Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the second junior group. An open lesson on fgos in the second junior group “tricks from the chest Showing an open lesson in the second junior group

Bagaeva Natalya Borisovna
Educational institution: ChDOU "Kindergarten No. 111 of JSC" Russian Railways "
Brief job description: The development of coherent speech of children, familiarization with the environment.
to form the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; recall a familiar fairy tale - "Gingerbread Man" based on visual images, form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, and answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them; develop attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; to activate speech. to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Bagaeva Natalya Borisovna ChDOU "Kindergarten No. 111 of JSC" Russian Railways " The development of coherent speech of children, familiarization with the environment. to form the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; recall a familiar fairy tale - "Gingerbread Man" based on visual images, form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, and answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them; develop attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech. to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Open lesson in the second junior group "Fun Journey"

Open lesson in the second junior group "Fun Journey"

Target: The development of coherent speech of children, familiarization with the environment.


Educational : to form the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; remember a familiar story « Kolobok » based on visual images, to form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of a fairy tale, to answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them;

Educational: develop attention, memory, thinking motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment :


Stuffed Toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox

small house

Geometric figures (modules)triangle, square

pictures of wild animals,

preliminary work :

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok » , "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Hare and Fox", "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical minutes.

Lesson progress:

- Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to them.

Children greet.

caregiver: well done!
(Children stand in a circle) .

We gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Hold hands tightly (raise up)

And we smile at each other

caregiver: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

caregiver: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: « Kolobok » , "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" etc.

caregiver: Well done. And today I met a fairy-tale hero!

caregiver: And who is it, you have to guess.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

It's delicious… (kolobok)

caregiver: That's right guys. And here is the bun that invites us all on a fun journey.
Children stand in a circle and go along with the kolobok in a circle to the music.

caregiver: Rolling, rolling bun ... and we are all behind him ...
Here we are in the forest.
And the wind blows in the forest. Quietly at first (the children and the teacher imitate the wind) and then strongly ( children and teacher represent the wind )

Look, someone's ears are long peeking out.

He loves to eat carrots
Protruding ears to the top,
Our shy jumper

Kids, who is this…..?

- children's answers (Bunny)

caregiver: That's right, bunny.
Children: Hello, bunny!

caregiver: Guys, let's all play together with the bunny.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears ......

Educator: so we played, and the kolobok offers to continue our journey.
Children stand in a circle and go along with the kolobok in a circle to the music.

caregiver: Oh, guys, I hear someone, someone else is here ..

He looks a bit like a fox
For a long time he prowls in the forest,
Angry - "click teeth"
He is a hungry gray ...... (wolf)

caregiver: Oh, the wolf really sits and he looks at us all.

caregiver: The wolf had a misfortune, he collected houses from figures, and a strong wind broke the houses and he asks us to help him put them together from multi-colored figures.
What are the shapes of the wolf?
children's answers (square and triangle)

Children assemble houses from geometric shapes-modules (squares and triangles of different colors, name the colors)

Educator: Well done guys helped the wolf.

caregiver: Look whose footprints are so huge (paws)

Clumsy, clumsy
He sucks his paw in the den.
Who is this, please answer
Surely…. (bear)

(get out of the den)

caregiver: Guys, tell me please, is the bear wild or a pet?

Children: wild.
caregiver: Tell me, what other wild animals do you know.

Children: children's answers

Educator: But the bear has pictures of his friends, forest animals. Point to the animal in the picture and name it.
(individual work 4-5 children)

caregiver: Well done, you showed and named all the animals correctly.

caregiver: In a fairy tale, a fox ate a bun, and this fox is kind, beautiful, fluffy
She does not have paws, but soft ... (children's answers) ... paws
The fox does not have a tail, but a fluffy one………..tail
She does not have ears, but small ..ears
and her name is not just a fox, but a fox.
What is her affectionate name? (answer 2-3 children)

caregiver: well, the fox was satisfied, we affectionately named her.

Guys, and there is already a hut of grandparents.
They were waiting for us. (We all go to the house together)
Educator: And here is your bun back.

And grandparents prepared a treat for us (show the basket of sweets)

caregiver: So we finished our fun journey with the kolobok.

