Hearthstone: New Supplement - "Expedition in Un'Goro. Hearthstone: a new addition - "Expedition in Un'Goro when an expedition in un

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Information about the complement "Expedition to Unngo"

  • Supplement will be released on April 6, 2017.
  • Information about new maps appears, starting on March 17.
  • The game will appear 135 new cards.
  • New creatures will appear in the game - elemental. The type of some old cards will be changed.
  • New cards will appear in the game - tasks (legendary spells).
    • The task card is contained in a deck in a single copy and always falls into the starting hand.
    • If you wish, the task card can be thrown out of the starting hand.
  • The game will appear with a new ability to adapt.
    • Adaptation mechanics are similar to the mechanic of excavations and allows you to choose one of three options (creatures of the creature).
  • You can make a pre-order supplement and purchase 50 sets of cards and a new shirt for $ 49.99 (2500 rubles).

Adaptation mechanics

New mechanics adaptation Very similar to the mechanic of excavations. She offers one of three options to choose from. Here are all possible options:

  • Liquid shell - There may be no goal of spells and the strength of the hero.
  • Burning claws - +3 to the strength of attack.
  • Sparkling shield - Divine shield.
  • Live disputes - Summer wheezing: Calls on two plants 1/1.
  • Massiveness - Provocation.
  • Lightningness - Fury of the wind.
  • Power of volcano - +1/+1.
  • Stone shell - +3 to health.
  • Svetia fog - disguise until the next turn.
  • Poisonous spit - poison.

Shirt for pre-ordered

For pre-ordering supplement Expedition to Un "Goro, it will be possible to get a unique shirt again. In the pre-order cost $ 49.99 (2500 rubles) also include 50 kits of cards.

Good day, dear readers Site! Today is a special evening, and now we know why!

Archaeological finds, energy sources Elements and complete prehistoric forms of life Ancient jungle are waiting for you in a new supplement for Hearthstone - "Expedition in Un'Goro"!

  • there are subtitles in Russian in the video

On the expedition on Un'Goro it is better to beware of all - even plants

Are you ready to join the Elise starvature and her assistants to researchers and go to a new expedition - in the unknown lands of Crater Un'Goro? In jungle traveling, you are waiting for exciting adventures, amazing discoveries and a chance to enter into the number of discovers of the forgotten secrets of the past, which rest in the haze, which wrapped around the all-sized thickets. Curious researchers can easily disrupt peace (and thereby pouring out) of the primitive inhabitants of Un'Goro ... However, in the event of a threat, assistance will come from the most unexpected side.

Adapt to the environment

Take a notebook and write down, because truly to study the inhabitants of Un'Goro can only be possible thanks to long observations! In a new supplement for Hearthstone you are waiting for 135 new creatures of creatures, spells and not only!

Nothing compares with the power of the elements! Ancient power, resting in Un'Goro, nourishes and strengthens local elementals, making them more aggressive and mighty. Some of the old Hearthstone cards will join the new creature category - elemental. These cards, along with Murlock, Dragons, Pirates and Beasts, will allow creating interesting decks based on the interaction of the creatures of a certain type.

Faster, grab notepad and pencil - we met one of the local inhabitants, "green long". At first glance it seems that this is a simple herbivorous dinosaur, but it has the ability to instantly adapt to new conditions. Sign up!

Property "Adaptation"allows creatures to develop new abilities as the situation changes. Playing the card with the "Adaptation" property, you can choose one of the three ways to enhance the creature. This mechanic reminds something "excavations". At the same time, the creature instantly receives a certain bonus. Total options for "adaptation" ten, so choose with the mind!

4 Disconnected effects: +3 To health, + 1 / + 1, disguise and effect, like a card Imperial Cobra.

Since we are in Un'Goro, let's look at the surroundings and documented in detail! You have to open a lot and explore - from the formidable volcano to sticky, bubble resinuas. The task is: we certainly need to visit all corners of the crater!

Tasks- This is a special new type of cards in Hearthstone. Task cards are legendary, so you can add no more than one in a deck. And they are always added to the hand at the very beginning of the game. Each such map will always lists the conditions for the task. The tasks are displayed on the portrait of the hero, just as secrets, however, the enemy will be able to follow your progress. Performing tasks, you will receive incredible rewards! Take a look at the task of the priest "Awakening of the Creators" and evaluate the card you will receive for its implementation - "Guardian Amara". Map "Tasks" is in the starting Mulligan, but if desired it can be replaced.

Move the Liana and take a look at the binoculars on the game board Un'Goro!

