Order established in November 1943. Martial Awards of the USSR Period of the Great Patriotic War

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet of November 8, 1943. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the USSR on August 18, 1944 approved the sample and the description of the ribbon of the Order of the Victory Order, as well as the procedure for wearing a plank with a ribbon of the Order.

The Order "Victory" - the Supreme Military Order of the USSR, who was awarded the faces of the top command of the Red Army for the successful conduct of such combat operations on a scale of one or more fronts, as a result of which the situation in the federal of the Red Army was changed.

It was created according to the sketches of the artist Alexander Kuznetsov.

The Order "Victory" is on the left side of the breast by 12-14 centimeters above the belt. The ribbon to the Order "Victory" is on the left side of the chest, on a separate bar, one centimeter is higher than other ORDENNA tapes.

The rewarding of the Order was made only by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Unlike all other Soviet orders, the Order "Victory" did not have a room (it was indicated only in a premium document), after the death of awarded, this Order was returned to the state.

The names of all the victory awarded by the Order are recorded on the memorial places established in the State Big Kremlin Palace.

For the entire existence of the main military award of the USSR, 19 awards were produced. The award was received by 17 military leaders, three of whom were awarded the Order of Victory twice.

On April 10, 1944, the list of the Soviet Union of Georgy Zhukov and Alexander Vasilevsky were opened a list of Awarded Order. In 1945, they were marked by the Order for the second time. Victory Order was also awarded Joseph Stalin (April 29, 1944 and June 26, 1945).

The Order of Victory was awarded the Soviet military leaders Ivan Konev, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Rodion Malinovsky, Fyodor Tolbukhin, Leonid Govorov, Alexey Antonov, Semen Tymoshenko and Kirill Metskov.

After the completion of the Great Patriotic War in June-September 1945, five foreigners were also awarded: American General Army Duight Devid Eisenhower, British Field Marshal Bernard Low Montgomery, King of Romania Mihai I Gaenzollerne-Zigmaringen, Marshal Poland Michal Zimersky (Roli Zhimersky) and Yugoslav Marshal Josip Broz Tito.

In February 1978, a decree was issued on the reward of the Order of the Secretary-General of the CPSU CPSU Secretary General, Leonid Brezhnev, but later in 1989 it was canceled as not corresponding to the Statute of the Order.

Of the 17 people, awarded the Order, the only healthy today remained only Mihai I.

In the 1960s, the Order "Victory" was exhibited in a diamond foundation. Currently, the Order of the Victory of Russian military leaders, as well as the award of Mikhala Zhimimensky, is kept in the Foundations of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War and the Office of the President of Russia for human resources and state awards.

Order of Glory

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of November 8, 1943. Subsequently, the Statute of the Order was partially changed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of February 26 and December 16, 1947 and from August 8, 1957.

The Order of Glory is the Military Order of the USSR. They were awarded the faces of the ordinary and sergeant composition of the Red Army, and in aviation and persons who have the title of younger Lieutenant, who showed the glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland.

In the statute of the Order of Glory, the feats were indicated for which this sign could be awarded. He could receive, for example, the one who first broke into the arrangement of the enemy, who in battle saved the banner of his part or captured the enemy who, risking his life, saved in the battle of the commander who shot down from personal weapons (rifles or automaton) a fascist aircraft either destroyed up to 50 enemy soldiers, etc.

The Order of Glory had three degrees: I, II and III. The highest degree of Order was the degree. The award was performed sequentially: first the third, then the second and, finally, the first degree.

The order of the Order was created according to the sketches of the chief artist of the CDC Nikolai Moskalev. It is a five-pointed star with the embossed image of the Kremlin from the Spasskaya Tower in the center. The Order of Glory is worn on the left side of the chest, if other orders of the USSR are located after the Order of the Honor Sign in the order of sentences.

An order of the I degree is made of gold, a sign of the Order of the II degree - of silver, with gilding, the sign of the order of the III degree completely silver, without gilding.

The Order is worn on a pentagonal block, covered by the St. George ribbon (orange with three black longitudinal stripes).

The right to awarding the Order of Glory III degree was presented by commander of divisions and buildings, II degrees - commanders of armies and fronts, I degree was handed over to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The first complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 22, 1944 were soldiers of the 3 Belarusian Front - Sapper Efreitor Mitrofan Pitenin and Scout Senior Sergeant Konstantin Shevchenko. The Order of Glory I degree for №1 and №2 was awarded to the warriors of the Leningrad Front Infantry Guard to the senior sergeant Nikolai Zaletov and the intelligence officer of the Guard senior Viktor Ivanov.

