Primrose therapeutic description for first grader. Instructions for the use of the primrose of spring as a medicinal plant

Sin.: The primrose of spring, lady handles.

Perennial early blooming herbaceous plant. Introduced into the culture from the XVI century as a decorative and medicinal plant. Good honey. Medicine is used as a pulp, antipyretic, expectorant.

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Formula flower

Flower formula of medicinal primrose: * h (5) l (5) T5P 1 .

In medicine

FROM therapeutic goal Use roots and leaves, less often flowers in the form of infusion. Pre-sole root preparations are used as an expectorant, a stiff, antipyretic remedy for bronchitis, upper catars respiratory tract, lung inflammation. The infusion of primrose flowers is used as a blood complimentary agent for gout, kidney diseases and bladder, neuralgia, migraine, dizziness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, rheumatism, etc. Preimatin preparations have sedative, antispasmodic and few pronounced laxative properties, are prescribed as a choleretic and diuretic agent, as well as a painful agent for paralysis and cramps. Fresh leaves of primrose medicinal use as vitamin remedy With spring fatigue and anemia.

The leaves of the primrose as a rich source of vitamin C are included in the vitamin fees and breastsets from the cold.

The roots of the drug primrose are described in the Pharmacopes of Romania and a number of other countries, are widely used in homeopathy.

The root of the primrose medicinal in the form of a dry extract from the roots of "Primino" is used as a coating, antipyretic and expectorant, especially when bronchitis.

Primrose oil has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, normalizes the level of hormones, strengthens immunity, improves the state of the joints. The syrup of the Gerbion Priorior is a popular, unique drug, is a powerful expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, has an antimicrobial effect and reduces the viscosity of sputum. The "Herbion" is shown as an additional funds in complex therapy in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases (trachetes and bronchitis, ARZ, accompanied by a dry cough).

Contraindications and side effects

Primrose medicinal small-toxic plant, while compliance with the dosage does not cause side effects. But in the individual intolerance and the presence of allergies to this plant, as well as with ulcerative disease, the preparations of primrose can not be taken. During pregnancy, primrose drugs are not recommended to be taken as this plant stimulates the cutting of the uterus and can lead to miscarriage. In addition, with long-term use of primrose, I can arise allergic skin reactions (itchy rash), and sometimes nausea and vomiting. With strict observance of the dosage of side action, the grass can be avoided.

In other areas

In some countries of Europe, England, Holland, Belgium, the primrose is grown as a salad plant. Fresh leaves are added to soups, salads, winegreets, roast. To refill dishes can be used dried and crushed leaves. Flowers and leaves of primrose are also used in the production of liquor products.

Predit primrose was introduced into culture as a valuable honey, medicinal and decorative plant.


PRINTING DICTIONAL (LAT. PRIMULA OFFICINALIS JACQ.) - Belongs the genus Primula or Primula (Lat. Primula) Family Color (Lat. Primulaceae). In the botanical literature, the plant is called as a primrose spring (lat. Primula Veris L.). Rod Primula is the most numerous, there are at least 500 species common in moderate and subtropical areas of the northern hemisphere, especially widely in the mountains, less often in the tropics and cold areas. Centers of the species diversity of primroses - Himalayas, Mountains of Southwestern China and Central Asia, Caucasus and Alps.

Botanical description

A perennial early blooming small herbaceous plant (15-30 cm height) with a short almost horizontal rhizome (6-8 cm long), seated white-coated cords-shaped roots. All leaves in a root rosette, oval, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, on the top dull, wrinkled, pubescent or almost naked on the top, with covered with cuffs. The edges of leafy plates are gallant or wavy. From the middle of the outlet, one or more noble flowers (flower arrows) carrying umbrellas, turning in one direction of the inflorescence. Obroat flowers, bright yellow, 8-15 mm in diameter, with a honey smell, on short flowering (3-20 mm length). Double Double, Cup tubular-bell-beaten with 5 sharp teeth, Voronnicoid curious with 5 concave blades. Stamen 5 with short staggering threads attached to the vintage tube. Pestle with upper one-minute urging. Formula of the PRINTER Flower of the Drug - * h (5) l (5) T5P 1 . The fruit is an egg-shaped multiferous box that opens up tooths. It blooms early in the spring from mid-April to June.


In the middle lane of the European part of Russia, mainly in the forest and forest-steppe zones there is a single appearance - the primrose of spring, or the rams (Primula Veris L.) with yellow flowers. It grows in the mountains on the wet alpine and subalpine meadows, in forest glades and ravines, on the edges, in rarefied deciduous and mixed forests, suddal meadows, steppes, on the slopes and hills, embankments along the iron and highways. It is often found, but scattered.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

The leaves and rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials. The leaves are collected during flowering and dried in dryers at a temperature of 80-90 o or in attics with good ventilation. Rhizomes with roots are digging at the end of the vegetation (in the fall or early spring), purified from the ground, leaves, floweros. Dried in the air in a well-ventilated room or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 o C. The dried raw material does not smell, the taste is slightly bitter. Store the dried raw materials in the packed form in dry, well-ventilated rooms. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Chemical composition

All organs of the drug primrose contain ascorbic acid - vitamin C: (leaves - 5.8%, flowers - 4.76%). The roots contain essential oil (0.08%), triterpene saponins (5-10%), glycosides (primulaverin, cluster), flavonoids, carotenoids, essential oil - (0.08%). In the leaves, carotene (3 mg%), flavonoids, triterpene saponins, glycosides containing benzoic and salicylic acid derivatives are found in large numbers of vitamins (A, C, group B, E). The grass also includes organic acids, minerals (iron, manganese).

