Who is approved by a working program for a teacher. Structure of the Work Program for GEF

Both in the current, and in the new law on education there is no direct definition of a working program on a learning subject, but at the same time they are established its place and value in the education system. Thus, this term is included in the concept of "educational program" as an integral part of the complex of the basic characteristics of education, as well as the concepts of "approximate basic educational program" as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation that determines the "recommended volume and the content of the formation of a certain level and (or) Directions planned development results educational program, Approximate conditions educational activities, including exemplary calculations of the regulatory costs of the provision of public services for the implementation of the educational program "(Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the FZ" On Education in Russian Federation»).

The concept of a working program

According to the Education Act, the development and approval of educational programs refers to the competence of an educational organization, whose pedagogical workers are provided with "the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, calendar curricula, work curriculous subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), methodical Materials and other components of educational programs. They are also required to "carry out their activities on high professional level, ensure in full screening of taught training subjects, courses, disciplines (module) in accordance with the approved work program. "

Thus, the working program for the training subject (hereinafter referred to as a working program) is an integral part of the educational program of the general education organization and is, by definition of A. B. Vorontsova, a set of educational and methodological documentation, which is independently developed by the teacher OU based on the working curriculum and exemplary programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, copyright programs, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program Schools and reflects ways to implement the content of the educational subject.

Because The law on education is not defined by the requirements for the Working Program. The teacher can choose an independent form of recording, a textual version of the working program. For example, a working program can be compiled by analogy with the requirements for the standard curriculum, and the teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program taking into account features educational institution and pupils of a specific class.

At the same time, it shows the pedagogical practice, based on the recommendations of regional methodical services, work programs include the following content:

  • an explanatory note in which the general objectives of this level of education are concretized, taking into account the specifics of the educational subject, the course;
  • overall characteristics of the educational subject, course;
  • description of the site of the educational subject, the course in the curriculum;
  • description of value orientation of the content of the educational subject;
  • personal, metapredemless (competent) and subject results of the development of a specific educational subject, course;
  • the content of the training subject, the course;
  • thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities;
  • description of logistical, educational and methodological and information support educational process.
  • teaching and verification technologies to achieve planned results;
  • recommended literature (for teacher and students).

Various documents that are needed to the teacher for the full and effective implementation of the educational process can be applied to work programs.

Work program structure

In accordance with the content, the work program may have the following structure:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • planned results at the end of the course study;
  • a description of the teaching and methodological and logistics of the educational process;
  • the content of the training subject by year of study;
  • extracurricular activities of students on the subject;
  • control materials (tests, test papers, tasks, etc.).

Possible difficulties

Creating a working program is a rather laborious process. Main difficulties, especially for a young specialist, are usually associated with such issues:

  • description of requirements for the preparation of students through operationally pronounced diagnostic purposes - the results of training;
  • the need to revise the content based on the analysis of excess and possible missing information;
  • development of controlling materials that allow you to obtain objective information on the formation of special subject and general training skills of students.

Administer Work Program

The procedure and terms of consideration of the Working Program are established by the local act of a general education organization. They can be, for example, such:

  • consideration of the project of the Working Program at the meeting of the Methodological Association of the School (Scientific and Methodological School of School);
  • SMU or the Scientific and Methodological Council after the examination makes conclusion about approval or refinement of the working program;
  • if necessary, it is allowed to obtain a review (expert opinion) of relevant profile departments of institutions of higher vocational education, regional qualification institution;
  • with a positive decision, the presentation of the working program into the administration of a general education institution for approval;
  • the Working Program is analyzed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work for Compliance with the Program of the educational institution of the educational institution and the requirements of state educational standards, as well as the compliance of the textbook intended to use from the recommended list, the dates of test work, their number in the class and compliance with SanPiN requirements, provisions of local acts of the educational institution;
  • after agreement, the Working Program approves the director of the general education institution.

The decision of the Methodological Association of Teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting and on the last page of the working program (at the bottom left) is raised by the coordination: agreed. Minutes of the meeting of the Methodological Association of Teachers from 00.00.0000 №00.

The editorship of the deputy director is also placed on the last page of the working program (at the bottom left): agreed. Deputy. Director for UTI (signature) decoding signature. Date.

The claims of the statement put on the title page (at the top of the right): Approve director (signature) decoding the signature. Date.

The approval of the working programs is carried out before the school year. After approval, the work program becomes a regulatory document implemented in this general education institution.

Development and control

One copy of the approved working programs is usually stored in school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher to implement the educational process.

The administration of the general education organization monitors the implementation and implementation of working programs in accordance with the OPC plan.

Each reporting period (quarter, half of the year), the calendar-thematic plan of the working program correlates with a class magazine and a teacher's report on the passage of software material. In case of their discrepancies, the teacher justifies and makes changes to the calendar - themed plan, providing conditions for the program in full for a smaller or more study clock.

Of course, the task of the administration is not reduced only to control. The main thing is to help the teacher in its compilation and implementation, a particularly novice teacher who does not have practices or experience in writing such papers.

Working programm By learning subject

Regulations on the development and approval of working programs on mandatory educational subjects, electrical and optional courses, organization programs extracurricular activities


by order of the boss

department of Education

Approximate position

about development and approval of working programs for mandatory

educational subjects, electrical and optional courses,

programs on the organization of extracurricular activities.

I. General.

1.1. The provision on the preparation of the working program was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (with changes and additions), a Model Regulations on the General Education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.03.2001 No. 196 (with changes and additions) and regulates the procedure for developing and approving working programs.

1.2. The work program is a regulatory document that determines the volume, order, content of the study and teaching of the academic discipline (course of additional education); A document created on the basis of an approximate or author's program, taking into account the objectives and objectives of the educational program of the institution and reflecting the ways to implement the content of the educational subject.

1.3. The purpose of the working program is to create conditions for planning, organizing and managing the educational process according to a certain academic discipline (a course of additional education), systematization and streamlining of the writing of thematic planning, the implementation of the curriculum and the requirements of the State Standard of Education.

1.4. The work program performs the following functions:

Is a mandatory norm of the curriculum in full;

Determines the content of education according to the educational subject at the base and elevated levels;

Ensures the continuity of the content of education according to the educational subject;

Implements the principle of an integrative approach in the content of education;

Includes regional substitution modules;

Creates conditions for the implementation of a systematic activity approach;

Provides the achievement of planned results by each student.