Now, let's remember with you:

Who did we meet today? (hare, wolf, bear, fox)
How did you help the wolf? (folded the houses)
And how we played with the bear (guessed forest animals)
And how did we describe the fox (affectionately called; not ears, etc ....)

caregiver: You were all great today!!!
We will have many more trips with other heroes of fairy tales!

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Municipal preschool educational institution


Lesson summary

in the second junior group

(MBDOU No. 000)

tutor of the first


Chelyabinsk, 2015

Lesson topic: "Journey through Russian folk tales"

Class type: cognitive (final)

Lesson type: combined


1. To teach children to recognize a fairy tale by a riddle, by an illustration, by a passage (that is, by the characteristic features and actions of the characters).

2. Develop the speech activity of children, encourage them to enter into a dialogue.

3. To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale and an interest in folk art.

preliminary work

1. Making a panel based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

2. Reading Russian folk tales

3. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales

4. Drawing based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

5. Playing out the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" with the help of a table theater

6. Solving riddles

7. Board game "Fold a fairy tale", puzzles based on fairy tales, verbal - didactic game "Who pulled the turnip?", Didactic game based on fairy tales "Laying plot pictures in a certain sequence"

Demo material

1. Magic ball

2. Easel

3. Panel based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

4. Exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

5. The house of the old man and the old woman according to the fairy tale "Turnip"

6. Masks - hats for children

Individual work

1. Teach Nikita to answer the questions posed by the teacher:

2. Teach Milena to emotionally express the image of a fairy-tale hero

3. To teach Daniil, Kirill, Alina to overcome the barriers of communication through involvement in the dramatization of a fairy tale

Dictionary activation: pull - pull, pluck

Dictionary Enrichment: Russian folk tales, magic ball

Lesson progress


Org. moment:


Early, early in the morning

When everyone was fast asleep

Right under my window

Two titmouse chirped

And they told us

For all the guys to know

What is visiting us today

Grandma herself is in a hurry,

Grandma - Fun.

Grandmother enters - Zabavushka:

Hear, hear about me

You are having a conversation.

Hello kids!

Hello dear guests!

How long have we not seen each other

Autumn is over, winter

And now I'm going

Come visit you yourself.

Main part

Grandma - Fun: Guys, I brought a ball with me, but this is not a simple ball, but a magical one, it will help us travel through Russian folk tales. Why do you think fairy tales are called folk tales?

D: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Grandma - Fun: Right

Grandma - Fun: Ready to travel

Grandma - Fun:

Around us and here and there

Fairy tales live on.

There are mysteries in the clearing

Guess without a clue

Call me dare

These fabulous animals!

1. Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.
Short legs, afraid of cats.

D: Mouse (multimedia)

2. Jumps in the grass, -
Eyes on the head
Slippery and wet
green frog,
And her name is...

D: Frog (multimedia)

3. A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

D: Bunny (multimedia)

4. Cunning cheat, redhead,
Fluffy tail - beauty!
And her name is...

D: Fox (multimedia)

5. Friendship leads only with a fox,
This animal is angry, evil.
He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
Very creepy grey...

D: Wolf (multimedia)

6. Walks without a road in summer
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hides the nose from the cold.

D. Bear (multimedia)

Grandma - Fun: You guessed the riddles, and now tell me what fairy tale these characters are from?

D: These heroes from the fairy tale "Teremok"

Grandma - Fun: Right. Well done! Magic ball led us to the fairy tale "Teremok"

Grandma - Fun: And which of these animals broke the tower? (multimedia)

D: Bear

Grandma - Fun: Right.

Grandma - Fun: We have been with you in the fairy tale "Teremok", and now we will go on a journey (Grandma - Zabavushka unwinds her ball and leads the children to the panel according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man")

Grandma - Fun:

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

Guess without a clue

Which one did I leave, I'm a fairy tale?

D: From the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Grandma - Fun: Let's sing a song about the kolobok and remember what heroes he met in the forest? (Music sounds, children and Grandma sing a song)

Grandma - Fun: Well done! They remembered the song, and now Sonya will say, whom did the bun meet first?

