Northern and South Europeans. The reason for the emergence of the Roman Empire in terms of northern racial theory

Europe is a unique continent - it is not surrounded by water from all sides, and has a conditional land border with neighboring Asia. FROM scientific EUROPE is part of the large continent of Eurasia, that is, a separate continent of Europe does not exist.

But from a geopolitical point of view, Europe stands out as a territory surrounded by the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Atlantic Ocean in the West, the Mediterranean Sea in the south, and the Black Sea in the south-east.

States of Europe

The territory of Europe spread out from the east to the west by more than 3,000 kilometers, and from the south to the north by 5,000 kilometers (from the island of Crete to the island of Svalbard). Most of the European powers are mostly small. With such small sizes of territories, they have good transport infrastructure and close economic ties.
The European continent for most classifications is integrated into parts: Western; Eastern; north; South. All powers located on the European Continent belong to one of these territories.

  • In Western Europe, there are 11 countries.
  • Eastern - 10 (including Russia).
  • In North - 8.
  • In South - 15.

We list all the countries of Europe and their capital. The list of countries and the capitals of Europe is divided into four parts, respectively, by the territorial and geographical position of the powers on the world map.

The most visited countries in Europe -, United Kingdom, and Germany.

We first give a list of all countries in alphabetical order, and then in parts of Europe. Who is more convenient - there and see.

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List of countries in Europe Capital Flag Which part
Austria Vein Western
Akrotiri. Episcopes South
Albania Tirana South
Andorra La Velia South
Minsk Eastern
Belgium Brussels Western
Bulgaria Sofia Eastern
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo. South
Vatican South
Great Britain London Western
Hungary Budapest Eastern
Germany Berlin Western
Saint Peter Port Western
Gibraltar South
Athens South
Denmark Copenhagen North
Decoleia. Episcopes South
Jersey Saint Heler Western
Ireland Dublin Western
Iceland Reykjavik North
Spain Madrid South
Italy Rome South
Cyprus Nicosia South
Kosovo Pristina South
Latvia Riga North
Lithuania Vilnius North
Liechtenstein Vaduz Western
Luxembourg Western
Macedonia Skopje South
Malta Valletta. South
Moldova Kishinev Eastern
Monaco Monaco Western
Amsterdam Western
Norway Oslo North
Isle Of Man Douglas Western
Poland Warsaw Eastern
Portugal Lisbon South
Romania Bucharest Eastern
Moscow Eastern
San Marino. San Marino. South
Serbia Belgrade South
Slovakia Bratislava Eastern
Slovenia Ljubljana South
Ukraine Kiev Eastern
Faroe islands Torshavn North
Helsinki North
Paris Western
Croatia Zagreb. South
Montenegro Podgorica and Cetina South
Czech Republic Prague Eastern
Switzerland Berne Western
Sweden Stockholm North
Spitsbergen Longyir North
Estonia Tallinn North


Western Europe

Countries and territories Area (km²) Population of the country Population density (at km²) Capital
Austria 83 871 8 507 786 101,4 Vein
Belgium 32 545 11 203 992 344,3 Brussels
Great Britain 244 820 64 308 261 262,7 London
Germany 357 022 80 780 000 226,3 Berlin
Ireland 70 273 4 604 029 65,5 Dublin
Liechtenstein 160,4 37 129 231,5 Vaduz
Luxembourg 2586,4 549 680 212,5 Luxembourg
Monaco 1,95 38 066 19 521,0 Monaco
Netherlands 41 526 16 887 700 406,7 Amsterdam
France 547 030 63 928 608 116,9 Paris
Switzerland 41 290 8 136 689 197,1 Berne

Austria and Germany on individual classifications refers to.

Western European states are washed mainly by trends Atlantic Ocean And only in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula borders with the waters of the ocean of the North Icetic.