1.5. The working program is a mandatory document for administrative control of the complete development of the content of the educational subject to students and achieve the planned results on the basic and elevated levels.

1.6. In accordance with paragraph 2.7 of Art. 32. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Development and approval of working programs on mandatory educational subjects, electrical and optional courses, programs for the organization of extracurricular activities refers to the competence of an educational institution and is implemented by them independently.

1.7. The work program is being developed by the teacher (group of teachers, specialists in this subject) and is drawn up at the stage of learning (initial general education, etc.), designed for academic year.

1.8. Depending on the degree of adjustment of the approximate or author's program, the work program can be two types:

1 View:

- if the working program in full corresponds to the approximate or author's program on the subject;

if in an exemplary training (or authentic, based on an approximate) program, the distribution of hours on topics or years of studying the training course is not indicated, and there is only a number of hours on sections for several years of study. In this case, the teacher distributes the watch of each section on academic years and topics on its own.

2 View:

if the number of hours in the curriculum of the educational institution does not coincide with the number of hours in the exemplary (author) program (more than 6 hours per year);

if the author's program is adjusted in terms of changes in the number of topics, the sequence of their presentation, the redistribution of hours drawn to the study of topics; The distribution of the backup time is made by the teacher independently and is not an adjustment of the program;

there is a need to develop an integrated course, including two or more objects; The working program on the integrated rate is developed taking into account the greatest interpenetration of the learning items included in the integrated course;

if working programs on electrical, optional and additional educational courses are compiled on the basis of educational literature in the absence of the author's program and the educational and methodical set.

2. Work program structure


1) Title leaf.

2) Explanatory note.

3) general characteristics Training subject, course.

4) Description of the site of the educational subject, the course in the curriculum.

5) Description of value guidelines for the content of the educational subject.

6) Personal, meta-delicate and subject results of the development of a particular training subject, courses.

7) Contents of the training subject, course.

8) Calendar and thematic planning indicating the main types of educational activities.

9) Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

10) Applications to the program.

2.2. Structural elements of the teacher's work program

Title page

The full name of the educational institution;

Charters of consideration, coordination and approval of the Working Program indicating the number of the Protocol and the date of consideration at the meeting of the Methodological Association of Teachers, Positions, FIO of the head of the Methodological Association of Teachers, Deputy Director for USR, Director of the Educational Institution.

The name of the training course, to study which the program is written;

Specifying parallels, class where the program is implemented;

Surname, name and patronymic of the developer of the program (one or several), qualifying category;

Name of the city, settlement;

Program development year



To whom the program is addressed: Type (general education, special, etc.), view (gymnasium, lyceum, etc.) of the educational institution and determining the class of students;

Regulatory documents on the basis of which a working program has been developed;

Indicates which educational area This training object is included;

Summons are summarized the general objectives of the study subject for the learning step;

Terms of implementation of the program;

The basic principles of material selection and a brief explanation of the logic structure of the program, including the disclosure of the bonds of the main and additional education on this subject (if any);

Alleged results;

Briefly outlines the system of assessing the achievements of students;

It is indicated by the main toolkit for evaluating the results;

A symbol system used in the text program.

General Characteristics of the Educational Item, Course

The approximate or author's program is indicated, on the basis of which a working program has been developed (publishing, year of publication); The overall goals and objectives of the initial general education, taking into account the specifics of the educational subject, course

General characteristics of the educational process: the main technologies, methods, form of training and occupation regime;

Logical links of this subject with the rest of the subjects (sections) of the educational (educational) plan.

Description of the value orientation of the content of the educational subject

Personal, MetaPered and Subsection Results of the Specific Training Subject, Course

Requirements for the training level of students learning on this program. Personal, metap looms and subject results of the development of a specific educational subject, the course in accordance with the requirements of the GEF and the author's program are specified for each class; Can be differentiated by levels.

Requirements for the preparation of students on the subject in full coincide with the requirements of GEF and the approximate (author) program on subject or exemplary curricula (for an integrated course).

Requirements are set in activity form (as a result of studying the study subject, students should know, be able to use in practical activities and everyday life).

Description of the material and technical support of the educational process

1. 1. Training Means: Educational and Laboratory Equipment and Instruments, Technical and Electronic Means of Training and Control of Pupils, Educational and Reference Literature, Digital educational resources, demonstration and distribution didactic material. The list of recommended teaching and methodical literature should contain a teacher-used educational and methodical complex (UMC) with a mandatory indication of the textbook and textbooks for students and maintain full output of literature.

2. The list of components of the educational and methodological complex that ensures the implementation of the Working Program: a basic textbook; Additional literature for teacher and students.

3. List of Internet resources and other electronic information sources List of educational reference and information, controlling and other computer programs used in educational process

2.3. The content of the learning course. Table of the thematic distribution of hours at the learning stage:

2.4. Calendar-thematic planning

Table of calendar-thematic planning software (object name, course) on ... Class

3. Approval of the Working Program

3.1. The work programs for the next academic year are considered at school methodological associations at the end of the school year, are consistent with the Methodological Council with the Deputy Director for Educational Works. In the minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of subject teachers, it is indicated that the conformity of the Working Program is established by the established requirements.

3.2. Working programs are approved by the School Director on the basis of the decision of the Pedagogical Council until September 1 of the school year.

3.3. Working programs are approved by the order of the School Director. If the working program is discrepted to the established requirements, the school principal imposes a resolution on the need to refine with a specific period.

3.4. Teachers are obliged to submit to the study part of the second copy of the working program with advanced dates until the end of the school year, in order to use their teachers - subjects at the time of the replacement of lessons.

3.5. All changes, additions made by the teacher to the Working Program during the school year should be agreed with the administration of an educational institution.

3.6. The approved working programs of the curriculum objects are an integral part of the basic educational program of the school, entering the mandatory regulatory local documentation of the educational institution and are submitted to the management bodies for the formation of regional and municipal levels, control and supervision authorities in the field of education, the pedagogical team, the parental public.

3.7. The administration of the educational institution monitors the implementation of the work programs in accordance with the plan for intraschool control.

3.8. The educational institution is responsible on the basis of paragraph 3 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" for the implementation is not fully educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and calendar schedule of the educational process.