Pharmacological properties

Galenic drugs of medicinal primrose render an expectorant effect and enhance the secretory activity of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. Expectorant properties are due to the content of triterpene glycosides in the root of the primrose. In addition, the most valuable biologically contained in the grass active substances Other properties are caused by other properties: antipyretic, coating, sedative, antispasmodic, choleretic, diuretic, painful and slightly laxative. Along with these beneficial properties, the primrose medicinal is a valuable vitamin plant, the leaves of which are characterized by a high content of ascorbic acid (up to 500 mg). The content of vitamin C in large quantities has led the range of its application (avitaminosis, treatment of colds and nerve diseases, cough, etc.). Vitamin C is also the most powerful antioxidant, which plays a huge role in the fight against toxins and free radicals.

Application in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the primrose medicinal has long been widely used by healers in the treatment of many diseases. The infusion of primrose roots is applied as an expectorant for the kamari of the upper respiratory tract, chronic tracheites and bronchitis, with bronchopneumonia. Broth, tincture and primrose syrup in folk medicine are used in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, cough; as a sedative, antispasmodic, diuretic, light laxative and painful agent (for cramps and paralymps); infusion - with constipation, insomnia, general weakness, bad appetite, cough, dizziness; As a diuretic - with diseases of the kidneys and bladder. The juice of the primrose is used to reduce the bleeding of the gums in qing, paralims, heart disease, dizziness, insomnia, to improve vision, at avitaminosis, digestive normalization; with influenza, angina, bronchitis, pollinosis; As a stiff, antipyretic and laxative. The infusion of leaves is recommended with a bad appetite, general weakness, cough, queing, gout, rheumatism and avitaminosis. In folk medicine, the infusion of primrose roots is used not only as an expectorant remedy, but also for resorption of external hemorrhages. Outward decoction of primrose in the form of lotions and compresses are used for injuries. The above-ground part is part of the ointment for the treatment of head eczema. The decoction of the roots of the primrose is recommended for red flat lisha, furunculaes, ulcers, skin rashes, psoriasis and baldness.

Historical reference

A lot of legends and belt are associated with primrose, it is even mentioned at Shakespeare and in various historical stories, but he acquired the greatest fame as a medicinal plant. As a medicinal plant, the primrose is known in Ancient Greece.

PRINTER Flowers are usually directed down and reminded the bundle of keys, it is called clavies for it. In addition, the name of the plant comes from the Latin word "Prímus" - "first", this is explained by the fact that it blooms early in spring, one of the first, and sometimes even before the snow completely comes down. From here there is a Russian name. Per appearance The leaves of the primrose is called in the people of Baranchiki. He has another old name - God's handles. Indeed, if you look at the primrose buds, then as the collected below in the assembly of a cup - a hood opens a golden palm with five fingers into the cam.


1. Abrikosov H. N. et al. Primula // Dictionary-directory of the beekeeper / Sost. Fedosov N. F. M.: Agriculturalized, 1955.S. 283.

2. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N. V. Tsitin. M.: Medgiz. 1962. 702 p.

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5. Botany. Encyclopedia "All Plants of the World": Per. from English (Ed. Grigoriev D. et al.) 2006 (Russian publication). P. 704.

  1. Gubanov I. A. and others. Determine higher Plants The middle band of the European part of the USSR: manual for teachers / I. A. Gubanov, V. S. Novikov, V. N. Tikhomirov. M.: Education, 1981. P. 192.
  2. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 1024. Primulaveris L. Primorce Spring, or Drug

8. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyov, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or terrestrial plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

9. The life of plants (ed. A.L. Takhtajyan) 1982. T. 5 (2). P. 159-162.

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11. Medicinal plants. Reference manual (ed. N.I. Grinevich). M. "Higher School" 1991. 396 p.

  1. E., Trostenyuk N. Primulus for the Northern Garden // Floriculture. 2008. № 3. P. 20-21.
  1. Lehtilä K., Syrjänen K., Leimu R., Garcia M. B., Ehrlén J. Habitat Change and Demography of Primulaveris: Identification of Management Targets. CONSERV BIOL. 2006 jun; 20 (3): 833-43.

14. Broda B. Primulaveris L. and Primulalatior (L.) Scherb. AS Medicinal Plants. ACTA POL. Pharm. 1952; 9 (1): 55-76; 1952; 9 (2): 85-95.

There is, the appearance of which after a long winter sleep is waiting with a special impatience, therefore the beauty is perceived attractive and mysteriously. Such plants include a primrose, which not in vain received its name - it speaks for itself. There is a different name - primula. These flowers have both unusual beauty, and unique useful properties.


