Outdoor coating in a wooden house. Removing the old coating. How to ensure the protection of the floor surface in the house

The main enemies of the wooden floor are moisture and various kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. Under the influence of the listed factors, the material manufacturing material begins to rot, loses its original aesthetic properties and serves a much smaller laid.

To prevent the occurrence of the problems mentioned, the wooden floor should be covered with a special protective composition. The modern market suggests big choice Such tools that not only contribute to the increase in durability and other important operational indicators of wood, but also make it a kind of more noble and attractive.

After reading the information below, you will get a complete picture of the peculiarities of choosing and applying existing compositions, which will allow you to independently cope with this event.

Available varieties of wood processing

Reliable and efficient protection of the wooden structure from delicate external influences can be provided with the help of the following components:

Each mentioned version will give wooden semi Attractive, at the same time, ensuring the increase in the stability of the material to a different kind of influences and loads and contributing to the extension of its service life.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the description of the main properties of varnish, wax and oil, as well as study the technologies for applying each of these materials. But it is necessary to understand the order of surface preparation to subsequent processing.

Instructions for the preparation of wooden floor to coating

The procedure is determined by whether you work with a new floor or with an already used design.

New Paul Guide

First of all, check the condition of the fasteners that ensure the fixation of the flooring boards. Hats of selflessness and nails need to be "drown" into the material about 2-3 mm. Next, the remaining recesses are covered with a sealing agent. Instead, you can use a special putty, intended for wood processing. It is important that the color of the material is mixed as much as possible with the color of the boards.

Cover the starting varnish and give the facility to dry. Duration of drying is determined by the humidity of the boards. With the humidity of the material more than 12%, the varnish will dry for a very long time - up to several months. If the boards were well dried, the waiting period will be reduced to 2-3 weeks.

Starting Guide

If the boards of the existing flooring in good condition and do not require replacement, the preparation begins to eliminate the existing layer of paint or other coating. When detected by defective boards, be sure to replace them before the start of work.

The paint is perfectly deleted using the squabble machine. But buying this unit for the sake of single use is inappropriate. If there are no such tools for rent at the place of your residence, use the old and proven manual way.

Prepare the following:

  • iron (better one that is not sorry);
  • paper. Take a lot with a stock, a lot of it will go;
  • special paint wash;
  • electric choke;
  • bulgarian with a nozzle for grinding wooden surfaces;
  • several spatulas;
  • emery paper. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with the material with the 150-180 graininess.

Start the removal of old paint coating. Put on the base paper, on top of it put a well-preheated iron. As a result of such treatment, the paint will fall from the floor and sticks to the sheet. Remaining areas of the coating remove the spatula and knife. If the paint has entered into the floor material, use the wash, following the manufacturer's manual.

Video - removal of old paint from the floor

Remove the thin upper layer of material from the purified boards. In this you will help the electric shutter. Control so that the hts fasteners do not protrude above the boards.

Electric planer

Important! The work is sufficiently dusty, so for your own safety purposes, the respirator and protective glasses.

Collect the surface with a grinder with a previously mentioned nozzle and sandpaper. Collect dust, but do not throw away - in the future she can come in handy.

Slip the gaps and other defects of the floor. In the absence of a special primer of suitable color, use the mixture of PVA and wood dust glue. Dust add to the form of a mixture of the required color. In the case of using the second option, be careful and attentive: speaking excess glue you need to immediately remove from the surface. It is easy to do with a damp cloth.

At the end, you have to put the starting lacquer on the floor and give it to dry. Recommendations are similar to the previous case.

Varieties of material

The market presents a fairly wide range of varnishes. Before starting work, be sure to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the most popular representatives of this category.

