The best spinach recipes. Pakory and pancakes


Spinach greens contain a large amount of folic acid, calcium, vitamins P, K. It contains many useful trace elements, especially iron, so spinach is really the most "iron" of all vegetables.

Spinach soups and omelets are very popular in the United States. In general, this leafy vegetable is favored in many countries of the world, but especially not indifferent to it in France. There they mainly make salads from it. Classic combination: spinach, strawberries and walnuts. Earlier, by the way, the French used the vegetable for other purposes. Its juice was added to various creams, ice cream butter, sauces to color them in a juicy green color.

When choosing spinach in a store or market, remember that large, dark green leaves are good for sautéing and stewing, while lighter and smaller ones are good for salads. Well, frozen spinach goes well in mashed soups. So how do you cook spinach?


SPINACH DISH - Omelette with spinach


500 g spinach, 8 eggs, 300 ml milk, 40 g cheese, 2 tomatoes, a bunch of parsley, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper.

Finely chop the spinach and parsley. Cut the tomatoes into circles. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and milk with a mixer. Add chopped spinach and parsley, season with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a skillet with high edges, pour the mixture into it. Cover and fry the omelet for about 10 minutes over low heat. 2 minutes before cooking, put the tomato circles on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Calorie content of a serving of omelet with spinach 210 kcal

Cooking time according to the recipe omelet with spinach 20 min

Complexity of the dish omelet with spinach ★ ★



500 g spinach, 300 g green onions, 500 g feta cheese, 500 g ready-made puff yeast dough, egg, black pepper.

Chop the spinach and onion, squeeze out the liquid. Add chopped feta cheese, mix. Roll out the dough into two layers according to the size of the baking sheet. Put one layer on the bottom of the baking sheet, spread the filling on it, pepper. Put the second layer of dough on top, pinch the edges. Grease the pie with a beaten egg and send to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Calorie content of a serving of spinach pie 530 kcal

Cooking time for the spinach pie recipe 1 h 10 min

Complexity of the dish spinach pie ★ ★



a large bunch of spinach, 60 g feta, a few sprigs of dill, 2 green onion feathers, lemon, 20 g pine nuts, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt, black pepper.

Boil spinach leaves in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Rinse under cold water and transfer to a bowl. Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Finely chop the dill and onion, chop the feta.

Mix oil, dill, onion, feta, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Sprinkle the cooked dressing with spinach, stir, place in a salad bowl and garnish with pine nuts.

Calorie content of a serving of spinach salad 60 kcal

Cooking time for spinach salad recipe 20 min

Complexity of the dish spinach salad



600 g of spinach, 250 g of ready-made dry lasagna sheets, 200 g of feta, 200 g of Parmesan, 3 eggs, a bunch of green onions, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper.

Boil the lasagna sheets, drain the water. Put the spinach in salted boiling water and cook for no more than 3 minutes. Then discard in a colander. Hard boil eggs, peel, chop. In a bowl, combine spinach, chopped onion, chopped feta, salt, pepper and eggs. Grate Parmesan. Grease a deep dish with butter, put the lasagna sheets and the spinach mixture in it alternately, sprinkling with grated Parmesan. Bake for 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Calorie content of a serving of lasagna with spinach 330 kcal

Cooking time for lasagna with spinach recipe 1 h 50 min

Complexity of the dish lasagna with spinach★ ★ ★

If you want to create unusual dishes in your kitchen, go for it, and the female GlamLemon will "help" you to cookred bean or greek

Is a very popular vegetable in Europe, which relatively recently won the sympathy of Russians. Its green leaves have a unique vitamin composition with tremendous beneficial properties. Due to this, spinach has become an irreplaceable product, which, among other things, has a delicate and delicate taste.

Spinach dishes are considered a real "storehouse of vitamins", as the vegetable retains its beneficial properties even when heat-treated.

Spinach dishes: recipes with photos

In cooking, spinach is used in different cuisines of the world, so recipes from it are full of a huge variety, from salads to baked goods. Moreover, this vegetable is versatile in use and in a ready-made dish is not particularly expressed either in taste or in calories, getting along well with fragrant cheeses and spices.

Spinach puree - a classic of the genre "American style"


  • Cream - 180ml
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Spinach - 300g
  • Hard cheese (like Parmesan or Romano) - 100g
  • Nutmeg, salt, pepper, paprika

Preparation: melt the butter in a saucepan, fry the flour in it and pour cream with the addition of nutmeg - boil the sauce until sour cream is thick. Add chopped spinach and finely grated cheese to the creamy milk mass, heat everything well over the fire for no longer than 2 minutes (do not simmer), season with salt and pepper to taste.

