Building cladding. Installation of a profiled sheet on a metal profile. Installation of accessories and fittings.

Profiled sheet is an inexpensive but aesthetic material. As a rule, it is used in the construction of fences, fences, and also as roofing... However, its functions do not end there. Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the profiled sheet, which is gaining more and more scope every day, is facade cladding. This article will discuss in detail the process of choosing a material and the procedure for finishing walls with corrugated board.

Profiled decking is a sheet of galvanized steel with a paint and varnish coating, which can take on various shapes. On sale you can see sheets with rectangular and trapezoidal lines, imitating roof tiles, material of a wide variety of colors. Facade cladding with profiled sheet is performed during the construction of new buildings, as well as when it became necessary to strengthen the basement and construction material, whether wood or brick, renew the old facade. As a rule, corrugated board is most often used as a decoration for household structures - garages, hangars, sheds, utility blocks. But also the walls of residential buildings are sheathed with it.

The advantages of a profile sheet are as follows:

  • High strength characteristics and durability, which is more than 50 years.
  • The ability to implement any design solution thanks to a wide range of materials.
  • Resistance to environmental factors - ultraviolet light, moisture.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Affordable price.
  • Can be mounted horizontally or vertically.
  • The finish is non-flammable, no toxic substances are released when exposed to high temperatures.

In addition, the owners receive an additional bonus: the quality of sound insulation and thermal insulation increases due to the thickness of the sheets, which is 0.3-1 mm. Installation of corrugated board on walls is not associated with inconveniences, because the procedure does not have strict requirements, unlike the use of other materials, the sheets are fixed on a lightweight structure, and there is no need to attract expensive equipment.

Before sheathing, you need to choose the material itself. It is recommended to take into account its thickness, wave height, colors. Most often, the choice is made in favor of corrugated board C8, C21 and C44. The letter says that he is "wall". The numbers indicate the height of the corrugation at the sheet. The profiled sheet, which is denoted by the letter "K", is roofing, the material marked "H" is load-bearing, for installation floor slabs... The marking also has an inscription like "1150.0.6", which means that in front of you is a sheet with a width of 1150 mm and a thickness of 0.6 mm. When calculating the amount of material for cladding a house, one should take into account not the entire width, but only the working part - that is, the width that remains after attaching the profiled sheet to the facade.

For the manufacture of the frame, a guide profile made of galvanized metal is used, suspensions and fasteners - dowels, screws and nails. In addition, additional elements will be needed to decorate the walls: ebbs to the basement, starting, connecting and finishing strips, corners, details that are needed to frame doors and window openings.

Subject to all the rules and nuances of cladding facades with corrugated board, the surface will be resistant to the influence of external factors on the surface, and due to the presence of an air gap, the risk of mold and condensation is excluded. The first step is to install a metal frame:
  1. Attach special brackets to the surface using dowels.
  2. Next, you need to lay the heat-insulating material, it is better to choose a heater in the plates - foam or mineral wool, fixed with dish-shaped dowels.
  3. Such sheathing must be covered from above with a special windproof film.
  4. A vertical U-shaped guide profile is attached to the brackets in order to level the wall and form an air gap between the guides and the film to ensure high-quality air circulation and remove excess moisture.
  5. Also do not forget to waterproof the foundation horizontally. Work is carried out around the entire perimeter of the house. Roll materials are suitable for this.
  6. To level the frame, a measuring tool is used - a level.

In addition, the frame can be made from wooden slats, however, this material has many disadvantages.

After preparatory work move on to the cladding of the house. Profiled decking sheets can be fixed horizontally or vertically. In addition, if desired, you can choose the diagonal orientation of the sheets. Regardless of the direction, the operational properties of the corrugated board do not change. It is necessary to fasten the sheets to the racks, using in this case galvanized self-tapping screws, which have moisture-resistant gaskets made of rubber and colored heads. Corner and other additional elements will be needed when decorating doors and windows, this will help to make the facade more expressive.

Thus, sheathing facades with corrugated board will help to improve their performance and increase their service life, but only on condition that you follow our instructions unquestioningly.

