OVD - what is it? Children with disabilities: training, escort. Consultation "How to help a family raising a child with ABS How to help a child with OVD

"Inclusive education. How to help parents raising children with OVD "

Educator IKK Marina Eduardovna Barsukova

Novovoronezhsky kindergarten number 10

The state of psychological health of children early age It is today a key issue that is directly or indirectly included in the solution of strategic tasks of educational policy, which undoubtedly indicates the relevance of the indicated topic. Every year the percentage of children who have a deviation from the norm in the sensorotor and psychorette development are growing.

Early childhood is a unique and unique period in the life of each person. The closest adults, parents are the first people who convey the child experience in direct emotional, moral, artistic and aesthetic, social and personal development. It is they who create a special emotional family microclimate, based on a sense of love, acceptance, thanks to which the child has a special attitude towards himself, his sense of intrinsicness, ideological position. However, not all parents understand the age of children up to 3 years old and know how to find adequate pedagogical solutions.

Families for children with disabilities make up a special category of the population in need of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Such families tend to face serious social, psychological and pedagogical problems.

For a disabled child, a child with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as ABS), the family is of particular importance, acting as a condition for survival and almost the only chance of positive result Socialization process. The harder breach of development, the more vital for him is the support of the family.

An early child's child with disabilities need to create comfortable psychological conditions in the family, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of its health. For this, parents need to clearly present the nature of the violation, the dynamics of the child's development. Without the help of experts, do not do here. It has been established that children can achieve much better results, when parents and specialists become partners in the rehabilitation process and share their tasks together. The most important condition for the socialization of the child with ATS is a conscious family participation in the social process of its rehabilitation. Parents' participation in this process will prolong the pedagogical impact on the child.

Complex psychological and pedagogical support of families raising a child with ABS is a relatively new scope of specialists. To date, there is a lack of work, in which the knowledge and experience accumulated in this area would be described, that the purpose of social, psychological and pedagogical support is to help the family in creating a child with the disability of favorable and safe conditions of life, socialization, as well as supporting environment For the family itself.

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family in the pre-school institutions of the combined species is carried out by teachers (educators) and pre-school specialists: a defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist.

The main purpose of the work of specialists with parents is their timely informing about the features of the development of the child's psyche, the characteristic of the level of actual development, the substantiation of the need for special correctional classes carried out purposefully and systematically; Formation of an active position in matters of education and training and productive forms of interaction with their children.

In the implementation of interaction with parents, teachers and specialists are guided by a number of principles:

individually oriented approach to each family;

compliance with moral and ethical standards in communication with each family raising a child with special educational needs;

confidentiality in communicating specialists with parents;

timely provision of correctional-pedagogical assistance to the child and his family from the moment of admission to preschool institution;

equal partnership with family;

pedagogical optimism, orientation on a positive forecast in the development of the child;

an integrated approach in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families, meaningful interchange information in the process of cooperation of teachers and specialists.

The algorithm of psychological and pedagogical work with a family raising a child with disabilities may be presented in the form of the following steps:

family research: study of the features of family functioning, identifying its hidden resources, collecting information about its social environment, studying the needs of parents and a child;

establishment of contact, work on overcoming reactions of psychological protection, motivation for cooperation;

evaluation of ways to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance;

selection of work directions depending on the results of diagnostics;

the work of specialists in the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family aimed at the intensification of the social position of parents, restoration and expansion of social connections, search for opportunities to rely on their own resources;

analysis of the effectiveness of the achieved results.

In the process of acquaintance with the conditions of education in the family of a child-preschooler with disabilities in the development of teachers and specialists collect information on the following issues:

the composition of the family, the genus of adults, material support, sanitary and hygienic conditions;

relations in the family, the level of the general culture of parents, the attitude of parents to children, attachment of the child to family members;

the behavior and classes of the child at home, favorite classes, toys, forms of communication with the child in the family, presentation to his behavior and activities of the requirements from family members, the fulfillment of the day of the day, the participation of the child in homing labor;

parents' ratio to the conduct of general array and special work, the effectiveness of counseling from specialists, organization of classes in the family, the participation of family members in conducting working with a child, assessing its pedagogical opportunities, assessing the effectiveness of working with a child, faith in its ability;

the nature of the difficulties experienced by parents in the education of the child;

knowledge of parents about the content of the education and teaching of the child in the preschool institution, methods of work in various directions, the desire and interest of parents in participating in collaborate with the teachers of correctional and developing work.

Information received by teachers when the child arrives in the group and complemented as they get acquainted with the parents is the basis for building a model of work, selecting forms and interaction methods.

In this regard, the differentiated approach in organizing work with parents is the necessary link in the system of measures aimed at increasing their pedagogical knowledge and skills. To implement a differentiated approach when working with parents, it is necessary to take into account the originality of the living conditions of each family, the age of parents, the level of their preparedness in education issues, willingness to cooperate with DOU. Such differentiation helps to find the right contact, provide an individual approach to each family.

As part of the diagnostic stage, personal characteristics of parents are analyzed, including emotional and communicative properties, the level of anxiety is determined. Approximate tools for family diagnosis may include: observation, interview interviews, projective techniques, personal tests (16-factor Personal Qattella's personal questionnaire, Methodology E. Eidemeyller, Pari Questionnaire "Measurement of parental installations and reactions, a lasurra color test.

