What kind of fairy tale can be composed about three piglets. Tale about three piglets

Yes avenue long ago

When pigs drank wine,

And the monkey chewed tobacco,

And his chickens

And from it hard steel

And the ducks are riveted: crack-crack grasses!

He lived, there was an old pig with three piglets. She herself could no longer feed their piglets and sent them to search by the light of happiness.

Here the first piglet went and met on the road of a man with a snack straw.

Man, man, give me straw, - asked the pig. - I will build my house.

The man gave him straw, and the pig building built a house.

Soon came to his house wolf, knocked on the door and says:

And the piglet him:

Then the wolf says:

And the wolf as he dodged, as spoiled - immediately demolished the whole house and swallowed the pig.

And the second pig met a man with a knitting twig and asked him:

Man, man, give me a twig, I will build a house.

The man gave him a twilight, and the pig built a house. Came to his house wolf and says:

Piggy, piggy, let me let me.

I do not go out, I swear to my beard-borodie!

Here I am like Dun, like a plush - immediately demolish your home!

And the wolf is dunet, as spill, as it spits, yes, how Doonet - demolished the whole house and swallowed the pig.

And the third pig retailed a man with the bricks and asked him:

Man, man, give me bricks, I will build my house.

The man gave him bricks, and the pig building built a house.

And the wolf came to him too, and said:

Piggy, pig, let me let me!

I do not go out, I swear to my beard-borodie!

Here I am like Dun, like a plush - immediately demolish your home!

And the wolf how blows, as spill, as I spindle, how dunet, how he dune how it is plot, and everything is worth it. Well, he sees the wolf: how much do not blow, how many spinners - do not demolish at home, and says:

Listen, the piglet, and I know where the sweet turnip grows!

Where? - asks the pig.

In the garden at Mr. Smith. Tomorrow stand early, I will go after you, and we are together Narrem Diple for lunch.

Okay! - Says the pig. - I'll wait for you. When will you come?

At six o'clock.

Agreed. And the pig stood in five and narrowing the turnips before the wolf arrival. After all, he came to six.

Have you already got up, piglet? - asked the wolf.

Long! - answered the piglet. - I have already returned from the garden, and the full pot of the turnip came to dinner.

The wolf was very angry, but it did not show the form, but tried to come up with a piglery from home to lure.

Piggy, and I know where the glorious apple tree grows!

Where? - asked the pig.

Down there, in the merry garden, "the wolf replied. - Want, tomorrow at five in the morning I will go after you, and we are Narrem Apple how much soul. Just look again do not deceive me.

On that and shaped.

And on the other morning, the pig jumped at four o'clock and battered for apples. He wanted to return to the wolf. But the garden was far away, and still had to climb.

And so, only the pig began to descend on the ground - the wolf is like here. Well, pulled the pig! And the wolf approached him and says:

Oh, it's you, pig! Again came me before. Well, like apples, tasty?

Highly! - meets the pig. - Keep, I'll throw one thing!

And he threw an apple wolf, but so far threw that, while the wolf ran after him, the pig jumped into the ground and ran home.

On the other day, the wolf as if nothing had happened again came to the piglery.

Listen, the piglet, "he said, today in Shacklin Fair. Will you go?

Well, of course! - answered the piglet. - When are you going?

And the piglet came out of the house early. Came running to the fair, bought an oil cloyon and went home, as suddenly saw a wolf.

With the fright of the piglet climbed into the wrapper, but on Bed knocked her over and rolled down with her from the hill right on the wolf. And before the wolf scared, that that legitimate legs took, even about the fair forgot.

And when he came to his senses, he went to the house where the piglet lived, and he told that he had happened at the fair. The pig thundered like a laughter:

Ha ha ha! Why, I frown you! I went to the fair and bought an oil there. And as I saw you, climbed into her and rolled down the hill.

Here the wolf just cleared.

So I'll eat you now! - he buried and climbed onto the roof, and from the roof in the pipe and on the pipe down straight into the fireplace.

Cooked the pig that his boyfriend was bad, the fire was spread as soon as possible and put the boiler with water on it. Only wolf legs appeared in the pipe, the pig removed the cover from the boiler, and the wolf fell straight into the water.

