How to make small ablution of women. Hussl- complete ablution ...

Muslim is a woman, a pure soul and body. Allah Most High gave us a soul and body as an Amanat, for use in this world and we are responsible for their health. And if the soul is cleared by prayer, good deeds, sincere intentions, improving and improving the day of day, the body should always be maintained clean through water. It is said in Hadith that purity is half faith. Where is clean and complied with order in everything - there will not be a place of dirt, sins, in such places there will be no negative thoughts and will not be a visitor to our common enemy - Shaitan.

How to be clean?

In fact, under purity, all aspects of Muslim's life are meant, wherever it is, compliance with cleanliness should be its rule, as well as leaving behind the cleanliness. We are not talking about not about the purity of the heart or the purity of intentions, we do not talk about the purity of the soul or thoughts, because spiritual purity is individual and each person has its own way of cleansing and their own ways to improve and upbringing themselves. Spiritual purity is very important and along with it, you should also not forget about the purity of physical. The Prophet Muhammad, peace to him, for us in this is the main example. Our chief teacher always took care of the purity of his body and encouraged everyone around him to clean and tidy in everything. From Allah's Messenger, peace, he came up with a pleasant aroma of a bowl, his favorite color was white, which once again emphasized his much attention to cleanliness.

The cleanliness with which you still need to start compliance with the laws of Islam is the purity of your own body. There is a concept in Islamic Shari'Ate (legislation), referred to as "Husl", in other words, full ablution. Husl is washing the whole body, from head to the legs - so that there is no dry place left. For more information, you can find out about the procedure for complete ablution in the following articles.

When should I take full ablution or what is the hussl?

To take full ablution, the Husl for Muslim Woman is necessarily in the following cases:

  • As soon as postpartum cleansings were completed, which usually last from 1 to 40 days
  • After monthly cleansing menstrual cycle
  • Also after sexual proximity

What can not be done without a husl?

To answer this question, two states should be divided into Muslims, at which it is not allowed to fulfill certain prescriptions and actions.

  1. The state of "Junub" when a woman just needs to be cleaned, that is, to make a husl, sailing from the head to the legs. In this state there is no reason why the Husl was broken, and the woman is prohibited:
  • Making Namaza
  • Tauf (covering around Ka'b during Hajj)
  • Wearing or taking the text of Kur'ana without a cover (which should be separate from him)
  • Read Kor'an out loud, even part of it
  • Go to Mosque
  1. Women's condition during postpartum cleansing and menstruation. The reason for the absence of a husl is not over and therefore in this state a woman is forbidden:
  • All of the above
  • Compliance with post
  • Permission of sexual proximity to her husband

Husl for a woman is the purity of the body, and the purity of the soul begins with it. Try to always be in full ablution, and do not delay the take of the husl, because for us, Muslim, it is very important. An exception may be afraid to get very sick due to supercooling or risk aggravate the hazard disease. Once again, remember that our health is Amanat, given in conservation, and we must take it to be strong and strong soul and body to keep what the Most High commanded and avoid what he forbade it.

Some people, even among Muslims, do not pay due attention to cleanliness, and the rules of complete ablution, considering it an excessive thing, caring only about spiritual beauty. This is a false idea of \u200b\u200bour religion. Islam is based on purity in all respects and if the physical purity of Muslim would not be so important, then the prophet Muhammad, peace would not take us by the rules for the fullest doubt and other actions of the Muslim Shari'at. Let it be in all the benefit for you, and even if the new knowledge of Islam will open for you, it will open your soul for good intentions, will relieve you from mental ailments and bad thoughts, because truly, water is a gift from the Creator. Being the first creation of the Most High, the water purifies not only the body, but also the soul of man, leaving ease and freshness, charging the body of health, adding forces to worship the Creator and inspiring to commit extraordinary good deeds!

(Husl)According to Sharia, this is a washing of flowing water of the whole body with a certain intention, that is, a mandatory ritual bathing.

There are five circumstances, after which it is necessary to perform bathing for mapping, etc. These five circumstances themselves are not the reason for the immediate fulfillment of bathing. That is, if a person is in a state of desecration (Junub), It is not obliged to immediately make a complete ablution of the body, although it is very desirable. Mandatory bathing becomes with the onset of the time of mazaz.