The modern construction market offers an abundance of finishing materials for outdoor use. Among them there are both traditional products, for example, facade paint or facing brickand new modern materials. Moreover, some of the new products are very popular and are especially appreciated for their outstanding physical, technical and operational characteristics. Among such popular modern finishing materials are vinyl siding and corrugated board. In our article, we will talk about the last product and talk in detail about how to sheathe a house with corrugated board.

Material features

Since the profiled sheet is made of metal, all the characteristics of this material are characteristic of it. This product is made of thin sheet steel. There is no doubt about the strength of the profiled sheet, despite its small thickness, because the surface of the product is profiled. Due to the trapezoidal waves on the surface of the sheet, acting as stiffening ribs, the material acquires additional rigidity.

Important: the strength of the profiled sheet is directly related to the thickness of the steel and the wave height. The higher the profile and the thicker the steel sheet, the higher its strength and price.

Since the metal is susceptible to corrosion under the influence of negative environmental factors, the product is made of stainless steel. In addition, additional protection is provided by a polymer coating on the front side of the material. In addition to protective functions, this coating improves the aesthetic qualities of the profiled sheet, because the polymer layer can be of any color.

Among the advantages of corrugated board are the following:

  • Color-coated galvanized steel sheets are practically non-corrosive. However, for this to be true, during installation, special attention must be paid to the correct processing of the sections.
  • The facade, sheathed with a professional sheet, is reliably protected from mechanical damage and atmospheric moisture.
  • Due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe product, the installation of corrugated board is much faster than siding facade cladding or brick cladding.
  • A wide range of polymer coating colors ensures that you find a material that matches the color and style of your home.
  • You can even cover with corrugated board wooden house.
  • Affordable price is an added advantage of using this material.

Among the disadvantages of the profiled sheet is low noise absorption. If you heard the noise from drops on the eaves during rain, you can imagine what a hum will be from the impact of drops on the facade, lined with corrugated board.


If you decide to revet your house with corrugated board, then you should know that the thickness of the material can be in the range of 0.4-1 mm and depends on the classification of the product:

  1. It is necessary to decorate the facade of the house using a wall profiled sheet. These are products of small thickness with low strength and stiffness. The material is not designed for significant loads and is attached to vertical surfaces. Also, such a sheet is used as a finishing coating in suspended structures. Such profiled sheets are marked with the letter "C".
  2. The roofing material has great thickness, strength and rigidity. It is used as a roof covering for the construction of cabins, fences, canopies and awnings. Such a profiled sheet can withstand more loads than a wall profiled material. Products are marked with the letters "НС".
  3. The most durable and thickest metal profile is the bearing profile sheet. This material can withstand significant loads, but its price is also the highest. Such products are used to make various load-bearing structures, for the installation of fixed formwork. The material is marked with the letters "H" or "K".

Attention: to sheathe a building with corrugated board with your own hands, you will need wall profiled material.

Preparatory work

Before sheathe the house with a professional sheet, you need to choose the right material. In this case, we are talking not only about the choice of a wall sheet, but also about the correct selection of the product brand, which depends on the profile height. The thing is that the strength of the sheet is directly related to the height of the ridge.

For this material, it is better to choose products of the C8 brand, that is, the wave height is 8 mm. The optimum sheet width is 1115 mm. As a rule, products of this brand have a thickness of 0.6 mm. The length of the sheet is selected depending on the dimensions of the building.

Tip: the fewer sheet joints on the facade, the better. Therefore, try to choose the length of the product so that one facade is covered with a whole sheet without joints.

After selecting a product, it is important to correctly calculate the required amount. For this, the area of \u200b\u200ball walls of the house is usually determined. At the same time, subtract window and doorways not necessary, because part of the profiled sheet will go to fit.

  • framing doors and windows;
  • drainage systems;
  • corners.

To calculate the total number of these parts, you will have to accurately measure the dimensions of windows and doors, the height of the corners, and the length of drainage. After purchasing all the components, the walls of the house need to be prepared for cladding. To do this, they should be cleaned of dirt and dust, as well as remove all protruding and protruding parts.

