Papaver pionic cultivation of seeds. Ponyamoid Papaver: Landing and Poppy Care

Pipaver pioneward In the garden plot will find a place in any flower bed, a flower bed and an original flower arrangement. The plant is cold-resistant, so it may well be grown in any latitudes of our country. Pipaver Pionewards is represented by the poppy family, sometimes it is called simply poppy, but the papava is much fluffy, has a varied color gamut and an elegant thin and high stem, which allows it to be used on the cut.
Pipaver pione is often found in subtropical countries, in the Caucasus and other Asian latitudes. However, today the seeds of this unusual poppy are sold in the middle lane of Russia. For example, Gavrish, Prestige, Russian Garden and Aelita are ready to offer a set of varieties of pionwall.

How to grow a pione papaver?

The plant is unpretentious And it will not require special care from gardener, however, as in many other specimens of the plant world, he has its own preferences. The Papaver flower spoke perfectly on the mineral and organic feeding, which the green foliage of the plant give saturation, and blossoms are brighter shades and larger size.

The pione-shaped papaver in care negatively refers to the status of water, but for the bright sun, only thanks to his owner. It is necessary to looser to this plant, and you can also mulch, weeds, be sure to remove around the flower, so that they did not interfere with the growth, and grow our papaver to one meter in height.

Papover pione: landing and care

A place. We set up in the sun, for which the plant will thank you with a saturated color scheme. They grow a papaver as in the flower beds, so squeeze and in the mixtures of Moorish lawn, good for mixtorers And Rabatok.

Priming. As mentioned, the soil for the papaver must be poured and loosen. Watch out for the depth of the soil, the layer should be sufficient thickness, because the roots of the poppy pine and require good depths.

Landing. With the spring sowing papaver in open sad, bloom will occur after 40-50 days. Shoots will appear on day 7, you need thinning by 20 centimeters. In general, Papavera pione shaped does not particularly like a transplant. The plant seeds are rather small, so before planting mixing the ground with sand.

Reproduction. The flower of Papava seeds is multiplied, as well as self-sowing, it is a boxing plant that gives plenty of sowing without the help of gardener. The collection of seeds in Papver pioneer is carried out at the time of the yellowing of the leaves in the plant. In addition, it is possible to open the poppy and cuttings (root and green). When the cuttings are rooted, they need to fight for two more years.

Diseases and pests. Caring for the pioneal papaver lies in the plants protected from all sorts of problems. For example, this beautiful elegant flower loves a wave and a verticillary fungus.

Paporet Ponya varieties

Agrofirms today offer quite a few varieties of papaver in the most diverse color scheme and flowering time. Let's list some of them:

  • Flower Papaver Peony-Fashion Mamba - a thick variety, height of about 80 cm, cream-white flowers with a diameter of 15 cm. Landing in May, flowering - in June-July.
  • Papouvet pione-shaped flower - a denselyah wine plant, a height of up to 80 cm, a color pale salmon, landing in May, blossom in the middle of summer.
  • Flower Papaver Peony-Five Rumba is a large-flowered annual, height 80 cm, purple flowers, landing is carried out in May, bloom comes after a month and a half.
  • Flower Papaver Pioneed Charlot - Gustomahnyry Grade with different colors (red, white pink, purple, creamy), height 70-100 cm, Flowers are large.

On this, everything, landing and care for the pioneal papaver or terry mask is simple, special skills does not require and will be glad to grow in your garden and give their decorativeness.

Bright, thrill flowers of poppies with delicate silky petals of mila with the heart of many flowerfields. Among the annual poppies is the most popular pop-up, or opium (Papaver Somniferum). This is a colorful plant with a height of 40 to 120 cm with sizated leaves and large (10-15 cm in diameter) with flowers, simple or terry, with solid or cut petals. They are highlighted by a rich color scheme and can be white, pink, salmon-pink, light orange, red, cherry, crimson, lilac, dark purple - monophonic or double.

Especially effective pioneer pioneerwhich is represented by large plants with large terry flowers of various colors (for example, White Cloud grade with white terry colors). And at the variety Danish flag unusually bright red-yellow flowers with spectacular fringe. Flowers poppy in June-July. Modern decorative varieties of this species do not contain narcotic substances.

The poppy scene is distinguished by a light "character." He loves the well-lit by the sun and unproduced areas. It is uncomprecedable to soils, but it feels best on enough nutritious, well-drained, moderately wet and not acidic soils.

Growing a sleeping bag of seeds

1 g contains from 2500 to 5,000 seeds of the poppies, which retain the germination of 3-4 years. They are sown directly into the ground immediately at a permanent place, as this plant does not tolerate the transplant. Sow both under the winter (in November), and in the spring - from the end of March to May. Seeds close up shallow. In the spring crop, germination occurs in a week, sometimes a little later. As soon as the seedlings are growing a little, they are thinned, leaving the distance between the plants of 15-25 cm. It is impossible to depart with thinning, because in the further plants form untidy bushes. Flowering occurs in two months and lasts up to three weeks. So that you can admire the blooming poppies throughout the summer, seeds should be seen in different times.