Pre-ordered "Expedition in Un'Goro"

An experienced researcher must be ready for everything and be able to take advantage of the situation. Do not miss the opportunity to make a pre-order of 50 kits of the Expedition in UN'Goro addiction at a special price of 2500 rubles. * (Soon) and get a petrified shirt for cards as a gift! Additional supplies can be found in the camp. If the calculations of the elza are true, then you will arrive at the parking lot in early April, just to the official release of the addition!

* Card sets can be discovered no later than April 30, 2017.

Notes Professor Doyla

At the dawn I will wake me and in Un'Goro

If you see something interesting, be sure to publish the details in social networks using the hashteg #Ungoro.. Real researchers must report their finds around the world! We will certainly share with you information about other Secrets of Un'Goro (as well as creatures and spells) on the official pages of Hearthstone in Facebook. , In contact with and Twitter. .

Additional information from the editorial office of Manacost

Apparently, this shirt is waiting for us in the month of release of the supplement:

A little more about appearance New cards and mechanic.

3 First cards - 3 forms of one legendary creature. Based on the description, after the death of the first form, it will return to hand as 6/6 for 6, and after the death of the second form - as 10/10 for 10.

Other cards - adaptation cards. That is, if the creature mechanic is specified in the fighting cleric, then when accessing the table you will offer 3 different forms of adaptation to choose from. In total, there are 10. In the pictures below are provocations, the fury of the wind, the divine shield, +3 to the attack, immunity to spells and the power of the hero, a suicide whether: the appeal of two sprouts 1/1. Well, on the last picture itself sprout.

With the arrival of the new additions "Expedition in Un'Goro" in Hearthstone A new type of creatures will appear - elemental (by analogy with beasts, dragons, etc.). In this regard, some of the already existing cards will receive a new typical prescription. Radiant elemental, fireflower, icy icy, free elemental, magma fierce, earth elemental, anomalus, both Ragnarosa, Neptylus, Baron Geddon and Al'akir - incomplete (!) List of cards that will be labeled in the game as elemental.

Maps from video:

Pre-ordered shirt:

Several articles of future add-on cards

Clarifications from developers:

Q:I have a question about the call of the creatures of the N'ZOT card: do they go to the awakening of the creators? I doubt, because for in-game tasks, they are not counted, but some mechanics work from this (let's say, juggler daggers).

A (Mike Doney):The task is written to "call", that is, creatures that n'zot will come to account. If it was written "play", then they would not be considered.

Q:We will have a "usual" legendary creature and a task for each class? That is, two legens each class?

A (Yong Wu):All right!

Q:What about neutral legendary cards? In previous sets, there were 10-12. Tasks will reduce this amount to 1-3?

A (Peter Welen):In UN'Goro there will be 5 neutral legendary cards.

Q: Black archaeologist for warlocks can sparkle tasks cards?

A (Peter Welen): Task cards cannot be obtained from random effects like an excavation or a chatting book.

Q: Thus, the tasks are not spells and no creatures, but a completely new type of cards?

A (Yong Wu): Tasks are spells, but in view of their features, we do not allow them to dig them or get randomly.

View-review from Phenomen

We hope you enjoyed a preliminary review of the supplement "Expedition in Un'Goro"! Fresh information about new maps We will start publish on March 17. Get ready to walk through wild places! The year of Mammoth and Adventure In addition, "Expedition in Un'Goro" will begin in April!

Designed burnquist.

* The article will be completed new information As it appears.

The new Supplement Hearthstone will be based on the game area from World of Warcraft - Crater Un'Goro. So, meet a new addition - "Expedition in Un'Goro"!

Official BLIZZARD ()

Archaeological finds, Energy sources Elements and full prehistoric forms of life Ancient jungle are waiting for you in a new addition for Hearthstone - "Expedition in Un'Goro"!

On the expedition on Un'Goro it is better to beware of all - even plants

Are you ready to join the Elise starvature and her assistants to researchers and go to a new expedition - in the unknown lands of Crater Un'Goro? On jungle travel, you are waiting for exciting adventures, amazing discoveries and a chance to enter into the number of discovers of the forgotten secrets of the past, which rest in the haze, which wrapped the all-turning thickets. Curious researchers can easily break peace (and thereby pouring out) of the primitive inhabitants of Un'Goro ... However, in the event of a threat, the assistance of the transit from the very unexpected side.

Adapt to the environment

Take a notebook and write down, because truly to study the inhabitants of Un'Goro can only be possible thanks to long observations! In a new supplement for Hearthstone you are waiting for 135 new creatures of creatures, spells and not only!