D. Mitchell highlighted examples of potential problems faced by experts interacting with a special child's family:

"Mother Father": the individual condition of each and harmony of relationships to the birth of a child, the need to take restrictions of the child;

"Mother - a special child": depression, sense of guilt, self-evidence, the problem of attitudes towards a child;

"Mother is a healthy child": a lack of attention to a healthy child, adhere to a healthy child of unosstal care for the care of a special child, the use of a healthy child as "compensation";

"Father is a special child": Father's refusal from physical and psychological participation in care for a special child;

"Father is a healthy child": a lack of attention to a healthy child, adhere to a healthy child who is not any care for care for the care of a special child, the use of a healthy child as "compensation";

"A special child is a healthy child": a sense of guilt, shame, "enslavement" by a special child of a healthy brother or sister, ambitious feelings of a healthy child in relation to a brother / sister with violations.

To identify the level of psychological and pedagogical culture and the degree of participation of parents in raising children, the following methods can be used: Questioning and testing of parents; Individual conversations with parents, with children; visit a child's family; Study of test tests of children like "My Home", "My Family"; Child observation in scene-role game "A family"; observation of the relationship between parents and children during joint activities; Simulation of game and problem situations, etc.

With diagnostic purposes, a family visit is carried out by an educator together with the teacher-psychologist of a preschool institution or an authorized for the rights of the child (social teacher) in the Dow. Effective conduct of this event requires teachers of delicacy, tact, high level of observation, professionalism. Family visits are determined by parents. The teacher picks up a toy or homemade as a gift to a child.

Being in the family, communicating with the child and parents, teachers should receive certain information:

total family atmosphere. Features of the relationship between family members: smooth, friendly, volatile, contradictory, peculiar autonomy of each in the family;

the role of parents in the education of the child (that parents consider important in education, what qualities put on the fore);

what are the main concerns of parents: health, mental development, moral education, etc.;

the system of educational influences on the child: the participation of all adults in the upbringing, consistency of their actions or inconsistency, the availability of conflicts on the soil of education, the implementation of educational functions mainly in one person; lack of education;

organization of joint forms of activities in the family: the involvement of a child in all households and care; Distribution of adult duties, periodic laying of some of them for a child; The disagreements of adults in family affairs, a frequent change of primacy, isolation of a preschooler from home events;

creating a developing environment in the family: gaming and book corners, availability of benefits, games, etc.

All information obtained is carefully analyzed by the social teacher authorized on the rights of the child, educators and a medical worker. According to the results of the analysis, children and parents are determined, which in the adaptation period may experience difficulties.

According to the results of the diagnosis, the following types can be distinguished for identifying parents' categories:

Depending on differences in family education, pedagogical and psychological education of parents, it is necessary to use a variety of forms of work.

The content of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family includes diverse theoretical and practical directions and is to provide emotional, semantic and existential support to the family and its individual members in problem situations.

Characteristics of the functions performed by a specialist interacting with the family of a child-preschooler with OVD:

information Function: A specialist offers a family or its individual members. Didactic statement of information, which would eliminate insufficient psychological and pedagogical and social competence;

supporting function: A specialist provides psychological support that has no or has taken distorted forms in real family relations;

mediation function: A specialist in the role of an intermediary promotes the restoration of broken family relations with the world and its members among themselves;

family development function as a small group: A specialist helps family members to develop basic social skills and skills, such as skills attentive attitudes towards another, understanding the needs of others, the ability to support and resolve conflict situations, express their feelings and notice the feelings of other people. The specialist also contributes to the search for family resources, allowing each of its members to realize and use opportunities for self-development;

the function of learning parents and children: a specialist reveals in front of his parents to the parents of the correctional psychological and pedagogical process of working with the child, introduces the principles of building such forms of interaction with the child under which he feels confident and comfortable. At the same time, a specialist can contribute to the development of communication skills, self-regulation and self-help techniques.

In accordance with the above functions, the following types of psychological and pedagogical assistance to a family, raising a child with disabilities, can be distinguished:

informing: A specialist can provide family or its individual members about the patterns and features of the child's development, its capabilities and resources, on the essence of the disorder itself, which is suffering from their child, on issues of education and training such a child, etc.;

individual consulting: Practical assistance to parents of children with disabilities, the essence of which is to find solutions of problem situations of psychological, educational-pedagogical, medical and social, etc. character. Considering consulting as aid to parents in establishing constructive relations with their child, as well as the process of informing parents on the regulatory and legal aspects of the future family, pulling them out of the "informational vacuum", predicting the possibilities of the child's development and education, you can allocate several consulting models, the most adequate Of which is a trilateral model, which provides for the situation when, during the consultation of parents, the consultant must assess and take into account the nature of the problems and the level of actual development of the child himself;

family counseling (psychotherapy): A specialist provides support in overcoming emotional violations in the family caused by the advent of a special child. During classes, techniques such as psychodrama, gestalttepia, transactional analysis are used. These methods contribute to the formation of psychological and physical health, adapting in society, making themselves, effective vital activity;

individual classes with a child in the presence of a mother: the effective methods of educational and pedagogical impact on the course are selected mental Development the child himself and the effective ways to teach parents to correctional and educational technologies;

Practice shows that psychological and pedagogical assistance turns out to be more productive when a team of professionals aimed at total result. In this case, for each specific family, its individual comprehensive rehabilitation program is being developed, in which elements of psychological correction, pedagogical impact, defectology, social work are combined. Teamwork allows you to avoid a number of problems associated with the specifics of working with a family system, such as trends to join and form a coalition with one of the family members.

