Revolutionary wave after the First World War. Revolutionary movement in Europe and Asia after World War II

2. Count Secheny, Austrovenger Ambassador in Berlin, spoke to Chancellor Germany Bulleu: "I am regrettable about the fate of Erzgertzog and his spouse, but from a political point of view I think that the elimination of the heir to the throne was God's grace. If he had stayed alive, his fanaticism, energy and perseverance would create a bad ally for Germany. " Relying on this opinion, show whether the Sarajevsky murder can be considered the cause of the First World War.

* 3. US President V. Wilson wrote: "If Germany defeats, this will change the development of our civilization and will make the United States by the Militarist State." What did V. Wilson mean? What could be the consequences of the victory of Germany?

§ 3. Revolutionary wave after the First World War

Education of new national states

One of the results of the First World War was the collapse of the Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. The 1917 revolution turned Russia to the republic and caused the rise of national movements. After joining the Bolsheviks, many representatives of national movements opposed them. Following the previously proclaimed principle of nations on self-determination until separation, the Government of V. I. Lenin provided the independence of Finland, Poland, Ukraine, the countries of the Baltic States and the Transcaucasus. At the same time, the Bolsheviks were calculated to lead to power in these countries of the Communists and actually tie them again with Russia. This plan was a success in relation to Ukraine and the countries of the Transcaucasus. In Finland, the Communist uprising in January - March 1918 was suppressed by the joint actions of the Finnish army, who was commanded by General Karl Mannerheim, and Germanic interventionists.

Comrade Lenin cleans the Earth from the unclean. Poster of artists M. Cheremnyh and V. Denis. 1920

The rulers of Poland were trying to include the territory of Ukraine, but their attack on Kiev in 1920 failed. However, the Soviet-Polish war led to the defeat of the Red Army under Warsaw, and part of the territories inhabited by Ukrainians and Belarusians entered the staff of Poland. Thanks to the help of the German and White Guard detachments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania also managed to defend their independence.

In October 1918, a democratic revolution in Austria-Hungary began. In Vienna, the power was captured by Social Democrats, and in the capitals of national provinces - leaders of local national democratic parties, which proclaimed the independence of their countries. As a result, Austria turned into a small German-speaking republic. At the same time, the provisional National Assembly of the Czech Republic and Slovakia was proclaimed the creation of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. The South Slavic peoples liberated from the Austro-Hungarian domination united with Serbia and Montenegro to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians.

November revolution in Germany

After the breakthrough of the German front in 1918, Hindenburg was going to quit a German fleet into battle. However, in response to this order, the sailors in Kiel rushed and moved to Berlin. They were supported by the masses of the workers tired of the war. Wilhelm II fled from the country, Deputies of the Reichstag proclaimed Germany by the Republic. The fall Hermann Empire He led to the social and political revolution and discovered before the ruined and lying in ruins the country the possibility of choosing the further path of development. All countries began to be created by working self-government bodies - tips. As in Russia in the spring of 1917, the majority in the councils received Social Democrats. They entered the moderate Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG) and a more radical independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NSDPG). Both parties advocated the socialist system, but the paths of its establishment saw them in different ways. SDPG came for more moderate, gradual actions, and NSDPG for more resolute. Berlin Council conveyed power to the Council of People's Commissioners (Government) led by Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert. The government immediately resolved the free activities of trade unions, strikes and introduced an 8-hour working day.

Resty soldiers and workers. Berlin. 1919

The destiny of the country was to solve the Constituent Assembly, whose elections were outlined for January 1919. Political parties launched pre-election campaigning. SDPP advocated a democratic parliamentary republic, protection social law Workers, equal agreements between trade unions and entrepreneurs (social partnership). But all this was thought of preserving capitalist relations. The leaders of NSDPG, including the veteran of Social Democracy Karl Kautsky, believed that already in the conditions of the revolution, it is possible to create the foundations of new socialist relations: to develop working self-government, combine parliamentary democracy with the Soviet. As part of NSDPG, "Union Spartak" acted, headed by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, which advocated the Soviet power and the transition from the bourgeois revolution to the socialist. In December 1918, Spartakov led from NSDPG and created the Communist Party of Germany (CPG).

Revolution in Germany

Name the most important centers of the German revolution. Show what was their weakness from a military point of view.

In January, the spontaneous demonstration of sailors and workers earned into street fighting in Berlin. Supporters of Spartakov suffered defeat. Despite the fact that Liebknecht and Luxembourg did not participate in the uprising, they were captured by conservative officers and killed.

Remember what the parliamentary and Soviet principles of the organization of power differ.

Weimar Republic and the completion of the revolution in Germany

In the elections, Social Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives defeated the Constituent Assembly. Communists did not participate in the elections. The meeting began to work in February 1919 in the city of Weimar, away from the radical workers. The Constitution adopted by him and the republic itself received the name Weimar. The first president was elected Ebert. Germany has become a federal republic, since its individual lands were provided with great rights. The government of the new state was to form the Chancellor appointed by the President. Government actions were to receive the approval of the Reichstag (Parliament). This system, based on the principle of equilibrium of the authorities, could easily lead to paralysis of the governing bodies in the event of a conflict between the president and the parliamentary majority. The Constitution fastened democratic freedoms - words, assemblies, strikes, etc. But in the event of the threat of "public security", the president could suspend these freedoms by his decree.

