Horoscope scales by day of month. Happy figures for weights

Characteristic of the sign

The scales do not carry rudeness, but they can turn off the radio without permission if the sound will seem too loud. Scales love people, but hate the crowd; They, as good wizards, laughs quarreling, but they themselves can be consequely; They are communicable and kind, but sometimes they dive for a long time in a depressive mood; They are smart and at the same time childish naive; They never sit in one place, but you can hardly see them in a hurry somewhere. In general, the dual nature of the scales determines that any negative quality is balanced positive.
Scales - the symbol of this sign, but balanced people cannot be called balanced people. They will fluctuate for a long time before they come to a calm, even state.
The exterior of the scales is nothing particularly remarkable: pleasant small features; Often, but not always, snaps on the chin and cheeks. The expression of serenity does not come out of the face of the scales, even when they are worried or angry. The lips are bright, like cherries, mouth in shape resembles a bow.
Men-scales are almost completely handsome, and women are rushing. And in male beauty there is something female, and in the female - male. However, this does not mean that men-scales are familiar, and women scales are similar to heavyweights. Just in their appearance there is always a small toliary of the opposite sex.

Scales - happy owners of sweet, gentle and mysterious smile. They rarely come thin, rather, they have a complete physique, lines of their silhouette wavy and bending.
When the scales are in a state of equilibrium, their character fully corresponds to appearance: cute and pleasant, gentle and soft. Losing the balance, they are made irritable, nervous, stubborn, evil and capricious. When an equilibrium comes again, the scales are represented, miles, smart and pleasant.
Sometimes others believe that two completely opposite people are connected in the scales. Scales do not often reach harmony, although forever strive for her.
At one period, the scales may be incredibly energetic, worn everywhere with the speed of light, turning so much affairs in one day how many others should be done for a week, not giving anyone to anyone, working for days, and at the same time feel great. Then suddenly in them as if something turned off. They plunge into apathy, can be in the bedroom all day. Doubtful, lost interest, they sit by clock, supervised a look at one point. And suddenly the switch is activated again, and they, fell into melancholy, begin to complain about fate, honest or scandal without any reason. Then the new period begins, and they are again charming, miles, moving and kind. A man once observed scales in one of their phases, could not even assume that they could be different, it is so impossible to combine in one representative of the genus of human weakness and strength, rudeness and courtesy, despondency and fun, incredible laziness and tremendous performance.

Scales are usually physically and mentally healthy. At the level of the instinct, they know how to dose mental loads, physical activity and stress voltage, in time giving the body the necessary rest. As a rule, scales suffer from excessive food or alcohol consumption, which entails kidney and liver disease, headaches. In general, the scales, using the healing effect of physical and spiritual peace, as well as a long rest, for many years retain good health.
The nature of the weights is inherent in extreme contradiability. They love to argue for any occasion, from the most insignificant to the global, sometimes global scale. Scales in disputes feel very confident. If you praise a new performance, he immediately criticizes it if you did not like the newly published publication, it is reasoned to prove that I did not read anything better over the past five years. If you are a fan of the urban lifestyle, the scales will certainly name you with a dozen harmful consequences of it, while playing in all colors of charms. And if you like to spend time in a country house, scales will pounce on you with irrefutable evidence of a rustic boredom, urging to use the incredible possibilities of a big city. Do not waste time on spores with weights, the truth will always be on their side.

As a rule, the scales doubt so long in the choice of the right decision that the need for choice ceases to exist, since the possible options themselves disappear under the influence of time or circumstances. It can be said that the weights are inherent indecision in hypertrophied form. The top 10 favorite phrases include "on the one hand" and "on the other hand", accompanied, each separately, an impressive number of indisputable arguments. Slow scales, unable to make a decision, easily adjust impatient and decisive people to white crown. But if you say weighs about this "features", they will become fiercely defend and deny everything.
The honesty of weights in business issues is not subject to any doubt. Because they are accustomed to a long time to think about possible steps, the risk of mistakes is minimized. Most scales are able to accurately concentrate on serious and deep problems, completely studying them. Books are one of the passions of the scales. They love them not only for the meaning, but also for the quality of printing and even the smell. Scales are often owners of beautiful in the content of huge home libraries.
The natural artistry of the scales does not leave them indifferent to different types of arts: painting, literature, music. They prefer tender tones of pastel gamma and do not bring bright colors. Scales know a sense in good wines and sophisticated food.
The mind of the scales is similar to the brilliant diamond and gentle, overflowing opal; Copper is their metal. The impermanence, the variability and uncertainty of spring and autumn best correspond to the nature of the scales.

Scales man

He will always offer you the abyss of free tips for any reason, it will easily allow all your difficulties and problems, except for the only relationship with him. The scales used to rationalize everything, including love relationships, and it can bring out any woman.
Having met a man-scale on his way, as you should think before you fall in love. Remember that you have an extremely little time to make a decision, because it will quickly charm you, having deprived the ability to think on your own. His thoughts will be your thoughts, his dreams are your dreams, and you just want to do everything for his happiness.
He, on the contrary, will not seek you always feel absolutely satisfied. Being half of time in an unbalanced state, it will be indifferent to your thoughts and feelings during this period. True, you will feel at the top of bliss in the remaining half of time. Weigh all the "for" and "against", making the decision to become his wife, because half aim will be accompanied by displeasure to her husband.
It is impossible to call safe people, it is unlikely to rely on them. Today they have one point of view, and tomorrow is completely different. Just imagine that you accept his hand and heart offer, and the next day, he tells you that he changed his mind to marry! It is unlikely that someone will envy you. In truth, this development of the plot is quite rare, but may well be.

