Report of the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese of Refugees from Ukraine. Conversations with Batyushka

In March 2018, the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese conducted training for the department of the Church Charity Department and the Social Service of the Nizhny Tagil Diocese. Oleg Shabalin, head of the Department of Archpriest Oleg Shabalin, was trained in the second social internship in Yekaterinburg, was very inspired by Yekaterinburg projects and sent five employees to study.

Training participants from Nizhny Tagil:

Assistant Head of Social Work - Alexander Andreevich Oschempkov

Coordinator of charitable I. social projects, press service - Anastasia Gennadievna Kazakova

Coordinator for work with volunteers, Senior Sister Sisterhood - Ekaterina Alexandrovna Levin

Sister Mercy - Love Nikolaevna Bastrikova

Specialist in receiving seekers, lawyer - Natalia Evgenievna Gileva

At first, all the internship participants met with the work of the department for working with aspiracles, and then separated from their own profile directions.

Galina Lyuba, Coordinator of the Department for Work with the Social Service Department of the Socaterinbburg Diocese:

- I told how our work department works: to whom we help, who do not help and why. What does work begins with the staff and how it ends - the whole cycle of the passage of the request. Answered questions about the work of the dispatcher on receiving calls, about interaction with the seekers.

Natalia Borisovna Savina, Assistant Head on Social Work Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese:

- I communicated with the assistant to the head of social work by Alexander Andreevich Oshchenko and a specialist in receiving the seekers and a lawyer of Natalia Evgenievna Gileva. Alexander was interested in how to establish relationships with perenials and parishes, how to organize social service in the field, how to assist in organizing and developing parish social projects. Natalia Evgenievna clarified the issue of the distribution of humanitarian aid on coming, the conditions for issuing and collecting reporting. And, of course, my guests were very interested in the issue of grant financing of church social projects. I tried to answer all the questions of our colleagues from the Nizhny Tagil Diocese, show the solution of certain questions on specific examples. I explained to the examples of our grant projects a system for writing grant applications. We agreed to work together, jointly solve the problems of the wards.

Tatyana Ananin, Senior Sister of Holy Panteleimon Sisterhood Mercy:

- Sisters from Nizhny Tagil, I told in detail about the inner life of our sisterhood: prayer, meetings, trips, working with sisters, communicating with the confessor. Sisters from the children's direction shared the experience of interaction with children's medical and social institutions - carrying out wind conversations with employees, congratulations on their holidays, the possibility of providing material assistance. It was important because In Tagil, there is a fierced children's house with which relationships are lined up.
Svetlana Acid, Head of the Information Department:

- with a colleague for serving Anastasia Cossack, which has been working in the press service of the Social Service Department of the Nizhny Tagil Diocese, we discussed the priorities of information work: for what and why you need to talk about the affairs of mercy and church social service, as interesting information reasons appear, who can and should Become a hero of publication.

Evgeny Shatski, Head of the Diocesan Center for Humanitarian Aid:

- We held a tour of the center for guests, showed how the work was carried out mostly for the wards, as the sorting of used clothing. They answered questions on the document flow and the one who, how and how often we help.

Assistant to the head of social work Alexander Oshcheckov and a specialist in receiving the staff, lawyer Natalia Gileva

Reviews of participants in the internship

Sister Mercy Lyubov Bastrakova (Nizhny Tagil):

- Thank you so much for the warm welcome, for patience, for sharing your experience. I took a lot for myself in order to organize my work. He also helped communication in Nursing with sisters. Divened my doubts. In general, of course, struck the scope of your good deeds, organization, strict reporting and control. Long was impressed. Told everything in our temple. And the attitude to the affairs of mercy as sisters and volunteers was impressed. And, of course, the Center for Humanitarian Aid struck: 600 square meters. m, full order and accounting. The entire database is saved. It was also interesting to know that if for 9 months in the family of the petitioners, nothing changes: and dad continues to lie on the sofa, and the mother does not respond, help stops. It combines people to actions. You show them how it should be that they strive to improve life conditions. Also inspired the work with the homeless, which is being conducted by a department employee in a special trailer in the Cathedral of Assumption. So to speak, one-time help. The needy can and eat, and even relax in the trailer. But before you work a little on the good of the temple, and not just stand with an outstretched hand. You need to think about this question ... Low Bow for your work!

Alexander Oshcheckkov, Assistant Head of Social Work (Nizhny Tagil):

- We are still trying to come into yourself and tune in, since information useful for us there was a lot, there is something to think about. Taking into account the fact that in social service only 2 years, of which more time was paid to working with benefactors and legal issues on non-commercial organizations. Therefore, for me, everything you have told and what they shared, you can call a deal in my work. I appreciate your attitude and purposefulness to the neighbor, how they communicated with us and shared emotions, you can only envy. For me, this means a lot when people are open. Liked on the internship everything starting from the developed structure of the department to the process of writing grants. For us, it was a great honor to be accepted by the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese. Thanks to this meeting, we not only learned something new, but we could exchange experiences. Also, the department staff shared their personal developments, experience, told about possible "pitfalls", which can appear when writing grants, project implementation. After that, with great return told about different projectsimplemented in the department and the diocese of the whole. I would also like to offer a joint project to create a single ward base so that we can know and track the actions and cut off dishonest. Help all of God for us! Angel to you keeper!

Ekaterina Levina, Coordinator for working with volunteers, Senior Sister of Sisterhood (Nizhny Tagil):

- From the trip a lot of impressions, we are now digest, trying to apply to our work. I was impressed with the warehouse, and since they themselves are closely engaged in the repair and arrangement of a new humanitarian warehouse, we are currently seen. Thank you so much for the responsiveness!

