Where coffee grows, in which countries it is more. Coffee is a monoculture in which countries of coffee is a monoculture

Coffee is a thermal-loving plant, whose homeland is recognized as the Middle East and the Equatorial Zone of Brazil, Chile, India and Africa. The most tasty is the drink, the grains for which are grown on high-altitude plantations located at an altitude of 2000 meters. It is here that elite and expensive varieties are grown, the crop of which can be collected four times a year of coffee is a monoculture.

Coffee tree in wildlife grows up to nine meters high. On the branches there are dark green leaves, the length of which reaches thirty centimeters. Evergreen tree updates foliage every five years. Effective plants have a more modest size, whether coffee is harmful to a nursing mother, but they are more often fruiting and more abundant if they grow on high mountain plantations.

Among the coffee trees, Arabica, grown in Ethiopia, uses the greatest fame. The fruits of this variety grow on trees with a height of up to six meters, most of which grows in the wild. Harvesting lasts up to eight months, is carried out manually. The most famous varieties of coffee from this country are Harar, as well as Jimm. It is they who are distinguished by a full bouquet of the LFZ coffee pair of a boat and a sophisticated aroma.

What about the coffee is a monoculture?

Numerous legends go on the history of the coffee drink, one of which argues that the opening of the tonic effect of coffee contributed to Ethiopian goats. Shepherds noticed that animals that have tried coffee fruits, the facade of the caustic coffee with milk behave beyond the rest of the goats. Trees with invigorating fruits were found in Ethiopia in the area of \u200b\u200bCuff. The word "coffee" was formed from the name of the region.

Coffee grains in raw form began to use Arabs who won Ethiopia. Food used mixed with fat ground raw fruits rolled into balls. Such toning food was usually taken by nomads and travelers to a long road in the Arabian deserts. Food, coffee tree with their own hands. Price containing nutrients nuts and caffeine, contributed to saturation and gave vigor.

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Tests in geography

for students grade 11
by section

"Regional characteristic of the world"


geography teacher

Olga Olga Vyacheslavovna



The final testing is carried out in grade 11 after studying the section "Regional characteristic of the world".

Test work consists of three parts.

Part 1 (Ten tasks) - relatively simple tasks, the four options of the answer are attached to them, from which you need to choose one right.

Part 2 (Four tasks) - more complex tasks that require a brief response, or the formulation of determining the concept, or establishing the conformity of the positions presented in two listings, or the selection of three correct answers from several proposed options.

Part 3. (One task) is the most difficult task that requires a complete and reasonable answer to the assigned question.

Check criteria:

Mark "5"

part 2 and setting part 3.

Mark "4" - 80-100% of the tasks of part 1, 80-100% of tasks are true.

part 2.

Mark "3" - 80-100% of the tasks of part 1 are true.

Mark "2" - It is true less than 80% of the tasks of part 1.

Tasks are performed without using satin.

Task execution time - 45 minutes.

Option 1

    The largest population of the country of Latin America is:

a) Mexico b) chili c) Brazil d) Argentina

    Which of the statements about Canada is right?

but) Natural conditions Most of the country is favorable.

b) the country refers to the number of mononational states.

c) the country is rich in mineral natural resources.

d) Western countries of the country are the most highly developed.

    The share of African countries is highest in the world production production:

a) mining industry

b) agriculture

c) metallurgy

d) forest industry

    Larring Industrial District is in (c):

a) France b) Poland c) Germany d) uk

    The largest porto-industrial complex of foreign Europe was formed in:

a) Spain b) Italy c) Netherlands d) Finland

    The most powerful HPP "ITAYPA" is in:

a) South Asia c) North America

b) Western Europe d) South America

    In which Macroregion is the US Silicone Valley - the development area of \u200b\u200bhigh


a) west b) south c) northeast d) average west

    Most of Japan's believing population professes:

a) Islam b) syntoism c) Confucianism d) Hinduism

    Pushnya prevails in the structure of agricultural land:

a) Australia b) Mongolia c) Afghanistan d) India

    A characteristic feature of the states of North Africa is:

a) high population density

b) the presence of huge, practically non-populated territories

c) the predominance of the female population

d) the predominance of local traditional beliefs

11. Choose three industries of the international specialization of Italy.

A) coal mining industry d) growing flax dolt

B) iron ore industry D) Growing olives

C) Automotive E) Viticulture

12. Installation between regions and features characteristic of them.

Region sign

1) Western Europe a) state language of most countries in the region

2) Latin America is Spanish.

3) tropical Africa b) for the population is characterized by low natural


C) rural population prevails.

D) Most believers confess Islam.

13. Finish the definition: "False Urbanization" is ... "

This is one of the world's largest countries. The modern population was formed as a result of immigration. 90% of the population lives in a narrow strip along the southern border. In this country, a diversified industry is developed; One of the industries of international specialization is the forest and woodworking industry.

15. What features of the EGP and the natural resource potential of Norway contributed to the development of aluminum-oriented metallurgy in this country? Specify one feature of EGP and one feature of the natural resource potential.

Option 2.

Choose one right answer (Quests No. 1-10)

    The leading industry in the industry of foreign Europe is:

a) chemical industry c) engineering

b) electric power g) light industry

    The most multinational country is:

a) China b) USA c) India d) Japan

    In foreign Europe, transport plays a major role:

a) rail b) car c) river d) air

    The largest number of countries located away from the seas are in:

a) africa c) overseas Europe

b) Foreign Asia d) Latin America

    More than 75% of Canada exports falls out:

a) Japan b) France c) Mexico d) USA

    The districts of new development include:

a) North Canada, Alaska, Amazonia

b) Eastern Europe, South Africa, Central Asia

c) North Africa, East Asia, Eastern Australia

d) Southeast Asia, Central America, Northern Europe

    The branch of the international specialization of Cuba is:

a) forest industry c) ferrous metallurgy

b) light industry d) sugar industry

    Coffee is a monoculture in:

a) South Africa b) Zambia c) Ethiopia d) Algeria

    What statement about the population of Latin America is correct?

a) The total population is dominated by rural residents.

b) the language of communication is the majority of the inhabitants of the region (more than 60%) - Portuguese.

c) Natural population growth is the highest in the world.

d) the religion of most believing population - Catholicism.