There are no equal in love affairs. Inventive love and novel, they turned them into a refined form of art. Interest in love is present in the life of men-scales until recent days. They always have a lot of fans. Scales sometimes have many novels at different stages, as because of their indecision, softness, the reluctance to bear offense can not say "no". To be in a painful relationship, without having the strength to explain, more cruelly than stop them. And in the inverse situation, when the relationships are deep and sincere, the scales are also not solved to make the necessary step, they are used, pull, think about and, in the end, lose their love.
By nature, the male scales are not particularly passionate, so love lesions are not worried much. Moreover, you can always make a new relationship with one of the many women around. Only marrying on a decisive and power lady, scales leave the zone of familiar life comfort. This person manages to convince the spouse that the divorce with it is the most terrible sin of all existing, and the scales turn into the pity of the slave of love. But this happens very rarely.
Scales can not be called overly curious. They will never find out what kind of secret motives one or another deed is due. Male scales will prove to you for a long time that, based on the logic of things, it is necessary to do this here that way, and will never agree to take into account the human psychology, which is usually the drivers of his actions. This topic is outside of its curiosity, his interests are more abstract.

Expert in love affairs, male scales is not an expert in the deeds of spiritual. Sometimes his mental worrit is terrifying. Turning to him for sympathy, you can get in response not to the support for which they were calculated, but a serious analysis of the situation with the final verdict - to blame for themselves. Although you came to him not for clarifying the truth, but for friendly participation ...
Scales are quite generous in terms of money. You must be a skillful and charming hostess. True, the scales appreciate no quantity, but quality, so a large number of guests are unlikely to be invited. Among the invited will definitely be not only interesting and intelligent people, but also popular persons.
In your joint housing should be beautiful, pure and tasty. If you do not want to lose your husband, do not turn on the radio loudly, use the hood when cooking dinner (kitchen smells are tormented by it), make sure that the children do not run around the apartment and do not shine, so that the pits and diapers do not hang in sight, do not go to House in mask on face and curlers. At the same time, he himself may be the main source of disorder, slurry, spreading his belongings everywhere. Your duty is to immediately put everything in order.

The scales will not make you express claims out loud, suffering from incorrectly selected curtains and carpet, piercing color of the tile in the bathroom, ugly paintings on the wall. You should learn to guess what the cause of his Handra is because he himself may not even realize it.
Scales are a calm and calm father. He will not be angry and shouting on his offspring, but he will not be too admired either. Even becoming a newly happy father, the main place in his life he will always leave his wife. And if you do not make things insulting his tender feelings of Estet, then no parental love will outweigh his feelings for you.

Woman scales

Wife-scales can be an air, like a feather, and get aromas, like a divine flower, dress in lace and velvet and look like an invaluable collectible doll, show the most sophisticated manners and voice, similar to the transfusses of the bell, and still barely noticeable male component attend it. It belongs to those women who love to wear pants, and their thoughts are so logical that the victory in the dispute with a man gets enough to them. True, women-scales never demonstrate the chief of their superiority, at least before registration of marriage, so cautious and smart. Bride she, shyly smiling, will constantly lose your chess games. Do not count on that after the wedding everything will remain the same.
Woman scales with joy participates in any discussion, dispute, dispute. In this case, the subject of discussion does not matter. It may be a dispute about the chances of possible candidates to win the presidential election, and an expressive monologue on the topic, which style sleeves of the winning - mortise or reglanet. Analysis and the other theme may well continue the hour, and maybe more. Notice - you do not need to take part in the conversation, it will be enough to ask "why" or say that you do not think so. But even if your opinion is different, then a thirty-minute conversation, seasoned with cute smiles, will make you believe in the fallacy of your convictions and fully agree with the opponent. And keep in mind that the Woman Scales defended his own opinion, but the only right position, carefully suspended and verified from all sides.
Becoming a married lady, many women scales do not stop working. This is mainly due to the fact that they love to spend a lot of home and on themselves. And, of course, on his spouse. The marriage union for her is a joint creation of a husband and wife. She will not hang on her husband's neck, risking to drown it. She takes part in all matters of his half, supporting his work, advice, money.

Woman scales, possessing excellent analytical abilities, will easily help her husband in solving a variety of important tasks. Not in vain, smart and grateful husbands, mooring their half, literally waters it to the pedestal. And the scales, in turn, refers to the spouse with the same delight. If you look from the side, the family life of successfully married scales resembles a paradise abode ..
Woman scales, affectionate and sentimental from nature, will hug you and iron, squeeze with gentle kisses, perhaps even more often than you would like.
The house of the scales is similar to a picture from the glossy magazine. Furniture and curtains are selected with exceptional taste, the color gamut is a noble muffled, the decor is absolutely corresponding to the setting, everywhere flowers. Lunch and dinner is usually on the road porcelain and with cutlery silver, with candles; The menu is amazing with refinement and thoughtfulness, expensive drinks, calm muffled music. The only thing his wife can be excessively wording, but also hears with interest and attention, if necessary, will give a valuable advice. So the win will be yours.
Her love for trousers does not go beyond prudence: she puts on them in cases where it is convenient and necessary. At a solemn admission, it will hit everyone with chic decolted dress and appropriate decorations, and a romantic intimate evening will delight you with charming deabile. She perfectly knows that and when to emphasize or, on the contrary, hide.

