Emotional child development of 3 years. Emotional child development

Parental Assembly Vasting Junior GR.
Form "Practical Seminar"
The topic "Formation of the emotional sphere of children 3-4 years old"
Good evening, dear parents, (colleagues). We are glad to welcome you in our hall. Thank you for finding time to come to our practical seminar, to discuss the following problem "Development of the emotional sphere of children 3-4 years old."

But first let me remind you about the topic "Crisis of 3 years." Many of you during this year began to complain about the behavior of their children. And the worst for us - adults, all these emotional outbreaks began to take place with your child with the beginning of a kindergarten visit.

You are often surprised to observe the manifestations of their stubbornness, disobedience, timewise, protest, rebellion, and sometimes even despotism from the baby. His behavior is accompanied by the words "I myself".

And indeed, the child is trying to do everything alone or, even more often, does the opposite: when the name is dinner, it is not "I want," when they offer to get ready for a walk, claims that he wants to eat, etc.

Game with parents "Tangle" (tangle of threads)
Slide number "Semifice crisis"

You already know about the peculiarities of this age of your children, but I would like to emphasize the following ....
1. The child shows the first vivid expression of his "I", this is his attempt to retire to the mother, lengthen the psychological "umbilical", will learn a lot to do and somehow solve its problems. In 3-4 years, the child himself can decide whether to eat "additive" porridge, which toys want to play, what to draw, stays at home with dad or go along with mom to the store.

2. It is gratifying to see when parents start providing more freedom and independence to the child during this period. By this, they support his new idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves and teach to a reasonable distinction for those areas of life in which he can really behave "as an adult":

3. Of course, certain frameworks on the part of adults are needed, because the baby is still not developed sufficiently self-control and he does not know how to determine potentially dangerous situationsTherefore, it does not always be possible to protect against failures, and sometimes injuries. Therefore, the task of adults - to teach the child to provide for danger, and not to pretend to him the pad in the fall.

4. The child should know that the needle is acute, the fire is burning that they beat it hurt, etc. Therefore, the child needs to be introduced into the world of dangerous things. Remember that it is important not to protect the baby from the fall, because it is simply impossible, because none of the parents, the educators can not be with the child constantly, but if we teach the child to be careful, or, in other words, explain how to fall correctly, then you can Being confident that it will not be exposed to the danger.

5. And now, dear parents. Imagine a chicken that has not yet hatched from the egg. How secure him there. And yet even instinctively, but it destroys the shell to get out. Otherwise, he would just suffocate under her.
Our guardianship for a child is the same shell. He is warm, it is cozy and safe to be under it. In some moment she is needed. But our baby grows, changing from the inside, and suddenly the time comes when he is aware that the shell interferes with growth. Let the growth of painful ... And yet the child is no longer instinctively, and COP-on-Tel breaks the "shell" to experience the vicissitudes of fate, to know the unknown, not know the unknown.

Verse L.A. Buldakova, describing the crisis of three years:
I am negative and stubborn,
Stropive and silent,
Social Social Media
Terribly dissatisfied.
You do not give me a step,
Always help ready.
Oh my God! How heavy
Cardiac shackles.
System "I" boils in me
I want to scream everywhere:
I am a self, brothers, I live,
Want! Can! And will!

So, summarized above: The main discovery for the child is the discovery of yourself. The child considers himself independent, he can everything. But ... due to age possibilities, the kid can not do without a mother, etc. adults. And he is angry at her and "takes out" tears, objections, whims. Therefore, you often see in your child "Little Tirana." This is a child with emotional disorders.
And early and preschool childhood is the time when emotions dominate all the sides of the child's life, manage and regulate all other mental functions.
So we approached the topic of our day.

So, in the subject of today:
Children gradually become more emotionally sustainable, less capricious. They begin to show interest in their peers as a game partners (who are playing, that friend). The opinion of the peers acquires special significance.

But maybe in a different way. Children continue to manipulate adults, in particular, mom. This is an example of a violation of emotional development. Forms and types of violations of emotional development in childhood and they also occupy anxiety, fearness, fears, aggression, increased emotional depletion, difficulties of communication, depression. Slide number

Under anxiety, the tendency to concern in any situations is understood. Anxiety can be episodic and manifest in specific cases and circumstances. It is in a fuller phenomenon. However, it may be permanent.
Signs of anxious child: Slide number
o Low performance
o When performing a task, the child is biven, or, on the contrary, the non-unreasonable
o sleep restless, torment nightmares
o hands usually wet and cold
o suffers bad appetite
o blushes, embarrassed in an unfamiliar atmosphere
o Not confident in yourself, etc.