10. Economy depends more dependent on foreign trade:

a) india b) china c) japan d) australia

11. Select three correct allegations.

A) A homogeneous national composition is characteristic of the Canadian population.

B) crop agriculture prevails in the structure of agriculture of Norway.

C) Dairy livestock breeding is the leading industry in Sweden.

D) Argentina has been a colony of Portugal for a long time.

E) The eastern zone of China is the most advanced economically.

(E) The national composition of the population of Japan is extremely homogeneous.

12. Install the correspondence between the region and the country included in its composition.

Region Country

1) Latin America a) Bahrain

2) Africa b) Belize

3) Southeast Asia c) Brunei

D) Benin

13. Complete the definition: "Surbanization is ..."

14. Determine the country as described.

In the past, this country was one of the largest colonial powers. Located in a subtropical climatic belt. On land borders only with one country

15. What factors contributed to the transformation of South Africa in one of the world's largest

stone coal exporters? One of the factors - the presence of major coal reserves. Specify at least two factors.

Option 3.

Choose one right answer (Quests No. 1-10)

    The largest city, the "Economic Capital" of Brazil is:

a) Sao Paulo b) Brazilia c) Rio de Janeiro d) Belo Horizonte

    English is one of the state languages:

a) in India b) in Brazil B) in China d) in Japan

    The branch of the international specialization of the state Tuvalu is:

a) animal husbandry c) cultivation of cocoa beans

b) production of kopra d) oil industry

    What country is a major copper supplier in the global market?

a) Morocco b) Algeria c) Nigeria d) Zambia

    In which country in the structure of agriculture prevails crop production?

a) Sweden b) Denmark c) Greece d) Mongolia

    In Japan, all types of transport are well developed, except:

a) inner water and pipeline

b) railway and river

c) sea and automobile

d) air and pipeline

    The US corn belt is within:

a) northeast b) of the Middle West c) west g) south

    "False urbanization" is most pronounced in:

a) North America c) overseas Europe

b) Australia d) Latin America

    In which country is the limiest coal pool located?

a) France b) Poland c) Czech Republic d) Germany

    The capital of Nigeria is the city:

a) Abuja b) Lagos c) Kano d) Kaduna

11. Select the three industries that define the "face" of the United States in the world


A) automotive industry d) light industry

B) non-ferrous metallurgy e) ferrous metallurgy

C) electronics E) aircraft and space industry

12. What kind of three cultures is a branch of international specialization


A) coffee d) sugar cane

B) tea d) bananas

C) sugar beet e) corn

13. Finish the definition: "Megalopolis is ..."

14. Determine the country as described.

This country is the largest country in the country on the continent. Her capital is not the largest city in the country. The main wealth is oil. The country is part of the OPEC.

15. What reasons you can explain the high level of urbanization in Saudi Arabia (80%)? Specify at least two reasons.

Option 4.

Choose one right answer (Quests No. 1-10)

    Low resource availability and high level economic Development It has:

a) Germany b) Japan c) Canada d) ITALY

    In the structure of the industry of which countries are the most important share of the extractive industry?

a) Australia and Kuwait C) USA and Japan

b) Germany and Mexico d) Ethiopia and Afghanistan

    The priest megalopolis is in (V):

a) Germany b) France c) Poland) USA

    The economy of Spain is characterized by:

a) the development of international tourism

b) the predominance of high-tech industries in the structure of industry

c) the prevailing development of the cattle breeding of the dairy direction

d) exports of oil and gas

    Intensive dairy cattle breeding is characteristic of:

a) Australia b) India c) Mexico d) Finland

    In Africa there is a state:

a) Lebanon b) Libya c) Laos g) Myanmar

    What language group includes the greatest part of the population of Latin countries


a) German b) Celtic c) Slavic d) Romance

    What is characteristic of Latin America?

a) relative poverty by natural resources.

b) the homogeneity of the ethnic composition of the population.

c) the highest industrialization level among developing countries.

d) a developed transport network.

    In which countries coffee is a monoculture?

a) Nigeria and Angola c) Uganda and Ethiopia

b) Gambia and Guinea-Bissau d) Mauritania and Cape Verde

    The main financial center of the United States is:

a) New York b) Washington c) Chicago d) Detroit

11. Choose three agricultural crops that cultivated in countries,

related to South European Type of Agriculture.

A) lungs d) corn

B) sugar beets d) rye

C) barley e) wheat

12. Install the compliance between the types of economic areas and areas relating

to each type.

Types of economic regions Economic areas

1) Highly developed regions a) Ruhr district, South Wales

2) Starind industrial areas b) Alaska, North Sea Area

3) the areas of the new development c) Western part of France, south of Italy

D) California, London District

13. Complete the definition: "Monocultural specialization is ..."

14. Determine the country as described.

This country is the second on the territory area on the continent, is located in three climatic belts. For a long time (for three centuries), it remained a Spanish colony. Natural resources are diverse: there are reserves of oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metal ores, fertile steppe soils. The country's peculiarity is the high level of its urbanization (86%). A third population of the country lives in the capital.

15. In Japan, the construction of specialized giant ships, supertankers, rudozov, car vessels received widespread development? Specify at least two reasons.



Task number 13.

Option 1

Answer: ... The type of urbanization, in which the share of the urban population is much higher

the share of the economically active urban population occupied in the production and non-productive spheres.

Option 2.

Answer: ... The process of the growth of suburban zones of cities and satellite cities, which occurs in a fairly rapid pace and leads to the outflow of the population and places of the application of labor from their central parts.

Option 3.

Answer: ... The largest form of urban resettlement, resulting from the merger of a large number of neighboring agglomerations.

Option 4.

Answer: ... A narrow specialization of the household of the country in the production of one, as a rule, of the raw or food product intended mainly for exports.