Table. Properties of different wood varnishes

View of varnishCharacteristics
Water solubleBenefits:
dries quickly;
well joined with the base;
Does not stink.
Sale and two-component modifications are available. The first usually serve no more than 2-3 years - after this time, the floor will have to re-grind and process.
If you apply a two-component varnish of 3 layers, it will last about 10 years even in fairly harsh operating conditions. But it is worth such material much more expensive.
AlkydAdvantage - The structure of the treated wood becomes more pronounced and beautiful. Disadvantage - long drying time.
The varnish is great for the coating of the so-called. "Floating" floor.
So that the varnish does not shuffle, experts recommend limiting its consumption with a maximum of 120 g / m2.
It is important that in the process of drying the varnish is not exposed to heat from radiators and other heating devices. Contacts with direct sunlight are also unacceptable.
Anhydrous polyurethaneThe main advantage is excellent wear resistance. Also, such varnishes are well tolerated with water contacts and various chemical detergents.
Important! Wood moisture, covered with such a means, should be no more than 10%. Otherwise, the coating is launched.
Acid curingIt is characterized by the greatest strength. Stalling tolerates a wide variety of impacts. On the floor material creates natural light shades. It is only necessary to follow the main recommendations for the use of the means, namely:
Varnish is mixed with a hardener strictly before using the mixture;
The Contractor necessarily puts the means of individual protection - the respirator;
A constant air flow should be organized in the room.
Violation of these recommendations can turn into an artist with irritation of mucous membranes.

Different tools are used to apply varnish. So, for example, quick-drying water-soluble compositions are applied with rollers as high as possible. The performer must distribute material on the surface of exclusively forward movements. First, the means is applied across the flooring, after which it is recomposed in the longitudinal direction, i.e. The surface is lacquered by "Cross-Low".

To apply the first layer of material, you can use a spatula. The artist makes pretty fast S-shaped movements, evenly distributing the composition based on the base. This technology allows to provide higher coating strength.

In the case of the use of the brush, the material must be applied with neat U-shaped strokes. At the same time, the new smear must block the previous one slightly.

It is more convenient to start the work from the wall opposite to the outlet out of the room - so do not have to walk along the applied composition.

The oil penetrates into the structure of the wood, providing protection of the material from the inside and without creating a solid film over it. As a result, the wrenition resistance indicators of the wooden floor are significantly increased. An additional advantage of oil is its environmental friendliness. As a rule, in the composition of such coatings there are no solvents or they are present in insignificant quantities.

It is important to know that on the floor covered with oil, the defects of the material will be much more noticeable, rather than in the case of varnish. Therefore, work should be carried out in stages and in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. General requirement, relevant for all such compositions, is the timely removal of excess oil from wood. Otherwise, the floor will cover ugly dark spots.

Create a specific instruction on the coating of the wooden floor with oil can not, because The procedure for action is largely determined by the manufacturer's recommendations. You can only describe the overall sequence:

  • the surface is thoroughly polished. Small sites can be handled by sandpaper manually, the processing of large areas is more convenient and faster with a grinding machine with an appropriate nozzle;
  • the gaps and other defects are closed with putty;
  • the surface is covered with a thin and uniform oil layer. For application you can use rollers, spatulas and specially designed for such a device. This moment, as well as other recommendations for applying the means, should be additionally specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

On average, the oil is hardening 12 hours. After that, the material will need to give another 3-4 days per durability.

Important! After the first treatment of wood floor oil, the surface will be very stuck. Such traces will no longer appear after the material is completely soaked, which is required for several years.

Using Wood Floor Wax

The main advantage of wax is its absolute environmental friendliness and safety for human health. The wax can be used both as an independent coating and in the complex with the oil discussed earlier.

  • on a pre-prepared surface (recommendations were brought earlier) the uniform layer of wax is distributed;
  • the material is given time for drying. This moment should be specified separately in the manufacturer's instructions, because Drying time may vary depending on the properties of a specific composition;
  • the surface is thoroughly polished with pure cotton fabric.

Now you know than you can cover the wooden floor and how to handle every material considered.

Good job!

Video - how to cover the wooden floor

Logical question: What, actually, the floor coverings of a wooden cottage differ from those in the house built from any other material? Of course, there are no special finishing materials. The developer chooses all of the same assortment (quite wide, by the way): ceramic tile, linoleum, parquet, carpet, laminate, cork ... But here's the choice criteria are special.

