Nutritional value and chemical composition of oatmeal. Oatmeal cereals

It seems nothing can make the morning better than a plate with a fragrant pool oatmeal. Although by and large there is no meaning, in what form oatmeal is used: in the form of a dairy porridge, as a component of a cocktail or other dishes, it still remains a delightful product and the constant perfect breakfast of British aristocrats.

What is oatmeal

Oatmeal is, simply speaking, stolen and flattened grains of ordinary oats. And at least today, many consider the "Hercules" with a modern dish, in fact, this porridge has been for more than a thousand years - the first who prepared it were the ancient Greeks.

Its "pedigree" modern Oats leads from a wild relative, who approximately 7,000 years ago "settled" the expanses of China. Ancient people actively used the advantages of this cereal. Meanwhile, long before Oats became food, ancient people used him as medicinal plant. Over time, this porridge has become beloved for many Europeans. She confidently entered the culinary books of the Scottish, the British, Germans, the inhabitants of Scandinavia, and in the XVII century reached the shores of America. Today, the largest manufacturers of oats are Russia, USA, Poland, Germany, Finland.

Oats, he is Avena Sativa, common in the world of cereal, uncomplicated to the soil and is able to give excellent crops in places, where other cereals life is given more difficult. And the incredible power of this plant seems to be transmitted to those who use oat grain food. And, as it turned out, our mother was right when they said that oatmeal gives energy and strength.

Beneficial features

Protection for children from asthma

Asthma (inflammatory disease respiratory tractIt is a very common chronic disease among children. And although not all patients have sharp symptoms, but recurring cough, wheezing, shortness of breath are characteristic of many of them. Some researchers suggest that one of the reasons for the development of asthma is the early introduction of solid food into the diet of kids. But what is interesting: this warning does not concern oatmeal. On the contrary, an early introduction to the children's diet of cashie from oats only strengthens their immunity and strengthens the body.

Other benefits of oatmeal:

  • serves as diabetes prevention;
  • increases sports endurance;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • improves sleep.

IN folk medicine Hercules apply:

  • to strengthen teeth and bones;
  • for the treatment of digestive bodies;
  • as an antidepressant;
  • to remove carcinogens;
  • for the treatment of urogenital and endocrine systems;
  • with anemia, gastritis, colitis, recipients;
  • to restore the gastric mucosa;
  • to get rid of edema;
  • for cleansing the kidneys, liver, vessels.

Infusion of oatmeal for cleansing the body

Another name of this means is oatmeal. Prepare it is not difficult. For this, it is necessary to fill over the third part of the glass of oat flakes boiled (cold). Give the mixture to be broken (you can do the night), then strain. Oatmeal milk people's characteristics advise every day on an empty stomach with a small amount. They say this infusion has incredible healing properties, removes toxins, and instead they enriches the body with many useful substances.

Nutritional value

Oats - one of the most healthy cereals. In addition, which is a gluten-free product, it still contains extremely many vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

In addition, Hercules is known as porridge, extremely rich in useful components. This fame, the product earned through manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, carotenoids and included in its composition. Manganese, for example, is important for healthy growth, development and metabolism, phosphorus is indispensable for bone health, copper is considered useful for the heart, and iron prevents anemia. The benefits of Selena can also be told for a long time, since it is an important antioxidant, on which immunity depends on and the ability to resist oncological formations.

Hercules has a reputation for porridge, useful for weight loss and sugar in the bloodstream, preventing heart disease and blood blocks, as well as many other useful properties.

Nutritional value per 100 g
Calorie 362 kcal
11.9 g
6.9 g
69.5 g
772 μg
0.51 mg
1.9 μg
0.45 mg
0.05 mg
1.03 mg
1.2 mg
0.08 mg
32 μg
27.7 mg
351 mg
24.72 mg
128 mg
423 mg
366 mg
220 mg
2.51 mg
0.36 mg
3.39 mg
23.2 mg

Oatmeal for breakfast: Right recipe

As already noted, it is possible to use oatmeal in different forms, but the most popular - porridge for breakfast. For itself simple way Cooking breakfast need half a glass of Hercules, a glass of milk or water, pinching salt.