Task number 14.

Option 1

Answer: Canada

Option 2.

Answer: Portugal

Option 3.

Answer: Nigeria.

Option 4.

Answer: Argentina

Task number 15.

Option 1

Answer: The seaside position of Norway makes it possible to deliver imported raw materials by sea transport, and also allows you to export finished products by marine transport. A large hydropower energy of rivers contributes to the production of cheap electricity to hydroelectric power plants.

Option 2.

Answer: 1) This country has a beneficial EGP, its coast is washed by the waters of two oceans, marine transport is well developed in the country, and the export of coal is carried out by sea. 2) In developed countries (in the old industrial areas), due to the reduction of coal production, the demand for it is growing. 3) in South Africa - low cost of coal mining: powerful coal layers, cheap labor.

Option 3.

Answer: 1) adverse natural conditions for the development of agriculture, minor employment of the population in agriculture, 2) wealth of mineral natural resources - prerequisite for the development of industrial production, the prevailing employment of the population in industry.

Option 4.

Answer: 1) Japan poor minerals, because it imports a huge

number of diverse raw materials. This highly developed country exports a variety of manufacturing products. 2) Japan is an island country and carries out foreign trade relations by sea.

List of used literature

    Ambarcumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Plyunnube V.B. Exercise EGE. Geography. Solution of complex tasks. - M.: Intellect Center, 2011.

    Barabanov V.V. Geography. EGE: Collection of tasks. - M.: Exam, 2009.

    EGE 2010. Geography: Collection of examination tasks / Avt.-Cost. V.V. Barabanov, E.M. Lambartzumova, S.E. Dyukova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009.

    Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

    The most complete publication of typical options for the real tasks of EGE: 2009: Geography /Avt.-Sost. Yu.A.Solovyova.- M.: AST: Astrel, 2009.

On bundles with coffee, you can often read: "Made in France (Italy, Portugal, Russian Federation) ". However, these marks mean only the geography of the location of the production capacity of companies that are engaged in a fragrant beverage packaging. At the same time collected coffee beans can be completely in other states and even on other continents. Where coffee grows and which countries are leading in the export of fragrant green - find out from our article.

Coffee grows in 65 states, and almost every of them delivers grains to the international market.

Coffee trees are very demanding on environmental conditions - they need a completely special climate. This forms a unique range of plant propagation.

  • All countries in which coffee trees can be detected are located along the imaginary strip of the earth's surface stretched along the equator. Such a projection on the geographical map of the Earth is called a coffee belt.
  • The Earth's coffee belt is limited to tent parallels of southern and northern latitudes. These regions are also called cancer tropic in the northern hemisphere and Capricorn tropic in South.
  • Such an interesting range is not something unusual. The whole thing in unique climatic conditions is the predominance of wet and warm weather without sharp oscillations and frosts on the surface of the soil at night. The rapid decrease in ambient temperature is extremely dangerous for pending coffee trees.
  • It is believed that the birthplace of coffee is Ethiopia. From there, the plant began his journey around the world, but it could only come across the regions with a similar soft climate of equatorial type.

Reference. The geography of the spread of coffee is limited to Central Africa, South and Central America and Countries of Southeast Asia.

In which states grow coffee?

In each zone of the coffee belt, leader countries are highlighted for growing and exporting grain.

South America

Brazil. Here annually collect the third part of the entire world's coffee crop (about 40 million bags). In addition, many varieties are growing here - both Arabics and Robusts. The taste characteristics of the grains from Brazil make them suitable, first of all, for the manufacture of various mixtures and blends for espresso. And Brazilian coffee has a rather democratic price.

Colombia - Written competitor Brazil. This Latin American state cannot boast such a huge harvest, as in Brazil - about 10-13 million bags are gather in the year. But the consumer characteristics of the grain is still much higher, since the country is grown exclusively by Arabica. Today Colombia has a 15% of the global coffee market, offering really high-class varieties.

Peru. In matters of growing coffee, this mountainous country is difficult to argue with Brazil and Colombia - the annual crop of grains here is very modest - 3-4 million bags. Most of the raw materials from Peru are used to prepare mixes and swims for drinking espresso. But still it is worth noting that in the arsenal of Peruvian producers there are several monosortes with a unique bright taste, such as Changchamyo.

reference. One bag is 60 kg of coffee beans.

Central American Region

Honduras. The country annually exports about 5 million Arabic bags. Like most raw materials from this zone, Coffee from Honduras are used to prepare various blends and blends. However, the true gourmets will call you several monosortes from Honduras with expressive and sophisticated taste, among which and Madeo's coffee.

Mexico. The average yield in the country is about 4 million bags per year. At the same time, most of the grain is exported to the United States of America. Bright taste quality coffee from Mexico does not have and almost all of it goes on mixes for coffee machines.

Guatemala. The contribution of this small state to the global export of coffee is small. There are 3.5 million bags of coffee per year - both Arabica and Robusta. But real connoisseurs of coffee around the world will definitely be called Guatemalan Antigua.

Thus, in Central and South America, almost half of the world's coffee beans harvested.


Asians gradually begin to step on the heels of Latin American coffee makers, seriously intending to take away a significant market share. This is no wonder, because many high-class varieties grow in the region.

Vietnam. This small country amazes with its harvests - there are 20-30 million bags annually. In Vietnam, you can find excellent varieties of Arabica and Robusti. Most of them are used for coffee blends and blends.

Indonesia. This island country delivers to the market in the main robust and only a little arabica. The yield here is considered the average - about 10 million bags. But the quality of coffee is simply excellent. Especially popular varieties, come from Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The luxury species include Sumatra Mandeling (Mandkling) and Toraya Sulawesi, which are distinguished by an amazing balanced taste. Indonesia is also famous for one of the most expensive types of coffee - a variety of Square Luvak (Luvak).