Nothing compares with the power of the elements! Ancient power, resting in Un'Goro, nourishes and strengthens local elementals, making them more aggressive and mighty. Some of the old Hearthstone cards will join the new creature category - elemental. These cards, along with Murlock, Dragons, Pirates and Beasts, will allow creating interesting decks based on the interaction of the creatures of a certain type.

Faster, grab notepad and pencil - we met one of the local inhabitants, "green long". At first glance it seems that this is a simple herbivorous dinosaur, but it has the ability to instantly adapt to new conditions. Sign up!

Property "Adaptation"allows creatures to develop new abilities as the situation changes. Playing the card with the "Adaptation" property, you can choose one of the three ways to enhance the creature. This mechanic reminds something "excavations". At the same time, the creature instantly receives a certain bonus. Total options for "adaptation" nine, so choose with the mind!

Since we are in Un'Goro, let's look at the surroundings and documented in detail! You have to open a lot and explore - from the formidable volcano to sticky, bubble resinuas. The task is: we certainly need to visit all corners of the crater!

Tasks- This is a special new type of cards in Hearthstone. Task cards are legendary, so you can add no more than one in a deck. And they are always added to the hand at the very beginning of the game. Each such map will always lists the conditions for the task. The tasks are displayed on the portrait of the hero, just as secrets, however, the enemy will be able to follow your progress. Performing tasks, you will receive incredible rewards! Take a look at the task of the priest "Awakening of the Creators" and evaluate the card you will receive for its implementation - "Guardian Amara".

Move the Liana and take a look at the binoculars on the game board Un'Goro!

Pre-ordered "Expedition in Un'Goro"

An experienced researcher must be ready for everything and be able to take advantage of the situation. Do not miss the opportunity to issue a pre-order of 50 kits of the Expedition in Un'Goro addpets at a special price of 3790 rubles. * (Soon) and get a petrified shirt for cards as a gift! Additional supplies can be found in the camp. If the calculations of the elza are true, then you will arrive at the parking lot in early April, just to the official release of the addition!

At the dawn I will wake me and in Un'Goro

If you see something interesting, be sure to publish the details in social networks using the hashteg #Ungoro.. Real researchers must report their finds around the world! We will certainly share with you information about other Secrets of Un'Goro (as well as creatures and spells) on the official pages of Hearthstone in

This year, Hearthstone will receive three major additions. All of them will be maps sets, and from the adventures of Blizzard refused, planning only from time to time to add small plot elements. The first such supplement is called "Expedition in the Union of Goro" and will be released in April.

Players will be offered 135 new cards, including creatures and spells. Some old maps will join the new creature category - elemental. "These cards, along with Murlock, Dragons, Pirates and Beasts, will allow creating interesting decks based on the interaction of the creatures of a certain type", - developers say.

Unique mechanics will appear, including "adaptation". As the situation changes, adapting creatures will be able to "develop new abilities". As in the case of added a year ago, "excavations", the player offers three options for strengthening the creature of nine - a new death ratio, an increase in the attack indicator, adding a divine shield and so on, and the selected effect is applied instantly.

You should also expect a unique type of cards - "tasks". All of them are legendary and added to the hand at the very beginning of the match. In the interface, they look just like secrets, only instead of a question mark stands exclamation, and the opponent's tasks can at any time. In the case of priest, for example, the task is to call 7 beings with a death rather until the end of the fight. For its execution, the player will give the Card-provocation "Guardian Amara", which increases the health of the hero to 40 units.

So it became known the release date of the new Supplement "Expedition in Un'Goro". As previously assumed by the expiration date of the Amazon promotion, the launch will take place in less than a week - April 7.

Official BLIZZARD ()

Soon the most significant scientific expedition will begin in the history of Hearthstone, and we invite you to take part in it - from April 7! Crater Un'Goro - stunning and very dangerous a place. There are full of voracious plants, mighty elements, giant dinosaurs and ancient secrets, which are just waiting for you to reveal them. You chose a member of this expedition, so get ready, while there is still time!

Pack things!

You still have a little time to make sure that you are exactly ready for any vicinity of such a dangerous journey! And it is easy to do it - you just need to make a pre-order for 50 kits "Expedition in Un'Goro". As a pleasant bonus, you will also get a unique shirt for "Fossilness" cards - the most valuable exhibit for your collection!

You can grab something important for a trip and in the tavern - just come in Hearthstone every day on the eve of the expedition. On the occasion, we will distribute useful gifts that you will be accurately visible. These are free sets of cards, and magician dust, and gold, and even a gold card "Vulcanozavr"! To get them, go into the game every day to April 5 inclusive!

Interest of researcher