Catherine Method Mirimanova Minus 60. Effective Diet Mirimanova

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In the photo of Ekaterina Mirimanova, the creator of the minus 60 system

The history of the creation of the minus 60 system

Ekaterina Mirimanova, a talented journalist and the author of the popular minus-60 system. Born on May 27, 1982 in Moscow, at the moment he lives in Madrid (Spain). Since childhood, experiencing overweight problems. The first time she sat on a "hungry" diet at 13, having achieved, the desired result continued to extend the hunger strikes for the sake of a man and a career model.

The weight began to imperceptibly adding at that moment when the usual world began to collapse, Kati got sick and died from cancer father, and his mother went to live in Spain. Stay alone in a huge megalopolis turned out to be too much stress that she began to mess.

After a while, life began to improve, the girl married, gave birth to a child. But, the weight continued to grow as on the yeast. Mirimanova tried not to pay attention to it, because she had a husband and daughter who loved her as it was. The impetus to the change of the figure was the fact that old friends did not recognize her passing by, and new ones saw in her only a qualified specialist, and not a woman.

So, it was necessary to start the minus-60 system.

Slimming, Katya approached very seriously, she no longer wanted to exhaust themselves with diets who undermined her health in youth, but approached the question, on the other hand. To begin with, I went to a psychologist and figured out with my mental experiences. Re-read the pile of books, consulted with nutritionists, ran through all sorts of specialists in this area and decided to try something new, based on the data obtained.

The first step was the decision not after the sixtime. The weight began to shrink a little, but not enough, and all because of the great love for sweet
wow. A decision was made, everything is sweet, flour and bold there is up to 12 days. Further, daily workouts started for 15-20 minutes. The weight continued to fall, and Katya gradually introduced all new and new rules into their lives collected in our table.

Basic principles of the minus-60 system

  • Breakfast must be satisfied.
  • Daily meals need to be divided for breakfast, lunch and dinner, preferably equal volume.
  • There is no need for coffee or tea.
  • In alcohol, you should give preference to dry wines, and not semi-sweet.
  • White sugar is preferably replaced by brown.
  • The most harmful and calorie is before noon.
  • Instead of white or milk chocolate, it is better to teach yourself to the bitter chocolate.
  • To the header choose the cereals, the steady rice is especially useful. Pasta with potatoes gradually output from the diet or cut to a minimum.
  • Roasted dishes should be replaced with baked or steamed.
  • If there is no place for meat, bird or fish, you can eat one piece of rye bread.
  • Water drink smoothly as much as you want. It is not necessary to cry.
  • Dinner is necessary up to six evenings. If you want to eat a little later, you need to choose smaller dishes.
  • It is impossible to starve, it will harm the body.
  • Every day you need to find time for swimming, running, gymnastics or any other species. Let 10-15 minutes, but daily.
  • In order for the skin does not lose elasticity due to weight loss, it is necessary to take care of it well with scrubics, masks, and.

Diet "Minus 60" Catherine Mirimanova - an approximate weekly menu for every day


  • Breakfast: cheese sandwich; Boiled potatoes with chicken breast, coffee with chocolate.
  • Lunch: Borsch (without sour cream), rice with cutlets, black tea.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese fruit, juice.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge, sausage sandwich, sweet tea with jam.
  • Lunch: meat soup, vegetable salad, stew mushrooms, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner: yogurt, casseled casserole, green tea.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, cheese with ham, banana, coffee with sugar.
  • Lunch: puree soup, stew beef, tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled chicken, juice.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal, fruit salad, coffee with cookies.
  • Lunch: rice, baked turkey, tomato, unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner: fruit cottage cheese, Morse.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, cheese with ham, apple, tea with sugar.
  • Lunch: Borsch lean, potato mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, coffee.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish, rice, juice.


  • Breakfast: pancakes with honey, yogurt, sandwich with sausage, coffee.
  • Lunch: Mushroom soup, pancakes from zucchini for a couple, a piece of rye bread, compote.
  • Dinner: beef for a couple, buckwheat, green tea.


  • Breakfast: Fritters, oatmeal, Coffee with a bun.
  • Lunch: Fish soup, stew vegetables, tea.
  • Dinner: fruit salad, yogurt, kefir.

Minus 60 System Power Table

In order to make it easier to be easier to make me and focus on the products, the power table was created on which the minus 60 system was founded.

So, here's what the "minus 60" diet and its menu for a week (table):

ATTENTION, when clicking tables increase!

What is for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the minus 60 system?

Minus 60 system - Relief reviews with photos

Anna, 26 years

I never thought that I would have to lose weight, but the pregnancy did my job and after giving birth I recovered by 27 kilograms. Thanks to the Minus-60 diet, I dropped them for 5 months. And here I am in my old jeans again. Many thanks to Catherine Mirimanova!

Julia, 38 years

This system saved my marriage! because of female hormonesI strongly added in weight, my husband began to treat me more than cool. And I decided it was time to act! I tried various diets, but constantly broke, and here you can eat almost everything! My weight is now 109, and was 130, I reached this in less than a year.

Diana, 29 years

This diet advised me a girlfriend, in very short timeI dropped about 8 kg. I advise everyone! Personally, I will continue, my goal is to see on scales 75 kg)

Valya, 23 years old

I, very much sweet and leaving on the maternity leave, managed to gain extra 30 kilograms. Having tried "minus-60", I again weigh 55 kg and continue to eat sweet! It's just super, you do not need to extend yourself to eating some of the same products. Eat everything, in moderation, taking into account some imputed rules and you will be a figure 😉

This system is based on the personal experience of its author - Catherine Mirimanova, which is not a professional nutritionist. It shared her results and developed menu on the minus 60 nutrition system, which became very popular among losing weight. Feature diets are that it does not require hard mode, even sweets are allowed. This is what many dream about - there are and gym.

System "Minus 60" Catherine Mirimanova

Magic slimming Catherine Mirimanova is based on a system of three meals, the menu of which eliminates snacks.

