Do it yourself

Wood floor can be made on any type of overlap, but it is always suitable for lags, as it is necessary to observe the natural circulation of air. According to the tree, concrete, the earth's base, the principle of laying is the same, only the technology of surface preparation diffuses, namely, the basis for the screed. Make an independently wooden floor can one person, for this it uses a lot of wood materials: boards made of array, parquet, plate Fiberboard, chipboard.

The article discusses the laying of the floor by the screed of an array of the board, for other materials the base is prepared similarly. Such device wooden floors is an proper technology Work on the preparation of the foundation and flooring of the coverage. It is the board that has a good quality of manufacture, many years of service, aesthetic beauty, environmental friendliness and easy installation.

Where to start the floor device?

High-quality floor is an ideal smooth surface that is prepared at the first stage of work and is performed only 1 time. Then you can change the varieties of the coating, if this requires a new repair and change in the style of the interior. First of all, the flattering of gender is determined. For this, the construction level is used: laser or bubble. When the concrete surface is dropped to 2 cm, a self-leveling mixture is used. In the event of the errors of greater magnitude make concrete screed. If the repair is carried out in a private house with the dismantling of the old draft floor, leaving only an earthen surface, the device is also needed.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and modifiers that are desirable to add, while you can do without them. Modifiers increase the elasticity of the solution and improve its technical properties, for example, reduce the hydration rate and the time of the first grasp. The reinforced concrete screed involves the presence of reinforcement, but in the residential room it is enough to make the alignment of the floor only by concrete. A solution of 30% consists of water, the consistency should be more liquid than for masonry walls.

A layer of sand is poured on the prepared pure surface, it is mixed with small rubble. The solution is poured on top, after its drying, waterproofing rolled material. The technology requires that all the amount of solution can be mounted immediately. The mixture is poured into the floor and aligns. Drying time, after which the screed can be subjected to loads, is about 7 days. The minimum black floor thickness must be 3 cm.

Montage Lag.

Lags can be placed on an earth coating without a concrete screed device. To do this, set low brick columns bonded by cement, or from concrete. Enough if its height is 10 cm. On the concrete tie lagows are installed on wooden bars that are attached to chernovoy semi Samores. The height of the bars may vary if the floor has a slope and is not aligned with a screed, but it is standard, it is 50 mm.

Lags - it wooden beamsTo which the floor material is attached. They are always mounted across the room, they are relying, in turn, on bars. This is done in order to comply with the mandatory gap, the presence of which requires laying of a wooden floor for free air movement. The magnitude of the beams depends on the distance between them: the more it is, the larger the size of their section is chosen.

If the lags of the required section did not turn, they can be sewed pairwise with sizes. Such beams become on the edge.

The distance between the lags and the size of the cross section of the bar with the width of the span 4 m:

  • 0.6 m - 16x12 cm
  • 1 m - 20x12 cm.

If the laga's beam is short, it can be increasing, removing half the thickness from 2 lag and connecting them. At the same time, the easiest way is to roll the ends of the beams, observing their mount to the bar.

After the end of the installation, the lag is embarking on the installation of the facial floor covering. It is better to warm it better, laying mineral wool in the space between beams. This type of insulation is optimal for floor insulation, as it provides good sound insulation, heat resistant. Also, mineral wool retains natural air ventilation, does not lead to the formation of excess moisture, mold, fungus.

Array of wood - best Material For lagham floor device. It makes a pinned, parquet or stream board. Natural material provides a useful microflora in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the internal microclimate, it is durable and durable.

For the manufacture of floorboard, apply the following trees varieties: pine, fir, spruce, larch, cedar.

Before making the wooden floor, try on the location of the first and next boards, make the marking of the first row. The board is laid from the long corner of the room, for example, from the window. The docking seams are placed by the rotor, that is, each next row shifts half the board. The elements are joined using a tower, if they are provided for the technology of manufacturing boards. The tongs are a longitudinal protrusion on one fingerpin's edge, while a similar groove is placed on another rib.

If the engagement is not provided, the boards are naked to the floor with nails or screwed up self-draws. It is necessary to ensure that their caps are drowned in a wooden surface. The first board is nourished at an angle of 90º, each next - at an angle of 45º. Between the extreme boards and wall, the technological gap is observed, which provides free expansion of wood in a warm environment. The width of the gap is 1-2 cm.

The docking of the elements should be carried out only by lags. Otherwise, the floor can fade, which is completely unacceptable and violates its laying technology. Due to the fact that the work is performed by a hammer, the surface from damage should be protected. To do this, use a special wooden gasket, it is applied to the nail and hit it with a hammer.

