True love for yourself. What is true love for yourself? True love embodies

ABOUT THE PROGRAM"True love for yourself"

Everything good in life begins with love for yourself. This audio authority will help you to remember your true, divine nature, change your attitude towards yourself, and therefore, improve life in all its manifestations! The lack of love for itself is the cause of many failures, diseases, poverty and tragedies. Learn to love yourself in the true sense means to fulfill what we are born on earth. And if you think that we have another task, reflect again. Only through love for yourself, you will open the love channel to everything that is in the universe. Only asking yourself, you take others. Only loving themselves, you will learn to be in joy, in harmony, in Nirvana without conditions ... and only then you will be able to serve the world in a true sense. Loving himself, we become an inexhaustible source of love, we are enriched with love, which we can distribute in each word, in every thought, in every action. We recommend this program to everyone, it will never be helped ... This program can be listened again and again, in different periods of life, because every time your life will disclose new blocks, fears and claims to themselves, since we are their masters create. We recommend listening to this program re-at least once a year, in complex life situations. It will always help you, try it! This program will be cheaper than all others in our catalog, since we consider it the most important, the most important and want it to be available to people. Enjoy the development of the true, pristine, fundamental feeling of feeling accepting and love to yourself here and now!

Wisdom of the Great Committee Charlie Chaplin

When I loved myself,
i realized that melancholy and suffering -
these are only warning signals
what I live against my own truth.
Today I know it is called

When I loved myself,
i understood how much you can offend someone,
if you impose a fulfillment of my own desires,
when time has not yet come, and the person is not ready yet,
especially when this person I myself.
Today I call it

When I loved myself,
i stopped the desire of another life, and suddenly I saw
that life that surrounds me now
provides me all the possibilities for growth.
Today I call it

When I loved myself,
i realized that under any circumstances
i am in the right place in the right time,
and everything happens exclusively at the right moment.
I can always be calm. Now I call it

When I loved myself,
i stopped stealing my own time
and dream of big future projects.
Today I only do something
what gives me joy
and makes me happy that I love
and that makes my heart smile.
I do it as I want, and in my own rhythm.
Today I call it

When I loved myself,
i was freed from everything
what makes harm to my health
food, people, things, situations.
All that led me down and led me from my own path.
Once I called it a healthy egoism.
Today I call it
Love for yourself.

When I loved myself,
i stopped always right.
And it was then that I became less and less wrong.
Today I realized that it was

When I loved myself,
i stopped living past and worry about the future.
Today I live only here and call it

When I loved myself,
i realized that my mind can interfere with me,
that you can even get sick.
But when I was able to tie it with my heart,
he immediately became my valuable ally.
Today I call this connection
Wisdom of a heart.

We no longer need to be afraid of disputes,
confrontations, problems with themselves
and with other people.
Even stars face, and new worlds are born from their collisions.
Today I know it is

List of affirmations
Conducted on a disc with audio plan "True love for yourself"

1. I am here and now!
2. I am love!
3. I am always in the space of love!
4. I am a unique creation of the Creator!
5. I love myself in all my true manifestations!
6. My Divine and Human Beginning is harmoniously manifested in my life!
7. I am Divine and Human!
8. I realize that I and my ego are different, and I easily manage my ego!
9. I love my true nature, I always show only my true me!
10. I easily and consciously control the ego!
11. My ego is subordinated to my highest and true me, my true nature!
12. I easily distinguish the voice of the heart and voice ego in yourself and people!
13. My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my property and desire is only my manifestations on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my import!
14. I am free from attachments and live on Earth is easy and joyful!
15. I always have and get everything you need for creative and joyful life on earth here and now!
16. I am one with life and Creator here and now!
17. I love myself and people as they are!
18. I know that all people are mistaken, and I easily forgive them! Everyone is divine and humane!
19. I consciously accept myself as I am here and now!
20. I easily recognize the manifestation of my true Higher I and the Ego!
21. My Higher I easily controls my ego!
22. I realize my abilities to testify the situation and make a wise choice!
23. I show my highest and more and more every day!
24. I love to learn everything new!
25. Love for yourself and others is joy, it's happiness, this is a pleasure!
26. I am always fully responsible for my reaction to the situation, event or behavior of other people!
27. I consciously choose a wise and positive reaction testimony!
28. My Higher I am more often and more often manages the choice of my reaction to an event, situation or behavior of people!
29. I know my true thing through everything that gives me life!
30. I can show the best in myself easily and sincerely!
31. I am a gifted, talented person!
32. I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, in every word and in every action!
33. Loving others, I love myself! Loving himself, I love others!
34. I care about myself, I'm developing, I love to know and explore my inner world!
35. I make a decision, caring about myself in the true sense!
36. I always and open the Energy of Love!
37. I think about myself positive!
38. I realize my higher me! Each moment grows the level of my awareness.
39. I let people think about me everything they want.
40. I let people have an opinion other than my opinion.
41. I forgive my past mistakes, but always wisely use my experience.
42. For the mistakes allowed and misses, I apologize consciously and sincerely.
43. I easily forgive people of their mistakes!
44. I know how to realize my true needs for every thought and every feeling that I am going now.
45. I know that all your true needs I can satisfy here and now in the Commonwealth with the Universe.
46. \u200b\u200bI and the highest spirit one whole!
47. My life is abundant, joyful and happy here and now!
48. I know that forgiveness is a way to freedom! I'm goodbye easy!
49. I know that gratitude is the way to abundance! I thank sincerely!
50. I know that my essence is love! I love here and now!
51. True faith and love grow in me every day!
52. My will is strengthened every day!
53. My level of accepting yourself, life, people and situations with love and gratitude grows every day!
54. I radiate true love, and this is reflected in the love of people to me!
55. I eat healthy food and happily engaged in physical education!
56. I wisely listen to the desires of my body!
57. I am easy and openly express my emotions in a positive manner!
58. I easily realize my emotions and manage them!
59. I am easy to realize my feelings and the source of their origin!
60. I easily find out thoughts, feelings and emotions, born by my Higher I and my ego. I follow my highest me.
61. I have a significant time, out of space, regardless of situations and events! I'm sore and self-sufficient!
62. I satisfy my spiritual needs here and now!
63. I trust my true feelings coming out of the heart!
64. I take care of my health wisely and efficiently!
65. I love and love Divinely, generously, joyfully, wisely and truly!
66. Each moment I know my true me!
67. My intuition and wisdom grow every day!

