A trolley to the panel house. Construction of a frame extension with their own hands. The main stages of construction

There are many options for assembling frameworks for the house. The most economical and technologically simple option is an assembly of a frame design. Best of all, such an extension will look next to wooden house. What materials and tools are necessary for independent installation of the extension and how does the construction installation technology be carried out?

Wood has many attractive qualities. If your home is already dressed in wood, then in the same material there is an obvious choice, but if your home is made of brick designThe expansion of wood can make a bright and contrast addition. Wooden cladding can be used on the extension of a wooden frame, for which the design is relatively light, which means less significant bases. Wooden frame can be filled with insulation for conformity or exceeding construction norms.

How much is a wooden facing?

As in most building materials, there are very cheap options that will not look as good and not as long as some of the more expensive options, but the wood cladding board will usually be from £ 2 per meter to £ 8 or more.

Technological features of attack

The definition itself makes it clear that the basis of the design is the carrying skeleton - the framework made from the edged bar. Also, other parts of the construction are also made from the bar - the lower strapping and angular racks. Conventional racks and jumpers are performed from simple boards. Also, with the help of boards, future doors and window openings indoors are designated. The thickness of the racks should be equal to the thickness of the heat insulating layer, and on the basis of the width of the insulation, the step value between the racks is determined.

However, the cost of the boards is only half of the story. Wooden facing plates can be nailed to shoes over structural insulated panels or directly to wooden framewhich can often be much more profitable for erection than the wall of the masonry. The ability to quickly raise the frame, without waiting for the concrete and dries, can save you significant amounts of money.

Design permission to expand wood sheat

For those who want to build their own home in the sky, can finally build their own home. Before you can, however, you first need to purchase real estate. You still have no fire? It offers you, even if you never crossed the way before, the land that you can cultivate at your discretion.

Let us give an example: if the house is in the northern part of the country, then the thickness of the insulation must be at least 15 cm. From this it follows that the width of the lumber must be 150 mm per 100 or 150 mm. The step value must be respected within 60 cm, since the width of the insulation plate is 60 cm.

After assembling the frame design mounted. Do not forget that it is carried out with hydro and vaporizolation. After insulating work, a rough design of the design is carried out using OSP or CSP sheets.

The beginning of the gallery. If you bought real estate, you will find a quest in my diary in the "Other" section, where you should visit your new property. New house Viden on the map and can be achieved by a quick way. To build a house, you need some basic materials.

¹ in anvil next to construction site You must fake nails, locks, loops and fittings under the "building materials". Wood needs to be purchased from sawmill plants. You will get 20 knees for several hundred seventh. If you have a housekeeper, you can also take care of it with the appropriate task and immediately get tribes without going first.

The most popular material for roughing -. Such panels have greater resistance and mechanical effects than other materials. UPP panels have large strength indicators.

What else is used as a sheat frame house and frame extension, read in. She will tell not only about the OSP, but also about the chipboard, the DSP and the cutting board.

You can assemble clay near water in clay pits. One of them is close to home. You can get in your career right on the handboard of your home with a pointed crochet. For building materials from iron, you must iron. Eraser is also located next to the craft workshop.

For extended buildings and interior, you will need other materials, such as glass, straw, skins, leather strips, and so on. You can buy some of these materials from the mines of the city of the city, the others you must hunt or collect.

Before you have a huge property in your property, you must build a small house. To do this, you need to fill out seven drawings on the Table of Crafts. It is required for this construction Materials. If the house is worth, you can go. Inside there are no furniture, except for another sketch. Here you can now create all kinds of equipment while your building materials give. Changes are later possible only radically compared to the complete removal of the room.

Methods for installing a frame design of an extension

Framework technologies provide several installation options. In European countries, all possible options are used that allow us to build not only an extension, but also small one-story buildings. A beginner master can choose a way to design an extension: it will be either frame-panel, or frame-frame construction.

With the finished main hall, your home is already much remarkable. There are several rooms. Just take the plan on the craft table and start. This requires the following materials. If there is also the main hall, the rooms of which you can decorate different waysYou can also build three more applications, each of which consists of three rooms, next to the basement. Extensions are divided into the northern wing, the western wing and the eastern wing, each with the tower.

So you can vote for all games that you like. A new building is not the only way to implement modern vital requirements. Thanks to the expansion or reconstruction in the old building, generous and comfortable living quarters can be created.

