Means from diarrhea child 5 years. For small rush: what can be given to a child from diarrhea

Diarrhea in young children is a frequent phenomenon that causes a lot of hassle parents and considerable discomfort to the baby. Such a condition does not always proceed to harm and can cause unpleasant complications. Diarrhea in a child of 2 years should be perceived as a serious violation of the work of a small organism, requiring adoption of effective measures.

Causes of diarrhea in 2-pilots

Depending on the type of provoking factor, diarrhea may be an alimentary, dyspepsive, neurogenic, infectious. Diarrhea for kids 2-pilot may occur due to:

  • consumption of low-quality food, unwashed fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • crossing;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • reception of drugs;
  • stressful situations.

Often, rotavirus infection is becoming the causes of intestinal disorder (also known as "gastric flu"), golden staphylococcus, campylobacteria, dysentery, salmonellosis.

Before treating diarrhea in a child, it is important to find out the circumstances preceding it. The initial treatment has begun to lead to the chronization of pathology, fraught with a violation of metabolic processes, a slowdown in the development of a child, dehydration.

First aid

Not all parents know what to give a child from diarrhea in 2 years as first aid. To avoid dehydration and its dangerous consequences, it is important to timely compensate for the loss of fluid with a child organism. The following drugs against diarrhea are able to help:

  1. Regidron.
  2. Enterodez.
  3. Smacks.

Regidron is a popular dehydration remedy in powder, due to its effectiveness causing confidence in many moms. For a child of 2 years, a little more than half of a package with a medicine is dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water. Ready mix Take after each defecation for several sips. At the same time, it is important to observe the following ratio - for 4-10 hours, the volume of drank medicine should be about 60 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight.

If vomiting and diarrhea occurs, the tool is taken 10 minutes after another attack. The recider solution is subject to storage in the refrigerator during the day. Before giving the drug to the baby, it must be heated to the body temperature (up to 37 ° C).

Enterodez in powder is designed to eliminate intoxication of any origin. The drug is dissolved in boiled water room temperature, then stirred thoroughly until the mixture becomes transparent. The dosage of enterodesis is determined by the masses of the patient's body. On average, it is 0.3 g per kilogram of weight. If the child weighs 12 kg - the daily dose for it is equal to 12 * 0.3 g \u003d 3, 6 g. This quantity is bred in 50 ml of water and give a bough with a drink for 2 receptions during the day. To make the use of medicine more pleasant, a little sugar add to it.

Smekt - no less effective tool In the case of acute diarrhea. In the first 3 days of intestinal disorder, children over 12 months take 1 sachet of the drug three times a day. Before use, the product is bred in warm boiled water (0.5 glasses). Optimal effectiveness with diarrhea can be achieved by taking a portion of the medication as follows - gradually with pauses in a few minutes.

If the house did not turn out to be the right drugs from dehydration children's body, you should not think about what to do. You can prepare an effective controversy agent yourself. It will be necessary to mix with 500 ml of cool water for 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt, add the fourth part of the teaspoon of soda. Children 2-5 years old give 1 tsp. Ready tools every 5-10 minutes.

The listed products effectively calm the irritable intestinal walls and provide normalization of the water-salt balance in the body. In the case of a favorable coincidence, diarrhea may stop without the use of others medicines.

Treatment of diarrhea in 2 years

Heavily flowing diarrhea in a child requires effective treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to apply antibiotics, fixing tablets and other means of normalization of the state.


Reception of antibiotics is shown in the bacterial type of disorder, which indicates the incessant diarrhea, vomiting, traces of blood in the cartoons.

For the treatment of 2-year-old children apply:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Furazolidon.

Metronidazole is prescribed in the case of the development of amoebic dysentery flowing with diarrhea and a child's temperature. Todders from 2 years the drug is shown in a volume of 250 mg. Reception repeat 2-3 times daily before meals. Therapy duration is 5 days.

Amoxicillin for younger patients is made in the form of a suspension. The recommended dose of 2-5 years is 125 mg of the active substance (half of the measuring spoon). The tool must be taken 3 times a day.

Furazolidon in tablets do not apply for the treatment of intestinal disorders in children under 3 years old. For patients of this age, a suspension is intended. The drug demonstrates high efficiency in the elimination of food toxicoinfection, rotavirus infection, dysentery, often occurring with vomiting and diarrhea in a child.

Before applying into the bottle with soluble granules, boiled water is poured and carefully shackled. The resulting mixture takes four times a day after meals. Dosing mode should be determined by a specialist, based on age, weight and nature of the course of the disease. Standard treatment rate is 5-10 days.

Parents must remember - the uncontrolled use of antibiotics is unacceptable. Do not independently decide how to treat diarrhea, not knowing the exact causes of its occurrence. In order not to harm the health of the child, the potent drugs should be applied only after the doctor's appointment.

Fastening tablets

When diarrhea in a child in 2 years flows without temperature, fixing tablets can be applied. One of these means is Loperamide, effective in eliminating the disorder of various origin (allergic, food related to the use of various medicines and an emotional state). With strong diarrhea variants, this product performs an auxiliary role.

Children of 2-5 years of age are taken at 1 mg of tablet medicinal product 3 times throughout the day (after each chair). Especially for kids produced a drip form of the drug. This product takes 20 droplets four times a day. In the absence of effect, for 48 hours, the drug will be changed.

A good fixing effect ensures the joint use of bifidumbacterin and lactobacterin. Both drugs can be applied from infant age. Two-year-old Bifidumbacterin patients are shown twice a day 20 minutes before meals. To this end, one package of means is dissolved in a small amount of non-neutral fluid (in water, milk Product). Lactobacterin drink in the amount of 2-3 tablets (twice and three times during the day before meals).