House cladding

Before sheathe the house with a metal profile, it is necessary to apply markings on the walls to which the guides will be attached. The step of installing the guide elements of the fastening frame depends on the selected brand of profiled sheet and can be in the range of 40-80 cm. It is best to lead the marking from the corner of the building. Bearing elements must be installed along the edges of door and window openings. To control the verticality of the installation of the supporting elements, a level and a plumb line are used when marking.

The frame guides are not fastened to the walls, but to special brackets fixed to the wall. When installing the brackets, the following recommendations are followed:

  • The step of the brackets on one marking line should be 60 cm.
  • On adjacent marking strips, the brackets are mounted in a checkerboard pattern. This is necessary to evenly distribute the load and increase the strength of the entire structure.

Frame installation

The installation of the supporting frame is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Using a puncher, holes are made in the walls of the house for fasteners.
  2. Further, brackets are installed in the holes. In this case, an isolon gasket is necessarily used. This is necessary to increase the sound insulation of the walls.
  3. Further, the guiding elements of the frame are attached to the brackets using self-tapping screws for metal. In this case, you need to ensure that all fastening profiles are located in the same plane. This will provide a flat, vertical facade surface. To facilitate installation in one plane, the outermost guide elements are first mounted. Then a fishing line or cord is pulled between them, along which the intermediate profiles are equal.
  4. To increase the rigidity of the structure, horizontal bridges can be installed between the vertical fasteners. To connect the profiles, you can use special "crabs" or profile trimming with cut and bent side walls.
  5. Regardless of what material your house is made of, be it wood or brick, it is better to lay thermal insulation under the cladding. So you will reduce the cost of heating the house, increase its sound insulation. For this, after the installation of the guide profiles, a heat-insulating material (foam or mineral wool) is laid between them. It is attached to the walls using special plastic dowels with caps. From above, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film. This will prevent the formation of condensation in the thermal insulation material.

Installation of additional elements

Installation of accessories is carried out at this stage, since after installing the profiled sheets this will not work. To do this, using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, you need to fix the frames of door and window openings, basement eaves, guide strips, corners and other elements.

Facade cladding

After installing the frame and installing all the additional elements, you can proceed to the installation of the profiled sheet. Sheathing of the house with corrugated board is carried out from the lower corner of the facade, on which a guide bar is installed. A sheet is inserted into this strip and attached to it with self-tapping screws. Sealing gaskets must be installed under the self-tapping screws.

When fixing sheets, adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Self-tapping screws are attached only to that part of the wave that is tightly adjacent to the guide frame.
  2. For a high-quality connection, the self-tapping screw must enter at least 2 cm into the bearing profile, so it is important to choose the right length of the fastener.
  3. All fasteners must be installed in one line, so when installing them, you should use a stretched cord or twine.
  4. The optimal step for installing fasteners is through one wave.
  5. When mounting sheets, the verticality of their position is controlled using a level and a plumb line.
  6. The overlap of each subsequent sheet on the previous product is 0.5 waves.

Advice: to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material, the profiled sheet should be attached to the guide frame with a small gap of 2-3 mm. As a result, the facade faced with a profiled sheet does not deform due to temperature changes outside.

Video guide for the installation of corrugated board on the walls of the house:

Decking is a high-quality, versatile and affordable building material that is used in many areas. IN recent times it is very popular among the domestic population. With the help of profiled sheets, you can do a lot, roofing, walls, fences, as well as sheathe the whole house. Today we'll talk about how to sheathe a house with our own hands.


The choice of corrugated board for facing the house

Profiled sheets not only significantly improve the appearance of the house, they also protect against adverse weather conditions, mechanical stress and moisture. Thus, your home will delight long years, and if the material begins to tarnish or rust, then it can. and thereby extend the service life for many years.

Before you start facing the house, you need to decide on the corrugated board that will be used for this. On the modern market there is big choice profiled sheets that have different specifications.

And so, there are the following markings for corrugated board:

    • Wall. This material is designated by the letter "C". Such material is intended for wall cladding and various fences. I have already spoken about the installation of wall sheeting, do not forget to read.
    • Roofing. It is designated by the letter "K". It is used not only for roofing, but also for wall cladding.
    • Carrier. It is marked "H" and is the most durable of all. It is used for the installation of coatings or for permanent formwork, we talked about this.