The panel construction type provides for an assembly of existing panels in which there are holes for windows and doors. The specific specificity of the work reminds the designer assembly - all the elements are collected and bonded. Such panels are made according to individual orders, since their size should coincide with the size of the foundation. If it is necessary to make a more complex design in the technological plan, frame-frame construction is applied. The framework type of construction provides that the panels are not going in advance, but in the place where construction work is held.

There are various reasons for choosing a new house instead of a new building. Sometimes the house, because you live longer, is for sure, but now it is too small or needs to be repaired. Real Estate Buyer attracts the historic charm of an old building or favorable price. Adult residential area and good infrastructure also speak for an old building.

Here we give seven examples of successful transformations. If you want to turn an old house, it is almost always a matter of creating a larger space for life or better use Available space. This can happen in different ways. Sometimes it is enough to use the space inside the existing building, for example, by adjusting the floor plan, premises or roofs. In other cases, cultivation or increase is recommended. Often, various construction measures are combined, for example, the floor plan in the old building and, moreover, a small application.

These technology in their reliability and durability are not inferior to other construction options. Frame construction It was used by the Indians, and later moved from the United States to European countries.

In panel and frame construction, it is not difficult to carry out the finishing finish of the walls of the walls. It is not necessary to wait for the time for the shrinkage of materials, and the work themselves can be carried out at any time of the year. One of the main advantages of frame buildings is the presence of the thermos effect: heat in a qualitatively isolated insulated room will be lured 5-7 times longer than in ordinary residential premises.

It is almost always energy-saving repair with insulation, heating or replacement of windows necessary for old houses, which can then be performed simultaneously with the conversion. However, it is impossible to overestimate the cost of conversion measures. The construction of existing buildings is a challenging task that specialists should be planned, such as architects or construction engineers, and performed by qualified masters. That is why conversion is sometimes not much cheaper than the construction of a new one. However, the combination of old and new proposals particularly attracts architectural opportunities and emphasizes the individual nature of his own home.

Instructions for the construction of a frame extension to a wooden house

Before starting construction, you need to prepare tools and consumables. So prepare the following items:

There are already many successful examples with which builders and architects demonstrate the potential in converting old buildings. At this point, he should arise and how much it can be governed by state building regulations and applicable. The side distances should be observed to neighbors, the height of the facades and the mountain ranges. In addition, a construction permit is usually required, sometimes enough building permits. In the instructions of state-building contains information about it.

As a rule, it is not enough to inform neighbors about the construction project. Planned documents are not intended for laity. Strictly regulated due to numerous neighboring protection rules. Exceptions can only be applied if the consent of the neighbors is written in writing.

  • Bitumen, broken brick, gravel or fine-flow crushed stone, concrete mix and gypsum solution
  • Tools: electric saw, drill, grinder, screwdriver, hammer, ax, sledgehammer, shovel
  • Consumables: Steel Corners, Nails, Selfless, Wooden Wedges, Dry Pad
  • Lumber: Prepared Creek Boards, Wooden Reiki For Roofing, Wooden Shields

First of all, the foundation of an extension is preparing. It is formed as follows:

Therefore, you must inform your neighbors in advance about your project construction and include it in planning. There is no discontent in the vicinity. There are numerous rules that may vary within federal states and municipalities. For example, if a single-storey building is provided in the building plan, the area on the upper floor can be a maximum of two thirds of the ground floor area. In some places, the ceiling height in the attic is strictly adjustable. In rooms with inclined areas, for example, in Hesse and Bavaria, it is necessary to ensure that at least half the floor area has a ceiling height of 2, 20 meters.

  1. Shooting the pit, in which the sand-gravel or chinclarine pillow is poured
  2. The reinforced carcass is installed
  3. Formwork is formed
  4. Ready foundation is fill with a special concrete mixture

After the formation of the foundation of the frame extension, a strapping bar is installed around the perimeter, the width of which is at least 150 mm. You can use and wider bars, but not thin - in cold weather in the house will be cool.

Also in cases where construction permit is not required, it can be difficult. Thus, all rooms require sufficient escape opportunities. If, for example, they must be transformed into residential premises, they must be securely sealed outside and equipped with sufficient ventilation and heating equipment.