India. The country's natural conditions allow you to grow both Arabica and Robust. Coffee from India in its taste characteristics is similar to robust from Indonesia, most often added to the mixture. But still it is impossible to bypass the side of the unique Indian technology for growing coffee, which other exporting countries have been adopted. Grains are subjected to forming on the ocean shore under the influence of monsoon. One of these varieties is coffee with a delightful taste - Monson Malabar.


The origins of coffee are located on the African continent. The yield in the region is inferior to the countries of Latin America, but the quality of the grains remains consistently high.

Ethiopia. In the homeland of coffee, trees grow in vivo for many centuries. They are practically not cultivated on an industrial scale, but only collect harvest. In the country annually produce 6-7 million bags of natural organic coffee, which is deservedly recognized as one of the best on the planet.

Uganda. The country supplies 4 million bags per year on the world market. Basically - robusts for various coffee blends. There are in the country and Arabica, which is very highly appreciated among lovers of invigorating drink. Today, coffee from Uganda makes competition in popular varieties, originally from Java Island.

Cat-D.'Ivoire. About a quarter century ago, it was this country that was the main rival of Brazil and Colombia. However, political instability in the state negatively affects export volumes. Today, the coast of ivory supplies 2.5 million bags of coffee beans per year, including Robust for Neskafa - the brand of soluble coffee of the largest corporation Nestle.

It is interesting to note that attempts to grow coffee are conducted in Australia, as well as New Zealand. But predominantly plain landscape and excessive dryness in these countries do not contribute to high harvests.

Where do the bulk of coffee beans grow?

Coffee production leaders are only 6 countries, despite the fact that coffee trees can be found in a much larger number of states.

  1. Brazil: 30%;
  2. Vietnam: 17%;
  3. Colombia: 12%;
  4. Ethiopia: 6%;
  5. Indonesia: 5%;
  6. India: 4%.

Useful video

Where coffee grows in which countries it is more

The dependent position of developing countries in the global economy. They account for 37.6% of world exports. In the export of most of these countries, raw materials, energy carriers, tropical monocultures, prices for which are experiencing large oscillations are predominant.

The expansion of the supply of goods between countries leads to the formation of an international division of labor, developed forms of which in turn contribute to the growth of V.T. Individual countries. WITH end XIX. at. Huge influence on V.T. Capital export, economic and territorial section of the world have export. Capital export in itself entails an increase in the export of goods. However, the enterprises created on the basis of the enterprise export are exported, delivering raw materials to the external market, and in lately and industrial products, details and nodes, cooperating with other enterprises of maternal companies. The activities of international corporations and the creation of the colonial system attached the ugly nature of the international division of labor, contributed to the consolidation of countries who lagged in their economic development, the provisions of agrarian-raw materials appendages of highly developed powers, which was reflected in the structure of V.T. In the export of colonies, semi-columns and dependent countries prevailed raw materials and food, and, by virtue of the monoculture imposed on it, in most of these countries for 1-2 goods

Senegal (Republic of Senegal) - State in Zap. Africa, b. Franz. the colony. Independence is proclaimed in Aug. 1960. - 201.4 thousand km2. Population - 3.1 million people. (1962). Backward agrarian country. For p. X-va is characteristic of the monoculture of peanuts. The dominant positions in the economy belong to Franz. Capital. Recently, the amer penetrates. And Zap. Germ, Capital.

The success of capitalists with a higher technical level of production, in the conquest of the global market, led to the ruin of small handicraft production, especially in economically less developed countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the era of imperialism, the export of capital, the formation of international monopolies, as well as the emergence of the colonial system of imperialism contributed to the transformation of the latter into agricultural and raw materials of the imperialist powers. As a result, the international capitalist division of labor takes an ugly character on the one hand, a relatively small group of industrialized countries in Europe and North America arises, and on the other hand, a group of backward agrarian and commodity countries, in which most of the population of the capitalist world lives. The international capitalist division of labor turns into an instrument of exploitation by the imperialist powers of economically underdeveloped countries. Particularly ugly, the specialization of the economy of individual former colonial and dependent countries on the production of one-two commodity or agricultural goods (monoculture), which puts them in full economic dependence on imperialist powers, creates conditions for the operation of monopolies on the basis of non-equivalent exchange. In the contemporary phase of the general crisis of capitalism, the international capitalist division of labor is experiencing a deep crisis. It fell out of it, which joined the path of socialist development, between which a new type of relationship is formed - the international socialist division of labor, although they are involved in the worldwide division of labor. Lead to a struggle for changing their position in the international capitalist division of the country, free

The method of identifying staff set strategies to international projects developed by the German researcher Schulz is also often used. He combines the main signs of decision-making strategy (centralized, decentralized, joint) with the main features of the cultural context of the project (monoculture, combined culture and mixed culture) and brings to the original scheme of the international set of personnel, the framework of which extends from the centralized set in accordance with the predetermined one Type (combination of distinctive features of centralized strategy and monoculture) to an independent set by type of mixed culture, the standard of which is defined as a combination of joint strategy and mixed culture. In the interval between these two options, a wide range of seven other forms of staff set to participate in international projects are opening. Options are selected depending on the adopted project management policy. The logical framework of the Schulz method is presented in Table. 3.4.

Experiments conducted in cotton farms show that with the systematic introduction of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of monoculture, yields increase in two more times (Table 1).

The problem of land degradation is closely related to the production of export monocultures in developing countries. The problems of poverty, debt of developing countries cause the need to find funds to obtain a convertible currency. For this purpose, agricultural crops are grown, specially intended for exports to developed countries. In addition to the fact that this policy aggravates the food problems of developing countries, the population of which suffers from hunger, it adversely affects national ecosystems. As a rule, monocultures are rapidly draining the soil, environmental problems arise in connection with the use of chemical fertilizers. This is especially characteristic of African countries - Kenya, Uganda, etc.

In the years of the rise, the marketability of agriculture was significantly increased. Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin created more favorable conditions for the growth of productive forces in the village. The new land management after the destruction of the rural community accelerated the development of capitalist relations in agriculture. The areas of commercial grain farming have increasingly turned into areas of production of the main monoculture. The capitalist evolution of agriculture was reflected in the well-known growth of agriculture intensification. Despite the preserved remnants of serfdom, peasant economy

Specialization of agricultural producers on monoculture is characteristic of the economy of developing countries.