First reception Food - breakfast. It must be mandatory, as it helps the body to include metabolic processes. Everything, including sweets, is allowed for breakfast on this system, which makes many sweet teen by the diet "minus 60".

Second reception Food - lunch. Dining menu satisfying, but less dense than breakfast. Sweet already under the ban.

Third power reception - dinner. According to the system of Minus 60, Catherine Mirimanova, it should be no later than 18-20 hours. Evening menu dishes Light and low-calorie.


  • Ekaterina's diet Bulk from Comedy Vumen
  • Light diet for a week at home
  • Diet "Pushinka" minus 35 kg for 3 months

Important! Before lunch, any products are allowed - Cakes, chocolate, fried potatoes, after 12-00 such a food under the strict ban.

Power principles

Catherine Book Mirimanova "Minus 60 system or my magic slimming" is based on her personal experience. Power principles on the system of "60 minus" are in the absence of strict prohibitions in the menu and appears in time. Three meals are mandatory. The snacks are excluded, their presence in the diet The author of the Minus 60 diet considers the main reason excess weight.

Proper nutrition in Mirimanova implies its rules, but the essence of the diet is that morning calories are spent the day, and no fat deposits are processed. The minus 60 system involves small exceptions from the menu, but it allows them to eat some products that ordinary diets are strictly prohibited. So, what can and what can you not eat with a "minus 60" diet?

The system of Catherine Mirimanova "Minus 60" allows the use of the following products:

  • Coffee Tea - Allowed, but without sugar and cream. Use with milk;
  • Sweets - They are an anchor bait for many who choose this system. All diets exclude sugar and sweet, but on the power system "minus 60", sweet is allowed to include in the menu in the first half of the day - up to 12 hours.
  • Bread - allowed bread from white flour for breakfast, and rye - after 14-00. During dinner it should be excluded from the menu, the author of the Minus 60 system believes;
  • Dinner - Mandatory, but low-fat and satisfying. Easy food intake before bedtime, at least in 3 hours.

Ekaterina Mirimanova, in his power system, "Minus 60" has introduced such restrictions and rules:

  • Pasta and potatoes allowed only in the first half of the day;
  • Late dinner no later than 20 hours. Late meal directly before bedtime leads to the fact that everything eaten overnight turns into fat;
  • Water - Mirimanova recommends drinking it moderately. In her opinion, a large amount of fluid in weight loss helps. You need to drink water when you feel thirst;
  • Sugar According to the minus 60 system, it is necessary to replace with fructose or cane brown sugar;
  • Alcohol Under the strict ban, as he is caloriene. We are not only about vodka, but also about fastened sweet wines and champagne. The minus 60 system allows only dry red wine in limited quantities.

List of allowed and prohibited products

MINUS 60 mode, like any other diet, has an individual list of allowed products. Forbidden products in the Minus 60 diet menu were also indicated by the author.

List of permitted and prohibited products with minus 60 diet:

  • Croes: rice - wild, brown; buckwheat; corn; Couscous; Rice noodles; Macaroni and spaghetti from wheat solid varieties;
  • Fruits, berries, dried fruits and nuts - apples (no more than two), plums, citrus, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, melon, watermelon, prunes;
  • Vegetables - any and in unlimited quantities, with the exception of canned corn and peas;
  • Meat products - low-fat varieties of meat, like turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal, poultry meat without skin, except for ducks; The minus 60 system allows you to include boiled sausages in the menu, kelid, eggs;
  • A fish - Crack, Mintai, Heck; crab sticks and canned fish - rarely;
  • Milk products - milk, sour cream, fermented milk, fatty cottage cheese no more than 5%;
  • Beverages - Mineral water without gas, any kind of tea, coffee without sugar, dry red wine. Purchased sweet drinks, juices in the MINUS 60 diet menu are prohibited, as they contain a lot of sugar.

Program of exercise

Ekaterina Mirimanova also included a set of exercises for efficient weight reset. The exercises on the minus 60 system help to lose weight faster and prevent the skin sorcement. If you perform a set of exercises over the minus 60 system together with the recommendations on the power regimen, the results of weight loss will not wait to wait.

The set of exercises on this system is designed for basic muscle groups. They are easy to perform and everyone is suitable. Preferably, every 10 days add the number of repetitions or approaches.

  • Side Mahi foot

Standing straight, we take the foot to the side as high as possible, not in a rush. If necessary, you can lean your hands on the back of the chair. After 8-20 repetitions, we become attentive and do the exercise on the minus 60 system to another leg.

  • Exercise "Cat"

Confidently get on all fours on the rug, hands straight, knees - at right angles. At the exhalation, I lower my head, then "dive" the torso down, the back is somewhat clinging to the pitching to the floor, then "naming" on straight hands. Stretch in this position for 30 seconds. Returning to its original position. We repeat the exercise with the "minus 60" mode 5-12 times, constantly straining the abdominal muscles.

  • Twisting from the position lying

The lifting of the body from the position is complicated by the lifting knee at right angles. To relieve the leg, you can put on the chair, and do twisting only the upper part of the body. Hands behind head in the castle, elbows diluted. We raise the torso as high as possible and delay in this position as long as possible. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise from the minus 60 system 5-10 times.

  • Mahi on all fours

From the standard position on all fours, we take at right angles alternately every leg back. Exercise while complying with minus 60 system needs to be slow and thoughtfully. Make 10 repetitions for each leg.

  • Tightening legs from the position lying

We lie down on the carpet and slowly raise both legs at right angles, then lower them and repeat the exercise 8-15 times.

  • Jumping "Scissors"

Source position: Stand straight, hands along the body, legs together. In the jump we put the legs and raise your hands above your head. We return to the original position and repeat the exercise on the minus 60 system 5-15 times.

Power circuit

The power circuit with the slimming system "minus 60" has several characteristic features that need to be observed when making a menu on this diet:


  • You can eat everything, but in one reception.