For wall cladding, the C8 mark is best suited, where the number 8 indicates the wave height in millimeters. The thickness of such sheets does not exceed 0.6 mm. For the facade, it is best to use more rigid sheets, namely C21 and C44 markings. Accordingly, the higher the wave height, the harder and stronger the corrugated board will be. Thus, markings are used for wall cladding C8 , C21 and C44 .

Remember that the most important thing is, before purchasing the material, make the necessary calculations to understand how much profiling sheet you need to buy. This is an important point when facing the corrugated board with your own hands. If the calculation is not correct, you will have a cost overrun.

The required amount of material is calculated based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade. But at the same time, remember that you will have to buy additional materials. You will need the following additional elements:

    • Gutters;
    • Corner;
    • Roofing ridge;
    • Plinth;
    • You will also need elements that will close the gaps formed during the installation of corrugated board with your own hands.

To correctly calculate the amount of material needed for self-cladding of a house, you need to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade along with door and window openings. It is best not to subtract this area, as you will still need pieces of material.

Moments associated with cladding

The cladding of buildings and structures with corrugated board is used not only in order to improve operational performance, but also to give the appearance of the building a "zest".

This material is good because it is used for cladding not only houses, but also industrial, public and other buildings. For of this material characterized by a wide variety of colors and architectural solutions. Maintenance costs for this material are minimal. This is achieved through polymer coatings that are used in the production of profiled sheets. And the ease of installation, along with the above advantages, make this material very popular.

House cladding with corrugated board

Before starting the facing work, it is necessary to prepare the material and tools for subsequent installation.

And so, you need the following tool:

    • Screwdriver;
    • Scissors for metal;
    • Hammer;
    • Roulette;
    • Chisel;
    • Bulgarian;
    • Perforator.

This is the minimum of tools that should be present when self-facing a profiled sheet.

As a material, we need the main material, profiles, screws, decorative elements and planks.

Preparatory work also includes cleaning the walls of the building. You must remove various bulging objects: air conditioners, window shutters, etc. All that. What can interfere with the veneering process.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to clean the surface of the walls from dirt, as well as patch up various cracks, since it will not be possible to do this later.

Now that the walls are prepared, you can start installing the corrugated board.

Installation directly begins with a marking, first you need to make a marking and mark the places in which the guide profile will be installed. The profile spacing is usually 0.4-0.8 meters, it depends on the sheets that are used for cladding.

The guide profile must be attached to special U-shaped brackets. This should be done to smooth out any unevenness in the walls. Insulation is also required, for this you can use either mineral wool or foam. On top of the insulation, it is necessary to attach a waterproofing film that will protect the insulation from bad weather.

Frame installation sequence:

  1. Holes are made in places where suspensions will be installed.
  2. The guide profile is fixed to the hangers. Make sure that the plane is not lost.
  3. If necessary, "crabs" are used (for stiffening).
  4. Insulating material is laid.

Only now you can start installing the profiled sheet with your own hands. The sheets are attached directly to the frame from the base point (bottom). Sheets must be installed between the guides and fastened with a screwdriver with self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets that protect the corrugated board from damage. In the case of various scratches and mechanical damage, it is necessary to paint over the damaged areas in order to avoid the formation of corrosion.

Self-tapping screws should be at least 2 cm in the plane of the profile. For maximum aesthetics, stretch the rope and screw the screws along it. It is also necessary to remember that there should be a small gap (about 4 mm) between the extrusions and the sheet body in order to exclude deformation.

The sheets can be arranged both vertically and horizontally. In some cases, profiled sheets can be fastened diagonally with self-tapping screws. The presence of additional elements is mandatory, since they not only close the joints between the sheets, but also give the facade an attractiveness and expressiveness.

It is important that between the profiled sheets and the insulation material. There was a small air gap, which, due to air circulation, increases the life of the material.

Use of material for cladding industrial buildings

It was already mentioned above that it is possible to perform cladding with corrugated board not only of residential buildings, but also of various industrial and public buildings. In this case, it is recommended to use sheets with a thickness of about 1 mm, having a polymer coating, which significantly increases the service life.