The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then reduce the fire and boil porridge until soft. Make oatmeal more delicious and nutrient will help additional components. It can be cinnamon, fruits, nuts, seeds or yogurt.

In addition, the Hercules is often used for baking bread, delicious oatmeal cookies and making the muesley.

Possible dangers

Despite the fact that Oats belongs to the grains without gluten, oatmeal sometimes may contain small portions of gluten. It turns out when the grains were processed by the same equipment as other gluten-containing cereals. It is important to pay attention to people with celiac disease or increased sensitivity to gluten.

Use in cosmetology

Value for skin

It is no coincidence that an oats extract will be included in many skin care products. Also, home-made cosmetics are rarely without an important component - oatmeal.

Scientists have determined that oatmeal has a protective effect for the skin, it relieves itching and irritation caused by different skin diseases. Practice shows that oatmeal is an excellent medicine against eczema. In addition, the Hercules helps moisturize the skin and protect against potential stimuli, and thanks to a rich mineral-vitamin composition, it feeds and improves the state of the epidermis.

Benefit for hair

Hercules is useful not only for digestion, this product also provides the right one. There are hundreds of variations of home cosmetic recipes for hair using oat flakes. An impressive list of useful substances contained in this porridge makes it an indispensable substance to strengthen and accelerate the growth of the chapels.

As a rule, in most oatmeal masks, cereal shredded to the state of flour, which are connected to other useful products (vegetable oils, yogurts, eggs, honey, vitamins). A ready-made consistency to remind thick. Hold on hair at least 30 minutes.

Oatmeal is an amazing porridge with a rich chemical composition. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including unique. The benefits of this dish people are known for many centuries. And having learned about the amazing abilities of this cereal, it becomes clear why the famous "oatmeal, sir!" The British are pronounced with such respect. After all, if it was possible to rank all the well-known porridges in classes, Hercules, undoubtedly, would be a revered aristocrat among other porridges.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Oatmeal is made from breaking and flattening, while the cereal shell is partially preserved. Oatmeal flakes differ in the degree of purification, time of breaking and thickness, the thinnest flakes are prepared faster than all, but there are practically no useful properties. Oatmeal has light brown or golden color with more dark veins, light cereal fragrance.

Porridge welded from oat flakes is a traditional breakfast not only in England, but also almost everywhere. Oatmeal is preparing quickly, keeps a feeling of satiety for a long time, gives cheerfulness and fills the body with energy.

Caloriciness of oat flakes

Caloriciness of oatmeal is 366 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Oatmeal contains a large number of coarse dietary fibers, which, falling into the stomach, absorb liquid, increase in size several times, and passing by the intestines, take away unnecessary slags and toxins, thereby cleansing the body. The fiber normalizes the intestinal peristalsis, stimulates digestive processes and is a preventive tool from constipation. In oatmeal, it contains, without which the energy required for the functioning of all organism systems is not produced. The product contributes to a significant decrease in blood cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels. Inclusion in the diet of oatmeal - prevention of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis, increasing the protective properties of the body, normalization of the nervous system.

Harm of oat flakes


Despite the fairly high calorie product, it will not hurt even the most slender figure (Calorizator). The uniqueness of the oatmeal lies in the fact that the product is absorbed easily, and complex carbohydrates, of which oatmeal consist, are saturated for a long time, the body retains the resulting energy. Regular use of oatmeal normalizes digestion, so the weight loss process goes faster.

Selection and storage of oat flakes

Oatmeal is considered the most useful, the cooking time of which is at least 10-15 minutes, that is, those that have passed the minimum processing and retained all the beneficial properties of whole grain. If oatmeal is sold in transparent packaging, attention should be paid to the absence of flour and small parts of flakes, these are signs that flakes in the transportation process are often mechanically exposed.

Store oatmeal needed in cardboard or glass containers, tightly closed, without access light. The shelf life of oatmeal usually does not exceed 6 months, so when buying needs to pay attention to the date of manufacture.