And here is the help of a psychologist.

Three-four-four-year-old children are very developed imagination, they are able to imagine and survive what happened to other people. At this age, the fear of dark, water, animals, etc. In the fight against some fear, it is better not to pay your attention, explain to the child that there is nothing to fear.
For example, in the case of fear of water or dogs, it is not worth forcibly to bring it to the subject of fear, it is simply to show its example that it is not dangerous, the child is curious and after a short period of time he will overcome his fear. However, you can help the baby to overcome the fear of the dark. Turn on the night light, leave the door open or sit with the child until it falls asleep. The light will prevent the child less than the fictional fears.
There is also a fear of bodily shortcomings. For example, why girls and boys are arranged in different ways or can the child become crippled. Do not be afraid of such issues. You need to tell the baby that all people are born different things that should be. Tell us, under what circumstances can you become crippled.
Be sure to talk with the child about his fears, show that you are not indifferent, and you understand. Hug it and tell me that you will always be near and you can protect it. Try to provide the child the most interesting and informative leisure, daily communication with other children. After all, the more your baby will be busy, the less time he has to invent new fears.
o Emotionally sensitive and impressionable children are most susceptible to fear. This feature is congenital, determined by the type of nervous system and causes the perception of the world as a whole.
o Such children poorly transfer the situation of formal remote communication, feeling comfortable
only with a friendly, gentle and warm psychological climate in the family and in kindergarten.
o If the relationship between parents is tense, family on the verge of divorce, then adult conflicts are starting to be projected by a child,
o Children's parent relationship is complicated, and fear of maternal or father's wrath arises. The fear of punishment is mixed with the fear of the loss of parents.
o Fairy-tale characters appear in the imagination of children who are afraid of being punished, because in fairy tales, as you know, Baba Yaga takes disobedient children for reprisals. Remember that fabulous characters are an age fear of children from 3-5 years old, he passes with age.

o The stronger the child's emotionally tied to the mother, the brighter these fears are manifested.
o Night fears are manifested primarily in dreams, the content of which in bizarre forms reflects all the vivid impressions of the past day. The more stress expressed, the stressful condition of the child during the day, the most likely that the rest will not be at night.

The main directions of work:
1. Increasing the self-assessment of the child, competently explaining the norms of the tite;
2. Education to the child to control themselves in the specific most exciting situations;
3. Removing muscle tension.

Massage with parents _________________________________________________
Muscular Right Removal Game ___________________________

Another reason for the emotional instability of the child may be its feature, such as hyperactivity.
Signs of hyperactivity:
o attention deficit;
o impulsiveness;
o Increased motor activity.
Up to 5 years is considered the norm. But if these signs of the child are excessively manifested, it is rather necessary to talk about his nestness by their parents, teachers.


Aggression is a reaction to a certain situation. Moreover, the situation, one way or another, for the child is unfavorable.
Anger and anger are normal human emotions. Discarding them, we will not be able to save the child from them. Quite often there is a situation where a calm home baby becomes aggressive in kindergarten. One explanation is just that at home negative emotions under the ban.
Types of aggression:
o physical;
o indirect;
o irritation;
o negativism.
The reasons:
o Family
- parents;
-stile education.
o peers (dissatisfaction with them)
o Mass media


Forms of formation of emotional sustainment in children 3-4 years
1. E. Korotaeva considered the developing environment as a means of emotional development of preschoolers. Under the development environment in preschool institution The author understands the organization of space and the use of equipment in order to safety and psychological well-being of the child. It highlights several components affecting the emotional atmosphere of the group.
o Emotionally, the supporting component of the medium involves the creation of an optimal emotional atmosphere in the group. This color solution of the room, which should be calm for perception, and the surrounding environment is aesthetically framed.
o Emotional-stabilizing component involves systematic execution required conditions To organize the day, which contributes to the good emotional well-being of children.
o The emotional-activating component provides an emotional activation of the child's experiences, which happens in gaming activities. It is necessary to include games focused on optimizing the emotionally sensual sphere in work with preschoolers. The emotional-training component includes the implementation of psychodastics with children.

Flower game ___________________
My mood.
My mood is changing every day,
Because every day something happens!
Then I'm angry, I smile,
Then sad, then I am surprised
That happens, I'm scared!
It happens, I sit, I will have a dream, I will sile!