Configuring products

Parents are useful to know than consolidate diarrhea from food. These include:

  • boiled rice;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • fresh bananas;
  • berry Blueberries.

Boiled rice and potato mashed potatoes ensure fixing effect due to the rich starch content. To get the necessary effect, they are consumed without oil.

Pectin and fiber present in bananas provide the absorption of fluid and improvement of the peristalsis. Abundance in these tropical fruits of potassium normalizes the electrolyte balance, and the natural prebiotic insulin is in which the intestinal microflora is restored.

Sealing wheelchair contributes to the use of dry and fresh blueberries. The saturation of this product by tanning substances allows you to take inflammatory processes and normalize secretion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Eliminate the liquid chair will help the rations of nuts, semolina, grenades, bakery products. The same effect possess green tea, Drink with mint and chamomile.


Enterosgel is a modern adsorbent that contributes to the elimination of allergenic, toxic substances from the body and effectively opposes infectious agents. The drug is also effective in the development of dysentery and salmonellosis.

Children at the age of 6 months-5 are given half a teaspoon of enterosgel three times a day 1-2 hours before meals. Before use, the medicine is mixed with warm water. The volume of fluid should be three times more than the amount of medication. With strong intricensication of the body in the first 3 days of treatment, the dose of medication is recommended to be increased.

Folk remedies

Treatment of children's diarrhea using folk remedies has softness and efficiency. There is a lot of money than stop diarrhea in a child.

Carrot puree

Multiple carrots (3-4 pieces) will be welded (3-4 pieces), after which it is possible to clean, smash and add a small amount of boiled water to the resulting mass. The child gives 2 tablespoons of the finished puree 4 times during the day.

Infusion of flowers chicory

Such a means applies even in infancy. The product exhibits pronounced binders and antimicrobial properties. A teaspoon of dry raw materials poured 0.5 liters of water, boiled at least 5 minutes. After cooling, the drink is given to the baby with a 2-hour break (1 teaspoon).

Decoration of wild pear with oats

This product can be used to treat children from 12 months. Several ripe fruits of wild pear (not garden) are cut into small pieces, mixed with 3 spoons oatmeal, poured 0.5 liters of water and boiled 20 minutes. After that, therapeutic composition is transfused into a clean glass vessel, wrapped with a warm blanket and withstand within an hour. The fluid mixture gives a child in an amount of 50-100 g 3-4 times during the day on an empty stomach.

Blend of grape bones and honey

The grape bones collected in the fall must be dried and grind. Next should be mixed in equal proportions with natural honey. A small amount of money gives a child on an empty stomach and before eating three times throughout the day.

Diet with diarrhea

There are certain rules on how to feed the child with diarrhea in 2 years. In order to avoid aggravation of diarrhea, parents must follow the following principles:

  1. Share the daytime menu on multiple meals.
  2. Feed the baby, observing equal intervals.
  3. Include in the diet of porridge, cooked on water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), potato mashed potatoes, boiled crushed carrots.
  4. Provide a child with products with sufficient protein content (chicken, turkey meat or rabbit).
  5. Organize an hourly intake of fluid (compote from dried fruits, risks of rosehip, chamomile, fastening black tea, berry horses).

With diarrhea for children under 5 years of age, it is useful to drink at least 3 times during the day non-carbonated mineral water (for the fourth part of a glass before meals). You can prepare the kids meat temples or meatballs (without sauces), steam omelets, soups on low-fat meat and fish broth.

Even small errors in nutrition are capable of significantly worsening the patient's condition, and prevent the normalization of the stool. In the first days it is important to exclude cabbage from the diet (in any form), legumes, beets, grapes, plums, apricots, tomatoes, carbonated drinks, cocoa, packaged juices, chips, crackers, milk, fatty and smoked food.


To prevent the intestinal disorder in children early age, It is important to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • acqualing the baby from an early age to personal hygiene, wash the hands with soap after the toilet;
  • well process a children's pot and toys;
  • avoid eating non-baggage food;
  • wash and dress fruit, vegetables;
  • follow the purity of the child's clothing;
  • stroke all baby things hot iron.

Especially attentive adults should be in the summer season, when the risk of "pick up" intestinal infection increases much. Round year It is important to steer the kid with clean drinking water (best of all boiled), not allow the baby's dirty items to fall into the mouth of the earth.

Diarrhea is a fairly unpleasant phenomenon indicating violations in the digestion path. Children diarrhea gives much more discomfort, since it is often accompanied by painful sensations and dehydration is dehydrated, which the children's age category comes especially quickly. To avoid such hazardous consequences, it is important to know that the child is given from diarrhea.

  1. Children whose age threshold did not exceed the goal on breastfeeding, are capable of 100 times during the day. A normal chair has a yellowish color with a homogeneous consistency that resembles a casoo structure that is deprived of impurities.
  2. Breasts whose age did not reach the year on artificial feeding, 4 times are processed during an ancient times. Sometimes the color can change to brown shades, which are also normal.
  3. The kids aged from year to 2 years have a stool of multiplicity a couple of times during the daily period. The consistency of the chair in children who goes the second year becomes more homogeneous and thick with the predominance of brown.
  4. Children at the age of 2 and older are practiced once during the day. Color of carts is close to brown with dense consistency.

The main signs of diarrhea in children are:

  • frequent liquid chair;
  • bad or completely missing appetite;
  • nausea urges with subsequent vomiting reflex;
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweat selection.

Children's diarrhea may have a different character, but often the cause of its occurrence becomes inwarding the children's body of infectious pathogens. Sometimes diarrhea may develop due to the use of the course of antibacterial drugs. In this case, the baby can give special medicines that have therapeutic effect on the fight against dysbacteriosis.