Sonya: bunny

Grandma - Fun: That's right, go to the table and place the bunny on the fairy path (Sonya places the bunny on the fairy path)

Grandma - Fun: Natasha, who did the bun meet next on its way?

Natasha: wolf

Grandma - Fun: Take the wolf and put him on the same track

(Natasha takes a fairy-tale hero and puts him on a panel)

Grandma - Fun: Vika, who did the bun meet next?

Vika: With a bear

Grandma - Fun: Now we will put the bear on this path (Vika comes to the fairy path and attaches the bear)

Grandma - Fun: Nastya, who else did the bun meet on its way?

Nastya: fox

Grandma - Fun: Mark the fox on the fairy path (Nastya goes to the panel and places the fox there)

Grandma - Fun: From whom could the bun not escape? (multimedia)

D: The bun could not get away from the fox

Grandma - Fun: What all good fellows! We remembered the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man and coped with the task"

Grandma - Fun: Now let's get some rest

Physical education minute

Handles up, handles down

Pull up on your toes.

We put the handles on the barrel

On toes, hop-hop-hop,

And then we sit down

We never freeze!

Our, our legs walked along the path,

Our, our legs jumped over the bumps,

Our, our legs ran along the path,

They ran to the meadow, lost their boot.

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics "Favorite fairy tales"

(Children alternately bend their fingers. Clap their hands on the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok - ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know a fairy tale about the firebird,

We do not forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the goats.

Everyone is happy with these stories.


Stand in a circle together

We need to play fairy tales!

Physical culture minute "Tales"

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)

Oh, I dropped my testicle (bend over, "raise the testicle")

Look, I broke it (show the "testicle" on outstretched arms)

Here we put her (bend over)

And they poured water on it (motion imitation)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

And now we will pull it (imitation of movement)

And cook porridge from turnips (imitation of food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")

We are a glorious family of goats

We love to jump and ride (jump in place)

We love to run and play

We like to butt horns (they melt in pairs and show "horns" with the index fingers of both hands)

"For the berries"

One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands greet

We go to the forest for a walk with a big one)

For blueberries, (both hands “go” with index

For raspberries, and middle fingers on the table)

Behind the viburnum, large)

We will find strawberries

And take it to my brother.

1. Learn the story from the passage

Grandmother - Zabavushka: Now listen to an excerpt from a Russian folk tale familiar to you.

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came - she brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

(Grandma - Zabavushka reads an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Children guess.)

Grandma - Fun:

Let's go friends

In a miracle fairy tale - you and me

In the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are no fairy tales here!

Now we have come to visit, many Russian folk tales live here. Let's guess what these stories are.

(The table is decorated with an exhibition of illustrations based on the fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".)

Final part

Grandma - Fun: Played, rested and again on the road. I wonder what fairy tale lives here?

(approach the house)

Grandfather and Grandma enter (quarrel)

B. Grandfather, a, Grandfather, help plant a turnip.

D. Yes, I have no time Grandma, I need to chop firewood.

Grandma - Fun: Guys, let's help Grandma and Grandpa! How can we help them? Dear guests, take a break, and the guys and I will show you the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

(Children wear masks - hats)

B. and D. (together): Thank you guys. You helped us a lot.

You guys are just amazing

We will never forget you.

You have excelled

And for that you are rewarded. (book of fairy tales)

Grandma - Fun: The magic ball does not say goodbye, it will live with you in a group and introduce you to new fairy tales

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears.

Snow Maiden

2. A woman on a broom rides in heaven and on earth,

Scary, evil, who is she?

3.At Alyonushka-sister

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

far they look

Swan geese

4. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin.

Did you become cute, beautiful, comely?

Princess Frog

5. Planted her grandfather in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family pulled her

It was very large.

6. Mixed with sour cream

Baked in a Russian oven.

Met animals in the forest

And left them quickly.

7. Once upon a time there were seven guys

White little goats.

Penetrated by deceit gray into the house.

The goat found him

She was able to outsmart him.

And she saved all her children.

It's hard to put together a fairy tale

But we don't have to worry.

Friendly, bold and skillful

We got down to business with you!