4. The competence and responsibility of the teacher.

4.1. The competence of the teacher includes:

development of working programs;

the use and improvement of educational and educational technologies, including remote educational technologies using information and telecommunication technologies with mediated (at a distance) or not fully mediated interaction of the study and teacher;

organization of its activities in accordance with the annual calendar training schedule for the current school year and the rules of the internal regulation of the general education institution, other local acts of the general education institution;

implementation of current monitoring of academic performance and interim certification of students;

reporting on the implementation of the student practical part of working programs in accordance with the curriculum for the current school year and the schedule of classes.

4.2 . The teacher is responsible for:

non-fulfillment of functions assigned to its competence;

implementation of students not fully in the practical part of working programs in accordance with the educational institution's curriculum for the current school year and the schedule of classes;

the quality of knowledge, skills and methods of activity of students on the training course, subject;

violation of the rights and freedoms of students during the implementation of work programs.


On the procedure for developing and approving working programs on subjects, courses

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

In the municipal general education institution




1. Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of working programs on subjects, courses in accordance with GEF in the municipal general education institution "Basic General Education School" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is developed in accordance

FROM Federal law dated December 29, 2012 № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation",

With the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015, No. 1576 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice Russia 02.02.2016 No. 40936);

With the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12/31/2015 No. 1577 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of the General Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897" (registered in the Ministry of Justice Russia 02.02.2016 No. 40937).

With the charter of MOU "Rodnikovskaya Oosh".

2. The working program of the educational subject, the course (hereinafter - the Work Program) is the regulatory and management document of MOU "OOSH" (hereinafter - the school), which characterizes the system of organizing the educational activity of the teacher. The working program of the educational subject, the course is the structural component of the main educational program of the school. It is designed to ensure guarantees in obtaining students of a mandatory minimum content of education in accordance with the federal state educational standard and the specifics of local conditions.

When developing working programs, a teacher can use exemplary programs for educational subjects, copyright programs to textbooks. Exemplary programs for educational subjects, courses allow all participants in educational relations to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe purposes, content, general strategy The formation of students with the means of the educational subject, the subject of the subject, concretizes the content of substantive topics of the Federal State Educational Standard, gives an approximate distribution of study hours on sections of the study subject, the course and the recommended sequence of studying the sections of the educational subject, the course, taking into account the age-related features of students, the learning logistics, interdisciplinary and intracable ties.

By its structure and content, the work program is a document drawn up with:

the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

a mandatory minimum of education for educational subjects, the course;

maximum volume educational material For students;

planned results of the learning subject;

the volume of hours of training load defined by the school curriculum for the implementation of training items, courses in each class;

cognitive interests of students;

goals and objectives of the main educational school program;

choosing a teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.

2. Requirements for the structure of the working program of the educational subject

The need to reflect in the working program of these aspects determine the definition of elements of its structure.

The structure of the working programs includes the following components:

    title page

    planned results of the development of the educational subject;

    content of the study subject;

    thematic planning indicating the number of hours drawn to the study of each topic.

The working program determines the volume, order, content of studying the study subject, course.

1) Title leaf

The title page (Appendix 1) must contain the full name of the school in accordance with the charter; the name of the educational subject, the course; guidelines for the work program to the level of general education; Information about the developer (developers): (FULL NAME, position); Year of approval of the work program.

2) planned results of the learning subject

This section describes:

a) Achieving learning personal results at the end of each year of study. Personal results are represented by two blocks "The student will be formed" ("the graduate will be formed") and "the study will be able to form" ("the graduate will be able to form").

b) the achievement of learning meta-delicent results at the end of each year of study. The structure of metap looms includes the achievement of the student planned results of the three interdisciplinary programs "Wood formation program"; "Reading. Work with text"; "Formation of ICT-competence of students" at the end of each year of study. Meta-remote results are represented by two blocks "The student will be formed" ("a graduate will be formed") and "the study will be able to form" ("the graduate will be able to form").

c) Achieving learning subject results at the end of each year of study. Subject results are represented by two blocks "the learning will be formed" ("the graduate will be formed") and "the student will get the opportunity to form" ("the graduate will be able to form").


This section includes a list of studied learning material by describing the main substantive lines.

4) thematic planning indicating the number of hours drawn to the study of each topic

Thematic planning on the learning subject, the course is being developed for each class separately. Thematic planning consists of two mandatory blocks: "Theme (section)"; "The number of hours drawn to the study of each topic (partition).

3. Requirements for the development of a working program

The work program is being developed for each subject, the course included in the school curriculum. The process of developing a working program includes several stages:

Analysis of the exemplary program on the subject or copyright programs on the subject;

Selection of the program;

Correlation of the selected program with the number of hours on the subject of the school curriculum;

Analysis of the methodological support of all types of educational activities provided for by the program;

Study of the regulatory framework for the subject matter, methodological letters and recommendations of the federal and regional levels;

Development of a working program.

The development of a working program can be carried out by one subject teacher or a group of teachers.

4. Approval of work programs

Work programs are undergoing the approval procedure. Consideration of working programs is carried out at a meeting of the methodological association of subject teachers (hereinafter - MO) before the start of the school year in August. In solving, MO indicates: "recommend the approval of work programs for extracurricular activities ..." or "recommend to refine working programs on extracurricular activities ... on time before ... ". The working programs considered at the meeting of the MO are consistent with the Deputy Director for Educational Works. Based on the decision of the MO and coordination with the Deputy Director for Educational Work, the Director of the School approves the order of work programs by the beginning of the school year.

Attachment 1

toRegulation on the procedure for developing and approving working programs

on subjects, courses

in the municipal general education institution

"Rodnikovskaya Main Communication School"



Municipal General Education

"Main Community School"

Considered at the meeting of MO

Protocol number OT.


Deputy. Dir. URS


Director of MOU "Rodnikovskaya Oosh"

I.I. Ivanov

Order No. OT.




on ______________________ school year

Classes: _______________

Level: _____________

Foreign program:

__________________ ___________________

Position FULL

Work program structure

The work program includes the following mandatory elements:

  1. title page;
  2. explanatory note;
  3. requirements for the level of achievements of students;
  4. educational and thematic plan;
  5. the content of the learning course;
  6. control level of training
  7. applications ( calendar-thematic plan, technological control card).