Anastasia Kazakova, coordinator of charitable and social projects, the press service of the Social Department (Nizhny Tagil):

- I really liked everything. I, for example, just delighted! You are all such sun, such heart people. Thank you so much for the warm welcome! A lot of useful information received from Svetlana Kislova, at the beginning the porridge was in my head, now, when it melted, I want to create, ideas appeared, ideas. We will implement them. I hope this is not the last meeting. You are all very inspired. Of course, I want to wish you love, patience, peace and help God! Save the Lord you all!

Social service site
Ekaterinburg Diocese:

The article read.

Today, the social service department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese is holding a coordination meeting. working Group By planning efficient work With homeless people. The task of the meeting is to designate joint areas of work of all services for the help of people without a certain place of residence, creating an effective help system.

Purpose: Combine efforts to assist people in a difficult life situation.

The meeting will discuss the following topics: restoration of documents at homeless; rehabilitation; types of rehabilitation; Labor rehabilitation.

The meeting will be attended by Ural priests and representatives of the structures of social protection of the population. The head of the Social Service Department of the Archpriest Evgeny Popichenko will tell about the creation of the Coordination Council for effective help of homeless. Priest Vladimir Pervushin - about the work of the Orthodox service of mercy. How to effectively establish the work of the homeless helping service (not only to provide first medical care and feed those who need the mercy of the bus, but also to determine for temporary accommodation in the House of the Rehabilitation Center, as well as employ it for a temporary or permanent job that it is necessary).

The rehabilitary of the Gornosavodsky Church District of Archpriest Gennady Verdnikov will talk about the experience of the rehabilitation center under the Nizhnyagilsky Alexander Nevsky Church, providing assistance to the homeless, including those liberated from the places of imprisonment.

The topic of the performance of the abbot of the Ekaterinburg Transfiguration Church of Archpriest Nikolai Ladyuk - the experience of the service at the temple, which provides real assistance in recovering documents, as well as the experience of cooperation with social bodies.

Director of the Central Ural Rehabilitation Center Vladimir Nikolaevich Ponomarenko will talk about the experience of the center in which homeless people live, and what opportunities for collaboration with the Orthodox Mercy Service are.

Elena Stanislavovna Scarf, the head of the diocesan hospital service will share the experience of the Orthodox hospice, will tell about the possibility of working together to help the homeless.

Andrei Borisovich Kuzmin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Charitable Foundation "Mercy", will also take part in the meeting; Elena Yakovlevna Bar, Director of the Charitable Foundation "Mercy"; Evgenia Anatolyevna Vasyukova, head of the Orthodox Sister of Mercy.

Following the meeting, a preliminary agreement on cooperation will be adopted, collaboration prospects are defined.

In the Yekaterinburg studio of our TV channel for television viewers, the abbot of the Cathedral in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the visa of the city of Yekaterinburg, Head of the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese of Archpriest Evgeny Popichenko.

I suggest to start today's conversation with an important date: Today, the sixth anniversary notes the Orthodox service of mercy in the social service department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese. If we compare with the age of a child, it would seem that the child is already a little reading, so it is already reasoning, it develops slowly, maybe even stay in some cases one, but at the same time he has long been long ... but for the organization Six years - this is still a long time. And for a charity organization that exists on donations of people and does not have any material profits from what she does, six years already akin to the miracle. Agree?

You are a long time is the head of the Diocesan Social Service Department. It is clear that every person who comes or in the mercy service, or to the department, passes a specific school, changes, withstands it or does not stand it, and even the event on this field, in this ministry it leaves a serious, major imprint in Life. For you, this activity was the biggest lesson presented?

The biggest lesson is that you need to be attentive to people, you need to be honest in front of people, you need to go through every person and help each person first go to the main goal of life - to the church, to life in the church, see you with God. And the second is to help him develop those talents that in Him God are laid. For me, every person whom the Lord led is a treasure. In a sense, I imagine that I was working on the Goldenview: I was laughing gold. I was once a joke called the "Treasure Corger". And truth: every person is like a special pearl, a diamond on a necklace. When you look at people, for projects, for every person, as he turned out to be here, then it is sincere and huge thanks to God for all this time ...

Literally today we had a small meeting with employees, and someone recalled how it came here. Each arrival is a small miracle and in a person's life, and in the life of the service. The life of a person really changes. Therefore, people are the most important treasure, and the most chief Lesson Always in dealing with people. The hardest concern: I think about myself sometimes that I like Ihtyander - I can't live in Rusty water, she scores me to breathe, and when some kind of tension or nonime, disagree, I will definitely respond to physical health, I Literally starting to choke. I really want it to be done, and the world was.

- Why do people strive and come to this field - help others? And where does their path begins?

The grace of God it happened, we have very good experience Volunteer service. That is, such a threshold, a succession in cooperation is the service of volunteers. I have the principle of such (with a rare-rare exception): only those who have passed the service of volunteers become the staff, who came to do not earn money, not just something to do this, and who came to serve. The ministry from work is characterized in that the motivation is different, a different approach. The ministry is rewarded by God, and the work is paid here.