Mac long-term variety

Mac Alpine (P. Alpinum) - a perennial plant, but lives long, so it is often grown as a twin-bowl. It is unusually elegant: over the rosette of the peristracted grayish green leaves rise, thin, but durable flowers height of about 15 cm, which carries a disrupting bud. Buton is revealed and turns into a charming flower white, yellow, yellow-orange, less often red color. The flower diameter is about 5 cm, blooms poppy alpine in May-June at least two months.

Poppy anomalous, or rejected (Papaver Anomalum) Album - the rarest perennial height of about 40 cm with snow-white flowers, which decorate yellow stamens. Carved SIZY pubescent leaves are collected in a thick root rosette. In the early crop blooms on the very first year from mid-summer to autumn. On well-developed bush, simultaneously several dozen colors with a diameter of 5-8 cm can be flourished! Absolutely winter-hardy plant.

Mack climbing (P. Rupifragum), which is also called Spanish Poppy (Spanish Poppy) - Unknown with a wide circle of flower flower perennial 30-60 cm high. It has a thick, with a silver tint of pretty rooting leaves and satin semi-green orange colors. At the Tangerine Parfait variety semi-world flowers. This is one of the few poppies that continuously blooms from June and until the end of the summer with a regular removal of the sworded flowers. In June, bloom is unusually abundant.

Mac East, or Turkish (P. orientale) - a large multi-year poppy height of 60-120 cm. He has beautiful peristoid leaves up to 30 cm long and pretty hard, covered with hairs stems. Flowers bowls reaches 10-20 cm in diameter - bright, as a rule, with a black base of petals. Inside the flower, many attractive black and blue stamens around the pistol. Petal coloring can be orange, red, grim, white, pink, lilac-pink. At the popular variety Diamond Fire-Red Flowers, at the CARNEUM variety - Pink salmon, Princess Victoria-Louise's grade has a lulex-red color of petals, and the shower dwarf with alo-red flowers does not exceed 30-40 cm. There are garden shapes with semi-world and terry flowers. Flowers Mac East in May-June for 12-15 days.

Care for poppies

Perennial poppies are not only very decorative, but also quite undemanding. Best of all, they grow and bloom on warm, well-lit plots, although they carry the light half. Prefer loose, fertile, moderately wet and necessarily well-drained soils, neutral or alkaline. They also differ sufficient drought resistance and good frost resistance. Only the poppy climber for the winter should be covered with a noodle.

Growing a long-term poppy from seeds

In 1 g contained 6500 seeds of Poppy Alpine, 9600 Poppy Seeds Abnormal, 13000 Poppolnaya Poppy seeds and from 3,000 to 5,000 Poppies East Mac. Seeds of perennial poppies are best sung at a permanent place under winter or early spring (March-April). They sow aimbar, not thick, slightly close in the soil with the back side of the robber and cover the non-woven underfloor material, fixed on pegs or in some other way. Some flower products in the spring produce sowing rows, sow quite rarely, topped with a thin layer of sifted peat and are watered daily in the morning and in the evening for about two weeks (until shoots appear). Grown seedlings thinning at a distance of 10-20 cm - Maks Alpine, anomalous and climber and 30 cm poppy east. East poppy seeds also sow spring or in the middle of summer in cold greenhouses.

If the seeds are not enough, they are sown in November-December in wide pots, which leave in the garden until spring, and then enter the room with room temperature for germination. Severate perennial poppies in the pot can be in spring - in March-April. It is rare, while the seeds of poppies, especially the deflected and climber, are not sprinkled with a soil from above, and the Macs of Eastern and Alpine, if desired, poured a layer of no more than 1-2 mm. Seedlings dive immediately to a permanent place, as adult plants do not tolerate the transplant.

Keened seedlings of abnormal, climbing and alpine poppies, which are especially sensitive to transplant, can be cut out of a row with a knife together with the square of the Earth and gently, as much as possible to the earth, transplant to the flower garden. To achieve the most decorative effect, plant young plants in large groups - during mass flowering, they will give you an unforgettable impression. Macs Alpine and East consistently form self-seams.

Of all the varieties of poppies that exist in nature, the most beautiful, fabricated in the gardeners is considered precisely the poppy east long-term. Landing and maintaining this luxury flower will not require you special skills, knowledge of agrotechnology. Some difficulties may occur only when transplanting already adult plants - about these, other nuances I want to tell you.