Very often, with the help of this material, various hangars are erected in which equipment or agricultural products are stored. Such a building is being built very quickly. For this, a foundation, an iron frame, insulation and the main facing material are enough.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in facing the house. The installation of sheets can be done by a person who does not have much experience in this area. The most important thing is to correctly make the frame.


Decorating a house with your own hands is a complex undertaking that requires knowledge of the technology for installing corrugated board and material properties. Profiled sheet is a metal element that can be colored or galvanized. Such details are in demand in construction, as they allow you to create a variety of designs. The technical characteristics of the corrugated board make the material as effective as possible, resistant to various influences and factors. That is why metal sheets are actively used in the construction of civil and industrial facilities.

Features of corrugated board

Before sheathe the house with corrugated board, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of this material. Metal sheets are presented in a wide range, and each brand has certain characteristics and features. At the same time, there are two main groups of corrugated board: galvanized and colored. In the first case, the sheets have a gray color and an average level of technical characteristics. Color options have protective covering, which can be of several types. Such a corrugated board is a good solution for finishing building facades and other purposes.

Metal sheets are divided into three types, each of which has a corresponding designation in the marking.
For example, the material intended for finishing facades and other vertical surfaces belongs to the wall type, and the letter "C" is present in the marking. To create durable structures that are subjected to intensive use and withstand heavy loads, the supporting version, designated by the letter "H", is suitable. The marking of universal corrugated board is a combination of these letters, that is, "НС". At the same time, the characteristics of the metal are also different.

The advantages and features of profiled elements are as follows:

  • Simple installation technology that does not require the use of special tools, knowledge and skills;
  • Durability and resistance of metal sheets to various influences, mechanical damage and weather conditions;
  • Aesthetic appearance and a wide range of shades;
  • Affordable cost that allows you to profitably create a practical design;
  • Non-toxicity and non-flammability of the material in aggressive operating conditions.

Qualitative metal corrugated board allows you to sheathe the facade wooden house do it yourself without using innovative methods and skills. At the same time, the operational, technical and aesthetic characteristics of the building are significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the corrugated board has a number of properties that are necessary for high-quality finishing. For example, metal elements provide good level heat and noise insulation, as well as give the building a beautiful appearance, mask imperfections in the surface of the walls.

The choice of material and installation features

Before sheathe a wooden house with corrugated board, it is important to choose the right type of material. There is a wide variety of brands that differ in technical characteristics and appearance. In this case, the facade of the house is best sheathed with sheets that have a colored coating.

Such a layer can be made of pural, PVDF, polyester, composite.
Each option has certain properties, but in any case, the polymer layer protects the metal from the influence of external factors, for example, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, corrosion. This feature is the key to the durability of the coating, the quality and durability of the sheets.

When choosing a corrugated board for wall cladding, you need to pay attention to the following features and characteristics:

  • Color of sheets;
  • Profile ridge height;
  • The thickness of the elements;
  • Purpose, type of material;
  • Dimensions of the profiled product.

The wall type of corrugated board is optimal for finishing facades and vertical surfaces with your own hands.

The optimum thickness of the elements is from 0.6 to 1 mm, and the working width can be different.
It should be borne in mind that the fastening of the parts is carried out with an overlap, that is, one extreme sheet profile is located on top of the extreme ridge of another element. The remaining width is either working or useful. The length of the sheets may vary, but in some cases it may be necessary to process according to the required parameters.

The height of the ridge of the wall sheeting should be small. The best option are indicators such as 44, 21 or 8 mm. These parameters allow you to sheathe the facade with corrugated board with your own hands quickly and efficiently. At the same time, do-it-yourself installation is distinguished by a fairly simple technology and does not require the use of complex tools and materials.

The correct facade of the house consists of several layers, which provide the necessary coating characteristics. The structure includes a vapor barrier, a material for thermal insulation of a house, a wind barrier, a frame made of wooden bars or metal profiles, and an external cladding made of metal sheets. It is quite simple to properly sheathe the house and the facade with corrugated board with your own hands, but it is important to observe the technology of work and use high-quality materials.