Types of primrose

Species of these plants are about five hundred; All of them differ in flowering period, flower staining, leaves. First -cellies with therapeutic properties there are several types: Spring (medicinal), largest, tall, torment.

Primorce Spring (Drug)

Perennial with therapeutic properties, has a height from 15 to 30 cm. Completed in the south of the forest area of \u200b\u200bRussia and its part owned by Europe. Plant with cords-shaped roots, the leaves have a rounded shape, oblong, narrowed. Flowers are going to a long, tilted arrow with a bright yellow color and smell. The fruit in the form of a brown box with a large number of seeds.

Important! The primrose spring is a very valuable plant containing a lot of vitamin C, which makes it an excellent medicinal and a vitaminized medium from the cold, cough and the problems of the nervous system. A significant level of ascorbic acid content helps to reduce the number of free radicals in the human body and slowing the aging processes.

In Siberia, in the Caucasus and the Urals are common primrose lather Also a perennial with therapeutic properties. According to some classifications, it is considered as a subspecies of spring. Externally, these plants are somewhat different: the primrose of a large-scale, unlike spring, in more than Swirling cup, and leaves with small omit.
This type of primrose is suitable for the preparation of expectorant drugs when various diseases And types of cough. Also, the primrose largest agriculture contributes to the improvement of the process of separation of urine, soothes, removes spasms. In order to create a means for the Pot and urine separation, 1 tbsp. l. The roots and leaves that are pre-dried, pour a glass of boiling water and insist a few hours. The residue is taken in 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day. Such infusion is stored no more than a day.

Did you know? In a number of countries, it is believed that the girl who found primulus first, until the end of the year will meet his love and marry. Therefore, in some countries it is perceived as a marriage flower. A special attitude towards it in England, where the primulus is read as a flower with magic, because it is hidden from the bad weather of the gnomes and small fairies.

A sufficiently low multi-year introduced from 10 to 40 cm, on the leaves of which there are hairs, and the leaves themselves are neatly interconnected by the root, called the primrose high. This plant has light yellow flowers in length from 9 to 15 cm, collected in inflorescences of ten on each stem, the maximum amount of inflorescence on the stem is thirty.

It is found in Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, in Altai, in Siberia on the moistened areas in the shade. In Russia, the wild introduce this species is practically not found. The composition and properties of the high and spring and spring properties are practically not bred, so the testimony for their use is also no different.

The plant has urine roots, color pains in the form of an arrow with umbrella flowers and does not exist above 20 cm. It is covered with mild-white, slightly yellowish bending, which is available in a significant amount on the bottom of the leaflets. This kind of primory differs from other species of a variety of paints when flowering: bright and dark lilac, pink in combination with purple, less often come across white flowers. A distinctive feature of flowers primrose milder It is the presence of a bright "peeper" size of one centimeter in the center of the flower.
This species in the north of the part of Russia, which belongs to Europe; also he grows in southern Siberia and on Far East. The leaves of this primrose contain quite a lot of vitamin C. Different cooked means from the primrose of milders are used as folk remedy From dermatitis, it is rubbed into the scalp for better hair growth. In Tibet, this primura was treated tumors.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, the primulus was called the "Flower of the Twelve Gods" and belonged to him as to the flower of Olympus. The legend says that the gods turned into him to have suffered from paralysis the young Paraliasos.


Primulus includes many vitamins and useful trace elements. A couple of her leaves taken in food can satisfy the need of the human body in vitamin C per day. In addition, the primulus contains provitamin A (carotene), vitamin E, soldiers of manganese, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, essential oils.

Prophiest properties

The primrose has many healing properties, improving urinary processes, sweating, expectoration. It also has antispasmodic, anesthetic and a well-fascination effect on the human body. Funds from this plant are able to calm and toned, and their vitamin composition makes an almost unique plant.

Due to the presence of ascorbic acid ascorbic acid, the means from it normalize the central nervous system, the processes of blood formation and absorption of iron, neutralize free radicals, stimulate the work of the endocrine system, remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body, purify and strengthen the vessels, intensify wounds, strengthen the immunity.
Carotine provides a leather and mucous membranes a healthy appearance, stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, increases immunity, contributes to the control of the level of hormones, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Thanks to him, the eyes function better, and the bones grow intensively and strengthen, which is a positive point for the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.

Marganese salts contribute to the formation of bone and connective tissues, regulate lipid metabolism, help synthesize cholesterol, insulin, thyroid hormone, and also - more efficiently absorb and transform carbohydrates.
Saponins, strengthening the secretion of glands, contribute to the discharge and easy conclusion of sputum of bronchi, relieve inflammation; also prevent DNA synthesis in tumor cells, preventing the processes of their reproduction; Enhance the functions of hormones, regulate exchange, water-salt and mineral exchange processes.

Important! And-stepmother contains carotenoids and mucus that neutralize the processes of inflammation and reduce the redness of the throat. Like primrose, she is alsocontainssaponins. Combining in one tool, coltsfoot and primula enhance each other. Together with other numerous medicinal herbs, they are breast-harvest components.

