Make a tie of the floor in the apartment. How to make a light screed in the apartment on a concrete basis

A qualitatively performed semi-dry band screed in the apartment is a pledge of good repairs. Modern technologies Building construction frames do not allow to obtain a perfectly smooth floor - in addition to select and cracks, the floor level drops reach 10-15 cm can be present. It is impossible to equip a high-quality coating on such a base, so you need to perform a floor screed device.

Floor screed in the apartment new building

Noise insulation and waterproofing floor in the apartment

One of the requirements of some managers for pouring floors in new buildings is the device of a sound insulation (noise insulating) layer.

Waterproofing is two types: coating or pressed. The weld is performed at the construction stage of the house by the developer. A different method is a coating waterproofing. It is not necessary to do in the entire apartment, but only in wet areas: bathroom, kitchen, bathroom.

Reinforcement of floor screed in the apartment and its types

With floating floor technology, polypropylene fiber fiber is used as reinforcement. Additionally, at the request of the customer, we offer reinforcement with a steel mesh with a cell 100 * 100 mm and a rod diameter of 4 mm.

Additional reinforcement of the grid is suitable with thin layers of the screed and with overlap engineering communications with a string layer less than 40 mm.

Screed on warm floors in the apartment

Under device warm floors In the apartment, we strongly recommend using plasticizers for cement-sand mixture.

To eliminate possible emptiness in the screed, we use the plasticizer of the Swedish brand SIKO. It gives the solution with increased mobility and density, additionally increasing the brand strength of the finished tie.

Measurement and calculation of the screed in the apartment.

The thickness of the screed is calculated based on the measurements of the floor overlap horizon in the apartment. We find the highest point in the apartment with a laser level. This point is a control height from which we will be repelled. Provided that the floors have a differential in height, the minimum thickness of the layer can be 40 mm, and the maximum is 90-100 mm and more.

The consumption of material and the finished mixture depends on the thickness of the screed. Accordingly, with an increase in the thickness of the layer, the cost will increase. Calculate the cost of semi-dry screed per square meter of work with the material.

Let us give an example of pricing:

Semi-like floor screed in a residential apartment

In old houses, in most cases, the floor consists of plates of overlapping, lag and geepboard. In the event of repair, the design of the old floor is completely dismantled and the need for a set of base thickness appears. If you do with a screed, the thickness and weight of the screed itself will exceed the permissible load on the slab of the overlap.

For the set of the required floor thickness, materials such as clamzite, polystyrene polybetone, stone cotton wool, penplex, etc. are used. With their help, they type the required floor thickness, without overloading the ceiling slab.

The best material, according to our experience, is polystyrene, or PESEROPLEX. At the same time, polystyrene bauton is submitted to the room by analogy with the technology of the semi-dry tie.

In the case of using the fastener, it is attached to the slab overlap with a dowel-nail, and the joints are sampled by mounting foam.

Ceramzite is small and large-scale. Small, which we can submit to the apartment with the help of the pump, has a high cost and is rarely found in the market in small volumes. There is a need to use large-scale material (10-20 mm). With the help of a pump, we cannot raise the pump, you have to be raised by hand, which also affects the price and leaves a lot of dirt on public areas.

Minvat under the screed is used by a certain density. However, Minvata is a heat insulator. The inappropriate density of Minvati will worsen the characteristics of the finished floor and can contribute to a greater shrinkage and the appearance of cracks in the screed. Minvat itself also rises to the floor manually.

Multi-level screed

When the height of the final coating is different (tile, parquet), the semi-dry screed is laid in different levels. Thus, we obtain a single floor plane.

These nuances are discussed when measured with our specialist.

As a result, we get the perfectly smooth surface of a screed, which does not require additional leveling of bulk floors. The surface is ready for stacking finish coatings, such as tiles, laminate, parquet.

And the speed of production, the absence of dirt, leaks, and the possibility of walking the load after 12-18 hours does this technology of one of the most advanced among different ways Alignment of floors.

