Rare birds of the Altai Territory. Red Book of Altai Territory

The Altai Territory is a mountain resort of Russia. The nature of Altai is unique - the mountains and caves are replaced by shock rivers and quiet meadows. This green edge interferes with many animals and plants, many of which are listed in the Red Book of the Region.

The features of the Red Book of Altai are that it contains a variety of species - freshwater, insects, mammals and so on. In total, around five hundred species of various animals lives in the region. Among the mammals of 17 species on the verge of extinction. Not only the erosion of soils and a large amount of livestock leads to disappearance - people are hunting for such beautiful and rare animals, like a snow leopard, manul, bobbing antelope and Altai mountain ram. Also on the verge of disappearance, some types of boars and bears.

The butterflies of Apollo are listed in the Red Book of the Region due to the destruction of habitats. Duck-Lutok, Orlan-Belochvost, shuttle, blue nightingale and some bats are also under threat of extinction due to cutting. Soboli, minks and white-flying proteins, as well as violets lead a settling lifestyle, and therefore they are dying together in the forests. Many inhabitants of the Altai Territory no longer find themselves at home because of the buildings that absorb the beautiful nature.

Vegetable world

Flora Altai accommodates more than 3000 species of plants, many of which are honey or medicinal. The overwhelming majority of plants of the edge grows on narrow locations, which poorly affects the number of plants. Foresting and mastering the territories for the economic needs of a person strike rare plants. In the Red Book of Altai are listed: Picky, onions Altai, Altai gathering, Zalessky Kovyl, Kandyk Siberian, Kickl is omnoliste, Iris Ludwig, Nest-flower Kobook, Stellofopsis Altai. In total, 144 species of plants are included in the Red Book of the Region. The number of plants is also reduced due to the destruction of soil.

Photo of the beautiful nature of Altai.

Video: Altai Nature.

Altai Region

- Fox - a predatory animal of medium sizes with an elegant torso on low paws, with a narrow elongated muzzle, sharp ears and a long fluffy tail. Winter fur thick and lush, and summer rare and short. The main nutrition is rodents. Especially mouse-stayed. She even fits mice under the snow. Listen to their squeak and racks the snow (mushches) in paws. Surriously hunts on small things, catches and birds, sometimes even home. Food and fruits, berries, fruits. He lives in the hole, which Ries herself. Little lyslasts look like wicked, only on the tail white tip. A fox

- Wolf - a predatory animal. He is a relative of a home dog. Pretty large animal. Represents the danger to humans and livestock. Legs are low, strong. Paws are larger than the dog. Big head, a wide face. The tail is long, thick, lowered down. The fur of a wolf is thick and quite long. Feed on deer, elk, boars, roasted. Antilopes. Especially at night are very active. Live with flocks. Dwelling Wolf - Lair. Baby - Volchat. Wolves are good parents. Wolf

Owls of water live

Squirrel from all rodents, the most clever animal. In our forests there are red-brown and black squirrels. They have funny dark brushes on the ears. Squirrels of large jumps move from branches on a branch and scrape on the trunk up and down. They have sharp claws and a magnificent tail that helps keep balance during jumping and serves as a blanket during sleep. Belka has big eyes that see everything around. In winter, feed on seeds and nuts, and the summer m mushrooms and berries. In winter they fall into the hibernation. Mix in the hollows of trees, where in his nest is put dry grass and moss. Must be sure to make themselves stocks of nuts, mushrooms, cones and dry berries. Occasionally in sunny winter days they wake up and get their stocks from the storeroom. In the spring, the proteins appear like a lush. Squirrel

A variety of large and small predators brown bear, lynx, wolverine, otter, badger, sable

- Brown bear - a predatory animal. The body is powerful, with high withers. The head is massive with small ears and eyes. The tail is very short, the paws are strong, powerful, claws are not drawn. The wool is thick, painted uniformly. It is usually single. Omnivorous, eats vegetable and animal food: berries, nuts, roots, tubers, stems, as well as worms, lizards, frogs, rodents, mice, horses, chipmunks. Less often produces deer, roe deer, lanes. Sometimes even attacks domestic cattle. Most active in the morning and evening. By winter accumulates subcutaneous fat and lies in Berloga. He's a shallow sleep, he can easily wake up, such called (connecting rods). Quickly runs, it floats well, climbs on the trees. From January to March, Bear is born. The brown bear is under the protection of the state, listed in the Red Book. Brown bear

Lynx big cat. The tail is cut, ears - with tassels of black hair at the ends. The main color of the tricks - from reddish to grayish yellow. The lynx has a tight and strong body, she is very clever, perfectly climbs on trees and rocks, quickly runs, makes big up to 4 meters jumping, performs long transitions, swims well. But the beast is so hidden and careful that you can see him on the will of rarely anyone. Live lynx in the forests. Mountains loves mountain forests with rocky places. It dwells where there is a lot of food. Food with hares, roots, birds (tanks and tetherov), rodents, as well as young deer, boars, moose. The animal is characterized by a good hearing, smelling and vision. In general, she is a very cautious forest beast. The lair arranges in Burvel, in a dense forest, in a low-layered double, under the twists of the root of the fallen tree, in the rocks. Lynx can live 20 years old. Kitten Ryne

Giant of our forests

Elk large animal. The body of an adult male can reach 3 meters long. This animal has very long legs and a massive humpback head. Ears at the moose large and movable. The horns have a short barrel and a wide, slightly concave, shovel. The body of the body of the moose is black and brown and performs a protective function. Elk - a larger animal. Losi rose from the kneading only for feeding, and then they are again stacked until the next meal. Elk

Representative of the family of deer - Maral

Marals walked out of the taiga in the meadow and back. Marals are bred on maralovodic farms in the mining areas of the edge. Baby Marala

In the forest-steppes live: hares, foxes, roasted, ferret, mountainous, badgers

- Hares are defenseless animals who are mining many predators. But thanks to the long ears and a beautiful scent, we manage to teach danger in time. The hind legs are longer than the front, they make hares with beautiful runners. Move long jumps. Big eyes see well at dusk and at night. Often prevent each other about danger, drums on the ground with rear paws. With the onset of cold weather, they change the color of the wool on white, and the spring is linted and the fur becomes gray. Food is looking at night: these are various herbs, kidneys, young shoots, thin twigs, seeds, berries. Sun are born in spring. Hare

Barsuk lives in the forests and lives in Norah, which is very deep, and he digs them on the slopes of hills and forest ravines. Badger is a night-inhabitant, but sometimes it can be seen in the morning. Badger eats frogs, lizards, miserable rodents, as well as insects, rainwoods, berries, mushrooms, nuts and grass. When hunting, the badger is bypassed very large areas to find insects and worms under the crust of trees and in the stump. The badger can get more than 50 frogs, a huge number of insects and worms in one hunt. In October - November, Barsuk falls into the hibernation and sleeps until March-April. Barsuk benefits agriculture, because he eats insect pests. Badger

Presbytent: Lizard

Amphibian frogs inhabit

The reservoirs of the Altai Territory are rich in fish. In the foothill rivers, there are lisons and taima, smoking and lung, Chebak, Ersh, Pescar, Perch. In the main river, Altai Obi dwells the sterlet, bream, pike perch, etc. Lake Plains rich in Caras, lines, in their water X are dodge and pikes.

The history of the development of the animal world of the Altai Territory has some common features with the formation of vegetation. In the ice era of the Quaternary period, northern Arctic animals have advanced to Altai. Mammoths, woolly rhinos, sands, northern deer, tundra partridge lived on the territory of the edge. The reindeer and the tundra partridge still live in the Altai Mountain Altai.

The animal world of the region is included in the Paleo Arctic graphic area, in European-Siberian and Central Asian subdomains. The border between them passes through the Altai Mountains. Plains of the edge and most of the mountains belong to European-Siberian subdomains; The alpine steppes - Chui and Kuraykaya, the dock plograms enter the Central Asian subland. Brown bear, Wolverine, elk - the inhabitants of the West Siberian Taiga; Maral, Kabagra, Stone Partridge, Ceremonic - Representatives of Forests of Eastern Siberia; Brown-Tarbagan, Mongolian Tushkhank, Mountain Baran Argali - Mongolian Stete Animals.

In the southeastern regions of the Altai Animals, there are similarities with fauna of Mongolia, completely distinguish these animals from other representatives of the Altai fauna. Such is the antilopa-dzery, Daurus and Mongolian senostavka, Indian and mountain goose, Mongolian shaggy cannuk, Mongolian darf.

The variety of animal world of the Altai Territory is explained by the presence of steppes, forests, high-rise belts. In each zone, animals fit adapted to certain environmental conditions. Part of them migrates from one zone to another. From steppes and forests, animals go to the forest-steppe. In the mountains, they rock from one high-rise belt to another. A brown bear is an omnivorous predator that feeds on mice, bird, grass, berries, spring from the forests comes out on the solar clearing, where a young grass appears, while he gradually rises up. In the middle of the summer comes to subalpine meadows, where he attracts the abundance of herbs and plants with delicious, healing roots. At the end of the summer, the bear moves down, to the glades with high-screen, having sweet beams, juicy, soft leaves and stems. In the fall - again in Taiga, to berries, cedar nuts. They grieved maral, sable - from the taiga to the subalpine meadows and back. Make transitions from one zone to another elk, roe, kabagra. Washing animals adapted to life in several zones. Sable - a typical representative of forest fauna - perfectly oriented in the subalpine zone of the mountains.

A distinctive feature of the animal world of the Altai Territory is the formation of endemic species. Endemics among birds are mountain turkey (dwells on steep slopes, poorly flies, the forest is common - it is very rare), Altai Sarych, Altai Cocor, tundra partridge. From insectivores, a typical endemic is the Altai Mole, it is widespread, refers to a useful animal,

In all areas of steppes and the mountains, a famous predator lives - a fox, which destroys mice having a valuable fur.

In the arid kulundy steppe in hot summer days it seems, everything is dying out, but the Suslik Krunchek head appears above the grass, the Tushkanchik will slip over to his mink, or a small fox-corsac will be drunk, the bright color of which merges with the color of the burnt herbs. Most animals are steppes - rodents, they are pests of agriculture. These are hamsters, voles, mice.

Steppe predators and birds feeding on rodents benefit agriculture, this is a fox-korsak, ferret, ermine; From birds - Kestrak, Sarych (Kanyuk), Copchik. On the lakes and swamps there are becasy, chirks, gray crane, seagulls, duck-krakawa, gray goose and migratory birds stop - northern geese, swans.

In the forest belt of the northeast of the mountain altai a lot of taiga animals: Wolverine, otter, squirrel, ermine; Wolves are found well adapted for life in the forests; Many birds: cedridge, shit, cheeks, ripper, filin and small singing birds.

In the highland belt there is a Siberian goat (bun or tec), mountain ram, snow leopard irobis; Occasionally comes from Mongolia Red Wolf, a large eagle-Berkut lives here - a predator of high mountains. On unpleasant cliffs, the red coil daw. On the Alpine and Subalpian meadows lives a mountainous horse. White partridge is widespread, it is found everywhere in the rocky tundra at altitudes up to 3 thousand m.

The Altai Territory is a hunting and fishing zone of Siberia: from 90 species of beasts half of the commercial. Industion protein, groundhog, sable, ermine and other fur animals.

Fishing birds include a gray goose, several types of ducks, partridge, aunt, a row.

Reptiles in the mountains of Altai a little. Everywhere inhabited poisonous snake - an ordinary shield; In the south-east - ordinary lush. Around the area there is a pumped and vivory lizard, ordinary, steppe and ordinary viper. The largest representative of reptile is a patterned poloz (more than a meter long).

Chebak, perch, pikes constantly live in rivers; in mountain rivers - Harius, Tymen, Lenok; In the lakes of Plains - Pier Lin, in Mountain Lakes - Osman.

From insects there are a lot of pests of fields, gardens, forests: Swedish fly, grain scoop, Siberian Fresh. On the gardens - cabbage flea, wire worms, in the gardens - apple fruit, hawthorn, in the forests - Siberian and non-fine silkworm. The redness of the ants relate to useful insects, they destroy small insects.

From the sponsors in Altai, ticks are inhabited, which are the peddles of the hardest disease - encephalitis.

The fight against pests is conducted in several ways: trees are treated with chemicals, trees are cleaned, the biological protection of plants is used.

In the most difficult places, a spotted Cabarge lives on the rocky ledge and places - the smallest view of wild hoofs is not only in Altai, but throughout the country. Cabagra looks quite peculiar. The hind legs are much longer than the front, so the back of its body is higher than the front. On the upper jaw at the Kabargy - long fangs. Meat at the Cabargie Castle, the skin is cheap. However, it is not available at all because of the skins or meat. The males cabargy on the belly is iron, filled with ...

Koslya is a small elegant and graceful deer. The roar is strongly inferior in the size of other deer: the largest roofs achieve the growth of one meter and weight of 60 kg. The local population in Altai calls roe deer wild goals. They live in small herds. Roened puglivy and careful; Noticing the danger, they immediately easily flee. Thin, but heavy legs easily and quickly wear them on the plain, and in the mountains. Feed rooted herbs, leaves of trees and shrubs.

Maral is the most characteristic representative of the family of deer and the genus of real deer. In Altai, now it is the most common and numerous appearance. The growth of the largest marals can reach 160 cm, and the weight is 400 kg. The horns of Maral males are replaced annually: in the second half of winter, they drop them, and in April new begin to grow. Females marals rugs. In the summer, Maral spread widely in the taiga and the mountains, and it is possible to meet them almost everywhere - from the bottom of the valleys to the Goltz zone, where they are searched ...

In the southeastern and central parts of the mountain Altai diluted yaks, or sarlyts. These are very unusual animals. Best of all, they feel at an altitude of two or three thousand meters above sea level, where the firing air and the eternal snow and ice are lying. Sallyca is very unpretentious to food and can be content with even the scarce vegetation, which can be found on high-mountain stony ledges. All the body of Yak is covered with abundant hair with a thick fortune, which helps him to endure any, even the most cruel ...

Administration of the Altai Territory

Environmental Deportation

Altai State University

Altai Region

Rare and threatened animal species

Barnaul - 2006.

Located in the south of Western Siberia, the Altai region has such a variety of zonal and especially intrason landscapes, which this could not not affect the number and species diversity of the animal world of these places. Each of these landscapes has its own, in one degree or another, the special world of animals, birds, plants. This powerful biotic factor of the environment and created, along with climatic, the unique conditions (soil, microclimate) for agricultural production and life support of people who are currently so intensively used.

About 100 species of mammals, more than 320 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 6 species of invertebrate animals live in Altai Territory. Red Book of Russia (Zhuravl-Krasovka, Baloban, White Partridge, Filin et al.), 10 species are included in the Red Book of IUCN (International Union of Nature and Natural Resources). These are extremely rare species, such as, for example, a drought, a burial ground, Sapsan, as well as having a zero category (probably disappeared) and fine-blooded crumbs. Includes 134 species of animals in need of protection. Most of the types of birds - 82. Approximately half of them are listed in

In addition to birds, nesting in Altai, species appearing in the Red Book of the Altai Territory (small swan, goose-pisculka), as well as casual flying (curly and pink pelicans, flamingos, black crane, white-and-wheel SIP, etc. .).

Mammals in the Red Book of 17 species. This is mainly insectivorous and rodents (eared hedgehog, tubes) and bats (their 9 species, inclusive nightnight entered in the Red Book of Russia). Two representatives of the kunih family are entered here - the otter and the bandage (also included in the Red Book of Russia).

The Red Book includes 26 insect species. It, among other things, the relic butterfly - Askalaf is motley, peacruutting the unpaired, as well as the endemic of Western Altai, perhaps the currently distinguished, the bugger of Goebera and others.

In addition to birds, mammals and insects, the Red Book includes 3 types of reptiles (typical roundhead, multi-colored lizard, steppe violence), 2 types of amphibians (Siberian corner, ordinary Triton) and 4 species of fish - Lenok, apparently disappeared from the Altai rivers edges, endemic species Siberian sturgeon, nervma and taper.

In addition to the main part, the Red Book of the Altai Territory includes 30 species requiring special attention. This is, for example, a cabgarue, gray goose, a small gull, quail, a bee-carpenter and other species.

The objects of hunt are several dozen species of animals, representatives of the four bird detachments.

The formation and development of animal resources in the region occurs in conditions of enhanced anthropogenic effect. Reducing the bioproductivity of pastures due to the reissue of livestock, water and wind erosion of soil, cutting down forests lead to a change in the habitats of animals and a reduction in the number of proteins, groundhog, otter, cabaggia, a Siberian mountain goat, and others. Snake, Citroenpete, the drof disappeared partially or completely. From year to year, the number of waterfowl is reduced, with the exception of a gray goose. The number of small kuniih, field and borogal ditch is reduced due to changes in feed and nesting conditions of their existence. Intensive development of hoof resources, and first of all moose, requires a decrease in its production, enhancing the protection and control of mining, and in certain areas of a complete hunting ban.

In 1997-1998, mining was Kaban - 7, the bear - 11.

The number in 1998 was: moose - 10930, boar - 430, roe deer - 11,000, bear - 500.

The number of rare species: Snow leopard - 39-49 pcs., Manul - 250-350 pcs., Dzerien - Tabunics for 4-5 individuals, Altai mountain ram - 370-470 pcs.

The number of kabargi produced in most cases to obtain a valuable musk gland, in 1997 amounted to 1,500 heads.

Of the 3000 species of plants growing in Western Siberia, in the Altai Territory - 1954 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 112 families and 617 types. As part of the Flora of the Altai Territory there are 32 relices. This is a Lipa Siberian, european smiling, fragrant, giant oatmeal, Bruunner Siberian, Salvia floating, water walnut and others. In the Red Book of Russia (1988) there were 10 species of plants growing in the Altai Territory: Kandyk Siberian, Iris Ludwig, Zalessky Kovyl, Kickle felling, Calley, onions, Altai, Pionene, Single Slottellion, Altai Golobook, Stelofopsis Altai. The Red Book of the Altai Territory made 144 types of plants. These species are rarely found, endemic species that reduce their range, as well as relic. The species wealth of the plant world of the Altai Territory is due to a variety of natural climatic conditions.

Vegetable cover on the territory of the region is subject to strong anthropogenic influence, especially within the steppe zone. The largest sections of the steppes have been preserved along the forest belt, along the edges of the ribbon bors and individual rings, saline soils.

A significant share (up to 30%) in the Flora of the Altai Territory is a group of weed plants found in gardens, fields, vegetables, on the backs of roads, on the banks of rivers, wasteland, deposits. In recent years, plated culture plated plants appeared, actively implemented in natural cenos. So, on the shores of rivers and forests, the maple is often occurred and abundantly, the keple is asleenex and echinocystis blade. The share of vote plants from year to year is steadily increasing, and at present they reaches 70. Among them are dominated by plants from Central Asia and Kazakhstan, as well as from North America.

Rich useful flora Altai, numbering more than 600 species of plants, among which there are medicinal plants - 380 species, food - 149, honey - 166, vitamin-free - 33, dyeing - 66, feed - 330, decorative - 215. To highly valuable types can be attributed to Rhodiolate Pink, Rapontikum Saffloretic, and a penny forgotten, Peony evaded, nine tall, etc.

According to a preliminary estimate for the Altai Territory, more than 100 types of lichens are characterized, 80 species of moughen-shaped, about 50 types of macromitz mushrooms. Among these objects there are rare species introduced into the Red Book of Russia.

From almost 2000 species of vascular plants found in the territory of the Altai Territory, 144 species entered the Red Book.

Many of the types of plants included in the Red Book are narrow endemics. These are such species as, for example, the dendrantema of the Emirates, Alzia Frolova ("Yellow Malva"), an Ostrodeller Linear Oil, the rarest species of Lyutvin Krylov, marked in the Altai Territory at two points and noigible, and many others. Along with endemic species, the Red Book includes views with a wider range, but rare on the territory of the edge. This species include chilim (water walnut), Kandyk Siberian, pita, Veineries of shoes and some other orchid.

In addition, the substantial place is occupied by relic. This, for example, european cooled, row large-flowered, Brunner Siberian, the only representative of broadening breeds, the endemic of Altai and Sayan Lipa Siberian and others.

12 "resource protected plants" fell into the Red Book of the Altai Territory, among them Rhodiola Pink (" golden root"), Saflor's rapontikum (" marali Root"), Kopechnik forgotten (" red root"), PION evading (" maryan Root") other.

In the Altai Territory 660 species of useful plants used by man. The largest group is medicinal plants. However, their reserves are not evaluated, the billet is carried out without the operational capabilities, which leads to a reduction and even disappearing of certain types of plants. The same can be said about the berries. Foresting, unreasonable and non-normalized billets undermined cranberry, mushroom reserves, other important food species.

The negative impact on the plant world has an intensive use of land, which is accompanied by the decree of the flora of the Altai Territory. Some of her species were threatened with disappearance, on the other hand, a large number of weed plants appear as part of the Altai flora, previously in the Altai Territory not growing.

Fully the book takes 6.6 m

Ericaceae Juss. - Vereskovye

Rhododendron Ledebourii Pojark. - Rhododendron Larbura.

Rare view. Evergreen shrub to 1.5 m high. Young shoots are thin, short, brown or red-brown, very briefly pubescent and usually densely seated with rounded seating-shaped glands. The leaves are soft-sized, wintering, falling after flowering and dissolving new leaves, on top of dark olive-green, shiny, with scattered scales, from the bottom in the youth is more pale, yellow-green, later brown, densely seated with scratched glasses, ovoid-elliptic or elliptical, With stupid, often laid, less often an acute or pointed top. Puff 3-5 times shorter plate. A cup of about 2 mm in dia. The wreath of pink-purple, pink, lilac or pure-white, bell tallery-funnel. Stamps 10. The box is oblong-cylindrical.

Spread: Altai district (Bobirgangan, OKR. Seall Lower Kayancha, Altai, Aya, mouth r. Ustyube), Soloneshensky district (OCP. Poplar).

Society. Property: Russia (Zap. (Altai) and Vost. Sib. (Ang.-Sayan), Mongolia.

Ecology. Stony slopes of mountains, rocks.

Biology. The leaves winter in a twisted state are straightened at the very first warm days in April, even until the snow cover. Flowers in June-July, often there is a second bloom in August-September. Propagated by seeds, root chains.

Number.On the territory of the region there are five locations of the species. The number of populations from 2000 to 5000 copies.

All known populations are few, from single individuals up to 100.

Limit factors. Economic activity, branch collection on bouquets.

Accepted security measures. The territory of Bobirgangan, on which the species grows, has the status of a monument of nature.

Required protection measures. Recreational load restriction, prohibition of branches for bubboards for bouquets, widespread use in culture, creating a reserve for the protection of the most characteristic habitats of the species.

Cultivation opportunities. The species is introduced into Yusbs (Barnaul), where it regularly blooms and fruits, easily multiplies with seeds, while blooms for the 2nd year.

Plants listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory

Fabaceae Lindl. - legumes

Astragalus Falcatus Lam. - Astragal Sorpoplood

Vulnerable view with a disjunctive area.

Perennial herbaceous plant with extensive stems 40-80 cm height. Flowers slightly yellowish with a weak purple tint. Beans are hung, curved in the form of a sickle.

Spread:Altai district (dol. R. Katun opposite with. Souzga, OKR. Rocks of the traits finger).

Society. Property: Russia (Sib., Heb. Part, Kavk.), Balkan Persh, Mal. Asia.

Ecology. Raw forests, meadows, meadow steppes.

Biology.Flowers in June and July. Breeds seeds.

Number. Two locations are known on the territory of the region. The total number does not exceed 100 copies.

The state of local populations. The state of local populations is stable, but there are trends towards their reduction.

Limit factors. Human economic activity and increased recreational burden in the speciation of the form (pulling).

Accepted security measures. The species is guarded in the Natural Park "Aya".

Required protection measures. Search for new locations of the species and observation of the state of famous populations.

Cultivation opportunities. In the culture on the territory of the region is unknown.

Iridaceae Juss. - Irisovye

Iris Tigridia Bunge - Iris (Quecer) Tiger

Rare all over the area view. Shortocornity plant. Stem up to 10 cm high. Rhizome with brown finely painted remnants of leafy vagina. The root leaves are linear, with a SIZY Tint, 2.5-5 mm width. Flower blue-purple with stains and veins. Flowers 2-3 on the tops of the stems. The outdoor shares of the perianth with a longitudinal beard (strip) from the hairs. Pierce-shaped box.

Spread: Altai district (OCP. S. Verkhnya), Soloneshensky district (OCR. Severe TV (Sibiryachiha), Charysh district (OCP. Tulat).

Society. Property:Russia (Zeb. Sib. (Altai, Tuva), Mongolia.

Ecology. Rubberized heated (southern) slopes, screaming.

Biology. Flowers in late April - early May. Breeds seeds. Seeds are tied weakly. Vegetatively occurs only the growing plants with the formation of new shoots.

Number. Four locations are known on the territory of the region. The number of populations does not exceed 200 copies.

The state of local populations. The condition is quite stable.

Limit factors. Narrow environmental amplitude and low seed productivity. Eating animals, because the leaves in the winter remain green.

Accepted security measures.

Required protection measures. It is necessary to protect natural habitats of the type, inclusion of them if possible as clusters of existing reserves. Search for new locations of the species.

Cultivation opportunities. The species is introduced into Yusbs (Barnaul). In the culture is unstable.

Liliaceae Juss. - Lilyna

Erythronium SffilricTJM (Fisch. Et C.A. Mey.) Kryl. - Kandyk Siberian

Rare view. Bulbous plant 12-30 cm high. Stem reprehension with two opposite elliptic leaves. Flower single large, diluting. Purple pink pink leaves.

Spread: ok. G. Barnaul, Altai district (OKR. Seall Altai, Nizhnekamena), Yeletsovsky district (OCP. S. Yeltsovka), Zarinsky district (dol. r. Malaya Kumiha, OK. SILA, old cracker, Alambai , Anatoly, Bow, Summnevo, Togulenok), Zmeinogorsk district (OCP. G. Zmeinogorsk, Revijuch), Krasnogorsk district (OCP. S. Changsha), Krasnoshkovsky district (OK. Syl China, Ust- Chagyarka, Tigyrire), Courinsky district (Sinauha, Oz. Oz. White and Oz. Kolyvansky, OKR. S. Kolyvan), Smolensk district (OK. Syl Sychevka and Solonovka), Soloneshensky district (OKR . Syll Sibiryachiha, a TVent, dol. r. Shepet), Tretyakovsky district (OCR. Seall Mikhailovka, Novoaleskoye, Verkhaleskoye, Flat, Slyudyanka, Top r. Deep), Togulski Rn (OK. S. Togul) , Charyshsky district (dol. Rivers Baschek, Charysh, OK. Seall Ponomarevo, Pokrovka, Charysh, Ozerki, Saintek, Seven Brothers).

Society. Property: Russia (Zap. And Vost. Sib.), Vost. Kazakhstan., Mongolia., North. - Zap. China.

Ecology. Conifer and mixed forests, edges, forest, floodplain and alpine meadows.

Biology. Flowers in late April and May. Propagated by seeds that quickly lose moisture and germination, and vegetatively forming subsidiaries.

Number. 40 locations are known in the region. The number of the form from 10,000 to 50,000 copies. The state of local populations. Reduced the number and area of \u200b\u200bthe species.

The state of local populations. Reduced the number and area of \u200b\u200bthe species.

Limit factors. Human economic activity (cutting down of forests, fires, bouquets, spraying bulbs).

Accepted security measures. Made into the Red Book of the RSFSR, the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Protected in the reserves of Zalevsky, Togulski, Yeletsovsky, Baschelaki, etc.

Required protection measures. Control over the status of populations. Ban on digging bulbs. Educational work with the population.

Cultivation opportunities.

Liliaceae Juss. - Lilyna


Vulnerable view. A perennial bulbous wounded plant. The stem is quite thin, 20 - 40 cm high, with regular lancet-shaped linear siezovaty leaves. Single flower, bell, large, 4 - 5 cm long. The petals of his dark brown-violet, with a lighter well-pronounced chess pattern inside. Box stupid.

Spread:Smolensky district (OKR. G. Belokurich), Solonezyshinsky district (OCR. Sillyoshnaya, TVent, Sibiryachiha, Dol. R. Anuu), Troitsky district (OKR. S. Hayryzovka), Altai rn ( OKR. SILE ALTAYSKY, ROSE, Between villages Kuyagan and Turak, dol. r. Sandy).

Society. Property: Europe, Russia (Heb. Part, Zap. Sib.), Kazakhstan.

Ecology. Raw meadows and meadow swamps.

Biology.Flowers in early May, by the end of June ends the growing season. Breeds seeds. Vegetative reproduction rarely.

Number.There are 10 locations of the species in the region. The number of the form from 500 to 1000 copies.

The state of local populations. Reduces the number of populations, especially when changing the water supply regimen.

Limit factors. Economic activities (disintegration, drainage).

Accepted security measures. The species entered into the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

Required protection measures. Monitoring the state of natural populations, the search for new locations of the species, the creation of reserves.

Cultivation opportunities. The species is introduced in Yusbs, Siberia Gardening Research Institute (Barnaul).

Iridaceae Juss. - Irisovye

Hemerocallis Lilio-Asphodelus L. - Krasnodnev Yellow, Lily, Yellow Lily Ordinary

Rare view. Perennial plant 30-70 cm high. Leaves are roasting, linear. Flowers are funnel, large, lemon yellow, on the top of the stem among the 2-8. Stamens 6. Fruit - triangular box.

Spread: ok. cities of Barnaul and Biysk, Altai district (OKR. Seall Altai, Aya, Lower kayancha, Sarassa), fast-sighted rn (OK. S. Akutikh), Krasnogorsk district (OC. p. Fastryanka), Kalman N (OKR. s. Buranovo, mouth r. Aley), Pervomaisky district (OKR. Seed Bobrovka, Stamping), Pavlovsky district (OCP. Cyprino), Soviet rn (OCP. s. Half) , Smolensky district (OKR. G. Belokurich and Sille-Obskoe, Smolenskoye), Tretyakovsky district (OCP. S. Starosaleskoye), Ust-Prostansky district (OK. S. Vyatkino), Shelabolichinsky district (OCP. s. Stump).

Society. Property:Russia (Zap. And Vost. Sib., Faln. Vost.), Vost. Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North. China, Korea, Japan.

Ecology. The edges of birch and mixed forests, floodplain and closed meadows.

Biology. Flowers in June - early July. The life expectancy of each flower is not more than one day. Fruption occurs in August. Leaves do not stop vegetation from spring to late autumn.

Number. 21 location of the species is known in the edge. The number of populations from 1000 to 5000 copies.

The state of local populations. Reduces the number of populations, especially near settlements.

Limit factors. Economic activities.

Accepted security measures. He is under guard in the Obska Reserve. Made into the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

Required protection measures. Protection of habitats and a collection limit.

Cultivation opportunities. The species is introduced into Yusbs (Barnaul).

Liliaceae Juss. - Lilyna

Tulipa Patens Agardh Ex Schult. Et Schult. FIL. - Docking tulip

Rare view. Perennial bulbous plant 10-20 cm high. The bulb is egg-shaped, 1.5-2.5 cm in dia. Stem naked, smooth. The leaves are among 2-3, arranged, remover. Single flower, 2.5-4 cm high, slightly disrupting, tender lilac-pink color, slightly pale inside and with a small bright yellow spot on the bottom, has a thin fragrance. Petals are pointed, outdoor - on the back of yellowish green. Box oval, triangular, on the top pointed

Spread: ok. G. Barnaul, Altai district (OKR. with. Altai), Farly School district (OCP. S. Novopokrovka), Zmeinogorsk district (Oz. Oz. Kolyvanskoye), Krasnoshkovsky district (OK. Seall Karpovo and Ust-Chagyarka), Currian district (OCP. S. Bugryshikha), Loktevsky district (OCR. Seed the second Kamenka and Elbow), Mikhailovsky district (between villages of Sampia and North (Klyuchevskaya district), Rospelikhinsky r -He (OKR. Sail Slap and Red Yar), Rodinsky district (OCP. s. Vozneovka), Rubtsovsky district (between the village. Veseloyarsk and villages Lebyazhye, Novoaleksandrovka and Gilevo, OC. s. Solkovka), Slavgorodsky p -He (OKR. Lake Blininskoye), Soloneshensky district (OKR. S. Sibiryachiha), Tretyakovsky district (OKR. Seall Mikhaylovka and Ekaterininskoye), Charyshsky district (OKR. Syl Ozerki and Ust-Pirchovka), Angles district (OK. Seall Laptev Log, Round).

Society. Property: Russia (Heb. Part, Zap. Sib.), Kazakhstan, Naz.- Zap. China.

Ecology. Steppes, steppe stony slopes.

Biology. Blossom comes in late April - early May. At the end of June - the end of the vegetation. Breeds seeds.

Number. 25 locations are known on the territory of the region. The number of the form from 1000 to 5000 copies.

The state of local populations. Stable and visible deterioration is not observed in places where economic activities are not conducted. There is a reduction near the settlements, on the plain sites.

Limit factors. Economic activity (disarm, pasture load). Flushing of bulbs, collecting flowers on bouquets.

Accepted security measures. Made into the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Under the protection is located in Gilevsky, Blagoveshchensky, "Lake Big Tassor", the chinactinian reserves.

Required protection measures. Control over the status of populations. Restriction of collection and educational work with the population.

Cultivation opportunities. The species is introduced in Yusbs, Siberia Gardening Research Institute (Barnaul).