Well done! Managed to put it together!

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

And now you split up

Get into two teams.

Let's remember fairy tales

We will play fairy tales.

Look at the fairy tale "Turnip"

And help the heroes.

They need to get a turnip,

Who is behind whom, where should he stand?

This is the fairy tale "Teremok"

He is not low, not high.

And waiting for all its tenants,

Who will come here for whom?

(Children, using diagram cards, build a sequence of characters from the fairy tales "Teremok" and "Turnip")

Managed to cope quickly

And they sat quietly on the chairs.


For skillful hands

For intelligence and ingenuity

I want to say thank you!

To those who worked

To those who tried

I'll show everyone my gift.

(Children watch a fairy tale with TRIZ elements "How Gingerbread man was looking for friends" on the computer)

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.

And the one who believes

Fairy tale required

Will open all doors. (Children say goodbye and go to the group).

Ludmila Ryabova

Target: The development of coherent speech of children.


Educational: to teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; teach children to remember a familiar fairy tale - « Kolobok» based on visual images, to form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of a fairy tale, to answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them;

Educational: develop attention, memory, thinking motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment:


Stuffed Toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Geometric figures (modules)

pictures of wild animals,

preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok» , "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Hare and Fox", "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical minutes.

Lesson progress:

Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to our guests.

Children greet.

caregiver: well done! I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other! (Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

caregiver: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

caregiver: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: « Kolobok» , "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" etc.

caregiver: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Today I met a fairy-tale hero, and he really wanted to meet you! Would you like to meet him?

Children's answers

caregiver: And who it was, you have to guess. I will give you a riddle, you listen carefully and then you will recognize him for sure.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

It's delicious (bun)

caregiver: Well done guys, right. And look at our hero. Our bun very cheerful and playful.

Kolobok: Hello guys! I really love travel and you want to go with me to journey?

Children's answers

kolobok in a circle.

caregiver: rolling, rolling the gingerbread man and the gingerbread man rolled into the forest. And the wind blows in the forest. Quietly at first (children and teacher imitate the wind, and now strongly (children and teacher represent the wind).

Look, someone's ears are long peeking out. Who could it be?

Children's answers (Hare.)

caregiver: That's right, bunny. Well, describe what it is?

Children's answers (soft, white, fluffy, etc.)

Bunny: hello guys, hello bun.

caregiver: Guys, the bunny invites you to turn into a bunny and do exercises with him.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears

So, you and I recharged with energy, turned into guys and go further for kolobok

Children stand in a circle and go along with the music to the music. kolobok in a circle.

caregiver: Guys, in order to meet the next hero, you must solve the riddle.

He is in a cold forest.

Walks, angry hungry.

Who is this? (Wolf)

That's right guys.

Wolf: Hello guys. And where are you going?

Children's answers

caregiver: Guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him. His children played and broke the toy houses, which were made of geometric shapes. Can we help the wolf?

Children's answers (Yes)

caregiver: well, let's build houses for wolf cubs.

Children assemble houses from geometric shapes-modules (squares and triangles in different colors)

Well done guys did it. Say goodbye to the wolf and let's move on. Are you ready to move on? And rolled kolobok further and puddles on the path. Someone big walked over them and splashed water all over. And we will be able to carefully pass between the puddles, can we step into them?

children's answers (No)

caregiver: Why

children's answers (you can wet your feet and get sick)

caregiver: Who walked through the puddles?

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

He wakes up from sleep.

Who is this? (bear)

Children: Bear.

Bear: Hello guys.

caregiver: Guys, tell me please, is the bear wild or a pet?

Children: wild because it lives in the forest.

caregiver: Do you know the names of the young forest animals?

Children: Yes

(Pictures depicting adult animals are shown, and children should name their cubs)

(bear - teddy bear, she-wolf cub, fox-fox cub, hare-hare, squirrel-squirrel)

caregiver: guys, let's remember the finger game about animals

finger game "Beasts"

Friendly animals

Small rabbits are friends

Beavers are friends in the lake

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky

Small hedgehogs are friends

Even bear cubs are friends

Here's how they played

Fled through the forest

caregiver: Well done guys, the bear liked to play with you. Say goodbye to the bear and let's move on. rolled kolobok further and met ....?