2. Talegotherapy is perhaps the most children's method of psychology, and, of course, one of the most ancient. After all, our ancestors, engaged in raising children, were in no hurry to punish the child who guessed, but they told him a fairy tale from which he became clear a deed. Fairy tales served as a moral and moral law, prevented children from the misfortune, taught their lives. Knowing how a fairy tale affects the life of a person, you can help your child very much. Does he have a favorite fairy tale that he asks to read again and again? So, this tale affects the questions very important for the child. Heart, not retreating any obstacles, then a princess from "Bremen Musicians".
Now many teachers are faced in their practice with the fact that many parents do not read fairy tales. But it is so important! In fairy tales, children find pieces of their soul, echoing their lives. In addition, fairy tales instill hopefully. The longer the child believes in the magical Santa Claus, who brings gifts to the New Year's Eve, the more optimistic it will be his views on life.
Children face some problems, come to us, adults, but most often the ways that we offer are not suitable for them. Then they come to the conclusion that we cannot help them. But where is the accumulated sadness, irritation, anger or joy that is already overwhelmed with the child?
And here it can come to the rescue. What is it? These are the same fairy tales only oriented on any problem. This story about certain situations that the child often falls is also described in it feelings arising from a child who may be associated with completely different events of life. An important role is played by imagination.
3. One of the effective means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers is music - an art emotional according to its own content. The perception of music does not require preliminary training. It is necessary to take into account the musical images and musical language should correspond to the child's age (lullaby, Album P. Tchaikovsky).
PERFORMANCE OF THE SONG _________________
4. Rhythm plate - synthetic activity based on the movements to the music, the main purpose of which is the psychological liberation of the child through the development of his body.
Rhythmoplasty is one of the ways, one of the possibilities of "living" images, when any gesture, the movement becomes the form of emotional expression. The gesture, movement, plastic has a special property to generalize the emotional state.
The organization of movements with the help of musical rhythm develops in children attention, memory, imagination, visual-shaped thinking, verbal and logical thinking and internal collens. Musical games remove psycho-emotional stress in the group, absorb the skills of adequate group behavior, unconditional adoption (situational) role of the leader or slave, i.e. Socialize the child (logo, speech with movement, finger gymnastics to music, attention games).

5. A powerful factor in the development of humane feelings is the plot role-playing game. Role-playing and relationships help the preschooler understand the other, take into account his position, mood, desire. When children move from simple recreation of action and the external nature of relationships to the transfer of their emotionally expressive content, they learn to share the experiences of others (we will dedicate to this issue next year) Today we offer consultations "All about the game", game cards ...
In preschool children, the game is the main form of activity. Some of the natural games of preschoolers have a pronounced similarity with the games of the representatives of the animal world, but even such simple games as catchpiles, the struggle and hide and seek are to a large extent being evilored. In games, children imitate labor activity Adults take over various social roles. Already at this stage, there is a differentiation of sexual sign. Specially position is occupied by specially designed educational and therapeutic games.
The games show the individual and age features of children. At the age of 2-3 years, the logical-shaped representation of reality is started. Playing, children begin to give objects contextual-determined imaginary properties, to replace them with real objects (games "Ponaroshka"). The preschooler game is saturated with a variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, delight. Playing with children, you can feel her magic power.
Movable game
6. One of the means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers can be considered psychodastics - this is a course of special occupations (etudes, exercises and games) aimed at the development and correction of various sides of the psyche of the child (both its cognitive, and the emotional personal sphere).
The main goal of psychogymannastics is to overcome barriers to communicate, the development of a better understanding of itself and others, the removal of mental tension, creating opportunities for self-expression.
Psychodastics, firstly, focused on young children, secondly, the main emphasis on it was made on learning elements of the technique of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings and on the acquisition of skills in self-dissolution. In the course of exercises in children are produced positive features character (confidence, honesty, courage, kindness, etc.), neurotic manifestations (fears, various fears, uncertainty) are taken.
Playing with children and parents: "Photographers"

7. One of the effective means of developing the emotional world of children can be considered children's artistic creativity, which can solve the tasks of the social and cultural development of the individual. Artistic creativity is a type of creativity, the result of which is to create a work of art, i.e. Specific display of objective reality in the form of artistic images. Visuality and imagery, and often the colorful of the drawing, affect the emotional scope of the child, and the image arising from under a pencil or brushes gives it aesthetic pleasure.
Creative workshop
Work in a circle
Total: Rule 1. Do not expect everything immediately. You need to start from training only one function (for example, only attention, while you must be tolerant to the junction on the chair or the relief of all items on the table in the process of this work). Remember that if you wander your child, then its efforts immediately switch to control of their actions, and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on the task. Only after a long time of your joint efforts, you can begin to require not only attention, but also generally accepted behavior during your gaming activities.