Imaam al-Bukharius handed over in his collection that Abu Salyam said: "I asked" Aisha, whether the prophet fell asleep (peace and blessing) in the city of Junub (as a result of sexual intercourse). "Aisha replied:" Yes, but before that he made partial ablution. " So the Prophet (peace and blessing) rarely arrived for people to know that it was not prohibited in Sharia.

Some ignorant people say that if a person who is in a state of desecration, came out of the house without fulfilling the body's full body, then every hair on his body curses it. This is a lie, contrary to religion. The proof is the story of Abu Khruire, transmitted in the collection of Imam al-Bukhariya: "When I was met by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing), I was in a state of desecration, he took my hand, and we went together. When we sat down, I quietly went to my dwelling, made full ablution of the body, after which he returned to the Prophet (peace and blessing). He was still sitting. When I approached, he asked: "Where were you about Abu Khurairy?" I answered him that I was in the state of Junub, so I left. Then the Prophet (peace and blessing) said: "Subhanallah! Oh, Abu Khuraira, truly, the believer does not become a supramy ".

Ritual bathing must be performed in the following cases:

1. After selection of sperm. His signs:

Pleasure during isolation;

The smell of fresh dough if the sperm still did not dry;

The smell of egg squirrel if sperm dried;

Toll-like selection with pressure.

2. After sexual intercourseEven if there was no sperm selection. The sexual act, according to Sharia, is considered to penetrate the genital head in the vagina.

3. After the death of man.

4. After stopping menstruation - cyclical blood discharge from the uterus in a healthy girl, women.

5. Upon completion of postpartum discharge (Blood isolation after the liberation of the uterus from the fetus).

6. After childbirth or miscarriagea, in view of the origin of the child from mixing male and female sperm. That is, even if the childbirth was dry and, after them there were no secretions, they still need to swim.

The person who needs to perform bathing due to the first or second circumstance is called junub. And the state of one who is in one of these five circumstances is called "Big Hadas". Junubu is forbidden everything that is forbidden to do in violation of partial ablution, as well as reading the Quran (not even touching it) and staying in the mosque.

Note: It should be noted that when performing full ablution, it is necessary to observe the same conditions (screws), which should be observed and when performing partial ablution (see page 19). Also, unwanted (karak) actions in both ablutions are mainly identical (see on page 28).

Mandatory acts of bathing

With mandatory actions of a ritual bathing, without the execution of which it is considered invalid, are:

1. Intention. It distinguishes the habit of worship ('Ibada)His place in the heart, and it is committed mentally. However, it is desirable to pronounce loud. The intention is done simultaneously with the beginning of the body washing: "I intend to commit a mandatory full ablution of the sake of Allah" or "... Remove the Big Hadas" etc. If a person did an intention only after he washed any part of the body, then it is necessary to wash it again along with the intention.

2. Washing all outdoor parts of the body(skin and hair regardless of their denotomy) clean and suitable for purification with water. Water must teach the whole body completely.

Note: A person who is confident that he has no reason to fulfill the full ablution of the body, in no case cannot be bathing with the intention to remove the Big Hadas.

Desired bathing actions

Desired actions when performing a ritual bathing are:

1. Appeal to the face towards Kibla;

2. Pronoming: "Pri'aza", "Shahada" and "Basmals" before bathing. Undesirable (macroh) Do not pronounce these words before full ablution;

3. Perform partial ablution before bathing. At the same time, the washing of the legs can be postponed at the end of the bathing, so as not to spend excess water;

4. Start of ablution on the right side. Pre-moisten the hair three times, then wash the right half in front and rear, then the left half and repeat it three times;

5. Rinse mouth and nose, even if you did it with partial ablution;

6. Washing the body with wiping;

7. Wash the next body before the previous one dries;

8. Water savings (undesirable to spend it over measures);

9. Reading Shahada and prayers after swimming (the same prayer, which is read and after partial ablution).

To those who wash completely naked, it is advisable to say when stripping:

بِسْمِ اللهِ الََّذي لا اِلهَ اِلاّ هُوَ

"Bismillah-Llya z.and La Ilya Illya HUI "

(With the name of Allah, in addition to which there is nothing worthy of worship).These words protect a person from the eyes of jinn.