  • Method of cooking on the minus 60 system - Cooking, baking. Under the ban roasted food;
  • Products are vegetables, except for eggplant, pumpkins, canned peas and corn. Cereals, with the exception of legumes and cereals. Meat Include in the menu non-fat meat without leather, eggs, low-fat dairy products (up to 5%);
  • Fruits - apples, pineapple, avocado, plum, melon, watermelon, prunes;
  • Sauces - low-fat mayonnaise, but better systemic, vegetable oil is quite a bit, sour cream, yogurt;
  • Drinks - coffee, tea, water, natural fresh juices, dairy drinks, red, dry wine;
  • Comply with the combination of products - according to the minus 60 system, it is impossible to combine meat with cereal and bread;
  • Sweets in the minus 60 dining menu under the ban.


  • Method of cooking - cooking, baking, without fat and oil;
  • Combine products - fruits with dairy products, croups, vegetables, porridges with vegetables, vegetables and dairy products, meat without side disk and vegetables, dairy products with cottage cheese;
  • Drinks - herbal, green teas, milk-sour drinks (unsweetened yogurt, kefir, ajane), fresh juices, red, dry wine, water (gas and without);
  • Sweets under the ban.

What can be festive dishes?

For holidays, the power system "minus 60" is not canceled. Some relaxation are possible in the menu, such as 40-50 g of solid cheese. In fact, the system is such that even at a festive table you can find suitable dishes, most importantly, to follow the rules: do not combine bread with meat and do not overeat. What can be festive dishes on the minus 60 system? We offer several recipes for festive dishes that need to be included in the menu:

Baked in foil chicken with pineapples


  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • canned jar of canned pineapples;
  • system mayonnaise (yoghurt unsweetened and soy sauce);
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil.


Clear the breast from the skin, delivered, make cuts, lubricate with a systemic mayonnaise, to put the pineapple circles from above. Prepared to bake in foil or sleeve, smearing it with pre-oil. Bake at 180 from 20 minutes.

This recipe for the festive menu on the minus 60 system will be appropriate not only in singular days, but also a pleasant will screensy weekdays.

Salad with avocado and egg


  • salad leaves or other greens;
  • chinese cabbage;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 2 eggs.

For refueling:

  • system mayonnaise or 2 h. vegetable sauce;
  • salt to taste.


Leaves break hands on large pieces, or cut into medium cubes Beijing cabbage, eggs and avocado also chopped into cubes. Fill with sauce or vegetable oil to choose from.

System "minus 60" during pregnancy

The minus 60 system is suitable for future mothers, as it does not contain serious restrictions and prohibitions in the menu. Its main principle is not to overeat, eat on schedule, do not drink alcohol. However, it should be consulted with a doctor who will definitely say whether this type of food is suitable for both mother and baby.

How much can you lose weight on the minus 60 system?

According to the reviews of those who observed this power mode, the results are already in the first week - 500-600 g of the minus weight. A month for a tasty menu can be reset from 3 to 5 kg. The minus 60 system gives an excellent result without serious restrictions in food.

According to the enthusiastic reviews of the adherents of the minus 60 system, you can drop to 20 kg for half a year. At the same time, weight loss takes place calmly, without harsh failures from all products and favorite dishes, since according to the minus 60 system, you can eat all until 12 o'clock. Average per month - minus 3 kg, if you include active sports in the mode, you can lose up to 5 kg in a month.

Strong motivation is its photo at the beginning of the weight loss process, and the comparison of the results every month.

MINUS 60 system diet

The menu for the week of minus 60 system does not require special costs. This power mode is attractive in that it is designed for ordinary people with a standard diet. It is enough to exclude from the menu some products and adhere to the power and sports mode. Meal - Strictly in time, Sports - 2-3 times a week. The approximate menu of the slimming system "minus 60" Catherine Mirimanova is described in more detail below.

What can I eat for breakfast?

As already mentioned, the morning menu does not contain any restrictions. Breakfast with a slimming system "Minus 60" allows you to include everything in the morning diet that I wanted to eat in the evening. This cunning It is designed for the fact that in the morning losing weight will not be able to eat everything that wanted in the evening, as the arguing organism is not ready for too abundant food. As a result, a person eats less not only in the evening, but in the morning.

Undesirable with a diet "Minus 60" Using milk chocolateIt can be replaced with black chocolate or honey menu.

Right lunch

Basic rule with diet "Minus 60" for lunch - Do not eat any meat and fish products with potatoes, bean and cereal (bread and pasta from soft wheat varieties) products. This rule refers to the second dishes - soups, for example, with chicken meat and potatoes. All regime dishes are steam, boiled, baked. Frying - under the ban.

Ready meat and fish dishes - Boiled sausages, canned goods, crab sticks with a minus 60 diet can be eaten no more than once a week, provided: do not combine them with potatoes, bread, spaghetti and pasta.

Meat There is permissible, but not fat: chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef. Bird must be separated from the skin before cooking.

A fish - Only low-fat varieties, such as cod, pike perch, polytai, carp.

On garnir On the minus 60 system, cereals are allowed, but not all. It is possible to include in the menu buckwheat and wheat (no more than once a week) porridge, pasta and spaghetti from solid wheat varieties. An important point that must be observed! The number of this carbohydrate meal, which saturates the body of the energy, should be the same every day. Garnish portion should not exceed 200

Soletia. Allowed in small quantities, canned food is also, but no later than 14 hours. It is better to use fresh vegetables - they contain more beneficial substances, and do not contain a lot of salt, which delays water in the body, usually leading to swelling.

Bread When Diet "Minus 60" can be included in the menu only rye, and it should be separate from meat dishes.

Non-fat dairy products Allowed in any quantity. Cheese is hard and melted, cottage cheese - no more than 50 g per day.

Refueling and sauces - Mayonnaise, vegetable oil, sour cream up to 14-00.. It is better to replace the sauce on the minus 60 system, mainly on a non-charging yogurt and soy sauce.

Sharp sauces - Mustard, Adzhik, Ketchupa can be before and after 14-00. But it is better to exclude, as they increase appetite and you want to eat more.

Fruits unsweetened - Apples, plums, avocado, citrus, pineapple. From dried fruits, you can enable the prunes in the menu.