Rule 2. Warning the overwork and overexcitation of the child: in time to switch it to other types of games and classes, but not too often. It is also important to observe the day of the day, provide a child a full sleep and a calm situation.

Rule 3. Since the child is difficult to control itself, he needs external control. It is very important that adults when extending the external framework from "can" and "cannot be" were consistent. It is also necessary to take into account that the child is not capable of waiting for a long time, so all punishments and promotion should appear on time. Let it be good word, a small souvenir or a conditional sign-toe (the sum of which you will exchange for something pleasant), but their transfer to the child must be a fairly fast manifestation of your approval of his actions.

Rule 4 Starting to engage with a hyperactive child is better individually and only then gradually introduce it into group games, since the individual features of such children prevent them from focusing on what the adult offers, if there are peers. In addition, the unbearable child and his ineulsion to adhere to the GP Rules can provoke conflicts among the players.

Rule 5. The game used in your correctional work should be selected in the following directions:


Games for expression of emotional states

The ability to express your emotions and manage them is an important factor in the communication of people. In order to understand the mood and feelings of another person, you need to learn how to empathize, and the empathy method will help us - the ability to feel the inner state of the interlocutor. Children are well owning this method: they are unmistakable feeling who loves them, and who is not; Who is a good person, and who is bad. But they do not always know how to properly express their emotions and manage them. There are games and exercises who teach a child to this. We offer some of these games.

"Make" face

◈ Ask the kid facialy to portray various emotional states - joy, anger, sadness, etc.


◈ Show how the child is rejoiced with a new toy.

◈ Remind the baby about how he was happy when he was presented new gamesku. Ask him to remember this situation: "Close your eyes. Imagine that you hold her in your hands. Express your feelings of the Mimic. "


◈ Show the sadness of a child who has a friend.

◈ "Imagine that you want to play a new game with a friend, and he is sick. What do you feel? Image sketching. "


◈ Picture how the sick child is sad.

◈ Remind the child that when he sick, he sat at home and looked out the window. And at this time, other children played in funny Games. Ask that then he felt.


◈ Show an angry child who broke a favorite toy.

◈ Take this toy, ask the child, how he likes to play with her, as he cares about her. But that he will feel if he finds out that it is broken and cannot be repaired. How to portray anger?

We are rejoice

◈ When a child learn how to properly depict emotions, he can be offered to change the facial facial: with a sad on a cheerful (sick child recovered), with an angry on joyful (he was repaired), and so on.

◈ He can look at the mirror so as not only to feel the emotional state, but also to see him depicts him.

Sly Fox

◈ No wonder they say: "Sanding Lisa"! Offer the child to remember fairy tales in which Lisa is deceiving anyone. Let him present the Fox, who wants to be deceived to lure the rooster from the wolf. How can she do it? (Suggest wolf your help - Hold the rooster - or scare the wolf news that hunters go to his traces.) Let the child try to portray the fox at the moment when she steals to the wolf. Remind the child about what it needs to be done so that it is clear that Lisa is climbing something.

Bad Wolf

◈ Invite the child to portray the wolf, whose fox stole a rooster. Talk about how the wolf was angry when he learned about it.

Butterfly, rejoice in a flower nectar

◈ Remember with the child, as watched in the summer behind the butterfly, drinking the nectar flower. Note that she likes this sweet juice. Offer the child to imagine himself with such a butterfly. Let him try to feel like a good flower smells.

Frozen Sparrow

◈ Invite the child to remember how you watched the birds frozen in frosts, as they sat, shrank, squeezing into a lump, trembled, hid under the wing. Give him a task to show a frozen sparrow. Advise him to close your eyes to better enter the image.

Broken flower

◈ Talk to the child about how it hurts, probably a broken flower, because it is the same alive as we. Now he dries. Offer to depict it.

Victoria Sakhna

Emotional development child Comes from birth. First, Kroch learns to experience and express their emotions, and later control them and manage their emotional state. The development of these possibilities occurs in parallel with the physical, and. Nevertheless, less attention is often sent to emotional development than other spheres.

The basics of social competence that the child receives during the first five years is associated with its emotional well-being and affect the ability of the child to adapt at school and form successful relationships throughout life. Later, the same socio-emotional skills are necessary for the formation of strong friendly and family relationships, Ability to work in the team.