In general, these are highly developed and prosperous powers. But they are allocated to an unfavorable demographic situation. Birth rate and low level of natural growth in residents. In Germany, there is even a decline in the population. All this led to the fact that the developed Western Europe began to play the role of the subregion in the global population migration system, it turned into a chief focus of labor immigration.

Eastern Europe

Countries and territories Area (km²) Population of the country Population density (at km²) Capital
Belorus 207 600 9 481 000 46 Minsk
Bulgaria 110 910 7 245 677 65,3 Sofia
Hungary 93 030 9 879 000 106,2 Budapest
Moldova 33 843 3 555 200 119,8 Kishinev
Poland 312 685 38 495 659 123,1 Warsaw
(from 22% to 23% of the territory)
3 938 794 (European part).
17 125 200 (general)
Approximately 68% - 100 000 000
(in the European part).
146 544 710 (total number)
27 (in the European part)
8.6 (Total density)
Romania 237 500 19 942 642 84 Bucharest
Slovakia 48 845 5 412 008 110,8 Bratislava
Ukraine 576 604 42 590 900 74,1 Kiev
Czech Republic 78 866 10 512 419 133,3 Prague

Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic also belong to individual classifications.

Eastern European States have a lower level economic Developmentthan western neighbors. However, they preserved cultural and ethnicity.

Eastern Europe is rather a cultural and historical region than geographical. Just to the eastern territory of Europe, Russian expanses can be attributed. And the Geographical Center for Eastern Europe is about within Ukraine.

Northern Europe

The territories of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Yutcilia, the Baltic States, the islands of Spitsberena and Iceland are included in the northern part of Europe. The population of these edges is only 4% of the total European. Samoa big country The eight is Sweden, and the smallest - Iceland itself. The population density in these lands is less in Europe - 22 people / m2, and in Iceland - only 3 people / m2. This is due to the harsh conditions of the climatic zone. But economic indicators of development allocate northern Europe as the leader of the entire global economy.

Southern Europe

Countries and territories Area (km²) Population of the country Population density (at km²) Capital
Albania 28 748 2 831 741 98,5 Tirana
Andorra 468 76 246 162,9 Andorra La Velia
Bosnia and Herzegovina 51 197 3 836 377 74,9 Sarajevo.
Vatican 0,44 821 1780 Vatican
Greece 131 990 10 992 589 83,3 Athens
Spain 504 030 46 507 760 92,3 Madrid
Italy 301 318 60 782 668 201,7 Rome
Macedonia 25 713 2 065 769 80,3 Skopje
Malta 316 425 384 1346,2 Valletta.
Portugal 92 391 10 427 301 112,9 Lisbon
San Marino. 61 31 637 518,6 San Marino.
Serbia 88 361 9 468 378 107,2 Belgrade
Slovenia 20 273 2 072 870 102,2 Ljubljana
Croatia 56 542 4 246 700 75,1 Zagreb.
Montenegro 13 812 624 335 45,2 Podgorica and Cetina

Slovenia also refers to individual classifications.

The Balkan and the Pyrenean Peninsula are occupied by these South European powers. Industry is developed here, especially black and non-ferrous metallurgy. Countries are rich in mineral resources. In agriculture, the main efforts are aimed at growing food, such as: grapes; Olives; Garnet; Date. It is known that Spain is a leading global country to collect olives. It is here that 45% of the total olive oil in the world is produced. Spain is famous for both the most famous artists - Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro.

European Union

European countries have another division in modern history. In 1992, there was an official association of countries to the European Union (EU). The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a union was kept from the mid-20th century, but the legally consent of the parties was signed in 1992. Over time, the number of participants of the European Union has expanded, now it includes 28 allies. There are still states who have a desire to join the relatively prosperous EU countries, but to prove their compliance with the European storage and high EU principles is not easy and not quickly.

The main princes that are declared the most important for the EU are to protect the rights of citizens; democracy; freedom of trade in the context of the developed economy; Unified customs space.