In principle, the variety of textures and colors of modern flooring for the house - both natural and synthetic - allows you to apply any of them, even for interior interiorsfaced with folklore style. However, houses from a bar or round log build largely for the sake of naturalness, ecology, a special atmosphere of a wooden dwelling. Therefore, even if the PVC linoleum will be completely similar to the parquet and perfectly fit into the inner decoration of the house, the elusive harmony and the integrity of the interior will still be lost.

Someone does not give values \u200b\u200bto such trifles and chooses decoration MaterialsBased only from the cost or practicality. But, if you want to have no living space, and the home, family hearth, then try to create a harmonious space. And what could be more suitable for finishing a house from a bar than wood and other natural materials?


Parquet - "Elite" flooring. He was a sign of luxury housing many centuries ago and remains such a thing. Modern technologiesOf course, it simplified the processes of its production and laying, but did not reduce the requirements for raw materials, its processing, to the skill of the stackers.

As a hundred years ago, only correctly harvested and dried wood is suitable for the manufacture of parquet. Also strictly observed in the production of technological discipline, the slightest retreat from which significantly reduces product quality. The finished strips are also carefully sorted - depending on the presence of bitch, the direction of cutting, density, color homogeneity. Therefore, parquet simply can not be cheap.

But even if you purchased the most expensive parquet from a well-known manufacturer, the quality of the parquet floor in your home is not yet guaranteed. A very much depends on the correctness of its laying.

When the flooring device, a clear sequence of operation and time intervals between its stages must be observed, the moisture content and temperature of the room is required. Saving auxiliary materials and time is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, the cost of laying parquet floors is often higher than the cost of parquet itself, and the duration of this process, taking into account the lacquer, can not be less than a month.

The most common piece parquet. It represents the planks 500? 70 mm thick 15 or 22 mm, the method of compound is a groove comb. Parquet Parquet 15 mm thick serves in normal conditions about 50 years.

The most expensive of wooden flooring is Palace Parquet. Such a chic will be appropriate, except that, in the front room of a very expensive mansion. The curvilinear details of 15 mm thick are cut with particular accuracy, since they do not have the connecting elements and close to each other are adjusted when laying, creating complex patterns.

If your living room is finished and furnished with a luxury claim, but spending a whole condition on the palace parquet is not included in your plans, you can apply no less impressive, but much cheaper mosaic, or geometric, parquet. Details of various configurations have a method of connecting a groove comb, the enterprise is cut and assemble into ready-made drawings on a self-adhesive grid. The consumer comes in the form of a set of floor fragments with the laying scheme, installation and trimming are made directly at the facility.

The modular parquet is the simplest solution, because it is still manufactured in the form of finished fragments. Shields from slats glued along the design developed by the designer, on the spot are only mounted on the prepared base.

Massive board, parquet board

Massive, or, as it is also called, the deck board, for operational qualities it is not inferior to the parquet. As can be seen from the name, it is produced. flooring From the solid wood of various varieties - from ordinary to particularly valuable. Available in the range of length 500-3000 mm with a width of 90-200 mm and a thickness of 12-22 mm. Method of compound - groove comb. A distinctive feature massive board There is a chamfer preventing the imposition of boards, and unloading grooves on the back of the deformation.

The deck board is mounted on glue, on a self-tapping screw or a floating manner on the clip system. This flooring will suit, like parquet, for the premises of the main, visited or frequently used - hallway, hall, living room, dining room, cabinet. Excellent combination of aesthetic and operational qualities.

An alternative to the outdoor coatings described may be no less natural, but a more technological parquet board. Her high performance characteristics are due to the structure. Top of three layers parquet Board It is made of solid wood. The fibers of the middle layer of conifers are located perpendicular to the fibers of the adjacent layers, which minimizes the possibility of deformation. As a lower, stabilizing, the layer uses plywood.

The special advantage of the parquet board is the simplicity of installation. There is no need for plywood substrate, cyclishing, varnishing. Another important advantage is an acceptable price.

Not a tree one ...