Let's consider the main stages emotional development of the childThrough which each kid passes and wonder what is worth paying special attention to the successful development of the emotional sphere.

Emotional child development in 1 year

At the age of one year, the child learns to recognize and manage its feelings. It is experiencing a wide range of emotions and can arrange a hysterical, if he is very tired or upset. He also shows emotions through laughter, shouting, crying and even bites. Godan kids are already beginning to show autonomy, they can declare categorical "no!" On the proposal of an adult and insist "I myself!" In fulfilling the tasks that they are not yet available. During this year, the child is experiencing a wide range of emotions: love, joy, anger, fear, sadness, disappointment, etc.

At this age, the child acts impulsively, but with the help of an adult is already learning to manage its emotions. For example, he can go for a teddy hare when is upset to help himself calm down. He is strongly tied to a significant adult and enjoys, being close to them. Kroch actively oversees the emotional response of other people and makes conclusions based on the facial expressions of adults. For example, climbing the stairs on the playground, looking at mom, looking for approval or warnings in the expression of her face.

Emotional child development in 2 years

Two years old begin to be interested in the society of other children. They like to play nearby, but they do not enter into a joint game, since they are still not sufficiently mature for collective games. When conflicts arise, adults must intervene to prevent aggression and teach the baby to relevant behavior. It is still difficult to manage the emotions of the croching. Favorite toys can help two years to cope with new situations or strong emotions.

Trust relationships with other adults and children are expanding, with whom the baby often plays. Increases understanding of the language of emotions. The child easier to cope with emotions when they are named, and the adult recognizes the emotional reaction of the child. Strong disappointment, everything can also provoke hysteria.

Emotional child development of 3 years

In three years, the sense of individuality and personal preferences begins to develop. The baby begins to say: "Look, it's!". Able to determine the feelings of other people on the basis of the voice of the voice and expression. It understands that the feeling has a reason, and may argue like this: "The girl was upset, because he lost his favorite toy." Three years old, everyone also needs adults to feel safe when they play or explore the world around.

From this age, children begin to build friendly relations among themselves. They are interested in joint and role-playing games. When conflicts arise, the kids still continue to look for help adults to resolve the situation. Continue to learn simple alternative, non-aggressive ways to resolve conflicts, are able to agree on a compromise in a controversial situation. At a three-year-old, children are already able to empathize with others and show. So, the child can hug and stroke another kid, regret, if he is upset, and offer him his beloved bear for speedy calmness.

In three years, the child copes better with his emotions, but it is not worth reacting as an adult. It comes the crisis of three years, and the baby, although it is configured to like parents, begins to show aggression, self-wiring, stubbornness, negativity. This is the period of the formation of the personality and the separation of oneself from adults. Having passed him, the child will become more independent, he will have a self-esteem, and the baby will be ready for new stages of development.

Emotional child development of 4 years

In four years, the child is able to calmly transfer the long absence of an adult. The baby is all better independently copes with stress with or pronouncing the problem. More often expresses its own point of view and its preferences regarding some kind of situation. The child begins to compare herself with others.

Want to play with a child easily and with pleasure?

In four years, the child continues to understand the reasons of feelings and begins to understand that different people There may be different emotions in the same situation. The game remains the main tool by which the kid simulates various situations and tries various solutions to the problem. It helps him accumulate the experience of a positive resolution of conflict situations and understand everything better and control their emotions.

Variants for the development of the emotional sphere you can see in this video:

Four-year-olds are increasingly interested in the development of friendly relations with peers, try to please them. The child is successfully included in the group of other children, actively initiates and participates in collective games. In controversial situations, options for solving a problem, while still awaiting assistance to adults.

Emotional child development in 5 years

At five years, the child can control the feelings and the situation with greater independence. It uses increasingly complex speech turnover in order to name its feelings and their cause. For example, it may argue: "I seem to want to ride on these swings, but I'm scared, because they are high." Also deeply argues to demonstrate awareness, understanding and care against others. For example, it comes to the child whose building collapsed and says: "Do not worry, Masha. I will now help you build a new house, and we can play together. "

The child is increasingly aware of his skills and raises self-esteem, pushing new skills. The baby uses his physical, creative and cognitive resources in the crisis situation. It is able to calm down independently and control the expression of their emotions.