Bakhcheva - Melon and watermelon should be used separately from the rest of the food, no more than two pieces per day.

Drink Better simple water. The exact amount of water in the day of Catherine Mirimanova does not prescribe. According to its system, water is consumed when thirst comes. Coffee and tea with sugar can only be consumed up to 12 hours.

Dietary dinner

Dinner on the minus 60 system should be no later than six o'clock in the evening and should not be fat or heavy. The diet menu allows late dinner to eight o'clock in the evening for those who go to bed late. On the system, Mirimanova is offered several combinations of products for dinner to choose from:

Fruits can be used ::

  • with dairy products and eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • croes.

Vegetables can be combined:

  • with buckwheat or rice porridge on water;
  • dairy products not higher than 5% fat, as well as with eggs.

Meat and fish dishes - without side dish.

Vegetables - any, with the exception of starchy (potatoes, Topinamburg), legumes, pumpkins, corn, mushrooms, eggplants. Mushrooms are better to exclude too. Despite the fact that low-calorie mushrooms, they are seriously digested, and dinner on the minus 60 system should be light.

Fruits - From the general list, with the exception of avocado.

From drinks: Mineral water without gas, herbal teas, infusions and decoctions.

Minus 60 system - menu for a week

The minus 60 system is a delicious and useful food. Here sample menu on every day:


  • oatmeal on water with fresh fruits, boiled egg, coffee, croissant;
  • vegetarian soup, spaghetti with seafood, vegetable seasonal salad;
  • boiled chicken fillet in garlic orange sauce, buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetables, herbal tea.


  • fresh cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey, egg-pashota, green tea;
  • cream-soup from pumpkin, carrots and potatoes, pilaf on non-fat meat, green leaves of salad with seafood;
  • potato mashed potatoes, low-fat fish with vegetables baked in foil, berry morse.


  • manna porridge with butter, fruit salad with refueling from dietary ice cream, coffee;
  • beetter, stew vegetable with chicken meat, apple kissel;
  • puree from zucchini, carrots and broccoli, turkey meatballs in tomato sauce, tea.


  • buckwheat on milk with honey, jelly fruit, coffee;
  • grass broth, baked potatoes with garlic and greens in sour cream, seasonal vegetables;
  • lavash baked with cottage cheese filling, buckwheat cake with caramelized onion and grated carrots, tea;


  • omelet steam with tomatoes, cottage cheese pudding with fresh fruit, compote;
  • curpose chicken soup, boiled pasta, shrimp in garlic cream sauce;
  • zucchini baked with chicken fillet and cheese, rice, Salad "Summer".


  • oatmeal on water, biscuit with berries, green tea;
  • vegetable soup, cottage cheese Lapshevik, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • rice boiled with baked fish in soy sauce, kissel.


  • cottage cheese with strawberry and banana puree, boiled egg, coffee;
  • sago soup with vegetables, potato casserole, cucumber salad;
  • paste of solid wheat varieties with seafood, summer salad.

Recipes on the minus 60 system

The minus 60 power system is based on simple and affordable products, therefore, with recipes, dishes can be experimenting independently, given the rules of this power mode.
Here are examples of food recipes on a minus 60 diet:

Breakfast -Sweet oat porridge


  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • milk - 200 g;
  • sugar - to taste.


Milk boil, add flakes and sugar. Cook until readiness. You can add frozen or fresh berries in the finished porridge. If the flakes are instant, you can pour them on the night and leave in the refrigerator. Outline, add honey, nuts, fruit.

Very useful I. right recipewhich can be modified every day, making the system menu varied.

Lunch - Zucchini rolls with rice


  • Zucchini Long - 2 pcs;
  • Rice - 100 g;
  • Carrot - 1 pc;
  • Onions - 1 pc;
  • Mushrooms - 50 g;
  • Spices to taste - salt, pepper, olive herbs;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sour cream low-fat - 2 tbsp. l.


Suspension zucchini along on the plates, scream or dip in boiling water for softness. Prepare a filling: boil the rice on the water, lean on the colander. Carrot, onions, mushrooms - to fire, add spices, mix with rice. Starting put on zucchini and twist in the roll, fix with a wooden sap. Put in a baking sheet, pour sour cream, bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Useful and aesthetic recipe that will be appropriate in the system menu not only on weekdays, but also on holidays.

Dessert - Apples with cinnamon and honey


  • Apples - 400 g;
  • Cinnamon - 15 g;
  • Honey - 20 g


My apples, cut the top, bake in the oven until readiness. We water the top of honey and add cinnamon. Cinnamon is a weight loss spice that contributes to burning fat and acceleration of metabolism. Optionally, you can decorate apples with fresh fruits and nuts.

This is an eternal recipe for all the menu standards for proper supply for weight loss for a week, which also fits both the minus 60 system and can be consumed on any day of the week when weight loss.

Dinner - vegetable omelet for a couple

Rules of Slimming Slimming "Minus 60"

1. The whole potential of the technique is assigned for breakfast, it is the morning meal fills the body with energy and makes you awaken. Therefore, after awakening, eat tight.

2. Reduce the volume of salt consumed or give up it at all. Do not forget that the salt holds the liquid and worsens the splitting of adipose tissue.

3. Bread is allowed to consume morning and dinner food. But it is necessary to buy wholegrain or rye variety.

4. An ideal variant of the side dish is the rice or buckwheat. Potatoes and pasta also do not go anywhere, but are consumed less often and only in the morning.

5. All drinks, whether coffee or tea, are accepted without sweeteners. If you can not drink them out, buy "Stevia" in the pharmacy (natural type substitute).

6. Fruits lead to the bloating, as well as rotting food in the esophagus. Therefore, there are no need in a large amount. If you really want, fruits are consumed until 12:00 hours.

7. Diet minus 60 suggests that portions you are regulating yourself. The week's menu is described below, you can transfer information to the table. If you are accustomed to 300-400 gr., The first 7 days just like this and eat. From the second week, cut the portion twice.