From the book "Namaz -
Religious Support "

By ball, complete ablution is to bring clean water to the whole body. The basis of this is the words of the Almighty Allah (meaning):

"If you are defiled, i.e. had sexual intercourse, beware from head to feet and clean ..." (Sura "Maidat", Ayat 6).

With full ablution, be it washing after menstruation and stopping postpartum discharges or after sexual proximity, you need to wash the whole body, bringing water to each part of it, to the tips of the hair and between all the folds. Omion should be carried out carefully. Mandatory is the washing of the body once.

After cleansing, a person is allowed everything that was prohibited in a deficienable state. He will also receive remuneration and approach to Allah.

In the Sharia, the ablution is divided into full and small. Complete ablution is swimming, small is a wash before Namaz.

Types of Husl:

  1. Husl - Mafrund (Vajib).
  2. Husl - Musnun (Sunna) - for the Zhum "A (Friday prayers)," Eid (festive prayers), when you die (small pilgrimage), haj. Salary of Allah Sallalylah Aleikha Va Sallam said: "Who will make a doubt on Friday, will commit A kind thing, but even better if he bots on "(Ahmad, Abu Davud, AT-Tirmisi, An-Nasai and Ibn Maja).
  3. Husl - Mandub (desirable) - after intoxication, loss of consciousness, in a Laylyatul-frame, after washing the deceased, after Tauba (repentance) from sin, for who returned from the journey when you wear new clothes.

In the Junub state it is impossible to read Namaz and Koran. Going into the mosque is allowed only at extreme need. Ali Radyallah Anhu told: "Prophet Sallarlahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the Qur'an when he not in the state of sex determination »(Ahmad, Abu Dwood, At-Tirmisi, An-Nasai and Ibn Maja).

Messenger Allah Sallarlahu Aleihi Va Salla said: "I do not allow to be in the mosque of women in the period of menstruation and people in a state of puberty" (Abu Daud Ibn Huzeima called him reliable).

Full ablution person:

  1. Cleans the crotch area from unclean;
  2. Washes hands to the wrists;
  3. Makes a small ablution, but not my legs;
  4. Then, at first wet her head, and then the rest of the body;
  5. Then wipes with his hands every part of the body as possible;
  6. Then again rins each part of the body with water;
  7. And once again rins the whole body with water;
  8. Then wakes up both legs.

This is complete ablution. A person who has committed full ablution is considered absolutely clean. To make Namaz, there is no need for small ablution, if complete.

Actions required for full ablution (Ferda Husl)

Mandatory (FarD) actions Three:

  1. Rinse mouth;
  2. Rinse the nose;
  3. Penetration of water to all parts of the body.

In order for each part of the body to get water, it is necessary to penetrate between the hair, to the roots of the head of the head, mustache, beard, eyebrows, in the deepening, in the ordown, under Pisnos or under the dough or tar. For men, it is necessary to get water for every hair. For this reason, the man - Muslims are shortened or shaved hair. Women have enough water penetration to hair roots. It is allowed if the water does not penetrate between hair in braids. Because the hair is the decoration of the woman and their shortening and the removal is wrong.

Sunna in full ablution

In full ablution there are 9 actions on Sunna:

  1. Wash the parts of the body, which were unclean;
  2. Wash your hands before the wrists;
  3. Make a small ablution to full;
  4. Wash first head, and then the rest of the body;
  5. The right side of the body was before the left;
  6. Wipe the body once after washed with water;
  7. Water should touch each body portion 3 times;
  8. Beware of excessive water spending;
  9. During the ablution, stand face to the side of Kaaba.

The reasons for which complete ablution is performed

The reasons why complete ablution is required, three:

  1. Desecration;
  2. Termination of menstruation;
  3. Ending postpartum bleeding.

Determination is 3 reasons:

  1. Separation of fluid (with sexual excitation);
  2. Sex;
  3. Polleutia.

In no complete ablution of man, any part of the body is considered unclean. It is believed in this case to take the Quran and read it, go to the mosque, and also eat and drink without making a small ablution or ablution of sand. Therefore, he needs to be cleaned as soon as possible, having completed full ablution. However, a person is without a small ablution, although it is impossible to keep Koran in his hands, his reading is not prohibited. Also read prayers, welcome and praise Allah without a big and small ablution is not believed.