Loves to communicate with other children and adults. At this age, the child has a wider skill repertoire for "entry into the group." Plays into more complex and long-term collective games, including playing performances. Continues to install and maintain friendly relations with peers, looking for confirmation of friendship, asks "We are with you friends?". The five-year periods use various negotiation options and establish a compromise to resolve conflicts. Nevertheless, periodically they also face difficulties and need adult assistance.

The task of parents throughout the preschool period is:

  • teach a child to identify your emotions,
  • control them and express socially acceptable ways,
  • show not aggressive ways to resolve conflict situations,
  • help the child to install and maintain friendships.

All these skills do not come simultaneously and fully, the child will take place only at school age. But purposeful development and assistance from parents will help the child to develop their own and be successful in different spheres of life.

And how do you do the emotional development of your kids? Tell me in the comments!

Kid? In three years, children are very mobile and active, the development of intelligence allows them to compile logical proposals from three or four words.

Physical development of a child in 3 years

Three-year-old child loves to move. He climbs on the toilet, on the table and chairs, crashes under the bed, so that after a while, it is mysteriously to be inside the cabinet! It can be found everywhere. The kid is happy to dance and participates in all games, in which you can. It is very moving, and, despite all the increasing portions of food, the kid, although grew by about 10-12 cm, it almost did not increase in volumes. By the end of the third year, it weighs about 14-15 kg, the growth is about 98-100 cm. If the body weight increased significantly in latelyMake sure your child has no overweight.

  • Try to limit the amount of sweet- As a parent you need to know the whole truth about sweets. The sugar contained in them not only does not affect the state of the teeth, but also suppresses the appetite, disrupting the mode proper nutrition. A good rule is to use sweets only on one day of the week - for example, on Saturday. Remember that chocolate, although it is worse digested, more useful of candy and sugar wool.
  • Consult a doctor if your three-year-old child still can not throw the ball ahead, stand on one leg at least a couple of seconds and wash your hands yourself. The absence of these skills can be a normal phenomenon, but it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Growth and weight of 3 years

  • Boyson average, weight is 14-15 kg., Growth is 98-100 cm.
  • Girls- on average weighing - 13.5-14.7 kg., Growth - 96-98 cm.

Emotional child development of 3 years

A child for 3 years knows exactly what a birthday is, and with enthusiasm awaits him. This year it is worth arrange a real holiday for the birthday of the kid who will remember him for several months. He can make a list of guests. Most likely, it was during this period that the era of "champion" will come: three-year children with enthusiasm paint "faces", that is, circumferences with points, and they are given two long thits - "legs"! Watch how the child drawing skills change year after year .

At the age of three years, the baby already knows about 900 words and makes logical offers from three to four words! A three-year-old child is already able to focus on the first games - desktop and cards, although for him the rules of "monopolies" or "Peter Pan" are quite complicated. He most likely like more simple options for the type of "War", where he first walks, and then his opponent. You can also play "Chinese" - such games love whole generations of parents, grandparents, they great help learning the account and forecasting events.

A three-year-old child can do one game for a few minutes. At such moments, it most often draws, collects the designer, engages with dolls or drives cars along the highway.

  • Make a scenario of celebration of the birthday of your younger child. A noisy celebration can be very tired by the baby. Instead of planning a dozen entertainment, it is better to focus on several diverse versions - it is desirable that the games of the moving games alternate with drawing or laying from plasticine. From how you arrange the celebration depends, whether the culprit of the Celebration of Power will find to entertain guests to the end of the event.
  • Good birthday gift ideathere will be sets of cubes, puzzles, interesting games. If you are looking for something original, you can choose models from cardboard, designer or unusual toys.

Intellectual child development of 3 years

The fourth year of life comes, and real problems for parents arise! Although your three-year-old baby knows already quite well the rules of life in the family, it is not fully adapted to life in society. It's probably a child who would not want to encroach at least once on someone's property, there is no child, whose parents did not think It would be about great responsibility for him or whom would not embarrass his game "in the doctor" with peers. These are normal signs of development, so you should not blame themselves for bad education methods, look at such behavior with humor.

The kid by the end of the third year of life is experiencing a complete range of feelings - from shame, jealousy and fear, boredom and longing to joy, empathy and compassion. You can use the opportunity to teach the child to help others.

  • Even if the whole family is already tired of the "Bunlet of a two-year-old child too tightened"Do not react very violently on the outbreak of your baby's wrath. A healthy child should show emotions. Excessive stagnation is an alarming symptom, indicating the imposition of the imposition of parental ideas about disciplinary responsibility, pressure on the identity of the kid.

The third year of the child's life - what can disturb you?