What great volunteering, man selflessly comes to serve and give life to his sake of his neighbors. This love formula is actually. And the main motive is always in the people who come to the mercy service, is that a person is conscious or unconsciously looking for love, he wants to learn love. He may, it does not formulate that, he says: "I want to make the world better. I want to devote my time with the use of other people. I want to console someone. " But if you dug a little more deeply, then a person is looking for love. And the love where a person gives his life to his neighbor. Let him not fully, without closing his breasts in the war of the comrade - before that the feat is needed to still, but at least two hours a week, a person refuses to some kind of pleasure and instead of watching TV, this time dedicates poor people , giving your heat, your resources, your own funds. Because it is very important - to give God through people, no matter how God to do their debtor. In this and the amazing benefit of the tithing: when a person gives God God (that is, put on the law), then the Lord never remains indebted. So it often happens that when a person pays attention to this, does not greading, does not count, then the Lord is rewarding it all the time, and the material theme is straightened. And, on the contrary, when the man does not give God for the commandment, he loses everything all the time: the tooth breaks down, then the wheel is a pile, then the neighbors will fill on top, then the money will lose. That is, all the time something happens that a person suffers material damage.

And in volunteering the same. A person comes on these reasons, for a while he carries the ministry, somehow proven itself, and then it turns out that he has more than the main work, and there is a person to take a person, because it is a reliable, proven fighter. Ninety-five percent of employees - just such. And by this, they are valuable that they did not come to the sake of the sake, not just get a job. They came for the sake of ministry, for the sake of the near, for the realization of those talents, those internal urges that the Lord awakened them.

Valentina's question from Orenburg: "I am baptized myself. I am flying kids with prayers, talking to little children. This sin is considered? "

Dear Valentine, this, of course, sin, because the conspiracy is still not going to God. Prayers to God are written in prayer, and conspiracies are compiled by ancient residents, pagans who turn to the elements, which in these phrases mention not so much the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, how many different incoherent phrases. They turn to spirits, which, of course, respond to these words and create the visibility of some kind of process. A wart, for example, or barley pass, and the disease goes deep into the soul, and the person is damaged. It is necessary to stop it unequivocally. And moreover, come to the priest, ask for the father to give the rest of the Epitude, gave work, which will give this poison that is part of such contact with the spiritual world, from his soul to lend. It is very dangerous, and it is necessary to stop it. Help you Lord!

We continue the topic of ministry and mercy. You said that a volunteer, long-term breaking away from my main work, comes, helps, and then understands that for him the work he performed earlier, and then the ministry that he has both an alternative, things are incompatible and what he wants Defend your life to this ministry. Can I somehow describe those people who come? Is there something that they all binds? It is clear that this is not an education as such, not age, but some quality that allows you to be imbued with the ministry?

Yes. There is willingness to take a step from a row of ounce, go out to meet. The youth of the soul is probably. I have already said about it somehow: a sign of a young man, a young soul is ready when choosing forward or backward, up or down, enter the closed door or stay outside the door always go ahead, towards surprise, towards new adventures. The volunteers have this gust, some share of adventurism, readiness, as they say, break the game. It is such a quality when a person does not very accepted, not very standard actions. Here the Lord very often broke the game, came unexpectedly, unpredictable: everyone thinks that so, and he takes and heals on Saturday a man with a dry hand. All in shock: how so? And he comes so because there can be no other way. And to capture the importance of this event in the minds of people. And here the volunteers are about the same: there is this veil, when a person comes out non-standard, not as usual.

Today we talked with employees, and they were interested in told about their experience traveling in a taxi. That is, a few people talked about how they sit in a taxi, suddenly the phone sounds unexpectedly, and the dispatcher was forced to answer: "The Orthodox Mercy Service listens." The driver hears it and literally pumps: "Why do you need it? Yes, throw them to help them! " He or the wards ("These homeless people, these people with disabilities - they are crooks, they themselves are to blame"), or the other extremes - it will say employees: "Yes, this Orthodox Church, yes they are all deceivers, they only have money ..."

But people, it turns out, it bothers. A person reacts, he does not remain indifferent, and it seems to me that he subconsciously wants to be convinced that it is not. Because he founded his position on lies, and it is impossible to build anything on a lie - she torments she does not give life. And here the person is dug, asks, demands that he somehow prove that he is mistaken; Although he seems to be attacking, but waiting, hopes that he will answer or behave non-standard, not as usual, and he will change.

This is not accepted among normal people to behave as volunteers, because everything must be taken from life, you need to organize your life, you need free time spend on entertainment. And when a person goes to the old men - it is abnormal, this is a crazy man. Indeed, Christians in some sense are crazy for the worldly mind, because they try to live with the mind of Christ. And it is amazing. In volunteers, it is striking this willingness to do something over the usual.

Batyushka, you want to say that the dispatcher rides in a taxi and his cell phone comes from those people who may need help. Do I understand correctly?

Yes of course.

I just did not understand how the taxi driver could hear that you myself got through to the dispatching of the Orthodox Mercy Service.

We have a dispatcher with a sister of mercy, a young woman, a mother of two children who have already fifteen living in a wheelchair for years. This is one of my favorite children, the servant of God Irina. I always remember her with such a gratitude! Yesterday I looked (I was sent) one documentary, called Liturgy. I am very advised to everyone. A film about liturgy and a priest who tells about the life of his wards. I looked at him and realized what I was missing in life now. It is clear that a huge organization, responsibility for employees and wards, but when I was a parish priest in the Temple of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, I had more opportunities for direct contact with poor people: with patients with prisoners. Prubber still implies a little other rhythm. But I realized that I was very lacking.

Here Irina is one of those close chad, to which I came when she used to be completely chained to bed. She lost his ability to walk, being a young girl: there were some damage in the spine. She ran, and danced, and then once - and found itself in a wheelchair. And when I came to her, I did not support her, and she comforted me. Because her confession was, of course, completely different than we used to hear in the temple: some depth, honesty, openness, real need for Christ and the inner strength overcoming the disease. Then she somehow crept. Then she gave birth to a child, being in a wheelchair! Doctors simply categorically said: "What are you! This is not your business at all! " And how much we had to withstand, just such resistance to give birth to! Now this baby is seven years old, Dimochka: a normal guy, runs, ordinary child.