Behind the children, the scales are caught with love and care, but you will always be in the first place you will. Children will never take you in the fight for the main place in her heart. Mother scales are strict and gentle at the same time. She will certainly teach their children love and respect for the Father.
Woman scales, barely sweet, can start to fully. But, striving for harmony, will be able to take for himself in time and, sowing on a diet and engaged in fitness, reset extra pounds.
Only women-scales can work with the same success, putting the sleeves, along with a man, and shine at a responsible event.

Baby Boy Scales

Children's parents often hear enthusiasm about the appearance of their karapuz. Indeed, the children-scales are charming so much that angels are reminded from ancient paintings. They rarely cry, smile all the time and seem satisfied with everyone. However, the smell on the chin points out that not everything is so caramel with your offsk and the future will confirm you.
Once, trying to feed it with breakfast from so favorite oatmeal and eggs, you will be surprised by the refusal of food. Maybe he is sick or not hungry? No, healthy and really wants. Then you put a toast toast with cheese and a glass of orange juice. Nothing changed, because you only complicated the task! From the very beginning, he could not decide where to start breakfast, and now the choice has become even harder. As a result, breakfast on this day was completely spoiled.
The next day, not wanting to repeat your mistake, you put on the table only one dish. He immediately eats everything. Then you are submitting the following, and there is no crumbs soon. Remember, the main thing is not to create a child-scale need to choose. He is unable to make a decision.
Also, we do not like weights when they are hurrying, especially if it concerns the decision. In such a situation, scales are absolutely lost and fall into prostration. People observing from the part, it seems that this is a demonstration of stubbornness, while the stubbornness of the weights is not at all peculiar.

At first, you should suggest a child-scale, where to start. It is necessary to do a smooth, calm voice, otherwise you will not only won't help the case, but even worsen it. Just as other children teach brushing your teeth and remove their toys, baby scales needed from a young nail to learn independent decisions, otherwise, and in the future he will not be able to do without your help. This task is one of the most difficult for him.
If the child-scales are annoyed, troubled or stubborn, the reason can be the wallpaper too bright colors in the children's room or a loud operating radio. Replace wallpaper on calm pink or blue, and your baby's mood will certainly change for the better. Include a soft music if you want obedience from a child, and he, who wants to listen to her, will fulfill everything you wish. Do not forget that silence is needed, peace and more long than other children, rest.
There is another problem here. You begin to seem that your child is lazy. This is not quite so. Just the periods of activity and complete apathy is followed by one after another. It is unlikely that you can fix it. In periods of seeming laziness, it accumulates energy.
If you manage to teach your child-scales to make independent decisions, he will certainly become a good student. The mind of the scales is logical and fast, they are very inquisitive and love to discuss.

Scales do not like woven. They do not endure when someone violates their privacy. They respect the personal space of other people and never invade the limits permitted.
Children scales like when the house is comfort and order, so they will be happy to help you follow the cleanliness. Often in children-scales there are musical and artistic abilities, so from an early age it is worthwhile to develop them and competently.
In adolescence and youthful age, children have many novels, because they are extremely in love. True, they will have a lot of time to search for real love. Do not forget about what works it is worth it to make a decision, help them that the story does not end the same way as with the ill-fated breakfast in early childhood.

born under the sign of the scales

Bizhit Bardo
Sara Bernar
Ivan Bunin
Giuseppe Verdi
Thomas Vulf
Mahatma Gandhi
George Gershvin
Graham Green
Truman hip.
John Lennon
Mikhail Lermontov
Marchello Mastroanni
Friedrich Nietzsche
Eugene 0 "Nile
Nikolai Roerich
Camille Saint-Sans
Oscar Wilde
William Falkner
Marina Tsvetaeva

In February 2017, you will understand a lot and realize the true essence of many events and incidents. In the period from the 3rd to the 14th number, attach all possible efforts to move forward without deviating from the selected course. The 15th of the day you will need flexibility and adaptability. If you do everything right, you are lucky in the field of professional activities.

March will become a very important month for the scales. Try to use all the features that open in front of you on the personal front, in the period from the 8th to a 17th number. Remember these dates - 22nd, 23rd and March 27th. These days will be very important in the Career Plan.

April 2017 will teach you to make important decisions, and you will have to quickly master this skill. In the period from the 2nd to a 6th number, you will need the maximum speed of the reaction in the field of operation. Take responsibility without any oscillations. On August 18, the likelihood of a serious conflict in the family is high. In this situation, be alert - watch your tongue.

In May 2017, there are no important dates that we would take into account the weights.

June will be a very important month in terms of personal relationship. In the period from the 1st to the 11th number, wait for news that can change your entire life. On the 12th, 18th and 21st of June, attach all possible efforts to preserve calm, and throughout the third decade (except June 21), act as strongly and proactively as possible. This month, work will go to the background.