In America, the industry must take care of forests. What can actually cause violence over the ground, the destruction of thousands of plants and animals (subspecies), which make up a single ecosystem which efforts will need to restore at least one monoculture, called trees, destroying which thousands of other forms of life are destroyed. The reason that they are predatory to include everything on Earth is that it is cheaper for them. They make money, placing a nation, selecting her true wealth and future health.

An experience carried out by the Andijan agricultural pilot station of the Alliani on Bright Serozes was instructive. On average, for 19 years, a harvest was obtained there, 38.3 C raw cotton with 1 hectare with cotton-alicene crop rotation, and without it - 36.5 c. In the latter case, each hectare was made annually on average 18.9 c mineral fertilizers in standard tuks, or 5.8 c more than in crop rotation. The effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers under the influence of alfalfa increased by more than 1.5 times. 1 s fertilizer was obtained by 1.9 C raw cotton during monoculture, and in crop rotation - 2.9 c.

Monoculture (from gr. Monos is one, one, the only one, lat. Ultura - cultivation). 1. Form of agriculture based on long-term (continuously repeated) cultivating the culture of one species on the same area of \u200b\u200bfarmland. Characteristic for the initial period of development of new lands. Used in separate regions of the United States, Canada, countries

In the colonial period of development of the African continent, the agricultural specialization of many countries acquired a narrow, monoculturalform. Its evaluation cannot be uniquely negative or positive. On the one hand, the monoculture put the economy of these countries dependent on the global price conjuncture. She deprived many of them the ability to use fertile lands to grow food crops of their own daily demand. The cultivated usually on the same site from year to year, the monoculture led to strong soil depletion, which in this case was used as ore lived, to wear. On the other hand, the monoculture ensured, as a rule, significantly large income, and in solid currency. She connected the world market producers.

After the conquest of political independence, the Monocultural African countries for the most part set themselves the task of the transition to diversified, polystrumental agriculture. In some more developed countries, such a transition has actually already accomplished. But nevertheless, in our days, the monoculture remains a very typical phenomenon for Africa. It is largely due to the fact that even after the year of Africa (1960), there were no fundamental changes in the geographical distribution of its foreign trade.

The share of economically developed countries of the West in its export is still holding at 3/4. And this means that the interest of the global market is maintained in traditional monocultural specialization. And in our days, Africa remains a supplier of many tropical crop products, providing about 2/3 world exports of cocoa beans, 1/2 - Sizal and coconut kernels, 1/3 - coffee and palm oil, 1/10 - tea as well A significant proportion of peanuts and peanut butter, dates, spices. However, in various subregions of Africa, monocultural specialization levels now differ quite strongly.

For the countries of North Africa, which have reached a relatively high level of development, the monocultural specialization of agriculture today is not already characteristic. Even relatively recently, Egypt and Sudan were brought as examples of countries with monoculture. cotton.Indeed, the collection of long fiber cotton Egypt continues to take first place in the world, and the bulk of it is exported.

In the cost of agricultural exports of the country, cotton still plays a major role, but in its general exports (Aimenno it serves as the main criterion for determining monoculture) its share does not exceed 1/10, yielding the share of oil and oil products six to seven times. We can talk about maintaining a cotton monoculture in Sudan, where cotton, and especially high quality, is still a substantial part of all exports. And, unlike the Neal Delta in Egypt, where rice and other cultures are grown along with cotton, citrus and other cultures are cultivated, in Sudanese Gesyr, located in the Internet and Blue Nile, cotton remains typical monoculture (Fig. 158).

In Western and Central Africa, monocultural countries are much more. It can be obvious to these states located directly from the southern "edge" of Sugara, like Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad, where cotton remained the main export culture. A pronounced international specialization in the production of cocoa beans, coffee, peanuts, palm oils have many countries that go directly to the Guinean bay.

First of all it applies to culture tree cocoa,which was delivered here from tropical America in the XVI century. And it gained its second homeland here - primarily due to the agroclimatic conditions exceptionally favorable for it (the average annual temperature of 23-26 ° C, precipitation is at least 1000 mm per year). From the countries of the Guinean Bay at the production of cocoa beans specializing in Côte d "Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, which occupy the first, second, fourth and sixth places in the world, respectively (Table 129 in the book I).

However, it would be wrong to believe that for most of these countries, such specialization is monocultural. So, in the export of Cameroon on cocoa and its products have only 16%, whereas in the first place is oil. For Ghana, the corresponding indicator is 26%, but first place here for gold. In Nigeria, oil provides more than 95% of the cost of exports. Only in the Côte d "Ivoire Cocoa and Cocaoproduks play in exporting a major role (about 40%). Monocultural Such specialization remains for two more small countries of the subregion - Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea (80-90% of exports).

Cultivated usually on plantations, cocoa tree has a height of 6-8 m; Approximately 1000 trees are placed on 1 ha plantation. Fruit collection begins in 5-7 years after landing and lasts 50-60 years, and the cocoa tree blooms and fruits round year. The cocoa fruit itself is a yellow, orange or red-brown yoy of an elongated-oval form with a length of 25-30 cm, it weighs 300-600 g and contains 30-50 cocoa beans. It is characteristic that these fruits are followed by flowers - are formed directly on the trunks of the trees. When the fruit collection begins, the men are separated by the knives from the trunk and then crushed by removing the cocoa beans themselves. Then women and children lay them for drying on banana leaves. After a few days, the beans become brown and the fragrance of chocolate becomes. Next, they are still dried in the sun, and then fall asleep in bags for shipment for sale.

Specialization in production coffeefrom the countries of the Gulf Côte d "Ivoire and Cameroon, in the export of which they account for about 1/10. Coffee tree is grown in peasant farms, and plantations.