Slimming Slimming "Minus 60" - menu for a month

Minus 60 is a special system of weight loss, which menu does not imply rigid prohibitions for a month. The main thing, follow the general recommendations.

Eat strictly by clock at the same time:

  1. 07:00-10:00
  2. 13:00-15:00
  3. 18:00-20:00

Day number 1

  1. Puree from zucchini and potatoes, toast from dark bread with slices solid cheese, Green tea or coffee.
  2. Vegetable soup with slices of fish, carved zucchini with eggplants, squeezed carrots with garlic and butter.
  3. Boiled eggs in the amount of 2 pcs.

Day number 2.

  1. Fish, baked in foil, potato mashed potatoes, salad on green vegetables.
  2. Soup with brown rice and chicken fillet, stolen pilaf (without oil).
  3. Fish dietary grade (parenchy or baked).

Day number 3.

  1. Puree (from cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes), baked cake with cabbage or potatoes.
  2. Stew on vegetables, fish soup, cucumbers in the amount of 2 pcs.
  3. Kefir / Ryazhenka / Liquid yogurt with chopped dill or celery.

Day number 4.

  1. Diet casserole from cottage cheese, pair of apples or pears, grain cottage cheese.
  2. Beef chop with stew vegetables, boiled egg, squeezed carrot with sour cream.
  3. Buckwheat, stamped in boiling water. Meatballs from low-fat meat, as well as a piece of cheese.

After the fourth day on a diet minus 60 you will feel satiety. This system of weight loss, or rather its menu for a month will not allow you to starve.

Day number 5.

  1. Fish fillet, grilled either in the oven. Rice is parhed, sandwich (black bread-sausage or bread-cheese).
  2. Boiled potatoes with garlic and butter. Mushrooms cooked in a slow cooker. Tofu cheese.
  3. A lightweight soup on vegetables and turkey fillets, a shedron coat with butter and garlic.

Day number 6.

  1. Stuffed with beef minced peppers, celery, cucumber, piece of pizza.
  2. A mixture of oatmeal and linen porridge, dietary cheesecakes, grain cottage cheese, dense yogurt.
  3. Ryazhenka with linen seeds or kefir with chopped dill.

Day number 7.

  1. Toast from rye bread with slices of cheese, grapefruit, omelet on a pair of eggs.
  2. Coffee without sweeteners and milk / cream, cabbage rolls with vegetable filling or lean meat, colder (optional).
  3. Warm salad with beef, pepper, tomatoes, arugula, greens. Shrimp boiled.

Minus 60 (Slimming System) is an ideal option for those who makes themselves a menu for a week. The first 7 days came to an end, we continue to further consider the menu for a month.

Day number 8.

  1. Boiled potatoes covered with melted cheese (melt in the microwave). Baked champignons with sour cream.
  2. Boiled turkey / chicken-based salad with avocado pieces. Baked chop with potato mashed potatoes.
  3. Fish (trout, pink salmon) in sleeve, stew vegetable.

Day number 9.

  1. Chilling in a royal, a pair of boiled eggs, a slice of a light yoghurt cake.
  2. Spaghetti from wheat solid variety with tomato sauce, portion of boiled white meat.
  3. Stew vegetables, boiled rice cereals (brown), dietary cheese.

Day number 10.

  1. Omelet on 2 eggs, toast with solid cheese slices, coffee without sweeteners and milk / cream.
  2. Vegetable soup with pieces of chicken meat, a couple of kiwi, grapefruit or pomelo.
  3. Kefir drink with the addition of chopped dill or flax seed, apple.

Day number 11.

  1. Herbal tea, sandwich sandwich, puree from potatoes from meters.
  2. Prunes, soup with meatballs, crab salad with buckwheat.
  3. Apple, broccoli and beef tongue cooked for a couple.

Diet minus 60 allows you to significantly lose weight. Slimming system has proven itself on numerous reviews. The article presents the menu for a month.

Day number 12.

  1. Natural pudding from Manka, Latte and Banana.
  2. Cutlets for a pair with rice, chicken broth with breadcrumbs, kiwi.
  3. Steam fish, grapefruit.

Day number 13.

  1. Oatmeal, baked patties with potatoes.
  2. Bacon, a piece of pineapple, Greek salad, baked vegetables with mashed potatoes.
  3. Curd casserole, unsweetened tea, cabbage without meat.

Day number 14.

  1. Steamed fish with potatoes, vegetable salad.
  2. Salad of seafood, Julien, wine glass (dry).
  3. Cottage cheese grain, boiled cabbage (color), pineapple.

Day number 15.

  1. Omelet with tomato, black bread slice with cheese, unsweetened coffee.
  2. A pickle without potatoes on meat broth, buckwheat with chicken breast, pineapple.
  3. Fish (with red meat) cooked for a couple.

Day number 16.

  1. Tea on herbs, cheese, bread with butter.
  2. Stew vegetables with rice, vegetable soup, tea, rye bread slice.
  3. Natural yogurt with fruit, cottage cheese, tea.

Minus 60 is a special slimming system. The menu for a month will not make you strongly limit the diet.

Day number 17.

  1. Cheese, tea, pasta with cheese.
  2. Fish, vegetable stew, tea with herbs and rusty breadcrumbs.
  3. Buckwheat with stew vegetables.

Day number 18.

  1. Natural juice, casserole from greenery and potatoes.
  2. Steam vegetables with greens and boiled pork, rice, tea.
  3. Boiled fish with buckwheat.

Day number 17.

  1. Safety tea, a piece of rye bread, fried eggs with tomatoes.
  2. Curly carrot, steam rice with veal.
  3. Yogurt home with pieces of fruit.

Day number 20.

  1. Bread with cheese, juice, oatmeal with milk and berries.
  2. Meat soup, a salad of prunes and coarse sugars.
  3. Yogurt with berries, cottage cheese.

Day number21

  1. Apple (green), coffee without sweeteners, cheesery.
  2. Buckwheat with stewed vegetables, ear, tea.
  3. Stew veal.

Day number 22.