Diarrhea is able to leak in chronic form when its duration lasts more than a month. It is also possible to develop a functional diarrhea, which is determined by the lack of violation of the child's condition. The identification of this type of stool disorder can be carried out by passing out the laboratory tests.

Often the causes of child diarrhea become pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Bacterial infection. In this case, diarrhea is provoked by salmonella or various intestinal chopsticks.
  2. Viral infection. Rotavirus is most often leading to diarrhea, which is especially dangerous for kids who have not reached a one-year-old age, since the infection becomes the cause of rapid dehydration.

Also, the cause of infection by pathogenic microorganisms may be the lack of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, manifested in the unwashed hands and consumption of dirty food. With a weak immunite, it is possible to infect infection with already infected patients by close contact.


Currently, the diarrhea in children has become simple enough, thanks to numerous drugs and folk drugs. Consider the most efficient:


Among drug drugs that can overcome the diarrhea in children should be noted:

  1. Hilak Forte. The agent is allowed to eat children, starting with breast age, and helps normalize the state of intestinal microflora.
  2. Application. The drug combines bifido and lactobacillia, which allows it to be used when the appetite is reduced, irregularly stool and the presence of nausea urges.
  3. Rioplora. The drug is a biologically active additive, which combines complexes of probiotics. The tool can be applied from 3-year-old age.
  4. Loperamide. The medicine is produced in tablet form, which makes it possible to use it in children who have reached 6 years. The drug contributes to the slowdown in intestinal perilstatics, a decrease in defective urges.
  5. Phthalazole. Differs in a wide range of action. It is an excellent antimicrobial drug.
  6. Enterol. It helps to improve the enzymatic state of the intestine by antimicrobial action.

Folk remedies

In the absence of drug drugs, the funds offered by alternative medicine will be quite useful:

1. Fried flour

Several tablespoons of flour roasted on a dry frying pan before getting brown. Roasted flour in the amount of teaspoon is diluted in a glass of boiling water before obtaining a thick mass. The child can be given such a composition as a porridge by adding some sugar into it.

2. Pomegranate peel

Few know that it is possible to give a pomegranate peel upon diarrhea. This ingredient must be pre-dry, then grind and store in hermetic container. For the treatment of children's diarrhea, a tablespoon of powder must be pouring a glass of boiling water and insist to darkening fluid.

3. Boiled carrots

The boiled vegetable should be chopped in mashed potatoes and add some cold boiled water to it.

Fighting dehydration

With diarrhea, the children's body is deprived of a large amount of fluid. Water balance is important to restore in order to avoid dehydration. To do this, you can use special solutions sold in pharmacy points whose action is aimed at reimbursement of the lost fluid.

Preparation of such means is reduced to diluting the powder in a certain amount of water. After the preparation of such solutions, it suffices to give several teaspoons after every 10 minutes.

Kids are often encountered a stomach disorder. The fact is that the functioning of systems in the body has not yet stabilized. Some digestive enzymes may also be insufficient. What to treat diarrhea (diarrhea) in a child of 2 years should be known to the caring parents, so that the pathology is not aggravated, there is no dangerous dehydration.

Why diarrhea occurs

Although a 2-year-old kid has an alarming and unpleasant phenomenon, one should not immediately refer to medicines, stopping the disorder. The painful state of the fidget, like the felling, vomiting, can serve as a peculiar response of the body on the attack of pathogenic bacteria. It should be distinguished by symptoms that require urgent drugs and the one that can be removed using folk remedies designed for children.

The liquid consistency of the carte masses of the second, the third year of life is often due to:

  • power disorders;
  • food poisoning, infections;
  • individual reaction to any products;
  • irritable intestine syndrome;
  • quantitative and high-quality unbalance of intestinal flora;
  • acute pathologies.

The treatment of diarrhea should be preceded by a scrupulous analysis of the circumstances that caused it. The correct selection of therapeutic agents is the path to the rapid restoration of the health of the Karapus.

The main principles of getting rid of the illness

To cure the diarrhea, protect the health of the child of two years, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Constantly walk the baby (better from the spoon) boiled water, decoctions, compotes. For detention, replenishment of fluid entered into the body, use special fluids: electrolyte, recider, oralitis, tour.
  2. During the day, use lungs and gentle gastrointestinal dishes.
  3. Use sorbents, rather than stopping rig funds.
  4. "Rock up" and eliminate the basic cause of the problem.

If the bellic shade diarrhea, frothy, is accompanied by fever, the condition of the karapus is worsening, you should contact the doctors as soon as possible.

When the products are "to blame"

The baby may suffer from a thumbnail in the tummy, diarch if there are products in the diet, difficult to digest in the intestines. Litted chair provoked:

  • raw vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • fried;
  • fatty dishes;
  • sharp products.

In 2-year-old, diarrhea crumbs becomes more intense if difficult to digestible products are flooded with milk or sweet gas.

The kids up to 3 years should be a ban on the following products:

  • mushrooms (any!);
  • whole "nuts";
  • swine and goose meat;
  • raw eggs.

If the processed was caused by the errors in the cooking of dishes, then the adjustment of the menu will save the baby from what happened. Child bunch with pills, medicine will be superfluous.

If liquid feces are observed often (constantly), you should consult with doctors.

If diarrhea is caused by infections

Since a two-year-old man stays in the active knowledge of the world, it is impossible to achieve full hygiene. Implementing into the digestive tract, the pathogenic organisms adversely affect the intestinal mucosa. It develops inflammatory processes. The number of acts of defecation increases, the chair acquires a liquid consistency.