Airy omelet with spinach


  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g spinach
  • 30 g flour
  • 4 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Salt, pepper, fresh herbs

Preparation: Beat eggs with milk and flour, salt and pepper. Chop the spinach and lightly simmer in butter until soft. Bake the omelet until half cooked, put a layer of spinach on it, fold in half and steam for a few minutes under the lid.

Mushroom julienne with spinach


  • Porcini mushrooms - 100g
  • Spinach - 500g
  • Sour cream - 300g
  • Hard cheese - 50g
  • Garlic, salt, pepper - to taste

Preparation: Cut the mushrooms and fry in oil, add chopped spinach and a clove of garlic to them. Pour sour cream over the vegetables and simmer for 3-5 minutes over low heat. After that, spread over the cocotte makers, sprinkle generously with grated cheese and in the oven for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Lush pancakes with spinach


  • Spinach - 200g
  • Flour - 200g
  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp

Preparation: combine kefir with an egg and half the flour, add soda slaked with vinegar and the remaining flour - the dough should be thick enough to make the pancakes fluffy. Finally add the chopped spinach and fry the pancakes in a well-heated skillet for a few minutes on both sides.

Energizing spinach smoothie


  • Yogurt - ½ tbsp.
  • Orange juice - ½ tbsp.
  • Oat flakes - ¼ tbsp.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Spinach - 2 tbsp
  • Blueberries - 1 tbsp.

Preparation: Soak oatmeal in yogurt for 10-15 minutes. Chop the spinach. Combine all prepared ingredients in one bowl and beat with a blender. Pour into glass glasses and garnish with mint.

Spinach in cooking is considered the most unpretentious vegetable that is difficult to spoil. Nevertheless, it has individual characteristics, which it is better to familiarize yourself with even before starting the cooking process.

  1. If a hot dish is prepared from fresh spinach, then first the green leaves must be carefully sorted out, rinsed, chopped and brought to softness - for this, it is enough to roast it in a saucepan with the addition of oil for a few minutes.
  2. If you are not sure about the "age" of spinach, then it should be soaked in a small amount of milk or cream - this will neutralize the oxalic acid that is produced in the old leaves.
  3. Spinach dishes are "short-lived" - their maximum shelf life is no more than 48 hours (after that they become poisonous to the body).
  4. Fresh leaves are also not stored for a long time - it is better to freeze a large harvest in portions, which will preserve the entire vitamin cocktail in the leaves.
  5. Do not overcook spinach - this vegetable should be added to any dish only at the end of cooking, subjecting it to heat treatment for no longer than 3-5 minutes.

You will need:

Beneficial features

The leaves of the plant contain a lot of substances useful for the body. It:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, H, PP;
  • chemical elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, iodine;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, sugars;
  • cellulose;
  • starch.

Such a varied composition in one plant is very rare. Moreover, a number of vitamins in spinach are highly resistant to heat treatment and are stored in the finished dish.

Regularly using this herb, you can not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also cleanse it of toxins and toxins, improve metabolism, the condition of teeth and gums, get more energy, resist stress, increase hemoglobin and visual acuity, strengthen blood vessels, normalize bowel function and pancreas, lose weight and prolong youth. The vegetable is on the list of the most desirable foods for a number of diseases. Its beneficial effect on the prevention of tumor development and recovery after radiation therapy has been noted. Due to its excellent digestibility and rich composition, it is recommended for pregnant women and babies.

Its only drawback is its high content of oxalic acid. However, it accumulates only in old leaves, so people with rheumatism, gout, kidney and liver diseases need to eat young shoots. You can also neutralize acid by adding milk or cream during cooking.

Learning to choose

When buying fresh produce, look for greens. It should be smooth, juicy, crunchy, bright green. If there are stains, discard the purchase - most likely, these are traces of chemical treatment.

Pay attention to the thickness of the stem. The larger it is, the older the plant is.
Smell the bunch, if it has a rich, tasty aroma, this also indicates freshness. If you do not like the smell or is completely absent, then the leaves have been torn from the garden for more than a day and have lost most of the vitamins.

When buying a frozen vegetable, keep in mind that its shelf life does not exceed 4 months.