The title page must contain:

  • the name of the founder of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
  • the name of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
  • Name of the educational subject (course);
  • An indication of the parallel on which the subject is studied;
  • information about the teacher-compiler of the working program;
  • neck consideration, coordination and approval of the Working Program;
  • Year of development of the Work Program The explanatory note must be concise and reflect the following highlights:
  • the name of the curriculum (approximate or authentic) indicating the name, author and year of publication, on the basis of which a working program has been developed;
  • The number of academic hours on which a work program is calculated, including the number of hours for conducting control, laboratory, practical work, excursions;
  • used training and methodical kit;
  • the objectives and objectives of this training subject in the field of the formation of a knowledge system, skills (tasks are formulated in accordance with the standard);
  • novelty of this working program, its difference from the approximate or previously operating; substantiation of changes made;
  • intergovernmental ties: what educational items are based on this subject, for which subjects it is the base; If these relations are strong, it is advisable to note how they can be implemented;
  • features of the organization of the educational process on the subject; Preferred forms of organization of the educational process and their combination;
  • forms of control of knowledge, skills, skills (current, refuge, final) (according to the Charter and / or local act of the educational institution).

An explanatory note may be explained to each of the sections of the program and brief methodological instructions on the presentation of theoretical material, the implementation of laboratory work and practical training, as well as the explanations caused by the requirements of the regional component, the specifics of the educational institution.

In the learning plan, the sequence of studying sections and the technical programs is revealed, the distribution of study clocks is shown on sections and topics at the calculation of the maximum learning load. The learning plan is drawn up for the entire training period.

Requirements for the achievement of students are formulated in accordance with GEF and taking into account the approximate or author's program. They reflect: the main ideas and system of values \u200b\u200bformed by the educational subject; The final system of knowledge; a list of skills and skills, ways of activity; The list of problems that students must learn to decide, creatively studying this item. Requirements for the level of assimilation should be not lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component of the State Standard of General Education.

Section "CONTENTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT" - based part of the program. It is based on sections and topics in accordance with the educational and thematic plan of the working program. When developing, it should be based on a mandatory minimum content of the state educational standard, an approximate program, taking into account the selected author. All didactic units must be reflected and specified in the content of the educational material. Formulate generalized requirements for knowledge and skills of students on the topic. To acquire practical skills and raising knowledge levels to the Work Program, it is necessary to include practical and laboratory worksprovided for by the approximate program.

Control of the level of training of students is fixed in the main sections and applications to the Working Program: an explanatory note, an educational and thematic plan, technological map Control, calendar-thematic planning. Control materials include a system of controlling meters that allow you to estimate the level and quality of ZON students at the input, current and outcome stages of the subject of the subject. Controls must be in a logical connection with the content of educational material and comply with the requirements for the level of assimilation of the subject.

In the section "Literature and training funds", the main and additional educational literature, educational and reference benefits, educational and methodical literature, electronic learning tools, Internet resources, a list of recommended learning tools are indicated. The bibliographic list highlighted the publications intended for students and literature for the teacher.

Calendar-thematic planning of the working program includes

the title page is drawn up in a tabular version and includes the following items:

end-to-end numbering of lessons with the indication of the planned and actual date of their conduct;

Sections and themes of the content of education with an indication of the number of hours (the name of the sections is indicated according to the formulations of the working program);

themes of lessons are formulated in accordance with the Working Program, along with the lesson, the type of lesson and the form of it is indicated;

content elements are disclosed through the main didactic units of the corresponding GEF on a learning subject. Content elements in the absence of a state educational standard for the subject (an elective course, an elective training subject, optional, special courses) are determined in accordance with the author's program. The wording of the content elements is taken from the work program without changes and additions. The same element of the content may be included in one or more lessons, if it is due to the systemism of forming a concept or operation;

general educational skills and skills of activity methods are allocated by type of activity (cognitive, information and communicative, reflexive) in accordance with GEF and the learning step;

requirements for the training level of the student relevant year (step) of training (formulated in activity in accordance with the standard) It is necessary to allocate from the general requirements defined by the standard at the end of the training period (for example, the main, secondary school). In this regard, it is necessary, reflecting the stage of mastering the content, clarify the requirements, ensuring their specificity, diagnosticity, achievability of the result for the specified period of time, unambiguity in understanding the wording;

The view, the form of control and control and measuring materials must comply with the structure of the working program (by sections, topics), be adequate to the requirements of the training level (tests, tasks (questions) with a short or deployed response, schemes, drawings, tables, abstracts, etc. ).

One of the priorities is to achieve quality modern educationcorresponding to the current identity needs, society and state. To a large extent, the conditions for the effective implementation of educational policies are formed at the level of the activities of the educational institution and are set out in its educational program.

The objectives and objectives of the educational program, the requirements of the state standard in a particular educational area are implemented through programs for educational subjects. The program on the training subject is the result of a large painstaking work of representatives of various knowledge areas: specific science professionals that determine the main circle of knowledge, skills and skills; teachers and psychologists who form and distributing material by year of training in accordance with the age capabilities of children; Methodists developing scientific and methodological support required to effectively assimage knowledge, skills and skills . Each program has accumulated experience in studying one or another science, its achievements are reflected. However, diversity educational needs People, which lead to the need to ensure the variability of the content of education, often require modification of typical or development of working programs. Development of a working program, which is a rather complicated educational and regulatory document, requires the author, a high level of qualification. Insufficient readiness of the author to develop new or modernization of existing programs is the cause of serious shortcomings in them.

The most typical shortcomings in the work programs:

  • the goals and objectives of the school educational program are not taken into account;
  • it is not enough to substantiate the need for their development;
  • there are no certain binding partitions, such as knowledge requirements, skills and skills; Justification of goals, course tasks and others;
  • it is not always provided for providing the proposed program by the necessary educational and methodological complex;
  • the principle of continuity with other programs of the educational region is not followed.

General provisions

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 9) defines the education system as a set of continued educational programs and state educational standards. A set of educational programs determines the appearance of the school and is the basis of various educational routes for students in a particular educational institution. At various levels of education, options for educational programs are possible on the same academic subject, which differ in their destination:

  • basic (typical training program) educational program;
  • educational program in-depth study individual items;
  • educational program increased level (Gymnasic, Lyceum, etc.).

Thus, in an educational institution, training is possible on several variants of the curriculum.