And so and so straight a wolf in the boiler - everything tried to get out. Finally drove and jumped out. Yes from Natuchi burst! And from his belly, he jumped out - you really believe me! - Two brothers piglery.

The piglets were very pleased, seeing each other again, began to dance and danced, danced until the morning.

Long ago, loosely,

When pigs drank wine,

And the monkey chewed tobacco,

And his chickens

And from it hard steel

And the ducks are riveted: crack-crack grasses!

He lived, there was an old pig with three piglets. She herself could no longer feed their piglets and sent them to search by the light of happiness.

Here the first piglet went and met on the road of a man with a snack straw.

Man, man, give me straw, - asked the pig. - I will build my house.

The man gave him straw, and the pig building built a house.

Soon came to his house wolf, knocked on the door and says:

And the piglet him:

Then the wolf says:

And the wolf as he dodged, as spoiled - immediately demolished the whole house and swallowed the pig.

And the second pig met a man with a knitting twig and asked him:

Man, man, give me a twig, I will build a house.

The man gave him a twilight, and the pig built a house. Came to his house wolf and says:

Piggy, piggy, let me let me.

I do not go out, I swear to my beard-borodie!

Here I am like Dun, like a plush - immediately demolish your home!

And the wolf is dunet, as spill, as it spits, yes, how Doonet - demolished the whole house and swallowed the pig.

And the third pig retailed a man with the bricks and asked him:

Man, man, give me bricks, I will build my house.

The man gave him bricks, and the pig building built a house.

And the wolf came to him too, and said:

Piggy, pig, let me let me!

I do not go out, I swear to my beard-borodie!

Here I am like Dun, like a plush - immediately demolish your home!

And the wolf how blows, as spill, as I spindle, how dunet, how he dune how it is plot, and everything is worth it. Well, he sees the wolf: how much do not blow, how many spinners - do not demolish at home, and says:

Listen, the piglet, and I know where the sweet turnip grows!

Where? - asks the pig.

In the garden at Mr. Smith. Tomorrow stand early, I will go after you, and we are together Narrem Diple for lunch.

Okay! - Says the pig. - I'll wait for you. When will you come?

At six o'clock.

Agreed. And the pig stood in five and narrowing the turnips before the wolf arrival. After all, he came to six.

Have you already got up, piglet? - asked the wolf.

Long! - answered the piglet. - I have already returned from the garden, and the full pot of the turnip came to dinner.

The wolf was very angry, but it did not show the form, but tried to come up with a piglery from home to lure.

Piggy, and I know where the glorious apple tree grows!

Where? - asked the pig.

Down there, in the merry garden, "the wolf replied. - Want, tomorrow at five in the morning I will go after you, and we are Narrem Apple how much soul. Just look again do not deceive me.

On that and shaped.

And on the other morning, the pig jumped at four o'clock and battered for apples. He wanted to return to the wolf. But the garden was far away, and still had to climb.

And so, only the pig began to descend on the ground - the wolf is like here. Well, pulled the pig! And the wolf approached him and says:

Oh, it's you, pig! Again came me before. Well, like apples, tasty?

Highly! - meets the pig. - Keep, I'll throw one thing!

And he threw an apple wolf, but so far threw that, while the wolf ran after him, the pig jumped into the ground and ran home.

On the other day, the wolf as if nothing had happened again came to the piglery.

Listen, the piglet, "he said, today in Shacklin Fair. Will you go?

Well, of course! - answered the piglet. - When are you going?

And the piglet came out of the house early. Came running to the fair, bought an oil cloyon and went home, as suddenly saw a wolf.

With the fright of the piglet climbed into the wrapper, but on Bed knocked her over and rolled down with her from the hill right on the wolf. And before the wolf scared, that that legitimate legs took, even about the fair forgot.

And when he came to his senses, he went to the house where the piglet lived, and he told that he had happened at the fair. The pig thundered like a laughter:

Ha ha ha! Why, I frown you! I went to the fair and bought an oil there. And as I saw you, climbed into her and rolled down the hill.

Here the wolf just cleared.

So I'll eat you now! - he buried and climbed onto the roof, and from the roof in the pipe and on the pipe down straight into the fireplace.