Product Reviews True love

Alla, hello, I also wanted not to stay aside and write your feedback to the audio programs.

First, I want to tell a little about myself. I am a single mother, gave birth to a son without a father, lived in eternal need, experiences and the like, and most importantly, I got used to the fact that everything around me help me and regret me, such as a mole is so, and I still giveaway.

In general, the day came when I was tired of all this: the need, tears, pity of people and all such a good. I began to study the literature about positive, it was about five years ago. I reread a lot of books, I already have a whole library at home, but no significant changes in my life happened, I was still alone, the same need, all the same problems and all that. Although I learned from books a very important truth that we ourselves create our own reality and our lives through our thoughts.

And now in the summer when, apparently, everything is so happy that I decided and went to Moscow to the seminar to the center of A.G. Svillaysha to attract money in his life. And I myself am from Kazakhstan. The seminar was held in the near Moscow region, where such an extraordinary nature, and most importantly, people are such open, good-class, coaches reported to everyone in a convenient, understandable form in the human language, which was the reason for these problems and showed ways to solve them. It turns out everything is simple, so simply that he is herself.

Then, I was discovered for consultation to A.G. SWIDE. He even deeper helped me to reveal myself, understand who I am, and why I need men. And he even, as it seemed to me then, said in a rough form: "Men will look at you, if you don't love yourself, you do not respect, do not appreciate, do not care for yourself." And at that time I was not really at best - in a T-shirt, in shales of battered, because I was in a stranger city where no one knows me. In general, he immediately advised me the program "Matrix of Success" and the audio program "I am delighted with myself" is the most the most important thing for you for you today, that's what he told me.

In general, having arrived home, I immediately ordered a "matrix of success", and already a few disks: "I am delighted with myself", "I am a magnet for money", "I am organized and efficient", "creative thinking and creation", "I am a master of conviction", "live easily." I listened to them for a few hours a day, with several disks in a row.

And the result is what: I changed the work with a w / board 150% more, in a large prestigious company, became more confident, independent. Today I am going to live from the next month separately with my son, I even began to want it (and before I was afraid of this, I was afraid of changes, change in my life, thinking with fear about how I would live, that myself could not cope with and TD and TP. And now I am more than confident that I can all. There is an internal solid confidence in this and the constant expectation of a miracle, beautiful moments in life, joyful events. Men began to look at me, and beautifully careful, always trying to make gifts, Compliments, before that, I was ashamed to take them, and now I know that I am worthy of it and accept them with gratitude and joy.

Well, in general, you can write a lot, words do not say what is happening with me now. Up to this point, I watched the TV and the worst broadcasts after which it was terribly afraid, and live scary, and for children scary, such as they will live after us, they will not cope with TD, and TP. After audio programs, I generally fastened the TV, I go to the cinemas and then only on the comedy or the novel is beautiful. After all, "in life you will get what your attention is recorded." I became calmer much, more careful, kinder, began to smile more often, enjoy life, and most importantly, I always know that all changes and events are for the better, the relationship with people changed to trust, friendly ... "managing their thoughts You manage your reality "I took it for the motto of my life, and the audio programs are in many ways to help me. And recently I ordered an individual audio personally for myself. And I was struck by the fact for personal consultation with Alla as much as it feels a person, as far as he knows what he needs. For example, I picked up affirmations personally for yourself. And she asked me a few questions, and meditating I discovered that I wrote not my desires, and public, not what I want to true for myself, not about how I want to live, but about Om, how to live in the eyes of those who surrounds me. Moreover, I am grateful to her for her patience, because this process of thinking and the selection of my affirmations has continued for three months. After all, I learned that I am building my life, and not someone else, and now I am sure that every affirmation in my individual program is mine, for me, about me!

And that it will really help me. And in the end, most of the affirmations were discovered by Alla, under her hands-growing, as if illuminated by it, but in me. And my old old affirmations, which I chose the intellect, amounted to only a small part of my program. Alla told me: the waging of several days go and try on every thought, try to wear them on themselves and watch their feelings. I never knew how the thought you realize is changing your condition, your feeling, it was a completely new experience of conscious work with thought. I am so grateful for her for this.

And I now notice? That letter I always want to write with a capital letter, even though it is not at the beginning of the sentence. Right now I listen to the program "True love of myself" and "self-esteem". This turns out to be two basic programs that need to listen at the very beginning. As Alla explained to me that the programs previously listened to me reached my subconscious, but not at such a speed as I would like. After all, my sense of one's own dignity was still low, since I allowed people to make me so bad. And I'm listening to the second week and I am sure and even gladly want to live separately, on my own, I know I can all.

Now I see today at a novelty for children. I already want to order for my son "I was born to be happy." I'm sure she will help him become a full-fledged, glady and happy child.

After all, this is the happiness for parents to see the joyful eyes of their children, and most importantly give him confidence in his abilities.