In July 2017, one should not chase two hares. In the field of work, everything will be successful if on July 8th you will take the right decision by selecting the right side. In the third decade, the likelihood of conflicts in the sphere of personal relationship is high.

In August, you are able to get sick with a high probability, so you should not go to risks without good reason. Avoid hypothermia and minimize contacts with relatives sick influenza. In the period from the 11th to a 18th number, be so soft, gentle and loving with its romantic partner or partner, as far as possible, it will really help him or her.

September will become a little more clear and unequivocal than you wanted. On the 1st and on the 14th, the probability of problem situations at work is high, but you can deal with them and throw them out of your head - do not even doubt it. In the period from the 8th to the 11th number increases the risks of accidents at work, and on September 18, the scandal can flare at home. However, in general, the events will unfold at the usual pace, you do not expect any extraordinary.

In October 2017, - especially in the period from the 4th to 18th, - refrain from the manifestation of the initiative at work. During this period, you will only need fast and accurate execution of instructions - no more. On October 27, you may encounter the need to make an important decision. Be careful and try not to make a mistake in choosing. On the personal front this month everything will be calm.

In November, letters will have to work on their relationship. The 5th and 9th number is high like scandals, and in the period from the 12th to 16th, everything will change radically. In the period from the 21st to the 24th of November, you must be particularly attentive - as you follow, before taking the commission of some proactive actions.

In December 2017, the situation in the romantic front stabilizes. Throughout the second and third decade of the month, try to spend your family as much time as possible. The first decade is favorable for marriage. The period from the 5th to the 10th December will be the most successful in terms of professional activities.

These magic numbers are calculated each year by numerologists and are a kind of talisman. You can meet them on the rooms of the car, phone number, advertising, clothing and everywhere where you can!

It is also useful to wear them in a wallet on a piece of paper or make it yourself.

Mathematics to attract good luck

According to experienced mathematicians, each person in this world is the proud owner of his magic numerical sign capable of accompanying in many cases. To determine its value, you will have to use all the numbers of the date of birth, folding them together before receiving a single figure. For example, a birthday falls on February 5, 1991. In this case, you will have to make the following actions. 1. 0 + 5 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 27 2. 2 + 7 \u003d 9 It turns out that the number that brings luck to a person who has appeared on the specified day - nine. It is in it that the meaning of many life events of his owner lies.
Another faithful method of determining the mysterious number that affects all their lives is to independently choose the most suitable option from a wide variety of existing numbers. Usually after that, a person makes a certain bet on it, or, simply speaking, "charges" for good luck. Preference in this case gives a certain date when some significant event occurred at one time. Sometimes a person simply inspires her that this figure is able to bring him success, since one day it was already possible. In this case, only seriousness to approach the installation process itself to really believe in the mystical possibilities of the selected symbol.

"Chestova dozen" or is it worth afraid of numbers 13?

Despite the fact that behind the well-known digital 13 is fixed on too welcoming reputation, many people consider it the most awesome for their destiny. The thing is that this value is already charged with magic energy in its very essence, and carries a truly sacred meaning.
According to Indians Maya and the ancient Egyptians, it is in the 13th phase of life a person will be able to gain true happiness. Among the Italian inhabitants, it is customary to consider the figure 13 symbol of development and fertility. Perhaps, precisely because of this, "Chestova dozen" is chosen as a happy number of life. In many modern countries, the marked figure personifies wisdom, because at the press of the very king Solomon was located 13 stars. All Magic Experts agree that the number 13 sooner or later will bring good luck to its owner, but only if it really sincerely believing in its power.

Magnificent Seed

In modern astrology and the occult, a very important role is given to a seven with almost unlimited possibilities. Those who doubt their happy number, and still could not determine it, it is better to make friends with "Vesuchy" seven. It is this figure that can become very lucky talismans in the most difficult moments of life selection. In many ways, the peculiarity of this number depends on the fact that in almost every current world religion there are fundamental concepts associated with seven. 7 angels and virtues in Christianity, 7 holidays - in Judaism, 7 Gates of Paradise - in Islam. Everywhere you can find this interesting meaning. Even in the ancient East, the announced figure was considered an impersonation of the mind, health, wealth and wisdom. Successful number for each sign of the zodiac Numerology and astrology constantly go hand in hand. This means that each representative of the zodiac constellation exists its own set of favorable numbers operating exclusively for it. In this case, the number of digits itself does not occur 12 zodiac signs, but rather depending on the elements to which each of them belongs.
1. Water - fish, scorpion, cancer.
2. Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
3. Air - scales, twins, aquarius.
4. Fire - Lion, Sagittarius, Aries.
According to the information described earlier, all the most important events in life should be prescribed exclusively on "successful" days of the month, in order to each invented initiative guaranteed the long-awaited fruit. To determine the most favorable number, depending on the sign of the zodiac, significant moments and the special location of the stars in the sky should be taken into account.