Children: Lisu

caregiver: In a fairy tale, the fox ate kolobok, and let's ask the fox not to eat our kolobok, and for this we will call it affectionately. Little fox The fox has not paws, but paws, not ears, but ears, not a nose, but a spout, not a tail, but a tail.

Well done, the fox is very happy. Now the fox will not eat our kolobok and he will return to his grandparents.

Guys, it's time for us to go home. We'll take the path back.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

caregiver: Here we are, you liked it travel? But our the journey is not over, we know many more fairy tales, and we will definitely go travel through these tales.

According to what fairy tale are we today traveled?

Whom did we meet along the way? (hare, wolf, bear, fox)

At the end, the children receive a sweet gift.


  • fix the rules of conduct on a walk.
  • form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;
  • to form skills of safe behavior;
  • continue to develop the ability to correctly perform movements in accordance with the text and clearly pronounce words;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • form correct breathing;
  • to consolidate children's knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms;
  • develop fine motor skills using massage balls.
  • develop observation and attention;
  • create an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Equipment: planar scenery on the wall: forest (birch, flowers, Christmas trees), frog edge, mushrooms (boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, fly agaric), scenery for the puppet show "Naughty chicken", glove puppet "chicken", toy "chicken", toy "kite", massage balls, a treat "mushrooms" in a basket.


1. Greeting.

Guys, look, we have guests today, they are glad to see you, they smile at you. Let us give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

2. Announcement of the objectives of the lesson.

Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. Let's remember the rules of conduct for a walk.

Behavior rules:

  • We get up in pairs.
  • We don't push.
  • We are not lagging behind.
  • We look under the legs.
  • We don't scream.
  • We listen to the teacher.

- Well done, guys, you can go on the road.

Into the magical forest for a walk
I invite you to go.
More interesting adventure
We guys can't find it.
Become one after another
Take hold of your hands firmly.
Along the paths, along the paths
We go for a walk in the forest.
Miracles in the green forest
We'll definitely find it!

Walking in pairs to the music.

Sound recording of the sounds of the forest.

- How nice it is in the forest - birds sing, grasshoppers chirp, mosquitoes buzz, frogs croak! Let's take a deep breath in and out and in and out again.

3. Forest clearing (image of frogs doing exercises)

- Look, guys, who did we meet at the edge? (frogs)
- What are the frogs doing? (Charging)
- Do you exercise in the morning?
- Why do you need to recharge? (To be strong, healthy, not sick, etc.)
- Let's do exercises together with the frogs!


We see them jumping along the edge Hands on the belt
Two green frogs. Half squats left and right
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump from heel to toe . Stepping from toe to heel.
Two girlfriends in the swamp Hands on the belt.
Two green frogs Half squats left and right.
Washed early in the morning Perform movements in accordance with the text.
Rubbed with a towel.
They stamped their feet,
Hands clapped.
Leaning to the right
Tilt to the left.
Here is the secret of health Walking in place.
Physical education friends!

- Well done boys! Let's say goodbye to the frogs and move on.
The teacher brings the children to the house (the scenery for the fairy tale "Naughty Chicken") and asks who can live here. The teacher invites the children to sit on the lawn to relax and watch a fairy tale.

4. "Naughty chicken" (safety). Puppet show.

The teacher, using toys, shows a puppet show based on the fairy tale by E. Mikhalenko "Chicken".