Oatmeal in cooking

The easiest use of oatmeal is the preparation of porridge, the benefits of which has long been proven. It is best to cook oatmeal at, or, or add to the finished product. In addition, oatmeal is added to the dough for baking, cookies, muffins, you can cook pancakes and pancakes from oat flakes. Oatmeal can be replaced by breading for fish, vegetables or kitlet.

More about oat flakes and other types of bunting, see the video clip "Real Food. Oats "TV shows" Live Great ".

Especially for
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Nutritional value in 100 grams of oat flakes:

  • Carbohydrates - 66.27 g
  • Proteins - 16.89 g
  • Fats - 6.9 g

Energy value in 100 grams of oat flakes:

  • 389 kcal

Carbohydrates in oat flakes


  • Glucose - 0 g
  • Fructose - 0 g


  • Sakharoza - 0 g


  • Starch - 55.7 g

Squirrels in oat flakes

Submissible amino acids:

  • Valin - 0.937 g
  • GISTIDIN - 0.405 g
  • Glutamin - 3.712 g
  • Isolecin - 0.694 g
  • Leucine - 1.284 g
  • Lysine - 0.701 g
  • Methionine - 0.312 g
  • Treonine - 0.575 g
  • Triptofan - 0.234 g
  • Phenylalanine - 0.895 g

Replaceable amino acids:

  • Alanine - 0.881 g
  • Arginine - 1.192 g
  • Asparagin - 1.448 g
  • Glycine - 0.841 g
  • Proline - 0.934 g
  • Serin - 0,750 g

Conditionally irreplaceable amino acids:

  • Tyrosine - 0.573 g
  • Cystin - 0.408 g

Fats in oatmeal flakes

  • Saturated Fatty acids - 1,217 g
  • Monionenaturated Fatty acids - 2.178 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty acids - 2.535 g
  • Cholesterol - 0 mg

Minerals in 100 grams of oat flakes:

  • Calcium - 54 mg
  • Iron - 4.72 mg
  • Magnesium - 177 mg
  • Phosphorus - 523 mg
  • Potassium - 429 mg
  • Sodium - 2 mg
  • Zinc - 3.97 mg
  • Copper - 0,626 mg
  • Manganese - 4,916 mg

Vitamins in 100 grams of oatmeal:

  • Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) - 0 mg
  • Thiamine ( Vitamin IN 1) - 0,763 mg
  • Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2.) - 0.139 mg
  • Niacin ( Vitamin B3. or Vitamin RR) - 0.961 mg
  • Pantothenic acid ( Vitamin B5.) - 1.349 mg
  • Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B6.) - 0.119 mg
  • Flavin ( Vitamin B9. or folic acid) - 56 μg
  • Choline ( Vitamin B4.) - 0 mg
  • Retinol ( Vitamin A) - 0 μg
  • Tocopherol ( Vitamin E.) - 0 mg

Oatmeal use (oatmeal)

Energy benefit of oatmeal:

100 grams of oatmeal contains about 55.7 grams of digestible carbohydrates. This means, eating 100 gram portion, your body receives 222.8 kcal, which will go directly to the provision of an energy. Moreover, all these carbohydrates are represented by starch. Starch belongs to the number of complex carbohydrates, digested gradually, enters the blood slowly, the muscles and the liver are in the form of glycogen chains, after which, if necessary, is used by the body for a long time.

Oatmeal provides an energy of energy for a long time.

Construction use of oat flakes:

100 grams of oatmeal contained 16.9 grams of protein. The amino acid composition is full, however, oatmeal is a product of plant origin, which means the protein will be badly absorbed and most of the essential amino acids simply will not be very learned by our organism.

Oatmeal is a poor source of protein, so do not represent special construction benefits for our body.

Use of oatmeal for the digestive system:

In 100 grams of oatmeal, containing 10.6 grams of food fiber (fiber), which is 30% of the daily need for an adult. Food fibers help to digest food and bring slags.

Oatmeal is very useful to include in their diet, so you help your digestive system And save your intestines from slags that accumulate during the day and during sleep.