As I am happy that there are such programs, not doing anything, without repeating affirmations to yourself, without forcing themselves, you can simply take the headphones and just listen to the sea, at the same time working or dealing with something else, and at the same time develop as a person, love Ourselves, respect yourself, appreciate yourself.

After all, we all know that if we love and appreciate ourselves, we will appreciate and love others. We will also love them and forgive them, because we have this love in excess!

Allochka, thank you are tremendous for real help people who want to change their lives and find an audio program, the "matrix of success" created by your company and change in front of the rapid speed.
Guldana (Kazakhstan)

July 22, 2010 1:48 am
I have a breakthrough! New opportunities are opening in all directions! I feel every cell of your body. I am filled with deep pure love of myself, my soul, body around the world, to the whole universe! A feeling of increasing the awareness of all actions and deep indigenous positive changes. Thank you so much!

JULY 4, 2010 12:34 am
I used to be bad, but after listening to the disc, I learned how to manage my feelings, to accept myself what I am. I gradually come true, I open and can take care from loved ones and your favorite people. I began to dream again. The disk helps much more than the repetition of affirmations, he simply changes me from the inside.

July 2, 2010 8:56 am
The disk I started listening to a very broken state, there was no desires or the strength to do something, the view in the mirror did not give absolutely no satisfaction, I saw some flaws in it. I felt only disappointment and pity for myself, I did not want to go outside. The disk helped me take myself in hand. Now I understand how myself herself herself with small quits, now I see myself a pretty and attractive girl, I am sure that I am already a wonderful feeling of full adoption of yourself.

June 18, 2010 5:53 pm
When I listened to the disc, reality somehow started to change myself. Here is a simple example, I had several acquaintances, communication with which I was unpleasant, but I supported contact with them due to social factors or professional issues. So I got the courage and broke the relationship with them, you will not believe how much energy came back to me, it was necessary to do this for a long time. And when I got rid of these relationships from these me, a new circle of communication, people with common interests lined up around me, I will not give them anyone. I am very happy, in love with myself 100%, smile to ears, life is beautiful, thanks!

June 9, 2010 11:20 am
Thought about what gave me a disk. I used to search myself, comparing with other people, in search of a response to the main question: what is the meaning of my life. It seems to me that the disk helped me take himself with all the soul and heart, and with this came and confidence that I was moving in the right direction. The meaning of life is in life filled with love for himself, and after that, the love of the world around him comes. So nice to be in this feeling, now it is an axiom for me, and there was a rarity to the disk. Thank you
Wonderful disk!

May 25, 2010 11:16 pm
I used to be like a hedgehog in the fog, rushing in search of myself)))) And now the fog dispelled and shone the sun, I'm so good) I listen to the disk at work and rejoice in life, everything is wonderful))

May 21, 2010 4:17 pm
Wonderful affirmations! The disk pulled me out of the terrible depression. Each affirmation finds a response in my soul, and the change in the subconscious changes reality! All ingenious, as always just recommended everyone!

May 21, 2010 6:34 am
I chose this disc and listened first every day now by mood and needs, the reaction is somewhat different from what I expected, I am a skeptic, but the disc gave me much more than I expected! Thank you!

Elena Posted: 12/21/2011, at 14:11

Listened to the disk in different versions - in the headphones and without. At night during sleep and day in the car. I did not fix daily changes in the diary, but at some point ... in the evening I translated alarm clock per hour later. In the morning I woke up, reached and nele began to get ready to work. He opened the closet, chose a dress that was consonant with my state ... and gradually I began to understand that I still live in a state of happiness. And for me, for happiness, you need to get enough sleep and do not rush, live in my rhythm. And the whole universe begins to help me in this state.

Set up for taking yourself. We build a powerful foundation of a happy life. Everything good in life begins with love for yourself.
This audio authority will help you to remember your true nature, change the attitude towards yourself, which means to improve life in all its manifestations!

The lack of love for itself is the cause of many failures, diseases, poverty and tragedies. Learning to love yourself in a true sense - it means to fulfill what we are born on Earth. And if you think that we have another task, reflect again.

Only asking yourself, you take others. Only loving himself, you will learn to be in joy and in harmony without conditions ... and only then you will be able to serve the world in a true sense. Loving himself, we become an inexhaustible source of love, we are enriched with love, which we can distribute in each word, in every thought, in every action.
Sold in the electronic version.

Hidden content.

It can be listened again and again, in different periods of life, because every time life will disclose new blocks, fears and claims to themselves, since we will create them. We recommend listening to this program re-at least once a year, in complex life situations.

It will always help you, try it!
Enjoy the development of true, pristine, fundamental feelings - feelings of adoption and love for yourself here and now!

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Used super audio technologies

On this audio, with the help of special scientific technology against the background of the sounds of nature, positive statements (affirmations) are recorded.
Positive statements are developed by specialists of the Center for Positive Psychology A. Sviyas "reasonable way" and the Canadian Academy of Success "Natural Way" as a result perennial research and practical work with people.
All statements are written in such a way that you do not hear them at the time of listening to the recording, which allows to bypass the resistance of consciousness and Environmentallybuild positive installations directly to the subconscious.

You will be guided by new installations in everyday life and when making important decisions automatically, if you listen to the program 40 days for 1 hour per day. Due to use in the program of the effect of Binaural Batings, the brain translates In theta-condition characteristic of ingenious insights. In this state, two hemispheres of the brain are fully functioned at once and the information is recorded in the subconscious, bypassing filters of consciousness.