In addition, it is worth asking where the plant was grown, since it tends to accumulate poisons and heavy metals. If the farm is adjacent to industrial enterprises or is located in an ecologically unfavorable area, then you will only get harm from such a product.

Now is the time to get acquainted with tips on how to cook spinach properly and tasty.

Cooking secrets

Before cooking, the herb must be rinsed with cold water. Thick stems are cut off, young ones can not be removed.

If you want to boil spinach, place it in salted boiling water and keep it covered for just 1 minute. Strain through a colander.

Better yet, steam the herbs. So not only most of the nutrients are preserved, but the leaves are not watery, but soft and moist. If you don't have a steamer, take a regular sieve or colander, place the spinach in it and place it over a saucepan with boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

The vegetable is cooked in a frying pan for no longer than a minute.

Leave the frozen product to thaw in the refrigerator. This process is a bit lengthy, but you will get all the vitamins and minerals. After defrosting, squeeze out excess liquid and cook as usual.

Questions and Answers:

    How to eat fresh spinach?

    Fresh herbs are added to vegetable salads from tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage. Before cooking, the spinach is washed in cold running water, put in a colander and allowed to drain. Then they dry it gently with a towel or paper napkins, while making sure that the spinach does not wrinkle.
    The fresh product is also used as a decoration for various dishes.

    What is spinach eaten with?

    Spinach is a versatile product. It can be added to any salty meal. Spinach is served as a side dish with pasta, mashed potatoes, risotto rice. Spinach sauce is poured over baked chicken or fried fish. Spinach goes well with fresh vegetables in a summer salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, bell pepper.

    Can spinach be dried?

    You can dry spinach, it retains all the beneficial properties. For drying, you should buy fresh, harvested spinach. It is washed, sorted out. Sluggish and crumpled leaves are thrown away. Next, spinach is dipped in boiling water for 30 seconds, thrown into a colander, washed with running water. After the leaves are dried on a sieve. Once the spinach is dry, it should be placed in an oven at 50 degrees.
    You can also dry the greens on the street under awnings during the day. Dried herbs are stored in paper bags or dry jars.

    Can spinach be eaten raw?

    Raw spinach is a very useful product for the body, which is added to various dishes. Fresh greens go well with vegetables in a salad, where tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers should also be cut. Washed spinach can be eaten just like that, although it tastes completely neutral, but it does not lose its useful qualities.

    What spinach tastes like?

    Spinach is a leafy plant that is used in a variety of recipes and has a mild flavor and neutral odor. To add flavor to dishes, spinach is combined with seasonings and spices: dried dill, parsley, nutmeg, garlic.


We are preparing a dish that will be an excellent side dish for bacon or fish.

You will need:

  • Spinach 1 kg
  • Leeks 4 pcs.
  • Parsley 2 bunches
  • 2 handfuls of nuts
  • Provencal herbs pinch
  • Salt / garlic to taste
  • Warm water 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil 7 tbsp

Rinse the herbs well and cut them into small pieces. Cut the onion into rings. Chop the parsley and nuts.

Fry the onion in olive oil. Then add the spinach and water. Cover and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then pour all the other ingredients into the pan, stir and simmer for another 2-3 minutes until soft.

Remove from heat and serve.


A savory snack in a few minutes.

  • Spinach greens 0.5 kg
  • Onions 1-2 heads
  • Soy sauce 1-2 tbsp l.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Rinse and dry the leaves well. You don't need to cut them.

Finely chop the onion and fry over high heat, stirring occasionally, for about 2 minutes. Place the leaves in the skillet and cook for another 2 minutes. Once they are tender, add the soy sauce, add the spices, simmer for 1 minute and serve immediately.


Salt the onions in butter until soft. Add a clove of garlic. After a minute, pour the pre-cut and drained spinach (600 g) into the pan.

Add a third of a glass of milk and 0.5 cups of cream. Turn off the fire. Mix everything with 4 tbsp. Parmesan, 1/4 cup bread crumbs or dried bread crumbs, a pinch of dried marjoram, salt and black pepper.

Put the mass in a baking dish, slightly moistening it with vegetable oil, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send to the preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Serve hot.


A simple dish for a nutritious breakfast.

You will need:

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Spinach 100 g
  • Olive oil 1 tsp
  • Parmesan 20 g
  • Salt / pepper black and red taste

Fry chopped or small leaves in olive oil for 2-3 minutes.

Break the eggs into a separate container, add spices to them and knock down into a homogeneous mass. Pour over the greens and keep on fire until they "grab". Remove from heat immediately. Sprinkle with parmesan on top.