In January 1945, the only time and sergeant composition of the military unit was awarded the only time for the history of the existence of the reward orders of Glory. This honor for heroism in the breakthrough of enemy defense on the Vistula River was awarded the first rifle battalion of the 215th Red Banner Shelf of the 77th Guards Chernihiv rifle Division.

In total, about 980 thousand people were awarded the Order of Glory III, about 46,000 became cavaliers of the Order of the II, 2656 soldiers were noted by the orders of the glory of three degrees (taking into account the redesigned).

Full cavaliers of the Order of Glory became four women: the arrows-radio guard Guard ears Nadezhda Zhurkina-Kise, Martherometer Sergeant Date Stanilien-Marcausque, Saninstructor Starin Mattroin Nepeportukov-Nazzzzzheva and Sniper of the 86th Tartu Rifle Division Starin Nina Petrov.

For the next special features, four cavaliers of the three orders of Glory were honored and the highest difference of the birthplace of the Hero of the Hero of the Soviet Union: Guard's pilot Junior Lieutenant Ivan Drachenko, French lawyman Pavel Dubinda, Artillery Senior Sergeant Nikolay Kuznetsov and Guard Senior Sergeant Andrei Aleshin.

On January 15, 1993, the law "On the status of the heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes was adopted Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory ", according to which the rights of these awards were equalized. Persons received by these awards, as well as members of their families received the right to certain benefits in housing conditions, in the treatment of wounds and diseases, when using transport, etc.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet of November 8, 1943. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the USSR on August 18, 1944 approved the sample and the description of the ribbon of the Order of the Victory Order, as well as the procedure for wearing a plank with a ribbon of the Order.

The Order "Victory" - the Supreme Military Order of the USSR, who was awarded the faces of the top command of the Red Army for the successful conduct of such combat operations on a scale of one or more fronts, as a result of which the situation in the federal of the Red Army was changed.

It was created according to the sketches of the artist Alexander Kuznetsov.

The Order "Victory" is on the left side of the breast by 12-14 centimeters above the belt. The ribbon to the Order "Victory" is on the left side of the chest, on a separate bar, one centimeter is higher than other ORDENNA tapes.

The rewarding of the Order was made only by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Unlike all other Soviet orders, the Order "Victory" did not have a room (it was indicated only in a premium document), after the death of awarded, this Order was returned to the state.

The names of all the victory awarded by the Order are recorded on the memorial places established in the State Big Kremlin Palace.

For the entire existence of the main military award of the USSR, 19 awards were produced. The award was received by 17 military leaders, three of whom were awarded the Order of Victory twice.

On April 10, 1944, the list of the Soviet Union of Georgy Zhukov and Alexander Vasilevsky were opened a list of Awarded Order. In 1945, they were marked by the Order for the second time. Victory Order was also awarded Joseph Stalin (April 29, 1944 and June 26, 1945).

The Order of Victory was awarded the Soviet military leaders Ivan Konev, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Rodion Malinovsky, Fyodor Tolbukhin, Leonid Govorov, Alexey Antonov, Semen Tymoshenko and Kirill Metskov.

After the completion of the Great Patriotic War in June-September 1945, five foreigners were also awarded: American General Army Duight Devid Eisenhower, British Field Marshal Bernard Low Montgomery, King of Romania Mihai I Gaenzollerne-Zigmaringen, Marshal Poland Michal Zimersky (Roli Zhimersky) and Yugoslav Marshal Josip Broz Tito.

In February 1978, a decree was issued on the reward of the Order of the Secretary-General of the CPSU CPSU Secretary General, Leonid Brezhnev, but later in 1989 it was canceled as not corresponding to the Statute of the Order.

Of the 17 people, awarded the Order, the only healthy today remained only Mihai I.

In the 1960s, the Order "Victory" was exhibited in a diamond foundation. Currently, the Order of the Victory of Russian military leaders, as well as the award of Mikhala Zhimimensky, is kept in the Foundations of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War and the Office of the President of Russia for human resources and state awards.

Order of Glory

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of November 8, 1943. Subsequently, the Statute of the Order was partially changed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of February 26 and December 16, 1947 and from August 8, 1957.

The Order of Glory is the Military Order of the USSR. They were awarded the faces of the ordinary and sergeant composition of the Red Army, and in aviation and persons who have the title of younger Lieutenant, who showed the glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland.