When to make welcome

Cases in which complete ablution (reward) are welcomed:

  • Treting Islam, spoke from monthly, postpartum discharge and sexual proximity;
  • Reached the age of majority (15 years for young men and girls);
  • Broken from the Criminal, who came into consciousness;
  • After bloodletting;
  • After washing the deceased;
  • On the night of Baraat (middle night of the month of Sha'ban);
  • On the night of predetermination and power (Lilalat-Ul frame). If I exactly saw the Lilat-Ul frame or it is known for certain that that night has come;
  • It is advisable to fulfill full ablution before joining Medina from respect to the city of the Prophet and bless him Allah and welcomes;
  • Much night on the Murdalif;
  • Before dawn or after him, on the day of Kurban Bayrama;
  • When joining Mecca;
  • For the magazine of the eclipse of the moon or the sun;
  • Before breaking the rain;
  • For namaz - loving fear;
  • When eclipsed during the daylight;
  • With strong wind (at night or day);
  • Resting from sins;
  • Upon returning home from travel;
  • Cathetered from a disturbed menstrual cycle to a woman;
  • Sentenced to death;
  • Throwing pebbles on Jumarat (in Mecca) on the day of Kurban-Bayrama;
  • Fucking under Najasu (swing). If it is unknown, in what place the body got Najasa, then the whole body and clothing is carefully clean;

Man with physical disabilities

A person with physical disabilities is the one that due to the disease cannot be in a state of small ablution during namaz. For example, a person who constantly dripping blood or from the eyes - tears. Such a person is enough to make one small ablution for each namaz. If during this namaz, it will break a small ablution, it will be considered impatient. Even if it will be distinguished during namaz, it will be distinguished, then the ablution will be considered impatient, but at the next Namaz it is violated. Uncleans that fell on clothes during Namaz because of illness, uncleanness is not considered. However, with the offensive next Namaza They are considered unclean, and therefore clothes must be wrapped or changed.

1. First of all, it is necessary to have an intention to damage in order to fulfill prayer or just for finding in a state ritual purity . At the same time, it is important to have a secret intention in the heart, but the utterance of the intention is still preferably.

2. As in the fulfillment of any other godly business, the believer is desirable to pronounce "Bisimyl-Lyayahi Rhrahmani Rrandim" ("the name of God, the grace of which is limitless and eternal"), thereby asking God's blessing and help.

3. Wash hands three times before the wrists inclusive, not forgetting to wash between your fingers. If there is a ring or rings, they should be removed or, slightly moving, try to get the skin under them to prove to prove.

4. Rinse the mouth three times, gaining water with your right hand.

5. Rinse your nose three times, dialing the water with the right hand and high with the help of the left.

6. Wash face three times.

7. Wash hands three times to the elbow inclusive (first right, then left).

8. Wipe the hair of the head with wet hands (minimum ¼ part of the hair).

9. After rinse your hands and wipe the inner and outer parts of the ears; Facial (rear) part of the hands wipe the neck.

10. Wash the legs of the legs three times turning to the ankle inclusive, not forgetting to rinse between your fingers, starting with the little finger of the right leg and ending with the mother's little finger. Wash first the right foot, then - left.

After or in the process of ablution, a person can dry the washed parts of the body, taking advantage of a towel.

According to the great Muslim theologian Imam An-Nawavi and other scientists, "it is advisable to pronounce these words and after full ablution (Husl)."

About other prayers (Du'a), spoken by some believers during the ablution, Imam An-Nawavi, noted that "prayers (Du'a), read by some when washed during the washing of individual parts of the body, are not canonically not substantiated and not mentioned by theologians earlyislamic period. " In addition, according to the opinion of the theologian Ibn as-Salah, "On the need or desirability of this [i.e. The pronunciation of prayer do'a during the washing of individual parts of the body] there is not a single reliable hadice. "

From the foregoing, it follows that the ablution, started with the name of the Creator (from the words "Bisimyl-Lyhai Rhrahni Rrandi") and the completed prayer.