We offer several options for light and vitamin first courses.

With bacon


  • Spinach 500 g
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Butter 30 g
  • Cream 200 ml
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp
  • Bacon 200 g
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper / salt taste

Peel the spinach, separate the dry leaves, wash and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then use a blender to chop.

Cut the onions into rings and fry. Add flour and simmer for another 3 minutes.

Fry the sliced ​​bacon in a separate skillet. Boil the eggs and cut into slices.

Pour the broth to the onion and simmer over low heat. Then add the spinach, the rest of the ingredients, and the spices to it.

With croutons

  • Spinach and sorrel 120 g each
  • Bow 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2 tooth
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • White toast bread
  • Vegetable oil
  • Parsley salt, pepper taste

Chop the onion and fry. Add chopped spinach and sorrel. Pour in about 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil and season with garlic and parsley.

Remove from heat, beat with a blender until smooth.

Boil the eggs and cut into halves. Dry the bread in the form of cubes in a frying pan or in the oven.

Serve in portions with 1 tsp. olive oil, a slice of egg and croutons.

Spicy Cream Soup

  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Bow 2 goals
  • Garlic 2 tooth
  • Spinach 0.6 kg
  • Celery 1 stalk
  • Vegetable broth 100 ml
  • Cream 1 tbsp.
  • Butter 40 g
  • Greens, salt, pepper taste

Boil potatoes, carrots, celery and onion until tender. Select vegetables and beat in mashed potatoes together with spices and a teaspoon of oil.

Cut another onion and fry with garlic and herbs in oil. Mix everything and beat with a blender.

Pour cream into the broth, boil and mix with grated vegetables. Season to taste.

Questions and Answers:

    What spinach dishes are there for kids?

    Spinach is very useful for a child's body, because it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are important for the favorable development of children. Greens are included in the diet of babies from the age of seven months. Start by stirring the cooked spinach into the baby puree. From this product, the child can make a light soup, omelet, potato casserole and other dishes.

    What spinach diet dishes are there?

    There is a great variety of dietary spinach dishes: croquettes with herbs and cheese, spinach and cottage cheese pie, stuffed eggs with broccoli and spinach, green pesto sauce.

    What does spinach work with?

    Spinach is combined with such spices: nutmeg, pepper, salt, garlic, dried dill and parsley, lemon zest, fennel. In dishes, the product is often used as a side dish with potatoes, rice, spaghetti. Especially delicious is a combination of fresh spinach with fresh vegetables in a salad: cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, boiled egg, fresh carrots, cabbage and others. Perfect as an ingredient for filling pies with cheese, cottage cheese, chicken.

With cream

This is one of the most delicious recipes that will be the perfect side dish for meat or fish.

You will need:

  • Spinach 400 g
  • Bow 1 head
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Cream 150 ml
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp
  • Salt / pepper to taste

Put the sorted leaves in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse them twice and dry on a paper towel. Cut in small pieces.
If you are using frozen greens, then first boil them in salted water (3-4 minutes from the moment of boiling).

Press down the peeled garlic with one of the sides of the knife.

Chop the onion into small cubes.

Heat butter in a frying pan, put the garlic, and as soon as you catch a pleasant garlic aroma, add chopped onions.
The onions are fried until golden brown, and the garlic must be removed, we no longer need it in this dish.

Then place the chopped spinach in the skillet, cover and simmer over low heat until tender.
Finally, add cream or very warm milk.
Bring this mixture to a boil, salt and pepper to your liking. And then continue the extinguishing process over low heat.
After the milk has evaporated, turn off the heat. Mix everything well and can be served.

Chicken potato casserole

  • Potatoes 600 g
  • Carrots 100 g
  • Spinach 150 g
  • Chicken fillet 200 g
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Butter 50 g
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Grind boiled potatoes and carrots in mashed potatoes, salt and mix with 2 raw eggs.

Make minced meat from the breast and mix it with chopped spinach, add spices and an egg.

Put a layer of mashed potatoes, minced meat, mashed potatoes in a greased form. Smooth everything, spread the pieces of butter on top and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 40 minutes.


With onion

Just two ingredients, a delicious dressing and a wonderful salad will brighten your table.
First, prepare the sauce. Mix 1.5 tablespoons in a bowl. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar, 0.5 tsp. Dijon mustard, 2 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper.

Mix the small young leaves with the red onion strips. Top with dressing and serve immediately.