Fat benefits of oat flakes:

In 100 grams of oatmeal, there are about 5 grams of fully digestible fats that will directly be used by our organism for protective, energy functions. Thanks to the fats in oatmeal, minerals from the most oatmeal and other products that come at this moment will be able to get directly into the blood and used in the future our organism for their intended purpose.

Saturated fats are a bit, and therefore harm fats from oatmeal will not be applied to your body!

Mineral use of oatmeal:

Let's see how 100 gram serving of oatmeal satisfies the daily need of the body in the most basic and necessary minerals:

  • Calcium - 6.75%
  • Iron - 31.47%
  • Magnesium - 44.25%
  • Phosphorus - 34.87%
  • Potassium - 10.73%
  • Sodium - 0.05%
  • Zinc - 26.47%
  • Copper - 31.3%
  • Manganese - 163.87%

As we can see, oatmeal is a very good source of the minerals you need. This product can be rightfully considered the source of the following minerals:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese

Vitamin use of oatmeal:

Let's see how 100 grams of oatmeal per day, satisfies the daily need of the body in vitamins:

  • Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) – 0%
  • Thiamine ( Vitamin IN 1) – 38,15%
  • Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2.) – 6,95%
  • Niacin ( Vitamin B3. or Vitamin RR) – 6,41%
  • Pantothenic acid ( Vitamin B5.) – 13,49%
  • Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B6.) – 5,95%
  • Flavin ( Vitamin B9. or folic acid) - 3.73%
  • Choline ( Vitamin B4.) – 0%
  • Retinol ( Vitamin A) – 0%
  • Tocopherol ( Vitamin E.) – 0%
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B5.

Obvious flakes:

Oatmeal, very good product. It has good useful carbohydrates, little harmful fats. In addition, there are a lot of food fibers in oatmeal. We eat often all different foods in which there are few dietary fibers, and I would recommend everything to include this product in your daily diet.

When is it better? Very often you can find information that oatmeal is very useful to eat for breakfast. Honestly, unambiguously, to say this or not. On the one hand, eating the portion of oatmeal for breakfast, you provide the body with energy, carbohydrates, on the other hand, the body after sleep is needed protein. How would I do.

Most the best way, take and learn to feel your body. Try to eat them for breakfast. If you go well and you will start after some time feel much better, keep up the good work if everything is the opposite, then stop feeding with oatmeal for breakfast and eat it at another time as a source of complex carbohydrates. Try.

As for vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are not so much, all of them group B. oatmeal will not be able to become a source of vitamins. But with minerals, the opposite is the opposite. Oatmeal is an excellent source of main minerals. Including it in your diet, you not only provide the body with high-quality energy, but also all the necessary minerals for life!

Oatmeal is preferably to eat together with products in which a full vitamin composition.

The phrase "Your oatmeal, sir" is known if not every person, the most part of the world's population is accurate. And it's not for nothing that it is called breakfast of the English aristocrats, because now for several centuries, the inhabitants of the Kingdom prefer exactly the beginning of the day. And not in vain - the nutritional value Oatmeal is such that it is capable of providing energy for the whole day. This cereal is due to its chemical composition it is useful for the human body. And what exactly is contained in it, we will tell in this article.

What is oatmeal? A little useful product information

Oatmeal is already far from one millennium. The inhabitants of the Earth became acquainted with her for a long time, and initially Oats began to grow the population of the oldest territory, where Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Syria are located today. Therefore, those who thought that the cereals appeared in England, as it is very popular there, deeply mistaken.

The nutritional value of oatmeal makes it an ideal breakfast product. It is capable of quenching hunger for a long time, and also stimulates the activity of the brain, in particular, the memory, which is especially important for people whose professional activities are related to mental labor. Girls will be interested to know that oat groove helps to strengthen hair and nails, as it is rich in useful elements, and stimulates weight loss. Therefore, those people who in the process of losing weight feed this porridge, choosing it as breakfast. The body receives nutrients important for its work, and does not suffer from the lack of calories. The carbohydrates contained in the product, in turn, are slow, so that they are consumed gradually, without lingering in the form of fat on the body.