Upon completion of work, the board must be pasted, for this, a squash machine is applied. You can also put a shock with a putty on a tree, it has an Olif in its composition, which does not give her to crack. The prepared surface of the new wooden floor is covered with varnish or paint oil paint. Toning technology allows you to simulate expensive trees. You can also give the surface a pleasant matte shine with a special oil or wax.

Since ancient times, the tree was the main building material, Including it was used as an outdoor coating. At the same time, the demand for floorboards took its niche and does not think to give it, despite the huge range of various modern materials both natural and artificial origin. Today we will consider in general terms how to raise floors from boards And how to make it high quality and quickly.

So, the flooring laying can be carried out in two ways. The first method consists in laying the boards on wooden lagows, and the second in laying the genital boards on a specially prepared surface, to which they are attached with glue and self-drawing. In this case, the material used for the draft and final layer will be varied only on the quality of the wood used.

So for the flooring of the draft floor is allowed to use wood with humidity up to 16%. But provided that there is no fungal and rot on it. Also, the difference in deviations in thickness should not exceed 3 mm, and on its edges, if you take one meter of length, not more than 4 mm. In turn, for the finish coating layer, the humidity of the floor board should not exceed 11%. The deviation over the thickness of the finish board should not exceed 1 mm, and on the edge - up to 2 mm.

It should be noted that on the immediate place of installation of the floor board, as well as lags should be given a week before the start of their installation, this time will be needed to adapt them. If the difference in temperature and humidity between the warehouse and the room in which the installation of the floor is small, it can take a little less time. The thickness of the finishing boards for laying on the lags is sufficient and 3 o mm. The disadvantages of the lags of lags can be attributed to the fact that in this way you will take about 15 cm from the overall height.

How reliably stele floors from boards

The issue of floorproofing the floor is especially important to the owners of the apartment of the first floors. For this purpose, a rolled backrueroid is used, which is laid with a further adhesive on the walls of 10-15 cm. If the lags are pre-mounted on the basis, then the bar is used with a cross section of at least 55x75 mm. If there is no such possibility, the cross section of the bar increases and should be at least 75x100 mm.

Lugi is installed at a distance based on the parameters of the used floorboard, so if you use a pine board, and it has a thickness of 30-35 mm, then the maximum distance between lags should be about 70 centimeters. Probably, you should not immediately remind you that if you take a board, for the floor poorly dried and not processed as it drying can and produce slots. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase dried prepared floorboards, and the floor must be done then in this case we advise you to record only 5-6 board to lags. And then with time as boards dried, overrably the floors, but do not hope, it is not possible to turn out how quickly it goes about a year.

How to put lags

In our case, the distance between the lags will be within 505-1000 mm. First, set the first and last lag to set them through a water level along the horizontal line. Lag height can be adjusted by wedges. On the perimeter tighten the caprochy thread. And then relative to it and you will post the remaining lags. Let's still find out some of how to lead the floors from the boards so that it was performed qualitatively and for many years.

Fix pine floorboards to lagas is best with the help of screws, in contrast to the nails, they fasten the boards more securely. Over time, nails can get out because of which the floor will begin to creak and swing. When installing the floor, each board must take over to each other with the help of wedges.

At the same time, if the length of the genital boards is less than the length of the room, then in this case the joints should be made in a checker order. No matter how I would like, but all the joints should be defined on the lags. Hats of screws or nails need to be dried a little by 2-3 mm in the board, then the resulting recesses are sweeping. In the resulting niche between lags for additional sound insulation and thermal insulation, clamzit pour out, or the mineral wool is placed.

We advise you to view the video on how to properly lease floors from the boards.

Despite the abundance of innovative, modern materials for the flooring, the board remains one of the most sought-after. The tree has a variety of advantages, among them:

  • Ecology - Natural material, without impurities, additives and extraneous inclusions.
  • Attractive - The tree is characterized by a beautiful, original texture and after appropriate processing, such floors will be the center of attention in the interior of any room.
  • Strength, reliability. Properly chosen boards and compliance with the technology of their laying is the key to the durability of the floor, the lack of cracks, gaps, creaks.

Do not forget that the boarded floors are also warm, not requiring installation of additional electric or water heating.

Choosing a blackboard

Different breeds of wood are suitable for the device of the board floor, but the best of them are coniferous. The most popular is: spruce, pine, cedar, larch. Often use ash and oak (deciduous). Choosing floorboards, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Humidity level. This parameter should be 12% (or so). Otherwise, after laying, the board can change the initial geometry.
  • Quality. Do not be lazy, you need to watch each board for the absence of chips, cracks, other damage. Such a building material is better to immediately rebel.
  • The form. The board must be straight, not curved and the more non-wavy. "Boards-Sabli" for installation will not fit.