  1. Austria
  2. Germany
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Hungary
  5. Romania
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Poland
  8. Belgium
  9. British kingdom
  10. Greece
  11. Italy
  12. Spanish kingdom
  13. Ireland
  14. France
  15. Denmark
  16. Sweden
  17. Finland
  18. Lithuania
  19. Latvia
  20. Estonia
  21. Republic of Cyprus
  22. Malta
  23. Kingdom of the Netherlands
  24. Great Duchy Luxembourg
  25. Slovenia
  26. Slovakia
  27. Portugal
  28. Croatia

These countries of Europe as Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey are claiming to enter into this union. The Association Agreement with the EU has signed three countries: Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The members of the European Union are subordinate to a single customs policy and trade with each other without duties and without restrictions. And in relation to the rest of the powers, the adopted customs tariff is valid. EU countries have a single monetary currency - the euro. Many EU participating countries are included in the so-called Schengen zone, it makes it possible to move their citizens freely around all allies.

The Board of the European Union - the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Court, the Audit Community, the EU Control Budget.

Despite the unity, the countries of Europe, entering the community, have complete independence and state sovereignty. Each country enjoys its national language and has its own governments. But for all participants there are certain criteria, and they must comply with them. For example, the coordination of all important political decisions with the European Parliament.

Of course, a very important article, for understanding both the causes of the greatest cultures and civilizations on Earth and the reasons for the difference between mentality and, accordingly, different psychology of nations inside even one white race.

About the Romance and Germans.

In continuation of the controversy about the ratio of Romanesque and German began in Europe.

A very important question is addressed - the question of the relationship in one or another civilization of racial and cultural began. Taking the real superiority of Romanesque culture over Germans, we simultaneously talk about the dominance of the cultural component over racial. That of course, not quite right. But the attitude to the culture of the people solely from the point of view of its racial composition, according to the principle "the more Nordide, the more perfect culture is." And the other approach lead to idiocy. The first approach in its maximum idiocheme claims that genetics is completely unimportant, yesterday's elderly elderly, which has passed through education in a developed culture, will be equal to Europeans. The second approach, no lagging in idiochem, will increase the culture of Norwegian fishermen above the Italian Renaissance and French classicism.

Obviously, the truth is somewhere in the middle. A person is a difficult creature in which the cultural, and the biological component is difficult to relate. The easiest way to understand the question of this ratio, using a computer analogy.

The biological in person can be compared with the factory iron in the computer. The frequency of the processor, the RAM, the power of the video card, the quality of the performance of the parts and their reliability, and so on, other is human genetics. True, in contrast to the computer, it is impossible to take and replace individual details in a person. "System Block" tightly sealed and no changes.

In turn, culture and education are a set of programs that are installed on top of the factory iron.
It is clear that far from each iron can be put same set programs. Some programs have greater requirements for iron power, and weak iron does not pull them. In turn, poorly written, curves of the program, can most of the excellent gland are left unused, or even harm to him. As well as, good programs may not be incompatible with this, too, good iron.

It is difficult to also say that more important is iron or more important than the program. As the most perfect computer without programs is a pile of silicon and the most perfect person without a cultural firmware - an animal. On a bad, weak computer is absolutely impossible to put comfortable, modern programs.

Among Europeans, it is the North Europeans who have the most perfect "hardware". The Skull of the North European on average is larger, the brain is more than the South European. Later, the sexual maturation of the North Europeans provides them with a longer period of training (with the beginning of the riot of sex hormones and the beast, and the person is stupid, becoming weakly trained, conflict, focused on the implementation of instinctive programs). Nudo-chromanide peoples are Germans Hannover, Danes, Scots - have the highest in the world the average mass of the brain. In addition to intellectual advantages, the North Europeans are not deprived of physical parameters. They, in contrast, also very large-headed mongoloids, there is no reduced level of male hormones, expressed in a decrease in the size and mass of the body, reduced libido, reduced aggressiveness and self-esteem. Smart and strong, north-Europeans did not accidentally conquered and settled huge spaces, everywhere forging the dominant class. The initial habitat of North Europeans is sudition enough to provide natural selection, allow to survive and give offspring only the smartest and strong.