Water for ablution

Olion can be performed by any clean water: fresh, carbonated, mineralized and even salt marine. The resolution of the latter is stated in one of the reliable statements of the Prophet Muhammad (and he blesses the Most High and welcomes): "Sea water is clean and cleansing [that is, fully suitable for making small (voodoo ') and full (hussg) , and the dead in the sea [that is, everything that lives in the sea and died in it] suitable for eating. "

In addition, for ablutions, it is possible to use snow, provided that it melts from the heat of the body and the surface is wetting becomes wet (wet).

Water descending from heaven and stemming out of the ground, in all forms is permitted for use when performing small ablution (voodoo ') and full ablution (Husl).

In the sacred Quran it says:

"We [" We "indicate the greatness of the Creator, but not on his multipleness] leaned from heaven the water clean, cleansing" (see St. Koran, 25:48).

The Prophet Muhammad (and bless him of the Most High and welcomes) emphasized: "Truly, the affairs [evaluated] by intentions" (Hadith from 'Umari; St. Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The opinion of theologians is one that in order to obtain a preliminary remuneration (Savab) for the commission of the right and good action, the presence of intent is necessary. The intention from the canonical point of view is the remnantness of the heart (soul) to certainly accomplish something. See: Mojam Lugati Al-Fukhaha '[Dictionary of Theological Terms]. Beirut: An-Nafais, 1988. P. 490.

Lucky, paints, glue, remaining in their arms, prevent the penetration of water to the skin and nails, therefore, it should be carefully taken to the process of removing these substances. However, if, by the nature of his professional activity, a person is constantly dirty with paints or varnishes, then for it there is enough superficial purification. It falls under the position of the "Umumul-Balva", he can be canonically forgiven ("Ma'fuvun 'Anh") what was washed hard. It is important naturalness, and complications and doubts - from Satan.

Woman's nails covered with varnish are not related to the committing prayers and do not affect their fullness. But as for the complete ablution (or small), they will be invalid, if they are committed with painted nails, as water due to varnish does not pass to the nails, therefore, those parts of the body are not washed, which in these ritual hygienic procedures should be Omites. There is one nuance of complete ablution, there is one nuance: if, after his commission, the woman remembered that she accidentally forgot to remove the lacquer, then she does not need to repeat him again, but it will be enough to rinse his nails, taking them.

Most practically, if a woman enjoys lacquer during menstruation, when she does not make prayers.

"The Prophet loved in many cases to start on the right: in the use of water when washing, while combing and when equipping shoes" (Hadith from 'Aisha; St. Al-Bukhari and Muslim). See: An-Nawavi Ya. Riyadh As-Salikhin. Pp. 300, Hadith No. 720. It is possible that in rituals in which the right side is preceded by the left, reflects the universal idea that the right side symbolizes good (cf. Russian "True", "Directory", "Righteousness"; English " Right "-" Right "," Right "," Fair "; German" Richtig "-" right "from" Rech "-" right ", etc.).

1/4 Part is a mandatory minimum (FARD) at the Hanafi Theologian. Shafiiti theologians say that even easy movement with a wet brush hand through her hair. If you wish, you can wipe the entire hair cover, which is a Sunny.

For a woman there is no need to remove earrings from the ears.

Those scientists who talked about rubbing the neck treated this to the category of possible (Adab). B. abouttheorest of the theologians believed that the rubbing of the neck had no canonical justifications.

In case of extreme lack of water or time, it can be limited to paragraphs No. 1, 6-8, 10 without a three-time repetition. To these five items, scientists of Shafitsky Mazhab add the sixth - the sequence in the commission of the five mentioned.

If one part of the body, which must be mandatory when performing ablution, are placed plaster or waterproof bandage, then a person wipes on top of her with a damp hand. In this case, it is counted as actual washing with water.

See: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh [Islamic Law and its arguments]. In 8 tons. Damascus: Al-Fix, 1990. T. 1. P. 255.

Hadith from 'Umar; sv. x. Muslim, Abu Dauda, \u200b\u200bIbn Madja and At-Tirmisi.

Yahya Ibn Sharaf An-Nawavi (1233-1277) is an outstanding imam, Muhaddis. His most famous works are "Riyadh As-Salikhin", "Arba'une An-Nawavia", Minhaj AT-Talibin.

See, for example: As-San'ani M. Subul As-Salam [Ways of the World]. In 4 t. Cairo: Al-Hadith, 1994. T. 1. P. 80.