  1. Firstly, the better than the draft floor is made, the better the conditions for quick laying of the finishing coating, for example, parquet, laminate, linoleum or tiles.
  2. Secondly, the floor level also serves as a good guideline when it is required to transfer outlets or switches. Electricians will be able to install mounting boxes for them at the same height in all rooms.
  3. Thirdly, the furniture is exactly smooth, without distortion, which can lead to its deformation.

How to make a floor tie in the apartment do it yourself

Usually, the tie of concrete floor of the wizard is produced using conventional concrete, or concrete with standard cement aggregate, cement can be any brand starting with M400. The maximum screed thickness is about 15 mm. There is such a screed on crushed stone or gravel.

  • First you need to check the quality of the already available screed: if it is strong enough, it can be poured on top of it.
  • If the old layer is unsuitable, it is removed using a perforator (sometimes a jackhammer is required).
  • Then in the entire apartment check the level of the floor to determine the height difference in different rooms. If the differences are significant (and sometimes they can be up to 20 cm), when pouring the first layer to save, you can use cheaper components.
  • The highest point is determined using a hydroeer, or a laser level. It shows what the maximum thickness of the floor screed will be in the apartment.

  • Lighthouses are installed - guides for which they pour, and then align the floors. Specialists recommend purchasing beacons, according to the form similar to the letter T. Height, on which the guides are fixed, in other words, the thickness of the future screed should not be less than 5 mm. Only such a thickness ensures that after a short time after the device, the screed will not start crumble.
  • Lighthouses must be installed strictly horizontally. Installation accuracy is checked by level.

  • If inaccuracy is made somewhere, adjusting linings are installed under the guides. The distance between the beacons should not be greater than the level length (rules).
  • To secure the guides, experts recommend to give preference to the same solution that was used for the floor screed device. At the same time, lining for alignment of guides should be moisture-resistant.
  • Making a solution for concrete screed Paul is a difficult not easy thing. The ratio of cement (M400 mark) and sand in it should be about one to three. At the same time, sand should be specifically cleaned and processed. The river sand is not recommended, it may contain impurities of the bottom yel.

  • For better mixing of the resulting solution, it is best to use a building mixer. If mixed with a shovel, then the mass may not be uniform. Cement will not be distributed in the solution evenly, and there will be no screed of sufficient strength. You can buy ready-made solutions intended for filling the floors, they already have a verified ratio of components. The instructions indicate the required amount of water. The preparation procedure is quite simple, less risk is mistaken, respectively, the concrete base will be more durable.
  • The next floor mounting point after the guides are exhibited and the solution is the fill of the screed. It is more convenient to hold it together: the assistant will be able to quickly supply the finished solution.
  • You need to start the pouring from the opposite room from the outlet of the room.
  • Apply the solution follows a smooth layer, aligning first a trowel. Then the surplus is cut off by the rule. So that the draft floor turned out to be smooth, it should be aligned only by the guides.

  • Filling the floor concrete takes about one day. But if the laying of the screed is made on a large area, the period of execution increases significantly.
  • After performing all the work, the guides should be removed. This should be done at the stage of solidification of the solution, in which the concrete is already good "keeps the form."
  • These places in which guides were poured with a solution, close up with a spatula or rule. Do it no earlier than the screed will become strong enough to walk on it. If the lighthouses were installed on the same solution, from which the entire tie of the preliminary, rough floor was made, they can not be removed.

For laying outdoor coating The flooded solution should be completely dry and dial the strength. This process on the construction slang is called the ripening screed. If the cement is captured per day, then the ripening of a concrete tie of the floor is required at least three weeks.

In order for the surface that the surface does not crack, it must be wrapped in water, and the room in which the repair work was carried out, it is impossible to air.

If the duration of repair is limited, you can use a cement-sand mixture with different additives. Such additives as plasticizers reduce the possibility of cracking, even in the case of a large load on the floor.

P.S. And on the dessert I suggest watch a video clip: how to make a light tie with your own hands

For installation flooring be sure to produce preparatory work Surface leveling. This is necessary in order to significantly increase the life of the material and protect it from such defects, like scuffs, cracks, etc.

That is why the question of how the head screed is done in the apartment with their own hands is often interested in not only novice masters, but also experienced builderswho want to increase their level of qualifications.