Since cultivation is usually expensive, builders must take into account every step well. Especially families quickly fall into the situation that the initial place is not enough. When planning it is necessary to envisage: how will the family develop? What premises will be needed in the coming years or in the long run? And what happens to an additional living space when children come out of the house? You may, you can design cultivation with several tricks so that the second building can develop in the long run, and you can rent an additional space later.

After installing the strapping, angular racks are installed, the width of which should be at least 15x15 cm. You can use smaller dimensions, but for reliability, we recommend using the racks with the specified dimensions. Remember that the installation of the racks should be carried out at the construction level.

As soon as legal issues are clarified, it will be discussed in detail. Even if the approval is not a problem, expansion, expansion or expansion of the house should be carefully planned. Expansion of the house is, as a rule, a very complicated and expensive construction measure. Finally, the entire roof must be re-rewritten and adapted to the design. This can be saved for internal expansion. Intervention in the chair is much smaller. However, the touch walls may be a very difficult task.

Very expensive standing at the top of the house. A new roof is always required. But first of all, in tightly built-up areas, the rush is often the only way to get more living space. In all cases, the static must be checked by a specialist in addition to the issues of the Act of Approval.

The next step is the installation of additional racks around the perimeter of the structure. The step should be within 90-150 cm, depending on the thickness of the racks. Before installing additional racks, it is necessary to calculate where thermal insulation plates will be (this is done in order not to cut the insulation panel).

Following the upper strapping. It is installed on the principle of the lower strapping, it is permissible to set the release of the crown to a distance of up to 30 cm. After mounting the strapping on the upper crown, a wooden lamp is stacked, which will perform the role of a roof frame. Parchment is stacked on the crate as an additional insulating material. It is necessary as a protective material that protects the ceiling in case of leaks the roof of an extension.

Conjugation of frame extension with the main house

For example, cultivation or bayonet is much easier, resulting in a few square meters of living space. As a rule, the roof remains unaffected, efforts are reduced. Here also, if you want to create your own rooms in the winter garden, you should pay attention to many conditions, sound insulation and much more. In addition, you should know that every winter garden should be approved by the authorities.

Increased wooden design can be a very practical solution to fill the lack of space in your home. This will help you get extra space without having to perform large works, excavations and excavation. The extension can expand your home, while ensuring the perfect balance between saving space, brightness and improved comfort.

Installation of roofing

Selects roofing material Based on the financial capabilities of the wizard. The cheapest today is the usual sheets A length of 175 cm. On the roof of one small extension can take up to 30 sheets of material. The exact amount depends on how much the nesting panels will be - on average, laying sheets is made with an overlap at 5-10 cm.

The advantages of our extensions with a wooden structure. Wood is economical and environmentally friendly material. Walls with a wooden structure are much more effective in terms of thermal insulation. 12 times more than concrete. Wood is a material of natural construction, superior to it, which makes it easier to absorb moisture, creating a warm atmosphere in the building.

Building time is much shorter than traditional work. It allows you to maintain the facades and the authenticity of your home, at the same time gives originality and improves its aesthetics with a modern or traditional design. Wooden design Allows applying on all types of materials: natural stone, brick, concrete, metal. Natural or painted colored coating is an original and attractive aesthetic solution.

Slate can be replaced by other materials - today the market offers many roof options. The most accessible option for covering the roof is the use of a rolled backrueroid. We recommend using it only in cases where protection against moisture or cold is not required from the frame extension.

Shipping stage of work

After the roof of the extension is ready, you can start installing floors. Initially, the draft floor is placed (ordinary wooden boards), on top of which the sheets of insulating material and pergamine are lifted. Only after that you can do the installation of the first floor.

The extension to the housekeeping house is the easiest and most affordable way to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house with your own hands. The popularity of this type of construction is explained by the simplicity and speed of its construction. Its construction requires a minimum of effort. As a result, you can get a very durable, warm and durable structure. The frame structure is often attached to a wooden house.

Pros and cons of structures of frame type

Frame attachment, construction of walls

It is known that to build a brick building need to spend a lot of time and effort. If the capital structure is not planned, then in order to save time and money is better to stop their choice on the frame building.