It should be referred to specialists in order not to be aggravated by the state, intoxication did not strengthen. Doctors will hold the necessary examination, take stakes and analyzes to identify the causative agent of the disease.

To cure independently anomaly is not always possible. In some diagnoses, children are recommended hospitalization. The need for such extent may occur:

  • with dysentery;
  • under salmonellosis;
  • with giardiasis.

If diarrhea is provoked by poisoning

There are no cases when diarrhea in a child of 2 years is associated with poor-quality poisoning (spoiled) products. Please note that mawing features can be similar to other infectious lesions, disguised under appendicitis.

It is advisable to show the doctor to the doctor, pass on the test of blood, feces and urine, if necessary, conduct an abdominal ultrasound examination. In treatment it is necessary to strictly observe the drinking regime. Clear water will not only dilute toxins, will bring them out, but also will contribute to the restoration of water-salt metabolism.

They will help the kids to cope with the suberosorbent. This is a number of pharmaceutical preparations capable of binding and retaining a variety of harmful substances.

Popular are:

  • Enterosgel. As part of the silicon medication. Children from 1 year to 5 years prescribed half a teaspoon three times / day.
  • Smekt or neosmectin. Before use, Sasha is dissolved in 50 ml of warm boiled water. You can add to porridge, compote. Dosage - no more than 4 bags / day.
  • Polysorb.. With a two-year-old weight from 11 to 30 kg, you can give a teaspoon three times / day.

Recipes from the People's Treasury

If the frequent liquid empties in the baby are not accompanied by severe manifestations, there are no concerns in pathology, proven folk remedies will help.

What can be given to a child from break?

  1. Therapeutic solution. Mix 2 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 1 h. Salt spoon, 1 h. spoonful soda. Dissolve in 1 l of clean water (boiled, cooled). With a durable diarrhea, we have a kid for 2 hours. Spoons every 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pharmacy antiseptic fees from sage, blueberries, pharmacy chamomile, palm, cherry, alder, alder.
  3. Freshly prepared decoction Of the dried fruits of pear.
  4. Viscous rice pallium (without salt) or a thick rice decoction.

Special diet for kids

Day 1. The sick child is fed (in small portions!) Soup-puree based on cereals (bunting, buckwheat, rice). Give porridge (without oil) from the same croup.

Day 2.. Add dried white bread, boiled potatoes (without oil), hanging cookies.

Day 3.. Enter apple puree, low-fat cottage cheese, bananas.

Day 4.. The diet is complemented by fresh low-fat bioeffer without sweeteners.

Day 5.. With an improvement in well-being, you can offer a child steam cutlets from veal, chicken, turkey.

Liquid chair, chills, lethargy and loss in the joints are all symptoms that are found in food poisoning, viral or infectious diseases. It is not recommended to joke with this state, if only because the dehydration of the body, especially in small children occurs very quickly, the consequences of which are very sad. The first thing that doctors recommend to give a child from diarrhea to prevent sad consequences are sorbents.

What kind of sorbing medicines can be kids?

To the most common drugs, which is recommended to treat diarrhea, both in an infant child and at the older carapus, can be attributed as follows:

  1. Enterosgel - pasta.This medicine can be applied from birth. This is an excellent adsorbent, which is offered to children according to such a scheme:
  • the newborn - 2.5 g of paste is stirred in 7.5 ml of breast milk or mixture and is offered to the karapuzu before each feeding (5-6 times during the day).
  • karapuzam under 5 years old - 7.5 g of medication 3 times throughout the day;
  • from 5 to 14 years - 15 g of money 3 times throughout the day.

Activated coal - tablets. This drug is familiar with very many from the very birth, as a rule, no coal does not cost any journey, but everyone has a home first aid kit. This is a medicine than you can treat diarrhea, like a newborn baby and a schoolboy, because he does not have side effects. The treatment regimen is satisfied: 0.05 g of activated carbon by 10 kg of weight is accepted 3 times throughout the day. Babies tablet need to be confused into powder and add to the power, and after a year, the chopped tool falls asleep in the mouth, after which it is proposed to drink 0.5 glasses of boiled water.

In addition, during the use of sorbents, you need to adhere to a single rule: they are taken 2 hours after meals and at least 1 hour before meals.

Preparations for the treatment of diarrhea viral and infectious origin

After the sorbents were filled, you need to begin treatment with anti-diagrams. Drugs than to treat diarrhea in children, both up to the year and after, there is a great set. Although it should be noted that only the doctor should appoint them, because the etiology of digestive disorder is determined independently enough. The most common drugs to combat a liquid chair include such:

  1. Nifuroxazid - suspension. This is a means that you can give a small child from diarrhea, starting from monthly age. Nifuroxazid babies are offered in the following dosages: from 1 month to 6 months - 2.5 ml three times during the day, from 7 months to two years - 2.5 ml four times during the day. For guys, starting from three years to seven, 5 ml three times during the day, and after a seven age 4 times a day in the same dosage (5 ml).
  2. Kaopectat - suspension. This is one of the drugs than it is recommended to treat a strong diarrhea in a child of any etiology. However, it is allowed to use, starting with a three-year-old age, and the treatment is carried out under the supervision of the doctor. Treatment diagram Next: From three to six years - 0.5 tbsp. Suspension spoons after each defecation, but not more than 7 times a day. For guys from 6 to 12 years old, 1 tbsp. A spoon no more than 6 times a day. Suspension is recommended to drink before meal, and the course of treatment is no more than 2 days.

