reservation that the Orthodox Church to the rite of cleaning the house of the candle is negative, as well, and to any other magical rite. Believers can be lit home church candles during prayer, and thus bring grace into their home, but no more. Rituals using candles are not approved and already belong to magic.

If, you still decided to hold the rite of cleansing the house with the help of church candle, then it is necessary to do it like this:

  • Before the rite, it is advisable to make a wet cleaning and sprinkling the corners of the holy water, it needs to wash your hands and face to be washed.
  • Wrap the bottom with a cloth or crumpled paper, so that the melting wax does not fall into the hands.
  • Start from the outdoor side of the front door. Cancel the burning candles in a clockwise doorway several times.
  • Then make a door handle, a keyboard and other fittings, if you have it. Near these small items, it is customary to make a candle cross-making movements
  • After that, the action is repeated already with the inside of the door

Entrance door - the first energy protection of the house

  • Bypassing the house with the candle should be left right.
  • On the walls, make wave-like movements, around switches and other small items - cruciform.
  • The furniture is also worth circling a candle.
  • Pay special attention to the corners, it is believed that it is there that the most negative energy accumulates.
  • After you go home, return again to the front door, and take it again.
  • If during the ritual the candle is cracking, smoking, melting or swelling, it is believed that it is in this place most negative.
  • At the end of the rite, the candle should burn exactly anywhere at home, and you feel relieved and satisfaction. This will mean that the task has been successfully completed.

How to clean the energy and aura of house holy water

Holy Water is one of the most commonly used Orthodox attributes for the sanctification of housing. Moreover, the Orthodox Church itself does not bother believers to use holy water for the sprinkling of the house independently.

However, the complete sanctification of housing can only be held a clergyman with the appropriate San, and the usual parishioner is pleased to try to sanctify its housing and things in it on their own, only if you invite a priest for some reason it is impossible.

Saint is considered to be water brought home from the church for the feast of baptism, it is it that is endowed with special fertile properties. More about holy water and its use can be found from. And to keep such water is made in the honorable place in the "Red Corner" under the icons. To sprink down the housing with holy water yourself:

  • Take clean dishes for water, better buy a new bowl specifically for these purposes, and in no case use the dishes from which animals ate.
  • Before starting the sprinkling housing, read the prayer for the blessing of the case.
  • Start the sprinkling of the room from the "Red Angle" - the place where the iconostasis is located or is at least one icon.
  • Then sprink off all the walls and angles, while reading the prayer.
  • It is necessary to move clockwise, but to cry out the water with your right hand.
  • Try not to step on water drops.
  • After the sprinkling of housing, read the prayer of the life-giving cross.

Before the coupling of the housing, Holy Water should be removed, and all members of the family visit the church and coming up. In addition to the holy water, clergymen are used with the rite of consecration of the church firings, which are applied to the walls on the walls, as well as candles. At the same time, a special prayer is held at the beginning of a good deal.

Consecration of the house - long-standing orthodox tradition

What prayers to clean the house?

Because what is called "Energy Houses" is rather a reflection of the soul of its owners, then practically any prayer uttered from the pure heart is suitable for its "cleaning". Traditional are the prayers of the Holy Defenders, about what it is for prayers and in front of which icons it is better to read

Prayers cleans the house and soul

After this first prayer, you can start reading others, including our "Father" and the following lines:

At the end of the rite, as a rule, read the prayer "Life-giving Cross".

How to clean the energy and aura of the house with a conspiracy and rite

For cleaning at home, such a rite is used:

  • In pure Thursday, in the morning, when all family members are bought, everyone takes a handful of salt and pouring it into a clay pot.
  • It is believed that such a salt carries the energy of purification, and it can be used for the energy cleaning of the house.
  • When a desire to cleanse the house occurs, the dishes are taken, which was standing in the house, preferably cracked and in her salt, then a candle is put in this salt.
  • All windows and doors are closed, and the candle is left to burn in the room.
  • When the candle is completely melted, it is, as well as the dishes in which she stood, remove from the house with his left hand and thrown out, then returned and lock the door to the castle.