See: As-San'ani M. Subul Salam. T. 1. P. 80.

Abu 'Amra Takyeuddin' Usman Ibn Salah (? -1245) - Schtitsky fairy, famous Muhaddis and Commentator (Mufasir) of the Holy Quran. Led teaching activities in Damascus, where he died. Among his work is Al-Fatava, Al-Amali, Ma'Riphat Anva'i Ilm Al-Hadith, "Sharh Al-Waste".

See: As-San'ani M. Subul Salam. T. 1. P. 80; Al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbini S. Mugni Al-Mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 126, 127.

More about the fact that seafood can be eaten, see: Alautdinov Sh. Answers to your questions about Islam. M., 2003. P. 54, 55.

This Hadith was transferred to the seven companions of the Prophet. See, for example: al-Amir 'Alaud dein al-Farisi. Al-Ibsen fi tarib sahih ibn hubban [noble act in approaching (to readers) Hadith Hadithov ibn Hubbana]: at 18 t. Beirut: Ar-Risal, 1991. T. 4. P. 49, Hadith No. 1243, "Sakhih" , as well as P. 51, Hadith No. 1244, "Hassan".

Here they mean exclusive situations where a person living in northern latitudes, due to circumstances, cannot take advantage of warm tap water.

See, for example: 'Alaud-Dean Ibn Al-'attor. Fatava al-Imam An-Nawavi [Fetwa Imam An-Navavi]. Beirut: Al-Bashair Al-Islamia, 1990. P. 26.

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. At 11 t. T. 1. P. 265.


Definition of the word "husl"

"Husl" in the Sharia

Pouring the body with water, which is performed in a certain way, with the intention of worshiping Allah Most High.

"Husl" in the language meaning

Pouring the water of something.

Cases when committing full ablution required

1. Sophia

Severance is the release of a white viscous seed fluid, which comes out of the sexual body under the influence of passion.

Allah Most High said: "And if you are in the sex defense, then clean" (TPERA, 6)

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, Ali said, and he will be pleased with Allah: "If you have an expiration (sperm), then do complete ablution" [Causes Abu Daud].

Consideration of some issues:

1. If the seed fluid has not been released during pollutions, then there is no need for complete ablution, and if liquid has appeared, then you need to swim.

2. If a person saw a seed fluid, but he does not remember the pollution, then he needs to make a complete ablution.

"Truly, water after water" [Located in Muslim]

(i.e., the commission of complete abyption becomes necessary after the selection of seed fluid).

3. If the seed fluid moved inside the penis, but it did not come out, then there is no need for complete ablution.

4. The ejaculation should only be influenced by passion if this happened due to illness or other similar cause, then the full ablution is not necessary.

5. If a seed fluid comes out after performing full ablution, it is not necessary to re-perform complete ablution, and it is enough to make only small ablution.

Because the reason for the allocation of the seed is no longer a passion for the second time, and therefore it is not necessary to fulfill full ablution.

6. If a person woke up and saw liquid, not knowing about the reason for its appearance, then a person can be in three states and no more:

a) I am confident that this is a seed fluid, then it needs to be performed complete ablution, without finding out the reasons for its appearance.

b) It is confident that this is not a seed fluid, then the complete ablution is not necessary, and this liquid is considered urine.

c) doubts whether this liquid seed or not. In this case, he must try to remember, and if he remembered something, which indicates that this is a seed fluid, then it is a seed fluid.

If he remembered something, which indicates that these are masses (liquid, which will be allocated during sexual excitation), then this is the masses.

And if he does not remember anything, he is better to make a complete ablution to be restrained.

7. When a person saw a seed fluid, not knowing when he had a pollution, then he needs to take a re-prayer, starting with the time when he slept last.

2. Sex Act

The combination of genital organs of a man and a woman, which occurs with the complete introduction of the head of the penis in the vagina, even if there were no ejaculation.

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "When the genitals are connected, it is necessary to bathe" [Causes at AT-Tirmisi].

3. Adoption of Islam Unbelievers

Since "the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, commanded Kais Bin 'Asima, when he accepted Islam to swim" [is given by Abu Daud].