Recipes folk Medicine For the treatment of diarrhea

To the question, than to treat diarrhea in a child, if you want to deal with the ill-found folk remedies, there is a unambiguous answer: Prepare a compote from a cherry or a decoction from the bark of oak. However, it should immediately note that these recipes are suitable for kids older than a year old age.

For the manufacture of bumber from oak, take 2.5 tbsp. Spoons of crushed bark and pour it with half-length boiling water. Then you need to heat the solution in the water bath of 5-7 minutes, and then remove from the fire, cool and strain. Before use, the decoction is divided into 5 equal portions and is accepted during the day in warm form.

Cemer compote can be prepared as follows: in 300 ml of water you need to boil 2 tbsp. Spoons of berries for 15 minutes. After that, the tool to cool a little, strain and add 20 drops of propolis tincture. Compote is divided into 5 parts and is given by crumbs in warmth during the day.

So, it is better that the answer to the question is, what to give a child from diarrhea from folk or medication, gave a qualified doctor. This will not only provide proper and timely treatment, but also save your crumb, from the possible negative consequences of such a bad condition, like a liquid chair.

Little kids up to 1 year old have a very weak unformed digestive system. Therefore, it is quite important at this age to especially follow the nutrition of the child, because his gastrointestinal tract is still extremely vulnerable. Based on this, many parents face the problem of diarrhea in a child under the age of the year.

In this article we will try to reveal the reasons for the emergence of the current problem as much as possible, as well as denote effective methods Fighting her. Therefore, if your baby has a frequent liquid stool of greenish color and the temperature rose, read carefully presented material.

What are the norms in this matter still installed, and what symptoms are the alarming bell?

Breasts under the age of 1.5 months empty the intestines to twelve once a day, usually it happens during or after each feeding. After one and a half months, the number of them decreases to one or two per day.

Let's now consider which feasible masses are considered normal:

  • the calf in the baby under six months should be like reminding Cashitz;
  • it should be a yellowish shade;
  • the smell is preferably not sharp with light acidic notes;
  • according to the structure, mostly homogeneous, sometimes there are impurities of undigested milk or mucus.

Despite this, some pediatricians believe that minor changes in the structure and color with good kid health care is not a reason for a special disorder. If the child is on artificial feeding, then he has an intestinal emptying takes about one or twice a day, the feces are becoming a clearer structure of brown with a rather characteristic odor.

To achieve six months, emptying children are already approaching the structure and characteristic odor to adults. Do not forget that on what kind of powerful masses in the baby are affected by food. For example, when adding to food beets, they can acquire a reddish tint, but the cucumbers differ significantly.

Diarrhea or, as it is called in everyday life, diarrhea is the reaction of intestinal muscles and anal sphincter to provoking factors. For a number of reasons, these muscles begin to shrink with excessive speed and push out the cavities. Ponoz often occurs in children, there are enough reasons for this, both internal and external. The child, the diarrhea can be opened as a result of transferred stress, improper nutrition or unusual product that appeared in the diet. Also diarrhea is considered a marker of unhealthy or failure in the body. Today, the text discusses, popular funds for children from diarrhea, and for what reasons the child may have diarrhea and some medicine should be chosen depending on this.

According to medical statistics, children's diarrhea ranks second in prevalence, following the ARVI. Due to the greater vulnerability of the children's body diarrhea, the kids are more dangerous than in adults, so the measures must be taken promptly. But before choosing drug Treatment, It is worth understanding why the child is pushing.

First we define that doctors consider diarrhea. This is a multiple unformed chair. However, in relation to small children, such a description of the ailment is not quite correct. There are medical standards that differ depending on the age of the child.

Table 1. Stool rate in children from birth to year

Age of childCharacteristics of defecation
From birth to weeklyThe chair is possible up to ten times a day. Mekonia and transitional chair (Dark Olive Paste), from the intestine it comes out of the contents located inside to the first applied to the chest or the mixture.
From weekly to six monthsThe chair happens five to seven times a day, it is a sour cream-shaped consistency of light brown with sour smell.
From six months to a yearChair two or three times a day, soft, decorated not to the end, light brown.
Older than one yearOne or twice a day the child is determined, the chair is decorated, acquires the characteristic smell of feces of an adult.

This table reflects the average norms, so that parents only have to focus on the presented data, adjusting the norm individually for their child. However, a significant deviation from the information provided is a reason for concern.

Doctors distinguish five types of diarrhea, depending on the mechanics of leakage:

  1. Osmolar - Chair is fat, abundant, the remnants of dietary fiber are found in the feces, it happens due to the impaired absorption of liquid and salt the intestines.
  2. Hyperkinetic - a meager fatty cascum-shaped chair, occurs at an excessive speed of moving the food mass by intestines.
  3. Hyperexudative - Non-human watery stool with mucus and splashes, occurs when inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Hyokinetic - Cashitzular chair with a flicker smell, due to the slow motion of food in the intestine.
  5. Hyperscecretory - Watery abundant chair due to a variety of liquids and salts in the intestine.

If a child has one of the listed stool types, the defecation occurs repeatedly for a short time (three or four times in an hour), the kid shifts obvious anxiety, his tummy swept, and the touch to it causes discomfort - these are symptoms of diarrhea. The reasons for such a disorder can be mass, but they are all united by type.

Causes of diarrhea in children

Most often, young parents are first faced with a diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba child under the age of one year. For infants are characterized by special causes that cause diarrhea against the background of full health:

  1. Immaturity, formation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Lactose or enzyme failure.
  3. Reaction to cutting teeth.
  4. Mother's milk response (woman introduced unusual for kid product)
  5. Reaction to the first lure or any new product in the menu.
  6. The rejection of the mixture or product replacing breast milk.