The increase in the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is more efficiently within the framework of parental education events. Parental learning activities are recommended to conduct at least once a quarter. The duration of occupations should be 2-3 school hours - at this time it is possible to include both group and individual exercises. The training plan is drawn up jointly by specialists of the educational institution and is communicated to each parent (in print).

To the organization and conduct of parental education, it is advisable to attract the following specialists: doctors, teachers who have undergone training courses for working with children with disabilities, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, social teachers, lawyers, specialists of psychological and medical and pedagogical consultations, commissions.

Purpose: Formation of parents of skills to organize the process of raising children with development deviations in accordance with the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science;

In drawing up the plan of activities of the parent all-office, it is advisable to rely on the requests of the parents, so before planning it is recommended to conduct a survey of families. This work should include a survey of the internal state of mothers, fathers, identifying the most difficult psychological issues in the life of families, the definition of priority areas for consideration in classes.

Parent learning plan is recommended to include the following topics.

State support for families raising children with disabilities. Regulatory and legal framework for educating a child with disabilities.

Problems of parents who have a child with disabilities.

Group psychocorrective workshops for parents of children who have deviations in development in order to correct personal disorders; Discussion of the problem of adopting a child's defect with his parents; the formation of positive psychological attitudes that contribute to the correction of parental behavior, intelligence and parent-child relations; Learning muscle relaxation technique.

Features of child-parent relations, their influence on the development of the child's personality with OVD.

Training competence of parents with a child with deviations in development. Training parents to effectively communicate with the child; assistance in mastering the parents to the technique of bihevoral modification of the child's behavior; improving the sensitivity of mothers to the problems of the child and the emotional state of children; Informing parents about the psychological features of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (ODA).

Features of children with impaired musculoskeletal system.

Psychological study by the parents of the child with deviations in development. Studying factors affecting the development of a child with psychophysical disorders.

The practical application of diagnostic methods and techniques in a family having a child with deviations in development, corrective impact.

Psychological and pedagogical observation of the emotional and personal features of children with development deviations.

Prevention of developmental deviations in young children.

Features of raising a child with disabilities in the family.

Psychocorrection techniques and methods of interaction between parents with a child with impaired musculoskeletal system. Familiarization and assistance in mastering techniques: Holding therapy, fabulous, biblio and music therapy, vocal therapy (joint singing), artherapy (joint drawing, modeling, embroidery, beads and lace, sewing), choreotherapy (joint dance), tourotherapy ( Joint excursions, hiking, trips), work therapy (room cleaning, cooking, washing, buying products, etc.), therapy with love.

Organization of assistance to children of preschool age with violations of the ODA in the context of an educational institution. Psychological and didactic problems of education of children with disabilities.

Individual program of education, training and development of children with ABS and the interaction of such families with other institutions of social education.

The problem of creating special material and technical conditions for learning children with disabilities in the family, in educational institutions.

Organizational - pedagogical foundations of inclusive education.

Parents-partners of teachers in organizing correctional and educational training and education.

In practical activities, the organization of teaching parents of children with ABS is carried out using the following methods:

Information methods: information texts, oral information messages, informational lectures, meetings, seminars.

Problem methods: problem lectures - dialogues, round tables, trainings, discussions, trainings, role-playing games, parental events, thematic weeks of family, family clubs, shares.

Psychotherapeutic methods: relaxation, visualization, elements of art therapy, talentherapy.

The result of parental education is designed to normalize the life of the family and the organization of the optimal environment of the child's development, the formation of a new family life-quality - adaptability, that is, the ability to independently achieve relative equilibrium in relations with themselves and others, both in favorable and extreme life situations, to be the author and Creator of his life.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical support of a family having a child with disabilities is an activity aimed at topicalization of family correctional resources, ensuring the effectiveness of its operation, especially during periods of crisis related to the education and development of a child with disabilities, which allows you to create The correctional-developing space corresponding to the child, to form and implement the adequate needs of the child, parenting strategy based on constructive parental attitudes and positions towards it.

Used Books:

1. Asksenova L.I. Early integrated assistance to children with development deviations as one of the priorities of modern special (correctional) pedagogy. // Education and teaching children with developmental impairment - № 3, 2002.

2. Archipenko G.M. Social adaptation of junior preschoolers with violations of vision. // Education and teaching children with developmental impairments - No. 1, 2007.

3. For disabilities: problems and innovative trends in training and education. The course "Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology" / Sost. N.D. Sokolova, L.V. Kalinnikova. - M.: Publishing House Gnome and D. 2001. - 448С.

4. Dunykin M.L., Brin I.L. Methodical approaches to the assessment of the neuropsychic development of children of the first year of life. // Defectology - № 3, 2002.

5.zhigorva M.V. On the problems of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with comprehensive disorders in development. // Correctional Pedagogy. Theory and practice. - № 5, 2007.