The interior decoration of the house from the bar will not cost without the use of modern, technological, or even synthetic, materials. So, for example, as an outdoor coating for a home gym. It is better to use carpet. Moreover, natural woolen carpet coating is significantly inferior to synthetic in brightness and variety of colors, durability. In addition, it accumulates static electricity and very expensive.

If the naturalness of the materials used in the interior finish of the house, for you principled, pay attention to the sesal carpets or a plug - an option expensive, but perhaps the best of illegal natural.

Cork oak bark, which is raw materials for the production of this coating, is an unsurpassed shock absorber, moisture-, sound and thermal insulator. The list of its positive properties is also hygienic, resistance to ultravioletiolet and the effects of aggressive household chemicals.

Cork outdoor coatings for home There are two species - floating and glue. The first are panels with grooves and ridges that have the basis of the Fiberboard, which is applied by a layer of cork or wooden veneer. Adhesive cork coatings are produced in the form of tiles, the basis of which serves as an extruded plug, covered with veneer from valuable wood or all the same cork. In some types of adhesive cork floors, another layer is present - protective - vinyl or varnish.

Such covers are almost universal - they are suitable for any room in the house. Especially glue - they can be drained even in the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom. However, not every developer for the pocket such high costs. After all, the square meter of cork coverage without the cost of styling will cost depending on the type and design of from 17 to 73 y. e. And it, besides, requires special care products.

Therefore, let us remember another, quite natural, outdoor coverage - ceramic tiles. With the exception of traffic jam, no other is suitable for wet premises better than a well-known tile. This material is very diverse. Outdoor tiles are glazed and unlawed, on a dense or porous basis, extruded or extruded, single or twofly burned.

From the variety of outdoor ceramic products, you can especially mention ceramic granite. It is produced from a mixture of high-quality clay, field spat, quartz and natural dyes. As a result of complex technological processing, a durable monolith with high resistance to abrasion and extremely small water absorption is obtained. Thus, ceramic granite is the perfect flooring for any intensively exploited premises. Moreover, the diversity of the colors and the textures of this material is huge - under the tree, fabric, skin, metal, stone, etc. And the drawing is not applied on top to the tile, but is distributed across the depth of the tile.

So, the choice for you, and the types of floor coatings described above are enough to arrange the floors in wooden house - high-quality, beautiful, natural.

Answers to the question than to cover the wooden floor in the house, there are many. This, for example, various paintwork materials, extending the life of a tree. You can also use different modern covering materials. But in this case, all beauty will be hidden under such a coating.

The natural tree of the centuries was until today is the most beautiful, environmentally friendly, reliable material for coating floors in residential buildings.

Characteristics of wooden floors

Flooring from natural wood creates in the house a certain atmosphere of ecology, coziness and heat. In a wooden house with wooden floors is always warmer in winter and cooler in summer than in buildings from other materials.

How nicely laid parquet floors look beautiful, as nice to step by bare feet! After all, the tree is not only warm. In contact with it, static electricity is not formed. But parquet floors require constant and careful care.

The main advantage of the tree is its naturalness - creates a number of problems at the same time.

First of all, the tree is distinguished by flammable. It can be a big problem, especially in a wooden house. From the beginning of ignition to the full collapse of such a structure, only 15-20 minutes will be needed. The solution of this most important problem can be the processing of all wooden structures Buildings with modern anti-view impregnations. But subject to the processing of ready-made elements of the house, it can be only a small and temporary protection against fire. It is much more reliable if such a processing of the material will be carried out in industrial conditions before the construction of construction. In this case, the material will be deeply treated taking into account the density of wood, varieties and its other characteristics.

The second drawback of the tree is that it is loved not only by us, but also all sorts of pests, such as fungi, rodents, insects-ancient. In order not to allow pests to spoil the wood, it is necessary to resort to the use of special chemicals. You should use impregnation with antiseptic composition.

Tree even in the house continues to live their natural life. It reacts to temperature and humidity drops, gradually clarifying and starting to make screenshots.

In this case, the answer to the question of which coating will completely protect the wooden floor, no. Sooner or later the moment of aging will come.