Of course, breast babies and earlier children have diarrhea and because of other factors, the list of which is quite extensive.

If the cause of child diarrhea is not due to the disease or poisoning, it seems that there is no particular danger to the baby. Many parents think that diarrhea will pass by itself when the reason for it will disappear, it will disappear - for example, a tooth or a child comes to a new product.

The liquid multiple chair actively displays water from the body of the baby, dehydrating the fabric of all organs and thickening blood. The less the age of the child, the more dangerous for him the diarrhea. There are three stages of dehydration, and in infants until the third stage comes very quickly, within a few hours. How to understand that the kid's body suffers from dehydration?

  1. The first stage - The child is stronger, crying without tears, mucous oily cavity dry, the skin is hot.
  2. Second stage - The baby becomes sluggish, the temperature rises, the eyes pumped, the skin becomes dry, flabby, with a slight pinching, it is not fast.
  3. Third stage - The child flows into the unconscious state, there is no urination, in breast children plays the springs. In such a state, the kidney can "refuse" the work of the brain and the heart is disturbed.

These frightening facts suggest that parents must take action immediately, as a rapid chair will be found at the child. The first thing you need to take is to prevent dehydration.

First actions for diarrhea at the child

Diarrhea at the child does not necessarily indicate a general deterioration of well-being. The kid can be vigorous and active, and besides the violation of the chair is not discomfort. In this case, the parent need to provide three main points.

Moment number 1. Compliance with drinking mode.

To prevent dehydration, the child should receive a liquid at least every twenty minutes. If the baby agrees to drink on his own, it can be offered a walled compote or morse, water temperature. In the case when the child refuses drinking, the liquid is given through a syringe without a needle or from a spoon, with an interval of five to ten minutes.

Moment number 2. Creating comfort.

Motor activity is better to cut, laying or seated the child so that it is convenient. If the baby goes to the diaper, you need to change it after each, even inhumless defecation. You should not use toilet paper or napkin - after diarrhea, the baby is washed with warm water, a chamomile solution can be used.

Moment number 3. Feeding proper food.

Diarrhea, which does not accompany the rise in temperature, weakness and vomiting, is not a reason to deny the child in food. Offer fresh healthy foods: vegetable soups, rice on water, low-fat meat or chicken. If the child is on breastfeeding, the chest can be given on demand or offering every ten-twenty minutes.

Treatment of diarrhea at the child

When parents produced all the necessary first manipulations, you need to think about the method of stopping diarrhea. In light cases, it is not forbidden to independently decide on the reception of the medicine, if the reason liquid stool It is not clear or symptoms appear seriously and complex (strong abundant diarrhea, vomiting, elevated temperature, weakness, cramps) - It is worth a doctor immediately.

Visit to the hospital is necessary to reliably establish the cause of diarrhea from the child. Depending on the anamnesis, complaints and symptoms, the doctor will appoint diagnostic studies that include a coprogram, blood and urine tests, sown, contrasting the intestines, ultrasound of the abdominal organs or the rectum research using an endoscope.

It is worth understanding that drugs will be appointed depending on the cause that caused diarrhea. If we are talking about incompassion, then enzyme-containing drugs, if the cause of diarrhea is stress, is added to the fixing and binding drugs, and probiotics are prescribed to fixing and binding drugs, probiotics are prescribed during dysbacteriosis. However, the basis of treatment in any case will be antiodeary drugs.

Medical treatment of diarrhea

All drugs from diarrhea are divided into several groups. We will consider the drugs of each group, allocating the most common and confidence and popularity with the parents of the kids of different ages.

Table 3. Antimicrobial preparations

NamePhotoCharacteristicForm releaseapproximate cost
Sulgin It is used in infectious diarrhea, colitis, dysentery. Contraindicated breast kids.Pills50 - 90 rubles for 10 pieces
"Tannakomp" A means of adsorbing, astringent action relieves soreness, eliminates bacteria.Tablets in the gelatin shell.About 5,000 rubles for 50 pieces.
"Intetrix" Effective when combating diarrhea caused by fungi, infection, disadvantage of trace elements, dysbacteriosis.Capsules450-600 rubles for 20 pieces.
Alpha Normix Helps the body when changing the climate, has an action against microbes and inflammation, effectively in viruses and infections.Tablets, for children produced in the form of a suspension.590-770 rubles for 12 pieces, 690-880 rubles per 5 ml.
"Enterol" Removes intoxication, struggles with microbes, stimulates the production of enzymes.Capsules or290-350 rubles for 10 capsules or sachets.
Effective drug that stops acute diarrhea is used for children older than one month.Suspension, Tablet300-350 rubles per 5 ml, 250-300 rubles for 24 tablets.
"Phtalazol" It is assigned in dysentery and other infectious processes in the gastrointestinal tract.Pills30-60 rubles for 10 pieces.

Table 4. Preparations, peeling peristaltics

NamePhotoCharacteristicForm releaseapproximate cost
Loperamide These are the preparations of similar action, which increase the time of stay in the intestine of the food mass.
Medicines slow down the intestinal peristaltics, reduce the muscles of the anal hole, reduce the urge to defecation. These are essentially bubble diarrhea symptoms.
Tablets, capsules10-50 rubles for 10 pieces
"Lopedium" Tablets, capsules40-70 rubles for 20 pieces
Lozenges200-250 rubles for 6 pieces
"Stopian" Capsules120-180 rubles for 8 capsules
Capsules, Chewing Tablets30-50 rubles for 10 tablets, 100-130 rubles for 12 chewing tablets.
"Enteroben" Pills100 rubles for 10 pieces

Table 5. Probiotics supporting the body

NamePhotoCharacteristicForm releaseapproximate cost
It is prescribed for viral and infectious diarrhea, dysentery, salmonellosis, colitis.Suspension Powder250-280 rubles for 10 doses
Improves digestion, metabolic processes, increases local immunity, acts against diarrhea.Suspension Powder190-240 rubles for 10 doses
Normalizes microflora in the intestine.Capsules300 - 330 rubles for 16 capsules
The drug from diarrhea is assigned to children with "colitis" diagnoses, "dysbacteriosis", effective in infectious diarrhea.Capsules330 - 370 rubles for 30 capsules
"NOZBORKT" It normalizes the liquid chair, it helps with the loss of appetite, relieves nausea.Powder450-550 rubles for 10 sachets
"Hilak Forte" It struggles with diarrhea, balancing the intestinal microflora.Drops280-330 rubles for 30 ml.