The main advantages of the extension of the frame type are:

  1. Little weight, which reduces the risk of her sediment.
  2. There is no need for a massive foundation. Enough to install screw piles Or pour concrete tape.
  3. Low cost compared to the buildings of another type.
  4. If necessary, repair can be saved on materials.
  5. The rapid exhibition.
  6. Heat-saving abilities frame structure 7 times better than the brick.
  7. There is no shrinkage, so you can immediately begin the laying of communications and finishing work.
  8. If necessary, the skeleton building is very easy to dismantle, improve or remake completely with your own hands.

Frame buildings have their drawbacks:

  1. Designs from wood need additional processing antiseptic means To avoid damage to the tree insects, fungus and rot.
  2. The tree needs to be protected from moisture.
  3. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the wiring is always working to avoid fire.

Frame structures have more advantages than flaws, so they are often used as an extension to a wooden or brick house.

Design Karkasov

The project attached better to start performing on paper

The construction of any building should begin with the design. This will help properly organize work and calculate the number of materials. By drawing up, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. The need for an additional foundation for frame extension.
  2. What should be the roofing device on a new building.
  3. Do you need windows and doors in an extension.
  4. Find out the need to post communications to a skeleton attachment.
  5. What materials need to be purchased to insulate an extension.

By drawing up projects, it must be borne in mind that the attorney must complement the overall picture of the house, and not contradict her. For example, if the house is made in a classic style, then the extension must be a classic type. It is also necessary to determine the size of a new room, which should not exceed 20% of the main building area.

There are projects, both closed and open veranda. The main load in such structures is on the racks. To protect the construction of external negative factors, serves as a layer of heat insulation and lining.

Any projects do not cost without calculations:

  1. The gap between vertically oriented racks should be 1 cm less than the width of the insulation. That is, if a mineral wool is chosen as a heater, the width of which is 60 cm, then between the racks there should be a distance of 59 cm.
  2. The dimensions of the horizontal frame jumpers are also directly dependent on the dimensions of the insulation plates. For example, if the leaf height is 1 m, then the distance between the jumpers should be 99 cm.
  3. The thickness of the insulation should be at least 15 cm. In this case, we can provide a comfortable temperature at any time of the year.


The foundation scheme under the extension

Frame extension to the house most often happens wooden. The frame is made from a bar to which the insulation and outdoor casing are then attached. Praighten the room usually to the front of the house. If you attach it to the side, you can get an extra room. There you can equip a separate exit leading to the garden.

Construction should be started with the selection essential materials. For framework, you will need:

  • bar with a cross section 15x15 cm;
  • boards to create horizontal jumpers;
  • insulation;
  • insulating material;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • OSP-slabs.

For interior decoration Rooms are used with their own hands. For the outer sheat, the OSP-slabs are suitable, which can be plastered. Instead, you can use siding or lining.

When erecting a frame-type attachment, you need to follow the following recommendations:

At the very end, you can proceed to laying communications, such as electrical wiring.

Stages of construction

The frame extension is raised with their own hands like this:

  1. On the foundation pillars laid a layer of waterproofing from the frontierdoor to protect wooden frame from rotting.
  2. Install the lower strapping from the bar, attaching it to the foundation with the help of a dowel. For holes in concrete, you can use a perforator.
  3. Put the second row of timber and cut the beams of the roughing.
  4. If an extension is very large, then in order to avoid sediment, you need to install additional pillars.
  5. Mount the vertical part of the frame.
  6. Racks are placed in the corners and perform the top strapping of the frame. Brussia is fastened with self-tapping screws.
  7. In the place where it is supposed to make doors and windows, vertical racks are installed. The horizontal jumpers are screwed to them with the help of self-tapping screws.
  8. After the frame is fully ready, you can start it to sneak and warm it.
  9. The roof of the frame extension most often becomes the continuation of the roof of a large building, but sometimes rafters are mounted to the bearing wall. The bar is installed horizontally on the wall to which rafters will be relying.
  10. The rafters are attached to the wall and the upper strapping.
  11. Install on the rafter horizontal crate.
  12. Fill roofing material to choose from - Professional sheet, slate, metal tile.
  13. The scene of the roof of the house and the extension is sampled by waterproofing tape.
  14. Install windows and doors. For frame extension, metal-plastic products are suitable. Seams can be hidden using a mounting foam.
  15. Cut the walls of the construction, for which you can use OSP-plates.
  • The space between horizontal jumpers and racks are filled with insulation.

Frame extensions with their own hands are elected in a matter of days, in which they consist of their main advantage. An additional room can be quite spacious, significantly increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.