In the statute of the Order of Glory, the feats were indicated for which this sign could be awarded. He could receive, for example, the one who first broke into the arrangement of the enemy, who in battle saved the banner of his part or captured the enemy who, risking his life, saved in the battle of the commander who shot down from personal weapons (rifles or automaton) a fascist aircraft either destroyed up to 50 enemy soldiers, etc.

The Order of Glory had three degrees: I, II and III. The highest degree of Order was the degree. The award was performed sequentially: first the third, then the second and, finally, the first degree.

The order of the Order was created according to the sketches of the chief artist of the CDC Nikolai Moskalev. It is a five-pointed star with the embossed image of the Kremlin from the Spasskaya Tower in the center. The Order of Glory is worn on the left side of the chest, if other orders of the USSR are located after the Order of the Honor Sign in the order of sentences.

An order of the I degree is made of gold, a sign of the Order of the II degree - of silver, with gilding, the sign of the order of the III degree completely silver, without gilding.

The Order is worn on a pentagonal block, covered by the St. George ribbon (orange with three black longitudinal stripes).

The right to awarding the Order of Glory III degree was presented by commander of divisions and buildings, II degrees - commanders of armies and fronts, I degree was handed over to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The first complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 22, 1944 were soldiers of the 3 Belarusian Front - Sapper Efreitor Mitrofan Pitenin and Scout Senior Sergeant Konstantin Shevchenko. The Order of Glory I degree for №1 and №2 was awarded to the warriors of the Leningrad Front Infantry Guard to the senior sergeant Nikolai Zaletov and the intelligence officer of the Guard senior Viktor Ivanov.

In January 1945, the only time and sergeant composition of the military unit was awarded the only time for the history of the existence of the reward orders of Glory. This honor for heroism in the breakthrough of enemy defense on the Vistula River was awarded the first rifle battalion of the 215th Red Banner Shelf of the 77th Guards Chernihiv Rifle Division.

In total, about 980 thousand people were awarded the Order of Glory III, about 46,000 became cavaliers of the Order of the II, 2656 soldiers were noted by the orders of the glory of three degrees (taking into account the redesigned).

Full cavaliers of the Order of Glory became four women: the arrows-radio guard Guard ears Nadezhda Zhurkina-Kise, Martherometer Sergeant Date Stanilien-Marcausque, Saninstructor Starin Mattroin Nepeportukov-Nazzzzzheva and Sniper of the 86th Tartu Rifle Division Starin Nina Petrov.

For the next special features, four cavaliers of the three orders of Glory were honored and the highest difference of the birthplace of the Hero of the Hero of the Soviet Union: Guard's pilot Junior Lieutenant Ivan Drachenko, French lawyman Pavel Dubinda, Artillery Senior Sergeant Nikolay Kuznetsov and Guard Senior Sergeant Andrei Aleshin.

On January 15, 1993, the law "On the status of the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory", according to which the rights were equalized by these awards. Persons awarded these awards, as well as members of their families received the right to certain benefits in housing conditions, in the treatment of wounds and diseases, when using transport, etc.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

On November 8, 1943, the Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was simultaneously established by the Order of the Victory and the Order of Fame.

Ensure - soldiers and commander received new awards at the same time. A peculiar symbol of participation of that and the other in one joint war against the general enemy.

The Order of Victory was the Higher Military Order and was intended for awarding the highest command staff Soviet army For the successful carrying out of one or several fronts of large-scale combat operations, as a result of which the situation has radically changed in favor of the Soviet army. In addition, the names of the cavaliers of the Order, in a special difference, were entered into a specially established memorial plaque. The rewarding of the Order of Victory was made only on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Order No. 1 received the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, No. 2 - Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky.

In total, 11 Soviet military leaders became the covallers of the Order of the Victory Order (K. Zhukov, A. M. Vasilevsky and I. V. Stalin - twice) and 5 foreign citizens who have manifested themselves during the Second World War. On February 20, 1978, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev, who called the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union, was among the awarded, but after his death, this award was canceled as illegal.

Unlike the Order of Victory, the Order of Glory was considered to be "soldier", because it was established for awarding an ordinary composition, showing courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for their homeland. This Order consisted of three degrees and had a number of features that distinguished him from all the other domestic awards of Soviet times, since it was originally assumed that he should become a kind of continuation of the royal order of St. George.