Table 6. Sorbents

NamePhotoCharacteristicForm releaseapproximate cost
"Polysorb" Binds the contents of the intestine, removes toxins, adsorbates, struggling with malicious microorganisms, bacteria, saves when poisoning.Air powder260 - 285 rubles for 50 grams
Displays toxins and poisons, allergens, pathogenic bacteria from the intestines, pathogenic bacteria, frees from the oversupply of drugs.Paste400-450 rubles for 225 grams

Diarrhea is heard hard enough. But to know what to give a child from diarrhea, you need to find out the causes of the ailment. Perhaps behind a simple stomach disorder is hidden a serious illness.

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Stress;
  • Lactose allergies;
  • Unusual food;
  • Changing of the climate;
  • Diseases of an inflammatory gastrointestinal nature.

A child with diarrhea suffers not only from abdominal pain. Frequent beys for defecation lead to the occurrence of cracks on the anus mucosa. To make it easier for pain, lubricate the affected place with a children's cream or "Bapten."

Call ambulance With diarrhea, it is necessary if the diarrhea suffers a newborn or the child's child rose a temperature, diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, lasts several days, symptoms of dehydration appeared. Also consult with the doctor stands if blood is noticeable in the cartoons.

How to restore the water and salt balance?

Liquid shortage can lead to severe consequences, up to death. The main signs of dehydration are:

  • Crying without tears;
  • Sunken eyes;
  • In newborns - the springs of the Spring;
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • Lack of urinary urges.

If they are still there, urine is very small and it is dark.

Important!These symptoms suggest that the water-salt balance should be urgently restored. Help the electrolytes in the powder form will help: "Gastracier", "Regidron", "Oral", "Glukosolyan", which according to the instructions are divorced by water.

You can prepare a solution of 8 sugar spoons, 1 - salts and 2 soda chips per liter of water. Give such a composition even newborn on a teaspoon, with the number breastquarters It should be increased. Children over three years old can be given several times a day across the tablespoon.

The fluid in the body and berry plates, jelly, herbal tea, rice decoction are replenished.

Children's preparations of this kind can be divided into several species. They facilitate diarrhea symptoms caused by various reasons. These funds include:

  • Antibiotics - from diarrhea caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Antiviral pharmaceuticals and immunomodulators in infection by enterovirus, rotavirus, norovirus ("Anaferon", "", "Viferon", "Citovir");
  • and prebiotics in dysbacteriosis and after taking antibacterial drugs;
  • Funds that slow down the intestinal peristalsis to reduce the urges to defecation;
  • Enterosorbents for binding and removing from toxins.

If the cause of the liquid chair was stress or fright, the child needs to give medications that slow down the peristaltics, for example, "Imodium" or its analogues: "Dair", "StopEman", "Loperamide", "Enteroben", "Loflatil", "Lopedium", "Suprellol", as well as sedatives on the recommendation of the doctor. In diarrhea due to overeating or unusual food, enzymes will be helped: "Pangretin", "Enterol", Pangrol 400, "Mezim Forte". Strong spasms will remove children's painkillers: "paracetamol", "nimesulide", "Nurofen".

Probiotics, Prebiotics and Enterosorbents

As part of the first there are valuable microorganisms for the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines, and the second stimulate the reproduction of the useful microflora already located in the body. Childhood probiotics include: "Lactobacterin" (impossible in lactose intolerance), "", "bifidbacterin", "enterol". Prebiotics - "Hilak Forte", "Eubikor", "Linex". The presence of living bifidobacteria and lactobacilli does not allow dissolve funds in boiling water.

Enterosorbents adsorb toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms, and reduce inflammation. Popular compositions for kids are "Smekt" ("Diamptitis", "Neosmectin"), activated carbon and its analogues "Carbaktin", "Carbullen Ultra-Adsor", "Sorbek". They are allowed the smallest, help with acute and chronic diarrhea of \u200b\u200bdifferent nature, pains and bloating of the abdomen.

  • "Polysorb MP";
  • "Enterodez";
  • "Attoxyl";
  • "Webssorb";
  • "Kaopectat";
  • "Silix";
  • "Attapulgit".

Each of them has its own age centers - carefully read the instructions for use.

Are antibiotics needed?

Only on the prescription of the pediatrician. Such funds help only in infections caused by pathogenic bacteria.

If diarrhea arose due to the infection of rotavirus, enterovirus, noravirus, or due to stress, antibacterial pharmaceuticals will be powerless, and in the case of dysbacteriosis, the state also wishes.

In the intestinal infections of bacterial nature, the doctor may recommend antibiotics of a wide range of action:

  • "Phtalazol" (from two months);
  • "Tetracycline" (eight years);
  • "Levomycetin" (from three years);
  • "Furazolidon" (with a year);
  • "Enterfuril" (seven years old);
  • "Tannakomp" (from birth).