But in this case, there is a way out of the situation. Fortunately, the creaking pieces of parquet or a platform can be easily replaced by new ones. For this, it is not necessary to change all sexual coating.

In addition, it is possible to extend the life of floor coatings from a natural tree, taking care of slowing the influence of seasonal changes in humidity and temperature.

Oil, varnish or wax?

To extend the service life of the floors from the tree, it is possible to process the parquet or the board with special compositions on a natural or synthetic basis from time to time.

Of course, painting wooden coatings is the last thing. Since all of their beauty simply disappears under the layer of paint.

So what to cover the wooden floor, what means is better?

Modern oil mixes for parquet perfectly prevent the rapid drop in the parquet board. They do not change the natural color of the tree. Through the oil layer is excellent visible natural pattern of wood.

Picked floor looks smart. Varnish can be brighter to show the texture of the tree.

The lacquer includes natural wood or artificial acrylic and polyurethane resins, as well as various, mainly organic solvents.

Lucky based on synthetic resins and organic solvents dry quickly. But over time, the board can darken or ship.

Water-dispersed varnish, on the contrary, should dry before purchasing strength of at least a week, or even two. Only after the expiration of this period, the floor coated with a water-dispersed polyurethane mixture can be fully operated.

Wax mixtures for treating board coatings are almost 100% natural product. They include oils. So the type of wooden coatings treated with such mixtures will be excellent. And moisture resistance will increase them.

But the wax mixtures are not racks for mechanical damage and thermal effects. Therefore, in residential buildings, such a coating is practically not used.

Conclusion on the topic

What could be better natural wooden floor? It is a beautiful and fairly durable coating will make any house attractive and cozy. Wooden flooring perfectly fit into any interior will be combined with any room design.

And on the question than to cover the wooden floor to extend the service life, you can always find the correct answer. The benefit of modern and high-quality funds for this on the market today is quite enough. The choice remains for the owner.

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Strengthening the natural coating, its decorative processing and the application of the finish glossy coating constitute the main stages of working with wooden floors in order to preserve their integrity for a long time.

Naturally, its defense becomes the purpose of all works on the wooden floor, ensuring the durability of the created coating and giving the surface of a more aesthetic species, pleasant to the eye and touch. Thinking about what the new wooden floor in the house can be covered, it should be understood that natural coating requires not only decorative finishing, but also a competent approach to the processing of depth layers of wood. Protective processing, increasing strength and density of wood coating, is carried out in order to preserve it, increasing its wear-resistance and resistance to mechanical damage, such as, for example, abrasability, trauma from shocks and many other random incidents.

How to ensure the protection of the floor surface in the house

The applied paints, oils and wax for wood have a positive effect on eliminating the shortcomings inherent in this type of coatings. A really complicating surface decoration process includes problems with high hygroscopicity of all natural natural materials. This means that the wooden layer can absorb some amount of moisture, and this process will further result in its swelling, deformation and to increase the vulnerability of the coating, to deterioration of a new base.

One of the main problems is the exposure of untreated wood materials Return, insect invasions, from which it is difficult to get rid of. Processing with relevant means will solve this problem, but it is necessary to make it in a timely manner and follow the condition of the wood coating in the process of its further operation. Reliable protect the wooden floor from pests and fungal infections of lacquer coatings. Lacation is the most common method of processing noble wood breeds. The choice of varnish form and the processing method depends on the structure of the tree of the tree and on the operating conditions of the floor.

High-quality protection can also be carried out using oil. The compositions of modern oil remedies make it possible to produce floors with bright juicy paints, well-protected from mechanical effects and bacteriological invasions. The technique of oil and preparation is not more or less complex compared to varnishing, you need to choose appearanceBy what it seems more pleasant. Lacate wooden floor, covered with oil, or a pole base, will already be impossible.

Waxing agents can also protect the upper wooden layer from cracking, from moisturizing, from the influence of ultraviolet rays, but are not able to protect it from aggressive mechanical impacts. The wax can not be considered durable, the applying of wax must be produced quite often, at least two times a year and depending on the degree of wear of the coating, with a large passability of people in the house even more often.