Video: Things that should not be in the house

Salt has always been considered a product magical, cleansing and protecting. Previously, it was used as a guard. It is said that evil people who can smooth and send damage do not tolerate salt. That is why our ancestors took a handful of salt with them to the long road, and also used it in magical rites.

How to clean and protect yourself with salt

Salt in the house from evil people. Previously, the salt was always put in an open salt on the dining table. Guests coming to the house could not direct their negative energy to the hosts of the house, since salt quenched all negative energy and took damage and evil eye. Also, salt could return the dark energy back to the one who sent it.

Salt for cleansing from negative energy. With salt, you can determine which energy reigns in your home. For this, between 11 and 12 hours of the day, take the salt, pour it with a thin layer on a metal skillet and put on a strong fire. Punch salt in a pan approximately within an hour. If there is energy dirt and negative in the house, then the salt turns or covers dark spots. If this happened, then scat out this salt over all corners and leave for a day. Salt will select the whole negative.

Salt to attract good luck, health and wealth.Do not forget about the direct purpose of this product. Letting food, always think about something good, or about your desire. Try not to cook and do not squeeze food in a bad mood - it can lead to bad consequences - from the indentation of the stomach to personal failures.

Salt to protect against damage and evil. If you want to protect your house from damage and the evil eye, pour out under the threshold at the entrance door a little salt with the words: "Everything that the bad will come, everything will leave in salt."

Salt as a means against insomnia and nightmares. Put in the head of the bed water with three pinch of salt. Making such a ritual is recommended for three nights in a row.

Learn to see in ordinary things unusual and use it for yourself. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

14.01.2015 09:13

Powered species There are many, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize the energy blow. Decoration and damage ...

In pure Thursday, it is customary to prepare a third salt. It is believed that it has a healing force and protective properties. Where...

This method of cleansing from negative energies is recommended to our school as auxiliary, and in no case replaces the main spiritual practice - direct prayer to God. Using this method, you can deepen the result of prayer for cleansing, especially if a person is still weak faith or there is no sufficient prayer experience.

Negative energy - This is the weapon of the world of a deer, through which he strengthens his position on Earth and achieves its goals - spreads the despondency, disbelief, severity, a tendency to dependencies, illness, suffering. Negative energy is present to one degree or another in each of us - by sins, as well as because of the severity of the earthly world in which we are. We are subject to its influence to varying degrees - the higher our spiritual level, the less our random effect of negative energy is on us.

The divine servants spread their negative energies among people, creating large and small storage facilities, stores in thin and coarse human bodies. From negative energy, it is very difficult to get rid of it, it is possible to make only gradually, in the process of spiritual practice and spiritual growth. And it is also possible to get rid of some negativity by means of auxiliary methods, in particular, of this - water and salt.

Cleansing with water and salt - A simple, but very effective method that helps to bring the negative from the human power system. This method helps well not only because the salt, due to its structure, has special absorbent properties, but also because the work occurs with the help of prayer.

How often and in what situations to apply this method?

Apply practice makes sense if there is:

  • Lethargy, apathy
  • Difficulties in mental activities, difficulties with concentration, training
  • Obsessive thoughts, especially negative
  • Sustainable and repeating anger or other devastating emotions
  • Stress
  • Any physical body disease

In any of these states, man is very weakened - physically, emotionally, spiritually. And when a person is weakened (especially at the spiritual level), negative essences are especially attacked by a person, "sharing" with him with him - after all, he cannot confront them.

It is possible to conduct a one-time procedure as needed, but you can spend a cycle of 7 procedures daily, or, in particularly severe cases, even more - 2-3 times a day with interruptions for 2-3 hours.

The method of cleansing from negative with water and salt

Lord, bless! Let everything be your holy will! I know that I have a negative in my sins, according to your imperfection. Forgive me, Lord, the sinners of my driven and unknown, in great mercy of yours, I repent. Clean me from every negative, from all heavy energies, from any influence of the evil, in the name and in the glory of yours.

  • Lord have mercy!
  • Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Nice us!
  • Lord, forgive and sinful us!
  • Or others

Side and pray for 15-20 minutes.