And now she serves as a dispatcher for many years. She has to call a taxi to bring it from home to the temple, where we occur periodically meetings. And just in a taxi she also performed her obedience. Of course, it is very important that with such people there was contact not only at the priest, but also in every person, because the soul cannot live without care for poor people; It gets thick, covered with fat, becomes lifeless and insensitive. And it is trouble. Volunteers are beautiful in that they are struggling with "overweight" of their heart, that is, they drive this "fat" so that the heart function correctly.

According to statistics, we have millions of people are in such poverty that their salary is the amount below the subsistence minimum. And as if it turns out that every person needs help. So how much then needs volunteers and people with a kind heart, with a good soul that will be ready to come to the rescue if the situation is ahow ...

I think it is not necessary to wait until you come to the rescue, you need to go to the people who are heavier in a thousand times than you. I remember I had an episode in my life. By the way, Del Carnegie sincerely grateful to his works; He has several different books, including "how to stop worrying and start living." Somewhere about eighteen (this is the search time) such anxiety was attached to me. Such a marrow finds on you (and he often finds people), when to the question "How are you?" I want to answer: "Everything is bad." And at the very fact, it is not bad, the soul simply grumbled, the spirits of the population, they attacked and begin to suppress her, inhibition. In this state, I read this book, and one story struck me. The young man of about my state ("Everything is bad, there is no work, something is not going somewhere") walked in itself, sad, rain on the street. And suddenly someone greeted him with a friendly: "Good afternoon." He passed, then stopped, turned around and dumbfounded - a disabled disabled on him, who was sitting on the asphalt, he had no legs, there were problems with his hands, but he looked at him so friendly, so smiled that this smile was enough to be enough Came to himself. He says: "I have hands and legs, I have enough health, and I go and do not know how to live. And here a person who has really problems, and he smiles, looking to life widely open eyes. " And it changed his life.

It seems to me, do not wait anything. It is necessary to go to the volunteers of the Orthodox service of mercy, find a matter of the soul (or to the elderly, or to homeless). Very helpful for the soul to take care of the homeless: feed them, talk to them in human; Not happily, not with some applub, and learn how, for example, a young man was 35 years old. Listen to this story, the mittens to him give his own. It is very healing the soul, it knocks this marok, when everything is bad. No, everything is really good. Or go to the boarding house for children with different damage, with congenital sores, take a walk with them on Saturday. Volunteers walk with kids. And it will become easier to live. Avva Dorofey said that when we charity the patient, then he would brain more than we, because the Lord heals our heart through it. So who has not written in volunteers yet? ..

For some reason I immediately remembered Nika Vuily, who has no hands and legs and who collects huge halls. He is open with people, kind and, most importantly, cheerful, shows that even in such a situation you can find the meaning of your life, you can find something to strive for what to do. As far as I know, he has a wife and small child. But only, probably, this is not a primitor in general, in principle, to engage in volunteering and social service, in order to somehow cheer up a little bit, to configure, thinking: "I'm not so bad, however, however, I helped people. It seems to me that it is a little dangerous for a person. But let's talk about it a little later, take a phone call.

Question a viewer from the Vologda region: "Batyushka, tell me what is the temptation? And another question: in the seventh morning prayer To the Virgin, there are words: yes, I do not show a demon of a joy, izh, many sin of jannik. How to understand these words? "

It's easy to understand: that the demons are not rejoiced by me - the one who is warned in many sins. "Do not do so, save demons from such joy. Help me to become better, help me to cope with sins, so that the demons do not rejoice about my lawlessness. "

"Temptation" - the Slavic word, in Russian sounds like "test." That is, this is some circumstances of life in which a person checks his willingness to be faithful to God. Tests of our faith, our honesty Lord sometimes pops so that we, as in school, have passed a certain offset, exam to go to another class. The man or passes them, or remains for the second year, that is, a new test. So to this and you need to treat.

In the prayer "Our Father" we ask: "Do not enter us in temptation." There are tests, temptations that we can not. They passed several people, such as righteous Jobs. For example, Abraham, when the Lord experienced his faith so that he would sacrifice his son. And we ask God's Lord to give us those tests that exceed our strength. And in the usual order, it is necessary, as the Lord says: "Wake up and pray, but do not apply to attack. The Spirit of Bodr, the flesh is weak. " You need to be in combat readiness: attentive to your words, thoughts, feelings and actions and ready to reflect the approaching temptation. Like that.

Question of the viewer from Yekaterinburg: "I had a kiss, she married Tajik and accepted the Muslim faith. I would like to know, I am now her godfather or not. "

Of course, you are, because God's gifts are inherent. And it is necessary to pray for it and, probably, to embroider in something before God, because in some sense you did not fulfill the task that the church entrusted to you. Because the task of the godfather is to help parents and so to participate in the fate of their scene, so that it becomes a Christian in life, and not by name. A Christian from non-Christian is distinguished by the fact that it is true: the faithful Christ, he retains loyalty, contrary to all sorts of temptations and tests. And this is a huge responsibility of the godfather, which gives God the promise during the sacrament of the baptism that she will lead to his little baby. And if it happened, it means somewhere and your fault is a serious reason for repentance, for tears before God. And these tears, maybe the heart of your godders will sometime be melt, and this seduction will be straightened. Therefore, pray, but, of course, not in the temple, because the person from the church disappeared; Inside the church, we cannot pray for it, but in home prayers, in the alms of their own it is necessary to apply for her before God.