Instantly such medicines do not affect - it takes at least half a day to suppress the reproduction of pathogens bacteria.

Anti-diagracial folk recipes for children

Consulted with a doctor, you can use info-organic plants.

What can be given to a child from diarrhea from folk agents:

With a diarrhea, the child should eliminate the products that have a laxative effect. These are dried fruits (especially prunes and dried), dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, sweets, marinades, fatty fish and meat. On the day of illness it is useful to drink tea with crackers, there are rice, steam fish and vegetables, bananas.

So that the baby did not have to suffer from diarrhea, you need to teach it elementary rules Hygiene: Do not pull everything in a row and wash your hands after the toilet and before taking food.

Remember that only the doctor can put the correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Diarrhea is the most frequent disorder of digestion at the child. This is a liquid, watery chair, repeating at least 3 times a day. In addition to the failed work of a young children's body, the reasons of the state are infections and serious intestinal disease. Each parent must closely monitor the baby. If you have additional symptoms urgently consult a doctor.

Right mode Nutrition and efficient drug treatment - a guarantee of the rapid health restoration of the baby.

Preparations: action and efficiency

The drugs used in diarrhea affect the body in a certain way. There are:

  • Knitting;
  • Antidiare;
  • Antimicrobials;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Improving the intestinal flora;
  • Normalizing electrolyte balance.

There is no universal means with a combination of listed features, it is necessary to pick up the drug individually, depending on the cause that caused diarrhea.

Effective treatment is considered when not only the symptom of diarrheans will disappear, but also other manifestations of the disease.

Properties and release form

Preparations from diarrhea are produced in different forms, not all children are suitable tablets due to a number of reasons. It is required to take into account the composition and duration of the drug.

Indications for the use of drugs:

  • Liquid stools more than 3 times a day;
  • Meteorism and abdominal pain;
  • Reduction or absence of appetite in the presence of the symptoms described above;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Sweating, weakness in the presence of other symptoms.

Causes and Solution:

Side Effects and Contraindications

In order not to harm the child, you will certainly learn the instructions and possible side effects and contraindications:

These drugs can cause dyspeptic disorders, allergies, pain.

The instruction relies to study for each individual drug.

Diet and mode

Little patient is important from the first day of the disease to provide correct care And to designate a gentle diet, provide bed regime. With diarrhea, it is necessary to follow the prescriptions of the doctor.

  • The main diet for children on breastfeeding is water and mother's milk. Power must be frequent.
  • If a child gets baby food, it is better to give a nursery mixture every 2 hours with small portions. 5 days later, when the sharp period passes, it is permissible to return to the usual mode.
  • From 6 months, when the diet was introduced, entered the rice and buckwheat Kashi.Water cooked.
  • When the meat broth is allowed, chicken yolk and poultry meat.
  • For children after a year, it is necessary to introduce an additional 2 eating with small portions.
  • Exclude vegetables, fruits, dairy and bakery products from use.

Antibiotics and antiviral tools

These groups of drugs are used to treat the underlying disease, i.e. For the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. When appointing a long course, any antibiotic is accepted under the cover of probiotics. With a serious course of bacterial diarrhea, it is desirable to prescribe antibiotics injections, this eliminates the loss of drugs during vomit and diarrhea. Drugs are prescribed individually and depend on the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease.


A group of means capable of binding toxins, poisonous substances and allergens.

Like any drugs, enterosorbents have a number of contraindications, you need to consult with your doctor.


From the disorder of the stomach with a violation of microflora, probiotics containing beneficial bacteria are well suited.

  • Biofiform - tablets and powder for the manufacture of oil mortar, allowed in infants. Helps to raise the immune kid. The 3-year patient is allowed to take tablets.
  • Drops hilak forte. From 2 years you can drink up to 30 drops, older children up to 50 drops 3 p / d.
  • Bifidumbacterin. Release: Candles, powder, capsules. Persons from 3 years and adults can be prescribed candles. Capsules are applied upon reaching 4 years.
  • Linex. Breasts allowed 1 capsule per day, from year to twelve to 3 capsules.

Restoration of the Water-Salt Balance

Due to the risk of dehydration, the lost water is supplied. In severe cases, intravenous administration of drugs is carried out.

  • Regidron. Take a bag of substances dissolved in warm water you need during the day.
  • Hydrait forte. The same composition with a regiment. Divorced in water, warm tea.
  • Gastracier. Powder with chamomile extract, glucose, potassium chloride, bicarbonate, sodium salts.

Restore the body's water balance is permissible independently: mix 1 l. Warm water, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tsp. Salt, soda. If the child refuses to drink - disappeared with small sips until the lost volume of fluid is restored.

Other drugs:

  • Loperamide is a means that slows down the intestinal movement is characterized by a decrease in the number of urges. Assigned from 6 years.
  • Enterfuril is an analogue of furazolidone, in the form of a syrup and capsules. It is allowed against diarrhea with a monthly kid.
  • Enterol - suitable in diarrhea of \u200b\u200bunknown nature.

The dose is selected individually.

Rules for the use of drugs

  1. It is forbidden to apply drugs used in adults.
  2. Requires requirements according to instructions for use.
  3. Do not treat the child with warm compresses and analgesics without appointing a doctor.
  4. Probiotics apply an hour after antibiotics.
  5. Sorbents - 40-60 min after reception of the main treatment.
  6. Reception of anti-stage means - an hour before meals. The course of use is short. The frequency and character of the chair did not change - consult a doctor.
  7. Dilute the substance on 1 reception, otherwise the effect is reduced.
  8. Proper combination of drugs with food.
  9. Compliance with personal hygiene of the child.