The proposed audio technology is easy to use, effective and absolutely eco! Its value is confirmed by the results of scientific research and 20 years of experience in various countries of the world.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: List of affirmations downloaded to subconscious

"True love for yourself"

1. I am here and now!
2. I am love!
3. I am always in the space of love!
4. I am a unique creation of the Creator!
5. I love myself in all my true manifestations! My divine and human principle is harmoniously manifested in my life!
6. I am Divine and Human!
7. I realize that I and my ego are excellent, and I easily manage my ego!
8. I love my true nature, I always show only my true me!
9. I easily and consciously control the ego!
10. My ego is subordinated to my Higher True, my true nature!
11. I easily distinguish the voice of the heart and the voice of the ego in yourself and people!
12. My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my property and desire is only my manifestation on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my importance!
13. I am free from affection and I live on Earth is easy and joyful!
14. I always have and get everything you need for creative and joyful life on Earth - here and now!
15. I am one with life and the Creator - here and now!
16. I love myself and people as they are!
17. I know that all people are mistaken, and I forgive them easily!
18. Everyone is divine and humane!
19. I consciously accept myself as I am - here and now!
20. I easily recognize the manifestation of my true Higher I and the Ego!
21. My Higher I easily controls my ego!
22. I realize my abilities to testify the situation and make a wise choice!
23. I show my highest and more and more every day!
24. I love to learn everything new!
25. Love for yourself and others is joy, it's happiness, this is a pleasure!
26. I am always fully responsible for my reaction to the situation, event or behavior of other people!
27. I consciously choose a wise and positive response testimony!
28. My Higher I am more often and more often manages the choice of my reaction to an event, situation or behavior of people!
29. I know my true thing through everything that gives me life!
30. I can show the best in myself easily and sincerely!
31. I am a gifted, talented person!
32. I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, in every word and in every action!
33. Loving others, I love myself! Loving himself, I love others! 34. I care about myself, I'm developing, I love to know and explore my inner world!
35. I make a decision, caring about myself in the true sense!
36. I always and open the Energy of Love!
37. I think about myself positively!
38. I realize my higher me! Each moment grows the level of my awareness.
39. I let people think about me everything they want.
40. I let people have an opinion other than mine.
41. I forgive my past mistakes, but always wisely use my experience.
42. For the mistakes allowed and misses, I apologize consciously and sincerely.
43. I easily prove people of their mistakes!
44. I know how to realize my true needs for every thought and every feeling that I am going now.
45. I know that all your true needs I can satisfy here and now in the Commonwealth with the Universe.
46. \u200b\u200bI and the highest spirit of the EAS same!
47. My life is abused, joyful and happy - here and now!
48. I know that forgiveness is a way to freedom!
49. I'm goodbye easy!
50. I know that gratitude is the way to abundance!
51. I thank you sincerely!
52. I know that love is my essence! I love here and now!
53. True faith and love grow in me every day!
54. My will is strengthened every day!
55. My level of accepting yourself, life, people and situations with love and gratitude grows every day!
56. I radiate true love, and this is reflected in the love of people to me!
57. I eat healthy food, I am engaged in physical culture with joy!
58. I wisely listen to the desires of my body!
59. I am easy and openly express my emotions in a positive manner!
60. I easily testify my emotions and manage them!
61. I am aware of my feelings and the source of their origin!
62. I easily find out thoughts, feelings, and emotions, born by my highest me and my ego.
63. I follow the feelings of my highest Ya.
64. I am out of time, out of space, regardless of situations and events!
65. I am sore and self-sufficient!
66. I satisfy my spiritual needs - here and now!
67. I trust my true feelings coming out of the heart!
68. I take care of my health wisely and efficiently!
69. I love and love Divinely, generously, joyful, wisely and truly!
70. Each moment I know my true me!
71. My intuition and wisdom grow every day!

Hidden content.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Reviews

Artyom 03.01.2014, at 01:17
I want to express great gratitude to the creators of this mood. How much I remember, the feeling of own inferiority and inadequacy pursued me everywhere. I realized that I had to change something ... I began to read books on confidence, watch trainings. The effect was, but not the one that I wanted. And then I suddenly stumbled upon a video, in which Alexander Sviyash tells about this technique. I decided to try. Litished every day for 2 hours. There were no changes after the first twenty days of listening, except for headaches, periodically appeared (the blocks were apparently erased). And suddenly a sense of flight appeared! This is not compared with nothing! For me it was unexpected. Nothing suddenly Batz ... And there were some deep changes. Living has become much nicer. Stopped worrying about any nonsense. Inside the sense of calm, peace, love and others. I want to give advice to people who have similar problems doubt whether to pay attention to this mood: certainly worth it !! The most important thing is the inner sense of confidence and love for yourself. Then you can already work with external confident behavior techniques (this is also useful)

Irina, Russia (01/13/2013)
Alla, good afternoon!

Thank you, thank you, big!

Irina, Obninsk (25.12.2012)
I started working with audio attachments a year ago. The month listened to "I am a magnet for money" - the result is awesome !!! At work should have been translated into another shift, the schedule would be inconvenient and the salary declined, and instead increased (which I did not expect anything!). The financial situation stabilized, the money stopped "to proceed through the fingers" ... I realized that the settings really work and decided to improve all the spheres of your life. All in order, as they advised on the site, restored the basis of life, listened to the configuration of "True love for himself", "I am delighted with myself." You know, not only inside something has changed, I even changed the posture (the surrounding notice). I became more confident, cheerful, I began to enjoy life just like that !!! Now for two weeks I have been listening to the program "We form a beautiful body", no longer jammed my bad mood, it is very very rare now ... I got it easy to go to the pool in the morning, after which I charge the energy for the whole day, and not exactly fatigue, as before. In general, the result, as they say, on the face !!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For the program! For the support! For help!