Let's go back to the question of which we have previously spoken earlier. Could it be the goal of the desire to help someone worse than me? Or is it a little distorted approach to the ministry of mercy, to volunteering?

We do not know how the soul is prevented before God, and you need to try to catch and develop. Let so, even if the motive is. I myself sometimes did it when it was very hard on my soul. I just knew this mechanism, I walked into the heavy branch of the psychiatric hospital, communicated with people, we prayed with them. This is very effective method Rehabilitation of your soul. "Share your smile, and she will return to you more than once." Therefore, even if a person has such a desire - well, thank God! Further turns out - we'll figure it out.

For some reason I remember the story that happened to me personally. In the department of the children's hospital, I had one evening to sit with a child who had a cerebral palsy. It was fed through the tube, he could neither walk nor sit, just lying, and could lie in a certain position. Apparently, there was some kind of generic injury. Cabika baby. He always kept his head in one direction alone, and this is not a direct direction, but as if marasion. Honestly, now I am talking about this and feel that the pulse has become frequent ... Without those people who voluntarily sit and help, are with such children, behind them, in fact, there is no care. That is, if there was no one nearby, he would have lying, roared, clogger, it would be suited to him, for example, after three hours, in those moments when it would be required by the norms. We seem to live in modern society, where it is customary to put a person at an important step. Why in our time in general in the health care system such a problem is that even for children can not be forged some person who can perform the same functions that performs a volunteer, but who would be there by default and did it?

Because there is such a concept as a regular schedule in which the staff is regulated, the number of patients at the employee and the budget of the organization. Because all this is a very big and heavy system, car. Always expediency ... That is, when the conversation goes about money, some kind of optimization: it is necessary or not necessary; Maybe without this you can somehow do. Really without this you can do: well, the child is fed, dressed; Well, no one sobs him once again - this is not fatal ...

The state solves the life issues, issues of material support, issues of conservation of life - and thank God. And maybe it is good, because there is a huge field for volunteers, for goodwill people. Maybe it should be like this: that some elementary life needs are performed at the expense of the budget, but human, spiritual, spiritual needs - at the expense of living people, they should not be for money. It's hard for the money to love, it is somehow not that. This should be at will, according to the goodwill of the heart. And just here should be the interaction between government agencies and non-profit organizations of a charitable orientation, voluntary organizations: people will come and give their heart to ward and employees. Because it is also important: and a friendly look, and good word. Ambrose Optina says (this is my favorite expression): "In this life, we need a friendly look, a gentle word, you need to believe us and we believed, you need what the most expensive and rare treasure is attentive." The heart is attentive - the most expensive treasure in life!

Such merciful ministry, of course, is a certain missionary. I would like to ask about what. Is it all the same help and missionary or first of all it is only help, only concern?

First of all, this is a certificate of Christ and his church. And we talk about it with the staff: the value of a person's life is that a person comes to God for life. If a person does not come to God, he lives life in vain: there is no point in life and by and large there is no price. Because a person is not an ant, it is not a hippopotam; This is no other task for them, except for biological existence. A person has a goal. St. John Zlatoust says: "Man, I created a wonderful body for you (he, as if by the face of God, he says), but I give you the power to create something better - create a wonderful soul." Here is the creation, the upbringing of the human soul for God is the purpose of human life. Therefore, we pay attention to this. Of course, it needs to be evidence, you need to remind you about it. Of course, you do not need to use the dependence on our patients, the wards, it should always be at will, and delicately, but it is impossible to never lose sight of it. Help invite a priest, help organize a conversation, brother to bring; If necessary, help prepare for the sacraments is first of all. Because otherwise, it is a direct way to burn apart: the disease does not win us, do not stop sin, the homelessness does not overcome and so on. It's all mouse from how much time there is neither to do if there is no result that the soul comes to life and awakens through the grief and suffering. Mercy sisters are angels that bring good news. Therefore, of course, this is first.

In September, the Mercy service was held in the Confident volunteer training program. I would like to know, can I teach help? And in general, I wanted to ask you to briefly tell about this project ...

I, thank God, always thank you ... In a secret prayer, there are such words in the mystery of the prayer: "Lord, thank you that you encouraged me to enjoy the Divine Liturgy, calling for this greatest degree of priesthood." Enjoying the Divine Liturgy! .. Sometimes you come, and there is no strength, and even you try not to look at people, because you understand that your look is handing your mood, and it is immediately quenched, they immediately be sad. You start service: "Blessed kingdom ... peace is prayed to the Lord" ... with such a creak, through force. Then antifone, objects; Antifone, objects. To Kheruvimskaya, everything is somehow straightened - and it becomes easier to breathe. Then the Eucharist Canon, "Our Father". Then the communion. And often on the physical level, the stove is reinforced with shoulders is removed by God. And then for some time you live this life. Although circumstances do not change (and sorrowful circumstances are enough), but you look at them differently, you change the point of view. It seems to me that it is very important to understand this - we must live from Liturgy to Liturgy, from the communion to the communion. Somehow we must need to dorat.

And thank God that we have the opportunity and with volunteers to pray, and with sisters, and with the brothers. There are awesome night liturgies: at night there are no bustle, there are no people who are randomly wandered, and the faithful, which are a single heart, we strive for God; And these are special feelings. Now, if everyone, at least a little bit approached this heart, it would grab it in it vitality. Remember it. I really want to convey this idea: we have everything you need that we need for life, - the Lord gave everything; Just need to take and save.

Thank you for these reflections. Indeed, with which person, in what form, with which mood we come to the temple on the Divine Liturgy, gives our attitude towards the most priesthood, and to the Chief Sacrament, and to the people around him, and in general to the church. Because behind the liturgy (as anywhere), in general, we all meet.