Considering the natural origin of the wood, it is recommended to treat the boards with special compositions that prevent biopration that protects against fire and insects. Modern protective drugs do not affect the texture, density and color of wood, therefore there are no reasons for fear.

Massive floorboards are distinguished by the edge processing method:

  • but. Edged board.Material is manufactured by grinding edges to an indicator of 90 °. Such boards are stacked "backdrop".
  • b. Type of "Quarter" edge. The edges are cut from about half the thickness of the board, and the laying is carried out.
  • c. Screenboard. It has a special locking compound "Paz-Spool". This material Most often used for the device of milking floors of various purposes, due to the simplicity of the installation and density of the locking joint.

Floor flooring

The device of the floors is carried out on the beams (if the step between them is no more than 50 cm.) Or by lags. The first option is actively used in private homes. However, in this case, it is recommended to use the "double floor" technology. The second option - perfectly proven itself concrete bases Not only in houses / cottages, but also apartments.

Consider all stages of installation of floors from boards having castle compounds on the ends, taking into account the popularity of this material.

Do not forget! Boards must pass acclimatization. To do this, they must be put into the room where the repair will be made, and leave for several days (two or three).

While the boards are "getting used to", you can prepare the room. Lags in 50 cm increments are laid on the mounting wedges (bits), and aligned in the horizon. The insulation is laid between them, such as mineral wool slabs or dumping (clay, grainy slag, etc.).

When the base for the board is ready, proceed to the flooring.

As you can see special problems with laying boards having a lock connection, it does not arise, but what to do with their edged counterparts?

The problem of laying the floor "in principle" is the complexity of tightening the boards and leaving the minimum gap between them (1 mm.). If the compound is a loose, then the gap visible to the naked eye will appear.

The first board is also attached along the wall and is fixed with screws. Self-tapping screws are tightened from above on both longitudinal sides of the boards in all lags. Hats be sure to sleep. For further work, a special tool will be required.

Three-five boards are stacked by lags and are tightened with the help of brackets, such as in the photo:

  1. but. Normal joinery brace (2). Climbing in Lagu (3) and shocks on the wedge (1) several boards immediately.
  2. in. Stolyarov bracket. It has a more comfortable, wide front part, the method of use is similar to the first option.
  3. Stir with a movable bracket. The advantages of the device is that there is no need to score him into a lag and disrupt the integrity of the tree. With the help of moving stop (6) and spurs (5), the tool moves along the lag and fixes the wedge with a special bracket (4).

Using the specified devices, the boards are compressed and screwed by self-drawing. It turns out the maximum dense junction. Next, the bracket is removed and the operation is repeated.

We bring gloss

Boating floors look great in any interior. Transform them into a decorative coating will help the grinding machine. From the floor, the garbage is cleaned and a check is carried out on the subject of the protruding ships of the screws. The boards are grouped (moves along the flooring), the top layer of wood is removed.

Ready base must be pressed to remove the smallest sorties. Next, the floor can be painted in any color. But the boards impregnated with verticuled (for contrast texture) and covered with several layers of varnish are most effectively.

Gorgeous, beautiful, environmentally friendly is a boardwalk.

In the construction market, the floorboard is quite long-standing material. Its applied not only in the country wooden houses or dachas. Wooden floor looks very good in urban apartments. The floorboard is better than laminate and no worse than parquet.

The difference between the floorboard from the parquet or laminate is that it is made of massive wood. On the one hand, the floorboard has a spike, and on the other - the groove, which allows the clips of the boards among themselves. On the inside of the board there are one or more recesses. This allows you to remove the voltage from the board and protect against such consequences of the temperature drop and exposure to moisture as the warping.

Advantages and disadvantages of genital boards


  • Long service life - with proper care The board may serve not one dozen years.
  • If necessary, floors are easily repaired.
  • Low price.
  • Beautiful and unique appearance.
  • Environmental safety - boards produce from natural materials.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Low thermal conductivity, due to which the floors remain warm long.
  • If not lacquer, then the board has antistatic and anti-allergenic properties.


  • Bad noise insulation.
  • Since it is wood, it cannot be subjected to long-term exposure to moisture.
  • Without varnish the surface is quickly engaged, so hand board Be sure to be treated with a paint coating, which is periodically updated.
  • The board scratches, it remains dents from something heavy.
  • Flooring board is susceptible to burning.
  • May rot and amazed insects and rodents.
  • It can swell, disappear, crack.

Features of the floorboard

Produce boards with a thickness of 1.8 to 4.2 cm, a width of 8.5-1.5 cm, 90-600 cm long.