(Note: The colossal difference in the structure of nudo-chromanide and the mongoloid skulls shows that with comparable magnitudes of the brains of the north-European and the Mongoloid, the development of different brain shares will be very different. That is, with the same weight in 1600 grams, the German brain will be harder due to completely different areas than the brain of the Chinese)

Nevertheless, the same harsh habitat until recently did not contribute to the development of rich and strong crops. Two factors prevented this:
1. Natural. In the harsh northern conditions, it accounted for most of the strength and energy to spend on the struggle with the medium. When there is a question of survival, not to art and philosophy.
2. Raslo-social. To create high cultural samples even smart man Need an overall time. Excess time in technological conditions ancient Mira Created with the help of a hierarchy. When the dependent person is a slave, Trelle, the Hop - performs a draft work for Mr., helping to free the time for something else. But the German tribe, surrounded by other German-old tribes (consisting of smart and strong north-European) simply not had a permanent source of slave power.

But in the south, where the climate allowed the Northerners to exhale and significantly increase their number, and all the blacks work fell on the shoulders of the conquered population, the descendants of the northern invaders created great civilizations and hit the world with the magnificence of their cultures. Such cultures flourished until the northern blood was dried in them, after the mining of another wave from the north became mining. Actually, this is the Romanesque cultures that are completely incorrectly considered, especially in retrospect, as a product exclusively South European.

(Note: The process of creating and falling the ancient crops brilliantly revealed Hans Gunter in his work "Racial History of the Hellensky and Roman Peoples")

European history is the story of a constant interchange. In the direction from the north to south, the best human material was walked, and the high culture created with the active participation of this material, in the century returned home, from the south to the north, where purely German cultures created. That is, German cultures in the historical plan - really later than Romanesque, and often secondary to them.

When comparing the actual German and Romanesque cultures, the following is rushed into the eyes. German culture is always a culture of a clear hierarchy and order. German ORDNUNG, Roman Legem et Ordinis. The German society is a society of harsh, but fair laws, a tough, but obvious hierarchy. In German culture, the valor, directness, honesty, decency, restraint and practicality are exceeded, cause disapproval - cunning, lucavia, speaking, impostitousness, explosive emotionality.

Romanesque society is a Balagan and a boutinal, where the external visibility of chaos nevertheless, a certain order is hidden supported through all sorts of secret societies, diaspora, mafia, sects, lodges. In Romanesque culture, the mind, cunning, crucification, enterprise, eloquence, masks, situational morality, cause disapproval and ridicule - directness, inflexibility, primaryness. Decency is perceived as a lack of mind and tricks.

A significant lack of German culture is suitable only for peoples that are mainly north-European ways in a racial attitude. Formed by the Nordic Europeans to communicate with the Northern Europeans, the entire German culture is based on training and education, which are faithful to the mind of students. The German is presupposing in any person the same qualities that they are laid in it. Rationality, logicality, restraint in emotions, the ability to see and understand your interest and relate it to a stranger, the ability to reasonable compromises and assignments, the ability to adjust instinctive behavior head - the necessary conditions For the full perception of German culture.

Faced with other peoples demonstrating behavior from the point of view from the point of view of the North European, German always tries to act as a teacher who appears to the mind, explaining their disciples of their wrong. For obvious reasons, to no avail. Then the German from morals passes to punishments, and again with a negative result.

The Romanesque culture on the contrary demonstrates a very good understanding of people of other ethnic groups and races. She was born as a product of interaction between the northern and southern Europeans, and was originally built on the understanding of how many people are different. Romanesque cultures are easily found a common language with any natives, never putting their re-education. Therefore, it was the Romanesque nation that became famous for their colonial successes - the colonizer always sees the native of that, what it is, uses his strengths and takes into shooting weak. Where Germany sees in the non-European native threat, Romanets always sees the opportunity to receive profits from it.