With its beauty, this flower can stand even with a rose, and many common garden inhabitants can just eclipse. Large saturated red poppy buds bloom with the arrival of summer, the stalks of the plant can reach a meter height. Mac grows with powerful bushes, and thanks to the efforts of breeders now boasts a wide range of color gamut, a variety of petals texture.

Graphic and pink varieties, photo:

Mac Eastern Perennial can be multiplied by sowing seeds into the ground, dividing the bush, green processes. Cuttings (side shoots) must be pre-rooted, must pass about 2 or 3 years so that they give color. It is quite difficult to transplant this plant, but still possible, despite the fact that it reacts poorly to move from place to place.

When to sow east poppy?

If one-year poppies bloom in the same year, then many years, most likely, will make their buds for the next season (for example, if you sow seeds in the fall). If you sow in the spring, then the flowers on the bushes will appear later than the autumn sings. To the very beginning of the summer, throughout the 2nd weeks bloom Maks. The fruit of Poppy represents a box, covered on top of the "cap" when this box dries out, then small holes are formed between it and the cover. If you leave boxes with seeds on the bushes, then by self-saming, through these very holes will be saturated with seeds. This cycle can be repeated annually if you do not collect boxes.

How to collect east poppy seeds? There is nothing complicated here: you need to wait for a complete drying of boxes, carefully cut them, stored in a dense fabric bag. You can leave small, grayish-black seeds right in boxes, and you can remove the lid, clarify the sowing material in the glass container. Sometimes in areas you can see the flower head wrapped with marral cloth - it is also one of the ways of collecting seeds, which does not allow seeds to wake up on the ground. As you know, poppy seeds can be used not only for flower breeding, it is also a food product, quite widely used in cooking.

Boxes with seeds, photo:

How to sow eastern poppy? Sowing material is plugged into specially decorated beds or immediately directly to the ground in the spring, if under winter - then in the fall. As already mentioned above, after sowing, flowers appear on the second or third year.

The seed seeds are very small, they are not even necessarily plumming, it is possible only to slightly press, cover with a special material for plants from above. If the seeds were sown with the aim of obtaining seedlings, then at the phase of the appearance of 5 young leaflets of the plant, you can dig up and disassemble in flower beds or beds. However, most often this seaside method is not used, but immediately fall seeds on the estimated permanent residence of the flower.

Mac East, photo:

There is such an opinion that for the subsequent comfortable germination of poppy seeds, stratification is needed, that is, the "shake" cold. That is why experienced gardeners are recommended to be seeded early in spring when the probability of frosts is still great. If you live in the regions with a mild climate - Sota Mac in the fall, so seeds will receive the necessary stratification, with the arrival of spring will be safely going. At the place of the future flower garden, just explode the ground with robbles, raise the sowing material, sometimes mixed with sand - here already at your discretion. From above the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer loose land. The main thing is not to plunge them very much, since later they simply do not have enough strength to stretch upstairs. The landing site should be water, but neatly, without pouring water.

How to grow east poppy?

This plant is quite unpretentious, tolerates well low temperatures. Despite the fact that it prefers solar places, also grows well, blooms in the shade. Like all the flowers, poppies love the soil saturated with mineral feeders, you can also pre-eat it with a compost or humus. Good results are given when landing into the sampling soil, under any circumstances, very poorly react to stagnation of water, too abundant watering. This plant is not afraid of stones in the ground, grows well on sandy soil. Thanks to its long rod-like root, it produces moisture from the ground, can do a long time without irrigation.

This type of poppy reacts relatively well to the transplantation, but this process is better carried out with the onset of autumn when rain times comes. In order to avoid damage to the roots, for the best survival of the transplantation of Mac East should be carried out with an earthy room. It is necessary to take into account the features of the rod root rope flower system, so the depth of the soil pumping on the place of the future flower garden should be at least 30-40 cm. During this process, composite or humus will be appropriate, 1 square meter of the Earth is usually added from 5 to 10- title of such organic fertilizers.

It should be known that the maximum term of comfortable growth, abundant flowering of poppy on the same site is about 5-7 years, after that its place of residence should be changed. This representative of the plant world is characterized by large sizes, therefore, even when landing (and transplanting), take care that the distance between the bushes is approximately 50-70 cm.

If you have a peat or mulch around the bushes, then it will not only look aesthetically look, but will benefit the flower. The plant can be picked up with mineral fertilizers with the arrival of spring, during the growth of leaves, as well as during the bootonization, that is, before the flowering itself.

When to transplane the poppy eastern?

Since this plant is a perennial, you can imagine what size it can be achieved in 3-5 years of life. A large splashing bush is quite possible to divide, thereby multiplying it. To do this, it is not necessary to fully remove the plant from the soil, you can try to gently separate the fragment of the root side.

It is impossible to say that the East poppy is very good at a new place, but if you pay attention to him, surround care, the result is crowned with success.

It should be borne in mind that its roots are rather fragile, so to obtain a better result, separate the roots from the sides. The best time for this operation is the month of May, when the plant has not yet started blooming. To reduce the risk of rowing row to a minimum, the separated fragment must be covered by a large lounge. When you can transplant the Mac East - on this issue the Internet will help to find a lot of recommendations, where the flower rest period is mentioned. It turns out that after the plant is wondering, the procedure for dividing the root can also be carried out.

The method of reproduction by dividing the bush is still good in that after the procedure conducted almost 100% guarantee of the preservation of all varieties of the species. Thus, new bushes will have similar decorative features, like the parent plant. For this, the poppy bush is fully removed from the soil along with an earthen room, after which it is extremely gently divided it into several fragments. These parts are called decene, they are dispersed, following the distance of 70-80 cm one from the other. Remember that with the onset of winter, in the first year of life, such plants will need to be covered with a special underfloor material.

It is also possible to reproduce the poppy of Eastern shunting. For this you need to separate lateral shoots from the bush, weak representatives usually choose to this role. After cutting, the cuttings are kept in a disinfectant composition of about 24 hours (a solution "Korniner" can also be used to stimulate the root formation). At the end of the specified time, the shoots are planted in containers with a wet, loose soil, are covered with polyethylene film or transparent disposable (plastic) glasses. After the formation of the roots of the cutlets transplanted on the flower. If for any reason it is necessary to transfer the whole bush to a new place, it should be swollen with an earthy room immediately after the end of flowering.

Eastern Mac in Garden Design

Unfortunately, the bright beauty of Poppy is short-lived. The cut flower justs in a vase of no more than one day, and a little blooming on a flower - a little more, about 2-3 days. After this time, the plant loses the petals, a box with seeds remainioned on the site of bud. It should be noted that such a bush also has peculiar beauties. A rounded seed box crowds "Lid" with carved edges, and a thin elegant stem elevates her over other plants.

Mac East - very high plantwhich looks very harmonious together with other colors. It can be used as a background for lower gardens, as well as a separate decorative flower garden element. It is very convenient to place the poppy in the background of the flowering, during a short period of flowering, he will show himself in all its glory, while his neighbors will only grow. Thus, other flowers do not obscure it during flowering, and later they will hide the sworded bushes when they grow and give color themselves.

On the flowerbed, as a chief emphasis, he will harmoniously look with Geranus, souls, white or blue garden bells, yarrow, iris, lupines. Plants with decorative leaves, such as hosts or attributes, can act as framing for a poppy bush. To close the bush after flowering, put the other perennials next to it, which have wide empty leaves, for example - a buczlif or trillium. It looks good at the East, planted along borders, but should remember its high growth.

Mac with Clematis, photo:

It is desirable that some kind of support be attended by bushes, otherwise the plant may simply lie on the ground under its weight. This flower will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the garden in the rustic style or the style of Provence. Remember that the poppy does not tolerate excessive moisturizing the root system. If the site has places that are exposed to flooding during the spring melting of the snow, there is a flower bed or a flower leaf. The sun's side of a fertile soil is the best place for poppy, there it will grow in all its glory, will delight you with a lush color.

Sometimes on flower forums you can see such a question - why does not bloom in Mac East? If the plant was planted by sowing seeds, then on the second or even the third year of life it can give only one or two buds. Usually after this is a splash of active flowering. If you put it in a very shaded place, the planting of flower kidney can slow down. Due to the lack of proper care, the poppy may also not give flowers. Damage to the roots, for example, with too active loosening, may also cause the lack of buds. Plant recovery after such an injury proceeds quite slowly. Peresaving the bush from place to place is another reason for the temporary absence of flowers (you need time so that Mac has taken root).

Care east Poppy After flowering lies in circumcision yellowed, dried stems, leaves - this is done if you do not plan to collect sowing material. The ground part of the plant is trimmed near the earth itself, new leaves appear by the beginning of the autumn, but no longer so spread and high. If you want to keep the seeds, then after the end of the flowering period, leave everything as it is, wait for the full drying of the seed boxes, then carefully cut them. After collecting seeds, the ground part of the plant is subject to trimming, to the arrival of cold weather, you can hide Maks mulch, but not necessarily, so they are pretty frostable.

It is also worth mentioning about diseases that can hit the plant is a black spot fungus, a peplice ( puffy dew). The victim is recommended by irrigation with medicines containing copper in its composition. Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate (copper sulphate), Maxim contact fungicide, Topaz systemic fungicide will help you. If the disease made itself felt, then all the amazed leaves, shoots should be trimmed, burn, and the plant itself additionally fertilize the potash jam.

For longer flowering, cut the seed poppy heads in a timely manner, of course, if you do not plan to pick up the sowing material. In order to maintain its varietal qualities of the Mac Eastern Perennial, landing and care for it should be carried out separately from other types of poppy. These are needed so that the flowers are not overgrown with each other, they subsequently did not change the varietal color, texture of petals. Put these lush flowers in your garden - you can admire them for many years.

Plant mac (lat. papaver) refers to the genus of herbaceous plants of the poppy family, in which there are more than a hundred species originating from Australia, medium and Southern Europe and Asia. There are representatives of the clan in areas with a subtropical, moderate and even cold climate. They grow in arid places - steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, dry and stony slopes. In the culture, the poppy flower is grown not only as decorative, but also as medicinal plant. In some countries, the poppy cultivation is prohibited due to the fact that many of its species contain a narcotic substance, and other countries are grown by the poppy in an industrial scale: opium is obtained from its immature boxes, which is a raw material for the production of sleeping and painful drugs.

As a medicinal plant, Mac was famous in ancient Rome: already then the sleeping action of opium was studied. They write that the scientific name of poppy from the Latin word is formed papa.which means father: Allegedly in order to calm the crying children, poppy seeds added to their food.

In the Middle Ages in Muslim countries of Malaya Asia, in which the use of alcohol was prohibited, denied smoking of opium. Gradually, this vicious tradition spread farther to the east, and China became the largest consumer of Opium. In 1820, the government of this country banned the importation of dopeful poison, but, losing in the "opium" war of England, who received a huge profit from the supply of this product, was forced to resolve the import of opium. Today, the sleeping pills is grown in China, India, Afghanistan, Central and Malaya Asia. And the decorative poppy and its hybrids were tremendous popular in garden culture. Mac on the flowerbed, in rocaria or mixboro is quite a frequent phenomenon, especially since the landing of poppy and care for it is even a child.

Landing and care for poppies (brief)

  • Bloom: For three weeks in May-June.
  • Landing: Sowing seeds in an open ground - in the fall or at the end of winter, but if we subjected to the seeds of stratification, then sowing can be made in April.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Fertile, loose, well-drained.
  • Watering: Only in a period of long drought.
  • Feeding: Not mandatory.
  • Reproduction: Seed.
  • Pests: Wirefronts, May beetles, poppie root hidden chunks (weevils), TLL, TRIPS.
  • Diseases: Puffy dew, peridosporosis (false torment dew).
  • Properties: Opium poppy has healing properties And it is a raw material for potent drugs such as Codeine, Morphine, Papaverin, Nancein, Narcotine.

Read more about the cultivation of poppies below

Flower Mac - Description

Macs - annuals, two-year and perennial rhizable grassy plants. The root in poppy is a rod, deeply outgoing in the ground, and the suction roots, located along the periphery, are easily broken during transplantation. The stalks in poppy are straight and durable, bare or pubescent, leaves are regular or opposite, solid or peristracted, most often covered with volosist-bristy input. The right top flowers with numerous stamens located on long and durable flowers are usually single, but some species are assembled in bundled inflorescences. Petals in flowers are large, solid, painted in red, orange, yellow, pink, salmon or white colors.

Poppy fruit is a mace-shaped box with seeds, "clogged" with a convex or flat disc. When ripening, the box bursts, and the seeds are thrown at a considerable distance. The germination of poppy seeds retain from 3 to 4 years.

Growing poppy from seeds: landing poppy into outdoor ground

An ever-making method for growing annual poppy is not used, since the seeds are perfectly attended when sowing directly into open ground. In addition, Poppy seedling is unlikely to transplant. Mac long-term is sometimes grown through seedlings, and when the seedlings have a first pair of real leaves, they are divened to a permanent place.

When to plant Mak.

Poppy seeds implemented in stores, the Internet or garden pavilions, as a rule, do not need pre-free preparation, but the seeds have a preliminary stratification, for which they are in areas with a soft winter sow in the soil in the autumn or at the end of winter, pursuing the goal to vomit Seeds in cold soil. If you intend to sow poppy in a later spring time, you will have to hold their months two in a vegetable box of the refrigerator for stratification, and only after that sow. Surprised seeds germinate badly, and seedlings of them grow and develop very slowly.

How to plant poppy in the garden

Almost all types and varieties of Poppy prefer to grow at sunny areas. As for the composition of the soil, then each of them has its own preferences. If you grow a variety, well-developing in non-fermented soil, you are lucky: you will not have to prepare a plot for culture in advance. But if your poppies require fertile soil, reap the area with bone flour or compost.

Poppy seeds before sowing is better mixed with small sand in a ratio of 1:10. Sowing is carried out on the surface of the soil loosened to the depth of 3 cm, after which the seeds are only slightly sprinkled with soil. No need to sow pop-up, since the seeds are hardly kept where you put them. Plot with crops need to be kept in moderately humid state. When sprouts appear, and this will happen in the spring sowing after 8-10 days, to sprink them in such a way that each flower has a small space for growth and nutrition - from 15 to 20 cm. Blossom will occur in 3-3.5 months from Sowing and will last 4-6 weeks.

Poppy Care in the Garden

How to grow Mak.

The cultivation of poppy and care for it is unreasonable: water is watered only in a strong long-lasting drought. After watering between the poppies, the soil is loose, so that the crust does not form, and remove the weary grass, and if you close the mulk plot, then water, and loosen, and you will have much less frequently.

For feeding the poppy in the open soil is very responsive, although they are not mandatory. Sometimes you have to handle the poppy from diseases or pests, but such trouble happens to infrequently.

Pest and Poppy Diseases

Due to adverse weather conditions, MAC affects such diseases as malievable dew, peridosporosis (false torment dew), alternariasis and fusariosis.

Poppy after flowering

Annient poppy after colors is just destroyed, but if you want to extend the bloom, remove seed boxes as soon as they begin to form. If you do not cut the seeds, then the next spring will appear from self-seams in this place. In the fall, the plot is purified from plant residues and hammer.

Mac long-term after flowering loses decorativeness, and its ground part is cut at the surface level. In the shelter for the winter, many years of tops and varieties do not need, but if you are afraid of frosty and mad winter, throw a plot with poppy dry foliage or spruce sweetheart: it will not be worse than this poppy.

Maca types and varieties

As you already know, in culture they grow both annual and perennial species of poppy. Among annual The most popular are:

Or Mak Shafran (Papaver CroCeum) - Perennials grown in annual culture, originally from Eastern Siberia, Altai, Central Asia and Mongolia. The height of the stalks of the plant reaches 30 cm, the leaves of it are roasting, filament, greenish or grayish, hair or naked. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm on strong flowering lengths 15-20 cm can be white, yellow or orange. Blossom continues from May to October. All parts of this plant poisonous!Poppy Shafrano has several varieties blooming from the end of spring to late autumn:

  • Popskail - elegant compact grade up to 25 cm high with durable, resistant to wind with flowers and bright flowers diameter up to 10 cm;
  • Cardinal - bush tall up to 40 cm with scroll flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm;
  • Sulfurum - grade up to 30 cm high with lemon-yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm;
  • Atlant. - poppy up to 20 cm high with yellow or white flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm;
  • Roseum - Mac height up to 40 cm with pink flowers with a diameter of 6 cm.

It comes from the central strip of Russia, Western and Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Malaya Asia. He has a reprehension branching and sprawl stems from 30 to 60 cm high. Its root leaves are large, peristo-separate and served, and stomens are three-part with peristracted shares. And stems, and the leaves of mosses are covered with rude hairs. Simple or terry flowers with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm can be red, pink, white or salmon with a dark or white edge, as well as with a dark spot at the base of petals. In culture, this view from 1596. In horticulture, numerous garden shapes and samography varieties are used. For example:

  • Shirley - Garden shape height up to 75 cm with elegant flowers of light tones with white stamens;
  • Silk Moire - A variety with semi-level flowers, whose petals are painted along the edges in a saturated tone, and in the center - in a more gentle shade of the same color.

Or Mac opium in the wild form grows in the Mediterranean. Stems with a height of up to 1 m, a reprehension, weakly extensive, sizo-green shade with a wax chain. The root leaves are oblong, and stem is elliptical, and the upper - sisovato-green, triangular, sometimes curly. Simple or terry single flowers with a diameter of 9-10 cm of white, red, pink, purple, purple or lilac color, sometimes with dark or white spots at the base of the petals are located on long blossoms. Flowers bloomed in the morning in the evening fall away. Long bloom 3-4 weeks. In Culture, the view from 1597. Popular varieties of species are:

  • Danish flag - Mac height up to 75 cm. The name was given due to unusual colors: the white cross on the red background of the fringe on the edges of the petals. The plant looks attractive and after flowering due to spectacular seed boxes;
  • Cheerful family - Mac, forming an original seed box similar to a poultry with chickens. This variety is used for the manufacture of winter bouquets.

Popular varieties of opium poppy are also popular:

  • White cloud - huge snow-white inflorescences on stable blooms with a height of up to 1 m;
  • Yellow cloud - grade with delicious beauty in large golden inflorescences;
  • Black cloud - a plant with the caps of the terry inflorescences of a very dark purple color;
  • Tsarrzeza - a branched bush height from 70 to 90 cm. Flowers terry, gently pink, diameter 9-10 cm, with a white spot at the base of petals;
  • Shneebal - mediumwood bush up to 80 cm high with terry white flowers with a diameter of up to 11 cm with rugged edges of internal petals;
  • Mesver Rosenrat - Plant with a height of 40-60 cm. Flowers terry, pink-red, diameter up to 10 cm, with oval petals and a white spot at the center. In the inner petals of the edge fringe.

From annual species in culture, you can also meet Pavlin and Sizy Maks.

Perennial poppies are presented in our gardens in Macoma Eastern - a herbaceous plant, originally from Asia Minor and South Transcaucasia. Stems in poppy eastern straight, durable, thick and bristy, 80-100 cm high. Correct leaves peristracted, length up to 30 cm, strokes - slightly smaller and shorter. Single flowers up to 18 cm in diameter are painted on a flame-red shade, and at the base of the petals - a black spot. Flowering Mac East lasts no more than two weeks, but during this period the plant is very attracted by its dark purple pollen. In culture, the appearance since 1700. Among the gardeners are popular with a poppy of east pizzicato - resistant plants with a height of up to 50 cm of lilac, white, pink and different shades of red and orange colors. Interest causes such varieties:

  • Beauty Quin. - a plant with a height of 90 cm with wet-shaped silky flowers;
  • Black and White - a grade with a height of about 80 cm with white flowers with a black spot at the base of corrugated petals;
  • Blue Mun - a plant with flowers high up to 100 cm high, on which pink flowers with a diameter of up to 25 cm are revealed, whose petals are cast blue;
  • Cedric Morris - grade with a height of about 80 cm with very large pale pink flowers with a black spot at the base of corrugated petals;
  • Kerlok - Plant tall up to 70 cm with slightly drooping orange flowers. Based on the edges of the petals - a black spot;
  • Allegro - Multi-year poppy grade up to 40 cm high, blooming already in a year of sowing luxurious large flowers.

In addition to those described, the glood varieties of East Garden Glory, Gloing Embers, Mrs. Perry, Carin, Keyne, Mrs. Perry, Carin, Klein Tangezrine, Markus Perry, Pettis Plam, Perris White, Piccotti, Sultan, Terkenloi, Terkish Delight and others.

They grow in culture and such types of many years of poppy as Alpine, Amur, Atlantic, White and Pink, or Mountain, Burcers, Lapland, Miyaba, Scandinavian, Bract, Tatransky and Tien Shansky, but they are all inferior to Maku eastern in decorativeness.

Mac properties - harm and benefits

Useful properties of poppy

The properties of opium poppy were discovered in deep antiquity: the drink from its seeds was used as an painful and sleeping pills. Popular was poppy in Ancient Greece: In myths it is described that the grains of this plant were with them the deity of Sleep Hydness and the god of dreams of Morphors, as well as the goddess of the fertility of Hera. In Europe, during the reign of Karl the Great, Mac was appreciated so highly that the peasants were to be given to the state of 26 l poppy seeds. Poppy was treated for patients, he was given to children so that they were stronger. And no one suspected that the poppy is not so safe, until in the XVI century, the doctor and nerd Jacob Theodorus has not released the book "Juice of poppy seeds", in which not only described beneficial features Poppy, but also harm that he can cause.

Poppy seeds include fat, sugar and proteins, vitamins E, PP, cobalt elements, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron and sulfur, and petals contain fatty oil, vitamin C, alkaloids, glycosides, anthocyans, flavonoids, organic acids and gum . Mach oil is one of the most valuable vegetable oils. It is used for the manufacture of paints and cosmetics.

The grains of blue blue color are used as an expectorant, decoction of poppy removes toothpow and pain in the ears. Preparations of poppy grains are prescribed for diseases of the liver, insomnia, the Qatar of the stomach, the inflammation of the lungs, hemorrhoids. The decoction of the roots of the poppy is treated with the inflammation of the sciatic nerve and migraine, the decoction of poppy seeds improves digestion. Mac helps reduce sweating, cope with diarrhea and dysentery, relieve inflammation bladder. The pharmacological industry manufactures such potent drugs such as codeine, morphine, papaverine, narncein, drugs, however, before using these drugs, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

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    Pipaver pione-like - bright, spectacular herbaceous plant of the poppy family. The word "poppy" in relation to it is rarely used because of the long-standing prohibition of poppies, although this flower is undoubtedly an excellent decorative decoration of any garden or flower beds.

    Botanical description

    Pindaver Pione-like - an annual plant, which is a single flower with a smooth stem with a height of up to 90 cm. It has medium leaves in the form of teeth and large, terry flowers with numerous solid petals. Flowers can be different shades: from white to dark burgundy and even black. There are varieties with strongly dissected petals resembling. The flower fruit is a box with small cellular retina seeds.


    Pipaver pionoid is widespread in moderate and subtropical areas. It grows in Europe, Asia, North America, often found in the Caucasus.

    In a natural environment, it grows both on the plains and in the desert terrain. Perfectly feels on the mountain slopes.

    Did you know? More Ancient Egyptians noticed the beneficial properties of poppy. They specially grown it on plantations and used as an analger, calling "sleepy potion."

    Paporet Ponya varieties

    1. Stems - SIZO-GREEN, PERFORMING, WITH WILL BACK. Flowers are large, dense, in the form of a pale salmon bowl.

    2. "Dance fantasy."Stems - SIZO-GREEN, PERFORMING, WITH WILL BACK. Flowers are denselyahrovy, in the form of balls of various color, diameter up to 10 cm.
    3. Stems - SIZO-GREEN, PERFORMING, WITH WILL BACK. Flowers are dense, in the form of dark purple balls, diameter up to 10 cm.

    4. Stems - SIZO-GREEN, PERFORMING, WITH WILL BACK. Flowers are dense, in the form of white-cream balls, diameter up to 15 cm.

    5. Growing at home

      Papaver pionoid does not represent a special difficulty for growing. It is necessary to create the right conditions for the growth of the flower and do not forget to water and feed.

      Selection of place for landing

      For landing, you need to choose a sunny and bright area. Pipaver Pionoid feels very well under the open sunshine. It is necessary to plant in a well-swollen soil (8-10 degrees Celsius) and immediately at a permanent place of residence. Macs are distinguished by a strong rod root, which is easy to damage when digging and transplanting. Flowers are sufficiently frost-resistant and in additional shelter do not need.

      Soil and fertilizer

      Papover pione is not demanding for soil acidity, the main thing is that it is light, crumbly and well-drained. Periodically, the soil must be disappeared, while removing the growing weeds and trying not to hurt the roots of poppies.
      Maks are very responsive to feeding. It must be carried out at the beginning of spring and during the period of bootonization of plants. Soluble complex mineral fertilizers will give the stems and leaves more juiciness, and flowers - color saturation.

      Watering and humidity

      Pipaver pione form need to regularly water, the volume of water and the frequency of watering depends on temperature ambient. In the hot season you should water at least once a week.

      It should be noted that the plant reacts poorly to stagnation. For poppies, it is better small enough that excess moisture.


      The plant breeds both seeds and cuttings.


      Maks are driving at the beginning of spring into an open ground without seedlings, as they do not tolerate the transplant and can begin to root. Pipover seeds are very small, so it is better to mix them with sand to disembark them, so as not to get too thick shoots.

      The plant loves loose homogeneous soil, especially well grows on sandy areas.Clay soil can be too dense for seeds, and they will not be sprout. Before landing, the land is abundantly moisturized and the poppy is surrounded, without sprinkling soil. Top is once again sprayed with water from the sprayer.
      Shoots appear on the seventh day after landing, and flowering can be expected after 1.5 months. After the appearance of shoots, they are thinned, leaving between the plants a distance of 7-10 cm. If you leave a thick landing, then the poppy will grow, the blooming can not hold the flower, and the peony effect will not be released.

      Papover Pionoid is perfectly breeded and independently. In the fall, he drops his seeds, and they are scattered on the plot around Mac. The seeds are very lungs, and the wind can attract them for quite a long distance from the plant itself. After that, in the spring it is enough just to proper shoots.

      Important! Radiated flowers are better to immediately delete, not allowing the boxes with seeds or attract unattended guests to the garden. This simple technique will allow to extend the flowering time almost twice.


      For disembarking, side shoots or sockets are more suitable, which grows early in spring or by the end of summer. They need to carefully separate and sit down from the main plant (until autumn). After rooting the cutlets, it is necessary to grow for about two years.

      To increase the survival rate of the plant, you can withstand the cuttings in the solution of the drug "Routener". And after disembarking, heal the plant residues of the solution.
      For landing, a sufficiently deep fertile layer of soil is needed, because the poppy has a rod root system. At the selected place, it is necessary to break the soil and prepare a hole with dimensions of 30 x 30 cm. Add some kind of garden compost to the landing pit, after planting a little pouring plants. Not allow an excessive watering!

      Papver care

      Pipaver pione is a very unpretentious flower that does not require much care.

      How to care for poppy

      So that the plant grew well and pleased with his beautiful appearance, it is necessary to water him in time, at the same time gently flowing the earth around the poppies and deleting. After a day after irrigation, it is possible to explode a little soil. And do not forget to feed the poppies in the spring period complex.

      Possible difficulties in cultivation

      When growing a flower, you can encounter such problems:

    • expandable watering can lead to reinforcement of the roots of the plant;
    • insufficient feeding - the reason for the weakening of the poppies and the appearance of small and less bright flowers;
    • thick landing and weeds lead to a minor of plants;
    • lady flowers in time can lead to pests.

    Collection of seeds

    Poppy seeds are assembled after the yellowing of the plant leaves. The process consists in collecting boxes, extracting seeds and packaging them in varieties. Store seeds better in paper bags or envelopes in a dry and cool room.
    No preset seed preparation requires. Moreover, the pionee-shaped papaver propagates independently, waving on loose and fruitful soil.