There are several definitions of the curriculum. We give some of them :

1. Training program -this is a regulatory document in which the circle of basic knowledge, skills and skills to be assimilated for each individual academic subject matter. It includes a list of topics of the material being studied, recommendations for the number of time for each topic, the distribution of them by the years of study and the time allocated to study the entire course. Completeness of the learning of the program requirements, there is a major criterion for the success and effectiveness of the learning process.

2. Training program -a document reflecting the target settings and the meaningful basis of the training course on the relevant training subject, the logic of building a course, the principles of choosing training technologies, the methods of control of the achieved level of education.

3. Training programthere is a brief systemic description of the combination of information that determines completely and unambiguously the composition of the learning process so that it is carried out in accordance with the specified objectives and performed the functions of education, education, development.

Traditionally, in the education system, typical training programs are used, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, containing a generalized list of knowledge, skills, skills. These programs also provide guidelines most general characterwhich indicate the necessary forms and means of learning. Taking the basis of typical training programs, teachers can develop copyright and working programs.Work programs- These are programs developed on the basis of exemplary training, but contributes to changes and additions to the content of the academic discipline, the sequence of study, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training and others.

"Working Course Work Program- A document intended to implement the requirements for the minimum content and level of training a student on a specific subject of the educational institution curriculum. "

Copyright- Training programs that have no analogues. They are based on the author's concept of constructing the content of the training course on this subject. The inclusion of the author's program in the educational process of the school involves the following procedures:

1. Review. Reviews are issued both by scientific or methodological institutions and individual specialists in the program profile. In the practice of educational institutions, internal and external forms of expertise are sometimes used. Discussion of the author's program at a meeting of the Methodological Council of the educational institution or at a meeting of the Methodological Association is a form of internal examination. Review of scientific or methodological institutions, specialists working in this subject area, is a form of external examination. It is possible to obtain several reviews, especially when the proposed training course is integrated.

2. Approbation. Including the author's program to the educational process of the school should be preceded by its experimental study, that is, testing. During the approbation, recommendations for improving the program may be made. Following the approbation, the effectiveness of the program is estimated, the expediency of its further use is determined. Approbating the author's program is desirable to spend from September to March, since it is necessary to provide a situation where the result planned in it is not achieved. Then the teacher will have time to correct the level of student training.

3. Approval. Programs approval is carried out after receiving positive expert opinions (reviews) and positive result Approbation. The curriculum is approved by the head of the educational institution. If the reviews contain comments or during the approbation of the program, disadvantages have been identified, then it is approved after eliminating comments.

Features of the working program and requirements for it, methods for building a working program

Any working program, regardless of which the educational area and to which level of general education, it relates, performs the following functions:

  • regulatory, that is, is a document required to fulfill in full;
  • goaling, that is, determines the values \u200b\u200band purposes, for the achievement of which it is introduced into a particular educational region;
  • determining the content of education, that is, fixes the composition of the elements of the content to be assimilated by students (minimum requirements), as well as the degree of their difficulty;
  • procedural, that is, determines the logical sequence of assimilation of the elements of the content, organizational forms and methods, means and conditions of training;
  • evaluation, that is, identifies the levels of assimilation of elements of the content, control objects and the criteria for assessing the level of student training.

The functions of the program define the following requirements for it:

1. Accounting for the main provisions of the school educational program (social order requirements, graduation requirements, goals and objectives of the educational process, the characteristics of the school curriculum).

2. The relationship of curricula in the framework of the educational region, the reflection of the completed, holistic content of education.

3. Availability of signs of a regulatory document.

4. Sequence of location and interconnection of all course content items; Determining methods, organizational forms and learning tools, reflecting the unity of the content of education and the training process in building a program.

5. Completeness of disclosure of goals and values \u200b\u200bof training with the inclusion in the program of all necessary and sufficient to implement the purposes of the elements of the content (knowledge of nature, society, technique, man, activities; experience of creative activity; experience of an emotional-value attitude to reality).

6. The specificity of the presentation of elements of the content of education.

Work program structure

The training course program includes the following structural elements:

1. Title leaf (Appendix No. 1).

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

1. Title List

The title page contains:

1. Complete name of the educational institution.

2. Program's claims (Pedagogical Council or Methodological Association of School and School Director indicating the date).

3. The name of the training course, to explore which the program is written.

4. Note the parallel on which the program is being studied.

5. Family, name and patronymic of the developer of the program (one or several)

6. The name of the city in which the program has been prepared.

7. Year of the program.

The development and approval of the working programs of training courses and disciplines refers to the competence of educational institutions (paragraph 6 and 7 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). This does not exclude the possibility of providing external reviews on the curriculum. Work programs can be discussed at the methodological councils of schools and district methodological associations that have the right to recommend training programs. However, this is by no means replaces the need for approval of the working program by the head of the educational institution.

2. Explanatory note

Assigning an explanatory note in the program structure is to:

Briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this study subject, its functions, specifics and importance for solving the general objectives and objectives of education defined in the educational program of this step of schoolchildren's training;

To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods of deploying educational material, in general, show a methodological system for achieving goals that are put in learning the subject, describe the means of achieving them.

The explanatory note indicates which educational area this training item includes, and the objective objectives are briefly formulated for each learning step. An explanatory note to the author's program (for example, the regional component) should support the substantiation of the relevance of the developed program, a description of the concept and the main ideas of the course under study. It indicates the reasons for which existing programs Do not satisfy educational queries and cognitive needs of students. The modified program specifies the essence of the changes that are made to the content of the standard program. The text explanatory note also contains:

1. Justification of the selection of the content and the general logic of the sequence of its study, including the disclosure of the bonds of the main and additional education on this subject (if any).

2. General characteristics of the educational process: methods, forms and means of training.

4. Logical links of this subject with other objects (sections) of the curriculum, resource provision of the course. In addition, in the explanatory note, the symbol system used in the text program is driven.

Formulation of objectives understood as "regulatory understanding of the result of activity" , and the tasks of the learning subject is a very important section of the program. When setting the objectives of the educational subject, the requirements of state standards should be taken into account, as well as an order for educational services of students and their parents. The main objectives of the educational subject are those that characterize the leading components of the content of learning: knowledge, ways of activity, experience of value relations and creative experience. It is important that the goals and objectives are understood definitely were diagnosed. Therefore, when developing a working program, it is necessary to plan the creation of adequate tools for diagnostics (evaluation) of the degree of achievement of goals and objectives.