For sure. Liturgy is a common cause. In some sense, we are accustomed to this: a common cause. It seems that the common cause is all we all gathered and have done something. But this is not only a common cause between people, this is still our business with the Lord Jesus Christ. That is, we call him, and he comes, and together with him we begin to make this service. This is common with God the case. And with him any business on the shoulder.

- Yes. And here we have a common cause live - the program "Conversations with the Batyushka".

Question a viewer from Voronezh: "I would like to know how to behave in parishioners in the church during each time at the open tsarist gates. Everyone turns after each father, and it turns out that we turn away from the royal gates. And the second question: I listened to the transfer on the TV about the angels that the statues of angels - it's wrong, because there are good angels, there are bad angels, and it turns out, we can worship idols. But I think these figurines are just like a decoration. "

During each day, when the father goes on the temple and knew, it is necessary to stand, fixing the eyes of the altar, tilting the chapter. Of course, it is not worth a brave around your axis because it violates awe. It is necessary to stand calmly. But, you know, there are different traditions. If we talk, for example, about your arrival, very good when people stand and be reverently pray. When the father goes and cells, you can turn it off, bow, because each has a special spiritual meaning: It is honored with the image of God's Fimyama in front of the icon, and the father turns toward the same image of God - to man. That is, the priest is also the icons (sainted images), and praying (the images seeking holiness). Therefore, it is necessary to turn around to turn and incline the chapter in a reverent bow: he shy, we bowed. But as spine, of course, ugly ugly - this is ungivenly.

As for the statuette ... Typically, those statues that sell in stores is the image of Cupids. Cupid is a prodigal demon. These are such bups with wings, with onions or with hobs. Of course, there is nothing Christian in it, it is some kind of incomprehensible symbolism, and such Cupid better at home Do not keep, just it is indecent and ridiculous. Images of angels eating canonical on icons. The guardian angel has a certain form, which is written in iconography; Here, of course, it would be nice to have, and it's not just that he was in the form of an icon, and so that with the guardian angel there was a prayer connection so that we often appeal to him. And when in the morning or evening prayer rule, we appeal to him so that all our heart and all the attention have been configured to it.

Father Yevgeny, you expressed an interesting thought, telling that if suddenly did not sleep a little or no mood, then you are trying to lower your eyes before the service so that you don't meet with parishioners to meet and not convey this mood. That's what should this happen, how should a person be changed in principle, so that for him participation in the liturgy and in general, a hike in the temple was the most desired, festive, so that it was the natural state of the soul? As, for example, we go to the birthday party: like, when giving, with a smile on the face ...

The recipe is very simple. First, we have a law of life with you, I pay attention to this: the seventh day to the Lord God. The seventh day does not belong to us, God consecrated him, and on this day he expects us to spend it accordingly, dedicated to God. If we are doing anything on this day, but not by the divine service, we do sacred, we take God's. This is a hardest sin, which, of course leads to various troubles and in the household sphere, and to unhealthy, and to the loss of material well-being. You can not live against God, go against the root and think that you will be fine. So does not happen.

The second point: prayer, patience and work will be perfectly. It is clear that the lack of habit at first somehow strains, sometimes the lack of concept, why it is necessary. If a person has no trust in God, confidence with the Sacred Scripture, then, of course, it's all difficult to do it. It is assumed that people come to the temple for whom the execution of the commandments of God. And if there is such a commandment, you need to start conscientiously execute it.

One day at one elder (about that, Avva Dorofey tells) such a confusion happened. A person came up with a question: "Father, we know that you are humble, righteous. Tell me, please, how did you come to this? " He was confused, looked around and could not answer anything. Said: "I don't know how to tell you how to come to humility." And Abva Dorofey says: "I know how it happens; I think I understand. When a person is engaged in some kind of craft (for example, a carpenter takes a tree, begins to strict it), his fingers still have curves. A month passes, the other, the third, he jumps his skin, cuts out, but then the ability appears, then the skill, then professionalism, when this business goes into the skill. That's when the skill appears, he already makes the thing perfect. And he may not be able to tell you how he reached it. " The old man heard it and says: "That's exactly what!" Also, with humility: you just do those cases that you lead to God, to his arrangement to humble, and it comes gradually through patience, prayer and work.

Sunday service is the same. It is necessary to simply execute the commandment and at first the effort of will, the discipline to bring themselves to the temple, at least for a few minutes, then more, more. And then still turn on attention: not like a wooden nevosha doll stand, not understanding what is happening, and try to screw into the sense of what is read and comes in service. It's like a stereoscopic image: you first look at the picture, then peer, screw it, the focus is changing a little - and it revealed in volume. It also happens with the Slavic language, with Liturgy: You came, it seems to be working, straining, gonna, and then suddenly an understanding is that you are inside the service.

- Battyushka, thank you for this conversation. Unfortunately, the airtime ended.

And so much else it was necessary to tell!

Yes, at least I wanted a lot. Thank you for the fact that came. Congratulations on the six-year service of mercy, with legal six years since the registration of a legal entity. In early October, you celebrated the fifth anniversary ...

This is generally a separate topic for conversation. Maybe we will talk about this next time, because it is very interesting.

- Thank you for answering questions from our viewers and told about volunteering.

I want to congratulate all employees, brothers, sisters, volunteers, wards, mercy of mercy to our day, with a holiday. And I want to wish that Christ was always in the midst of us, so that the works that everyone in its place bears was the sake of God, God and God's blessing. Thank you for all of us and we have!