  1. Tea on herbs, porridge from rice, bread with butter.
  2. Vegetable vegetable salad, soup with meat, coffee, stew mushrooms.
  3. Casserole from cottage cheese, yogurt, green tea.

Day number 23.

  1. Bread with cheese, coffee, puree with chicken breast.
  2. Steamed cutlet with rice, tea, borsch without additives.
  3. Juice, cottage cheese with berries or fruit.

Day number 24.

  1. Banana, coffee, scrambled eggs, cheese.
  2. Tea on herbs, low-fat soup, beef stew.
  3. Boiled breast, juice, vegetable salad.

The special program minus 60 allows you to easily say goodbye to unwanted kilograms. During the loss system, you also improve health and overall well-being. Menu for a month can afford each.

Day number 25.

  1. Cheese, buckwheat on milk, tea, apple.
  2. Potato mashed potatoes with vegetable salad, lean borsch, coffee.
  3. Rice with boiled fish, natural juice.

Day number 26.

  1. Oatmeal, coffee, fruit salad, shortbread.
  2. Fresh tomato, stewed turkey with rice, tea.
  3. Morse, cottage cheese with the addition of fruit.

Day number 22.

  1. Oatmeal porridge, fritters, coffee.
  2. Vegetable stew, ear, tea.
  3. Fruit salad, refilled by homemade yogurt.

Day number 28.

  1. Kefir, pancakes, coffee.
  2. Soup with mushrooms, zucchini fritters (sad), compote.
  3. Buckwheat with boiled beef, green tea.

Day number 29.

  1. Prostokvash, rye bread with butter, cheese.
  2. Lean soup, pea mashed meat, tomato juice.
  3. Rice with steam fish, kefir, cottage cheese.

Day number 30.

  1. Milk with muesli, a piece of rye bread with cheese.
  2. Julien, boiled chicken with rice, coffee.
  3. Stew beef with vegetables, Prostokvasha.

To spread with overweight, it is worth resorting to the help of a special minus 60 program. For a long time, the slimming system shows itself only from the best side. The detailed menu is written for a month.

In search efficient way Slimming people try different diets. Some power systems turn out to be unacceptable, others are complex, others are absolutely not fulfilled. The effectiveness of everyone is different in each individual case. Slimming system minus 60 It appeared due to a brave woman, which by his own reflection and the price of physical effort led his figure to standard parameters.

The article describes the essence of Catherine's diet Mirimanova minus 60, it is not hard, but extremely effective. The approximate list of products listed in the material and their use during the day will help you to stand on the path of struggle for your figure and get the first results for the month! Therefore, it is so in demand and popular. Ekaterina Mirimanova created the system for himself, tested it and distributed among those who wish. It took her not much time to turn into an elegant lady with a slender waist.

The Russian writer, who created many fascinating works, became famous in a different way. Since childhood, she suffered from completeness. At different periods of life, I tried to lose weight, but could not achieve an acceptable result. When a 120 kg figure was established on the scales, she firmly decided to fight this trouble. She not only harmed appearance. She spoiled life and health.

Extremely not satisfied with its dimensions, Catherine decided to invent his way of weight loss, an effective diet. She began to eat according to his own rules. As a result, for 1.5 years, dropped 60 kg. It was hard to know her in a new one.

Ekaterina decided to tell the public about his experience:

  • created a blog on the Internet;
  • wrote a book that came out in 2005 and became incredibly popular among those who wish to lose weight;
  • organized meetings with women and men suffering from the problem with which she broke up, and gave them a detailed description of their technique.

Her advice has become in demand. The diet itself was so effective that it was able to satisfy the needs and desire to reset the extra kilograms of fat from many complete people. Enthusiastic reviews and results of lost weight inspired by the author to further popularize their useful nutrition ideas "Minus 60". And the photo of a wonderful reincarnation only approved her in the thoughts that its method really brings real benefits to people.

Opinion expert

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

Ekaterina Mirimanova diet is well known for the principal lack of prohibitions. It is shown to women and men who, by their nature, are steyers, that is, runners for long distances, and do not tolerate extreme and rapid weight loss. A rapid decline in body weight is much more harmful than slow. If you calculate, then a year and a half is almost 550 days, and if 60 kg, or 60,000 g, divided by these days, then it will be a reduction in weight at a speed of one hundred grams per day. This is physiologically, and this approach is useful to patients not only with excess weight and obesity of the first, second, and even third degree, but also suffering from cardiovascular diseases, if there are signs of chronic heart failure.

A characteristic and important sign of this diet is the lack of prohibitions. A man initially must put a goal for which he can go months, but at the same time he can reward himself with delicious food. In fact, everything is allowed in the morning: biscuit cake, smoked fat, salad with mayonnaise. The main rule is to comply with the tough calorie restriction in the evening clock and do not go for the night. Even if you only remember this principle, you can reset the weight, however, not so fast.

The essence of Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet

The well-known program for slimming "minus 60" is a positive experience of one person. Creating it for himself, Ekaterina Mirimanova was not going to make his body with hard restrictions, did not want to create additional spending on expensive products. Its diet is characterized by simplicity and accessibility. It can use anyone wishing to lose weight. The main condition in it is observing a common approach. Modern man Always hurry somewhere. So in the morning, many people do not have breakfast. This is the main omission that once Catherine noticed. The second drawback is the evening overeating, when to hurry nowhere and you can enjoy your favorite dishes.

By paying attention to these two components of the lifestyle of almost all others, the author of the MINUS 60 methodology decided to eliminate the vice and start fighting fat folds on his body. Now she began to actively eat in the morning, up to 12 hours. In the evening, after 18, - neither crumbs in the mouth.

Re-reading the mass of special literature, talking to the nutritionists, she came to the conclusion that it is necessary to eat hard when it requires an organism. Namely, in the clock of the greatest wakefulness and physical activity. This is just a time before lunch. Table of product calorie helped her to decide on the diet and food. She decided that this set of rules should always be with her and kept him in the lady's handbag.