Irina, Russia (01/13/2013)

I have recently bought the program "True love for yourself" change in the eyes and the feeling that life changes.
And the program "I am delighted with myself" - I'm just in love with her, I started myself, I change to communicate with people around me, I can clearly defend myself, but without aggression with humor, just calmly and confidently say that I need, The eye burns, my face I like it, all the energetic, in a tone, even the gait changed - I become another and everything becomes another, I want to live and it seems that everything just starts - a new successful life.

For me, this is a complete magic, what is happening with me now and in me, I thought, nothing and can no longer help me and change my life, and now everything else, everything.
Thank you, thank you, big!

Alla 01/31/2012, at 18:40

Marina Added: 05/16/2014, at 16:25
Dear Bogdan.
Regarding the list: the numbering of affirmations does not coincide, the words and letters coincide) the meaning is the same.
You bought a disc that was produced in Ukraine, because the country code on the barcode is Ukrainian.
The rights to produce the settings and all agreements with the "7M continent" are observed, there can be no fakes.

Elena Added: 03/29/2014, at 08:06
Thank you very much for the mood! There are changes throughout the days of listening.

Anastasia Added: 03/13/2014, at 13:35
I listen to several different settings for more than 2 years, almost without interruptions. And my life, and I have changed myself during this time completely dramatically !!! And I'm still constantly changing! I am convinced that these wonderful attitudes can be an absolute revolution in the mass consciousness, their transforming effect cannot be exaggerated.

Artyom Posted: 03.01.2014, at 01:17
I want to express great gratitude to the creators of this mood. How much I remember, the feeling of own inferiority and inadequacy pursued me everywhere. I realized that I had to change something ... I began to read books on confidence, watch trainings. The effect was, but not the one that I wanted. And then I suddenly stumbled upon a video, in which Alexander Sviyash tells about this technique. I decided to try. Litished every day for 2 hours. Items after the first twenty days of mowing was not, except for headaches, periodically appeared (the blocks were erased). And suddenly a sense of flight appeared! This is not compared with nothing! For me it was unexpected. Nothing suddenly Batz ... And there were some deep changes. Living has become much nicer. Stopped worrying about any nonsense. Inside the sense of calm, peace, love and others. I want to give advice to people who have similar problems doubt whether to pay attention to this mood: certainly worth it !! The most important thing is the inner sense of confidence and love for yourself. Then you can already work with external confident behavior techniques (this is also useful)
I sincerely wish you good luck to people who are on the path to confidence and self-sufficiency !!))

Lilia Added: 08/17/2013, at 15:22
During listening, there are negative, inhibiting thoughts that no one loves me and never love me ((I don't know if you should continue to listen?

Sergey Posted: 05.22.2013, at 00:42
I purchased this course with the hope of its effectiveness, and with a little distrust, especially when I turned on the first time, I did not hear anything other than the noise of the waves. Listenis as recommended at least an hour per day. No sharp changes noticed. On the last day of listening (was the 40th day), I was completely unpredictable with work, without working, just said you do not work here anymore, goodbye (the only case in our not a small company for all 10 years of its existence) only after that I I realized how much this work was oppressed by me, and how hard I was to endure the infringement of my rights, a long time tormented a desire to change it, but I kept a normal salary. I thought for a long time, by whom I want to be, described my desired factors, I decided on what work it could be, respectively, a resume and ... Two such vacancies appeared for a month, I went through all the interviews and I was invited to work in Both in one day !!! I had to think for a couple of days to choose what) despite the fact that I have never worked in this post and the salary on the period starts from the mark higher than it was in the previous place after three years in the opening, and the free schedule, and the wonderful attitude of the management. Generally. Make the findings yourself, I believe that the training influenced my success, although at the beginning and not very good)))

Katya Added: 04/29/2013, at 23:40
And what is different from the mood "I am delighted with myself"?
Alla Posted: 01/31/2012, at 18:40
I love this mood! Take yourself, love yourself as you are, behind these words it costs a lot !!! If I recover at work, then immediately turn on this setting, and everything takes off as a hand. But there are less and less situations when you have to be nervous. Highly recommend!

Irina Added: 12/28/2011, at 19:06
Already on the fourth day of listening, I realized that I made the right choice by starting precisely from this record. I looked at it for a long time, where to start, with love to myself or with confidence, but then I still decided that you first need to love myself and accept the one I am, and even then raising confidence in myself. After 4-5 days of listening in my head began to occur thoughts that I deserve the best thing I was beautiful that I was divine creating. This entry is unique for those who do not know how to control their thoughts, I honestly confess, it is difficult for me, maybe because of laziness, maybe because in this state it is still comfortable (a kind of profit), Therefore, I decided to take advantage of this achievement of progress and thoughts A. Sviyasha. I am grateful not only to what was born at a convenient time, but, of course, first of all, A. Sviyashu and those who helps him. Thank you! I believe in you, I think, soon I will begin to believe in myself.

Ilya Posted: 12/23/2011, at 00:02

The most important for initial changes to the mood!
This is the basis of all + acceptance of yourself !!
I recommend to everyone!!

Rosinka (Katja) Added: 12/20/2011, at 18:57
I have this one of the most pleasant and favorite settings, he helped me forgive himself, love himself and look easier to look. When he is listening, he has so easy energy that after listening the feeling that I am a passage. I listened to the mood 2 times a 40 hours, the changes come gradually, in the soul of harmony, the world is taken without illusions such as it is, the attitude of people changes. For me, the most important achievement was the fact that I learned to take the opinion of other people if it was different from mine. I always proved my right point, could not accept and listen, what I was told close, if they considered otherwise than me. Because of this there were a lot of unpleasant experiences and conflicts with loved ones. I thank the creators for this magical attitude, for what is so easy and effortless to change your inner beliefs.