Flavonoids, strengthening vessels and capillaries, are protection for the body from pathogens, contribute to more effective action Vitamin C, strengthen the confrontation of infections, neutralize free radicals and toxins, eliminate the edema and inflammation, prevent the formation of bad cholesterol and development different species Cancer, normalize digestive processes, reduce the manifestations of allergies, increase the level of mental and physical activity.
Glycosides reassure the nervous system, normalize blood circulation and heart activity, reduce indicators arterial pressure. Essential oils contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, pain relief and mucus separation, soften cough, soothing the nervous system, normalize the condition of the heart, vessels, stomach, intestines.

Primrose in medicine

The use of primrose as a medicinal product is distributed in many nations.

Tibet's healers and today are used in blood diseases, as well as to suppress the growth of tumors and accelerate the healing processes. Preparations of primrost are treated with a huge number of violations, as well as apply them with preventive goal. They help in violation of blood circulation of the brain, heart disease, cough, colds, inflammation, neuralgia, edema, eye diseases and urinary systems, migraines, insomnia and many of other ailments.

The roots of the primrose is an excellent tustling agent, with the effect of sweating and urinary.
Decorations and infusions from these roots help to facilitate the process of sporming sputum and strengthen the secretion of mucous membranes with bronchitis. The leaves of primroses are useful as a means rich in vitamins, with their significant disadvantage, as well as in the violation of appetite and diseases of the dysen. For outdoor use, the leaves of primrose are applied to damage.

Important!The decoction of the colors of the primrose and hawthorn is very useful at a frequent heartbeat.

Perprot from cough

Preparations from primroses are perfectly treated cough due to a large amount of saponins that soften cough and contribute to the disheve of the sputum during dry and long non-passing cough.
It is recommended that such means and at the "senile cough", which occurs when a reduction in the power of the heart - the supply of light blood deteriorates and a strong regular cough appears, which is very difficult to stop. In this case, it is necessary not only to treat the respiratory organs, but also to promote the acceleration of blood circulation, as well as the removal of all excess water from the body. For this, several leaves of primrose must be pouring 200 ml of boiling water and insist a couple of hours, take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Primrose during pregnancy

During pregnancy, preparations from primroses cannot be taken: they can provoke miscarriage, causing stimulation of the cutting of the uterus.

Cough syrup with primrose

Primulus syrup is a drug to facilitate the expectoration process with a high level of efficiency. It is used when coughing in dry form, accompanying tracheitis, sharp respiratory diseases, bronchitis. 1 tsp. Grilled root roots in half a glass of water 5 minutes and mix with honey to get a viscous mass. Take 1 h. four times a day.
Such syrup, with a brown tint and a kind of smell, you can buy in a pharmacy.

Did you know?Another legend says that once the apostle Peter dropped the keys from the gates of Paradise, and at the place of their fall to the ground appeared beautiful flowersreminiscent of key ligaments. Therefore, another name of Primulus is "Keys".

A decoction from the primrose is well acting with bronchitis, inflammation of lungs and cough: 20 g of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of water and boil 20 minutes. After that, the decoction is fastened and used on one tablespoon several times a day.

Also the anti-infinite agent can be prepared on the basis of the roots: 1 tbsp. l. The roots of the plant, pre-grinding, pour 200 ml of water, close and put on a water bath for 30 minutes. Further the decoction is cooled and accepted several times a day at 70 ml.
Another decoction of the roots: 20 g of raw materials at 400 ml of boiled hot water, It is 20 minutes. Such a tool is recommended to use 100 ml no more than four times a day, with diseases of the respiratory organs, kidneys, rheumatism, gout.


Well helps from cough infusion from leaves: 2 tbsp. l. Grinding leaves poured 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist. This amount of infusion should be used for a day, regardless of food reception.

Improving gastric secretion and metabolic processes, replenishment by vitamins occur when used infusion of primaries growing over the earth.
Flowers or any other part of the primrose weighing 25 g are poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filtered and consumed 2 tbsp. l. Three times a day.


This embodiment of the primrose, as a tincture, contributes to getting rid of headaches, dizziness, lack of sleep and appetite, decline of forces, rheumatism. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp. l. The roots and leaves, pour a glass of 70% of alcohol and let it brew about 12 days in a place without admission of light, periodically shaking. After that, the alcohol drain, leaves and root squeeze and strain the liquid. With pain in the joints, it is used by rubbing and compresses, with other testimony - a couple of times a day drink 10-15 drops.

Oil of primrose

Primulus oil has a fascinating effect, increasing immunity and improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Flowers are completely poured vegetable oil And leave in the covered dishes for several weeks at sunlight. Then flipped and pressed. Butter that managed to get, poured one more, equivalent to the first number of flowers. The procedure is completely repeated. The finished oil is overflowing into the dishes in which no more than one year will be stored. Take such a means a couple of times a day in 2 ml; Best of all in the morning and lunch time.

Syrup of the original "Gerbion"

Unique plant drug It is the syrup "Herbion" promoting productive expectoration and having an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as an addition in the complex of therapeutic agents. It helps with inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, with an ARZ with irritation of the mucous membranes, to get rid of the incessant cough. It is recommended to use such syrup three times a day after meals: adults - 15 ml, children from fourteen years - 10 ml, from five to fourteen - 5 ml, from two and a half to five - 2.5 ml.
The tool is recommended to drink warm water or tea.The duration of the shooting of syrup is from five to seven days. Side reactions to syrup practically do not occur, but the stomach disorder is possible, reflecting, nausea and so on. As a rule, this is due to an unjustified increase in the dose.

Contraindications for use

The primrose has many useful properties, but, like most drugs, has contraindications: allergies to preparations from primrose, the presence of peptic diseases. It is a non-hazardous and harmless plant subject to the instructions for its use.

Collection of primrost

Therapeutic value represents all parts of the primrose, so you need to know exactly when you can collect them so that the properties of the plant are preserved well.
The leaves are recommended to prepare when the plant blooms, dry immediately and fast enough in the sun or in special drying devices at a temperature of 50-60 ° C (at a slow drying process, the level of ascorbic acid in raw materials is reduced). After the drying process is greenish with a gray tinge, the leaves are characteristic of the smell and slightly sweet taste, passing in the aftertaste on the bitter taste.

The leaves should be broken by hand, leaving half on the stem for the subsequent flowering and fruiting of the primrose. From the mid-spring and before its end, you can collect flowers without cups, their drying is happening in the air, after that they should have a bare odor and sweetish taste.

Roots, as well as rhizomes, it is recommended to dig out in the fall after the plant faded, or in spring to his flowering. They need to smoke, rinse, give a little silent, after dry at a temperature not higher than 60 ° C in the dryer or in vivo. The rhizomes that dried, have a brown color with a reddish tint, roots - a white color, a light smell and bitter taste. Keep dried plant needed in paper bags or fabric indoors with good level ventilation.

Important!When collecting primrose, it is not necessary to forget that it is listed in the Red Book.

Recipes with primrose

Primrose is used not only as a medicinal plant, it is also successfully used in cooking for the preparation of various salads.

For the preparation of salad from primrose, you need to take three or four of its sheet, three boiled eggs. All chop, mix, salute, pepper and season with sour cream or vegetable oil. Another option is the grade of primrose and swarms: 40 g of a green bow, 120 g of primrose leaves, 100 g cut, salt and fill sour cream. Before serving on the table, such a salad must constantly stand in the refrigerator.

49 once already

(Primula Veris L.)

The primrose of spring, primrose medicinal or primrose is a real - a family of colorful, two-color class. The primrose spring is also called the batches, so we called these flowers in childhood.

Its young leaves wrinkled, wavy along the edge, bottom covered with a velvety fluff, like a skin of a young lamb. As the leaves grow smoothed. The primrose of the spring is also called the clavies - its inflorescence is reminded by a bundle of keys. There was a legend that these

golden keys of spring goddess unlock doors in the summer to warm weather, green grass and colors. The primrose grows in bright mixed and deciduous forests, on the edges and herbaceous slopes. Flowers in April - May until the forests are darkened by foliage.

The primrose of the spring is a perennial plant with a powerful rhizome with numerous cord-shaped roots, from which the outlet of the oval shape leaves, narrowed into the winged petiole, and several flimifying stretching flowers of 10-20 cm height appearing one by one as far as frustrated, with umbrella inflorescences Golden Yellow flowers with a pleasant honey aroma. In the yellow color of the flower, the anthlorine pigment is painted in cellular juice - the same thing that stains the fruits of lemon.

The fruit is a reprehensive box with teeth on the top - they open up, and in good weather, the seeds are scattered by the wind, in the bad weather, the teeth bend inside, and the box closes.

Leaves, flowers and all the plant are collected and dried during or by the end of flowering, dried quickly and, if possible, with heating to a temperature of 60 degrees, while vitamin C is almost completely stored. Everything beneficial features Dried plants are saved during the storage year.

Rhizomes with roots are harvested in spring or autumn, purified, wash, peel and dried outdoors in the shade or at a temperature of 35 ÷ 40 ° C.

The primrose of medicinal medicinal properties has all the plant: leaves, flowers, floral arrows, roots. Floral arrows eat fresh - they are juicy, gentle, there are many vitamins in them that are so necessary in early spring.

In rhizomes and roots contain glycosides, saponins, essential oils and vitamins. Preparations of roots and rhizomes are prescribed as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic tracheites and bronchitis, with bronchopneumonia. But most often these drugs are used in conjunction with the chamomile pharmacy, calendula medicinal and anise.

The leaves of the primrose of spring - champions among the saline content of ascorbic acid - vitamin C, also contains provitamin A - carotene, saponins. Leaves are used to treat hypo- and avitaminosis. No wonder in England and the Netherlands, the primrose spring is cultivated as a valuable lightweight plant - from leaves prepare vitamin salads.

Primrose on Latin. The scientific generic name Primula comes from the Latin word Prima - "first", the decreasing form of this word is given for the fact that the primrose spring blooms the earliest spring, one of the first, hence the Russian generic name "Primroton". The scientific species name Veris is translated from Latin as "Spring".

About the primrose is known with deep antiquity and many legends are folded. The ancient Greeks believed that he was a healing start against all diseases, he was considered a medicinal flower Olympus. In ancient times, they were treated from paralysis and pain in the articulations, so in medicine, it is still called it is often called paralyst grass. In England, primrose was called a magic flower and believed that fabulous tiny fairy and gnomes were found in the drooping flowers of primroses and the gnomes during the bad weather.

Primrose Medical Properties Application

The primrose of the spring due to the presence of saponins gives an antitussive, stiff and diuretic effect. An expectorant effect for diseases of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the lungs is due to the fact that the saponins contained in the plant increase the secretion of bronchial glands and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Preparations accelerate the metabolism, reinforce the release of gastric juice.

When coughing, bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract

apply roots and rhizomes in the form of a decoction or infusion:

  • decoction: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed roots pour 1 glass of boiling water, heated on a water bath under a closed lid 15 minutes, cool down for 45 minutes, strain, the residue of the raw material is squeezed. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 - 5 times a day with honey in warm form;
  • infusion: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of raw materials pour 1 cup of steep boiling water, close the lid tightly, wrap and insist 4 - 6 hours, strain. You can brew in a thermos for the night. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 - 4 times a day.

Decorations and infusions also have a soothing effect. As a light sleeping pills, drink 1/4 ÷ 1/3 glasses of infusion or decoction for the night.

As an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent

use flowers and all the plant:

- 2 tbsp. Spoons of flowers brew 2 tbsp. Boiling water (solid plant you need to take 2 times more), insist in a thermos 2 hours and take 0.5 glasses at 4 - 5 times during the day. We can wash your nose and rinse the throat with inflammatory processes.

This infusion is powered with headaches and to remove fatigue, irritability, with nervous exhaustion, like a slight sedative for kids. Children to take an infusion of 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day.

Tea from leaves with spring flowers of spring

When avitaminosis, to restore forces after heavy diseases, as a general fuel Drink tea leaves with flowers:

- 1 tbsp. l. Leaves with flowers brew 250 ml of boiling water, give it. Drink during the day.

Flower leaves tea for diseases of the joints - He soothes pain, drive salt from the body.

The primrose is also included in the collections used in respiratory diseases:

  • spring primrose flowers - 1 part
  • root nine -1
  • math-and-stepmother leaves -1
  • licode root -1.

Mix everything, grind, 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures pour the glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, well shitting. Take 1/4 ÷ 1/3 cup 3 - 4 times a day in warmth after eating with a strong cough, chronic bronchitis, trachea.

  • drug Prim Drug Flowers - 4 parts
  • horsetch grass - 3
  • platter leaves - 2
  • col-stepma leaves - 1

One art. l. Mixtures pour the glass of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, looking well. Take 1/4 ÷ 1/3 glasses 3 - 4 times a day after meals. It is recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract for removing coughing attacks and increased sputum.

Based on the extract from rhizomes with the roots of the drug primrose, the anti-asthutamatic drug "SOLUTAN" is manufactured.

The primrose contraindication:

  • Gastritis with increased acidity.
  • Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenum.

Use of medicinal primrose in cosmetics

With flabby skin, wrinkles, eels, freckles Apply infusion of grass, roots:

- 2 tbsp. Spoons finely chopped raw materials pour 1 cup boiling water, cover, insist 4 - 6 hours, or make youwill in the thermos for the night. Infusion can not be stored in the thermos more than a day. Cool down, strain. Apply in the form of a mission - moisturizes the skin, eliminates the redness of the face.

Well wash with dry thin, irritated skin, extended vessels.

When losing hair You can cook a decoction from the roots of the spring of spring:

- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of finely chopped rhizomes with roots pour 1 glass of water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, often stirring, cool for 10 minutes, strain the remaining mass, bring with boiled water to the original volume. Broth rub daily into lesion foci. The decoction of roots with roots is used as means stimulating hair growth.

In the fresh leaves of primrose contains many vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Of the first spring leaves, you can prepare delicious vitamin salads, which helps strengthen and improve the body, fill the lack of vitamins.

In the Far East and in the Caucasus, the young leaves of the spring of the spring are put in soup and soups.

And in France, Poland and Sweden from flowers prepare tincture, adding sugar and honey, and used in summer as a cool drink.

The roots of the primrose are used as a spice with anise aroma.

The primrose spring was previously distributed everywhere, now in many territories due to the man's economic activity, it becomes an endungent species and is listed in the Red Book. Therefore, all plants should not be collected in one place, it is necessary to leave some of the plants for breeding and renewal.

The primrose of the spring is a perennial plant, it is well multiplied by the division of rhizomes, as well as seeds ripening at the end of August, therefore it is better to grow it in the garden, it is relatively unpretentious, but a very healing plant.

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This fragile and beautiful plant can be called differently! Primrose Spring, primrose medicinal, primula, jaundice, golden keys, rams, lady handles, lamb. The plant is in demand not only with its decorativeness, but above all, healing propertiesWhat makes it in demand in the pharmaceutical industry.


According to one legend, spring, with the help of spring primrose, flower blocks opens the doors in the summer.

As the next legend says, Saint Peter dropped the keys to Paradise. And it was at that place that the primrose of spring began to grow.

Place of growth

In the natural medium, primula grows:

  • In Asia;
  • In the Himalayas;
  • In the territory of Western China;
  • In Europe;
  • In America;
  • In Africa;
  • In the European part of Russia.

a brief description of

Spring type of primrose is a grassy perennial from a family of color.

The flower arrow grows up to 15 -20 centimeters. The flowering period lasts from April to May. The plants have oblique and relatively short rhizome. The outlet of the leaves is located at the base of the plant. The leaves have an egg shape, and the edges of their gears. The plant letters one or more flossy floral shooters. Yellow-gold flowers with an orange spot at the base of the whores of the whisk. Collected in a simple umbrella, where there are from 10 to 30 flowers. The umbrella is tilted in one direction. The fruit of the plant is a box that has an egg shape, with a variety of round seeds 1-1.5 mm long. The time of ripening seed boxes falls at the end of June-July, burst into dry warm weather.

Chemical composition of primrose

The plant contains:

  • Flavonoids - contribute to strengthening vessels;
  • Essential oils;
  • Vitanin A is the key to healthy skin;
  • Vitamins C - strengthens immunity;
  • Vitamin E - improving the reproductive system;
  • Ascorbic acid - a lining agent;
  • Polysaccharides - energy source;
  • Tanning substances - astringent property;
  • Silicon acid - normalization of metabolism;
  • Salicylic acid - antiseptic;
  • Trace elements - improvement of metabolic processes;
  • Macroelements are necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and body systems.

What is healing the primrose spring?

On the medicinal properties of the plant was known to the ancient Greeks. The flower had a dodecateon name, which meant a flower of 12 gods, and considered him a healing plant of Olympus.

Nowadays, the drug primulus is widely used in traditional and traditional medicine. MedicationsMade of all parts of the plant, possess such properties:

  • Conjuncting;
  • Diuretic;
  • Sweetened;
  • Expectorant;
  • Vitamin;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Sedative;
  • Tonic;
  • Wound-healing;
  • Anesthetic.

Scope of primrose

Primulus medicinal apply:

  • In cooking. From the leaves of the plant prepare salads and add them to the first dishes.

For fill daily norm Vitamin C is enough to eat 2-3 healing sheets per day;

  • Beekeeping. The flower is an early honey;

  • Farming. The plant is feed for rabbits;
  • In flower growing and landscape design%

  • In traditional and folk medicine.

Using primrose in folk medicine

For the preparation of recipes folk Medicine All parts of the plant are used.

The tinctures and syrups are made from the roots of the primrose medicinal. Well helps with wet cough, improve the detection of sputum. The decoction of the roots of the plant is used to rinse the inflamed throat, and with bronchitis, the decoction is taken inside.

The decoction of the leaves of the premils is used as compresses with injuries. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder will cure infusion from the leaves of the plant. During the skin diseases will help infusion from the leaves of primrose and nettle, prepared in equal proportions.

To get rid of insomnia, headaches and nervous oveugulation should be made of alcohol tincture of plants. And the decoctions will be useful with neuralgia, cold and cough.

Collecting and harvesting raw materials

For making medication at home, dried roots, leaves and launch flowers are used.

Early spring, before the commemoration of the vegetation, dig roots. Even the roots can be prepared in the fall, during the fading of the plant. Purified from the Earth and washed roots lay out in the fresh air. When the roots are waving, they need to be learing in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. With favorable weather, the roots can be performed in the fresh air without access to sunlight. Dried roots have a pleasant smell, but bitter taste.

In April-May, you should proceed to the preparation of the spring flowers of the spring. They are collected without cups. Sew it is necessary outdoors in a half. Dried sweet flowers taste and have a weak smell.

The collection of leaves begged with the beginning of the flowering of the plant. To render the minimum harm to the plant during flowering, break off half a leaf. The temperature of the piece of leaves is 50 degrees. With a favorable weather, you can dry the raw materials in the fresh air. The faster the leaves are dry, the more in them is preserved vitamin C. The taste of a dry leaf from the sweet to the burning-bitter with a honey smell. Color - gray green.

Keep dry raw materials need in a tissue or paper bag. The shelf life of dry flowers and leaves of the spring of spring is no more than 1 year, and the roots can be stored up to 3 years.

Indications for the use of the primrose of spring

Medicinal preparations based on primrose medicinal use:

  • With eye disease;
  • During inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • For the disease of the ARVI and the influenza;
  • With angina;
  • With cough;
  • For diseases of the urinary system organs;
  • With headaches, dizziness and migraines;
  • In heart disease;
  • In neurosis;
  • When avitaminosis.

Contraindications for the use of medicinal primrose

The medicine made from spring primrose is completely non-toxic, but there are still several contraindications.

Do not apply drugs based on primrose people with ulceal diseases.

Decorations, influence and juice of primrose is contraindicated in individual intolerance.

The use of primrose medicinal in any form stimulates the cutting of the uterus.

In order to avoid miscarriage, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug with pregnant and nursing.

Side effects

Non-compliance with dosage medicines Based on the priority of the spring, can lead to:

  • Rash on the skin, which is accompanied by a strong itch;
  • Stomach disorder;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit.

After the adoption of the listed side effects, it is necessary to immediately terminate the use of the drug.

Recipes of traditional medicine based on the primrose of spring

Medication for the recipes of traditional medicine is not difficult to prepare. In advance, it is necessary to prepare raw materials yourself or buy it in a pharmacy.


1 teaspoon of dry leaves of primrose pour 200 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Apply when coughing for wetting wet 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

In case of urination organs, the decoction of the roots of primrose will help. To make it cooking 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 1 cup of water. Boil for 15 minutes on slow fire. Insolates half an hour. Take 3 times a day in 100 ml.


Roots of primrose (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (100 ml). Insist for 20 minutes. Strain. Apply 25 ml 4 times a day with insomnia, general weakness. It has a diuretic action.

Leaves of primrose (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (100 ml). Finish 1 hour. Strain. Apply 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. Helps with the disease of the lower respiratory tract, weakness.

Flowers of primrose (1 teaspoon) pour boiling water (200 ml). Finish 10 minutes. Strain. Drink like tea in the morning and in the evening of 100 ml. It acts soothing on the body.

Fresh Juice

Before flowering, cut the plant, to be suspended with sugar. Put in a dark place in glassware to strain highlighted juice. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.


Get rid of burns, scars on the skin and thenels will help ointment ointment. On the water bath, melting 250 grams of vaseline to a homogeneous consistency, add 30 grams of dry leaves of the plant and warm for 2 hours. Strain. Ointment folded into sterile glass dishes.

All the prepired recipes of traditional medicine are tried for many years. To avoid side Effects And individual intolerance needs a doctor's advice!

The primrose of the Spring (Primula Spring, primrose a real or medicinal) - a long-term grassy plant of the family of color, widely used both in the folk and scientific medicine. The people are known under such names, like beans, white letter, lamb, golden keys, heavenly keys, ears, lady handles, Flowers of St. Peter.

Chemical composition

For medical purposes, leaves, flowers, roots and rhizomes of the plant are used. They discovered the following biologically active substances:

  • Essential oils;
  • Saponins;
  • Triterpene glycosides (cluster and primulatorin);
  • Carotene;
  • Ascorbic acid.

Beneficial features

The most useful properties of spring primrose:

  • Expectorant;
  • Vitamin;
  • Sullen;
  • Diuretic;
  • Potting;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Soothing.

Indications for use

Based on the spring of the spring of the spring, the alcoholic tincture is made, which is received during overactiveness and insomnia.

The decoction of roots and rhizomes is an effective expectorant. Preparations from the plant enhance the activity of the wildlife epithelium and the secretory activity of the mucous membranes of respiratory organs, there is a light spasmoditic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the exclusion of the battery from the respiratory tract. Thanks to these properties, primuors are prescribed under inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as chronic bronchitis and tracheitis, the Qatar of the Upper Respiratures, Bronchopneumonia, Larygitis, Farrygit, etc.

Infusions and decoctions are used for coughing, cold, insomnia, neuralgia, migraines and migreen head pains, rheumatism and gout, diseases of the kidneys and heart failure, queing, anemia.

Locally, the decoction is used for rinsing at bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx and throat.

The pharmaceutical industry based on the primrose of spring manufactures the homeopathic facility "Primula" designed to treat cough, catarrhal gastritis, insomnia.


The primrose spring is an allergic plant, so when it is used, it is necessary to navigate on individual tolerability.

Introduction can provoke miscarriage, so drugs on it can not be taken to pregnant women.

Domestic drugs from the primrose of spring

  • Tool from dry cough and chronic bronchitis: 2-3 tbsp. Dry grinding roots pour into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and instead for 6 hours. Take on ½ cup 2-3 times a day;
  • Expectorant of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract: 10-15 g of chopped roots and / or leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes in a water bath for 15 minutes to cool at room temperature for 15 minutes at room temperature and strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day;
  • The means used in hypo and avitaminosis C, as well as anemia: 1 tbsp. Grinding into the leaf powder to pour 100 ml of boiling water, for 30 minutes insisting and strain, add a pinch (on the tip of the knife) of the table salt. Take small sips during the day;
  • Tea from headache, migraine, brainwater disorders, also used in heart disease, rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatic pains in the joints: ½ cup of non-relaxed flowers of flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Use as ordinary tea;
  • Infusion of rhinitis: 40-60 g of rhizomes, roots and / or grass (you can take a mixture of all parts of the plant) Pour into the thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water, for 6-8 hours to insist. To wash the nostrils with this infusion. In parallel, it is recommended to use tea from the spring flowers of spring (20 flowers per 1 liter of boiling water).