Once upon a time there lived a small yellow fluffy chicken. He was very inquisitive, everything was interesting to him. The chicken dreamed of seeing a forest, a river, a field, and much more, which he heard from his elders.
But his mother always told him: “Be careful, don't leave the yard. In the forest lives a cunning fox who loves to eat little chickens, and high up behind the clouds lives an evil kite that can grab you with sharp claws and carry you away.
Once the chicken still could not resist and went for a walk. He crossed the bridge over the stream and found himself in a clearing strewn with golden dandelions. It was so beautiful here! Multi-colored butterflies flew around, working bees buzzed, birds sang loudly.
And suddenly the chicken saw a huge black shadow above him. The kid immediately guessed that this was a terrible kite. The poor chicken started to run as fast as he could, but the kite was quickly approaching. There seemed to be no escape.
And then the chicken remembered the golden dandelions that grew in the clearing. “They are as yellow and fluffy as I am. And I won’t be seen among them,” he thought, and quickly darted into the thickets. Oh, how his little heart beat! When the chicken caught his breath and realized that the danger was over, he thought: “Why didn’t I listen to my mother and went for a walk without permission? If golden dandelions had not saved me, I might have died. Now I will always obey my mother.
Meanwhile, an evil kite flew over the clearing and thought: “Where did this chicken go? After all, he couldn't get far. There are only stupid dandelions around. ”
And the golden dandelions quietly shook their heads and thought: “We will soon become fluffs and fly away to no one knows where. But still, we did not live in vain in the world - we saved the life of this cute little chicken.

Did you guys like the story?
- Do you listen to your mother?

The teacher summarizes:

  • You can't walk alone without permission.
  • We must obey the elders.
  • You have to be careful and attentive.

Hen and chicks game music Vlasova L.V.

The educator - "chicken" (in the hands of the educator is a glove puppet "chicken") pronounces the words to the music:

Corydalis in the courtyard,
Furry in the yard
Comes with chickens. (2 p.)

Action: all the "train" go in a circle
A little children gape,
They run and run
Now he is calling to himself: (2 p)

Action: children "chickens" scatter in different directions
Sounds like a loss.
"Where? Stop!
Where? Where? Come back!
Don't you dare run away!" (2p)

Action: children run up to the "chicken".
"Our world is beautiful,
But he is very dangerous.
You can get lost in it
So be careful!"

Action: the educator - "chicken" threatens with a finger and hugs his "chickens".

5. Hedgehogs (massage, mushrooms).
- Look, guys, is someone rustling under the Christmas tree?

Under the Christmas tree are "hedgehogs" (massage balls).

- These are hedgehogs.

Children come up to the Christmas tree and pick up hedgehog massage balls.
Massage is carried out according to the Su Jok system.

"There once lived a hedgehog in the forest, in his mink house (hold the ball in the palm of your hand). A hedgehog peeked out of its hole (open palms and show the ball) and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun (smile, open one palm like a fan) and decided to take a walk in the forest. A hedgehog rolled along a straight path (roll the ball with direct movements on the palm), rolled, rolled and ran to a beautiful, round clearing (put palms together in a circle). The hedgehog was delighted and began to run and jump across the clearing (squeeze the ball between the palms) Started smelling the flowers (touch the thorns of the ball to the tip of your finger and take a deep breath). Suddenly the clouds came (clamp the ball in one fist, in the other, frown), and the rain dripped: drip-drip-drip (with your fingertips in a pinch, knock on the spines of the ball). Hedgehog hid under a big mushroom (make a hat with the palm of your left hand and hide the ball under it) and took shelter from the rain, and when the rain ended, various mushrooms grew in the clearing: aspen mushrooms, boletus, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and even white mushroom (show fingers). The hedgehog wanted to please his mother, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there are so many of them: how will the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. Hedgehog carefully planted mushrooms on needles (poke each tip of the finger with the spike of the ball) and happy ran home (roll the ball with direct movements on the palm)."

Children release "hedgehogs" under the Christmas tree.

- It seems that mushrooms have grown in our clearing after the rain.

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"("Mushrooms" Words and music by M.D. Bystrova)

We'll take a box and go to the woods
Collect delicious mushrooms for lunch.
One two three four five!
We cannot collect all the mushrooms.
Let's count to five
And let's try to find it.

Children gather mushrooms to the music. At the signal of the teacher, they look for the named mushroom.


One two three four five, boletus let's go look.
chanterelles we go looking.
One two three four five, honey mushrooms we go looking.

- Guys, what kind of mushroom can not be collected? (Amanita). Why? (poison mushroom).

After the game, the teacher takes out a hidden basket with baked mushrooms, shows the children and says how many mushrooms they have collected. The teacher invites the children to return home. Children leave the hall to the music.