With tomatoes

This dish can be used both as a salad and as a side dish.
Cut 3 tomatoes into slices and fry a little, sprinkling with vegetable oil.

Add chopped garlic, spinach leaves and simmer until soft.

Place in a plate, sprinkle with salt, pepper and sesame seeds.


Cut the radish and fresh cucumber into small slices. Chop the dill and parsley. Tear the spinach with your hands. White or red onions - in half rings.
Boil and chop the eggs coarsely. Gently mix everything with sour cream or yogurt, seasoning with spices.

Sprinkle with croutons on the salad before serving.

Green pancakes

Using a blender, grind 200 g of frozen spinach, mixing it with a glass of kefir. Whisk 2 eggs separately and mix together.

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda, 200 g of sifted flour, salt and sugar to this mass. You can make both sweet pancakes and snacks. Fry in vegetable oil and serve with sour cream.

The same method can be used to make thin pancakes, dumplings, noodles, buns, and other flour dishes.


Spinach is found in many cleansing drinks. Try some of these:

  1. In a blender, combine 1 banana, a bunch of spinach, and a glass of orange juice.
  2. Beat 3 bananas, juice from half a lemon and a bunch of herbs with 4350 ml of water.
  3. 2 celery stalks, a glass of fresh spinach leaves, a glass of water, lime juice, 1 banana.
  4. Grind cucumber, pineapple, spinach. Add a cup of green tea, lemon juice and ginger if desired.
  5. Beat the apple and herbs. Mix with grated ginger and honey. Dilute with water to the desired consistency.

Pepper, thyme, dried parsley, cloves, saffron, nutmeg and kupir add a specific flavor to spinach.

Can spinach be fried?

Fried spinach has a very pleasant, slightly tart aftertaste. It is added both as a side dish to main dishes and as a separate ingredient in various culinary recipes. Before frying the greens, boil the spinach in boiling water for 1 minute. Frying is recommended for 2 minutes in olive oil.

How to cook fresh spinach?

First, rinse the herbs in running water. Cook spinach in boiling water. Dip the herbs in boiling water for 4 minutes, quickly place in a colander and rinse with water. Allow remaining water to drain off.

What to do with fresh spinach?

Fresh herbs are added to salads as a main ingredient without blanching. Also, spinach is used as a side dish, which retains all its beneficial properties. It is important to remember that fresh spinach should be cooked within two days after purchase, as the leaves wilt and lose quality. You can store greens in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel, this is done to slow down the wilting process.

Cooking fresh spinach for a side dish?

A side dish with fresh spinach will be more beneficial than dishes in which herbs are recommended to be boiled or fried. For a simple yet nutritious side dish, you will need fresh spinach leaves, garlic, hot peppers, and hard cheese. First, fry the chopped garlic and pepper. Rinse the spinach, remove its roots, add salt. Add the greens to the fried ingredients and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooking, you can sprinkle the garnish with grated hard cheese.

Can spinach stalks be cooked?

Culinary experts disagree on whether spinach stalks can be used separately in dishes. Some argue that the greens in this part of the product have harmful substances that the stem absorbs from fertilizers. Also, the stems contain oxalic acid, which often has a negative effect on the body of people who suffer from kidney disease. If spinach is grown in your own garden without the use of additional fertilizers, its stems can be safely added to various culinary recipes.

What can you make with frozen spinach?

Frozen spinach is a versatile herb that can be used to make anything. It is used in salads, side dishes, soups, as a seasoning for fish and meat. The spinach is recommended to be thawed, boiled, or broiled, depending on the recipe instructions.



These are just a few of the spinach recipes. On its basis, you can easily and quickly prepare a wide variety of dishes. Try, experiment, replenish your collection with delicious and healthy food.

Let this valuable plant always be on your table!

If you have never tasted spinach, then you have not lived in America at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the United States, and after them other Western countries, was seized by an epidemic of love for this broad-leaved vegetable based on rumors about the colossal content of iron in it. They say that the reason for the latter was a banal mistake of a researcher who missed the decimal point in the number. In the meantime, the delusion was dispelled (and this took tens of years), millions of children had time to "eat" a healthy product that caring parents packed their treasures in pounds.

However, let's not rush to sympathize with the unfortunate children. The benefits of spinach are still the subject of research and discussion, but its taste remains unchanged and loved by many, and the cuisines of different nations are replete with recipes for wonderful dishes using it. And the question "what to cook from spinach" remains relevant for many housewives.