Price 897 rubles

M.we live in the world of people. Building harmonious relationships with those who surround us is the skill that cannot be overestimated.

We are able to not think about it exactly until we are bothering us. But statistics show: 60% of people experience stress or concern about relationships: in the family, at work, with friends, with unfamiliar people, and so on.

Who do you like most of all?

In the center of all relationships always lies with themselves. Actually, it is from that that all begins. Ask yourself a question - who is the most valuable and favorite creature in the world?

Most of the choir will answer: "Children, of course!". Someone will say: husband or wife, beloved person, parents. Some will even call a hamster or a dog!

True love has nothing to do with egocentrism, self-ability, uncertainty in itself or pride

And almost no one will answer that the most beloved person is he himself. So our society is arranged, so we were raised - in the spirit of collectivism. Such an answer does not even come to mind, and if such a thought still fires - it will immediately ask the inner voice: "Oh, what an egoist me ..."

It is necessary to understand that egoism, as, however, and the addition of their own advantages is the two sides of the same medal: insufficient love of themselves. Remember the commandment "Love your neighbor as yourself" ...

The key point here lies in the second part - "as yourself".

Internal integrity

A person should always strive for internal integrity. Only so you can find harmony and love. Only on the basis of these conditions, you can build a harmonious relationship with children, parents or with your loved one.

When the chrome on the right leg meets his half, lame on the left foot, then the miracle does not occur. It turns out not one perfectly walking in the foot of the steam, but two lame people stumble in life.

Excessive egoism and, on the contrary, the addition of their own advantages is two sides of one medal: insufficient love

Egoism is also a bright manifestation of dislike for himself. More precisely distorted understanding of love. After all, selfish behavior creates a lot of problems both by the person himself and the people around him. Well, sudden yourself, how true love can cause discomfort and suffering? Of course not.

Another extreme is uncertainty. This state, when a person dislike himself - again, generating endless difficulties in cooperation with the world around him.

The recipe here is simple - internally put yourself in a decent place. So born dignity, and behind him and self-confidence and in our own power.

The better the person relates to himself, the better he belongs to others. This is the law.

Balance observance

In love, it is necessary to observe a subtle balance. As in everything else, it is necessary to grope the golden middle and try to keep it all my life. This is an infinite process.

The better a person treats himself, the better he belongs to the surrounding

Any average person living in society, and not in the monastery in the mountains of Nepal, will always be painful to the right, then it is normal. A person is a living, actively perceiving the body, and love is generally the most lively energy of all existing.

Therefore, we have a whole life on a rope, like equilibrists - with a long sixth for a balance, damaging in one direction, then to another. But one who at least once experienced a sense of equilibrium and true love for himself - he will never leave attempts to find it.

Because at this moment, human love acquires divinity, it becomes indivisible. Weekly on bad and good, black and white, thin and thick ... comes what it is written in hundreds of books - harmony and the adoption of everything and all.

Therefore, truly love yourself - it is very subtle and deep penetration into its essence.

It has nothing to do with egocentrism, self-ability, uncertainty in itself, pride and everyone else. This is the unity with his soul, this is unity with God, with the universe.

Love yourself - it means to love the whole world!

There are not so many people who truly loving themselves. If each of us, at least sought to this feeling, then humanity would soon be overwhelmed from wars, depression, threats of an ecological catastrophe and all that caused by the loss of love for everyone separately taken.

P truly love yourself - it is very subtle and deep penetration into its essence.

After all, today we live in the society of total consumption. The consumption of the resources of the Earth, the Sun, other people - the list can be long. People are trying to fill the emptiness with new things or new relationships.

To write off the feeling of disharmony on the absence of a sufficient amount of money or the wrong president, or a noisy neighbor ...

People sincerely hope to gain integrity, happiness and joy through another person, a new car or at home. And to look for not on fire, but inside yourself. And then still try to make it out!

True love of himself is unity with her soul, this is unity with God, with the Universe

So, in the center, you need to put yourself at the beginning! If you yourself will not be filled with love for yourself, if there is no love of love every cell, then what can you give internship?

Even if you yourself do not like yourself - how will someone else love you? A person can live in such a way that his love will grab himself and everyone with whom it is connected - but it is necessary to learn to love.

To love first yourself - and only then your neighbor!

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What is true love for yourself? And what love to be loved by yourself

How many on the Internet articles on the topic - "love for yourself", "how to love yourself", etc. But, as a little is said about delusions in this matter, because many people call love for themselves, just not that it is - pity for themselves, own egoism, indulging in their desires, non-liquefies to see their shortcomings, addiction to damages and others .

But these illusions and weaknesses do not build anything good!

So what is love for yourself?

How to explore love for yourself from weakness and illusion in which so you want to believe?

What is true love for yourself? Truth and lie!

The right attitude towards yourself, true love for yourself is one of the basics of happiness, strength and success for any person, in any case! All successful people, business coach and psychologists write about it, but not every love of self and self-esteem is given. easily! Love for yourself is the basis of positive and invulnerable self-esteem, because when a person does not like himself, and even worse, when he hates and despises - he even mentally gives the right to happiness, nor for success or well-being.

There is such a statement - "More other people, we dislike and punish yourself!". And while we truly do not love yourself - not to see us nor happiness, no success, not inner joy and satisfaction from life!