Objectives and learning tasks are diagnosed if:

  • it is given such an accurate and definite description of personal quality, which is formed as a result of the study of the program, which can be unmistakably separate from other personal qualities;
  • the method, "tool" is described for the unambiguous identification of the diagnosed personality quality;
  • it is possible to measure the development or intensity of the manifestation of the evaluated quality based on the control data;
  • there is a quality assessment scale based on the measurement results.

It is not allowed to include in the number of educational tasks of such that refer to the process of work of the teacher and do not indicate the results of the student's activities (for example, to "introduce ...", "tell ...", "report ..." and the like).

The objectives of the subject are usually grouped as ideological, methodological, theoretical, developing, educating, practical. They act as a private, relative to independent ways to achieve goals (priests). In addition, a circle can be formulated in the curriculum typical tasks (In the general formulation) on all sections of the course, which should learn to solve every student.

In the formulation of the goals and objectives, the requirements for the level of education, the competence of students on the subject following the completion of the study of the course are taken into account. In these requirements, as a rule, reflect:

  • the main ideas and value system formed by the educational subject;
  • final system or knowledge complex;
  • a list of skills and skills (ways of activity);
  • the list of problems that students must learn to decide, creatively studying this item.

The main knowledge, skills and skills, which should be mastered after studying the course in accordance with government requirements are prescribed. Requirements for the level of development of discipline are formulated in terms "to have an idea", "know" and "own". They must meet the requirements of the definiteness of all the characteristics of the final result and controlling the training achievements. It also reflects the organization of final control at this rate.

3. Educational and thematic plan.The course of the course, the sequence of their study, used organizational forms of training and the number of hours allocated both to the study of the entire course and on certain topics are reflected. An educational and thematic plan can be represented as a table (see table 1 or 2 or 3). The organizational forms of training and control presented in the table are approximate. It is determined by the characteristics of the class in which the subject is taught, the specifics of the training course (for example, the need for practical and laboratory work for natural-scientific cycle objects), the peculiarities of the techniques and technologies used in the learning process. So, when studying humanitarian disciplines, especially in high schools, you can plan seminars. In addition, excursions, conferences and other forms of classes may be included in the learning plan.

Table 1.

No. p / p

Names of sections and those

Total hours


Approximate number of hours on independent work of students


laboratory practical work

Test papers


Table 2.

Educational and thematic planning

No. p / p

Names of sections and those

Total hours

Number of hours



At the bottom of the table, the clock is summed up


Table 3.

Educational and thematic planning

No. p / p

Names of sections and those

Total hours

At the bottom of the table, the clock is summed up


4. The content of the learning courseThe formation of the content of the training course is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • unity of the content of learning at different levels;
  • reflections in the content of training for the tasks of personality development;
  • scientific and practical significance of the detention of training;
  • accessibility learning.

When describing the content of the technical program, the following sequence of presentation can be recommended:

1. Topic name.

2. The required number of hours to study it.

basic questions studied;

practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;

requirements for knowledge and skills of students;

forms and control questions;

possible species independent work Pupils.

If the training course includes theoretical and practical sections, the relation between them in the total amount of hours can be varied depending on different factors (specialization of the educational institution, the preparedness of students, the presence of relevant equipment and other). The main objective of the practical section of the program is the formation of students from the learning skills related to the use of the knowledge gained, fixing and improving practical skills.

The section includes a list of laboratory and practical work, training excursions and other forms of practical training. In the description of certain types of practical training (for example, seminars) it is advisable to include the list of issues discussed on them.

Control of knowledge, skills and students' skills is the most important step in the educational process and performs a training, verification, educational and corrective functions. In the structure of the program, checks must be in a logical connection with the content of educational material. The implementation of the learning level assessment mechanism involves systematization and summarizing knowledge, consolidation of skills and skills; Check the level of learning of knowledge and mastering skills and skills specified as planned learning results. They are presented at the beginning of each course in the form of requirements for student training. When preparing the author's or working program, the need for processing, selection or independent development of verification materials arises.

In this section of the Working Program, a list of issues may be included for the final control on the discipline under study. The control should be planned and fixed in an educational and thematic plan.

5. References.Literature on academic discipline is divided into the main and additional. The list of main literature includes the publication, the content of which specifies the knowledge of the students under the main issues set out in the program. An additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the working program. It includes publications that expand the knowledge of the students for individual aspects and problems of the course.

The bibliographic list is allocated publications intended for students, and literature for the teacher (both the main and additional). The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of the publications recommended by the author who are listed in alphabetical manner indicating the author, book titles, places and year of publication. An example of a bibliographic description:

  • the book of one or more authors:

Sitarov, V.A. Didactics. / V.A. Sitarov - M.: Academia, 2002. - 365 p.

  • an article from the collection or periodicals:

Sinky, G.V. Building methodical work on a diagnostic basis / GV Sintin // Methodist. - 2003. - №1. - p.19-21.

  • collections of documents:

Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements And the rules of compilation: GOST 7.1.84. - Introduced .01.01.86. - M., 1984. - 75 p. - (system of standards for inform., Bible and ed. Business).

IN lately The choice of programs and textbooks has significantly expanded. Alternative educational literature is available in virtually all subjects of the federal component of the basic curricula. Therefore, when choosing a textbook, it is necessary to take into account both meaningful and didactic criteria. The basic requirements for the textbook are:

  • its compliance with the requirements of the educational standard and curriculum, full and detailed mapping of all its main topics;
  • reflection of the logic and requirements of the program in the structure and content of the textbook;
  • completeness of performing didactic functions (information, developing and educational, coordinating, self-control);
  • the informative of the main texts, the optimality of the task system;
  • the feasibility of the uniform components, the printing quality of the textbook.

A large number of textbooks, tutorials, workbooks and other components of the teaching and methodological kit must be carefully studied when drawing up a working program. The program developer determines how much this kit is able to ensure the achievement of the goals and objectives set in the author's or modified curriculum. The need for this is determined by the fact that even the most best programnot secured by the teaching kit, it causes difficulties for students and cannot fully contribute to the achievement of the goals set in it. If it is impossible to use existing educational and methodological kits, the task of developing the appropriate program of the kit arises in the author of the curriculum.