Video about how Ekaterina Mirimanova lost 60 kg

Cakes and cakes, fatty and high-calorie products she began to use for breakfast. They have a lot of components that go into fat deposits on the waist, abdomen, sides, other parts of the body. Big physical activity In the morning does not allow this to happen. Extra calories are not turned into folds, but spent as an energy supply. In the author's diet, Mirimanova, the main object of losing weight - the clock. His arrows decide that you can eat at the current minute. Until the middle of the day fill the stomach with all the favorite products, observing the sensible limits of the portion. In the second half there can be no place for oily, smoked, salty, fried. At sunset the sun comes into force the law of a rigid ban. Here the list of acceptable products is strictly limited.

Attention! Power base for the system of Mirimanova - time, not food.

The main principle of the diet "Minus 60" - good breakfast. He was adhered to our ancestors. This is his reasonable essence. Scientists who devoted to this issue a lot of studies came to the conclusion: they suffer overweight people who avoid (do not have time) breakfast. In the course of the day they have to eat much more food than the body is required. Everything is superfluous goes into fat stocks.

Permitted and prohibited products

In the Mirimanova diet there is no accurate list of products that are allowed to use. The only thing that it does not take categorically, milk chocolate (welcomes bitter) and alcoholic beverages. In the bitter a large number of useful components that have a positive effect on the thin figure. Because of the high calorie content it is necessary in the morning. White bread is allowed: for breakfast or lunch no more than 1 slice. Special attention The author of the Slimming Slimming System "MSINUS 60" offers drinks. It is impassive to use a hot. Wine glass will be allowed to be an exception for a serious occasion. Liquid with sugar is recommended to replace ordinary water. Tea, Catherine's coffee suggests drinking with milk to noon.

According to the author of the technique, the water should be used, based on real needs. It makes no sense to pour it on 1.5-2 liters without any particular need. It will be necessary to escape from the eats. Fans of macaroni and potatoes are allowed to eat them in the morning. At this time, it is permissible to combine with meat, fish. At lunch only with vegetables. Prepare soup on meat broth with the addition of potatoes is contraindicated.

Attention! The advantage of the Mirimanova diet is the use of any products on your own choice.

Dinner should include dishes only from low-calorie ingredients. In relation to this reception, Ekaterina Mirimanova has a special opinion. If the schedule does not allow you to go to bed early, dinner can be transferred to a later time. However, the interval between wakefulness and sleep should be at least 4 hours. In the last reception of food, it is permissible, for example, rice-vegetable or fruit casseroles or simply combine boiled garnish with fresh or stew vegetables.

Diet minus sixty menu for a week

There is no strict menu in this diet. The main thing is to properly observe the power mode, normalize portions and competently combine products.

Breakfasts can be made up of the following dishes:

  • dairy porridge from any cereals with butter, honey (sugar), cheese sandwiches, tea (coffee);
  • fried potatoes vegetable oil, sweet coffee;
  • a piece of meat (fish) with potato (pasta) garnish, tea;
  • pancakes with arbitrary filling, sweet tea;
  • cottage cheese under sour cream, piece of cake (cake), coffee (tea);
  • lavash with filling, bun with sausage (sandwich with cheese, ham, caviar (to choose from)), compote;
  • dumplings (dumplings), bun, lubricated with oil, kefir, yogurt or tea.

As you can see, it is a very dense meal. Lunches have a hard rule: you can not put potatoes on one plate (pasta) and meat. It is allowed to eat sweet and starchy fruits, drinking non-carbonated water, tea, coffee, kefir, natural juices.

Exemplary options for Mirimanova may be such:

  • borsch with meat without potatoes, buckwheat with bird liver or white meat, stewed separately, rye crackers;
  • potato stew, tomatoes with cheese stuffing, a piece of black bread.
  • fish from oven, boiled (stew) vegetables, beet salad under sour cream;
  • pepper with meat stuffing, a salad of fresh vegetable vegetable fruit;
  • kura baked in the oven, vegetables with cheese.

Dinner - one dish from the following list:

  • a piece of boiled meat: beef, chicken, lamb;
  • keese (bay);
  • kura (fish) from the oven;
  • cutlets;
  • fish kebab.

The weekly MINUS 60 system menu is distinguished by variety. Recipes are simple performed, do not require serious time costs. Such a diet is acceptable for most losing weight.

Minus 60 system menu for every day

Power diagram for this diet does not differ in particular complexity. The daytime menu may include the following composition:

  • Breakfast (strictly up to 12 hours): 2 boiled boiled eggs, rye bread sandwich, butter cream and cheese, sweet coffee with milk;
  • Lunch (up to 15 hours): Porridge from buckwheat cereals (about 200 g), boiled to a pair of meat (150 g), beet under the mayonnaise spoon. A cup of simple tea.
  • Dinner (until 18:00 or until 20:00): Last cottage cheese (200 g) with a grated apple.

In addition to the diet and normalized power, it is important to perform a specific complex every day. exercise. Catherine herself for himself invented tasks with a load on different parts of the body. Charging should not be reduced, but be regular. Sporting (fitness, walks, jogs) is permissible at any time of the day and as much as the work schedule allows. Diet "Minus 60" - one of best ways Getting rid of excess weight load. It does not require moral restrictions and is able to satisfy any losing weight. Diet "Minus 60" is one of the most effective and gentle developments. The month of such nutrition can lead to tangible results.

Full people have to be not easy, because they are ready to try all the ways to bring down harmony and beauty, elegance and health for your body. One of the proven methods of global loss was a diet on the method of celebrity, Kati Mirimanova. After all, she personally managed to reset not 10 and not even 20 kg, but as much as 60 kilograms of superfluous, unnecessary, harmful, such severe and aggravating excess weight. But it was not immediately given. It was able to find beauty only a year and a half.

But everyone who has already become interested in this technique is more lucky. They will be able to evaluate the result and note the first indicators of body weight loss after only a few days proper nutrition By ration Catherine. At the same time, you do not need to experience your willpower, to deprive your favorite entertainment, in the form of consideration of delicacies. The main thing is to comply with the prescribed meal reception system. Although the sake of achieving high results still have to sacrifice something from its menu.