Don't chew on old spinach leaves - give them to your hamster ...

They eat raw spinach, but only young leaves, up to 5 cm in size, while the old leaves are coarse - they are boiled, steamed, stewed and fried.

Wash fresh herbs very thoroughly in running water before use and try to keep them in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

And if every now and then you come across a spinach bought on the occasion, and you regretfully understand that it will finish in the trash bin, it is better to freeze it - the leaves are perfectly stored in the freezer. But even better - try to cook one of the delicious dishes from spinach, the recipes of which we have collected for you in this review.

Raw food cuisine: salad of spinach leaves, raspberries, nuts, currants, pears

American classic - spinach puree with cream

As we have already said, Americans have long and consistently tried to heal their bodies by eating spinach in large doses, so they ate a dog with it (that is, on it), and you can add the word "classic" to their recipes without hesitation.

If you cook this spinach dish at home, steak hous restaurants can pretend to be an American connoisseur in front of friends, as it is one of the most common steak side dishes.

So, find the following foods in the refrigerator:

  • butter - 2 tablespoons
  • flour - 1 tablespoon
  • moderately fat cream (milk can be used) - 180 ml
  • salt, black pepper, paprika - a little bit
  • parmesan, romano or similar hard Italian cheese - half a glass grated (yes, yes - the mashed potatoes will turn out to be "golden"; if you want an economy option, try another cheese, but definitely hard or, in principle, you can do without it at all)
  • nutmeg - a quarter teaspoon
  • and finally, spinach - two tightly packed glasses

We start our mashed potatoes by processing spinach. If you took it out of the freezer, defrost and squeeze out the water. If the greens are fresh, steam them for a while or simmer in a hot pan to soften them.

Now we put a small saucepan on a small fire, melt the butter in it, stir the flour in the butter and let it boil for a minute. Put the cream and nutmeg here and simmer for another two minutes. The sauce should thicken.

Add spinach, keep it for a couple of minutes (no longer simmer, but just wait for the leaves to warm up well too), salt, pepper, season with cheese and stir everything very well. We take out the finished mashed potatoes from the saucepan.

Spinach with cream is a versatile side dish for meat and fish dishes, which you can serve as a steak or chicken, as well as a meat loaf or baked pike perch.

Spinach croquettes

Spinach soup with egg and yogurt

This soup is one of the tasty and quick dishes you can make for breakfast, between ironing your husband's shirt and makeup. True, provided that you have ready-made meat broth.


  • spinach - 450 g (fresh or frozen)
  • meat broth - 750 g
  • butter - one and a half tablespoons
  • flour - 2 tablespoons (no slide)
  • nutmeg - a quarter tsp
  • Greek yoghurt (special filtered yoghurt without whey)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - from the fourth part of the fruit

How to make delicious spinach soup

You do not need to cook fresh spinach in advance; we drain the water from the defrosted one. Bring the broth to a boil and cook the spinach in it for 10 minutes. At the same time, the pan should be closed, and the fire should be set at such a level that the broth boils weakly. After that, strain the spinach and leave in a separate bowl, and heat the oil in a saucepan, add flour and cook it for a minute, stirring constantly. Now we return the broth here, boil everything over low heat under the lid for five minutes, add spinach, nuts, salt and pepper.

Our soup is almost ready. It remains to add yogurt and lemon juice, again bring to a boil and remove from heat, stirring well. Already in the plates we decorate the soup with pieces of boiled egg and paprika.

Spinach dip

Spinach and apple smoothie

Undoubtedly, fruit, berry and vegetable mixtures made from fresh fruits are healthy. Undoubtedly, the tender, whipped in a blender, pulp with ice tastes good. But is this the main advantage of the trendy drink of our time? Listen, and you will realize that 50% of the smoothie's popularity is due to its name. This is not some banal mashed potatoes or a hackneyed cocktail - this is something tender, mysterious, enticing ...

There are several ingredients in this smoothie, but the centerpiece is spinach, and the flavor is strong. Do not serve spinach smoothies to those who have a cool relationship with spinach - only amateurs will be able to fully appreciate this drink.