But, a lot of delusions walks in the minds and hearts of people, about - what is love for yourself! Often selfishness, greed and meanness are called love for themselves, just like the indulgence and excuse of their bad habits, slowly killing vices and weaknesses.

Briefly about the misconceptions of people!A very many people have an understanding of love for themselves perverted! Alone - just your body love and they chew it, without thinking how their soul feels like! Others - They grow up and love only their ego and his desire, and they live to satisfy these desires, being, in fact, their slave! Third- In general, you don't like anything in yourself - I do not soul, nor the body, nothing! They believe - what needs to suffer and thereby constantly destroy themselves, living in a state of self-defense and despondency.

Briefly about love for yourself! - This is the desire for yourself the maximum good, true good! The desire for his soul, his body and his fate!

How to distinguish - what will be love for yourself, and what not? Ask yourself a question - my soul will be happy from this or will it be angry and kill it? Look at everything with thedz. Souls and not mistaken!

And now about everything else!

What can not be love for yourself! Basic delusion!

1. Egoism - life at the expense of others! Unless of course you want to live your life in the role of leeches or cloud! Your soul is not exactly necessary! Including "Happiness" - at the expense of the sufferings of other people (business on vices, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.). Personal wealth - at the expense of the poverty of others. All this crumples the soul, and does not make her happy. Egoism is not love for yourself! Egoists - in the soul of unfortunate and lonely people!

2. Do whatever! I want to get sick - I kiss! I want to drink - drink! I want to smoke - I smoke! I do what I want! I want to be lazy - I'm lying! I want to rude, beat, rape, lie, steal, substitute, throw, etc. - I do not refuse yourself! Is that love for yourself? Or is it killing yourself and the destruction of your destiny, as well as, of different kinds of harm to others? Service in a row to all its desires is not love for yourself, it's slavery!

3. The desire to see only good and not the desire to see bad! Otherwise - self-deception! Positive thinking is not ignoring their problems and disadvantages, and their rapid decision in a positive condition and the location of the Spirit. The disadvantages themselves will not disappear anywhere - they need to be removed, problems - to decide, dignity - to form. If evil lives in a person - a vice, weakness, negative emotions, if they are still deeper into themselves and not to clean up, then sooner or later - will break! A honest look in yourself, identifying and eliminating the shortcomings, and replacing them on the appropriate advantages - this is the development of the personality!

4. Declaration of only your body and ignoring the interests of your soul, and vice versa! When a person is busy only with his external beauty, body forms, his well-being and development, and the soul remains poor, longing and suffers. When the soul, her aspirations - no one wants to hear. but on the other hand - When a person leaves his head into spirituality, in meditation and ceases takes care of his body and the outside of life. They gave you the body - be kind, take care of him worthy! They gave life - live her also worthy!

5. Pity to yourself! How to talk one of my acquaintance - "Pity - from the word sting and when a person regrets himself - he is staring at himself!". Poslie - it makes a person weak, plows suffering, and not solving the problem. True love for himself is when a person makes himself strong and spends energy to solve quickly emerging, and not to regret oneself, to fuck, to adore and draw, showing another, what he is poor and unfortunate! This will not add a person of dignity!

What is dislike?

In fact, this is when a person does not want a good one, that is, it wishes evil! Read more:

1. Miscellaneous Chief Selfness, Samoystvo, manifested and subconscious hatred - All this is an act of self-destruction of man! These are the great drawbacks with which you need to say goodbye as quickly as possible! Answers in subsequent articles.

2. Care in vices and bad habits - also destruction yourself! Vices - disbelieve and destroy the soul! Harmful habits, such as smoking, alcohol addiction, etc. - Kill and body and soul! It is difficult to call a reasonable person who kills himself, such a person - in fact, wishes himself evil!

3. Potaking with negative desires and weaknesses! By weakness: Wait, sleep, stroll, not to do - instead of work, fulfilling these promises and your debt with honor. By desires: Screeching, breaking, hit, shank - instead of decent behavior. All this also leads to direct destruction of himself and its fate, namely, to negative karmic consequences, the destruction of reputation corresponding to the negative attitude of other people to you and others. Negative consequences.

4. Refusal from yourself, from its goals, from its dignity! When, for example, a person made a mistake, could not forgive himself and put on himself a cross - he began to destroy himself. Or a man believed another that he was bad. Nobyenny, that he is nothingness, etc. And a person betrays himself! Further, the person rolls on fate at the bottom and inevitably suffers.

5. Frank cruelty to yourself! When a person kills all the bright feelings to himself, and simply, stupidly uses himself and the potential of his soul, squeezes, punishes, etc. Such an attitude is also not good, nor luck will never lead.

What is true love for yourself!

Love for yourself - manifests itself in decent care for his soul and body, and also this is the responsible building of his destiny! Consider all the components of love for yourself, all of which it consists of:

1. Develop your soul and body! Development is cleansing, disclosure of its potential and a constant increase in force. To behave to the ideal and to dignity - so that all the best and noble qualities are disclosed in your soul and all possible earthly benefits have been available to you in life. As the wise men say - "Wishing good - it means to desire development!". To assert the good (cultivate virtues, dignity, talents) and destroy the evil (vices, weakness, negative) is a development, this is true love of yourself!

2. Take care of yourself - as your best friend. It is necessary to experience it, first of all to his soul - bright and warm feelings. Direct the light and joy from the heart - on yourself, on the soul and body. It is known to appreciate the whole best that is in you as in personality - respect yourself, to know the price, feel internally dignity! To be grateful to her soul for her potential, for all the wonderful, what is in it. Take yourself completely as you are - with all the advantages and disadvantages. Caring is incl. Achieving maximum well-being, comfort, beauty and harmony in your life.