Lucky numbers in 2017 for representatives of water element

1. Cracks. According to astrologers, the happiest numbers for representatives of the marked summer sign, it is considered 2, 4, 5 and 8. The marked numbers of each month are considered the most favorable for business relations and the establishment of personal relations. The same values \u200b\u200bwill help cancer to determine the exact dates when the most fateful solutions should be taken in life. Speaking easier, the correct use of happy numbers will give the opportunity to turn the situation in the right direction.
2. Fish. Those born in the period from February 20, according to a similar number in March, the following happy digits should be remembered - 6, 7, 11. In addition to them, good luck can bring numbers, multiple 7.
3. Scorpions.For all representatives of the marked sign, the most favorable numbers can be called: 4, 5, 8, 9. The marked figures bring wealth to all representatives of the water element of prosperity, a steady position in society and success among the opposite sex. Since scorpions are very important in all over the branch of the championship, it is the described magical numbers can help them.

Favorable values \u200b\u200bin 2017 for air element representatives

1. Scales. For people born under this sign, you can call all the numbers that are divided by 6. In addition to them, fateful character can wear 2, 7, 8, and 9. For example, marriage concluded in the date described may indeed be strong and durable .
2. Aquarius. Element of air makes people more quick-tempered and makes it seemingly things to look at ordinary, it would seem. In this case, the number 9, 11 and 13 will help preserve the desired equilibrium. According to astrologers, you can play a lottery into similar numbers - the probability of winning is very high.
3. Gemini.In this case, the numbers of happiness are troops and fourths. Representatives of the specified sign are very important to know that they are loved and appreciated. It is 3 and 4 that can help in establishing a love sphere.

Happy numbers in 2017 for fire element

1. Lions. For the most part, all representatives of the marked summer sign are considered strong, confident in their forces and purposeful personalities. True, they all pay attention to different mystical symbols, among which the magic of numbers occupies due place. For lions, 3, 8, 13 and all digits of multiple 3 are considered to be lucky numbers.
2. Sagittarius. For most representatives of this sign, the happiest number is 7. In addition to it, luck brings 8 and 13, or their all possible combinations.
3. Aries.For people born under this stall sign, favorable in life are figures 4, 7, 9. It is due to the described values \u200b\u200bwill be able to find the broken talents of Aries, realizing their creative potential.

Favorable numbers in 2017 for representatives of the Earth Element

1. Tales. For these bold people, a truly happy number of life can be called 2, 4 and all other numbers, multiple 6. To check the successfulness of the described values, it is enough to check them. For example, assign on the date corresponding to your lucky number, a date or business meeting, and just look at the result. Believe me, it will pleasantly surprise you.
2. Capricorn. People born under this sign can curb only 3, 5, 7 and 8. Capricorn themselves are very impressionable personality, which is easy to believe in the conviction of astrolories regarding the importance of the number of life. If they believe that a certain abstract concept has a magical force, their life will begin to change for the better right in their eyes.
3. Virgo. Such wounded and sensitive parts should be remembered that 3, 7 and any possible combinations of these values \u200b\u200bare responsible for success in their lifetime. By the way, if a certain fateful event or decisions are scheduled, not to discard the view of numerologists regarding the specific date of their adoption. In conclusion, it remains only to add that numbers will really bring success only when we will not just rely on them, but begin to believe in their power to achieve a specifically set goal. Cardinal sign, ruler - Venus. Element - air.
Good days - Friday and Saturday.
Unsuccessful days - Tuesday and Sunday.
Season - the beginning of spring.
Successful places - Banquet halls, meadows, gardens, fountains, river valleys.
Numbers - 2, 6 (all divided by 6), 7, 8, 9, 15.
Color spectrum - Dark blue, green, sea wave and pastel colors.
Stones - Aquamarine, coral, green jasper, crystal, chrysolite.
Metal - Bronze.
Flowers - Roses, violets, notes.
Symbols - Scales, book, tea cup.
Mascot- Book.
Happy Lottery Numbers - 1, 6, 11 and their combination 1611, 611 ...

Born from September 24 to October 2 - Under the influence of Venus - gentle, friendly, dreamed.
Happy Stones: Agat, Amazonite, Amethyst, Rhinestone, Quartz, Sink, Lazurit, Moonstone, Malachite, Nephritis, Rodonit, Quartz, Sapprin, Chernelic, Falconary Eye, Tiger Eye, Jasper.

Born from 3 to 13 October - Under the influence of Saturn - prudent, live without luxury and ambition.
Happy Stones: Ametrin (Citer. Amethyst), Beryl, Emerald, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline, Chrysolite, Zircon.
Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Born from 14 to 23 October - Under the influence of Jupiter, they love to eat delicious, sensual, capable of literature, love the ceremony.
Happy stones: Aquamarine, Diamond, Beryl, Emerald, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline, Chrysolit, Zircon.
Important years: 8, 10, 20, 30, 32, 40, 48, 50, 56, 60, 70, 74.

Characteristics of weights

"... And so she first took one side, then another and led a very interesting conversation herself with him ...... Usually she gave themselves good tips, but did not always follow them."

"Scales" have a pleasant appearance with the right features of the face and bright lips, as well as a melodic voice that they rarely rarely, even when they are angry. The only difference is the sneakers on the cheeks or chin - the sign of Venus. Smile - soft, tender, slightly mysterious, typical of those who control the Venus. The physique is more complete, it all consists of bends. Women are completely pretty, sometimes very beautiful, and men are slender, elegant handsome. They do not like to be sad, mostly benevolent, but do not tolerate when they are commanded. Weighs high intelligence, nevertheless, sometimes there are very naive and trusting. They love to talk, but at the same time they can listen and carefully listen, the society of smart and interesting people prefer, but they avoid crowds, as she causes them claustrophobic. This is a restless people who, however, does not like to hurry and race somewhere around. Well, all this has not yet hit you completely?