The child's legs hurt at night.

At the end of the third year of life, he can wake up in the middle of the night with crying and complain about pain in the legs. This is most likely a growth pain - such symptoms are normal for a child between the third and fifth year of life. Usually they are felt in Ires, knee and thigh, but exclusively at night and are short. Growth pain concern 25-40% of children. If your baby complains about the unpleasant feeling, it is worth refraining from elevated exercise - Run and jumps.

Frequent colds.

Child, especially if he started going to kindergartenMaybe it can often suffer from a cold, because it is easy for it to get used from other children in a group that is returned to a kindergarten unlikely after illness. Some kids also show allergies, whose symptom can be a runny nose. Sometimes it is a reaction to pollen.

Without emotions, it is impossible to imagine our lives. They accompany us in all areas of activity and sensual experiences, often dictating behavior and cause acts. But if an adult is able to properly not only express, but also control emotions, then the kids just learn, gradually increasing the volume of various feelings. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how the child's emotional development occurs in preschool age.

Since birth

The development of the emotional sphere begins in the very early age With the expression of the simplest feelings. What is emotion? This state of the psyche of a person who expresses his attitude towards himself and the world around him, its processes. It follows that emotional development is a process in which a person is gradually learning to respond to various phenomena of surrounding reality, as well as be the master of their emotions, manage them.

Already from birth, the baby is endowed with the simplest emotions. This is crying, but a little later - a smile and laughter. Crying is a way to signal parents about their needs, ailments, discomfort, lack of attention. Smile - the first expression of joy and well-being. Gradually, surprise is added to them, interest is the natural satellites of the cognitive development of the baby of early age.

From 1 to 3 years old, a child learns to use crying for a request for help and for psychological protection. He appears the first tantrums (as a rule, spied from other children) as a way to achieve the desired or protest against undesirable.

Sources of emotions on early stage They are, firstly, communication with the surrounding (primarily parents). In addition, various feelings in a child causes everything surrounding: toys, melodies, cartoons, books, animals, etc.

Starting from 3 years old, the baby is actively developing in a speech, intellectual and emotional plan. It can be said that during this period the foundation of its future character and abilities to understand the emotions, desires and motives of other people are laid.

What should I need to develop the child's emotions?

As you know, kids need to learn: walk, talk, serve yourself, think. Express, recognize and control emotions - including. Why?

If not paying enough attention to the emotional education of the preschooler, he will not learn to correctly express joy or offense, share his feelings with others. And this is a serious communicative barrier. Accordingly, the baby will grow insecure in itself, not so happy as other kids.

Emotions are reflected on the nature of the child, his behavior. They help (or interfere) to him to correctly perceive what is happening around, react to the events of reality.

In early childhood, emotions are rather impulsive. They need to "grow" to stable sympathies or antipathies, which will eventually develop in such feelings as friendship, mutual understanding, love, hatred. Nowadays, when the violence and cruelty, the correct emotional development of the child becomes paramount, from the screens of television, newsstands and book pages. The ability to express and control emotions helps him adapt to different situations, form social interaction, develop socially and morally.

In addition, it is impossible to discard the fact that children learn from the example (often on the example of the dysfunctional behavior of other children). Therefore, if adults do not control the process of becoming the emotions of their child, most often he develops the emotions of negative - as a way of self-defense and ensure its own well-being in a children's understanding (so as not to be deprived, they did not prohibit, bought the desired, etc.). In the arsenal of such a child will prevail the resentment, fear, shy, boredom, fatigue, anger, despair.

Features of children's emotions

Emotions are developing progressively, due to the general development of the child, the emergence of new skills, needs, motives, social experience.

In general, the following features of emotional development are distinguished in preschool age.

  • The child learns to social ways to express their feelings, which contributes to the expansion of its communications (parents - relatives - neighboring children - a kindergarten team).
  • Emotional anticipation appears: the child learns to understand what feelings will cause his actions from others to which result will lead.
  • Feelings are developing: gradually they are becoming increasingly conscious, arbitrary, reasonable, incoming.
  • Intellectual, moral, aesthetic feelings begin to form.

If we speak in more detail, then the conditionally emotional development of the baby can be divided into 2 stages.