  • spinach - 2/3 cup tamped fresh or frozen greens
  • sweet and sour medium apple - 1 pc.
  • peach - 1 pc.
  • thick non-fat yogurt without flavors - 2 tbsp with a slide
  • orange juice - half a glass
  • ice cubes - half a cup (if the spinach is fresh)

How to make spinach and fruit smoothies

Peel the apple and peach from the peel, seeds and rough core, cut into slices. Put fruit, spinach, juice, yogurt and ice in a blender and whisk. Frozen spinach does not need to be thawed, and in this case, do not use ice. Beat until the consistency of the drink resembles an airy puree (just remember, this is not a puree, this is a smoothie!). If it's a bit thick, add a little more orange juice.

Honestly, the herbal shade with grains of bright green does not whet everyone's appetite, so treat serving with great attention - take a beautiful glass and do not fill it to the brim, then the accents will shift from the color of the smoothie to the glass. You can decorate the drink with a rosette of young spinach leaves, and the edge of the glass with a very thin circle of orange.

Spinach with chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes

Spinach and pickled radish salad

Of course, salads cannot be ignored, in which green, juicy young leaves are asking for themselves. This interesting salad will appeal to lovers of marinades, and it includes very simple and ordinary products.


  • fresh spinach - 2 handfuls
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • radish - 10 pcs. (medium)
  • sugar - 50 g
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - to taste (about a teaspoon)
  • red wine vinegar - 75 ml

First, we rinse the salad well, shake off the water from it and leave it to dry, and at this time we marinate the radish. For the marinade, you need to mix vinegar, salt and sugar (let it completely dissolve). Stir the radish cut into thin slices in the marinade and leave for half an hour.

We take out the radish from the marinade, but we don’t throw away the marinade itself - we will need it for refueling. Mix olive oil and 3 tablespoons of marinade in a bowl, pepper a little (you can additionally salt) and stir the spinach leaves in this dressing.

Now it remains to put the salad on portioned plates. Spinach can either be mixed with radishes and large chunks of boiled eggs, or you can put radishes on top of the base and use the eggs to decorate the plate.

We also put bowls with leftover dressing on the table - for those who like sour. Well, if your stomach is sensitive to vinegar, try the weaker varieties - apple cider or rice.

Spinach with tomatoes and orso pasta

What else to cook with spinach

Spinach is the ubiquitous Figaro among vegetables. He is in hot soups and meat dishes, omelets, side dishes, salads, drinks. Cabbage rolls are wrapped in spinach, they are added to cereals, green pilaf, pickled, salted, canned. In a word, as soon as he is not bullied, but he endures, endures ... and pleases us with tasty and healthy dishes.

By the way, about the benefits. Despite the fact that iron in it turned out to be much less than initially thought, it contains vitamins, trace elements, and dietary fiber, spinach contains a lot of protein, there are carbohydrates, and a little fat. Therefore, eat it with pleasure and with benefit, but remember - it is good that in moderation.

Once my husband and I were invited to visit our dacha by our friends. It was in the spring, a variety of greens grew on the site with might and main, spinach was especially prominent, and a large amount of it grew. When I asked the hostess why we need spinach in such quantities, she replied that she made a variety of dishes from it, and offered to cook one of them together. We liked it very much and I took it into my "arms", now I cook it as well.

You may also be interested in the recipe.

A lot has been said about the usefulness of spinach, it is rich in protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C and E. And fresh (not boiled) spinach is especially rich in antioxidants. Spinach is one of the main food sources of folate - vitamin B 9.

In general, spinach deserves our attention in order to prepare both first courses and second courses from it.

How to prepare first courses with spinach and sorrel can be found here.

Today I bring to your attention a selection of recipes for making appetizers and casseroles with spinach.

Amazing pancake cake with spinach and mayonnaise

My most important recipe in this collection is a spinach cake, the one I tried at my friends' dacha.

We need:

  • 300 g spinach (2 bunches)
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 1 bunch green onions (only need feathers)
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 - 1 tbsp. sifted flour
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 50-100 g mayonnaise


1. First you need to wash the spinach well so that no grains of sand and soil come across. Dry well on a towel. Chop finely.

2. Wash and dry the onion feathers well, and then chop.

3. Mix herbs, salt and interrupt in a blender.

4. Salt and pepper the eggs a little, beat everything lightly.

5. Combine with herbs, stir gently, pour in milk and gradually, while stirring, add flour. The dough should be like thick sour cream.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan and put our mixture on it with a spoon, thus checking the consistency of our dough. If the pancake turns out, then the dough is normal, and if not, we adjust it with flour.

Now let's start baking spinach pancakes. Put the dough in the middle of the pan with a ladle and spread it into a pancake with a spoon. We bake on both sides over medium heat for 2 minutes. From this portion, I get 7 pancakes, 25 cm in diameter.