6.Crepina A.V. Pedagogical assistance to the family in educating the child of preschool age with moderate mental retardation. // Defectology - № 2, 2004.

7.Kokosova I.V. Organization of psychological support of children with development deviations. // Education and teaching children with developmental impairment. - № 3, 2005.

8. Maller A.R. Social education and training of disabled children with mental retardation. // Education and teaching children with developmental impairment - № 1, 2007

9. Malofeev N.N., Venaskova Yu.A., Uroznytsky N.A. On the development of the service of early family assistance with a problem child in Russian Federation. // Defectology - № 6, 2007 10. Masterukova E.M., Moscow A.G. Family education of children with development deviations: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Vehicles / Under Red.B.I. Seliverstov. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2003. - 408 p.

11. Meeting recommendations on psychological and pedagogical support of students in the educational and educational process (annex to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia of June 27, 2003 No. 28-51-513 / 6) // Education and training of children with developmental impairment. - № 5, 2005

12. Pavilny T.N. Actual issues of creating an authortic child maintenance service. // Education and teaching children with developmental impairment. - № 4, 2008

13. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics: studies. Manual for university students / under the editors Levchenko, S.D. Forbidden. - 5th ed., Ched. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 320 p.

14. Rerinzva E.G. Resource support for the activities of the service of early diagnosis and assistance to children with deviations in development. // 15. 15. Education and training of children with developmental impairment - № 6, 2008

16. Tkacheva V.V. Features of diagnostic work with families raising children with deviations in development. // Correctional Pedagogy. Theory and practice. - № 5, 2007

17. Shamararina E.V. Basics of special pedagogy and psychology: Tutorial. - M.: Klebolyub, 2007. - 248 p.

18. Schmatko N.D. Early help to children with deviations in development. Successes and fears. // Defectology - No. 4, 2003.

The introduction of an inclusive form of education in the modern education made it possible to freely receive education for children with disabilities on a par with healthy learners. Measures have been developed to help the child to attend school and learn, and the school itself is given recommendations, how to organize the process of learning children with ABS. In reality, everything is not so smooth, as if everyone wanted. Parents, the child itself and the school face difficulties that interfere with implementing this program. The main problems are:

  • in overcoming the obstacles of social properties;
  • in the organization "barrier-free" environment;
  • in the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process.

Let's talk about these problems in more detail.

Social problems

A child with health problems comes to a mass school not only to receive education, but also an attempt to find himself among the surrounding society, learn to communicate with your peers, to find a passion, learn to get out of various conflict situations. But faces often with such problems:

  • The negative attitude of the parents to the fact that in the class with their healthy child, a disabled child is learned.

Many parents against such communication. Probably, they want the world in the presentation of their child always "ideal." Such a position is not just erroneous, it is destructive first for their child. He under the influence of parents the psyche is incorrectly formed. If you put a utopian and illusory understanding of the surrounding world, then the child will face big problems in the future. The person who grew up and was brought up by such concepts, in contact with reality, will show, at best, bewilderment, squeaming, at worst - cruelty, indifference to people with health problems.

  • The attitude of children to the "special" classmate

A disabled child who does not have a delayed mental development, easily mastering the school curriculum. He has a problem of communicating with classmates. Psychology of children differs from the psychology of adults. No rare cases when such a child at school arrange unbearable conditions: they are called, humiliate.

Rarely, but a miracle happens. If the position of parents and teachers on the issue of correct attitude towards a disabled child coincides, then classmates behave as defenders and patrons of it, become tolerant and benevolent. The principle "different, but equal" is being implemented successfully. Joint learning is useful not only to the most child with HSA, but also healthy children, adults. Feeling support from adults and peers, a student with ABS successfully masters the school program, his self-esteem increases, he is stepping up and calmly overcomes all the difficulties.

The quality of the future life of the disabled depends not on the level of knowledge gained, and on how socially adapted and competent is how to manage life circumstances. To learn everything he can only in the society of ordinary healthy peers.

Problems in organizing education

The modern school is able to help the "special" learner to achieve the level, which in the future will give him the opportunity to easily adapt to life, continue their education, find a vocation in life. When organizing training a child-disabled child, the following problems come out:

  • Non-pedaging teachers teach a child with health problems on a par with ordinary children

Many educators will have to go through retraining if the inclusive education program will be widely implemented in schools. Not many teachers are ready to simultaneously train two categories of children. After all, it is not only an additional preparation for the lesson, writing an additional avenous plan and developing visual benefits, but also the ability to properly and efficiently convey to it educational material.

For children with disabilities, individual training must be provided, including:

  • development individual program learning. Its creation is often difficult due to a large number of health problems manifest. If there are several "special" students in school, the program is being developed for each of them individually.
  • Equipment with additional demonstration, visual benefits, helping the child to absorb the general education program.

It is for these reasons that many directors try to protect their school from such a student, persuading parents to translate him to homemade or specialized training.

  • The problem of lack of qualified personnel

Often the school administration is not able to fully organize comfortable finding a disabled person in school. The work of the class teacher and subject teachers is not enough. To create a favorable microclimate between children, for the rapid resolution of conflict situations, a psychologist, a defectologist, social teacher, Survyopodagoga, are needed. In many schools, especially in remote and small, such vacancies are not provided in the state.