The fact is that, although their scalar sign implies a complete balance, it is not easy to achieve this. If you ever had to observe the pharmaceutical scales, you, of course, noticed that at first one cup of scales drop down, then the other, until it is equalized. The same in the nature of the scales. Such a person may seem calm, balanced, friendly and even charming, and after a minute it is a grumpy, irritable and stubborn creature. Then everything comes to equilibrium. There is a mental harmony. This condition gives pleasure both themselves, so and people surrounding them. Unfortunately, it is rarely held for a long time. Scales are all swing, and with them and the mood. The most difficult thing for them is the acceptance of any decision. For a long time weighing all the "for" and "against" and God forbid them to try to hurry them at such a moment, since they can come to improper conclusion from simple stubbornness. The most important thing is to do everything in justice, and, while they won't find it, it is useless to wait for the right solution. These people crave harmony, but nevertheless allow themselves to overeat, drink a lot and are too fascinated by love.

This sunny sign has an additional name - "lazy scales", which largely explains their inconsistent behavior. Many days, weeks and even months of scales may be scary energetic and so much occupied that they have no time and think about rest and entertainment. They get up with roosters and fall far over midnight. Then suddenly fall on the sofa with the exclamation: "I'm dried up," and you will not raise them from the place. He will yawning, sleep, watch TV or just in the window, staring at one point for hours, and it seems that he doesn't even get to bed (but still gets). This "lethargic" state is suddenly ends, and then he is imputed with double energy. It seems that there are two different inside a person. Tell someone who saw the scales on the rise, that he is lazy, and he will be very surprised; On the other hand, the one who saw him in a state of flying will never believe that this Lodio is able to even move away.

The zodiac born under this sign connects intact - courtesy and almost non-rude rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, tremendous performance and hopeless laziness. They instinctively know that to restore equilibrium they need a full rest, and therefore avoid mental overvoltage, nerve stress and physical overwork. However, the acquisition of complete spiritual harmony is a much more difficult matter. At one point, they can sob from excess feelings, to another - to talk with caustic sarcasm, and in the third - to be the same vigorous and fun, like a raspberry in the morning dawn. And yet, scales tend to have good physical and mental health. In general, these people are sick less often, if only do not overeat and disappropriate alcohol, which causes diseases of the kidneys, liver, headaches. But if the scales are ill, then you require maximum attention, it is contraindicated by any excitement, you need pleasant music, easy reading and soothing words.

Scales - big lovers argue. Tell some of them that you like some kind of film, and he immediately criticizes him. Start the same film to criticize, and he immediately starts to defend him, but it will always strive for justice. Scales are afraid to be accused of prejudice to someone or something and therefore always try to balance all "for" and "against". Their indecision of the depressure, and the desire to weigh everything sometimes turns into a dead end, thirst for justice can become a fetish. At the same time, these people never look eccentric, they scrupulously and honestly do business and respect the printed word. Many at home are excellent libraries. Often, scales are truly artistic ones who know how to enjoy music, painting, literature, prefer pastel gamut; Knife and appreciate good wines, gourmet.

Metal - copper. The nature of the scales correspond to autumn and spring - waiting for change.

Scales man

Having become acquainted with a man - weight, think well, whether it is worth falling in love with him, just think quickly, for he has a big charm and his charging smile, as well as persistent and clever courting, can instantly conquer the female heart. However, having achieved this, they think about what to do with it next? Just take advantage of your victory or decide on marriage? A long-term peaceful struggle begins, and if the woman does not take the initiative in his hands, the case may end with anything. Therefore, my advice to a woman in love with scales: Decide and offer some way out. But remember that you are doomed to be dissatisfied with him when he is completely indifferent, what you think and feel, but you will be completely happy with another half of life. Typically, such men do not lose interest in women to deep old age, and since they seek victories with ease, then they often find themselves in rather difficult situations with several female professionals. Scales are terribly afraid of someone offended or be unfair and therefore often do not solve to break the novel, which would be less severe than pulling it without end. He himself rarely remains with a broken heart and quite easily forgets about his failures on the love front. In addition, there are many women around ...

People are very unreliable, it is difficult to rely on them. By bringing the novel and love to the highest point of art, he at the same time amazing peaceful worrit. When it gets married, it loves his house to be a beautiful island in the ocean of everyday storms - otherwise he will not find so necessary peace and equilibrium. Get ready for the role of a charming skillful mistress. A woman who has become his wife must remember that the mess in the house, wearing TV, bags with fruit milk on the window, diapers in a prominent place, other signs of mismanagement, hair curlers, face cream, and so on, and so on is the right way to divorce. But he himself can be slightly, throwing cakes and papers on the floor, scatter clothes - give everything in order.

Scales - always good fathers, and children very benefit from their increased sense of justice. They never allow the eldest to offend the younger and support their high prestige discipline. If you need to punish someone from the children, then the father always logically justify the punishment, so the child will not get offended. And yet the wife always means for such a man more than children. However, no matter how my husband tried the scales, he is not always able to understand the female soul. What is not - there is no.

