How to make star soup from a bag. Chicken soup with stars

In the winter cold, soup with stars, colorful vegetables and tender chicken meat will not only help you warm up faster, but will also put you in a good mood. And even in the summer, this dish is universally loved, because it is made very quickly and simply, relieving the housewife of the need to spend a long time fiddling around at the stove. To prepare this soup you will need only a few ingredients, and the process itself is unlikely to take you more than 20 minutes.

Features of the dish

The star soup is quite thick. The fine pasta filling does not sink into the total mass, but is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the plate. A gentle chicken broth and a smattering of vegetables pair perfectly with the stars. You can use other tender poultry meat to prepare this dish. For example, turkey breast. But the real classic of the genre is the soup with stars and chicken.


When buying stars for soup, give preference to types of pasta made from high-quality durum wheat. Then you will be sure that they will not boil over, turning your delicious dish into wallpaper paste. Usually, chicken breast is bought to make tender, light soups. If you want to make the dish more satisfying and are not afraid of increasing the calorie content, you can use meat from the legs and thighs of the bird. Most recipes recommend adding only carrots, onions and herbs to the soup. You can use fresh, frozen or dried vegetables. Usually potatoes are also added to this soup. However, it is quite possible to do without it. Potato soup, of course, will be more nutritious and nutritious.

Soup from a pack

Many people remember this soup from the semi-finished products that became widespread during perestroika times. The briquette contained powdered chicken broth, dried vegetables and a completely unusual filling - stars. It is noteworthy that such pasta was practically never found in packs. There are such semi-finished products on sale today. They cost very little, and preparing such a soup is as easy as shelling pears - you just need to knead the briquette, dilute it in the amount of water recommended by the manufacturer and boil as much as indicated on the package. No additional products or actions are required. Everything you need is contained in the briquette.

However, we should not forget that the composition of such products is far from ideal. The low price clearly indicates that neither natural meat nor high-quality vegetables can be found here. Most components are of artificial origin. Of course, from time to time you can afford such food in the absence of more acceptable alternatives. For example, such a soup with stars is indispensable on a hike: it is light and compact, and very little firewood is needed for cooking. It can also help out in the evening of a difficult day, when there is neither time nor energy for visits to the store and cooking. But you shouldn’t formulate a diet only from briquetted soups. And the taste of such a product is significantly inferior to homemade.


If you are going to prepare star soup, the recipe of which contains only natural ingredients, prepare the following products:

  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Carrots and onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Stars - 250 g.
  • Spices.

This amount is enough to cook a four-liter pan. Boil the chicken until done and remove from the broth. Add the potatoes cut into cubes, and when they boil, add the onions. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Also throw it in the soup. Boil for about ten minutes and add the stars. Simmer the soup until the pasta and potatoes are completely cooked. Before serving, add boiled chicken meat, cut into pieces, to the plates.

Even reluctant children enjoy chicken soup with stars. After all, he is so colorful and cute. You can also “travel” in it with a spoon, catching curly pasta and looking at it with enthusiasm. Adults do not refuse this aromatic dish either. It's also incredibly helpful for colds - light but packed with nutrients. Does everyone know how to make it really tasty?

Star soup broth

If you want to get a first course with a strong tasty aroma, use a special soup chicken for the broth. It takes a long time to cook, but gives the best result. A broiler can also be used, but there will be less flavor. If soup with stars is being prepared for a child from one to three years old, it is better to take the breast and use the second broth.

What does the second broth mean? This is when it is brought to a boil, the water in which the meat was cooked is drained, new water is poured in and it is brought to readiness. It is believed that if there are harmful substances in meat (chemicals, antibiotics), almost all of them will be released into the “first” water. This chicken broth is recommended for children, allergy sufferers and people on a diet (it contains much less fat). Let's try to cook it?

You will need:

  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • liter of cold water;
  • liter of hot water;
  • salt to taste.

Cook the broth:

  1. Pour a liter of cold water over the chicken. We are waiting for it to boil.
  2. Drain the water and rinse the meat with warm water. Place it back into the pan and add a liter of hot water. Add salt.
  3. Cook the broth for 40-60 minutes.

If you want to remove as many harmful substances as possible from meat, it is recommended to soak it in plenty of cold water (an hour or two) before cooking. The second broth can be cooked not only from the breast, but also from any other meat and from a whole chicken (do everything as usual, just drain the “first” water).

Cooking chicken soup with stars

For a delicious first course we will need:

  • 1-1.5 kg of chicken (you can take a whole bird or some parts of it);
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 250 g of pasta (we recommend taking stars made from durum wheat - they taste better, have more benefits and don’t get so boiled);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt;
  • pepper (peas and ground), herbs, bay leaves (optional).

Let's start preparing the soup:

  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Pour cold water over the meat so that the bird is covered by a few centimeters. Salt, add bay leaf and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, reduce heat (below medium). Remove the foam that appears. Cook the chicken broth until tender (40-60 minutes from the broiler). You can also make a second broth as described above if you wish.
  2. While we prepare the vegetables: wash and peel. Chop the onion finely and the potatoes into small cubes. Carrots can be cut into slices, finely chopped or grated.
  3. Strain the broth into another pan. Set the chicken aside for now on a plate. Bring the broth to a boil, add potatoes to it, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add carrots, onions and stars to the soup. Cook until all ingredients are ready (5-10 minutes, depending on the type of pasta).
  5. Return the chicken meat, disassembled into miniature pieces, into the broth and boil for another minute.
  6. When serving, you can pepper the soup and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Don't know what soup to make with beef broth? Or maybe soup with stars from childhood... Do you remember this taste? I recently saw stars in a store and couldn’t resist buying them. That's why we have star soup for lunch today. Read how to make chicken soup with stars

We will need:

  • beef on the bone;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • carrot;
  • stars;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

What beef soup to make for lunch is quick and tasty

1. Wash the beef, place it in a saucepan with water, let the water boil.

2. When a head of foam forms, let the water boil for another three minutes.

3. Then pour out the first broth, rinse the meat, and wash the pan. We pour clean water into it and place our meat in it. Add a little salt and put it on the fire.

4. When the meat is ready, take it out, let it cool, separate it from the bones and cut it into portions.

5. While the meat is cooling, strain the broth to get rid of small bones.

6. Put our broth back on the fire.

7. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in the broth.
8. While the potatoes are boiling, sauté the vegetables: pour odorless vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. And sauté the vegetables in oil until golden brown. Add allspice and your favorite spices.

9. When the potatoes are almost ready, add our sauteed vegetables to the pan, and add the meat cut into pieces. Let our soup boil.

10. Add stars. The soup should boil again, cook for literally 1 minute, since the stars cook very quickly.

11. Taste for salt and add more salt if necessary.

12. Remove the pan from the heat and let the soup brew for 10 minutes.

13. Pour the soup into plates, sprinkle with herbs.

That's it, lunch is ready! Bon appetit!

Ha, you say, you think soup made from bags, so what, now, supermarket shelves are also littered with instant soups, doshirak, and similar colorful cardboard and plastic packaging, instant soups. There’s all sorts of flavors out there, including chicken, beef, pea, borscht, kharcho, mushroom, pureed soups. For every taste and color, bright packaging simply beckons, buy me, buy.

But it wasn’t always like this - the time of action is 1981.

Of course, not all children like to eat soup, although I understand who cooks how, my mother was a cook and the cook was to die for, but I wasn’t very fond of soups as a child, and even now I loved to gobble them up. There was only one soup I always ate to the last drop, licking the remains from the plate with bread. It was just regular soup made from paper bags.

Soup with "Stars"

They called it soup with stars, this is because the pasta in it was in the form of small stars, oh, how aromatic and tasty this soup was, we bought two bags for the pan, and waited for the water to boil, then we threw in the contents of these bags and stirred thoroughly with a spoon , five to six minutes and the soup was ready, they poured it into plates and ate it with appetite.
Of course it was cheap, I don’t remember how many kopecks one bag cost. But even though the common people called it almost soup for the poor, I love it very much, and still adore it. How many times did such a bag save me as a child from sleeping on an empty stomach; you can always scrape together little things for a bag of soup and a quarter of bread. I loved eating it both hot and cold, it seems to me that it was no less tasty cold, the pasta stars swelled overnight, and it seemed like I was even full.

I'm grateful for this star packet soup. Thank you soup.

Dumpling broth soup

Has anyone tried the soup that was cooked in broth after dumplings?
Yes, yes, it was like that, dumplings for the second course, and for the first course, in broth with circles of stains from melted butter, we simply boiled the noodles and the rich soup was ready.
For example, I really loved just dumplings with broth right away, I peppered them generously, then slurped them with a spoon with gusto, biting off the bread smeared with mustard, although it brought me to tears, but it was delicious, and then I washed it down with strong, sweet tea from a glass with a glass holder with a rattling spoon inside.

Potato soup

I remember when I lived alone for almost a year, in 1982, I was about sixteen years old, I didn’t have much to show off, so I made potato soup, cut the millet potatoes into small cubes, probably two centimeters, and cooked them not until the potatoes were ready, but a little longer, the potato pieces were a little boiled, the water boiled away and became cloudy. It turned out to be such a rich little thing, so I made it for myself, but it turned out delicious.


Yes, star soup cooked on your own is something. I don’t remember how many kopecks it cost there, but it wasn’t expensive, and when you come home from school and your parents are still at work until the evening, you put a saucepan on the stove (we had a stove then), boil some water and throw the contents of the bag there. Eat some soup and go outside to play.

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Dear mothers and grandmothers, we invite you to prepare for your baby’s first meal a very tasty, healthy and satisfying children’s chicken soup with stars, which your child will definitely like, and who knows, perhaps it will become his most favorite dish.

You can also cook for children 1.5-2-3 years old.

So, chicken soup with star paste, for children aged 1 year and older.

Required Products:

  • chicken legs - two pieces;
  • potatoes - four to five pieces;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • onion - half a small onion;
  • young zucchini - one hundred grams;
  • garlic - one large clove;
  • star-shaped pasta (stellini) - one tablespoon;
  • salt.

Chicken soup with stars for children over 1 year old - recipe with photo:

1 step. We start cooking our children's soup by preparing the broth, for this we take two chicken legs, remove the outer skin from them, rinse, fill with water and bring to a boil. After the chicken boils for the first time, remove it from the heat, drain the water, rinse the legs, fill it with water again and now cook the broth until fully cooked for one hour.

After an hour, take the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small pieces, as for any other soup, and put them in the broth.

Step 2. While the potatoes are boiling, we take one carrot, we also peel it, wash it and cut it into circles, so that their thickness does not exceed two to three millimeters. Place the chopped carrots into the broth.

Step 3. The next ingredient is onions. We will need half a small onion, which we will peel and cut into fairly large pieces. We will also add onions to the soup.

Step 4 When the potatoes in the soup are almost ready, take a young zucchini, peel it and cut it into small cubes. Let's add the zucchini to the soup and continue preparing our dish.

Step 5 To make the soup aromatic, healthy and tasty, add one large clove of garlic, which we cut into thin slices and add to the dish. We also add salt to the soup to taste.

Step 6 At the end, we add a tablespoon of small pasta stars to the dish, which are sure to attract the attention of any child and he will probably like the taste, like the whole soup.

Cook everything together until done for another seven minutes.

Step 7 Chicken soup with stars for children, ready. Serve it to the table along with pieces of chicken meat separated from the bone. For a child 1 year and younger, the soup must first be ground in a blender. Children 2 years old and older do not need to chop the star soup.

Bon appetit!