Chemical composition of oatmeal

Now about the most important thing. This is, of course, the chemical composition and nutritional value of oatmeal. The cereal contains quite a lot of iron and magnesium, and there is also phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, iodine. As for the vitamins in the chemical composition, it is all the so-called "vitamins of beauty", among which representatives of the group B, Retinol, Nicotinic acid and tocopherol. Full list of useful substances:

  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • nickel;
  • sulfur;
  • aluminum;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • B1; B2; B4; B5; B6; B9;

The second, but no less important question concerns the caloric content of the product and content in its composition. As a rule, the energy value of porridge is about 340 kcal per 100 g of dry glands. This figure may vary depending on the manufacturer of cereals. For example, if it is a clean product, then there will be no additional calories in it. But today they are also sold porridge with various additives, like dried fruits, berries, sugar are added to some flakes. Here these porridge calorie will be higher. Such flakes are generally difficult to attribute to the list. useful products And make a dietary diet in a healthy diet, as it is possible to recover from them.

Nutritional value of oatmeal at 100 gr:

  • proteins - 16.89 g;
  • fats - 6.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 66.27

As for the rest of the elements, their content is:





Pantothenic acid



Folic acid

A nicotinic acid




Useful properties of oatmeal

As can be seen from the above information, even in 100 g of oatmeal, the nutritional value is quite high. Chemical composition Crupes makes this product very useful for the body. It is also important to know that oatmeal is rich in fiber - in 100 g contained ¼ daily norm. Together with the proteins, this element contributes to improving the conduct of metabolic processes and improves digestion. Also fiber is involved in muscle formation.

Calcium and fluorine contributes to the strengthening of the bone system, and the iron, which here is quite a lot, normalizes the operation of the blood formation system, restores the normal level of hemoglobin and, accordingly, helps to fight anemia. In addition, oatmeal is an excellent antioxidant capable of cleaning the body from harmful substances. It contributes to the removal of slags, toxins and other harmful substances. This is important not only for the correct and stable operation of all organs and systems, but also for external beauty (skin condition, hair, teeth and nails).

Oatmeal is very useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal organs. It has an enveloping property, due to which a special film protecting the organ from chemical and mechanical negative impact is formed on the gastric mucosa.

Porridge from this cereal stimulates brain activity, improves memory, contributes to the elimination of harmful cholesterol, reduces arterial pressureIt has a light diuretic effect and contributes to a decrease in edema.

The nutritional value of oatmeal is such that this product is an excellent breakfast for all people, both healthy and for those who suffer from diseases of the tract, sugar diabetes, disease of cardio-vascular system And many other pathologies.

Negative effect on the body

Although oatmeal can even eat allergies, since it contains a substance of biotin, there are other reasons for which the croup can harm. This rare pathology is called celiac disease - allergies to cereals. Otherwise, oatmeal cannot harm the person if they use it in reasonable quantities and not limit the diet to her one. The cereal contains an acid that contributes to the washing of calcium from the body if its content in the body will be higher than the norm.

Food value for milk oatmeal

Usually, in this way, porridge is prepared for children. Flakes cooked on milk are rich in the same substances as in dry form, only the numbers differ slightly from the indicators of "raw" oats. The caloric content of the product will be 102 kcal per 100 g of product. The amount of proteins is 3.2 g, fats - 4.1, and carbohydrates - 14.2 g.

Water porridge

In this case, calorie will be even lower than - 88 kcal per 100 g of product. Food value of oatmeal on water:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fats - 1.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15 g.

Even the oatmeal cooked on the water is capable of creating a feeling of satiety for a long time. All thanks to the content of starch and fiber in the cereal, which are the basis of the nutritional value of the dish.

Oatmeal in store shelves

You can find several on sale. different species Product. This is a solid barbling and cereal for cooking, as well as oatmeal in brewing bags. This parameter affects the duration of cooking, so if the time for breakfast in the morning is not so much, you need to choose what is preparing faster. Also, depending on the manufacturer, the nutritional value in 100 g of oatmeal may differ, the content in it in it or other substances. It should be carefully familiar with the composition of the product.