4. Ending monthly and postpartum bleeding

Transmits from the words \u003cAishi, will be pleased with it Allah that the Messenger of Allah, and bless his Allah and welcomes, said Fatima Bandage Abu Khubyash: "Stop praying with the onset (of your conventional period of menstruation), and when this period) will end, commit Complete ablution, (flushing off) blood, and pray "[Hadith agreed].

And postpartum blood (nifas) is similar to monthly blood (Heid) on the unanimous opinion of scientists.

5. Death

Since the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes when his deceased daughter bathed, said: "Wash it three times, or five times, or more of this, if you consider it necessary" [Hadith is agreed].

Description of full ablution

It is obligatory to dump the water of the whole body with the intention of full ablution, regardless of the methods of its commit. However, it is desirable to commit a full ablution of the prophet, peace and blessing of Allah.

Maimuna is reported to be satisfied with her Allah, said: "I brought the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, water for ablution after big desecration, and (first) he was twice (or three times) washed hand brushes, then loaded his hand In the vessel, (stressed the water), began to merge her on his genitals and washed them with his left hand, and then carefully wiped his left hand about the Earth. Then he made the same ablution (Voodoo), which was usually committed in front of a prayer, then three times screamed the water with his hand and poured on his head, then washed (all other parts) of the body, and then switched to another place and washed his legs, after which I brought him A scarf, from (use) of which he refused "[al-Bukhari is given].

So, the sequence is this:

1. Wash hands twice or three times.

2. Wash genitals.

3. Carefully wipe your hand two or three times.

4. Make the same ablution that is committed before the prayer without wiping his head and legs.

5. Pour water on the head.

6. Wash the rest of the body.

7. Go to another place and washed your feet.

What is prohibited to someone who is in the state of sexual desecration

1. Prayer

2. Bypass around Kaaba

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Bypass around the house (Kaaba) - Prayer" [Is given by en-nasai].

3. Take the Holy Quran

Allah Most High said: "Only purified" is touched to it. (Event, 79)

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Does not touch Holy Quran No one except purified [The Imam Malika is given in Al-Meriatta].

4. Reading the sacred Quran

They transmit that "Ali, will be pleased with Allah, said:" The Messenger of Allah, and he blesses him Allah and welcomed, came from his place, (after which) he taught us the Qur'an and eating meat. Nothing kept him from reading the Koran, except (condition) of large desecration (Janaba) "[is given at AT-Tirmisi].

5. Finding in a mosque without good reason

Allah Most High said: "About those that believed! Do not close to the namazy, being drunk until you understand what pronounce, and being in a state of sexual desecration, until you swim, unless you are a traveler "(women, 43)


Bypass around Kaaba.

Take the sacred quran.

Reading the sacred Quran.

Finding into the mosque.

Complete ablution prescribed by Sunny

1. Complete ablution before Friday prayer.

The Messenger of Allah, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "The one who will perform the ablution (Voodoo) on Friday, and who will fulfill full ablution (let him know that) the full ablution is better" [is given by Abu Dauda].

2. Full ablution during the dressing of Ihrama before Small (Umra) and Big (Hajj) pilgrimage

"Zaid Bin Sabit said that he saw as a prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, removed the clothes for dressing the Ihrama and redeemed" [is given at AT-Tirmisi].

3. Full ablution after bathing the deceased

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Let the one who soldered the deceased" [Is given by Ibn Majakh].

4. Full ablution before each copulation

Transfer from the words Abu Rafi'a: "One day the Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, bypassed all his wives, swimming in each of them. (Abu Rafi ') said: "I told him:" Oh, the messenger of Allah, why don't you swim once? " He replied: "It is better, more beautiful and cleaner" [is given by Abu Daud].

Do not do it

1. to postpone the commission of full ablution in order not to be late with the commission of mandatory prayer.

2. Leave a woman with a mandatory prayer, but you need to make it, as soon as it is cleaned of monthly bleeding.

For example, if a woman cleared before the end of the mandatory prayer time for such a gap, in which one rakat could be made, then the commission of this prayer becomes mandatory.

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "If any of you have time to commit (at least) one rakat morning prayer Before the sunrise, let him bring his prayer to the end, and if any of you have time to do (at least) one rakat of the afternoon prayer ('ASR) before sunset, let him bring his prayer to the end "[Hadith agreed].