Caricature on the Weimar Republic

The Constitution could not improve the socio-economic situation in the country, the revolution continued. In March 1919, the communists and supported their hungry workers restrained, the civil war unfolded. But the Communist Party that was trying to create Soviet republics in the lands was not strong and well-known leaders. Moderate Social Democrats were more popular, they united with conservatives, managed to attract experienced officers to their side. There were volunteer military detachments that were suppressed by the foci of the uprisings. The last Soviet Republic fell in May - in Bavaria.

4. Why defensive types of weapons at the beginning of the XX century. turned out to be more efficient than offensive?


1. Make up chronological table "The main events of the First World War".

2. Count Secheny, the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador in Berlin, spoke to Chancellor Germany Bühlev: "I am regrettable about the fate of Erzgertzog and his spouse, but from a political point of view I think that the elimination of the heir to the throne was God's grace. If he had stayed alive, his fanaticism, energy and perseverance would create a bad ally for Germany. " Relying on this opinion, show whether the Sarajevsky murder can be considered the cause of the First World War.

3. US President V. Wilson wrote: "If Germany defeats, this will change the development of our civilization and will make the United States by the Militarist State." What did V. Wilson mean? What could be the consequences of the victory of Germany?

§ 3. Revolutionary wave after the First World War

Education of new national states. One of the results of the First World War was the collapse of the Russian, German,Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. 1917 revolution turned Russia to the republic and caused the rise of national movements. After joining the Bolsheviks, many representatives of national movements opposed them. Following the previously proclaimed principle of nations on self-determination until separation, the Government of V. I. Lenin provided the independence of Finland, Poland, Ukraine, the countries of the Baltic States and the Transcaucasus. At the same time, the Bolsheviks were calculated to lead to power in these countries of the Communists and actually tie them again with Russia. This plan was a success in relation to Ukraine and the countries of the Transcaucasus. In Finland, a communist uprising injanuary-March. 1918. I was aligned with the joint actions of the Finnish army, which was commanded by General Karl Mannerheim,

and germanic intervals.

Poland rulers tried to include in

the composition of its state is the territory of Ukraine, but their offensive to Kiev in 1920 failed. However, the Soviet-Polish war

led to the defeat of the Red Army under Warsaw, and the composition of Poland entered

part of the territories inhabited by Ukrainian and Belarusians. Thanks to the help of the German and White Guard detachments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania also managed to defend their independence.

In October 1918, a democratic revolution in Austria-Hungary began. In Vienna, the power was captured by Social Democrats, and in the capital of national provinces

Heads of local national democratic parties who proclaimed the independence of their countries. As a result, Austria turned into a small German-speaking republic. At the same time, the provisional National Assembly of the Czech Republic and Slovakia was proclaimed the creation of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. The South Slavic peoples liberated from the Austro-Hungarian domination united with Serbia and Montenegro to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians.

November revolution in Germany.After the breakthrough of the German front in 1918, Hindenburg was going to quit a German fleet into battle. However, in response to this order, the sailors in Kiel rushed and moved to Berlin. They were supported by the masses of the workers tired of the war. Wilhelm II fled from the country, Deputies of the Reichstag proclaimed Germany by the Republic. The fall in the German Empire led to the socio-political revolution and opened before the ruined and lying in the ruins the country the possibility of choosing the further path of development. All countries began to be created by working self-government bodies - tips. As in Russia in the spring of 1917, the majority in the councils received Social Democrats. They entered the moderate Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG) and a more radical independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NSDPG).

Both parties advocated the socialist system, but the paths of its establishment saw them in different ways. SDPG came for more moderate, gradual actions, and NSDPG for more resolute. Berlin Council conveyed power to the Council of People's Commissioners (Government) led by Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert. The government immediately allowed free activities of trade unions, strikes and introduced

8-hour working day.

Name the most important centers of the German revolution. Show what was their weakness from a military point of view.

The destiny of the country was to solve the Constituent Assembly, whose elections were outlined for January 1919. Political parties launched pre-election campaigning. SDPG advocated the democratic parliamentary republic, the protection of social rights of workers, equal agreements between professional

unions and entrepreneurs (social partnership). But all this was thought of maintaining capitalist relations. The leaders of NSDPG, including the veteran of Social Democracy Karl Kautsky, believed that already in the conditions of the revolution, it is possible to create the foundations of new socialist relations: to develop working self-government, combine parliamentary democracy with the Soviet. As part of NSDPG, "Union Spartak" acted, headed by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, which advocated the Soviet power and the transition from the bourgeois revolution to the socialist. In December 1918, Spartakov led from NSDPG and created the Communist Party of Germany (CPG). In January, the spontaneous demonstration of sailors and workers earned into street fighting in Berlin. Supporters of Spartakov suffered defeat. Despite the fact that Liebknecht and Luxembourg did not participate in the uprising, they were captured by conservative officers and killed.

Remember what the parliamentary and Soviet principles of the organization of power differ.

Weimar Republic and the completion of the revolution in Germany.In the elections, Social Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives defeated the Constituent Assembly. Communists did not participate in the elections. The meeting began to work in February 1919 in the city of Weimar, away from the radical workers. The Constitution adopted by him and the republic itself received the name Weimar. The first president was elected Ebert. Germany became a federal republic, since its individual lands were provided with great rights. The government of the new state was to form the Chancellor appointed by the President. Government actions were to receive the approval of the Reichstag (Parliament). This system based on the principle of equilibrium of the authorities could easily lead to paralysis of controls in the case of

conflict between the president and the parliamentary majority. The Constitution fastened democratic freedoms - words, assemblies, strikes, etc. But in the event of the threat of "public security", the president could suspend these freedoms by his decree.

The Constitution could not improve the socio-economic situation in the country, and therefore the revolution continued. In March 1919, the communists and supported their hungry workers restrained, the civil war unfolded. But the Communist Party that was trying to create Soviet republics in the lands was not strong and well-known leaders. Moderate Social Democrats were more popular, they united with conservatives, managed to attract experienced officers to their side. There were voluntary

military detachments, which suppressed the foci of the uprisings. The last Soviet Republic fell in May - in Bavaria.

After the defeat of the left, the head of the force was raised, who wanted to restore the previous, pre-revolutionary orders. In the spring of 1920, the Division of reactive volunteers entered Berlin. In response, Berliners began a universal strike, and the rebellion was depressed. These events entered the history named one of the organizers as Kappov Patch.

IN 1921 and 1923 Communists again made attempts to overthrow the republic

and install Soviet power. But now their influence has already been small. In October 1923, the last Communist uprising led by Ernst Telman was suppressed in Hamburg. At the same time, the left governments in the lands of Thuringia and Saxony were dispersed. The revolution is over.

Soviet power in Hungary. After the defeat of Austria-Hungary In the war, Hungary was considered one of the defeated countries and should have abandoned all the territories inhabited mainly by the Slavs and from Transylvania, inhabited by Hungarians and Romanians. The Karoli government did not want to conclude the world under such conditions and transferred the power to the leftsocial Democrats. Those, in turn, decided to rely on the help of Soviet Russia and united with the Communists to the Socialist Party.

social Democrat Shandor Gorbai, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs became Communist Bela Kun. New government refused to recognize

states arising from the collapse of Austria-Hungary, which immediately led to a conflict with Czechoslovakia, Romania and other countries. In April 1919, with the support of the entuce of the army of these states invaded Hungary.

The Soviet government was proclaimed an 8-hour working day, workers and free education was introduced. Factories and banks were transmitted to the state. In the hands of the state, production could not effectively develop, but the work of the workers felt themselves by the owners of the country and bravely fought at the front.

IN may the Red Army stopped the opponent's offensive and invaded Slovakia.

IN june was proclaimed Slovak Soviet Republic. The Hungarian Red Army expects to connect with the Red Army of the RSFSR and spread the "world revolution" to the whole of Europe. But the peasant uprisings in Ukraine and the offensive of Denikin did not allow the troops of Soviet Russia to assist the Higrand. In July, Romanian troops again launched an offensive in the Hungarian Republic. They were supported by Hungarian counter-revolutionaries headed by Mikotorch. In August 1919, the Soviet government resigned, his figures left the country. In 1920, the power went to Horti, who established an anti-communist dictatorship. Hungary signed the world with the Entente on the conditions unfavorable.

Show, in which direction the Hungarian Red Army was most close as the forces of Soviet Russia. Show on the map, as the position of the Hungarian Soviet Republic would have changed in the event of the army of these two states.

Revolutionary movement and education of the Comintern. In 1917-1923

revolutionary events have covered many countries of the world. In September 1920, the Italian workers began a universal strike and seized enterprises. Moreover, in some plants, the workers were able to establish production without

capitalists, that is, take a step to socialism. But still, the movement of proletarians was poorly organized, the Social Democrats did not support him. After concessions from entrepreneurs, the workers returned to them the factory.

A wave of performances against imperialism covered colony and half colonia - India, China, Afghanistan, Egypt, Korea. Revolution continued in Mexico. In 1917, a democratic constitution was adopted here and agricultural reform began - landowners were transferred to peasants. Many socialists seemed to be a global revolution, able to overthrow the capitalist system throughout the land. But the global organization of socialists did not exist at this time. II International with the beginning of the world war broke out, because the leaders of the Social Democrats supported

military efforts of their governments and, thus, opposed their comrades in other countries. In 1919, the Social Democratic Party announced the readiness to restore the international, but by this time it turned out that the socialists tearing sharp ideological contradictions. Part of the Russian Social Democrats, led by Lenin, made a speedy transition to socialism, for the socialist revolution. From the point of view of most Social Democrats, the conditions for socialism have not yet matured, since socialism cannot exist without a democratic culture of workers. But Lenin and his supporters-Bolsheviks considered it possible to neglect the democracy for the sooner overthrow of capitalism. Their example inspired part of the left socialists around the world. In March 1919, a communist (third) International (Comintern) was created in Moscow. It includes the Bolshevik and other communist parties, some of them were separated from the democratic coal. The Comintern used Russia's resources to prepare revolutions in different countries. Such "export of the revolution" was usually ended with uprisings that were not supported by the people and therefore were suppressed, as it was, for example, in Germany and Estonia in 1923-1924. Only in Mongolia, with the support of the Comintern in 1921, the revolution defeated. This country was dependent on Soviet Russia.

In 1920, Social Democrats recreated II International, which was then transformed into a socialist (socialist). Social Democrats began to be called simply by socialists, distinguishing them from the Communists from the III of International. Despite the accusations of opportunism and submitter by the Communists, most workers in Western Europe voted for socialists; Socialist ministers managed to significantly expand the rights

workers and improve their living conditions. Socialists achieved the greatest success in Sweden, where since 1920 they were in power several times.

Education of the Turkish Republic.The disintegration was waiting for the Ottoman Empire. Her army was broken, and most of the territory occupied by the Entente. The southern provinces shared the United Kingdom and France, the East of Malaya Asia had to move the Kurds and Armenia, and West - Greece.

IN 1919 Turks began guerrilla War against invaders. The leader of the National Movement was General Mustafa Kemal.

IN april 1920. The Old Parliament of the Ottoman Empire proclaimed the Declaration of Turkish's independence, for which he was immediately dispersed with the troops of the Entente. The Sultan Government has signed the Severian peace treaty, cutting a significant part of Malaya Asia from Turkey. Then in the very center of the country, in An-

kare, the Great National Assembly of Turkey was convened, declared itself the only legitimate power. The meeting did not recognize the contract. In response, the Greek Army made an offensive on Ankara.

IN 1921 On the approaches to Ankara, an excellent equipped Greek army suffered a defeat from the Turkish was just created, who was commanded by Kemal. Soviet Russia has provided great military assistance to Kamalists in the fight against the imperialists. In 1922, the Greek army was crushed. In 1923, Turkey entered into an agreement with the countries of the Entena, according to which the entire territory of Malaya Asia remained. In 1923, Mustafa Kemal was elected president of Turkey and the lifelong chairman of the ruling in the countryPeople's Republican Party.

IN 1934 Under the introduction of surnames in Turkey, held on his initiative, Mustafa Kemal got the name Ataturk - the father of the Turks.

Show what states and peoples have suffered most of the military successes of Turkey.

Remember what secularization is.

Strengthened in power, Kemal installed

dictatorship, defeated democratic and communist organizations and began reforms. Turkey was proclaimed by the republic, secularized church lands. Islamic rules of law, alphabet and even traditional clothing were forcibly replaced by European. In the economy, the policy of etatism was carried out, that is, a nationalization. But private trading remained. The authorities banned the polygamy, provided the voting right to women, created a system of secular education. So the foundations of the modern Turkish state were laid.

Let's summarize

At the final stage of the World War, after its end of Europe, a wave of revolutions and mass social movements rolled, which led to the decline of the largest empires and the fall of a number of monarchies. The most radical revolutionary addictions were headed by the Communists, who, after the victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia, created their intermenimal - the Comintern. But the Communists outside the ex Russian Empire Could not be defeated in any country of Europe. Europeans have chosen a more democratic capitalist path of development. Gradually, the revolutionary wave slept, and the situation in Europe has stabilized.

Socio-political The revolution is the struggle of wide social layers for changing the principles of a social device, which Paradise is accompanied by the destruction of the former power structures and the creation of new ones.

Opportunism, sobilism- Adaptation to existing social conditions, gradual action.

"The revolution is the only form of" war ", where the ultimate victory can be prepared by a number of defeats. IMPORTANT, under what circumstances the defeat suffered: because the stormy combat energies of the masses broke on the insufficient maturity of historical prerequisites, or because the revolutionary performance was paralyzed by their own halfness, indecisiveness, inner weakness. "

(Rosa Luxembourg about the situation in Germany at the beginning of the revolution)

In polls

1. Why are the empires that existed in Europe before the World War?

2. What was the state structure of Germany in the Weimar Constitution?

3. What differed to the views of the leaders of the Comintern and Socintern?

4. Why did the supporters of the Soviet power received power in Hungary?


1. "The proletarian dictatorship is not a country of antihive coast and dairy rivers," said Bela Kun. What did he mean? How did this opinion affect the revolution in Hungary?

2. In the initial version of the Weimar Constitution it was said: "German Austria on his joining his German police receives the right to participate in Reichsrat (the upper chamber of parliament) with the number of votes corresponding to its population. Until then, representatives of Austria use a deliberative voice. " This provision was canceled at the request of the Entente. Explain why.

1. Education of new national states. As a result of World War I was broken by Ros-Siya, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empire. Russia has become the republic. After October, the booster will provide - whether Fin Liangia, Poland, Ukraine, not, the countries of the Baltic States and the Transcaucasia, hoping that a re-volition will occur there. But in March 1918, Vossta-Nie was suppressed in Finland.

1. Education of new national states. Poles wanted to include Ukraine into their composition, but their hike fell into Kiev. During the Soviet-Paul War of 1920, they received Zap. Balts, relying on the help of the West, were stolen to their independence. After the revolution, Czechoslovaya-Kiya, Hungary, Yugoslavia, have made in Australia Hungary.

2.Nogo revolution in Germany. 3.11.1918 The sailors in Kiel were rebuilt and moved to Berlin. They were supported by workers and Wilhelm II ran.Rechstag proclaimed the Republic. According to the country, the councils began to arise. Social democrats were presented to the moderate SDPG and the revolutionary NSDPG.Blinsky Council transferred power to the government Friedrich Eberta, representing the SDPG.

2.Nogo revolution in Germany. It proclaimed political freedoms and began to prepare the Constituent Assembly. The SDPP acted for the preservation of capitalism relations, and NSDPG-for the development of the revolution. The SDPG members were created by the CPG (12.1918), but its leaders-Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg in January 1919 were killed.

3.Waiga Republic. In the 1919 elections, the Kom Munists did not participate Li. Pobeda won the SDPG. In February 1919, GV Weimara, the foundation of the Constitution. The lands were painful. The president was prescribed by Chancellor, the government was responsible before Reichstag. After the war, the Country Oka was in a serious eco-nomic situation. Therefore, the revolution continued.

3.Waiga Republic. In March, the workers began, but co-mmunists did not have popular leaders. Socialists unite-root with conservators and supputed Breeding. In May Pala Ba-Baskaya Republic fell. In 1920, they suppressed a general strike in Berlin, and in 1923 an uprising near Eye.E. Telmana. The Light Pravitations in a number of Zemons were blown, the revolution is law.

4. Soviet power in Hungary. After the war, Hungary was considered defeated and had to give Transylvania. We did not agree with this and gave the power of Social Democrats, I wanted to rely on Russia. The head of the government got Shang-Dorbai and Bela Kun. They did not recognize Che Hoslovakia and Romania What led to a confa.

4. Soviet power in Hungary. In April 1919, Nanthanta organized an inter-veneency in Hungary. The government spent the nationalization of the industry. The worker supported him, stopped the enemy invaded Slovakia and proclaimed the Soviet power there. But in the summer Romanians caused Conte-Dar, they were supported by counter-revolutionary and Soviet power in Hungary Pala .

5. Education Comintern. In 1917-23. Revolutionary wave rolled around the world. But this movement was poorly organized. The International International was collapsed in 1914, so Lenin considered it possible to restrict democracy for the victory of Socia-Lizma, with the support of the left parties in March 1919 organized III Communist In-Ternation. He began preparations for the "export-tu" of the world revolution.

5. Education Comintern. The revolutions prepared in this way failed (1923-24-Germany, Estonia). Only in Mongolia in 1921, the left succeeded. Mongolia became an ally of Russia. The Social Democrats in 1920 formed Socin-Turn. Menu by him and the Comintern turned out to be acute ideological struggle.

6. Formation of the Turkish Republic. The territory of the Ottoman Empire after its injury was occupy-rovana annthate. France and England sub-lily among themselves Tu-Rytsky ownership in Malaya Asia. In 1919, the Turks headed by M. Kemalem began the struggle against the Okub-Pantte. In April 1920, the Parliament Provo-Zellasil Indeed, but was a difference-nan forces of Antan-you.

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Consequence of the First World War There was a wide distribution of socialist ideas. Many people in different countries stood on the path of struggle for changing the state and socio-economic system. The world revolutionary movement, which launched a revolution in Russia, is the most important factor in social development in the XX century. In March 1919, in Moscow was organized IIICommunist Inter-National (Comintern), which was supposed to contribute to the practice of the situation of the Marxist theory on the world of the Socialist Revolution. The Bolsheviks headed the activities of communist parties created in different countries of the world.

In Western European states, the positions of social democrats were still stronger, who believed that the workers could doubt their goals by democratic methods, without the use of revolutionary violence. Socialist and Social Democratic Party recreated their international association - the Soci-Allastic Working Party. There was extremely hostile relations between this union and communists.

A bright example of the conflict between the Social Democrats and Com-Munistami was events in Germany. The revolutionI broke out there in November 1918, first of all was caused by defeat in howl. Failures on the front, the collapse of the economy and hunger led to the rarery of soldiers and workers. Emperor Wilhelm II ran away from the pre-table, the power was in the hands of Social Democrats. Communists who are dissatisfied with the moderate policy of the new government, whether the revolution's expansion is required, transforming it into socialist, the transfer of power to the Soviets. In January 1919, they raised an uprising in Berlin in order to overthrow the government of the Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert. The speech was suppressed, and the leaders of the commutes of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg were killed. But revolutionary traffic In Germany, did not fade. In April 1919, the provocative of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, which existed, OD-NAO, only a few weeks.

In the summer of 1919 in the city of Weimar, the constituent assembly adopted Constitution of GermanyThe established republican democracy system (Weimar Republican). F. Ebert, who held this post since 1919 to 1925, became the first president of the Weimara Republic, the constitution was to stabilize the situation in the country. However, attempts by the extreme right and extremely left forces to capture power did not cease.

Hungary has become another country where power unfolded re-volution movement. In October 1918, as a result of the collapse of the defeat in the war of Austro-Hungary, she was proclaiming an independent state. The government came to power, oriented on the Entente. In the spring of 1919, a political crisis broke out: the Hungary of the Entente demanded that Hungary sign up the peace treaty in which its territory was significantly reduced. In the current conditions, the former government resigned, and the new formed Social Democrats and Com-Munists.

On March 21, 1919, the formation of the Hungarian Co-Wind Republic was proclaimed. Social transformation began in the country, similar to those underwent in Soviet Russia: banks and industrial enterprises were nationalized, expropriatedlandlord land. A red army was created, which was fighting with the troops of the countries of the Entente and its allies - Romania and Czechoslovakia, who were striving to force the Hungarian government to recognize the conditions of the peace treaty. In August 1919, the Hungarian Soviet Republic fell. The country established the Nationalist dictatorship of Admiral Miklosh Horti. Hungary signed a peace treaty on the conditions of the Entente, having lost 2/3 of its territory. Material from site.

New Revolutionary lifting In Europe, occurred in the 1920s. In October 1923, the German Communists, with the support of the Comintern, organized the rebellion of workers in Hamburg, the victims. Also unsuccessfully ended the performance of the Communists in Bulgaria in 1923. The revolution began in Russia and did not have a worldwide scale.

Presentation on the topic: Revolutionary movement in Europe and Asia after the First World War

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Presentation on the topic: Revolutionary movement in Europe and Asia after World War II

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The reasons for the revolutions of the test, which fell to the proportion of peoples in the First World War, dissatisfaction with the politician of the winning guards in defeated, colonial and affiliates was the cause of the rise of the revolutionary movement in many parts of the world. The most large-scale revolutionary events occurred in 1917 in Russia, which became the center for supporting revolutionary forces in other countries.

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Soviet Russia as the Base of the "World Revolution". The party of the Bolsheviks that came to power in Petrograd in October 1917 belonged to the revolutionary wing of the Social Democratic Movement. It was characterized by the conviction that contradictions inherent in capitalism, in the conditions of the war, aggravated so much that a fairly small jumper was enough to cause the chain of revolutions in the warring countries, which will end up with the war, and with the capitalism given by its capitalism.

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The Comintern created in 1919. The III Communist International, which included the left groups of the Social Democratic Movement, organizationally issued to the Communist Party, became in the eyes of many leaders of Soviet Russia the forerunner of the world communist government. However, events of 1919-1920. With all their contradiction and ambiguity, they did not prove that the "World Revolution" stands on the agenda.

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The hopes of the leaders of the Comintern on the rise of the revolutionary movement in the countries that won the First World War, from the very beginning they were not justified. An example of the violent seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, which followed the bloody and destructive civil war showed the majority of the population of highly developed countries the danger of passion from revolutionary ideas. The movement of solidarity with Soviet Russia, which arose in the Hopes of the Entente was pacified, its main requirement was to provide Russia to solve their fate. True, in conditions when the countries of the Entente did not exclude interference in civil war in Russia, such solidarity was saving for Russian Bolsheviks. Demonstration of Women for Peace (1920-ESO)

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The 1918 Revolution in Germany, in Germany, the Comintern has laughed in the deepening of the political and economic crisis in the countries losing the first world War. So, in Germany, after renunciation from the throne, Kaiser Wilhelm II and paralysis of the authorities, folk self-government bodies began to emerge, the advice that the Social Democrats was headed by Soviet Russia. On November 10, 1918 by the Berlin Council on November 10, 1918 - the Council of People's Commissioners, which was headed by the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany F. Ebert.

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The Social Democratic Government proclaimed Germany and conducted a number of reforms. Democratic freedoms were approved, class privileges were canceled, elections were appointed to the Constituent National Assembly, which was to adopt a new constitution. The Soviet Congress of Soviets in December 1918 supported the Government of F. Ebert, aimed at approving German Bourgeois-Democratic Republic. Revolutionary soldiers and sailors at the Branderburg Gate Council of People's Commissioners. F. Sheidemann, O. Landsberg, F. Ebert, Sock, R. Wisissel.

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Left Social Democrats, who called themselves as a group of Spartak believed that Germany should become the Socialist Soviet Republic in the example of Russia. Pavor with the Social Democratic Party of Eberta, they established on December 30, 1918. The Communist Party of Germany (CPG). According to the CPG call on January 5, 1919, demonstrations of her supporters began in Berlin. They passed under the slogans of the resignation of the Government of Ebert, the transfer of all the completeness of the authorities, the elimination of the old, imperial, apparatus government controlled, Expropriation of the property of the bourgeoisie. Speech by Karl Liebknecht in Berlin. December 1918.

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Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg manifestations and strikes have grown into an armed uprising. By order of the Military Minister, the sock, who announced at the meeting of the office, that he would have to play the role of the "bloody dog", the officer parts by January 12 suppressed the uprising. KPG leaders R. Luxembourg and K. Liebknecht were shot without trial and investigation.

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The Bavarian Soviet Republic in April 1919 the Communists managed to seize power in the German land of Bavaria and proclaim the Soviet republic there. The formation of the Red Army began, but already in May, the rules of the Russian troops occupied the capital of Bavaria Munich.

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The Weimar Republic after the elections to the National Assembly, which the Communists boycotted, the Social Democrats turned out to be the most numerous party fraction (39% of places). Together with the parties of the centrist orientation, they achieved the adoption of the Constitution, who proclaimed Germany by the Democratic Republic. The Constitution received the name Weimar, as the National Assembly found the city of Weimar. F. Ebert became president of the Weimara Republic. Friedrich Ebert.

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The revolution of 1919. In Hungary, the revolutionary movement suffered a revolutionary movement and in the Habsburg Empire, Austria-Hungary, was failed. New states of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary have arisen on its territory, proclaim themselves. The revolutionary mass movement turned out only in Hungary. The republic! Poster M. Biro. 1919

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Hungarian Soviet Republic The decision of the Paris Conference on the transfer of Slovakia and Transylvania, where there was a significant proportion of the Hungarian population, Czechoslovakia and Romania called the political crisis in Hungary. In March 1919, the power in March 1919 passed into the hands of Social Democrats, which entered into an agreement with the Communists about the unity of action. There is no other way of protecting your interests in the international arena, except for the proclamation of the Soviet Republic and appeal to supporting Soviet Russia against the Entente, Hungary had no. The idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing the dictatorship of the proletariat was supported by almost all layers of the Hungarian society. The rebels workers and soldiers on one of the streets of Budapest October 31, 1918. Photography.

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The defeat of the revolution of the Red Army of Hungary managed to take Slovakia, where the Soviet Republic was also proclaimed. However, very soon Hungary began to endure defeats in the war on two fronts - against Czechoslovakia and Romania. The threats of the Higher Military Council of the Entente to move to Budapest French troops forced Hungary to accept the conditions of the world imposed on it. Her Government agreed to bring troops from Slovakia, which was immediately occupied by the army of Czechoslovakia. Seeing the meaninglessness of continuing resistance, the Social Democrats achieved the resignation of the Soviet government that existed 133 days. The dissolution of the Red Army was announced, the nationalization of banks and factories was canceled. The power passed into the hands of Admiral Horti, who forbade the Communist Party. Miklash Hrats

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The decline in the revolutionary wave in Europe and the foreign policy of the USSR in 1920. Hope a heavy blow was applied to the world revolution. After the start of the Soviet-Polish war, when in the summer of 1920, the Red Army approached Warsaw and Lviv, the leaders of Soviet Russia and the Comintern expected the workers of Poland will meet Soviet troops as liberators from the power of the bourgeois government. There was hope that the working people in Germany, inspired by the successes of the Soviet state, will rise to a revolutionary struggle, which will ensure the victory of the revolution throughout Europe.

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Soviet-Polish war These calculations were not justified. Most of the Poland population regarded the introduction of the Red Army on its territory as a threat to the national independence of the country, rose to the fight against invaders. France has provided serious military-technical assistance to Poland. The troops of Soviet Russia suffered a defeat under Warsaw and retreated to the territory of Germany, where were interned. In 1921, the Soviet Russia was forced to conclude peace with Poland, lifting the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. Hey, who is Pole, in the bayonets!

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The benchmarks of defeating revolutionary movements in European countries forced the Bolsheviks party to recognize that "the world revolution is somewhat delayed." With completion civil War In Russia (completely ended in 1922, when with Far East Japan's troops were bred) Soviet government faced the need to restore the economy destroyed by the First World and Civil Wars. This required the normalization of relations with other countries, including trade and economic ties.

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The royal debts at conferences in Genoa and the Hague (1922) devoted to the issues of the settlement of financial claims, the Soviet delegation invited the countries of the Entente, first of all, to compensate the damage caused by Russia and the economic blockade. The final decision was not taken. The settlement of controversial issues was postponed taking into account the complex economic situation of the Soviet state. MM Litvinov and V.V. Vorovsky - members of the Soviet delegation at the conference in Genoa. Photo of 1922.

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The Rapalsky Treaty of the USSR-Germany has become a great success of Soviet diplomacy in 1922 in the suburb of Genoa Rapallo treaty between the USSR and Germany on the refusal of mutual claims. So the period of economic and military-technical cooperation of the two countries began. Contrary to the conditions of the Versailles world later, secret agreements were subsequently signed, according to which Germany was able to develop aviation and tank techniques on Soviet polygons, prepare frames of pilots and tankers, which was important for its future lifting, strengthened its position in disputes with recent winners. Following Germany, not wanting to lose the Soviet market, other European countries began to look for ways to normalize relations from the USSR. Representatives of the Soviet and German Parties to Rapallo

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Questions and tasks How did the change in the nature of power in Russia and the class approach of the Bolsheviks on the issues of foreign policy on international relations? Who, for what purpose was the Communist International? Why in Germany, Hungary in 1918-1919. Revolutions occurred? What was common in these events? What distinguished them? What influence on Russia was these revolutions, their defeat? What szvuk in the world received revolutionary events, civil war in Russia? Why in the 1920s. USSR changed the focus of its foreign policy? What results were achieved?

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National liberation movements of the 1920s. In Asia, in 1920, the winner's power demanded from Turkey to fulfill their decisions on the dismemberment of its territory and the transfer of part of its Greece, as well as the establishment of international control over the Black Sea strait. The adoption of these conditions by the Sultan government has caused indignation in the country and the army. It turned into a national-democratic revolution. The government was created, which was headed by General M. Kemal, who commanded the army during the world war in the Caucasian Front. He became the first president of Turkey, as a sign of his merit, he was assigned the honorary title Ataturk - the father of the Turks. Ataturk Mustafa Kemal.

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The revolution in Iran is the Arena revolutionary movement became Iran. During the war years, he was occupied by Russian and British troops. In 1919, the United Kingdom signed an agreement with Iran Shah, who enshrined its status of a dependent country. In particular, it was assumed that the British advisers will lead the Iranian army and government agencies. This contract caused discontent in various layers of Iranian society, including clergy and merchants. The weakening of the central authorities caused Iran in many provinces, especially in the north of the country, the rise of separatist movements. In 1921, the Government Palace in Tehran was captured military partswhich commanded Lieutenant Colonel Reza-Khan, subsequently became Shah Iran. The new government of Iran refused to ratify the contract with England, established friendly relations with Soviet Russia. In the signed Soviet-Iranian contract, Iran's status as an independent state was fixed. Iran was obliged to prevent the use of its territory for hostile Russia activities. Otherwise, Russia had the right to introduce troops to Iran. This item guaranteed Iran to protection against the military intervention of the UK, which was then considered a hostile Russia. Reza Shah Pehlevius

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India The main political party is the richest and densely populated British colony, India, was the Indian National Congress (Inc.). The party operated legally from the last century and collaborated with the colonial authorities. She counted that the assistance provided by India Great Britain in the World War is a reason for providing this colony of self-government. However, the British authorities went in 1919 to create only advisory bodies that have no real power.

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Mahatma Gandhi leader Inc. Gandhi, in the framework of the concept of non-violence developed by him and the traditions of India, announced the beginning of the campaign of civil disobedience. It included refusal of hindu from cooperation with the authorities, termination of work in the administration and in British companies, educational institutions, boycott of English goods, manifestations. Campaigns could not be held exclusively within non-violence. On April 13, 1919, in the city of Amritsar, British troops opened fire on participants in the peaceful rally, about 1 thousand people were killed. Favoring the participants of the anticolonial movement failed. Many provinces began uprising against the power of the colonizers. Only in 1922, on the initiative of Inc., whose leaders were afraid that the situation would completely come out of control, the campaign was discontinued

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Gandhi Mahatma (1869-1948) - the leader of the National Liberation Movement of India. "Only when a person scrupulously follows the laws of society, he is able to judge which of the laws are good and fair, and what uniquants and vicious. Only then, he has the right to civil disobedience to certain laws in exactly certain circumstances, we are soldiers of non-violence, ready to give their lives if circumstances will require< ..> It is true that to some extent, non-violence is effective even in the hands of weak. And in this case, this weapon is useful to us, but if someone uses non-violence in order to disguise its weakness or helplessness, this cowardice such a person works on two fronts, he cannot live like a person, although he is the devil, of course, to become . A thousand times better when we die, trying to apply strength. Bold use of physical strength is much preferable to cowardice. " (Anthology of world political thought. M, 1997. T 2. P. 148-152) Determine the Fragment of the main views of M. Gandhi to the way of the struggle for India's independence. Do you share the conviction of the author in the "power of non-violence"? Explain their judgments.

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The arena of the largest revolutionary events in the 1920s. China became China's decisions of the Washington Conference, who returned China to the position of the beginning of the century, a dependent country with "open doors" for foreigners, caused the rise of national movement. Created in China with the support of the Comintern Communist Party, together with the bourgeois-nationalistic Homindan, created a single anti-imperial front. The formation of the national revolutionary army (NRA) began, the creation of which the USSR was made of a great contribution. NRA was equipped with Soviet weapons, military instructors and volunteers from the USSR were held in her ranks, which were led by the Soviet military commander V.K. Blucher. Chief Military Advisor Vasily Blucher and Party Leader Khomindan Chang Kashi

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The beginning of the Civil War in 1925 in Guangjow (Canton) was announced the creation of the National Government of China. NRA began a trip to the north, inflicting the defeat of the troops of local, provincial feudal-militaristic clicks. The concerns that China will be under the control of the political force directed from the USSR, prompted Great Britain and the United States in 1927 to interference in the course of the Civil War. Squadres of these powers were subjected to Nanjing bombard. Under these conditions, the leader of Hommeindan, General Chan Kaisha, preferred to compromise with the countries of the West. Chinese Communists, the left wing of which has long been annoyed by Homindan attempts to begin to build socialism in China, were expelled from the government, subjected to repression. Chan Kaishi.