Peanutwas brought to West Africa by Portuguese from South America. At least two countries - Senegal and the Gambia - he now remains typical monoculture: peanuts, peanut flour and peanut oil provide more than 70% of senegal export revenue and more than 80% of the Gambia. The largest manufacturer of peanut is also Nigeria.

Oilseed (Guinea) Palma- Typical culture of West Africa, which is also its homeland, and the main distribution area. The fruits of this palm tree contain 65-70% of oil, characterized by high nutritional quality. They are collected both in the groves of wild trees and on plantations. This applies to most of the Gulf of Guinea. But only in Benin, oil palm remains typical monoculture, providing 2/3 export costs. In this small country, more than 30 million trees of oil palm are occupied by 400 thousand hectares. It is very characteristic of oil palm and for Nigeria, where she, like peanuts, without being a monoculture, has a clearly discharged distribution area (Fig. 159).

The main export cultures of East Africa are coffee, tea, tobacco, sisal. In the top ten world coffee makers enter Ethiopia and Uganda, and for both these countries, a typical monoculture, which gives the main part of foreign exchange earnings. The feature of Ethiopia lies in the fact that up to 70% of all coffee products gives a collection of wild trees and only 30% provide coffee plantations, on which, however, better coffee varieties are grown. In Uganda, coffee trees are grown mainly in peasant farms. Monoculture of coffee is also saved in Rwanda and Burundi. It produces mostly coffee varieties of Arabica. In the production of tea, Kenya, Tobacco - Malawi (70% exports), Sizal - Tanzania is distinguished.

Several bright examples of the monocultural specialization of agriculture give countries of South Africa, especially island. So, the monoculture of sugar cane is characteristic of Mauritius and Reunion. 90-95% of all cultivated lands, sugar and its processing products provide a significant part of the export costs, occupy at Mauritius. Sugar production at the rate of one inhabitant here reaches 5000 (!) Kg per year (for comparison: in Russia - 9-10 kg, in Ukraine - 40, in the USA - 25 kg).

The island states of South Africa also act as the largest manufacturers of such specific crops as essential oil and spices. Ethiomalous plants - the main specialization of the Comoros. Here, the ylang-ylang is grown - a tree, "born" in the Philippines, from the flowers of which is obtained by essential oil for perfumery, as well as lemon mint, basil, jasmine, pink palm. Vanilla and carnation are most common from the spices. Motherland Vanilla - Mexico, but now Madagascar became its main manufacturer; In second place - Comoros. The birthplace of the clove tree is Southeast Asia, but the main manufacturer of cloves and cloves from the time of Portuguese conquest in the XVI-XVII centuries. became about. Zanzibar, which is currently part of Tanzania. The clove is also grown in Madagascar and Komorah.

It is curious that some of the cultural plants typical for Africa are reflected on the coat of arms of states. For example, the image of a palm tree is decorated with coat of arms of Côte d "Ivorian, Mauritania, Gambia, Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mauritius, Seychelles. On the coat of arms of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Angolas you can see the image of a coffee tree, on the coat of arms of Angola, Benin, Zambia, Zimbabwe - corn, on the arms of Algeria, Zimbabwe - Wheat, on the arms of Mauritius, Mozambique, Cape Verde - sugar cane, on the coat of arms of Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola - cotton.

Sahel: Resource-Environmental Problems and Food Crisis.

Analysis of the state of the natural environment and the economic situation in the countries of the Sahel gives researchers the grounds to assert that currently the main ecological problem In this region - the struggle with desertification, and the main economic problem is to achieve self-sufficiency of food. And both of these problems are intersective in closely. The catastrophic consequences of drought, progressive desertification - to a certain extent the result of the extreme economic retardation of the countries of the Sahel.

At the same time, without restoring environmental equilibrium, no successful economic development of these countries is impossible without suspension and prevent desertification. In this regard, it is appropriate to note that the World Action Plan to combat desertification, according to its compilers, "more than campaign against desertification; This is the main part of the development process and the needs of the population "of the respective countries. The Sachel itself has not yet developed a clear strategy and long-term program to combat desertification.

It is recognized, however, that the main way to combat this formidable phenomenon is to eliminate the causes of the process of degradation of the natural environment that continue to act and soy. As already noted, a violation of environmental equilibrium in these agrarian countries is mainly due to the irrational use of land, water and plant resources in new social and economic conditions. The definition of forms, methods and programs of rational environmental management and the rational territorial organization of the economy would be promoted simultaneously to the restoration of the environmental equilibrium and the development of the economy of these countries.

Country of the country - the agrarche of the country. But despite this, they are experiencing a sharp food crisis. Food problem - the complex YOUNING OO by many aspects: economic, environmental, specialist, political, technical, domestic and external - manifests itself in three main forms; mass hunger, Epidemic hunger and chronic hunger. All these forms take place in the countries of the Sahel; But the most common is the last form caused by a large gap between demand for food (an average of $ 2.6) and the proposal (1-1.6 ^ 5. This gap is steadily increasing. Food production per capita is reduced, in 1969-197 . on average per person accounted for 108 kg per year. In I967-I982 G. - 172 kg. Currently - 150 kg.

In the years of drought (1970-1974) and (1983-1985), production fell by $ 15-40. The decline in production is explained not only by drought, but also by the complex interweaving of various socio-economic, political and organizational and technical factors: climate, violation of traditional structures of production without the introduction of new, lack of support from the state in favor of food producers, land degradation and deterioration of living conditions in Village, which causes outflow of the population in the city, etc. 25 years ago, when the urban population was only $ 7, there was no way. The good problems are how to feed the city and the village. In 1984, 2,5 food consumers accounted for one peasant. In 2010, if nothing changes, then one peasant will have to feed 4-8 people.