8. Remove excess fat with paper towels or napkins.

9. Grease the resulting pancakes with mayonnaise and stack them in a pile on top of each other, forming a cake. If desired, you can add finely chopped garlic to mayonnaise.

10. The cake can be eaten right away, or it can be infused for an hour.

Baked spinach with egg

An equally delicious dish prepared according to this recipe.

We need: 1 serving

  • 170 g spinach
  • 35 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Rinse the spinach and chop finely. Blanch in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. We put it back on a sieve.

2.Combine eggs with milk, salt, pepper and beat.

3. In a frying pan with butter, lightly fry the spinach,

Transfer to a baking dishand fill it with an egg-milk mixture.

4. We bake in the oven until tender. (temperature 180 degrees, until slightly golden).

5. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Delicious spinach rice recipe

This dish is often served in restaurants, but it can be prepared at home as well.

We need:

  • 300 g long grain rice
  • 80 g butter
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 pc onion
  • 100 g spinach


  1. First of all, we thoroughly rinse the rice, the water after rinsing should be clear. The water for rinsing should be warm, but not hot, so that the starch in the rice does not cook, then the rice will be crumbly. Then we put it in a cast-iron cauldron or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, boil it, you need to salt it. Fill with water, in a finger thick or on the phalanges of the finger. Cook over medium heat, with the lid closed, for 15 minutes, without stirring, then turn off the gas, and leave to brew for another 10 minutes.

2. Chop the onion very finely and put it to sauté until transparent in a pan in a mixture of vegetable and butter (20 g). The liquid should evaporate a little, then add spinach, salt, add butter (30 g) again, stir and reduce the heat. Simmer over low heat until the spinach changes color and dries a little, this is about 5 minutes.

3. Pour rice into a bowl, add the rest of the butter and stewed spinach. We level it on the surface of the rice and leave it to soak for 2-3 minutes.

4. Then stir the rice and spinach.

5. Serve garnished with parsley or dill.

Ossetian pie with cheese and spinach

Of course, many readers may be outraged that this is supposedly a recipe for a non-Ossetian pie, etc. , but do not rush, dear readers, believe me, I have revised many recipes for the Ossetian pie, and came to the conclusion that in Ossetia, there may be different recipes for this pie, but the fundamental points are the same. Yeast dough, maybe on water, or maybe on milk. The filling can be varied, there are 12 options: - cheese, meat, potatoes, beet leaves and more. My option is cheese and spinach pie.

We need: for 3 pies

For the test:

  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 170 ml warm water

For filling:

  • 200 g of Adyghe cheese or feta
  • 1 onion
  • 1 pc leek
  • 300 g spinach
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 50 g vegetable oil
  • 100 g butter
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the dough: mix sifted flour with sugar, salt, yeast and add warm water, stir and leave warm for 1 hour.

2. Let's take the filling: onion, spinach, dill - rinse, dry and chop finely.

3. Stew all the greens in oil.

4. Mash the cheese with a fork.

5. Mix greens with cheese, salt and pepper. If the filling is a little thin, add a spoonful of flour.

6. From this mass we make 3 koloboks.

7. The dough has already come by this time. We divide it into three parts, grease our hands with vegetable oil, and knead each piece separately.

8. Then with our hands we roll out the dough into a flat cake, 4 mm thick. In the center of the cake we put a ball of filling,

and put it in a bag.

9. Then knead with your hands into a cake with a diameter of 25-30 cm. In the middle of the cake, make a hole for air to escape.

10. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 7 minutes (5 minutes on the bottom shelf, and 2 minutes on the top shelf for browning).

11. Grease the finished cakes with butter and put them in a pile.

Light dietary omelet with spinach and arugula

We need: for 2 servings

  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g spinach
  • 4 pieces of green onions
  • 5 sprigs of rucola (dill)
  • 2 pieces of smoked sausage
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Finely chop the greens and sausage. We mix.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl, salt and pepper, beat slightly. To make the omelet more tender, you can add 1 tbsp to the eggs. l. water or milk.

3. Fill the mixture of greens and sausages with eggs.

4. Pour the mixture into a preheated frying pan with oil and fry over medium heat, covered on both sides.

5. Serve with ketchup or sour cream.

Video recipe for Ossetian pie with beetroot leaves

Seize the moment while spring is in the yard, prepare meals from healthy products, fill the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Bon Appetit!