Azi diet - a guarantee of healthy eating

  1. Breakfast is a mandatory diet condition. This is the starting point of metabolism. It is not necessary to eat a complete plate of the second dish. A small portion of porridge or a mug of a beloved drink with a light bite in the form of cheese, croutons, crackers. If you please, you can eat and vermichel.
  2. Sweets or sugar in pure form should be used no later than noon.
  3. In the interval of 12.00 to 14.00, the use of products fried with oil was unacceptable. Alternative option - Preparation with the use of grill.
  4. Dining meal should be worked out so that the side dish in the form of macaroni, potatoes, as well as bread, was not used together with meat, fish dishes. The basis can be replaced with rice or buckwheat, as well as vegetables. The use of potatoes in the diet of Kati Mirimanova is appropriate in combination with vegetable stegu.
  5. After 14.00, you have to put in the menu diet minus for meat, fish products with potato and pasta garnish. It will be replaced rice and buckwheat. The soup is also unacceptably the presence of potatoes.
  6. During the second half of the day it is worth using instead of a slice of white bread, rye.
  7. You can dine by porridge, vegetables, fermented milk products. Meat, fish products are also appropriate. Evening menu for every day excludes dishes from legumes, as well as eggplant, mushrooms, potatoes, corn. Milk can be used to fruit. Dinner must be filed for 4 hours earlier than the departure to sleep.

What products still have to refuse at all

Dry wine to drink food, according to the prescriptions of Kati, is not worth it. It is also better to forget about milk chocolate. In the extreme case, he will replace a piece of bitter delicacy. Although the list of forbidden products and is small, it is of great importance.

After all restrictions, it is worth find out the advantages of the conceived. The forces spent justify themselves in full.

On the pluses of the selected way of losing weight

In the diet Kati Mirimanova minus find it difficult. But the advantages here are many:

  • A diet can comply with all women, regardless of age.
  • Even with the identified health problems, such a diet will not worsen the state, and on the contrary, will contribute to the strengthening of immunity. After all, it is responsible for him digestive system - intestines.
  • Here you will not have to spend time to count calories, and until 12.00 be limited, not at all.
  • Throughout the power of power on the recommendations of Mirimanova, the body does not have exhaustion. Also, women and men do not threaten the state of nervousness, overvoltage, weakness, apathy. This allows you to constantly stick to the councils described in detail by the author.
  • In the rules of the diet there are no disagreements with the prescriptions of the World Health Organization and the Domestic Ministry of Health. In both cases, a full dinner must be completed until 18.00.
  • The amount of drinking fluid is determined individually, at the request of the body.

It is worth trying to eat one week to eat according to the rules listed to significantly improve the condition of your body and start losing weight, as Ekaterina Mirimanova did.

Exemplary full ration

You can try the approximate menu for the first 7 days. He was developed by the author for himself and shares experience with the rest.


  • Fake a piece of cheese, honey baking, a cup of tea;
  • Dine with vegetable soup, portion of stewed vegetables with rice, a piece of rye bread, a circle of tea;
  • Dinner with low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt with fruit or fruit filler, drink a cup of tea.


  • In the morning, trapes with omelet from eggs and tomato, a cup of coffee, a bun with;
  • For lunch, take a brideller cooked on meat broth, without potatoes. The second dish buckwheat, Salad with adding chicken fillet, as well as the cabbage of white and pineapple;
  • Dinner need steam fish of red breeds.


  • Breakfast boiled pasta and ham, cheese, tea;
  • You can lunch vegetable stew, fish, tea and rye breadcrumbs;
  • Evening meal from vegetable assorted and buckwheat porridge.


  • In the morning, saturate oatmeal on milk, added fruit, bread with cheese, juice;
  • During the day to trape soup on meat, a beet-and-colored salad, rye crackers;
  • The evening diet is replete with cottage cheese, pieces of fruit, yogurt.


  • Start a day with long-awaited potato casserole with greens and beloved juice;
  • At lunch is relevant stewed pork, and in addition - vegetables and greens. Garnish in the form of rice porridge. Tea;
  • Dinner any of the previous 4.


  • Breakfast with cheesecakes with fruit jam, green apple, beloved coffee;
  • Dining ear, buckwheat, boiled with vegetables, tea;
  • To dinner to put out a piece of veal.

Sunday diet on Mirimanova:

  • Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, white bread and jam to tea for breakfast;
  • Rice and veal, carrot for lunch;
  • Yogurt, fired by pineapple, for dinner.

If the approximate menu for trial days is not suitable, you can combine other products and dishes from the following lists.

Power options for self-selection

You can have breakfast

  1. Sweetened dairy porridge, with sandwich and sweet tea.
  2. Potato mashed potatoes and chicken, white bread, coffee.
  3. Scrambled eggs with cheese, tea with cookies or candy.
  4. Vermicellus with cheese, tea with candy or cookies.

For the second breakfast fit

  1. Sandwiches with the addition of patesta, sausage, cheese; coffee.
  2. Tea mug of green or yogurt.
  3. Banana fruit, or a portion of fruit juice.
  4. Coffee mug with cheese and cracker.


You should cook for a couple, put out, bake, cook anything. The main thing is that there is no abundant amount of fats, oil, including mayonnaise, sour cream. In soups, the presence of smoked, salted and pickled products is possible.


Any non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks are suitable. From wines, you can take red in very small quantities.

To dinner treat ease

Without heavy products, the menu should include only boiled and fast digestible components. Equally suitable dairy products with fruit.

Thus, the proposed Dietary System "Minus 60" Catherine becomes not just an effective weapon in the struggle for its own body, but also a good alternative to excessive food. With such a diet to stay in the form and after weight loss will be easy. The main thing is not to be lazy and not miss the days. And it is quite easy to do it, especially when there are many of the affirmative reviews of those who personally managed to promote harmony on this diet. Perhaps you will be more interested in Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss at home.

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