The first stage of the work package involves the installation of a frame, which consists of wooden bars or metal profiles. Wood elements should be treated with a special antiseptic to prevent damage to the structure. For metal structure required T-, Z- and L-shaped profiles, as well as KKU brackets. In the process of carrying out these works with your own hands, it is necessary to use the building level, since the surface must be flat. This approach will ensure a beautiful appearance of the facade of the house and the accuracy of all manipulations.

The next stage of work is to install steam and heat insulation coatings. Such elements allow you to sheathe the facade of the house with corrugated board with your own hands as efficiently as possible. Fastening of layers of material is carried out using plastic dowels, which have a wide head. In this case, it is necessary to make a hole through the material and concrete, about 4 cm deep, and insert the dowel into it with a rubber hammer.

The correct implementation of the preparatory work and the creation of a flat frame is the key to the quick installation of corrugated board with your own hands. In this case, it is necessary to install and fasten metal sheets with self-tapping screws. The distance between the fasteners must be at least 40 cm. The fasteners must be galvanized and rubber-lined. You can also use self-tapping screws that have a colored polymer coating.

After fixing the profiled sheet, it is necessary to install additional elements around the perimeter of windows, doors and corners of the house. Such details are used to give the structure a complete look. Thus, it is quite simple to sheathe the house and the facade with corrugated board with your own hands. At the same time, it is important to make a preliminary calculation of the required amount of materials, draw up a work plan and familiarize yourself with the technology of installing corrugated board with your own hands.

A simple set of works involves the correct calculation. You can quickly equip a house from corrugated board with your own hands, but you should take into account the properties of profiled elements, insulation and other details. For example, a corrugated board with a colored polymer coating is resistant to various influences, as well as high technical characteristics. At the same time, it is important to carry out the installation of sheets as correctly as possible, which will avoid the ingress of moisture into the insulation and the development of fungus and metal corrosion.

It is important to use protective gloves when working with corrugated board. This is due to the fact that the edges of the metal are quite sharp. Processing and cutting of sheets must be carried out as accurately as possible. Also, when sheathing, an air gap should be left between the insulation and the metal. At the same time, air masses circulate inside the structure, which contributes to the absence of condensation and other unpleasant phenomena.Do-it-yourself high-quality finishing of the facade of the house and the walls of a wooden building can significantly increase the durability of the structure and the technical characteristics of the coating.

First of all, they are exposed to temperature changes, atmospheric. These are important components of any building, be it a country house, an apartment in a metropolis, or a factory.

Therefore, it is important that the selection of material and installation work is carried out carefully. The roof must be waterproof, weatherproof, not deformed, because the wrong material and improper installation can add a lot of troubles later. Eliminating errors and shortcomings will cost much more.

Valuable qualities of corrugated board

Profiled sheet - it is a versatile high-quality building material used for various jobs. They can cover the roof, clad walls outside and inside, build a fence out of it. It is relatively inexpensive and visually attractive, easy to install, and most importantly, reliable. It is convenient to work with both installers and architects and designers. A wide variety of design solutions are used for cladding.

The application is ideal for exterior decoration, because, thanks to its properties, it retains its appearance and confirms high strength throughout years... This is facilitated by a polymer coating and a protective zinc layer that covers a special metal form of the base. Profiled sheeting is available in various colors and shades, which allows you to clad the house in accordance with your preferences.

Using it as finishing materialyou can avoid many problemsthat are related to home decoration. Competent house cladding using corrugated board will protect the roof and walls from negative influences and transform the building outwardly. The air gap provides the necessary ventilation, which is necessary to prevent the appearance of moisture and mold. By using corrugated sheathing, you also get excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Advantages of corrugated board over other facing materials:

  • Profitability. Decking is distinguished by the low cost of the sheets themselves and installation work.
  • Durability.Properly installed sheets can last you up to fifty years.
  • Sustainability to corrosion, high humidity and the influence of various atmospheric changes.
  • Fire safety. Is not combustible material, at high temperatures it does not emit toxic substances.
  • Attractive appearance. Profiled sheets are available in a variety of colors.
  • Ease of installation and fast completion of all work.
  • The use of relatively inexpensive and simple auxiliary elements - screws, films, boards.