Hardnessfireplates are determined by the method of Brinell, the values \u200b\u200bof hardness from 1.5 to 7. The higher the figure, the greater the hardness. Most often use oak (3.7) or larchs (3,1). Their strength allows you to withstand any load. The larch is used in rooms with high humidity: bath, sauna, bathroom. In unlikely rooms, for example, in a nursery or bedroom, boards are placed from alder or aspen. Boards made of conifers (1.5-2) are used for roughing.

Often admit such error: For strength, they buy a thick (40 mm) board, which is expensive, but it is raw. The apparent savings can then do as expensive, because the unusted floorboard may so twist that the screws will fly out.

Materials dividefor several varieties. The highest class is a smooth surface, a beautiful pattern. After laying, such floors can only be covered with paints. The boards of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades have a pronounced woody pattern of bitch. The wood of the 3rd grade does not make sense to paint, it is covered only by varnish.

Features of laying floorboard

Buying paulboards, you need to check their compatibility, so that there are no problems when installing. A high-quality board must be without cracks or chips.

Installationsex board is carried out as the final stage of the construction of the room. Windows must already be inserted, doors, walls, walls and gears should be aligned.

Before laying a gender, it needs to be pulled out of the package and put into the room where it will be laid. The board should fly for 3 days to adapt to the microclimate of the room.

Level humidityfireboard should not exceed 12%. The humidity in the room should not be below 40%, otherwise the board is quiet, and above 80% so that the floor does not break. The air temperature should be within 17-25 degrees of heat. Otherwise, the board loses its practical and aesthetic properties.

lagi, It is worth considering that the floor is raised by 15 cm. Therefore, in low ceiling rooms, you need to choose another method of laying.

Stages of laying floorboards

  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Installing a lag system.
  3. Sound and thermal insulation.
  4. Installation of genital boards.
  5. Grinding floor along, across and diagonally the boards.
  6. Coating with paint and varnishes.

Fireboard laying option

Batten stackedon concrete, plywood base and on the old floor.

Concrete base must be checked on humidity. For this, 3 methods have been developed:

  1. Polyethylene film with an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter is glued to the concrete of tape, it is removed after day and check for the presence of a wet stain. If it is, the sex board is early stacked.
  2. Brick is put on the rubber rug, then actions as in the first way.
  3. Use a special device to determine humidity.

The first two ways are effective only if the concrete is light. There will be no wet spot on the dark concrete.

After determining the humidity on the concrete laid waterproofinglayer. It is recommended to do from rubberoid, polyethylene film or mastic. Film and ruberoid must have a thickness of 2 mm, the layers impose a mustache and jack with a wall. After that, the sex board is placed on lags or plywood.

Fanerufor the base take a thickness of at least 18 mm, moisture resistant. Phaneur cut onto the sheets of 50 cm wide. They are fixed diagonally in relation to the genital board. Phaneru is mounted using screws that are clogged into it by 3 mm deep. Between plywood and the wall, a distance of 10 mm should remain between plywood stripes 2-3 mm. After laying, the phaneer is grinding, purified from dust, and only then you can stackhealing board.

If the floorboard is laid on oldthe floor, then it is checked for strength, strengthen and purify. If some boards deteriorate, replace them on inexpensive lumber. After checking the old floor we grind, clean from dust and on top are waterproofing. New boards are placed perpendicularly or diagonally. So that the new floor is laid in the same direction as the old, use faneru.

Installation technology of genital boards

Fit boards laid so that they were parallelthe wall where the window is located. In places of the greatest pavement (corridor, tambour) they are installed perpendicular to the direction of movement.

Boards are laid by S. displacement(in disintegration) or without it. To put the boards with a displacement, it is necessary to trim smoothly at right angles. To facilitate the work, you can make a template for which boards will be unlocked.

The first floor board puts combto the wall and nailed by self-draws to the base. The second board is fixed to the first, using a hammer and auxiliary element with a spike. It is important to use self-tapping screws, not nails, the latter can rust, and their hats are raised.

Selfless screwat an angle of 45 degrees or at right angles. In the latter case, they are closed with sealant, which gives additional strength. But the first option is more aesthetic.

Wooden Board Care

Floors must sweepand wash with a small amount of water. Pollution can be removed using neutral detergents. So that street dirt does not fall into the sex board, the rugs are put in front of the entrance, which is delayed. If the wooden floor is laid in the kitchen, the board is covered with varnish in several layers, since it is possible to enter the floor to the floor. New scratches coveredvarnish or butter.

As you can see, making the installation of the sexual board on their own without the help of specialists is not so difficult. The main thing is to take into account the features of working with an array of wood: not to expose moisture, it is properly fixed and care. It is important not to save on a new floor covering, but choose qualityboards and related materials.