As used lacquer

The means used for such protection are developed on different bases, exist:

  • discernible in the composition of the components of water-soluble varnishes;
  • more delicate alkyd, emphasizing the structure of the wood;
  • providing greater strength than other types of coatings, polyurethane multicomponent;
  • acid varnishes on a wooden surface view.

On atmospheric sediment sites, the lacquering is not made, the paintwork will surely suffer from excessive moisture, the surface will become muddy and cracks, other formulations are used for external work on the tree.

When working with new floors, preparing them to varnishing, you should carefully examine the places of fastening of the genital boards, achieve the same level of the entire surface, if necessary, thoroughly control the existing defects, nails hats. After grinding the floor, primer varnish is used, which will quickly dry, almost in a few hours and allows the further layer of varnish to be better in the united surface. The primer varnish must match the brand of the future lacquered coating. In addition to primer varnishes, there are other veils and impregnations, allowing to protect the wood from fungi and rotting, as well as to strengthen the surface wooden layer. Then layer-in-law dried, varnish are applied. These manipulations may take a long time, up to several weeks. Dry speed depends largely on the initial moisture of wood. Strongly moist floating floors can dry over three months, so specialists recommend to start painting with lacquer in the fall, since the likelihood that the Wood for the summer is dried, above, and the floor can be commissioned faster. Old floors first cyclulate, removing the old top layer, then eliminate the slots and further lacquer as new.

Cyclical floors

Wooden lacquer coating

Lacked floor

Selection of varnish coating

Having decided to apply water-soluble lacquer as a protective layer, you need to get acquainted with the instructions attached to the medium and understand how often it will be re-applied. Terms of service in single-component and multicomponent varnishes are different. Water soluble lacquer dries faster than all other types of varnish and therefore most often applied to the processing of wood floors.

The coatings treated with polyurethane varnish are the most long-serving and resistant mechanical effects in the house. They are used in places of large cluster of people if there are animals in the house that can damage the surface.

Long drying alkyd varnishes are treated with wood, carefully emphasizing its structure. The appearance of such floors seems to be the most natural, with a bright wood structure.

Acid curing varnishes include special strength surfaces, such a coating is not afraid of temperature drops, resistant to moisturizing.

Floor protection by applying wax or oil

The wax can protect the wood from the penetration of moisture, from scratches and penetration of insects. From mechanical injury wax does not save wood. The wax surface is obtained with a very beautiful noble glitter, thoroughly emphasizes the structure of the tree of wood, it turns out a pleasant to the touch, it is not afraid of temperature jumps. Update such a coating is needed twice a year. Modern oils with solid waxes are easily applied, possess a pleasant smell and perfectly restored the surface.

Oil compositions do not give the surface of such a gloss as varnishing. Oils work well with a tree structure, penetrating inside and enriching layers. It should be considered, choosing the composition for processing that metal furniture cannot be put on oil surfaces, coatings will be reacted and the bathing traces of the furniture legs will remain on the floor. Oil surfaces are also afraid of sharp temperature changes and are not suitable for a warm base.

Wax does not save the wooden floor from mechanical damage

Is it possible, batching wood coating, not to cover it

Modern wooden floors have high quality processing. Sooner or later, moisturizing, temperature drops, use to everyday life will make their own, and the surface will lose its initial gloss and a good texture, so specialists recommend processing floors to protect them. Alternatively, in which the coating does not apply varnish, paints, wax, use the Scandinavian method of wood processing. When processing, the coating is thoroughly grinding, cleaned from the resulting dust and washed with water with soap components. The cleanliness of the surface will not be able to hold on forever, soaking such a coating will have to be quite often, it will have a high tendency to pollution, it will also need to spare from mechanical effects, election and abrasion.

The smoothness of the floor surface, its shine and resistance to moisturization increases due to the processing produced, but wash wood coating It always follows with minimal use of moisture, it will help longer save any coating.

Publication Date: 22-10-2015

Wooden floors are able to give any room notcing grace and luxury. But such a floor needs not only in proper installation. It is very important to correctly care for him, and most importantly - choose the coating that will ensure the durability of the floor. In our article, we will tell you how to cover and what features of this or that method of protection can affect the choice.