Most popular is the fastest flakes. If one-piece croup is boiled about two hours, then this species is from 3-5 minutes to 20, which depends on the variety. The most famous are the cereal "Hercules" and "Extra". Very comfortable flakes in bags that do not require cooking. They are simply sealed with boiling water for 3-5 minutes, after which you can have breakfast. As a rule, they are enriched with fruit, berries and some other products. However, it should be known that fast-food flakes are not suitable for healthy eating precisely because of the content of additional substances and sugars in them that can contribute to the extra weight.

On packing with oatmeal, you can see the so-called grain size. For example, "№1" is characterized by light plates, boiled no more than 5 minutes and is ideal for children and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the number 2, the cereals are the same gentle, but boiled 2 times longer. Number 3 is characterized by a large content of carbohydrates and dense texture, boiled 15 minutes and is the most satisfying porridge. Grocels "Hercules" is made from the highest grade oats, so it is prepared for about 20 minutes. Poros is as close as possible to the initial composition of the grains, therefore is the most useful.

The first consumers of oatmeal were by no means the British, the first utility of oats appreciated the horses. Thanks to these grains, they withstand heavy loads and are distinguished by magnificent health. Why do people still have to prove how medicinal oatmeal is? In this article, we will talk about what kind of oatmeal vitamins contains and how it is useful for the body.

Oats is a food grade culture. Oatmeal is used in food, they are cleaned of husks and treated with steam. All useful substances and vitamins, which are contained in oatmeal, are stored in it after heat treatment. Oats contains complex carbohydrates, thereby being a powerful source of energy.

In one plate of oatmeal porridge is a quarter of the daily need of a person in fiber.

Oatmeal is rich in compounds and tocopherol (E). They feed and heal the skin, maintain the balance of the nervous system. The table shows which vitamins in oat laws prevail:

Name mg per 100 grams

Scientists believe that the consumption of oatmeal charity oRNO affects human life expectancy. You can infinitely joking about selfless love of the British to oatmeal, but the statistics of inexorab. Residents of this country live on average 15 years old more than other Europeans.

Oatmeal includes the following micro- and macroelements:

In a small portion of oatmeal contains:

  • daily rate of silicon responsible for the assimilation of calcium and contributing to the normal functioning of the brain;
  • same level of manganese , without which the thiamine, copper, iron is not fully understood;
  • a third of the daily norm of phosphorus strengthening bone tissue;
  • Quarter of Iron. responsible for the level of hemoglobin;
  • as much magnesium which improves the state of the nervous system and protecting against stress.

The nutritional value

Circular energy value - 342 kcal per 100 grams.

Benefit of oatmeal

Products have many advantages:

  • Oatmeal envelops the inner surface of the stomach, thereby weakening the painful symptoms of gastritis and ulcers.
  • The fiber contained in oatmeal normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines.
  • Oats contains beta glucan, contributing to a decrease in cholesterol.
  • Low glycemic index allows Hercules to be fully absorbed, while having low calorie.
  • Due to its vitamin one, oatmeal gives a charge of cheerfulness and forces for a whole day.
  • Substances that are part of the composition are preventing osteoporosis, protect the bone and teeth.

When it is dangerous to use

It is worth refrain from eating oatmeal and flakes in the following cases:

  • the presence of cardiac and renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to cereals.

Excessive cereal consumption can cause calcium flushing from bones due to content in phytic acid cereals.

What kind of oatmeal is used in

Oatmeal porridge contains only 15 kcal more than porridge cooked on water. Nutritional value gives fast saturation.

Oatmeal kissel nutritionists prescribe to apply when weight loss. Its mild effects and cleansing properties are gentle on the stomach and remove everything too much.

This recipe is widely used in cosmetology. Grinding oatmeal is poured with warm water and insist. Then this cleaner is used in the form of a mask on the face and zone of neckline. Such a mask plays the role of natural scrub, cleanses the pores and makes the skin with an elastic.


Some still belong to bran as a product that does not deserve attention. However, oat bran by 90% consist of active ingredients, they are superior to the potassium content. Fiber in bran warns dysbacteriosis.

The value of oatmeal is as follows:

  • the baking is less time than the rest of the cookies;
  • most of the nutrients are preserved;
  • cookies are famous for high taste.