Weighs a tendency to philosophy and jurisprudence, well show themselves in medicine, like employees of publishers, organizers of show business, designers, lawyers.

Woman scales

Wife - Scales are a real treasure, as it has many advantages. For example, she never reveals the letters addressed to her husband, it's just an unworthy deal; Never belites his secrets to friends, will not lean before the bosses. Rather, it will be able to charm his charming smile, which in his time conquered the heart of the future husband. With its iron handle in the velvet glove, it will be able to direct the activities of the spouse in the right direction so that it will not even notice, and in relation to finance can give a more useful advice than banker. And in general, as it was, she looked neither, in the house, for the most part, plays the role of a man and, I must say, it is very good. She has an outstanding male mind and logic, in the dispute - a worthy opponent. His sharp tongue will quickly bow the husband to his side in any dispute, but will do it with a charming smile, with a sneakers on the cheeks, he will not even notice that he lost.

Most women are working and after marriage, as they want to have enough free money to buy beautiful things. They are exquisitely dressed, they love good spirits, expensive furniture. But they need money not only for these purposes. They want to be with her husband on an equal footing, and marriage for them is the same partnership as a commercial enterprise. They do not tolerate loneliness in any personal, nor in labor life, but do not want to be a stone on a man's neck - rather, they prefer to eliminate all sorts of "stones" from his path.

Even the average woman - scales have a high intelligence and a tendency to analyze that, however, it does not prevent her from being extremely sentimental and affectionate.

In her house, she always has an exemplary order: everything stands in its places, the upholstery of furniture, carpets and curtains are harmonized with each other, the table is beautifully covered and lunch is fed on time. Sometimes it can seem to be the impression that it is weak and defenseless and completely relies on her husband, but it is far from that. In the home crisis it is she will be able to keep cold-blooded and save the family root.

Usually scales - gentle, but moderately strict mother. It never neglects the upbringing of his children and, while they are small, watching them always clean and dressed up, and when they grow up - polite and neat. But no matter how she did not love them, the husband always remains for her in the first place, and she demands from children due respect to the Father. However, if the father is too strict for children, always surviving a minute to climb and console the child, suck him something delicious.


Scales-executives are large debaters and convincing speakers that can captivate with their ideas a whole team. However, they think so long before the need to decide that they can withdraw all of themselves. Sometimes they spend a whole "referendum" for an exciting issue, asking the opinion not only to their deputy, but also wives, a sweecer, lifter and cleaners. Therefore, weights better work in a pair with a good partner who will complement it. And yet, such a leader who has achieved complete harmony of mind and heart becomes a real wisdom store. In one, his subordinates can be sure - he will never be offended, even sometimes invites you to go home, loves to communicate with them.

It should be noted that the nature and behavior of the military managers born under this sign of the zodiac should be noted. The general - scales with his sense of justice and habit to weigh all "for" and "against" - a beautiful strategist who thoroughly thinking in advance, can win the fight before it starts. His ability to understand the other and the other side, calm hot heads and breeding nerves, makes it an excellent mediator who knows how to teach people who hate each other and do not trust each other, reach agreement and cooperation. All scales in the depths of the soul hate the war and bloodshed, so such an officer always prefers to draw up brilliant strategic plans, saving thousands of human lives, instead of taking a rapid decision under the enemy's fire.


If the leadership refers to a subordinate weight with sufficient understanding, he will never be the cause of disagreements in the institution, but, on the contrary, will show rare tact and diplomaticity. Wherever they do not work, bring complete mutual understanding everywhere. When nothing distracts them and disrupts their feelings of harmony, they make their business extremely conscientiously. Scales are always sincere. Defending justice and the truth, often a lot of time gives trade union work and resolving all conflicts.


Famous people born under the sign of the scales:
Bridget Bardo, Sara Bernard, Mahatma Gandhi, George Gershwin, Graham Green, Ferrenz Leaf, M. Lermontov, D. Pisarev, Marchello Mastroanni, Eugene about Nile, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, William Falkner, Dwight Eisenhower, I. Pavlov.

Magic numbers, or numerology, is considered one of the most faithful and win-win methods to improve its financial condition, find a second half and become a truly successful person. To experience the effectiveness of this method, you need to understand how to find out your lucky number, and how to dispose of them? There are many approaches, each of which is repeatedly tested by time and millions of people around the world.

Numerology. Number of luck

According to specialists in numerology, each person is the owner of a magical numerical sign capable of helping in many cases. To determine your lucky number, you need to take all the numbers from the date of birth, and then fold them together so that one digit turns out.

For example, whose birthday fell on 07/16/1985, the following actions should be made:

1) 1+6+0+7+1+9+8+5= 37

It turns out that a number bringing luck for this person is a unit, it is in it that the meaning of many life events can be wounded.

Another way to learn a mysterious room capable of changing life for the better - to choose it from the abundance of real-life digits and make a certain installation, "charge" for good luck. Most often, preference is given to a memorable date when there was a significant or a joyful event. A person can inspire that it is this figure that this figure will be able to bring him the success that one day it was already able to do. The main thing is to accommodately approach the installation process and truly penetrate the mystical possibilities of the selected value.

13 - Unfortunate number?