  1. Up to 3 years Most emotions are due to the needs of the child, the ways of expressing them are quite primitive (mainly the expression of the face, laughter or tears). Such emotions are aimed at satisfying the main instincts (nutrition, self-preservation). During this period, the first unstable ideas about the surrounding reality appear, a relation to loved ones is formed. The first social form of anger - jealousy (or envy) of the child, manifested in relation to other children, if his mother pays attention to them. Including - the youngest children in the family. If a child at this stage is deprived of the possibility of a full expression of his emotions, its emotional sphere is not developing.
  2. From 4 to 6 years Biological needs are preserved, but the child is gradually learning to control its emotional state (for example, to suffer a little, if hungry). Under direct influence ambient The highest moral emotions begin to form. The child learns to evaluate the actions of others (good or bad). Emotions are becoming less impulsive. The child appears sustainable feelings for native and surrounding (love, affection, friendship).

Do not scold your child for the fact that he is cannube, asking for him to feed him or quench her thirst, when you, for example, are still going in public transport. Children can hardly control their biological processes. Even at the age of 4 - 5, the baby will not be able to restrain himself for a long time. It is better to distract it with something interesting, say that it remains very little to the house, "show understanding.

What affects the development of children's emotions?

The emotional development of the preschooler depends on his personal Development, in particular, from the emergence of new motives, needs, interests, development of cognitive activity.

Among the motifs can be allocated, for example, such:

  • interest in the world around;
  • interest in the game;
  • preservation of good relationships with relatives, other significant adults, as well as peers;
  • self-affirmation, pride, etc.

That is why social emotions are primarily formed in preschool age.

IN cognitive development The change in emotions is influenced, first of all, the inclusion in the emotional processes of the preschooler his speech, which makes it feelings more generalized and conscious.

Child's emotions are developing in society - a small (family) or wider (courtyard, kindergarten). The baby learns emotions that will allow him to manage parents, at the same time they teach his emotions that are considered correct. Communicating with others, the child gradually assimilates the norms of behavior and manifestations of emotions adopted in a particular society. The preschooler studies friendship, thanks, patriotism, love.

Boys master their role (men, defender, future father), girls - the role of women, hostess, mother.

What helps to develop an emotional sphere?

Humane feelings of the preschooler greatly helps to develop gaming activities, in particular scene-role games. Playing with other children, the baby learns to understand others, sympathize with them, understand their desires, condition, mood. The child to the older preschool age is gradually moving from simple reconstruction, playing situations or feelings for the transfer of those emotions that the game contains. The child learns to empathize to others, share their feelings.

The introduction of a preschooler to work activity that is aimed at achieving useful for the surrounding results, gives the baby new emotions: sympathy for the efforts of other children, the joy of achieving a common goal, satisfaction from its work or discontent, if it made it bad.

Sport classes also bear a child with many emotional discoveries. He learns to be weathered, strive for the goal, experience the first failures and rejoice at the achievements. In group sports, children learn cohesion, responsibility for their actions before others, learn to work for sports result.

Any cognitive activity It will certainly enrich the emotional baggage of the preschooler. This is the joy of a new discovery (albeit not so global), doubt, surprise, the desire to make another opening for yourself.

Aesthetic feelings are developing in preschool children in the process of their own creative activity and communication with art. Beautiful sculptures, paintings, literary works Help the child learn how the concepts as "beautiful", "harmony", "taste", "terrible", "true", "false", "True", "Good", "Evil". The preschooler learns not only to express his emotions with artistic means, but also to protect the truth, protest against lies and evil, appreciate good and beautiful in people.

Useful games

So, one of the main types of educational activities of the preschooler is a game. Here are some examples of games that contribute to the emotional development of children.

  • Artist.

You can play a group, you can - together. Participants of the game offer several cards with images of children expressing various emotions. You need to choose a card, and then come up with and draw a story in which this emotional state will be the basis of the plot. In a group version at the end of the game, an exhibition is organized on which you can guess the hero and the author of the painting, and the author can tell the drawn story.

  • Who is where?

Similarly, the baby (or kids) offers several images of children with different emotions. The task of the child is to choose from all pictures of the images of children, whom, for example, can be invited to the festive table, take to the doctor, calm down, those who are offended by adults, does not want to obey, etc. It is necessary to explain how signs was made It is such a choice.

  • Little Raccoon.

Game group. One kid depicts a raccoon crumb from the famous cartoon. The rest become a "river" in which he will see his reflection. Raccoon becomes in front of the river and depicts various emotions (joy, anger, fright, interest), and children must repeat his facial expressions, gestures. In turn of raccats can be all.

So, the program for the development of the child's emotions should include in addition to active socialization gaming activities, the introduction of the preschooler to sports, work, art, reading books, own creativity. And one is important moments Here is an example of parents.