The Order of Glory was awarded exclusively ordinary and sergeants of the Red Army, and in aviation also younger lieutenants. Awarding with this Order was carried out only in an upward order, starting with the youngest - III degree. Until 1974, the Order of Glory was the only Soviet Order, issued only for personal merits (Nor military units, or enterprises, could not receive it). The Statute of the Order provided for an increase in the military rank of the cavaliers of all three degrees, which was an exception for the Soviet premium system. The colors of the ribbons of the Order are intermittent black and orange stripes - repeated the colors of the tape of the Order of St. George, and the color and drawing of the tape were the same for all three degrees, which was characteristic only for the pre-revolutionary premium system, but never used in the USSR premium system.

Soldiers very highly appreciated the Order of Fame. His appearance made it possible to celebrate the mass heroism of our soldiers, stimulate them on new feats.

In total, over the years of the Great Patriotic War, Cavaliers, the Order of Glory became more than 200 thousand people, and complete cavaliers who received the Order of all three degrees - about 2.5 thousand people. As of 1989, 2 thousand 620 people were awarded the Order of Glory of Glory, the Order of Glory II - 46 thousand 473, the Order of Glory III degree - 997 thousand 815.

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Dear brothers and sisters, surviving the events of the present week, we can immerse yourself at the state of the soul, which implies the need for a Christian at least to join the event, having a relation to the feat of God for people.

The path of love involves the willingness of a person to learn the most complex art, the skill in which the Lord himself showed, having come to the ground, to lift himself to the human body, having enjoyed the flesh and then giving it to the crucifix for the sins of human sins, which is an example of great humility. In this self-esteem, the Lord offers an amazing depth of his mercy and the willingness to show how many ways exist in the heavenly kingdom.

With his preachtime hands, he washes his feet to students, people of a low profession, his followers designed to apostolic ministry. Calling them with himself on a special feast, on the meal, where the first Eucharist is performed, he, Netua, but loving a student who betrays him, until the last moment wants to save him, but the soul that moved away from God, with difficulty returns to his Savior. Here the tragedy of the student, which in the speed is an example of despair, bringing to suicide. Next, we see an example of the Apostle Peter, who claims that it will not be renounced, but then it makes it possible. And each of us in his life, unfortunately, repeats his way, expressing one thing, and what is another. Then the garde sounds prayer in the Gethsemane garden. The Lord creates students three times to joint moles, but the apostles are sleeping ... And the Savior asks the Father to give him the mercy that he must suffer.

It should be understood that we only partly open what we can accommodate, only a part of the pain and suffering. We are talking about the dialogue of the Lord within himself. After all, the Savior refers to God to the Father, who is in it. This is one of the deepest secrets of theology when it comes to the Holy Trinity. But at the same time, these words apply to us an example of what we must perform in situations of special tension and tests: must call God to help, adding at the same time: "Let Will will be!".

Then we hear about betrayal, which makes a student, the Lobsaya Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. What was it necessary for? It was a sign. The fact is that after the communion of the apostles transformed and became so similar to the Savior, it was difficult to determine who among these people their teacher. The Apostle Judas shows on Jesus, and it is arrested. And here the mercy is revealed when the Lord asks to remove the knife, saying that the one who came with a knife or a sword would die. There is also an external, and the inner component of the life of a Christian, who is assessed as a weapon of prayer, humility and readiness to sacrifice themselves. We have an amazing door, difficult to pass, but the only possible for the salvation of our soul.

We will try, dear brothers and sisters, be attentive to the words as much as possible in our lives. We will learn from the art of following Christ, ready to start with a small one, in determination to show their efforts in the carry of your cross. Amen!

Archpriest Andrei Alekseev

The Order of Glory for the awarding of the ordinary and sergeant composition was established on November 8, 1943 in one day with the Order of the "Victory" - the highest of the "commander" orders.

The Order of "Victory" was awarded twice I.V. Stalin, G. Zhukov, A.M.Vasilevsky. In 1978, in violation of the Statute of the Order, they were awarded the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I. Brezhnev.

The Order of Glory had several features that there were no other domestic awards: this is the only combat difference, intended for awarding exclusively soldiers and sergeants (in aviation also junior lieutenants); This is the only Order of the USSR, issued only for personal merits and never issued military unitsnor enterprises or organizations. The Statute of the Order provided for the increase in the cavaliers of all three degrees in the rank, which was an exception for the Soviet premium system.

The Order was established on the initiative of I.V. Stalin. It was created as a "soldier's order", but in one row with the "commander".

The first reliably established rewarding of glory was held on November 13, 1943, when the reward was signed by the Order of the Spare degree V.S. Malyshev. The order for awarding the Order of Glory II degree was first signed on December 10, 1943; Cavaliers were the sophons of the 10th Army of the First Belarusian Front Private S.I. Baranov and A.G.Vlasov, by the end of the war they received and I de degree of Order.