Cooked the pig that his boyfriend was bad, the fire was spread as soon as possible and put the boiler with water on it. Only wolf legs appeared in the pipe, the pig removed the cover from the boiler, and the wolf fell straight into the water.

And so and so straight a wolf in the boiler - everything tried to get out. Finally drove and jumped out. Yes from Natuchi burst! And from his belly, he jumped out - you really believe me! - Two brothers piglery.

The piglets were very pleased, seeing each other again, began to dance and danced, danced until the morning.

The fairy tale 1 about three piglets is classic.

It ends like this: And there were three pigs to live together in a stone house, which built NAF-NAF. Garden to raise, grow potatoes, grown carrots, but to put on the winter. And the wolf ran into another forest, and in the forest, where the pigs lived no longer showed.

And then the fairy tale 2 begins.
And once decided the piglets to go to the far forest for mushrooms. In his forest, the mushrooms were all collected, and the pigs love the mushrooms. The forest far, gathered piglets and discuss how to get to the forest.
NIF-NIF says: We went on scooters. The scooter is lightweight, you can drive quickly, once - and in the forest. No, says NUF-NUF, let's go on great: it is faster, and a basket with mushrooms can be attached to the steering wheel or behind the trunk - convenient. And NAF-NAF and did not have time to formulate his idea, they were praised by Nif-Nif with a NUF-NUFE who scooter who was great and went to the far forest. Run, mushrooms are collected, noisy. They scored a full basket. Suddenly hear behind the bush: "Rrrrrrrr!". Wolf. They scared piglets, jumped on their scooters-great, and let's see from the wolf. All mushrooms scattered, and the wolf is about to catch them - along the bumps, and they will not go to the scooter on the fields. And then the car was roaring, the edges, cozier birch, goes down the huge tank with NAF-Naf on the tower and rides directly on the wolf. The wolf already sat on the ass, then the tail was sulfted, bored and rushed into the forest. NAF-NAP got out of the tank, took his basket, scored rapidly more fungi, and called the piglets go home. Raised the scooter, great, shoved in the tank, nif-nifed with a NUF-NUFE in the tank climbed, and they went home together. What is your smart NAF-NAF, rejoiced piglets.

Tale 3.
We decided somehow three pigs flying in a balloon. They got a ball, inflated with hot air, got to the basket and flew. We fly, our forest is watching, on the fields, on the sun and tuchci. Interesting piglets, fun. Suddenly, the geese-swans flew around them, picked up Nif-Nif and took him to the far forest on the wings. NUF-NUF and NAF-NAF could not catch up with goose-swans on a bowl, but remembered, in which direction they flew. They descended the pigs on the ground, and began to think like a nif-nif to help out. He started NAF-NAP his tank, and they went to the dense forest. Through the fields, by the dairy river, and finally got to the edge of the forest. Left Naf-Naf-Nufa in the tank wait for him, and he himself went through the forest. He walked and went out to the glade to the hut on the curiy legs about one window. "Hut, hut, turn to the forest with the back, to me before" - and turned the hut. NAF-NAF looked into the hut, and in it one nif-niff sits and rushes from a saucepan. It turns out that he brought his geese-swans to the hut to Baba Yaga, she planted Nif-Nifa to eat - refill, and herself went to the bath to drown. NAF-NAF realized that Baba Yaga piglery wanted in the bath, well, and then fat and clean and eat. And Nif-Niff eats with pleasure, does not understand, the fool, what is happening. Thinks Naf-Naf, how to be. Baba Yaga is about to return, they will not have time to escape the piglets, and the geese swans will be able to catch them. And invented - after all, he was the smartest piglet. I commanded NAF-NAP hut: "Hut, hut, step by a quiet step towards the forest edge," he remembered that the hut listens to the teams. And the hut went slowly through the forest - the paws stops, inside all the walker walks, the piglets are sitting, they hold down each other. And Baba Yaga while in the bath was. As it came out, look, and there is no hut. She began to call geese-swans, yes, he went to the pursuit. And the piglets, together with the hut, approached the edge of the forest, jumped out of it, and they moved to the tank. He started the NUF-NUF tank, yes he went faster from the dense forest towards the house. Geese swans circled over them, circled, but where they are against the tank. So they returned with anything to the Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga barely drove his huddle back, in geese, angry, swears on the hut, but nothing can be done - who knew that they were punished with such cunning.