Despite the fact that the number 13 was not too good "reputation", many people this particular number consider for themselves the most "luck" and bring good luck. The thing is that it is initially charged with magic energy, which carries a truly mysterious meaning. More Ancient Egyptians, the Chinese and Indians Maya believed that a person could find his real happiness only in the 13th phase of life.

Italians consider 13 symbol of fertility and development, so often the "damn dozen" is chosen by their happy number. In many countries, this figure is an impersonation of wisdom, because 13 stars were on the seals of Solomon. Magic and mystics specialists agree that a happy number 13 will definitely bring good luck to those who sincerely believes in the mysterious force of this amazing element of numerology.

Number of good luck 7.

In the occult and astrology, an important role is assigned to seven, which, in the opinion of experts on numerology, is almost limitless opportunities to attract good luck. Those who doubt or cannot independently determine their happy number can safely give preference to the "Vesuchy" seven in order for it that she became a talisman at the moments of a complex life choice.

Seven became "special" in many respects due to the fact that in almost every world religion there are important, fundamental concepts associated with this number. Seven great holidays - in Judaism; Seven angels and seven virtues - in Christianity; Seven paradise gates - in Islam. All these moments, one way or another, are associated with the "chosenness" of seven, which in the ancient East was considered by the personification of the mind, wisdom, wealth and health.

Happy numerics by zodiac signs

"Hand in hand" go astrology and numerology; Each sign of the zodiac has its own set of favorable numbers that will only act for him. First of all, the separation occurs, depending on which element is one or another sign:

  • To water (fish, cancer, scorpion)
  • To the ground (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)
  • To air (scales, aquarius, twins)
  • To Fire (Lion, Sagittarius, Aries)

All the most important things and events must be appointed only on the "charged" days of the month, so that any undertaking necessarily brought positive fruits. To determine the most favorable number for each sign of the zodiac, you need to take into account the most significant moments and features of the location of stars.

Luck numbers for water element

Happy cat numbers

According to astrologers, the happiest numbers for crayfish are Two, Four, Five and Eight. For example, the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th day of each month are ideal for establishing personal and business connections. Also listed numbers will help to determine the cancer with dates of important events, make plans for the future. With the right "use" of numbers, you can wrap any situation in your favor.

Happy numbers for fish

Those who were born from February 20th to the 20th of March, it is worth remembering that happy numbers for all fish are 6, 7, 11. In addition, good luck will bring all the numbers, multiple seven. Fish can radically change their lives if they listen to the opinion of astrologers and turn closer attention to the planning of events in the future.

Happy numbers for scorpions

Happy numbers for scorpions are the fourth, five, eight and nine. These figures can bring stability and sustainable position in society, prosperity, success among representatives of the opposite sex. For scorpions, it is important to take the palm of the championship in everything. Magic numbers can help them seriously.

Element of air and magic numerology

Happy scales

For romantic, but very reasonable scales are happy with all the numbers that are divided by 6. In addition, two, seven, eights, nines can become fateful, seven. For example, a marriage enclosed in a specific date, where the mentioned values \u200b\u200bare maximally present, it will certainly be strong and durable for weights, and the business deal will bring huge profits.

Happy Numbers for Aquarius

Aquarius to gain peace of mind and equilibrium is worth paying attention to 9, 11, 13 - it is these numbers that are considered favorable. You can play a lottery and make a bet on these numbers: the likelihood of a major win is great.

Happy numbers for twins

Happy numbers capable of bringing success and success twins - Troika and Four. For twins, it is important to know what they love and appreciate, and it is 3 and 4 who can seriously help in heart matters.

Astrology and numbers for fire signs

Happy numbers for lions

Among the lions there are only strong, purposeful, self-confident personalities, who, however, pay close attention to various mystical symbols, including magic of numbers. So, by successful numbers for all lions, it is customary to be 3, 8, 13, as well as all values, multiple three.

Happy Numbers for Streltsy

Many Sagittarius consider the seven, but, except for these numbers, good luck and success of the archers can bring 8, 13, as well as their combinations.

Happy Numbers for Aries

Among the happy numbers for Aries - 4, 7, 9. It is these values \u200b\u200bthat can help "bring out the hidden abilities of the Aries and implement the creative and business potential of representatives of this sign.

Favorable horoscope numbers for earthly signs

In the fate of Capricorn, the Virgin and Taurus numbers play an important role, especially those who do not ignore the concepts of numerology, and pays for them due attention.

Happy Numbers for Taurus

Tales consider their happy twice numbers, four, as well as all other values, multiple six. In order to check the effectiveness of magical numbers, it is enough to assign a date for a certain date, a business meeting or even a party campaign. Fate will not make himself wait and demonstrate their favor.

Happy numbers for Capricorn

Troika, five, seven and eight belong to the happy numbers for the Capricors. An impressionable personality, which are representatives of this earthly sign, can check the assertions of astrologers and make sure that the correct chosen numbers or dates can play an important role in life. The main thing is to sincerely believe that all values \u200b\u200bhave truly magical power.

Happy numbers for Virgin

Such sensitive and vulnerable nature, like Virgin, managed to recognize the top three, seven, as well as numerous combinations of these values. When making vital decisions and in serious situations should not neglected the opinion of numerologists, which can play an important role in fate.

For numbers to bring a real success, it is necessary not only to just rely on them, but also take some action on the approach of the cherished goal.