First of all, it should be noted that there are several ways to align the floor that can be applied to the category of tie. Among them there is a semi-dry, dry and liquid. However, for example, it is necessary to consider the type of installation that involves the use of beacons and a conventional cement mortar, since having mastered this method, others can be performed intuitively.

Preparatory work

  • Before you make the device screed in the apartment, you must remove the old coating.
  • Then you need to find all the cracks and defects on the surface and, if possible, to divide them as much as possible.
  • At the next stage, remove all the garbage from the floor. To do this, you can use the usual vacuum cleaner.

  • Next, the surface is processed by primer to increase the level of adhesion and at the same time strengthened the existing coating.
  • If large holes were formed after the fracture; they can be pre-embedded cement mortarBut some masters prefer them to pay attention to the manufacture of a screed, motivating it with an additional adhesion with the surface.

It is very important to remove all weakened or chopped pieces of an old screed or concrete.
They can cause damage to the finished coating during operation.

Installation of Mayakov

Standard Floor Screed Technology In the apartment involves a preliminary installation of special guides for the rule.

They are called beacons.

  • First you need to mark the walls on the walls and determine the level of the future floor. It is best for these purposes to use a laser level or water level. With their help, there are marks to indicate the height of the floor.
  • Then you need to outline the line around the perimeter. This is done using a painting cord or a mighty mowy, connecting all marks with each other.

  • Next, the installation instructions recommends to determine the highest point Prepared surface. For this, horizontal markup stretches the threads that spend through the entire room. In the place where the distance from the floor to the cord will be minimal and you need to start working.
  • Make beacons best of all metal profile. I set it up in accordance with the markup, so that the upper edge is located at the level of the future floor.
  • To fix the profile on the surface, you can use a mixture of water and cement, although some masters prefer landing gypsum because it works very quickly.

  • As a lining to raise a profile to the required level, you can use small pieces of plastic or other moisture resistant material. They are made with their own hands, making plates of different thickness.
  • The profile for lighthouses needs to be located along the entire length of the room at a distance of each other by 20-30 cm less than the length of the rule.
  • After installation, all lighthouses are additionally tested for compliance with markup.
  • It must be remembered that the cost of the floor screed in the apartment directly depends on its thickness and the material used. Therefore, if the distance from the surface to the level of the future floor is too large, then it is recommended to use a submission in the form of rubble or clay. (see also an article)

After installing the linings, they are additionally shuffled with a solution.
This is done in order to increase the strength and stability of lighthouses.


  • It is determined from what to make a screed floor in the apartment, it is necessary to obtain a certain result from accounting for personal preferences and desires. In this case, the cement mixture is perfect for the addition of sand and small dropout. In this case, the proportions are determined by themselves, but the amount of binder should not be less than 1 \\ 3.
  • Quite often some masters add to ready mix A small amount of liquid glass. It gives the material to moisture-repellent properties. In private houses, which are subject to rodent attacks, a floor-broken glass can be filled with pests before laying a solution.

  • Even the most correct, with an increase in temperature in the room can expand and rest in the walls. That is why before the fill it is necessary to install damper tape around the perimeter.
  • At the next step, it is necessary to pour a part of the cement mixture between the beacons, so that it is higher than their level.
  • Next, the rule is set to the wall itself on the guides and movements on themselves, we roll over the surface. As a result, the floor should turn out to be homogeneous and even in accordance with the level of marking and lighthouses.

  • Then the finished surface is given to dry. At the same time, each evening the surface is recommended to shed water over the week.
  • Typically, materials for the floor screed in the apartment do not need additional elements, but to improve the quality of the final product and get rid of the humidification procedure into the solution, you can add a little special plasticizer.

Even with complete confidence in the level of beacons, it is recommended to periodically check the compliance of the surface with marking.
This will avoid defects when working.


At the same time, the question of how much a square meter is a screed, you can give a response only after the work of all measurement and choosing required Material. Therefore, for each individual room, it is solved individually. "Width \u003d" 640 "height \u003d" 360 "frameborder \u003d" 0 "AllowFullScreen \u003d" AllowFullScreen "\u003e


At the same time, the question of how much a square meter of the screed can be answered only after the product of all measurement and selecting the required material. Therefore, for each individual premises, this is solved individually.