The first decree on the award of the Order of Glory I degree was signed on July 22, 1944. They were honored with a sapper - Efreitor M.T. Pitenik and the assistant commander of the platoon of senior sergeant K.K.Shevchenko. Awarding the Order of Glory continued since November 1943 to the summer of 1945.

In 1967 and 1975, additional benefits were introduced with complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory, which equalized them with the heroes of the Soviet Union. In particular, they were given the right to appoint them personal pensions of allied importance, major housing benefits, the right of free passage and so on. The current legislation of the Russian Federation confirms all these rights to the Cavalers of the Order of Glory of Three degrees.

Calendar Warrior
1586 - mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky, prince, commander, was born.
- 1772 during the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774. The Patrasan sea battle took place. The detachment of Russian ships (2 linear, 2 frigates and 3 small vessels) under the command of Captain 1 rank M. T. Konayev during a three-hour battle with Turkish flotilla (8 frigates and 14 Shebek), who was standing in the Patras's bay under the protection of the fortresses of the Lepano and Patras, destroyed 7 frigates and 6 Shebeks. Konyaev was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd Art.

1875 Born E. V. Tarl, Historian, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Laureate of State Prizes (1942, 1943, 1946). Its Peru owns a large number of works on universal Russian and military history, for which the abundance of actual material and a brilliant literary style is characterized. The main works belong to the "Crimean War", "Napoleon's invasion to Russia". In 1942-1945 He was part of the Emergency State Commission for the establishment and investigation of the atrocities of the German-fascist invaders in the USSR. Died 05.01.1955

1887 Born Yu. A. Shaporin, composer and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR. Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Laureate of the State Prize. His high patriotic pathos is penetrated by his works on military historical topics: symphony Cantata "On the field of Kulikov" (1939), Oratoria "Tale of the Battle for Russian Earth" (1944). The author of the music for the films "Suvorov", "Kutuzov", "Minin and Pozharsky", "Victory". Died in 1966

1899 Born M. S. Gromadin, Colonel-General (1943). In the Red Army since 1918 in the Civil War participated in the battles in the southern and Southwestern fronts. Since 1938, at staff and team positions in the aircraft troops. In 1941, he headed the military air defense troops, led the reflection of the first raids by enemy aviation to Moscow. Since 1943, he commanded the troops of a number of air defense fronts. In 1946-1948 Commander of the civil defense troops. Died 03 06.1962

1919 On the basis of the Electrotechnical Officer School, the Higher Military Electrotechnical School of the Kamostava RKKK (the first chief - A. V. Babinsky) was created. In 1932, the Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army was created on its basis, which the name of S. M. Budennoy was assigned to the name. Since 1946, the Military Academy of Communications. S. M. Budenny. Currently - Military University of Communication.

1923 by the order of the Revivation for the development of "... A wide range of issues and proposals in relation to the theory and practice of naval affairs and technology" was created by the Scientific and Technical Committee for the Department of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army.

1923 Born D. T. Yazov, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1990). In the Red Army since 1941, the participant in the Great Patriotic War. Since 1979, the commander of the central group of troops, then the troops of a number of military districts. From January 1987, Deputy The Minister of Defense of the USSR in personnel is the head of the Main Directorate of the USSR MO. From May 1987 to August 1991, the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

In 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was established by the Higher Military Order - the Order "Victory" (author-artist A. I. Kuznetsov), the Order "Victory" for No. 1 was awarded the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov. Three people - I. V. Stalin, G. K. Zhukov and A. M. Vasilevsky - were awarded the Order twice.

On the same day, the Order of Glory was established by another decree (the author is the artist N. I. Moskalev) three degrees, for awarding persons of the ordinary and sergeant composition of the Red Army, who committed the glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland.

The first awarded Order of Glory became the Efreitor M. T. Pitenin. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the cavaliers of all degrees of the Order were about two and a half thousand people. Among them are four women: air shooter-Radist N. A. Zhurkina, Martheletcher D. Yu. Stanimylene, Sanningor M. S. Nozdrachev, Sniper N. P. Petrova. The first full cavalier was the senior sergeant N. A. Files.

1947 Born M. I. Barsukov, State Avestigator, General of the Army (1995). He graduated from the Moscow Higher Military Command School. Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1970), Military Academy. M. V. Frunze (1979). Since December 1991, Kremlin's commandant, since June 1992, the head of the Guardian Guide. From 24.07.1995 to 06/20/1996, the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation.