Which groups can be divided by natural complexes. Forest as a natural and territorial complex

Area: 14,523 hectares. The purpose of the opposition: the preservation and study of typical and unique natural complexes of the southern part of the mountain Crimea to improve the soil-protecting, water-protection, balneological and aesthetic properties of mountain forests, enhancing their protection, in particular, from fires. The reserve on the wealth and beauty of nature is one of the most unique and most interesting objects not only the Crimea, but also eastern Europe. On its territory, trails are running back from the ancients [...]

Area: 34563 hectares. The purpose of the opposition: protection of landscapes and biota of the mountain Crimea, preservation of water water. The reserve occupies the most elevated part of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains. Its southern slopes are cool down to the Black Sea, and from the north the territory partially captures the Chatyr-Dag Ridge (1527 m). The reserve represents all the variety of natural complexes of the mountain Crimea and its climatic belts. Here are the highest peaks of the peninsula, among which the highest - Roman-Kos [...]

The concept of natural complex. The main object of studying modern physical geography is the geographical shell of our planet as a complex material system. It is heterogeneous both in vertical and horizontal directions. In horizontal, i.e. Spatially, the geographical envelope is divided into separate natural complexes (synonyms: natural-territorial complexes, geosystems, geographic landscapes). Natural complex - territory, homogeneous by origin, history [...]

Area: 527 hectares. Purpose of the opposition: preservation of the mountain wooded massif of the Crimean subsenside. Ayu-Dag, or a Bear Mountain, a form resembling a beast-bowed to the Black Sea, one of the symbols of the Crimea, which can be observed with almost all sides of the southern shore. This place is known since ancient times: Antique geographer Stragone mentions Ayu Dag called Kimizytopon - Barbus forehead. The dome-shaped mountain (571 m) is a failed volcano, which [...]

Cambodia culture, as well as other neighboring countries, experienced in the V-VIII centuries. A strong influence on the part of Indian immigrants and the pressure of Buddhism. Mostly plain relief of the country affected the regularity of the planning of cities and temple complexes. The palace and temple complexes, called watts, had a concentric composition, surrounded by wide moans and powerful wall-gallery walls with built-in buildings. The flowering of Cambodia culture is associated with the formation of the monarchy of the XI-XIII centuries. Capital [...]

Landscapes of the eastern federal land Austria Burgenland are a continuation of the Hungarian Pushti - arid flat steppes. This is a district of sheeping, fruit growing and viticulture. The cultural landscape of Franty (Austria) was formed on the shores of the only steppe lake Neusidler-xe, which passes the Austrian-Hungarian border. On the shores of the lake, a whole string of castles, monasteries, towns and vineyards stretched, even antique monuments. From Vienna to Lake [...]

In Spain, as in all developed European countries, there are serious environmental problems. However, she has already reached this level. economic Developmentwhich allows you to finance and implement not only local environmental activities in areas with the most acute environmental situation, but also to form a long-term national environmental Policy. At the same time, an increasing impact on [...]

Ingredients: Primorsky, Kamchatka and Khabarovsk region, Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous District. Main cities: Vladivostok - 600 thousand people, Khabarovsk. The Far East occupies 1/3 of the country's area, which lives only 4% of its population with a density of 1.1 pers. / Sq. Km. This largest and least populated area of \u200b\u200bthe country is highlighted by unique geographical [...]

The road from Evpatoria to the north-west of Crimea begins at the railway station. Immediately outside the city, the monotonous steppe landscape revives young gardens, gardens, and then on both sides of the road only a wide wavy steppe. The islands among the seams of crops seem to float past the village of Romaškino, spikelets, Vorobyevo. Around all Surimates, new sprouts are emerging - intensification and specialization of agricultural production. At the [...]

In accordance with Federal law "On specially protected natural territories" in our country has created specially protected natural areas of various forms. They are most diverse at the regional and local levels. The central place is occupied by the largest natural parks and most numerous - reserves and monuments of nature. Natural parks are a relatively new category of specially protected natural territories [...]

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", the following groups are distinguished: Reserves, National Parks, Natural Parks, Reserve, Nature Monuments, Dendrological Parks and Botanical Gardens, Medical and Importing Areas and Resorts, as well as other categories of specially protected Natural Territories established by the Government Russian Federation, Organs executive power Subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments. The map shows [...]

Historically, Russia has always been great to the role of industries related to the development of mineral resources. In the depths of Russia there are 12% of the developed world reserves of stone and 34% of brown coal, about a third of the natural gas and the seventh part of the world's oil reserves (about 13%). Differences in the provision of raw materials, fuel and energy and labor resources, economic potential, as well as the historical features of the development of the European part [...]

In the system of environmental measures, the most important direction is to withdraw from the economic use of certain territories and water management or restriction on economic activities. These measures are designed to contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and types of biota in the state closest to the natural, preservation of the gene pool of plants and animals, as well as landscapes - as the standards of nature, in scientific and educational purposes. Such direction [...]

The head of state is the President of the Russian Federation, elected for four years by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct election law during a secret ballot. The state power in the Russian Federation is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (Federation Council and the State Duma), the Government of the Russian Federation, the courts of the Russian Federation. The legislature is the Federal Assembly of the Parliament of the Russian Federation, consisting [...]

Space with spacecraft "Resource.F2", camera MK 4. Scale about 1: 370,000. The Moscow region is located in the center of the East European Plain. The relief is plain, places of wavy-horms. The greatest heights barely exceed 300 m, and the smallests are about 100 m. The north of Moscow is located Smolensko-Moscow elevation and its highest and hilly part of the Klin-Dmitrovsky ridge, which in the north goes down to the Uppervolzh Nizne, [...]

Recreational resources are a combination of natural and historical and cultural facilities and phenomena suitable for use in the organization of recreation and tourism. The basis of the tourist and recreational potential of the Russian Federation is historical cities, monuments, museums, museums, reserves, vintage estate, national and natural parks, natural and cultural objects of the World Heritage, the traditions and customs of the numerous peoples of Russia, folk art fishery, the richest natural resources: the sea, [...]

Abiotic factors - a complex of conditions of the inorganic medium affecting organisms. Avtotrophs - Organisms, originating the chemical elements from the surrounding themselves to them and do not require to build their body ready-made organic compounds of another organism to build their bodies. The main source of energy used by autotrophs is the sun. Anabiosis - (from the Greek.-revival) The ability of organisms to experience unfavorable time (temperature changes [...]

The fuel and energy industry (fuel and energy complex) is a set of branches of the fuel industry, electric power industry, fuel and energy delivery facilities. Energy is the basis for the development of the productive forces and the very existence of human society. It provides the work of power apparatus in industry, agriculture, transport and in everyday life. This is the most material intensive industry of the global industry. Most environmental problems are also associated with energy. Primary energy carriers [...]

All nature components are closely and inextricably linked with each other. The change in one of them causes changes to others. These relationships are expressed in metabolism and energy. It happens within any particular territory. Therefore, the natural territorial complex (PTC) is a natural combination of interrelated components of nature on a certain territory.

Natural territorial complexes are of great practical importance for agriculture, amelioration, recreational business, construction of cities, roads. No knowledge of the features of one or another natural complex there can be no speech on rational use, protection and improvement natural environment. The hierarchy of natural complexes distinguish three main levels: local (facies), regional (natural zone, province), global (geographic shell).

In Russia, many diverse PTK stands out. Natural, or physico-geographical, zoning serves as the main method of identifying PTK, establishing their boundaries. The discharge of large PTC on the territory of Russia is the differences in geological structure, relief and climate.

According to these features, scientists physico-geographers usually allocate in Russia:

1. Russian (Eastern European) plain.

2. North Caucasus.

4. Western liberty lowland, or plain.

5. Middle Siberia.

6. Northeast Siberia.

7. The belt of the mountains of Southern Siberia.

8. Far East.

We will look at six large natural regions: 1. Russian (Eastern European) plain; 2. North Caucasus; 3. Ural; 4. Western liberty lowland; 5. Eastern Siberia; 6. Far East.

Natural zones

Natural zonality is one of the main geographical patterns. The largest German naturalist Alexander Humboldt, analyzing climate change and vegetation, found that there is a very close connection between them, and the climatic zones are simultaneously and vegetation zones. V. V. Dokuchaev proved that the zonality is the universal law of nature. It is with zonality that the existence of large natural-territorial complexes (PTK), or natural (natural historical - according to V.V. Dokuchaev) zones is connected. Each of them is characterized by a certain ratio of heat and moisture, playing a leading role in the formation of soil-vegetation cover.

On the territory of Russia there is a shift (from north to south) of the following natural zones: Arctic deserts, tundras, timber tundra, taiga, mixed and large forests, forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts. Almost all zones stretch from the west to the east of thousands of kilometers, and nevertheless, they still retain common features due to dominant climatic conditions, the degree of moisturizing, soil types, the nature of the vegetation cover. Similarities are traced in surface waters, and in modern relief processing processes. A great contribution to the study of natural zones was made by Academician L.S. Berg.

The arctic desert zone is located on the islands of the North Arctic Ocean And in the extreme north of the Taimyr Peninsula. A significant part of the surface is covered with ice; Winter is long and harsh, summer is short and cold. The average temperature of the warmest month is close to zero (less +4 ° C). In such conditions, snow does not have time to melt everywhere. Glaciers are formed. Large areas are occupied by stone browsing. The soil is almost not developed. The vegetation on snow-free and ice surface does not forms closed cover. These are cold deserts. Among the plants are moss and lichens. Flower plants are represented by a small number of species and are rare. Those who feed the sea are dominated from animals: birds and white bears. On the rocky shores in the summer there are noisy bird bazaars.

The TundR zone occupies the coast of the seas of the Northern Ocean from the western border of the country to Bering Strait, which is almost 1/6 part of Russia. Tundras places reach the northern polar circle. The greatest length (from the north to the south) zone reaches in Western and Central Siberia. Compared to the Arctic deserts summer in the tundra warmer, but winter is long and cold. The average temperature of July is +5 ... +10 ° C. The southern border of the zone almost coincides with the isotherm of July +10 ° C. The precipitation falls a little - 200--300 mm per year. But with a lack of heat, evaporation is small, therefore the hydration is excessive (k\u003e 1.5). Perennial Merzlot is almost universally common, which takes off in the summer of just a few tens of centimeters. In places of deeper shutting it, shallow basins are formed, which are filled with water. Without leaking into a frozen soil, the moisture remains on the surface. Tundra is literally littered with shallow and small lakes. Great and river stock. Rivers in the summer time.

The soil zone is low-power, tundrov-gley, dominates the tundra vegetation from moss, lichens and low-spirited shrubs. In Nezlesia, the tundra is obeyless not only the cold and eternal Merzlota, but also strong winds. The tundra zone with poor heat reserves, many years of milling, moss-lichen and shrub communities - these are areas of reindeer breeding. Fox mined here. In the tundra lakes a lot of fish.

Lesotund Zone The lane is stretched along the southern border of the tundra zone. The average temperature of July is +10 ... +14 ° C, the annual amount of precipitation is 300-- 400 mm. The precipitation falls much more than it can evaporate, therefore Ferotundra is one of the most wetrated natural zones. In the nutrition of rivers, talar snow waters prevail. The flood on the rivers is at the beginning of summer, when snow is melted. Forestandra is a transition zone from tundra to a taiga. It is characterized by a combination of tundra and forest communities of plants and animals, as well as soils.

A variety of forests of Russia. Forests are a coarse sprath of Elnikov, and the greatness of the pine forests, and the sun impregnated with the sun, and the tv birch. Forests are common in two natural zones: in the taiga zone and in the zone of mixed and large forests.

Taiga zone is the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe Natural Area of \u200b\u200bRussia. In different areas of different areas, many natural conditions are the total severity of the climate, the degree of moisture, a mountain or plain relief, the number of sunny days, a variety of soils. Therefore, types of coniferous trees prevailing in taiga, which, in turn, changes the appearance of taiga. Dark-like spruce-fir forests prevail in the European part of the zone and in Western Siberia, where cedry are joined. Most of the middle and eastern Siberia are covered with larch forests. Pine forests grow everywhere on sandy and grated soils. The forests of Far Eastern Primorye, where on the Sikhote-Alin Ridge to coniferous - freshers and fir - are joined by such southern species like Amur velvet, cork oak, etc. The main wealth of Taiga is a forest. Taiga accounts for 50% of Russian wood stocks. Hydropower resources account for more than 50% of the country's resources. The extraction of valuable fur is almost completely accounted for by the taiga zone.

North and middle Taiga They differ in heat disadvantage (temperatures above 10 ° C is less than 1600 °) and low-grade soils. Here, as in Ferebundra, agriculture is focal nature.

South Taiga subzone More favorable for agriculture, although to increase the fertility of the land they need to dry, lime and fertilize. Conditions here are favorable for breeding cattle.

The zone of mixed and large forests is located on the Russian plain south of the taiga, is absent in the intra-engineering areas and again appears in the south of the Far East. The soil and vegetation zone change when moving from north to south. In the north, mixed coniferous-decide forests on ferrous-podzolic soils are common, in the south - multi-tiered broad-sized forests on gray forest soils. Very peculiar Far Eastern Mountain Bilay Forests. In them, along with Siberian species, woody and shrub breeds characteristic of the forests of Korea, China, Japan and Mongolia are growing. The vegetation of the zone, especially in the European part, is very much changed. Our distant ancestors, needing for agriculture soils, began to cut down local oaks. Now forest area occupy less than 30% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe zone. In their composition, the proportion of secondary fine breeds - birch, aspen, alder. In place of the former forests, Parshi, gardens, pastures spread out.

The forest-steppe zone is a transition zone from the forest to the steppe. On the interfolding of the forest-steppe zone, broad-sized (oak) and fine forests on gray forest soils alternate with the swollen steppes on the chernozem. The ratio of heat and moisture in the forest-steppe close to the optimal, but moisturizing is unstable. Droughts occur, dryness is often blowing, so it is necessary to take measures to prevent their destructive impact on crops (for example, landing of forest stripes). The soil of the forest-steppe zone is fertile. However, with the storm character of precipitation and friendly melting of snow, the upper soil horizon is washed off, ravines are formed on the fields. It is necessary to fight water erosion. The nature of the zone is strongly changed by the economic activity of man. In the West, plowing reaches 80%. It is grown wheat, corn, sunflower, sugar beets and other cultures.

The steppe zone is small in the area and occupies the south of the European part of the country and Western Siberia. On the example of the steppes, it is especially clearly seen that only in terms of the amount of drop-down precipitates cannot be judged by moisture. The precipitation drops here a little - from 300 to 450 mm, approximately as much as in the tundra zone. But the tundra is swallowed and is distinguished by excessive moisture. There is a lack of moisture in the steppes. The humidification coefficient in the steppe zone varies from 0.6--0.8 (at the northern border) to 0.3 (in the south). Cyclones over the steppe pass less frequently than above the forest zone. Summer is clear, sunny weather. High summer temperatures (the average temperature of July is +21 ... +23 ° C) and strong winds cause significant evaporation from the surface and periodically occurring drought, sukhovhye, dust storms that cause great harm to vegetation. Since precipitation drops a bit, and evapoability is 2 times higher than the amount of precipitation, there are no conditions for leaching humus to the depth of soil horizons. In the steppes are common chernozem with very dark color and with a grainy structure. The power of the humor reaches 50--80 cm. In the Kuban River Basin, the border of this horizon is marked at a depth of 1.5 m. Chernozem is the most fertile soils of our country. In the southern strip of steppes, dark brown soils are common, less fertile and often saline.

Currently, the steppe zone is almost completely disassemble. The supply of vegetable mass in the steppes is significantly less than in the forest area. Because of the long-term droughts of the grass, by the middle of summer, be frown and burn out. That is why steppe plants have deep, branched roots, giving up to 80% of the plant mass.

The animal world of steppes is very different from Taiga. Different small rodents prevail - gophers, surs, tushkars, hamsters, voles. Through the prehistoric steppes wandered the herd of wild horses, saigas, now pushed out in semi-deserts, bull tours, completely destroyed in Eastern Europe.

The steppe is the main grain grain of the country. It is grown wheat, corn, sunflower and other important cultures.

Semi-deserts and deserts are located in the Caspiani and Eastern Precoccasia.

Semi-desert, like the steppe, whisk. She has traits and steppes, and deserts. The climate here is sharply continental. The precipitation is not enough - 250 mm per year. Evaporability 4-- 7 times the amount of precipitation. Together with evapoable moisture in the upper soil horizons, soluble substances are moved, which leads to their salinization. Soil - chestnut and brown desert-steppe. Wheld-cereal vegetation prevails, which persistently reacting to the proximity of groundwater. The soil is quite fertile, but for the occupation of agriculture, their artificial irrigation is necessary. Semi-desert - good pastures for sheep and camels. With the external poverty of vegetation for the year, each hectare gives 4--8 tons of organic matter.

Desert They are also distinguished by a large moisture deficit (less than 150 mm per year) and higher average temperatures of July - +25 ° C. Summer is longer here and roast. On average, for the year there is no less than 200 sunny days. Soils are even more saline than in semi-desert. Moisture deserts are especially supported, as clay delays moisture on the surface and it evaporates quickly. The humidification coefficient does not exceed 0.1--0.3.

Related vegetation covers usually less than half of the desert surface. There is little vegetable mass, and it dries quickly. Accumulations Houring from the decline almost does not occur. Soil desert - serous. Due to the large amount of mineral salts obtained during irrigation, they become fertile. The vegetation of the desert is well adapted to the dry climate: the plants are long and branched roots, instead of the leaves of the spines.

The wilderness of the deserts dwell in the holes or buried in the sand. Some even fall in the summer in a hibernation, can do without water for a long time. The deserts, like semi-deserts, serve as valuable pastures for sheep and camels.

High-rise explanation (high-altitude, or vertical, zonality) is a natural change of natural zones and landscapes in the mountains.

Mountains - the main cause of violation horizontal location Natural zones on globe. Unlike the plains in the mountains and vegetable, and animal world 2--5 times richer species. What is the "high-storey" of natural zones in the mountains? The number of high-rise belt depends on the height of the mountains and from their geographic location. The change of natural zones in the mountains is often compared with the movement along the plain in the direction of the south to the north. But in the mountains, the change of natural zones occurs sharp and more contrast and is felt at relatively small distances. The largest number of high-rise belses can be observed in the mountains located in the tropics, the smallest - in the mountains of the same height in the area of \u200b\u200bthe polar circle. The character of the altitude explanation varies depending on the exposure of the slope, as well as remoteness from the ocean. In the mountains located near sea coasts, mining landscapes prevail. For the mountains in the central regions of the mainland typical of brass landscapes. Each high-rise landscape belt is looking for mountains on all sides, but the system of tiers on opposite slopes of the ridges is sharply different. Only at the mountain fitting conditions are close to typical plains. Over them are "floors" with more moderate, and above and harsh nature. Crowned these floors tier of eternal snow and ice. It would seem, closer to the Sun must be warmer, but it turns out on the contrary - the higher, the colder.

Several million years ago, forests covered approximately 80% of land sushi. Over the past 10 thousand years, our planet lost 2/3 of its forest vegetation covered.

Currently, forests occupy about a third of the surface of the sushi (not including the Antarctic Square). Square occupied by forests continue to decline annually.

Geographical object (forest value)

The forest is called a natural complex, which consists of tree plants of one or many species growing close to each other and forming a canopy from partially or fully closed crowns, many organisms of other kingdoms in combination with soils, surface waters and an adjacent layer of the atmosphere. All components of the forest ecosystem affect each other, and also interact with all other planet ecosystems, including human ecosystem.

The forest is commonplace, as it has a significant impact on the climate of the Earth, surface and underground water drains and soil formation. Russian scientists G.F. And V.N. Sukachev first highlighted the global role of the forest as a livestock battery in the planet's biosphere.

Thanks to photosynthesis, the forest accumulates and transforms solar energy, producing oxygen. It actively participates in global carbon balance cycles. Changing the climate of the Earth and the problem of greenhouse gases is largely associated with the destruction of forest ecosystems.

Forest characteristics

Two world forest belts are distinguished: North and South. The Northern includes Russia, Finland, Sweden, Canada and the United States, and to the South-Southeast Asia, Amazonia and the Congo pool.

By natural and territorial features, it is customary to allocate forests on continents and large regions:
- European,
- Forests of Eastern Europe,
- Far Eastern,
- Siberian,
- Forests of Southeast Asia,
- Forests of North America

Natural zones and types of forests

Within natural territorial zones, a description of the breed composition of trees and climatic characteristics. The woods of the world are divided into the forests of tropical belts and the forests of moderate belts.

Tropical wet forests (rain) have a lower and mountain belt. Vegetable in the rain period. These Equatorial evergreen forests feature a huge species diversity of representatives of flora and fauna. These include the Forests of Amazonia, the Basin of the River Congo and Jungle of India. The height of trees reaches tens of meters. In the upper tier, ficuses and palm trees grow, below the lianas and tree fern. More than half of this type of forest are reduced.

Dry tropical leaf fall and mountain forests fall out during drought and vegetate on the rainy season. They are also known as the "Caating", which translated from the Tupi-Guarani language means "white forest".

In the forests of moderate belts, broader, finely, taiga and mixed forest types are highlighted.

Moderate climate widespread forests are located in Central Europe, in the east of North America, the East of China, the mountainous regions of Crimea, the Caucasus and Carpathians, the Far East of Russia, New Zealand, Japan. The pedigree composition of trees includes oak, elm, lime, chestnut, plane, hrybro. From ancient large forest forests, only small green islands in nature reserves and highly crossed areas remained.

Taiga forests with coniferous species of trees occupy the most extensive range. They include most of the forests of Siberia.

For shifting and coniferous forests, finely comes finely. For this type of forest, various breeds birch, alder, poplar, aspen, Iva are characteristic. Their wood is much softer than that of broad-breed trees, so these forests are also called soft. They constitute a significant part of the forests of Russia, and the birchings are dominated.

Mixed forests include broad-sided, coniferous and fine and coniferous trees and occupy an area in Central and Western Europe.

Climate forests

Wet and hot equatorial climate, where all year round, the temperature does not decrease less than 24-28 ° C - the growing conditions for wet rainforest. Abundant rains come here often, the amount of precipitation is up to 10,000 mm per year. The dry season alternates here with tropical rains with air humidity from 80%.

Overcoming drought and heat from 4 to 6 months a year falls by dry rainforests. They get from 800 to 1300 mm of precipitation per year.

The climate of the taiga ranges from the soft sea in the west to a sharply continental in the East, where in the winter frosts can reach the level of -60 ° C. The amount of precipitation ranges from 200 to 1000 mm. In the conditions of permafrost, moisture is stared, which leads to the formation of wetlands.

A moderately continental climate of mixed and large forests is relatively mild and fairly warm in summer, with long and cold winter. The average annual precipitation is approximately 700 mm. If the humidity is redundant and evaporation is not enough, the processes of fearing begin.

The biggest forests in the world

Even in reputable sources, the statement is found that the largest forest arrays are located in the Amazon Pool. But actually it is not. The championship belongs to the taiga. She ranked the Boreal Zone of Eurasia, Canada and Alaska, was located in North America, at considerable territories in Finland, Sweden and Norway, stretched over the entire territory of Russia. Its area is 10.7 million square meters. km.

It is obvious that the geographic shell device depends on a particular region, so it consists of separate natural complexes.

Natural complexes of land

The geographical envelope has a mosaic structure, this is due to different natural complexes that enter it. A part of the earth's surface, which possesses the same natural conditions, is customary to be called a natural complex.

Uniform natural conditions are relief, water, climate, soil, animal and vegetable world. Separately, natural complexes consist of components that are interrelated by historically established connections.

That is why if one of the components of nature occurs, then all the components of the natural complex are changed.

The geographic envelope is a generallylanet natural complex and the largest. The shell is divided into smaller natural complexes.

Types of natural complexes

Separation of the shell on separate natural complexes is due to the heterogeneity of the earth's surface and structure earth crust, as well as uneven heat.

In view of these differences, natural complexes are classified on zonal and avonal.

Azonal natural complexes

Oceans and continents are considered the main abonal natural complexes. They are the largest in size. Smaller it is customary to be the plain and mountain areas that are on the mainland.

For example, Caucasus, West Siberian Plain, Andes. And these natural complexes can be divided into smaller - southern and central Andes.

River valleys, hills, various slopes that are located on their territory will be considered even smaller natural complexes.

The relationship of the components of natural complexes

The relationship of the components of natural complexes is a unique phenomenon.

This can be traced on a simple example: if the amount of solar radiation and its impact on the earth's surface will change, the nature of vegetation in this area will change. This transformation will lead to a change in soil and relief formation.

Impact of man for natural complexes

Human activity has a significant impact on natural complexes since a long time. After all, a person not only adapts to the nature of the Earth, but also has a constant and extensive effect on it.

For many centuries, a person has improved his skills and created different methods Use of nature in their own interests. It extremely negatively affected the development of most natural complexes.

It is for this reason that they are increasingly talking about such a phenomenon as rational nature management. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the activities of a person aimed at the careful development of natural complexes and preserving natural resources In any circumstances.