In connection with the food disadvantage of the country, the Sahel resorts to the import of food, which is a negative fact for agrarian countries. Import grows after a decrease in production. In 1960-1965 It amounted to 250 thousand tons. In the mid-60s - 350 tons. Ton. In 1973-1974 (drought) -1170 thousand tons. In 1975-1980 - 650-850 thousand tons. In 1985, -1750 thousand toni. Rice and wheat make up 705% of imports, which adversely affects the production and consumption of millet and sorghum, ya eating habits and thereby makes it difficult to solve the food issue. It should be noted that Senegal accounts for $ 52 all the imports of rice and wheat, although the main product, we will clean up for mass consumption, this is millet and sorghum. Thus, in 1980-1985. Imports provided $ 98 pshepish consumption and 80 $ rice. The payment of imports was spent $ 60 currency revenue from the sale of peanuts. Imports of wheat - the luxury where it is necessary to consume the most cheap grains ": millet and sorghum.

In addition to the import, all countries of the Sahel receive from 1973 each year help. Its volume in some years was $ 20 all the production of grain in the countries of the Sahel. But despite imports and help, the level of self-sufficiency grain is steadily reduced and is currently 80-85 $. If the situation is changed for the better, by 2000 it will fall up to $ 60. This will complicate the already complicated foodstuffs of food provision to the nodes of the region and those themselves will have a negative impact on their physical and intellectual possibilities. Analysis of arbitrariness and consumption in the Sachel countries indicates that in this region there was a completely abnormal situation when countries, 70-90 / 5 of the economically active population of which are employed in agriculture, is not able to feed themselves. This makes the necessary attempts aimed at solving a food problem.

World transport system.

Transportation is the third leading industry of material production. Transport Makes the basis of the geographical separation of labor. The volume and structure of transport transportation, as a rule, reflect the level and structure of the economy, and geography Transport network and freight traffic - placement of productive forces. Transport and itself actively affects this placement, contributing to the specialization and cooperation of enterprises, industries, districts and countries. Without transport it would be impossible to overcome the territorial gap between the production and consumption of goods and services. All the paths of communication, transport enterprises and vehicles together form the global transport system.

The scale of it is very high. First, this applies to the global transport network, the total length of which is approaching 50 million km. Secondly, this refers to vehicles. Suffice it to say that the carriage of goods by railway is carried out by 200 thousand locomotives and millions of railway cars, in roads - more than 800 million cars, on sea routes - more than 80 thousand ships, and on airways - more than 20 thousand flight aircraft. The total carrying capacity of all transportation means of worldwide has already exceeded 1.5 billion tons. Thirdly, this refers to the work of transport, which annually transports over 100 billion tons of cargo and more than a trillion passengers. Yes, and on the transport itself is employed at least 100 million people (which can be compared with the whole population of Mexico).

In the global passenger turnover, there is an extraction first place (about 4/5) now belongs to road transport, in the global cargo turnover - sea transport (almost 2/3). However, between individual regions and countries in this regard, there are great differences. In the world transport system, two main subsystems - developed and developing countries can be distinguished.

Transport subsystem of economically developed countries Differs in particularly large sizes. It accounts for about 80% of the total length of the transport network, more than 70% of world cargo turnover by weight and approximately 80% in price, and its share in the global passenger turnover is even higher. In economically developed countries, more than 4d world car fleet are concentrated, there are almost 2/3 of all ports of the world, 3/4 of world cargo turnover is performed. For this transport subsystem, a high technical level is also characteristic.

Transport Subsystems of Developing Countries It has other quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It has a little more than 20% of the length of the global transport network, provides (at a cost) of 20% of world cargo turnover. About 1/5 of the world car park are concentrated in these countries. From the colonial era, they also inherited a lower technical level of the transport network (locomotive traction, narrow rut on railwaysah, soil coverage on roads). And in general, transport in these countries belongs to the lagging sector of the economy. Along with this, several regional transport systems allocate in the world transport system.

The highest level of development among them was reached by Transport Systems of North America and Foreign Europe. In Foreign Asia, a single transport system is still at the formation stage. The basis of it is formed by Japan systems, China and India. ?? In the CIS countries, a special regional transport system has also developed, the basis of which was the Unified Transport System of the USSR. Although it accounts for only a 1/10 world transport network, according to the total amount of cargo turnover, this system takes a more prominent place primarily due to rail transport. The main core of this regional transport system is the transport system Russia - One of the largest in the world. Suffice it to say that in terms of cargo turnover (4.9 trillion T * km) it is inferior only to US and China systems.

The main natural geographical features of Russia. "Dignity" and "Disadvantages of Nature of Russia. The natural resource potential of the country.

Russia is the Eurasian state. The country has a unique geographical and geopolitical position: it takes the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

Russia has enormous reserves of natural resources that make up about 20% of world stocks. This predetermines the raw material orientation of the Russian economy.

Russia is the country's largest country on everything globe. Its huge sizes and geographical features determine the enormous diversity and unique uniqueness of natural resources that have no state of the world. Russia has the largest stocks of the most important natural resources: fresh water, agricultural land, minerals, wood.

This is a very favorable condition for ensuring the economic security and independence of the country, for the dynamic development of the economy and the national economy. However, due to the geographical characteristics of Russia (first of all, these are large spaces) and the lack of a developed network of automotive and railways - increasing economic potential occurs quite modest pace. The length of the roads in Russia and the networp of the network does not correspond to its geographical features and requirements of the 21st century. We also note that air, and pipeline transport are used in the country's economy frankly weakly.

The most important natural features of the Russian Federation include its size. Russia is the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe state of the world. This is its significant dignity. But at the same time large size of the territory also cause significant difficulties in the life and economic activities of Russians. Huge states of state pose a certain benefit in defensive. In the expanses of Russia, not one invasion of her enemies, who originally gained victory and captured the extensive territories of the country.

But they usually lacked the conquered, and the conquerors left our country. When attempts to occupy Russia, there was a lot of strength to spend on the protection of stretched communications, to fight the guerrillas in the rear of the upcoming armies. It is enough to recall the invasion of Napoleon's armies who managed to capture Smolensk and Moscow, the interventory, who captured the north, south and the Far East of Russia during the civil war. The German-fascist armies reached Moscow, Volga and the Caucasus, but their offensive ended with complete defeat.