Leading Dmitry Brodovkov

Recorded Nina Kirsanova

In March 2018, the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese conducted training for the department of the Church Charity Department and the Social Service of the Nizhny Tagil Diocese. Oleg Shabalin, head of the Department of Archpriest Oleg Shabalin, was trained in the second social internship in Yekaterinburg, was very inspired by Yekaterinburg projects and sent five employees to study.

Training participants from Nizhny Tagil:

Assistant Head of Social Work - Alexander Andreevich Oschempkov

Coordinator of charitable and social projects, press service - Anastasia Gennadievna Kazakova

Coordinator for work with volunteers, Senior Sister Sisterhood - Ekaterina Alexandrovna Levin

Sister Mercy - Love Nikolaevna Bastrikova

Specialist in receiving seekers, lawyer - Natalia Evgenievna Gileva

At first, all the internship participants met with the work of the department for working with aspiracles, and then separated from their own profile directions.

Galina Lyuba, Coordinator of the Department for Work with the Social Service Department of the Socaterinbburg Diocese:

- I told how our work department works: to whom we help, who do not help and why. What does work begins with the staff and how it ends - the whole cycle of the passage of the request. Answered questions about the work of the dispatcher on receiving calls, about interaction with the seekers.

Natalia Borisovna Savina, Assistant Head on Social Work Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese:

- I communicated with the assistant to the head of social work by Alexander Andreevich Oshchenko and a specialist in receiving the seekers and a lawyer of Natalia Evgenievna Gileva. Alexander was interested in how to establish relationships with perenials and parishes, how to organize social service in the field, how to assist in organizing and developing parish social projects. Natalia Evgenievna clarified the issue of the distribution of humanitarian aid on coming, the conditions for issuing and collecting reporting. And, of course, my guests were very interested in the issue of grant financing of church social projects. I tried to answer all the questions of our colleagues from the Nizhny Tagil Diocese, show the solution of certain questions on specific examples. I explained to the examples of our grant projects a system for writing grant applications. We agreed to work together, jointly solve the problems of the wards.

Tatyana Ananin, Senior Sister of Holy Panteleimon Sisterhood Mercy:

- Sisters from Nizhny Tagil, I told in detail about the inner life of our sisterhood: prayer, meetings, trips, working with sisters, communicating with the confessor. Sisters from the children's direction shared the experience of interaction with children's medical and social institutions - carrying out wind conversations with employees, congratulations on their holidays, the possibility of providing material assistance. It was important because In Tagil, there is a fierced children's house with which relationships are lined up.

Svetlana Acid, Head of the Information Department:

- with a colleague for serving Anastasia Cossack, which has been working in the press service of the Social Service Department of the Nizhny Tagil Diocese, we discussed the priorities of information work: for what and why you need to talk about the affairs of mercy and church social service, as interesting information reasons appear, who can and should Become a hero of publication.

Evgeny Shatski, Head of the Diocesan Center for Humanitarian Aid:

- We held a tour of the center for guests, showed how the work was carried out mostly for the wards, as the sorting of used clothing. They answered questions on the document flow and the one who, how and how often we help.

Assistant to the head of social work Alexander Oshcheckov and a specialist in receiving the staff, lawyer Natalia Gileva

Reviews of participants in the internship

Sister Mercy Lyubov Bastrakova (Nizhny Tagil):

- Thank you so much for the warm welcome, for patience, for sharing your experience. I took a lot for myself in order to organize my work. He also helped communication in Nursing with sisters. Divened my doubts. In general, of course, struck the scope of your good deeds, organization, strict reporting and control. Long was impressed. Told everything in our temple. And the attitude to the affairs of mercy as sisters and volunteers was impressed. And, of course, the Center for Humanitarian Aid struck: 600 square meters. m, full order and accounting. The entire database is saved. It was also interesting to know that if for 9 months in the family of the petitioners, nothing changes: and dad continues to lie on the sofa, and the mother does not respond, help stops. It combines people to actions. You show them how it should be that they strive to improve life conditions. Also inspired the work with the homeless, which is being conducted by a department employee in a special trailer in the Cathedral of Assumption. So to speak, one-time help. The needy can and eat, and even relax in the trailer. But before you work a little on the good of the temple, and not just stand with an outstretched hand. You need to think about this question ... Low Bow for your work!

Alexander Oshcheckkov, Assistant Head of Social Work (Nizhny Tagil):

- We are still trying to come into yourself and tune in, since information useful for us there was a lot, there is something to think about. Taking into account the fact that in social service only 2 years, of which more time was paid to working with benefactors and legal issues on non-commercial organizations. Therefore, for me, everything you have told and what they shared, you can call a deal in my work. I appreciate your attitude and purposefulness to the neighbor, how they communicated with us and shared emotions, you can only envy. For me, this means a lot when people are open. Liked on the internship everything starting from the developed structure of the department to the process of writing grants. For us, it was a great honor to be accepted by the Social Service Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese. Thanks to this meeting, we not only learned something new, but we could exchange experiences. Also, the department staff shared their personal developments, experience, told about possible "pitfalls", which can appear when writing grants, project implementation. After that, with great return, they spoke about various projects implemented in the department and on the diocese of the whole. I would also like to offer a joint project to create a single ward base so that we can know and track the actions and cut off dishonest. Help all of God for us! Angel to you keeper!

Ekaterina Levina, Coordinator for working with volunteers, Senior Sister of Sisterhood (Nizhny Tagil):

- From the trip a lot of impressions, we are now digest, trying to apply to our work. I was impressed with the warehouse, and since they themselves are closely engaged in the repair and arrangement of a new humanitarian warehouse, we are currently seen. Thank you so much for the responsiveness!