Completion of the procedure:

  • I pull out the legs and wash them with water from a pre-prepared bucket (continuing to read prayer). Wipe your feet with a towel.
  • We thank God and ask him about protecting against negative (for example, save and save, fence and protect me, Lord, from any negative!)
  • Pour a bucket with water in the toilet (continuing to read any prayer), rinse the bucket with clean water.
  • We read prayer for another 2-3 minutes.


In the process of the procedure can manifest themselves (but not necessarily!) Various unpleasant symptoms, as well as sowing, idiot, numbness of legs, warming or heat ears and eyes, etc. These are normal phenomena associated with the process of cleansing. Also, it is possible that the water turn the water or starts to stink. All this should not be afraid, but should be taken with faith and hope for God's help. If you perform the procedure, it is completely safe.

After the procedure, it comes to ease, clarity, breathing freely, the mood is improved, sleep, memory.

Attention: If you feel insecurity, fear or doubt before the procedure, and also if you have no prayer experience at all, then do not carry out the procedure yourself, but better.


Dirt happens not only in the form of dust and debris, the energy of a person and space is subject to contamination. How to clean the apartment from negativity yourself? Do you know the feeling, as if in the house it became uncomfortable and anxious? You do not get enough sleep, although go to bed in the laid time? If the scandals settled in the house, and the clashes between their relatives occur daily - your room needs to be cleansing from accumulated negative energy.

Negative energy has a property to thicken in a certain space, like dust. If the dust is visible to the eye, then the energy mud is imperceptible. It can only be felt at the level of thin energies. In a polluted house, breathe hard, though around cleanliness. In the contaminated room, households often ill, and pets behave unusually. To prevent such a state of affairs, you need to regularly clean the energy of the dwelling.

Cleaning the house is necessary:

  • after severe illness of the relative;
  • after gatherings with friends and acquaintances;
  • after the visit of an unpleasant person;
  • after the death of man;
  • after a quarrel and scandal;
  • if noisy neighbors live behind the wall.

Get yourself the rule to clean the room once in the season: in winter, in spring, summer and autumn. These are minimum requirements. If the apartment is unfavorable, it is necessary to clean every month, or even every two weeks - on full moon and new moon.

Diagnostics of the room Solua

If you suspected a nonladny, you need to test the apartment for negative energy - to make diagnostics. To do this, you will need a new pack of cook salt, purchased specifically for these purposes. Salt need to buy without passing - it is important. It is allowed to pay salt by a bank card, only in this case, do not buy anything with salt.

So, coming home, take a cast-iron or duralumin frying pan - new frying pans with a non-stick coating for these purposes are not suitable. You need to pour out a few handful salt into a frying pan and stock wood with a wooden stick or a spatula - stir salt during frying. Continuously reading our father, calculate the salt on quite strong fire.

If after 20 minutes the salt just darkens, there is nothing terrible. This is a natural process when increasing the temperature. But if the salt starts to quickly change the color and acquire a black shade - many negative energy accumulated in the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to fry salt before charring so that it completely absorb energy mud.

Important! The properties of salt absorb various substances for a long time. This property is used in magic.

What to do with salt then? Let it cool down in a skillet, then lower it in the toilet and wash it three times. The frying pan needs to wash and dry. It can be used in the economy, as the fire destroys any traces of negative energy. A week later, you need to repeat the cleaning of the house from negative energy with salt. Perhaps this procedure will have to repeat several times.

Diagnostics of placing candle

This is another way to detect negative in the house. You need to take a wax candle, make a skirt on it (see photo) so that the wax does not drop into your hand. Now with a burning candle, you have to get around the house around the perimeter, ranging from the threshold. At this time, it is best to read the prayer of the Father our continuously.

You need to stop in every corner and make circular movements with a candle. If it starts to crack or smoke, keep the candle longer. Move around the perimeter of the apartment in the direction of the sun, that is, clockwise. Special attention should be paid to:

  • corners;
  • doorway;
  • window passages.

Cleaning fire should be carried out each time after guests are left.