3. To be able to forgive yourself! Do not be cruel, but to give the right to an error. Not be yourself a bill. Causes of errors and perfect sins - Of course, it is necessary to comprehend and eliminate where you need to apologize, but never destroy yourself, take a rule - "On yourself - only light!".

4. Protect yourself and never give yourself offense! It is meaning to be devoted and faithful and your soul - never to turn away from yourself. Even if the whole world turned away from you - you yourself should never turn away from yourself! Never mahai on yourself! Never disappoint in yourself and do not put a cross on yourself! Fight for yourself and for your soul always! You should be faithful to yourself - in difficult minutes to jump, keep yourself, saying - "I will definitely work out ...", "God loves me ...", "I will overcome everything and I can ...".

Not everyone can give an answer to the question that there is love, and sometimes even do not try to ask yourself this issue.

What is a real love

True love embodies in themselves:

  1. Mercy
  2. Sympathy to others
  3. Patience
  4. Plugness
  5. Ability to forgive

Diseases from which our body suffers is the result of erroneous thoughts and deeds, but love is the best tool from the ailments, this is a weapon that is able to defeat any evil, overcome any obstacles and make life better.

True love - This is the source of energy, at the expense of which everything lives and multiplies on Earth. This is a powerful, positive energy of incredible power.

True love and basic feelings

The main components of the feelings of love is:

  • Calm
  • Harmony
  • Pleasure
  • Happiness
  • Internal freedom of man

This magnificent multifaceted feeling went down to people from God or, if you say otherwise, from the universal mind.

How to recognize true love and conclude a union for love

True love is manifested only in those moments when our feelings, thoughts and actions are one!

"You are my Love! Without you, my life is not sweet! " "The man says a woman in the morning ... Unfortunately, in the evening he may forget about the said, and go to another. Words about love and real love are different things.

Words not supported by feelings and actions, no one is beneficial.

Often it is not lucky who fall in love with lightning times (love at first sight), because such love flashes as a match, and as well as a match, fades from the first blow of the breeze. Rapid love and sexual attraction are not capable of creating a steady long-term marriage union.

Before entering into marriage, a person must clearly represent why he does this: in order to be with a person together and receive pleasure from it, or to give birth and raise children. Rarely when young spouses think about such. They marry, harvest children, and after are bred due to the fact that a man cannot become a good father or a woman does not suit a man as a child's mother. In such a situation, the spouses are often looking for their emotions on the side.

By entering into the marriage union, it is necessary to navigate not only on mutual attraction, but also to use your mind. It is worth thinking about everything and realize what this marriage is that there is good in a partner if you can be with each other for a long time.

Find out whether it is a person who binds you true love whether you will be fine together, you can very simply, for example: go to the store with him, and try to jointly choose some thing.

Sometimes it happens that a man originally marries without love, but realizing that the woman will be a good wife and mother. In such cases, love is very often and comes as gratitude for mutual understanding and warm relationships in the family. Just such love and is long-term and real.

True love parents

True love of parents to her baby involves the adoption of him as it is. Provided that we fully accept your child, we do not strive to protect it from everything in the world, trying to impose on all your opinion, giving him unnecessary advice by telling how to live.

It is necessary to appreciate the child not as its continuation and realization of their plans and aspirations, but as an independent person with its own character, ideas, aspirations and right to make mistakes and learn lives. It is only necessary to give small tips, but never forcing to live according to your rules. Unfortunately, the child often impose the fact that he is alien to him, for example, in choosing a profession. After such a born musician becomes a mediocre lawyer, which does not bring him happiness.

It should always be remembered that the children often come to us for karmic work. And in a situation where we are angry with children, express our discontent, trying to send them to the right direction - this is a purely our problem, which is not related to the child, because he will always consider himself right, and not you.

In reality, the real love for the child is true happiness and pleasure, it is a joy that does not know borders, calm and inner harmony. However, it is not so easy to achieve such feelings and love the child with all the soul.

Often, parents are overly worried about the child, trying to lay straws - because the child, of course, falls, and with straw pain will not be so strong. Such actions, parents give rise to a lot of problems for their Chad.

After all, if the baby does not agree with his parents, he opposes them, angry and worries, and these unpleasant emotions lead to the fact that negative energy is accumulated near it. In such a situation, the child can start serving evil forces. Perhaps such that he steps not on the path that was prepared by him and who would wish his mother and father.

Often, parents make such actions, they say these words that lead to the fact that the highest forces take the life of their child in order to give such parents to understand that they are not gods, and above them are the one who defines the life of everyone in this world.

How to achieve love surrounding and comprehend true love

  • There is one important point that we often forget about: you can never be bought up to show love from yourself.
  • IMPORTANT, experiencing feelings for man, think about him, not about himself. It must be understood that for him the best and do it. It is not only about the relationship between husband and wife, but also any human relationship, because only true love for others is a direct path to happiness and harmony.

Always remember this simple rule, and you are aware of how much in response can give you warmth and kindness to people.

In any situation and at any time, people around you will feel the positive energy emanating from you. They will see you with a real person, and will be silent those positive feelings that you "breathe" and share with everyone, radiating the love of everything that is around you.

The ability to hear and understand, sympathize with another person inherent in anyone on this planet. The ability to remove from your soul fear, malice, anxiety, envy, greed, rage, as well as the ability to fill the heart of real love for others and give it to everyone who needs it, without getting stuck on emotions, is in each of us.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to recognize these valuable qualities and bring light and harmony of pure love into this world. To comprehend love, it is necessary first of all, to fight with your shortcomings, becoming better and kinder to others.