Anastasia Kazakova, coordinator of charitable and social projects, press service (Nizhny Tagil):

- I really liked everything. I, for example, just delighted! You are all such sun, such heart people. Thank you so much for the warm welcome! A lot of useful information received from Svetlana Kislova, at the beginning the porridge was in my head, now, when it melted, I want to create, ideas appeared, ideas. We will implement them. I hope this is not the last meeting. You are all very inspired. Of course, I want to wish you love, patience, peace and help God! Save the Lord you all!

Website Department of Social Service
Ekaterinburg Diocese:

Mission Department: Multiplication of Love in Serving People

In the formulation of the Mission of the Social Department, each of the concepts has its definite interpretation:

1. The concept of love is given in the definition of the Apostle Paul (I Message to Corinthians, Chapter XIII): "Love is long-tierpit, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, does not pride, does not claim, not looking for his, not annoying, does not think evil, not rejoicing in a definite, but so true; Everything covers, everything believes, everything hopes, everything transfers. " Thus, the mission of the department is multiplying in his ministry of just such a truly Christian sacrificial love for God and people.

2. Multiplication of love - there is a constant aspiration for its cultivation in the soul of each of the department's staff. Through a personal spiritual life, regular participation in church sacraments, the Cathedral prayer and the ministry of the neighbor each of the members of the organization seeks to push and multiply Christian love not only in his heart, but also around themselves: in their family, the working team, the parish, in the field of ministry, In relations with wards, volunteers, benefactors and partners. "According to that, all that you are my disciples, if you have love between sobody" (John 13:35)

3. Under the ministry is aware of the active execution of the evangelical commandment of love for God and near. An example of such a ministry is the earthly life of the Savior. In accordance with this, the activities of the department's staff are not limited to the fulfillment of their official duties, but basically the sacrificial love and personal responsibility of everyone before God.

4. Improving Christ, staff members carry their ministry to people in accordance with the principle set forth in the Apostolic Teaching: "Doing Good, do not we lose, because at one time I start, if you do not weaken. So, the docome is time, we will do good to everyone, but with your own by faith "(Epistle Ap. Paul to Galatians, Chapter VI).

Principles of Department:

To form a single worldview, the organization has developed general principles that are part of corporate culture and are divided by all employees of the department:

1. In his ministry, we are guided by the Gospel Commandments.
2. We testify to Christ in serving people, respecting their free choice.
3. For us, the ministry is the path of spiritual growth and disclosure of talents laid down by God in every person.
4. In his ministry, we are responsible before God and people.
5. We are a church organization and are open to cooperation with the state and society.
6. We do not duplicate the state system of social work, and we help its transformation through the sacrificial ministry to people.
7. We are interested in joint searching for solutions and offer support, while not contributing to dependency.
8. In his ministry, we combine professional approach and modern efficient charitality technologies with a truly Christian ministry.

Department goals:

1. Involvement and association of people in church social activities and charity.

2. Organization of social assistance and spiritual support to people in a difficult life situation.

3. Strengthening Christian values \u200b\u200bin society through educational activities aimed at preventing socio-psychological problems.

4. Assistance in the organization and development of church social and charitable activities in the Yekaterinburg Diocese, and effective cooperation of parishes with government agencies and social organizations of social orientation.

5. Transfer of the accumulated experience of social activities of the department of clergy and laity, responsible for organizing the church social service at the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox church.

6. Formation of a positive image of the Russian Orthodox Church by attracting public attention to church social ministry and charity.

Directions of the department:

1. Dissemination of positive experience in charity and social ministry accumulated in the department within its own social projects.

2. Providing advisory and methodological assistance in organizing and implementing mercy affairs, creating social church institutions and assistance projects in need.

3. Assistance to the consolidation of state social and medical institutions for the specific acquisitions in order to implement the cases of mercy and the development of nursing service.

4. Development and implementation of social projects for assistance to various segments of the population in need of material assistance and spiritual ocker, involvement in this activity members of Orthodox communities, representatives of public and private organizations and all non-indulgered people.

5. Distribution of the dedication of the diocese of sponsorship charitable assistance provided by public organizations and individuals, as well as targeted assistance to those in need of citizens who have fallen into a difficult life situation affected by natural disasters or other adverse conditions.

6. Conducting charitable shares and work with private and corporate philablers to attract donations to the needs of the wards and on their own social projects.

7. Implementation of interaction with church communities, government agencies, legal entities and individuals in the implementation of their activities.

8. Informational and educational work to strengthen traditional family values, to promote the ideas of merciful ministry, volunteer and traditional spiritual values \u200b\u200bthrough its own website.

9. Preparation of the annual report on charity and social ministry in the diocese in the form approved by the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Services.

Directions of church social service:

1. Charity: free refectory; Warehouses; Financial assistance to petitioners

2. Ombolization of institutions: hospitals and clinics; boarding houses for the elderly and disabled; orphanages and houses of the child; boarding schools and correctional schools; Rehabilitation centers

3. Work with the elderly and disabled: patronage at home; help disabled and their families; Creating an accessible environment to participate in worship services

4. Work with family: anti-emergency counseling; Assistance to low-income families; assistance to families raising special children; help families of clergymen; Attracting children to participate in mercy

5. Creation of parish institutions: Laddle; kindergartens and day stay groups; Children's shelters; crisis centers for women with children; Strip-rated houses

6. Resource search: attraction of volunteers; Conducting charity shares; Creating a parish site

Recipients assistance *:

Citizens in a difficult life situation:; disabled; unemployed; Pirowers; refugees; migrants; freed from deprivation of freedom;