To implement the author's or working program, an existing educational and methodical complex can be used not completely, but partly. In this case, it is very important that the necessary textbooks and teaching aids exist in the desired quantity in the School Library Foundation. The lack of awareness of teachers on the state of the school library fund often entails unreasonable requirements for the purchase of necessary textbooks and benefits for students' parents. Also, the teacher is unacceptable during the school year to replace the new textbooks and benefits. Such uncomprofitations not only leads to additional material costs, but also the reason for the inconsistency of the requirements of the program to the textbook's capabilities. Thus, the teaching and methodological kit, being an integral part of the educational program of the school and the curriculum on the subject, should be the object of regular control by the administration of the educational institution. At the same time, its change and clarification is a completely permissible phenomenon. However, it is impossible to forget that all conducted adjustments need a thorough and thoughtful procedure.

Algorithm for building a working program

Development of working programs and educational planning is certainly one of the most complex tasks facing teachers. Teachers should be able to not only analyze various facts and situations, but also foresee, plan their development, which suggests teachers a sufficiently high level of professional skills.

As a result, especially at a novice teacher, a conviction may arise that such difficulties are better to avoid and use already existing programs (typical or developed by other authors). However, this position, excluding the personality of the teacher from the process of designing and programming the course, significantly limits its capabilities in professional growth and adversely affects the quality of education. If the teacher uses already existing programs, without processing and not adapting them to the characteristics of the educational process, he acts as a performer of an alien project that mechanically reproduces ready-made provisions. As a rule, as a result of this, students, and the teacher itself, is not formed by a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe studied course, the topic. As a result of the future work of the teacher, awareness of the course integrity If it comes, only after several training cycles, that is, it is formed empirically, "method of trial and error".

The following is proposed for an algorithm that allows the teacher to independently develop curricula and includes several consecutive and interrelated stages.

First stage

The first stage consists in creating a course plan for the entire period of its study. Copyright or working typical programs should be based on a cross-cutting principle of construction, that is, it is possible to provide a certain distribution of the course content of the course not for one year, and in progress, from the beginning to its completion. This stage includes several subteps:

1. Creating a curriculum program begins with the formulation of its goals. It should be taken into account the requirements of state standards, as well as an order for educational services of students and their parents.

2. Determination of tasks whose solution is assumed when studying the entire course. They are divided into two groups - the tasks associated with the content of the subject, and the tasks focused on the development of methods of activity of students. The first group of tasks reflects the requirements for what students should know as a result of the course study; The second group of tasks correlates with the requirements for the formation of general scientists and special skills and skills.

3. Forecasting results that must be achieved upon completion of the course study. Like the tasks, the results of activity are distributed to the content groups and by the method of work.

4. Distribution of the content of educational material by year of training. At this stage it is important to consider and relate the volume of the material being studied, the sequence of its presentation and the time for its study. In the process of this work, it is necessary to determine the results of training on the results of each academic year.

5. Definition of methods or learning technologies that are proposed to be used when conducting a course. It is important to take into account age peculiarities students, as well as the provisions of the school educational program.

6. Development of the content and form of the final and referee control, determining its periodicity.

Second phase

At the second stage of planning, a one-year training plan is drawn up. This work is carried out on the basis of the same principles as the preparation of the plan of the entire course. However, the subject planning in the second stage is not the entire course, but the volume of material studied during one academic year.

Third stage

After completion of the work schedule planning for a year, calendar and thematic planning must be carried out. You can propose to use the following options for such scheduling (see table 4 or 5).

Table 4. Calendar-thematic planning scheme for academic year

Lesson number

Names of sections and those

Number of hours

Calendar dates

Type of occupation

Visual manuals and technical means

Tasks for students


Independent learning activities

Types of control

The difficulties arising from the creation of copyright and working programs and thematic planning to them can be overcome by changing the work of methodical associations. One of the main directions of their activities may be the development of the content of such programs, their methodological support, as well as their testing. When focusing the work of the methodological association, the result is achieved for all teachers, based on the experience of developers, and the entire method of methodical work is acquired by a systemic nature, oriented to ensure the quality of education.


to filling out the calendar-thematic plan

  1. The formulation of the topic of the working program, the calendar-thematic plan and entry in the training journal should coincide and paint 1 hours of classes.
  2. Tasks and content of material for independent work of students: reading text, textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a text plan; graphic image text structure; textual aspects; work with dictionaries and reference books; work with the regulatory documents; educational work; drawing up tables for systematization of educational material; Text Analysis (Annotation, Review, Referencing, Content Analysis, etc.); preparation of abstracts, reports; drawing up bibliography, crosswords, testing; solving variable tasks and exercises; Estimated graphic work; preparation for projects; Dr.
  3. Methods of control: oral survey; test; Control dictation; Combined survey; verification of independent work of students; test survey; workshop to address pedagogical situations; Check your homework.

Appendix No. 1.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Semenovskaya Oosh


pedagogical School Council

№ ______ from ______________


school union of teachers

Pedagogy: Tutorial for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Bidcisters. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996.

Anshshuv, O.S. Encyclopedia of Management Knowledge: Methodical Dictionary for managers. / O.S. Anshshuv - M., 2002.

The provision on the structure of the working program is formed in accordance with industry legislation, the charter of the educational institution and other regulatory, local documents. Next, consider what the structure and content of the working program represents.


First of all, the concept of a working program should be disclosed. It acts as a regulatory document mandatory for compliance with full. The structure of the working program on the subject ensures the implementation of the requirements of the second generation state standard. It is formed in accordance with the conditions and results of education in the 1st and 2nd steps. The preparation of the working program is necessary to create conditions for the organization, planning and management of the process of education for specific discipline (area). It should ensure the achievement of the results of the development of the main material.


The structure of the working program for GEF is built in such a way that:

  1. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe practical implementation of the components of the standard in the study of a specific discipline.
  2. Clearly define the essence, order, scope of study in accordance with the objectives, features and process of establishment and contingent of students.


The structure of the Working Program on GEF implements:


The structure of the working curriculum is formed and approved by an educational institution. Document drawing can be carried out as one teacher and their group. The program must be united for all specialists in specific discipline. It advocates for the teacher as a basis for the formation of a calendar-thematic plan for the year. In the absence of an instructions on the distribution of hours on topics and sections, if only their total number is given, the teacher independently establishes them. At the same time, followed by appropriate methodical materials and focus on the personal features of children.