What is the wooden floor covering?

Wooden floor

Before choosing the floor covering method, you must first understand why the tree is needed at all.

W. wooden floors Many advantages:

  • they are durable and reliable, differ in durability;
  • the thermal insulation characteristics of the tree is quite high;
  • a tree is a natural material, it is easily accessible, if necessary, you can choose any option of flooring, ranging from a simple massive board and ending with a typesetting;
  • the tree of anti-static and anti-allergenic, during operation it does not allocate absolutely no harmful substances;
  • in case of damage to individual elements of the floor, they can easily be replaced with their own hands.

But, like any natural material, the tree has the disadvantages that need to be eliminated when equipped with a wooden floor:

  • low noise insulation;
  • hygroscopic;
  • exposure to abrasion, mechanical damage, scratches. The tree is easily spoiled in the presence of traces of rot, insects, rodents;
  • the possibility of deformation with temperature drops, humidity level.

It is in order to eliminate these disadvantages that it is recommended to complement the natural wooden floors with protective coatings, such as varnishes, wax, oils.

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Wooden oil

Wood coating oils have been used for many centuries. They give the floor luxurious and rich appearance. Such a coating perfectly protects the wooden floor from adverse effects.

Modern oil compositions for the floor contain natural soy, linen, sunflower oils, solid wax, polyurethane synthetic polymers and other substances that are capable of significantly increase wood strength. The treated surface becomes very resistant to moisture, does not swell and does not lose weight. However, it is no longer possible to cover the lacquer.

The oil gives the floor is a saturated, natural color, in shades from whitewashed to bright yellowish-red, brown, brandy and black. Such formulations deeply impregnate wood, filling the pores and forming a thin protective film from above. As a result, the floor becomes durable, moisture-resistant and very beautiful.

The penetration depth of oil depends on the concentration of the composition and oil fraction. There are limitations when using oil compositions. They cannot be used in the device of warm floor systems and with frequent temperature differences indoors.

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Varnish formulations

It has many advantages:

  • Varnish is a reliable protection against fungus, mold, insects.
  • The floor can acquire a glossy and elegant shine or a noble matte shade.
  • Lucky enhances the natural attractiveness of the tree, highlighting its structure.

Similar compositions are applied very simply: you must first prepare the surface of the floor, after which the selected varnish should be applied in several layers. In this case, each subsequent layer before applying should dry.

Lucky can not be used when processing wood by oil-containing and olive compositions, as well as in rooms with high humidity and in areas that are not protected from atmospheric precipitation: on terraces, balconies, verandas.

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Wooden seating

Wood protective equipment

Revolution, that is, the coating of the wooden floor wax is one of the optimal ways to protect the surface from moisture, various contaminants, scratches (but not from strong mechanical impact), cracking. The wax for the floor is a mixture of natural linen oil, bee wax, a small number of different additives, it all depends on the specific composition.

Wax covered floors acquire a pleasant shade, golden in the light, and the noble, inherent silky-matte flicker. This method is the best protection against moisture, but from strong abrasive effects and mechanical loads, it is impossible to protect the surface.

In applying wax on the floor there is nothing complicated. After laying the surface is cleared and dried, after that, with the help of a special machine or a wide and soft roller, the wax composition is applied to the floor and polished. Update protective covering followed twice a year.

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Scandinavian fashion

Some prefer to leave a wooden floor covering in its original condition, that is, not to cover with varnish or other compositions.

This method is called Scandinavian, it provides for additional treatment of the floor surface.

  • The wooden floor after laying is carefully treated with a grinding machine and purify from fine chips and dust.
  • Then it is carefully wash ordinary water with economic soap.

On this floor device ends. During the operation of the floorboard, the floor was regularly washed with soapy water, the wood is quickly soaked, and the contamination from its surface is easily cleaned.

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Preparatory work before varnishing

Consider in more detail the process of flooring from the tree with various varnish compositions. First, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis, this can be done in several ways depending on the state of the floor.