Fairy tale 4.
Autumn came, sused apples. Three piglets went to an abandoned garden behind apples. On the tank, of course. We arrived in the garden and let's shake the apple tree, to make apples and put in bags, and you attract in the tank. On the same apple tree, the highest beautiful apples did not shake themselves - they hung such beautiful. We decided the piglets to climb on the apple tree and thoring apples - at the same time and stored will be better not broken apples. Substituted the stairs piglets, took bags / baskets and climbed onto the apple tree. Apples collect, suddenly hear from below: "Rrrrrrr!", - the wolf came. I saw the wolf piglets on the tree and decided to climb them on the stairs and grab them. And I began to slowly put the paws on the stairs. Scared piglets, - what to do? And the NAF-NAF finds the solution: he grabbed her apple into each paw and let them throw them into the wolf - right in the nose! NiF-niff with a NUF-NUFE is also not lagging behind - they shoot in the wolf with apples: Bakh-Bach! A wolf grabbed his nose, and she fell from the stairs and flee, and the piglets are poured to him by apples yet. The wolf ran away at all. Peeled piglets from the tree, took the remnants of apples, plunged into the tank, and we went home. Part of the apples folded in the boxes and put in the basement - so that in the winter there are fresh, from the part of the apples, the jam was welded, part - we saw. For the whole winter, sweet reserves were prepared.

About authors

Guys are friendly, responsive, grateful, creative, lungs on the rise. Merchant and Balagura, athletes and artists. 16 girls and 15 boys.

The school held a competition in electoral law. Our class went to defend the article by the Constitution "The right to integrity of housing." It turned out such a collective story.

Old history about three piglets know many children. But today and the life is different, and the technologies are different, and therefore, and the piglets are completely different. But constant for all times remains such concepts as friendship and mutual assistance, hard work and resourcefulness, honesty and justice, good and generosity.

New Tale of Three Piglets

One day, Mom Piggy Gryulya told her sons piglets - Hryun-Hryuni, Khryuk-Khruch and Hruce-Khryushu - that they are already big and they need to build their own houses.

Hryun-Khryun quickly built a house next to the sand river. Khryuk-Khryuk found empty bottles from under the soda in the forest and built a bottle house. And only Hurusheh-Khryush hung up for a very long time with his housing, his house was from the boards, bricks. He looked all the clay, painted, equipped the platform in front of the house. Not a house, but a whole palace!

The house consisted of two floors with plastic windows (Fortunately, now everything can be found in the forest). The door to the house was under the arch. Roof - Mushroom Mushroom. At the top of the tip, the cockerel was recreated - a golden scallop. On the balcony, Khryush put the table so that you could drink tea from samovar with jam. Near the flower beds with flowers. Behind the house garden with apples and old oak, which grew huge aches. For rest, piglets put a swing and fountain. On the hot days, Hryush loved to redeem in the fountain. The disgraced fence attracted the attention of forests.

When Hrush-Gryush finished the construction, he for a long time admired his creation. Forest residents watched the work of hardworking piglets, many helped him. Hruce treated all his friends with sugar apples. He was stated only that his brothers had never come to visit him, did not ask him. The same piglets in the coming days wanted to bring their brothers.

And in the forest, in the meantime, the wolf-lobra-teeth pounded. He realized the hryush's house and really wanted to take possession of them. But first gray decided to deal with the houses easier. Hryun-Hryuna's sand house he kicked the paw so that all the sand scattered in different directions. And he destroyed a bottle house Khruk-Khruka in a matter of seconds: pulling out a bottle from under the Niza himself. The rest of the bottles fell on each other.

It is good that at that moment the pig brothers were not at home, they were observed because of their housing over their housing because of the rosehip bush. The brotherhood brothers were rushed to Hryush-Khryush to prevent the danger, but they were immediately captured by Volcrah-teeth-pounds. No, the modern wolf did not want these little defenseless piglets, he was needed by Hruce-Khryush's house. He tied brothers to a tree near the ravine. He agoned with Torcho, so that she clone throughout the forest, that the brothers will soon be eaten. The wolf plan was simple: he wanted to lure the horse from his housing and capture his house with a brazen manner.