Work programs for mathematics, literature or other other discipline are performed on the sample on the computer. There should be no corrections in the text. The set is carried out in the Word Editor. Font letters should use Times New Roman Kegel 12-14. The interval between the lines is single. The text is aligned in width, from all sides there must be a 1-2 cm fields. The centering of paragraphs and headers is carried out using the editor tools. Inserting tables is performed directly into text. The first is the title page. It is not numbered. The calendar-thematic plan is performed in the form of a table. The structure of the working program should include a list of references. It is lined up alphabetically with all the output. The design of the document must be careful, all information is given in logical connection with each other. Format of the A4 program. Additional design for the working program for educational subjects in an educational institution in standards is not provided.


The structure of the working program of the teacher is as follows:

All this information is indicated by the structure of the working program of the teacher will have differences from the submitted scheme. They are due to the specific work of the Dow itself.


All work programs (in mathematics, foreign language, biology and other disciplines) are accompanied by applications and explanations. These include:

  1. List of regulatory acts.
  2. Common tasks of primary and basic education. They must be specified in accordance with the specific course (subject).
  3. General characteristic of discipline.
  4. Description of the position of the course in the plan.
  5. The exact name of the program on discipline with bibliographic characteristics.
  6. Statement of value landmarks.
  7. Meta-submissible, personal, subject results of the assimilation of specific discipline.
  8. Course content.
  9. Description of the regional component. It is drawn up table.
  10. Calendar and thematic plan. At the same time, the main types of training activities with a description of the alleged exploration results should be determined.
  11. Requirements for the training level of children.
  12. Description of control and measuring materials.


The structure of the teacher's working program must comply with the requirements for standards. The material of the educational course is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the formation of individual and meta-concrete (universal) actions. In this regard, in the appropriate section, a UUD should be listed, which are performed when mastering a specific course. In addition, types of tasks and techniques are given in which the formation of universal actions is designed.

Sequence of study

The structure of the working program includes the rationale for selection of watches by sections and years. It should reveal the sequence of material development, show the time distribution, taking into account the maximum load. In the description of the content of partitions (theory) this sequence is established:

  1. Name.
  2. Content.
  3. The required number of hours.

The estimated development results are presented with regard to the specifics of the subject ("the graduate will learn / can learn ...").

Methodical support

This section provides the characteristic of the corresponding complex. The list of educational and methodological support must be present such materials as:

  1. Theoretical (textbook, program).
  2. Didactic and methodical (teachers' benefits, collectors of control / verification works, notebooks for independent work).

Other sections

When describing a part of practical classes, it is necessary to indicate their number that is necessary for the program and which are distributed on topics. The instrument control system includes a set of measuring materials (tests, practical / control works). For each discipline, their forms are provided:

  • In Russian language - dictations, test work, writings, tests, checklist, presentation.
  • According to physical education - regulations of physical training.
  • In mathematics - independent / test work, testing, and so on.

The structure of the working program should include measuring materials that meet the standard. The form created by the author of the project should be given in the application.

Explanatory note

It should be indicated:

  1. Address (type and type of educational institution, class.
  2. Features of the program regarding GEF.
  3. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project.
  4. The validity of the program.
  5. The area in which a specific course is included.
  6. A brief formulation of common goals for
  7. Deadline for project.
  8. Key criteria for selecting materials, explanations based on the logic of building a program. In this section, among other things, the connections of the main and additional courses on the discipline (if any) are revealed.
  9. Planned results.
  10. Summary of the estimation system.
  11. Description of the main analysis tools.
  12. Statement of conditional designation.

Course characteristic

This section contains information about:

  1. An approximate or author's program, on the basis of which this project was created (year of publication, publishing house).
  2. Basic technologies, forms, methods, mode of classes.
  3. Logic bonds of the subject with other disciplines / partitions of the plan.

Results of development

This section describes the requirements:

Description Top

The work program provides lists and names of sections, the discipline required by the number of hours. The content of the topic indicate:

  1. Basic questions for study.
  2. Laboratory and practical work, creative tasks, excursions and other forms applied in training.
  3. Requirements for skills and knowledge of schoolchildren to the completion of the study.
  4. Questions and forms for control.
  5. Estimated types of independent work of schoolchildren.
  6. Formulated Wood.

Calendar-thematic plan

It is drawn up with key types of children's activities:

  1. List of sections, themes of the study of material.
  2. Number of hours for each item.
  3. Topics for individual lessons and materials for them.
  4. Type of occupation (practical, theoretical), number of hours.
  5. Types of schoolchildren's activities.
  6. Control methods and forms.


They can be represented as:

  1. Those projects.
  2. The basic concepts used in the course.
  3. Materials.
  4. Those creative tasks.
  5. Examples of work.
  6. Texts of dictations, checks, testing, etc.

Responsibility of educational institution

It is installed in the FZ "On Education". According to its provisions, the educational institution will be responsible for the implementation of training programs that do not fully correspond to the graphics of the educational process. In the preparation of their project, the teacher must take into account the requirements that are presented by state standards. The basic principles of the implementation of GEFs on discipline are:

Consideration and approval

The Working Program on the subject is discussed at a meeting of methodological school associations. The project is agreed with the leader of MO. In particular, the date, the number of the protocol, which was conducted at the meeting, is given signatures of authorized persons. The Working Program is agreed by the Deputy Director for this, the project is approved by the Director of the Independent Institution directly. On the title page is affixed by the corresponding neck.


The structure of the program reflects all parties to the educational process specifically on the subject. The compilation of this document provides clarity and sequence of a teacher actions, makes it possible to provide different situations. In the formation of the program, the individual features of children, the specificity of the discipline are taken into account. The development of the program is essential practical importance. It not only describes the features of discipline, methods of studying and presenting material, but also the results of which graduates should be achieved. The introduction of programs in the practice of work of teachers has a stimulating effect on them. By analyzing the final results, teachers see the effectiveness or inefficiency of certain instruments and funds, find errors, problems, methods for their elimination. It is also important that the implementation of the Working Program is carried out in the active participation of schoolchildren. The document provides for a variety of forms and types of children's actions that contribute to the assimilation of the material.

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