Actually, even racial theories can be divided into 2 branches:
- The first - Romanesque - says a small world as a world slightly deprived by the God of people. Attitude towards the natives of Romanesque nations - as defective, but very useful assistants that require a certain subtleness in the development and management, but absolutely not at any danger. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe total superiority of Europeans over non-European people in Romanesque peoples is adjacent to a condescending and friendly attitude towards the natives, as children or pets, completely incapable without the owner.
- The second - German - perceives non-European as a threat. Incomprehensible in their thoughts and illogical in acts who are not amenable to re-education, non-ferrous for Germans - a threat that requires constant control and periodic military suppression. Inability to control the color population for the people of German culture - a huge headache. Colored for Germans are not people. The ideal option for Germans is the decision of a color question through the destruction of the non-ferrous population, but this option is in view of the fact that the meaning of the existence of colonies in the withdrawal of valuable resources, and in the hot tropical climate, the North-European people are not adapted to live. The same Nazism - a purely German phenomenon, if only because the Nazis perceived non-European, especially semi-grades, as real threat And the enemy. Thought, I would never have found a response in the man of Romanesque culture.

The conclusions from the written above are very simple. European cultures - both Romanesque, and Germanic, possess both their strengths and significant shortcomings. Living at the beginning of a post-national era, modern Europeans are able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each culture, forming the right views and guidelines. Moreover, there is one culture in the world, which demonstrated the successful synthesis of Romance and German cultures.

Domination B. modern world Anglo-Saxons are not at all by chance. Saving a significant nordic component, especially in the middle and higher layers of society, the British created a rather transparent and sustainable legal system for the comfortable life of Europeans. At the same time, masterfully having mastered the Romanesque techniques of fine management, the British received serious weapons in the fight against other nations and maintain control on the colonies. By combining the Romanesque and German understanding of non-European races, the British were rationally used and continue to use the natives where necessary, and destroyed where they represented the problem or were useless (that is, in those climatic conditions where Europeans could live).

List of countries Northern Europe. Tourism: capital, cities and resorts. Cards of foreign countries of the region of Northern Europe.

  • Tours on May around the world
  • Burning tours around the world

The edge of ice and volcanoes, Vikings and fjords, the Nobel Prize and Niels with wild geese, Northern Europe, also referred to as Scandinavia, in many ways a unique land. Etalon of universalism - from the notorious Swedish families to the store "IKEA", orderliness and true nordic resistance of the Spirit, the region with one of the highest level of living standards, whose citizens demonstrate the phenomenal examples of a happy graded old age and stem for a longevity Stern Northern Nature in all its piercing-icy glory, the birthplace of real men and warlike women, as well as modern queens and kings - all this is about the Scandinavian countries. So that it is clearly to feel their soul, imagine the field of mature wheat, dorming in a dairy fog in the morning frost: warmth, comfort, ice, abundance, great beauty and resilience - such as Scandinavia, the northernmost part of the old world.

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If briefly, to Northern Europe, it is customary to belong to European countries of the cold seas - the Baltic, Norwegian and Northern (as opposed to the warm southern "Mediterranean" and Western Atlantic). This is Norway and Sweden, dividing among themselves the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula (speaking poetically, the body "tiger" together with the front paws), Finland (his ham and rear paws - well, how not to remember the famous film!), As well as Denmark and "Torn" From the continent of Iceland. These states are close not only geographically, but they can boast a joint and fairly long history, starting from those times when Goths and Vikings, without conducting borders, naochesed the harsh expanses of the peninsula.

Speaking strictly as part of geography, several archipelagos are classified here: Faroe, Shetland and Orkney islands, as well as hebritis, so "island" tourism in Scandinavia is also present.

In northern Europe by bike

Tourist baits of Northern Europe are magnificent nature (which is at least Iceland's geysers and an unsolved volcano with a non-ferrous name, as well as fields of frozen lava and hydrogen sulfide protane with the appropriate aroma), a sufficient number of interesting historical sights - from the parking of primitive people to medieval town halls and cathedrals and Futuristic creations of modern architects, as well as a remarkable "skip" - without a Franco-Italian Golden Fleer, but with Northern Quality, generosity and welcome. As for the ways to travel in Scandinavia, bus tours are extremely common in the region - the benefit of the "Sht" asset is the immediate neighborhood with Peter and beautiful roads. Cruises on Norwegian fjords also use popularity - narrow picturesque bays with crystal clear water and almost sheer slopes covered with forests. Well, those who do not think of life without water spaces, we will recommend going to a multi-day cruise in the Baltic, with an occasion of the Scandinavian ports and a visit to the North European capitals.

Well, in winter, Northern Europe - a balm for the soul of those who grow in a real winter - with fluffy snowdrifts above the head, racking firs under snow caps, indispensable evening lanterns under the snow-covered roofs and other jackets of comfort in the middle of January, such as dying socks, a purring cat and Mulledness for his favorite book .

The plains of Fennoscandia, Island Islands and Spitsberena are the northern part of Europe. The residence of the population in these parts is 4% of the inhabitants of all and is 20% of the total of Europe.

8 small states placed on these lands make up the countries of Northern Europe. Eights - Sweden, and the smallest - Iceland. By state rank Only three countries are constitutional monarchies - Sweden, Norway and Denmark, the rest of the republic.

Northern Europe. Countries - participants:

  • Estonia;
  • Denmark;
  • Latvia;
  • Finland;
  • Lithuania;
  • Sweden.

Northern European countries - participants of NATO - Iceland and Norway.

Nordic countries. Population

Throughout Europe, men live 52%, and women are 48%. In these parts, the population density is considered the lowest in Europe and constitutes no more than 22 people in the densely populated southern regions per 1 m2 (in Iceland - 3 people / m2). This contributes to the harsh northern climatic zone. The territory of Denmark is more evenly populated. The urban part of the North European population is mainly concentrated in the metropolitan areas. The ratio of the natural growth of this area is considered low and is approximately 4%. Most of the inhabitants profess Christianity - Catholicism or Protestantism.

Northern European countries. Natural resources

Northern European countries have large stocks of natural mineral deposits. On the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula, iron, copper, molybdenum ores, in the Norwegian and North seas - natural gas and oil, on the Svalbard archipelago - stone coal. Scandinavia countries have rich hydroresources. A high role is played by NPP and HPP. Iceland as a source of electricity uses thermal waters.

Nordic countries. Agricultural complex

The agro-industrial complex of North European countries is fisheries, agriculture and animal husbandry. Mainly predominates the meat - dairy direction (in Iceland - sheep flow). Among the crops are grown grain - rye, potatoes, wheat, sugar beet, barley.


Many indicators of economic development prove that the countries of Northern Europe are leading in the entire global economy. The level of unemployment and inflation, government finances and growth dynamics differ significantly from other European regions. No wonder the North European model of economic growth is recognized as the most attractive in the global community. Many indicators have influenced the effectiveness of the use of national resources and foreign policy. The economy of this model is built on high-quality exported products. This applies to the production of products from metals and goods of the pulp and paper, timber processing industry, engineering industry, as well as ore deposits. The main trading partners of North European countries in foreign trade are Western European countries and the United States. Three quarters of the export structure of Iceland is

Despite its relatively small sizes in comparison with other parts of the world, Europe is one of the most densely populated and developed regions of the world. It is on its territory that the economy, politics and trade, which are very important for other states concentrates. As you know, Europe is divided into four major regions on the principle of FGP. Each of them will be told in this article.

Characteristics of Northern Europe

In the lesson of geography, each schoolboy can get a task on the topic "Northern Europe. Countries: list. " It should be done, by giving a brief description of the region as a whole and the states included in its composition.

One of the parts of the Old World is Northern Europe. Countries located in this region are influenced by the harsh climate due to proximity. Arctic Ocean. Due to heavy natural conditions In these states, winter sports are actively developing, as well as tourism related to skiing and rides in the mountains. What is Northern Europe? Countries included in its composition - Norway, Finland and Sweden. Let us dwell on them.

Finland is famous for its unique nature. So, this state is also called the "country of thousands of lakes", since there are many reservoirs formed in antiquity in connection with certain tectonic processes and soil movements on its territory. In Finland, more than five million people live, the female population prevails. Most of the inhabitants profess Lutheranism, 2% are adherents of Christian religion.

In Norway, Lutherans also dominate. Her capital is the major city of Oslo. The population of the country is approximately 4.3 million people. Norway is one of the few countries in Europe, where the head of state is not the president, but the king.

Sweden is one of the largest European powers in the area. It takes almost 450 million square kilometers of territory. This country also represents the Kingdom, the capital of which is Stockholm.

Natural Resources of Europe

Another additional question on the topic "Northern Europe. Countries: List »can be a characteristic of natural minerals and other resources in this territory. This region of old world is really famous for its wealth.

So what kind of natural resources Does Northern Europe? Countries included in its composition are especially ruddered by non-ferrous metals, in the reserves of which are leading in the region. Also in Finland, uranium deposits were found. But the main wealth of these states lies not in minerals, but in forests and fresh water. In this regard, countries export wood, and also engage in the development of peat swamps. This industry in the state industry is still poorly developed.

In Finland, as already noted above, there are three huge systems of lakes, which are a total of equal to almost 10 thousand square kilometers.

Here are such natural resources rich in Northern Europe. The countries in its territory, thanks to the wealth of their subsoil and climatic conditions, occupy an important place in trade and economics along with the world's largest powers.

Western European states

The western part of the old world is one of the main centers of capitalism. Northern Western European countries presented the world of talented marigors, poets and artists, writers and athletes. Thanks to them, many discoveries were made and a large number of records were established.

The population of this region is 370 million people. States within it are united by close economic, political and religious views, they develop in parallel with each other.

A feature of this region is a very high degree of urbanization of the population - more than 70%. The excessive concentration of urban residents in the space of megacities led to the fact that in the 70s of the last century the return process began - the settlement of the villages.

Southern Europe

Northern I. Southern Europe Representing special interest for tourists. Absolutely opposite by climatic conditions, they attract travelers to stunning mountain, lake and sea landscapes. Among the largest states of Southern Europe, it is necessary to celebrate Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. This region also includes islands that are particularly popular with tourists: Cyprus and Malta.

The population growth in these countries is very small, so the region takes one of the leading places in the world to aging the nation. The urbanization level on average ranges from 45 to 90%, as a result of which the population density is very high.

Eastern Europe

Northern and Eastern European countries form the basis of the population of this part of the world. The latter and in general leads not only by the number of inhabitants, but also in the area, much exceeding the rest of the regions. Eastern Europe inhabited mainly Slavic peoples, so the Christian worldview prevails on its territory. It includes Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Hungary and other states.

The climatic conditions of the region are ambulance due to lack of large reservoirs in many countries. Winter in the territory of Eastern European countries are not very cold. In general, conditions are favorable for life and agriculture.

European currency

In various European countries there are money marks. At the same time, throughout its territory, as well as in most states of the world community, euro takes. This currency has made it possible to strengthen trade relations between the states of the old world and simplify payment for goods thanks to the universal monetary system.

However, many countries did not want to part with their national currencies. Thus, on the territory of Ukraine they pay hryvnias, in the Czech Republic and Sweden - Krone, in the UK - pounds sterling. At the same time, prices are indicated in large shopping centers, both in the national monetary equivalent and in euros.