  1. T. Borisova (Tales of Grandmother Tatyana, 2003)
  2. G. Kashapova Author's fairy tale "Hedgehog on a walk"
  3. E. Mikhalenko fairy tale "Chicken".
  4. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution. Practical guide. Iris Press. Moscow 2007.


1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, help them understand the content.

2. Activate the speech of children with adjectives - synonyms, verbs.

3. To develop in children the expressiveness of speech, interest in artistic creativity.


Toys chick, hen, rooster, cat, frog

Basket with egg silhouettes

Yellow gouache, brushes

Video presentation based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken"

The teacher removes the scarf from the toys. And he takes out a chicken toy from the basket.

- Who is it, guys?

- chick.

Let's take a look at it guys. What color is the chicken?

- yellow

- Touch, what is he?

- Fluffy, soft.

Look, the chicken has eyes.

What are chicken eyes for?

- to watch.

Look, the chicken has a beak.

Why does a chicken have a beak?

- a beak to ... eat

- What does the chicken eat?

- bugs, grains, worms.

- Guys, who knows the name of the mother of the chicken?


How does the chicken speak?

- ko-ko-ko

How does a chick respond to its mother hen?


The teacher distributes clothespins.

Let's play guys.

Clothespin finger game:

The chicken led with its beak,

children press the clothespin (open and close)
The chicken found the grains.

guys show a pen with open fingers
The chicken pecked at the grains,

children pinch each finger with a clothespin in turn
The chicken yelled loudly "wee-wee-wee!".

Open the clothespin and say pee pee.

- Guys, let's turn into little chickens, and I will be a mother chicken.

Children get up and, at the request of the teacher, imitate movements:

- chickens can run, chickens ran ....

- Ay, well done ... let's wave our wings, like this.

Chickens can jump, like that.

- look at the grains, let's peck the grains and drink some water, like this.

Well done chickens, very obedient children, run to your chairs.

And we still have guests today. Want to know who?

Let's guess the riddles:

Sitting with bulging eyes
qua-qua says.
In the swamp loves to live alone,
She catches mosquitoes. ( frog)

“Ko-ko-ko! Where-where!” —
We hear on the street.
Calls all the chickens
Ryabenkaya ... ( Hen)

The bird walks around the yard
and screaming coo-coo-re-coo!
At the top of the scallop,
Who is this? ( Cockerel)

Likes fish and sour cream

And sings so sweetly "meow".
Beware, mice!
Went out hunting... cat)

The teacher exposes toys after guessing each riddle.
— They came to us from an interesting fairy tale. Do you want to listen to her?

Let's sit down and listen to a story.

Children watch a video presentation based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken"

- Guys, who is this story about?

( about a little chicken.)

Do you remember what the chicken was like?

(small, yellow, fluffy)

Who loved chicken the most?

(mother hen)

- Tell me, what kind of mother was the chicken?

(big, kind)

How did the hen take care of the chick?

fed worms

- Who once came to the yard? Who drove the mother chicken away?


What was the cat like?

big, mean, scary

- Who was sitting on the fence, who did the chicken like very much?


Tell me, what was the rooster?

big, beautiful, loud

What was the rooster crowing? How did you scream?

(loudly, koo-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?)

Let's turn into roosters.

Children get up and walk like cockerels, waving their wings.

Let's shout out loud: ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?

Children depict a cockerel together and individually.

— What squeaked chick? How?

Let's try to squeak like a chicken

Who laughed at chicken?


Let's turn into frogs.

Children stand up, portray frogs, jump, croak.

Can you tell me what the frog was?

- green, cheerful, large-mouthed.

What did the frog say? How?

- the frog laughed, said cheerfully: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from a rooster!

Children repeat the words of the frog in chorus and individually.

- And who took pity on the chicken?

- mother, chicken.

Hug yourself like a mom.

Better mom, better mom

There is no one in the world!

- Did you like the story?

“Look how many testicles the mother hen laid!

Show the children a basket of white eggs (made of paper).

Let's help the new chicks hatch!

- In the evening, you will present your chicken to your mother and tell your mother the story that you heard today.

Nomination: integrated lesson in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65"
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic