Emotional development of children 3 years. Emotional, social and mental development of the child

Why do people laugh?
Draw a child several dolls with different facial expressions: doll laughs, doll cries, doll is angry. Showing each image, ask the baby that makes a doll. Considering a laughing doll, ask what could make it laugh, together with the child come up with a cheerful story. Talk about what seems funny to your child. Showing on a crying doll, ask what you need to do when someone cries (sorry). Also discuss what can cause tears, etc.

The game contributes to the development of communication skills, speech, introduces emotions.

Two little men
Take two dolls and talk to the baby from their behalf. One doll is cheerful, the other is sad. In accordance with the mood of dolls, change the intonation of the voice. Let the cheerful doll tell the baby something ridiculous, and the sad doll will ask her to regret. Invite the crumb to cheer the sad doll: sing a song to her, draw something bright and cheerful.

The game contributes to the development of speech, empathy skills.

Sad, funny
Draw a little man to the baby, on the faces of which the mouth is missing. Ask a child to try the mouths in the images, taking into account that one man is cheerful, the second sad, the third is displeased. Help the crumbling issues: "What does a person do when he is fun? (Smiles, laughs). And when sad? (Demonstrate the lowered corners of the mouth). And the angry man frowning eyebrows and squeezes her lips. "

The game contributes to the emotional development of the child.

Color mood
You will need: paints.

Draw something yellow paint. Ask a child, how does he think, yellow paint - cheerful or sad? What does she look like? "And what do you think, what color can you draw a sad day? Merry morning? Etc."

The game contributes to the development of associative thinking, the emotional sphere.

Such a different music
Suggest the baby to listen to a cheerful song and dance under it. Then put calm music. Perhaps the child will want to move and under slow sounds. Pay attention that on fast motion music is different. Take crumb on your knees and just listen to music. Ask the baby - what she looks like. Show how you can drive a hand in the tact of melodies, ask the child to do the same.

The game contributes to the development of the emotional sphere, auditory perception.
Remember the heroes of your favorite fairy tales: a fox-sister, bunny-panty and gray wolf. Ask your baby why they are called that. If the child makes it difficult to answer, help him: "Why is the fox called a cunning? Because she deceives everyone. And the hare is the weakest, he has no sharp teeth and severe paws, so it is afraid of everyone, etc. ".

Ask Crocha, who of the listed characters like him the most. Why? And who does not like? Why?

The game contributes to the development of speech, emotional development.

Read the baby poem.


Tuchka hides behind the forest,

Watching the sun with heaven.

And so clean,

Good, radiant "

If we got it,

We would kiss him.

G. Boyko

Talk about why the sun is called good, clean, why you want to kiss him. Compare a sunny day with bad weather. Discuss what you can do on the street in clear weather, in the rainy.

The game contributes to emotional development.

Emotions are distinguished by a person from the animal, help him communicate with other people, cope with complex situations. They define our future and the present. The ability to own their own feelings, express them with various means - an important skill for every person. But this skill does not appear just like that.

Newborn baby has limited opportunities Expressions of their own discontent or joy: cry or silence. The task of each parent is to help the baby learns to understand your inner world, express it in an affordable form, restrain if necessary. This is a difficult process requiring attention and time.

Why develop emotional world

Among the many reasons for the development of the emotional sphere can be allocated:

  • Brain development. The expansion of the spectrum of emotions stimulates the work of nerve endings, contributing to the formation of new neural connections. The brighter, the baby's emotional life is multifaceted, the faster there is physical and sensory development;
  • Adjusting actions. Mastering the surrounding space and knowing the world, the crumb is experiencing a variety of feelings, relying on the adult reaction forms a line of behavior. Fright moms on an attempt to explore the outlet will cause an understanding of the danger of conceived action;
  • Development of gaming activities. Children learn through the game. Emotional response to gaming actions allow you to form a base for future learning;
  • Socialization. Children with a wide spectrum of feelings are easier to pass the socialization stage, relate to others more gently, form friendly relations;
  • Preparation for a three-year crisis. Parents engaged in the development of the emotional sphere of the kid overpaid negative manifestations easier and faster;
  • Managing feelings. Through the knowledge of the inner world, Karapuz learns to understand them, manage them.

Directions of emotional development

The development of the emotional sector of the child includes several activities:

  • Expansion of the spectrum of emotions. At birth, the baby has the ability to express any sensations through a cry or silence, gradually an adult, starting to master his own speech, faithful, movements; The spectrum of manifestation of feelings is expanding, emotional experience accumulates. Establishing knowledge about their own sensual opportunities is happening throughout the human life, allowing him to cope with all the emerging issues.
  • Deepening awareness of experience. Each sense is caused by certain events, actions and not always enough words to describe the entire experienced spectrum. Emotion comes to the rescue in this matter.
  • Mastering the ability to control behaviors. The newborn can not restrain his own cry from hunger or other unpleasant event, baby preschool age Already knows how to restrain emotions.

Children learn, copying parents and surrounding people. In the period up to 3 years, it is good to show the baby options for the manifestation of internal sensations.

At the first stage, the crumb will be very happy to watch your face, intonation, voice. It will be fun to amaze a change, and over time he will be able to carry out logical chains connecting your mood and certain events. Seeing this connection, it will be attempting for you, it's not always at the beginning that you have successfully choosing the necessary option, but over time everything is clearer showing my feelings.

Depending on the age of the crumbs, its emotional spectrum has different characteristics, allowing you to work on the basis of the class necessary for a certain age.

Emotions and their development from birth to 1 year

The first and main emotion at the beginning of the child's life path is a cry. Immediately after the baby appears, the kid notifies the world about his appearance, and subsequently, this type of manifestation of feelings becomes basic to reflect all the feelings of crumbs.

The emotions of the first year of life are characterized by instability, short-term and at the same time with a rapid manifestation. The presence of factors bringing newborn inconvenience (hunger, sadness) are expressed by cry. After a short time, the first smile appears, behind it laughter. Creek gradually begins to differ depending on the cause of it causing. Many mothers quickly begin to distinguish between intonations and apply the necessary actions to normalize the emotional state. If my mother, hearing a child cry, understands the reasons for his appearance, clearly reacts, then the baby will understand very quickly, how to ask for the necessary actions.

Child emotions are formulated from sensations up to a year. Feelings become a motive for a certain behavior, impulsive expression of wishes. Through the conformity of internal experiences, future actions are formed. One of the tricks of conducting behavior is monitoring the reaction, control of its own actions.

Well, when mom does not suit panic in simple situations, does not shoot horror from small flaws, unnecessarily does not take back to the crumb. It works very simple. If the baby fell, but at the same time he did not hurt, faithful will miss him in his arms and regret, and I arrive calmly to tell him that nothing terrible happened.

In the inverse situation, children, growing, resort to tricks, demanding increased attention, begin to cry without a visible reason.

Forming an emotional scope of a child up to a year, parents should be shown by their own example, which different reactions can be on similar situations. When falling, mom can regret and even cry together with a bloch if the blow is obviously strong. But in another case, it can just regret and console.

Characteristics of emotional development from year to 2 years

Formation of the emotional sphere of the child after 12 months begins to change.

The kid is developing walking and begins to actively play with a variety of objects. The direction of development of sensuality of crumbs is moving from the environment of sensations into objects. The presence of certain emotions begins to manifest themselves as a result of successful or failure. Often negative feelings are directed directly on the subject that caused discontent. The desire to change the situation through the pressure on adults, applying already studied options for emotional behavior.

Among the most common manifestations of the negative direction in children from year to 2 are present:

  • Anger;
  • Anger;
  • Chagrin;
  • Displeasure.

Seeing these manifestations, parents must understand what kind of subject or action does not work with crumbs, and explain or show how to do it. Explanations should be calm and affectionate. Already at this age it is worth telling the baby that everyone once did not know how to know this, but gradually, making efforts, everything will turn out. As a reward for parental patience and assistance, children show a large spectrum of positive emotions:

  • Smile;
  • Joyful exclamations;
  • Laugh.

Emotional development The child in this period occurs along the path of consistent socialization. Feelings are more often used as an opportunity to show their independence, attract attention, emphasize success. Closer to the two years, the kids begin to emotionally perceive not only actions, but also plots of fairy tales, ideas in organized games.

Emotional development from 2 to 3 years: from action to empathy

The third year of life is already actively mastering his native speech. The experiences are slowly moving from the reaction to the action to the plot of the game. The baby often creates a fictional world itself, developing the initial idea of \u200b\u200bfamiliar templates. If Kroch sees how mother is erased or cooks, the heroes of his games will use this action. A distinctive feature of such a game will be full of adult emotions.

To this period, it is advisable to fully control their feelings, not allow negative reactions to the situation. Do not, hitting the hammer on the finger, to use abusive expressions. Their emotional color will interest Karapuz, after a couple of seconds you will hear a clear repetition of your words and actions.

During the period from 2 to 3 years aesthetic reactions appear. The baby begins to perceive the nature of the music, the beauty of nature and clothes. The attempt to distinguish the world on a beautiful and not very clearly catches the attempt. These emotions appear on the basis of infant experience studying the surrounding world. Gradually, surprise from new items is converted to curiosity, the first questions related to the essence of things and events appear, and not an external characteristic.

Common positive manifestations of feelings are complemented by new negative emotions:

  • Envy;
  • Jealousy;
  • Greed;
  • Rivalry.

The manifestation of negative emotions contributes to emerging interest in peers. The lack of experience of social communication, an attempt to focus on themselves, the misunderstanding of possible options for communications lead to the formation of incorrect emotional reactions. The task of parents at this stage:

  • Show how to communicate with other children;
  • Teach to play a team;
  • Explain why the manifestable reactions are not desirable.

The stage of the emotional development of a child from 2 to 3 years is a turning point, ending. Prior to reaching the baby, 3 years must be able to maximize him to master the main emotions, teach them to express them with the help of creativity, words.

For the harmonious development of the emotional sphere of the child under 3 years, parents must take into account some of the features of the approach to this work.


All your actions and emotions must be constant and logical. Do not react differently to the same situation or manifestation of negative feelings. Well, if a common behavior line for basic situations is built on the family council. In order for the baby to clearly understand how to react to certain events, all family members should be one in the manifested emotions.


To minimize negative emotions to control their own feelings. Problems, workload, fatigue - not the reason to break down on the child. Your ability to restrain my gusts will become the best example of control for Karapuz.


See your crumb with different sides of life and creativity. Walk, draw, dance. Fill life with paints and surprise. Through the opening of a new kid, not only the surrounding space, but also its own inner world. Suggest at the time of anger to draw his feelings, to make the cause of the disorder from plasticine. Let him try to transfer the internal negative on the physical objects, look at them from the side.

Conversation as a correction tool

Developing the skill of the baby to show their feelings, try to adjust unwanted manifestations with the help of a conversation. Try to find the cause of the negative reaction. In children under 3 years old, she most often lies in ignorance to what to do. Tell me out, tell us that you should not shout and angry, but you just need to say. Explaining to the child the importance of saving calm, carefully follow your own emotions. No words will not teach better than an example for which you can refer.

The game

The emergence of new sensations is desirable to lose along with a bloop, showing how it looks from the side, having suggested in which situations to use it. Any negative emotion is easy to explain on toys. Let the machine or doll become greedy, rude or jealous. Seeing clearly what the feeling looks like, the options for the relationship to Him, the baby will be able to understand why it needs to be controlled.

Acting skills

One way to develop an emotional sphere is the training of facial muscles in front of the mirror. Together with the crumb try to depict anger, pain, joy and other emotions. Let the kid look like they look. Ask some of them he likes, and what is not.

The emotional development of the child is an important stage in the formation of a person, affecting not only his social abilities, but also on physical and mental development. Each person develops his sensuality throughout his life, learns to cope with negative manifestations. To be able to confront criticism in the future in the future to confront criticism, internal urges, social injustice, start work on the perfection of his internal emotional world today.

Development of the emotional sphere of children 2-3 years through sensory games "

Throughout preschool childhood, the emotional sphere undergoes significant qualitative transformations. Let's focus on its characterization in early age (from birth to 3 years).

It is known that emotionality is congenital. The first emotional reactions of the child have an unconditional reflex nature, being a consequence of a dysfunctional external environment or internal discomfort. As a rule, these are negative emotions (crying, cry). With the help of adult kid sends the external forms of emotional response. These are the so-called fixed emotions that arise on the basis of the imitation of adults, for example, a smile, a gentle voice of Mom, etc.

Early age - a period when one of the main threads connecting the baby with the surrounding world speakers Sensorik (the processes of sensation and education). The development of the perceive system of the body of a child (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, taste, vestibular analyzers) contributes to the emotional manifestations of the kid. Different sensations are natural incentives for emotional reactions of children. Feeling, trying, listening, etc. The child reacts to sensory stimuli running from the outside. So, crying may be the result of sharp hearing or pain tactile sensations, joy - pleasant, desirable visual impacts, etc.

The nature of emotional manifestations largely depends on the sensory competence of the baby, in other words, from the clevership to find objects by sound, focus the eyes, etc. Entering a child in a rich world of sensations adults provide the natural tonization of its emotional sphere, protect it from negative transformations.

In the second and third years of life, further socialization and intellectualization of emotions occur. The child begins to walk, speak, significantly expands its living space. Directly emotional communication, manipulation with objects, is inferior to situational and educational communication, the functional development of the man-made world (shovel - digging, spoon - eaten, etc.). Emotions now arise not only for the subject to act, but also on their own result, for example, buttons. Improving skills creates a favorable basis for the emergence of emotional interest in using toys, items.

There are new sensual relationships. In the simplest ethical situations, moral feelings begin to manifest themselves, for example, comforting actions in the form of stroking, stretching the favorite toys. Responding to a variekteric music, rhythm of flowes, the child is added to the aesthetic feelings.

In the emotional life, two-year-old children begins to be actively used. Although due to the insufficiency of its development, they often use only individual phrases, and sometimes just sounds. In case of targeted pedagogical effects, the formation of a dictionary of emotional vocabulary occurs. The child can adequately perceive the words of an evil wolf, frightened hare, cheerful bear, etc.

The emotional development of two-three-year-old children is still closely related to the touch. The expansion of the sensory wholesale by increasing the palette of sensations, the improvement of perception leads to a greater diversity of emotional and expressive reactions in children.

An important role is given to the sensory sphere. It serves as a key leading in motion the mechanisms of the emotional sphere, determines the full development of the child as a whole.

Thus, the emotional manifestations of the child at an early age depend on the surrounding social situation, from adults who support the natural elevated emotionality of the baby, create conditions for toning its emotional sphere, expanding the gamma of expressive reactions.

Carrying out work on the emotional development of children 2-3 years old, it is an important place to take touch games that, in addition to the inclusion of children in a meaningful interaction with sensory stimuli, activate the motor mechanism of emotional response, indirectly act as an emotional sphere as a whole. These games do not require great preparation for their conduct, very attractive for babies and, in turn, serve as the main source of emotional development in early and younger preschool age.

Here is some of them:


The educator holds a sultachik in his hand and says words:

Breeze, run stronger,

Shoot ribbons soon!

Wei. Wei breeze,

Catch up with his friend!

Then begins to quickly move, waving a sultachik. Children try to catch the "breeze".

"Wonderful bag"

Educator, filling a bag of various objects (soft, rough, cold, smooth, etc.) Specifies children various game tasks:

Find yourself friend

Get out that you liked

What seems like, etc.


The educator invites children to resemble barefoot on the surface of various quality: soft, ribbed, smooth, etc.

"Merry Puffcint"

The tutor holds a cotton ball in his hand and says to children:

Cheerful Pushinka

Flying, lotile

And I sat down on the nose!

The tutor is touched by a cotton to the nose of each child.

Cheerful Pushinka

Flew. Petal

And I sat down on the cheeks!

The tutor is touching the cheek of each child. The game continues, "Puffcint" sits down to children on the ear, palm, etc.

"Skump on horse"

The basis of the game is the poem of Ya. Akima "Has me"

Apples - Brooms Children

I am fun imitated

I have fun ride on

I'll jump on horse! Horse

Apples, brooms moving in

Swirl leuity, different

Swirl flying I, directions

Where will I want!

Apples, brooms, children stop.

My horse is tired, the educator focuses on the word

My horse is tired, "tired", asks to portray

And gallopped stopped. Tired horse.

The intensive development of the identity of the preschooler determines the deep changes in its emotional sphere. If at an early age, emotions were made directly to the surrounding influences, then the preschooler, they begin to possibly be with his attitude towards one or another phenomena. Due to the appearance of mediating of emotions, they become more generalized, conscious, manageable. The child shows the ability to restrain the non-emotion either emotion, direct them in accordance with the requirements of adults and to the learned behavioral norms. The child focuses on "well" and "bad", "you can" and "you can not", more and more "I want" is inferior to "necessary" by a child of emotions acquires the nature of their interiorization, i.e. coagulation of external manifestations. For example, already a junior preschooler in the situation of resentment, grief is trying to hold down tears. The senior preschooler when holding emotions uses the idea of \u200b\u200bproper behavior, especially when it is associated with a gaming role. Here in the "hospital" brought a bunny, which the wolf tearned his ear. A child-doctor barely holds back tears, but "doctors do not cry" together an adult should take seriously when the preschooler cannot contain his emotions, not to put at the same time unospened you could before the child. Such impulsive emotions indicate, as a rule, about the body of disadvantage of the child (pain, hunger, thirst), which should be eliminated by the rule, about Tіlesn's unfavorable Malyuk (Bil, Hunger, spragu), Yaku Svegayino.

The emergence of a preschooler occurs on the basis of the ability to subjugate socially important motives (necessary) by its impulsive desire (I want). In a complex system of motifs, the main and secondary, the ability of the child to subjugate their behavior is the main thing due to the loss of minor. The activity of the child acquires a detailed nature, consists of several stages, on the foundations and which increases the value of emotions in the prediction function. The child wants to get a fairly distant result, emotionally perceives its achievement.

An important new fact of the emotional sphere of the preschooler is becoming experiences about the possible reaction of adults on his actions and actions: "What will mom say?", "Father will quarrel" Thus, the emotions of the preschooler are included in the internal mechanisms for ensuring the coented motives as their componentVazhlivia component is important.

Having a sufficiently diverse experience of communication with speech, the child absorbs the skills of expressing emotions in the unity of verbal and non-verbal funds. First, non-verbal and means of expressions of emotions (Mimic, expressive movements, cry, crying) prevail in communication, and by the end of the preschool age, the child knows how to designate its emotional state in speech.

Significant progress is experiencing higher feelings as an indispensable sign of personality. Their development occurs in the process of execution different species The child's activities are labor, productive, game. Important role video game general Performing activities with preschoolers when they can compare their results, seeking originality. For example, the task is to decorate the room, a balcony, a Christmas tree directly with the decisions of children of aesthetic task, and in its achievement, children are guided by their aesthetic ideas. Further consideration and analysis of work performed by children enriches their ideas about beautiful. So,. T. S. Komarova emphasizes that targeted observations of nature objects for their subsequent image is a single process of natural science and aesthetic knowledge. Introducing children with nature objects, you should pay attention to the beauty of them external view, cause a positive emotional attitude towards them. Depicting nature, the children experienced aesthetic feelings.

The aesthetic experiences of the child are especially closely connected, on the one hand with cognitive processes, and, on the other, with ethical ideas. The cognitive activity of the child is painted intense experiences and, thereby purchasing a particular value for a child. Opening new properties of objects, finding an explanation for mysterious and incomprehensible phenomena of nature, the child is experiencing delight, the joy of open tathy, surprise and doubt that they become the property of his experience for life. This is how the child's condition described the writer. Andreev. L.N: "He was 6 years old from the genus, the seventh, and the world for him was huge, alive and irresistible unknown." Thanks to emotional accompaniment, cognitive activity acquires self-concrete character for a child, it seeks to continue. A distinctive feature of intelligent emotional th is their stimulating effect on cognitive activity. Their formation at the preschooler favorably affects the School Investigation Stage of Shkіlnia.

The presentation of the child about beautiful and ugly in its own behavior is the source moral feelings, associated with good and evil. In their drawings, the child conveys attributes to positive heroes, in detail. Proma alo bark their image using a set of colors. Evil heroes Babe depicts a limited color scheme, in the form of amorphous images - it can just be a black spot or something similar to the tangled tangle of dark talls.

Conclusion about the development of the emotions of the preschooler:

The emotions of the preschooler are mediated by its attitude to one or another phenomena;

Due to the appearance of mediating emotions, they become more generalized, conscious, manageable;

Emotions in the prediction features are included in the internal mechanisms to ensure the coented motives as an important component;

The intensive development of higher feelings occurs in the process of performing various types of child activity - labor, productive, game;

The peculiarity of higher feelings is their close relationship

Games for expression of emotional states

The ability to express your emotions and manage them is an important factor in the communication of people. In order to understand the mood and feelings of another person, you need to learn how to empathize, and the empathy method will help us - the ability to feel the inner state of the interlocutor. Children are well owning this method: they are unmistakable feeling who loves them, and who is not; Who is a good person, and who is bad. But they do not always know how to properly express their emotions and manage them. There are games and exercises who teach a child to this. We offer some of these games.

"Make" face

◈ Ask the kid facialy to portray various emotional states - joy, anger, sadness, etc.


◈ Show how the child is rejoiced with a new toy.

◈ Remind the baby about how he was happy when he was presented new gamesku. Ask him to remember this situation: "Close your eyes. Imagine that you hold her in your hands. Express your feelings of the Mimic. "


◈ Show the sadness of a child who has a friend.

◈ "Imagine that you want to play a new game with a friend, and he is sick. What do you feel? Image sketching. "


◈ Picture how the sick child is sad.

◈ Remind the child that when he sick, he sat at home and looked out the window. And at this time, other children played in funny Games. Ask that then he felt.


◈ Show an angry child who broke a favorite toy.

◈ Take this toy, ask the child, how he likes to play with her, as he cares about her. But that he will feel if he finds out that it is broken and cannot be repaired. How to portray anger?

We are rejoice

◈ When a child learn how to properly depict emotions, he can be offered to change the facial facial: with a sad on a cheerful (sick child recovered), with an angry on joyful (he was repaired), and so on.

◈ He can look at the mirror so as not only to feel the emotional state, but also to see him depicts him.

Sly Fox

◈ No wonder they say: "Sanding Lisa"! Offer the child to remember fairy tales in which Lisa is deceiving anyone. Let him present the Fox, who wants to be deceived to lure the rooster from the wolf. How can she do it? (Suggest wolf your help - Hold the rooster - or scare the wolf news that hunters go to his traces.) Let the child try to portray the fox at the moment when she steals to the wolf. Remind the child about what it needs to be done so that it is clear that Lisa is climbing something.

Bad Wolf

◈ Invite the child to portray the wolf, whose fox stole a rooster. Talk about how the wolf was angry when he learned about it.

Butterfly, rejoice in a flower nectar

◈ Remember with the child, as watched in the summer behind the butterfly, drinking the nectar flower. Note that she likes this sweet juice. Offer the child to imagine himself with such a butterfly. Let him try to feel like a good flower smells.

Frozen Sparrow

◈ Invite the child to remember how you watched the birds frozen in frosts, as they sat, shrank, squeezing into a lump, trembled, hid under the wing. Give him a task to show a frozen sparrow. Advise him to close your eyes to better enter the image.

Broken flower

◈ Talk to the child about how it hurts, probably a broken flower, because it is the same alive as we. Now he dries. Offer to depict it.