The choice of corrugated board for building cladding

When choosing a material for cladding a house, first you need to understand the definitions and marking of profiled sheets. Varieties of corrugated board differ in profile geometry, on which the mounting width and height of the sheets depend. Often, such a profile of grades as C8, C21, C44 is used in the work, where the letter "C" denotes the type of wall sheeting.

For example, marking C21-0.55-750-12000 denotes a wall profile, where the corrugation height is 21 mm, the sheet thickness is 0.55 mm, the sheet installation width is 750 mm and the length is 12000 mm.

C21 and C44 are distinguished by high strength characteristics and rigidity, which is important for any facade.

Air gap

The profile technology provides for an air gap that promotes free air circulation between the corrugated board and the insulation. The air gap also helps to stop the appearance of wet vapors, which begin to escape and accumulate under the cladding. As a result, we get a complete absence of mold, fungi and microorganisms, due to which walls can collapse.

The air gap formed between the corrugated board and the surface of the insulation also contributes to an increase in performance. In order for the air to flow freely, it is necessary to arrange air vents at the top and bottom of the skin.

What is needed to carry out finishing work with corrugated board?

  • Decide on the choice of facing material;
  • Make the correct calculation of the corrugated board;
  • Take into account the features of facade decoration;
  • Master the technology of installation;
  • Mount corrugated board.

There are two possible ways to cover a house with a profiled sheet:

  1. Application of a finishing profiled sheet on a pre-built wall.
  2. Its use in prefabricated wall structures and façade elements.

Below are the technologies for sheathing with corrugated board and some of the nuances of this process.

Sheathing with this material can be carried out horizontally and vertically... You can also use original design solutions with diagonal orientation of individual profile sheets... First, it is advisable to choose the direction of the cladding produced, and then the material itself is selected.

Then you need to build a metal or wooden frame , which we set on the level and fix it with dowels or special U-shaped brackets. This will align the wall, leaving the required air gap between the film and the vertical guides.

The next stage is installation of insulation in the space formed between the profile rails... Usually foam or mineral wool acts as a heater. The insulation is fastened using disc dowels. Then it must be covered with a moisture-proof film that insulates the facade from moisture ingress.

And finally - fastening the corrugated board directly to the frame... We do this using self-tapping screws, which must be sealed with moisture-proof galvanized steel gaskets. It is not worth saving on them, because reliable fastenings are the basis and durability of the structure of the entire building.

If a pre-fabricated insulated panel is sheathed with corrugated board, then first you need to perform a high-quality waterproofing the foundation with roofing material, laid in two layers:

  • Fixing the profile to the foundation is carried out using anchors.
  • Stands with an upper crosspiece are attached to the profile in a vertical position. As a result, we get a facade frame.
  • We put heat insulation in frame cells.
  • On the sides of the frame, the strips are installed to which the profiled sheets will be attached.
The fastening of the corrugated board is similar to the cladding of an ordinary wall, where self-tapping screws with moisture-proof galvanized gaskets are used.

As you can see, trimming with corrugated board can be done by anyone who has skillful hands and has minimal skills. construction works... Nevertheless, it makes sense to consider some of the nuances.

  • To make holes in the sheets use of a drill is recommended. Do not use nails or sharp objects for the screw holes.
  • If you are using a wooden frame, then it it is necessary to soak with antiseptics to avoid the appearance of insects... It is enough to paint the metal frame.
  • Highly important point is the precision of the assembly. It is necessary very carefully measure each element of the building structure... To avoid inaccuracies and for more accurate calculation it is advisable to make measurements more than once.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe building facade is calculated taking into account door and window openings... You also need to take into account that some of the material will go for cutting.

It is also worth recalling additional elements, which are the final touch in finishing the job - finishing and facade work.

Additional elements are:

  • basement;
  • for finishing corners;
  • for finishing window and doorways;
  • ridge;
  • elements of the drainage system;
  • elements for framing pipes;
  • elements for closing all kinds of cracks.

If necessary, their can be painted in any color... They give the facade an expressiveness and attractiveness. Buildings facing with corrugated board are very convenient and comfortable for living.