If the candle is burned, burn new and repeat the procedure. Ideally, the candle should not smoke or crack. If you have not achieved the desired effect, spend the cleaning of the house with salt. Before this, make general cleaning to make sure the absence of a subflade - unfamiliar subjects.

Consecration of housing in holy water

Water consecrated in the church acquires special strength. You need to take a couple of liters of holy water and keep it in the house. It helps for diseases, when decaying the spirit and is used for the sprinkle of the house and objects. How to clean the house from negative energy yourself?

Before sprinkling the house, you need to make a general cleaning - throw away unnecessary things, wash the windows, remove the web with the corners and thoroughly wash the floors. After that, accept the cleansing shower, pour water into the bowl and read the prayer.

After that, take a bundle (or a few twigs) of dill or parsley and sprinkle the entire room cruciform, saying "in the name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". This guy needs to be supplied to a sick person if it is in the house, as well as washed his face and hands.

Fast harvesting

How to clean the apartment from the negative after the guests of guests? To do this, you need a sandalworm and brass bell. These items can be purchased in esoteric stores either through the Internet. The brass bell breaks down thickens of negative energy at the level of vibrations, and smoke from sandalwood is cleans the residues of energy mud.

Instead of the sandal, you can take a sage grass bundle or make her herbal collection from Sage and Hypericum. In this case, the bundle is ignited and poisoned to smoke. If you use herbs from pharmaceutical packaging, then they should be poured on a hot iron frying pan either on hot corners. Walk around the room with smoking herbs so that the cloud of smoke has got all the corners. It is also recommended to open the doors of all cabinets and extend there.

Important! All windows and doors during smoke must be closed tight.

How to clean the house right? Contact the bell all the room, and then produce it with her herbs. Then open the wide windows and the front door to ventilate the apartment. Cleaning is over. Now you can safely live indoors for a while.

Quickly absorbed the negative can ordinary bulb. Put the bulb cut into the room in half, where guests were all night. In the morning, take parts of the bulbs with a cellophane package and throw away into the trash can on the street. Having come, ooohed hands on the elbow.

In the summer, Narvita thistle and dry. This herb has wonderful cleansing properties. How to clean the house from negative energy by thistle? It is necessary to set fire to the twig and alone - the smoke will fill the room and drive the negative. Also, thistle branches are hiding under the threshold, in the window frames and inside the house - they absorb the damage and other types of negative formations. Twigs can be changed every six months.

Negative energy traps

If your home lives a scandalous or seriously sick person, one-time purification of energy can not do. In this case, traps should be made for negative energy, from which you need to regularly get rid of. Good absorb negative trees. Among the vampire trees can be noted:

  • osin;
  • lipa;
  • poplar;
  • cherry
  • lilac.

Put the twigs or bark of these trees in places of accumulation of negative energy - near the bed of the patient, under the chair or bed of the scandalous person. Once a month you will need to burn twigs in the fire, and on their place to put new ones.

The imposses of negative can serve as one-piece grains:

  • corn;
  • oats;
  • rye.

Spread the grain on the plate and put in the room. You can put grains in a canvas bag and put where it follows. The grains are then burned and replaced with new ones.

To charge placing positive energy, use donor plants. Among the trees, these properties have:

  • birch;
  • pine;
  • maple.

Among the cereals - rice, wheat, buckwheat. Previously, the Slavs were made from cereals dolls: filled with a stitched doll with croups. Breeding dolls and to this day did not lose the relevance, because they attract positive energy to the house. You can make the brunt yourself.

Cleans yourself

How to clean the house, we disassembled. However, after dirty work, it is necessary to clean themselves, because part of the negative energy could remain in your aura. Salt and water will help us in this. Salt can be taken from that pack, with the help of the cleaning of the apartment. If there is nothing left, you need to buy a new pack without surrender.

Sattail the wet body with salt - from the head to the heels, trying not to rub it into the skin. When you do the body with salt, you will just need to stand under the shower. In the process of cleaning, read our Father - it will help to cleanse the soul. When the soul drops will flock through the body, imagine that energy mud comes with you.