  • The problem of the final student certification

Disabled graduates facing this problem. IN last years Special conditions for the passage of the total certification were canceled. They are forbidden to take exams in the walls of their native school, in the presence of their teachers and classmates. But what will happen to the "special" student (especially if he has psycho-emotional problems), if you have a sharply change familiar and the conditions familiar to it during the exam? The nervous breakdown can occur also from ordinary students, and for the disabled person an exam outside the school walls is shock.

To help the "special" child adapt among peers, teachers must involve it in general activities, to collective and group forms of education, use games, joint research, laboratory and projects.

Problems of organization in the school "barrier-free environment"

Often, the "special" child has to adapt to the new and unusual setting for it. It faces a lot of problems: from the arrangement of the toilet and ramp to highly arranged handles in the doorway. From here there is another problem: the difficulty of organizing in the school "barrier-free" environment.

The school administration should take care that the disabled person can easily move at school and its territory.

What measures should the school have to take children with OVD?

  • Ramps are installed for wheelchair disabled, mounted lifts to the upper floors.
  • Steps are painted with bright color for visually impaired children.
  • Walls in corridors and public areas are equipped with holders (handrails), and the floor should have a relief coating.
  • Single parties are installed with adjustable countertops.
  • Mounted signal lights for hearing impaired children.
  • Carries out the re-equipment of the dining room, locker room, toilet, the gym, libraries.
  • Heates headphones and acoustic instruments tools.

This is only a small part of those measures that will help solve the problem of the "barrier-free" environment in school, and children with disabilities will not feel sick.

In recent years, considerable attention is paid to the problems of children with special health opportunities (OBS). What is it and how to solve them? We will try to figure out.

Limited health capabilities (OBA). What it is?

In scientific sources of literature, it is described that a person with ABS is distinguished by certain restrictions in everyday life. We are talking about physical, mental or sensory defects. A person therefore cannot fulfill certain functions or duties.

This condition is chronic or temporary, partial or common.

Naturally, physical restrictions impose a significant imprint on psychology. Usually, people with disabilities are striving for isolation, differ in charges of self-esteem, increased anxiety and uncertainty in their abilities.

Therefore, work should be started from childhood. Significant attention in inclusive education should be given to social adaptation of persons with disabilities.

Three-bonded scale of limited capabilities

This is a British its version. The scale was adopted in the eighties of the last century by the World Health Organization. It includes the following steps.

The first is the name "ailment". It is about any loss or anomaly (psychological / physiological, anatomical structure or function).

The second stage implies patients with defects and loss of ability to perform such activities that are considered normal for the rest of people.

The third step is incapacity (disability).

Types of OVS

In the approved classification of violations of the basic functions of the body, a number of types were allocated. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

1. Violations of mental processes. We are talking about perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, emotions and will.

2. Disorders in sensory functions. This is vision, hearing, smelling and touching.

3. Wrongs of the functions of respiration, isolation, metabolism, blood circulation, digestion and internal secretion.

4. Changes in the statitional function.

Children with disabilities, which relate to the first, second and fourth categories, is most of the total. They are distinguished by certain deviations and disorders of development. Therefore, such children require special, specific learning and education methods.

Psychological and pedagogical classification of children who relate to the special education system

Consider this question in more detail. Since this will depend on the selection of techniques and methods of training and education.

  • Children who have disorders in development. They are lagging behind in the mental and physical Development Due to the fact that there is an organic lesion of the central nervous system and the violation of the functioning of analyzers (auditory, visual, motor, speech).
  • Children who have deviations in development. Differ in the deviations listed above. But they limit their opportunities to a lesser extent.

Children with OVD, disabled children have significant violations in development. They enjoy social benefits and benefits.

There is also a pedagogical classification of violations.

It consists of the following categories.

Children, with violations:

  • hearing (late boilers, weighted, deaf);
  • view (visually impaired, blind);
  • speeches (vary degrees);
  • relace of psychorette development (CPR);
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • emotional-volitional sphere.

Four health violations

Depending on what is the degree of violation of the functions and capabilities of adaptation, you can determine the degree of health violation.

Traditionally allocate four degrees.

First degree. The development of a child with HPV occurs on the background of light and moderate violation of functions. These pathologies may be an indication for disability recognition. However, as a rule, it does not always happen. Moreover, with proper training and education, the child can fully restore all functions.

Second degree. This is the third group of disability in adults. The child has pronounced disorders in the functions of systems and organs. Despite the treatment, they continue to limit his social adaptation. Therefore, such children need special learning and life conditions.

Third degree of violation of health. It corresponds to the second group of disability in an adult. There is a great severity of violations that significantly limit the possibilities of the child in its vital activity.

The fourth degree of violation of health. It includes sharply pronounced violations of the functions of systems and organs, due to which the child's social disadaptation occurs. In addition, it is possible to state an irreversible nature of lesions and, often the inefficiency of measures (therapeutic and rehabilitation). This is the first group of disability in an adult. The efforts of teachers and doctors are targeted usually to prevent the critical state.

Problems of development of children with OVD

This is a special category. Children with ABS are distinguished by the presence of physical and mental abnormalities that contribute to the formation of common development violations. This is a generally accepted position. But it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

If we talk about a child with insignificant ABS, what we have already identified this, it should be noted that when creating favorable conditions, you can avoid most of the problems with development. Many violations are not limiters between the child and the world around. The competent psychological and pedagogical support of children with ABS will allow them to master the software and trained together with everyone in a secondary school, visit the usual kindergarten. They can communicate freely with their peers.

However, children with disabilities with serious impairments need special conditions in special education, upbringing and treatment.

Social policy of the state in the field of inclusive education

In recent years, certain areas of social policies have been developed in recent years, which are associated with an increase in the number of children with OVD. What it is and what problems are solved, consider a little later. I will also note the following.

The basic provisions of social policies rely on modern scientific approaches that are available material and technical means, a detailed legal mechanism, nationwide and public programs, a high level of training specialists and so on.

Despite the accompanying efforts and progressive development of medicine, the number of children with disabilities is steadily growing. Therefore, the main directions of social policy are aimed at solving the problems of their training in school and stay in the preschool institution. Consider this in more detail.

Inclusive education

Education of children with ABS should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for the implementation of equal opportunities with peers, obtaining education and ensuring a decent life in modern society.

However, the implementation of these tasks should be carried out at all steps, ranging from a kindergarten and ending with the school. Let's focus below at these stages.

Creating a "barrier-free" educational environment

The basic problem of inclusive education is to create a "barrier-free" educational environment. The main rule is accessible to her for children with APV, solving the problems and difficulties of socialization.

In educational institutions that provide their support, it is necessary to comply with the overall-generating requirements for technical equipment and equipment. This is especially true for the implementation of household needs, the formation of competence and social activity.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the upbringing and training of such children.

Problems and difficulties of inclusive education

Despite the work carried out, in teaching and raising children with APV, not so simple. Existing problems and difficulties of inclusive education are reduced to the following positions.

First, the team of children does not always take a child with ABS for "her".

Secondly, teachers cannot master the ideology of inclusive education, and there are difficulties in the implementation of training methods.

Thirdly, many parents do not want their normally developing children to go to one class with a "special" child.

Fourthly, not all disabled people are able to adapt to the conditions of ordinary life, without requiring additional attention and conditions.

Children with OVI in preschool institution

Children with OVD in Dow is one of the main problems of a non-specialized kindergarten. Since the process of mutual adaptation is very complicated for a child, parents and teachers.

The priority goal of the integrated group is the socialization of children with HSA. For them, the pre-school institution becomes the initial step. Children with different opportunities and developmental disorders must learn to interact and communicate in one group, develop their potential (intellectual and personal). It becomes equally important for all children, as it will allow each of them to push the existing borders of the surrounding world.

Children with disabilities in school

The priority task of modern inclusive education is to strengthen attention to the socialization of disabled children. A approved adapted program for children with APV for learning in a secondary school is needed. However, the currently available materials are scattered and are not combined into the system.

On the one hand, inclusive education in the secondary school begins to appear, on the other hand, the heterogeneity of the composition of students, taking into account the level of their speech, mental and mental development, increases.

Such an approach leads to the fact that the adaptation of both conditionally healthy children and children with ABS is significantly difficult. This leads to additional, often irresistible difficulties in the implementation of the individual approach of the teacher.

Therefore, children with ABS in school cannot simply study on a par with others. For a favorable result, it is necessary to create certain conditions.

The main directions of work in the system of inclusive education

For the full development of the child with APV at school, it is necessary to work in the following directions.

First, in order to solve problems, it is recommended to create a group of psychological and pedagogical support in an educational institution. Its activity will be as follows: study the features of the development of children with HSA and their special needs, to make individual educational programs, develop forms of accompaniment. These provisions must be recorded in a special document. This is an individual card of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child with ABS.

Secondly, constant adjustment of techniques and methods of training and education is necessary.

Thirdly, the support group must initiate a revision curriculum, taking into account the assessment of the condition of the child and the dynamics of its development. As a result, an adapted version of its choice is created for children with HSA.

Fourth, it is necessary to regularly conduct correctional and educational activities aimed at improving motivation, development cognitive activity, memory and thinking, the knowledge of your personal characteristics.

Fifth, one of the necessary forms of work - work with the family of a child disabled. Its main purpose is to organize assistance to parents in the process of assimilating the practical knowledge and skills necessary in the upbringing and training of children with ABS. In addition, it is recommended:

  • actively involve a family in the work of an educational institution, providing psychological and pedagogical support;
  • hold consulting parents;
  • train seven accessible techniques and assistance methods;
  • organize feedback of parents with educational institution, etc.

In general, it should be noted that inclusive education in Russia only begins to develop.

10 tips for parents of children with OVD

We offer some recommendations that have arisen as a result of specialists experience while working with parents raising children with development deviations. We hope that these tips will help you overcome the psychological difficulties and gain hope and meaning in life.

Tip First: Try to overcome fear and despair.

The birth of a child with deviations in the development is perceived by you as the greatest tragedy. The fact of the appearance of a child "not like everyone" is the cause of a strong stress that you experience, first of all, as his parents. Do not cube and do not blame yourself. It is very difficult for you now. You waited so much time when the long-awaited hour comes, and your baby will be born. You hoped to build it with him and your life. And now you believe that everything collapsed. Life seems to you filled with not passing longing and pain. Do not despair! Not everything is so hopeless! Pull yourself together! Your child whatever he needs help, and this help should come exactly from you. It is needed by him courageous, strong, and not weak and helpless. Take patience and help him and ... to yourself. Overcome fear and despair. Remember that not despair and no doubt in their capabilities, but the love of child and patience, constant care for it will allow you to achieve the greatest success. Calm down and try to follow our recommendations.

Council Second: Definition is needed. You must clarify the situation in which your child is located.

To find a way out, it is better to act, and not indulge in experiences. But you need to act obviously. We offer you the following plan.

Your child will need various types of care, namely:

  • medical
  • pedagogical
  • psychological.

Council Three: Decide which help you need your child and your family first.

Health care. You must advise your child from a neurologist, a children's psychoneurologist or a children's psychiatrist. Take care carefully to all the recommendations of the doctors and try to fulfill them. Doctors will prescribe medication therapy and prompt a plan for further medical rehabilitation of your child.

If you are worried about the birth of other children in the family, do not forget to contact the genetic advice. The level of development of modern science makes it possible to accurately determine the risk of re-born the "unfavorable" child.

Diagnosis and psychological and pedagogical assistance. To correct violations identified from your child, one medical care is not enough. Psychological and pedagogical correction is necessary. If the problem is clearly defined and outlined, it can be allowed. In our country there is a wide network of special pre-school and school educational institutionsIn which children are taught with various deviations in the development (deaf and weast-hearing, blind and visually impaired, with severe speech impairment, impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, SRR, UO, RDA). These institutions use special methods aimed at learning, developing and adapting to a social environment.

If your child preschool age and suffers such disorders, you can contact the district or city PMPC, in the psychological - Medico - social center or rehabilitation center at the place of residence. Experienced specialists (doctors, psychologists, teachers) will provide you with qualified assistance, refine the diagnosis and determine the profile of the institution, in which your child will be able to receive an education affordable to him.

Tip Four: Try to accept the fact of your child's deficiencies.

Do not try to convince the specialists to whom you will go to the consultation, in the fact that your child is like that. Be careful to their advice and recommendations. Do not be afraid of the formulation of the child "terrible" for you diagnosis (UO, RDA, etc.). Do not like an ostrich that hides your head under the wing to not see the danger. Take an existing reality - your child's development disorders. Many parents spend precious time, strength and energy in vain, denying the problems that exist in the child. Some try no matter how to notice them. Others think too much about them, internally suffer and also try and also prove others that there are no these drawbacks for them.

Such an understanding of the current situation is unproductive. It will not benefit neither to you or your child nor others. By doing this way, you do not allow problems at all, but only close your eyes on their existence. Do not deny the availability of a problem. Find courage and admit that your child has deviations in development. After all, in essence, not so much important, as the disease is called or the state in which your child is. This is only the term who uses specialists. In our opinion, you are more important to know which opportunities for the correction of these violations. And this will help specialists - doctors, psychologists, teachers. Do not injure yourself and do not have a shame due to the diagnosis.

Try not to succumb to aggression, irritation, depression and fear, which, naturally, may arise on the basis of excitement about your child's health.

Council Fifth: Change your child attitude to your child, do not consider it unpromising.

Having experienced a sense of despair, bitterness and pain, many parents are inclined to hyperbolizing the problems of their child and consider its future as unpromising.

Do not exaggerate your child's problems. Never tell yourself that nothing will come out of it in perspective. There are many things in life that it is difficult to predict from the position of today. It all depends on your wisdom, patience and effort.

On the other hand, do not build yourself air locks and do not wait for a miracle. He will not be. No one can do so that your child does not have problems. But only in your power to make a lot to him.

Do not try to be "ambulance" for your child. Do not do what he can do himself. Gradually teach him to overcome the difficulties for him. Only managing this process, you can help him. In case of disobedience of a child, his disobedience, turning into hysterics or stubbornness, show him the right way out of the difficult situation. Demonstrate his love at the same time.

Do not succumb to madness, because you are only at the beginning of your child's life path. This path is definitely more difficult than that of its normal peers. But he smile at him joy, success, happiness to be loved, you need, your loved ones and even someone else's people.

Council Sixth: Take your child as it is.

Try to build your relationship with a child based on love and mutual trust. Your child at any age, whether he is a baby or a teenager, anyway your child. He needs to take care of him. The presence of your child's violations does not mean that you and he are unhappy. On the contrary, such children are comprehensive and infertility. Their attitude towards people is imbued with heartiness, friendliness, sincerity, devotion and love.

Love your child. Do not reject it because of its physical or intelligent imperfection! Believe that after a while, these shortcomings will stop being meaningful for you. Think about the fact that this is your flesh and your "Blooding". And you will be important only what he loves you, and that he needs your warmth, caressing and protection.

Seventh Council: Your child needs pedagogical assistance: the sooner you begin a special correctional work with the child, the greater the success will achieve.

But what does special and correctional work mean? It suggests your child to help specialists who own special methods for the correction of various violations arising in childhood. To obtain the necessary knowledge on these issues, you are also needed to consult professionals.

Council eighth (Mother of the Child): Help yourself, change your attitude towards yourself.

First of all, do not think that you have been born and is growing not like everyone else, a child. The pain you transferred and which now in your heart is making tremendous harm. Prohibit yourself similar thoughts. Do not fix your attention on gloomy experiences, not "stuck" in sad states. Your thoughts should not constantly circle around the problems of your baby. Life is unbearably difficult when events are developing negatively in relation to you.

If you are very bad, but help no one, try to remember any pleasant event from your life, remember the sensations and feelings that you then experienced. Try as long as possible to stay on these memories of pleasant events of your life to balance your real (negative) sensations. For your body, such memories will be peculiar "psychological vitamin", with which you can overcome psychological discomfort. If sad thoughts do not leave you constantly, it needs to be done every day. At the same time, learn how to manage yourself, with your feelings and feelings, thoughts and actions. Ride yourself and in the event of an alarming or depressive state Learn to talk to yourself "Stop!".

Find any situation by the participant of which you become, your child and the people around you. If you felt an unfair attitude towards yourself or to a child, do not try to change the position of the other, proving that he is wrong. Do not waste forces on a meaningless dispute. Just go away from this person. Always behave correctly. Do not raise your voice and do not shout. Do not turn into Furia, which is always ready to protect your child, even if he is wrong.

On the other hand, you will die to defend yourself and the child. In the event of an unpleasant sensation related to looking at your child, sympathizing with views, injecting in transport, store or on the street, mentally build a protective wall (place yourself and a child in an invisible case, armor) separating you from any unpleasant and irritated subject.

Learn to soften, neutralize any conflict with your benevolent attitude towards others. Try to discharge the heavy atmosphere positive mood, smile, joke. But never let me humiliate your human dignity. Do not conflict on the street, in the store or in transport, proving others that your child is the same as others. Learn how to leave conflicts when you are not able to drag the scales in your favor.

If you have the opportunity to leave a child with someone from home, try to find a job. Work will help you feel the most significant and necessary people. Resume old connections, remember old friends. Do not hide in your home with your grief and pain like snail in the sink. Try to find among your old and new acquaintances of those who could adequately accept you and your child. Those who you could leave him if necessary for a while who could support you in a difficult moment.

Soviet ninth (Mother of the Child): Change the attitude towards the father of the child.

Do not blame the husband that because of him, the child was born with disadvantages in development, because this is your common child. To strengthen the relationship between the child and the Father, try to attract a husband to the concerns about the baby, giving him various orders. Awaken in the husband interest in the development of the baby, burn it with your ideas and little joint with child success. Use the weekend for a general leisure entry to this husband.

Strive to the feeling of embarrassment, which men are experiencing, carrying his sick child in the stroller, gradually disappeared from your husband. After all, the closer the heart to the child, the less you notice his physical and mental flaws.

Try not to notice the shortcomings of your husband, constantly emphasize his dignity - men love it. Praise it primarily for the fact that he loves the baby.

TIP TENTH (Father a child): Change your attitude to my wife.

Your wife, your child's mother, is in a state of constant stress. The fact that it was she gave birth to a sick child, it causes her the most controversial feelings, the consequences of the tears, hysterics, unpredictable anger, aggression, uncontrolled depression or apathy. Women are very hard to endure a similar blow of fate, which is equivalent to death or the loss of a close man. Not every person is able to withstand such power, and also such a long time.

Try to understand the feelings and experiences of your wife. Do not put it in the pan, the child was born so. After all, the child is common - yours and her. It makes no sense to find out who is to blame. No guilty! There is a problem that you need to solve both.

Be a man - it means to be strong. Try to transfer at least part of your strength and courage to my wife. She is experiencing a huge need for this. Believe me, she needs exactly your support.

Many men believe that the main responsibility of the Father is the material support of the family. You, of course, right. But your wife, a woman you love and who gave birth to a child from you, you need another support - psychological, more precisely, just human, mental support. Support your wife in a word, your position, your attitude towards her and to the child. Let her feel that next to her really Man (This means - strength and courage), which did not leave and never leave it in a difficult moment.

Some men experience great psychological difficulties associated with the problem of entering a new life situation, with the problem of adding to their new position - the father of the sick child. They are hard on the idea that their child who would like to give all their life experience, their material property, their creative abilities and unfulfilled dreams turned out to be incapable of accepting this. Do not hurry! Take our advice: do not seek to solve this problem now and decide for a child that he can or will not be able to in the future. Follow our recommendations:

  • try to spend more time with your child;
  • learn to help him in what he does not know how (feed it, dress, bathe); Try B. some cases Replace the mother of the baby or participate in this process together;
  • walk with a child in free time, freeing his wife to fulfill domestic affairs or rest;
  • do not pay attention to the annoying insights and advice that you causing unpleasant feelings;
  • do not tear your anger on the child if it does not cope with any task or can not do something. Show him how to do this, think about how to teach it it, consult my wife - she has more time to familiarize himself with the recommendations of specialists;
  • put more positive energy, zador and joy in communication with the child; Let your presence always be connected in the consciousness of your wife and a child with joy, happiness, confidence in the future - they need it exactly, and you can;
  • create your hearth and a house. Wife and child hold for you as for the straw. Besides you, they have no other support in life.

Be support for each other, and you build your happiness!

According to the materials of the site http://www.grc.ru/page26/