Extensive spaces are forced to have a large army to protect the borders and the entire territory. The total length of the borders of Russia is 61 thousand km. Of these, land are 14.5 thousand km, river - 7 thousand km, lake - 0.5 thousand km. First, all the borders of the USSR were well technically equipped and were under constant observation of border guards. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the harder part of the land borders was not equipped (more than 50%). The greatest length of underdeveloped borders - with Kazakhstan. The marine border is 39 thousand km.

Russia is a marine powder, it has four navy: North, Baltic, Pacific and Black Sea. The base of these fleets are separated from each other with huge distances, which makes it difficult to interact.

The huge sizes of the country and the uncomfortable configuration of its space make it difficult for transport and economic and social ties in Russia. This increases the cost of products produced, significantly affects the decline in the life level of Russians. Indirectly long distances affect the health of Russians. For example, a record high life expectancy of the Japanese is associated with the nature of their nutrition, in particular, with consumption of large quantities of fish and seafood. The reason for reducing the share of seafood in the nutrition of Russians is not only in reducing fish catch in the country, but also in a sharp increase in prices for seafood. This increase is due to a number of reasons, including enormous fish transportation distances to the consumer: 60% of the All-Russian fishing fish falls on the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering Sea.

Russia has many minerals, which is due to the geological structure. At the cost of mineral resources, Russia is the richest country in the world. The population of Russia is only 2.1% of the world. But the share of Russians accounts for more than 50% of world reserves of diamonds and gas. According to the reserves of nickel, zinc, silver, titanium, platinum group metals, coal, lead, cobalt, Molybdenum Russia occupies a leading position. Given the cost of mineral resources per capita, our country is richer than the United States 2-3 times, Western European countries - 5-6 times.

Petroleum and gas resources are used by the most attention in the modern world market. Russia ranks first in gas reserves. More than 75% of the explored Russian oil and gas deposits on land are already involved in the development. In this case, the generation of these deposits is approaching 50%. There are many fields of oil and gas on the shelves of the Baltic, Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese, Caspian, Azov seas. The Square of the Russian shelf exceeds 6.2 million km 2, of which 4 million km 2 are promising for oil and gas. The main volumes of oil and gas reserves are concentrated on the shelves of the Arctic seas. Here, harsh climatic conditions prevent them here. This significantly increases oil and gas production in price compared to other areas of the world.

Russia is in 10 natural zones. The most productive in agriculturally, the steppe and forest-steppe zone occupy only the fifth part of the country. Here they grow the most valuable cultures, such as sunflower, sugar beets, corn, wheat. The fertile soils of the steppe and forest-steppe make up a little more than half of the total pashing area of \u200b\u200bthe country. The remaining fields are located on lowland lands that need constant and intensive fertilizer. Behind last years The introduction of organic fertilizers fell 4 times, mineral fertilizers - 6 times, which is accompanied by degumination, erosion and total soil degradation. Tundra and Fierotundra are in a set of about 35% of the country's plane. Under the conditions of the tundra can not be engaged in agriculture. But in Tundra and Festrotandra there are favorable conditions for reindeer herding. The number of domestic deer in Russia reaches 1.7 million, which is 60% of their world livestock.

Mountain areas are mainly located in the south and east of the country. They serve as shock absorbers of seismic stresses arising in connection with movements from the south and east of lithospheric plates on the Eurasian stove. Mountain structures are not in the west of the country. This contributes to the penetration of the wet and warm atlantic air masses into the depths of Russia. Mountains serve as a condenser and moisture drive, including in the form of snow and ice. The most part of the great rivers of Russia (except the Volga) takes the beginning in the mountains and carry their waters in the Arctic Ocean.

In our country there are a lot of unfavorable natural factors that greatly complicate life in the mountains. These include high seismicity, frequent villages, avalanches, stonepads, the domination of steep slopes, on which it is difficult to build roads and houses to engage in agriculture. Therefore, the main branch of agriculture in the mountains is animal husbandry.

The most important negative properties of the nature of Russia include its weather-climatic features. Almost the whole country is north of 50 ° C.Sh. Delivers inconvenience and short vegetation period. In different natural zones, it lasts four to six months.

Russia is a great snow power. Many of its natural and economic and economic features are determined by snow cover. Snow for Russia is both benefit, and trouble. Big remedies are spent in cities to fight snowy drifts. But thanks to the snow in Russia, winter agriculture is possible with its more resilient harvests. The snow is the moisture drive in the fields and in reservoirs.

In general, the impact of the natural features of Russia on life and the economic activity of its population is controversial. The huge spaces of the country, on the one hand, help keep it from enemies, ensure its wealth and a variety of subsoil. But at the same time, they make transport links make it difficult to spend more energy, complicate the life of the population, increase the cost of products. North state Countries that wash its freezing seas, a long-term Merzloch dramatically deteriorate the living conditions and economic activities of the population. Because of this, the life level of Russians is reduced.

At the same time, the extensive spaces of Russia with well-preserved natural natural complexes Present tremendous value as the environmental potential of the entire planet. Even the individual properties of the natural environment of our country can not be given an unequivocal assessment. Thus, the extensive swamps of Russia make it difficult to agriculture, construction, mining, but at the same time they serve as global regulators of the gas composition of the atmosphere. The main natural features of Russia are so contrasting that they have a controversial powerful impact on all types of activities of people, greatly complicate their daily life. In general, the nature of Russia is dry and mostly difficult to master the person.

The natural resource potential is a set of natural resources that are the basis of the economic development of the territory. This is a very important feature for each country and its regions, reflecting the placement of natural resources, the provision of individual sectors of the national economy, their influence on the formation of economic specialization and the spatial organization of the territory. The magnitude of the natural resource potential is the amount of potentials of certain types of resources. According to some reports, the natural wealth of Russia is estimated 3.8 times higher than in the United States and 4.5 times higher than in China.

Natural resources are environmental components used in the process of social production to meet predominantly material needs of people.