The plan worked. After a few minutes, the hryusha fled to the ravine. And the wolf was already near the goal in the dwelling of the stupid pig. This beauty was never seen. He had already dreamed of looking at home slippers in front of the house. Only here the flowers on the flower beds to him. He decided to pull them out. Only he stepped on the flowerbed, as he immediately fell into a deep hole. "What a stand!" - thought wolf. He somehow got out of the jam-flower beds.

Volcra decided to sit under the tree, relax, gather with thoughts. But as soon as he approached the tree, the network fell on it. He did not expect this. Gray spent a lot of time to get out of the ill-fated web. But it was only the beginning of the tests in order who illegally got into the dwelling and wanted to take possession.

At one moment, the wolf turned out to be tied to the rope for one paw. The head was near the earth. Gray spent while crashed out of the rope. He wanted to drink and ran up to the fountain. What is it? The wolf gained water into paws, splashed her on himself, swallowed. And the water was soapy! Hundreds of bubbles hit the wolf in the eyes, in the nose, mouth. The beast began to sneeze without stopping. It seemed that it would never end!

And here is a wolf near the swing. He really wanted to relax, even lie down. But it all started first! Swing began to swing, although nobody was going to rock them. And now the swing makes a full turn around the axis. They spin so quickly that the wolf can not understand what happens to him. All as in the fog. Suddenly the swing stops sharply, and the wolf flies out of them, like a tennis ball when hit. He flies, spinning in the air like a turntable and landing into some kind of liquid, spilled on the asphalt.

It was glue. Volcra lacks the strength to get out of glue. He pulls out the right paw, and the left clenches and falls down. Then everything is the opposite. Finally, the teeth knocked out on the clearing. But it was not there. It is a hundred, no, - two hundred musters. This family of heroes rolled out of the mink to warm up in the sun. Hedgehogs and did not suspect that they would face back terrible beast their forests.

When piglets returned from the forest, they found a wolf lying in the glade. Paws in different directions, back all in needles. The brothers helped the wolf get up, pulled the needles. Gray fell asleep, he slept until the evening, all night and the next day.

When the wolf woke up, he tried to escape, as quickly as possible from this house. But stumbled upon Hruce-Khryush who held Forest Constitution. The wolf forced loud to reread many times on the inviolability of housing. Wolf-Volccrah-teeth pounded asked for forgiveness from piglets. The brothers offered gray to be a friend to them, to visit, to build their housing itself. Hrush-Khryush suggested a gray job as a guard or gardener. The beast promised to think well and answer a week.

The wolf left the yard, barely worried about the legs. Even sore. He was surprised that some piglets spent him! And maybe he is already old or piglets hit some advanced! Nevertheless, he decided that he would never go to the house of Khryusha without demand and invitations.

And what about the piglets? They were glad that again together. Hryush suggested them to live in their house - there is enough space for everyone. Hryun-Hryun, Khryuk-Khryuk promised his brother that he would continue to listen to him. "Our family is our fortress," they said.

Piglets until late night sat on the balcony and drank tea, remembering the rapid events of the day.

Students of the 4th grade of the municipal budgetary institution "Secondary School No. 22" asbestos city district of the Sverdlovsk region. Head: Voronova Elena Ivanovna, primary school teacher, experience of pedagogical work 22 years, first qualifying category, MBOU "SOSH No. 22" Ago, Sverdlovsk region, Asbestos.

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  • Tales Mikhail Danzkovsky Fairy Tales Mikhail Danzkovsky Mikhail Spartakovich Plyazkovsky - Soviet poet songwriter, playwright. Still in the student years began to compose songs - both poems and melodies. The first professional song "Marsh of Cosmonauts" was written in 1961 with S. Zaslavsky. It is unlikely that such a person, who has never heard such lines, is unlikely: "Hands up a better man," "Friendship begins with a smile." Babe Raccoon from the Soviet cartoon and the song Leopold sing songs to the poems of the popular poet songwriter Mikhail Spartakovich Danzkovsky. The fairy tales of the dancer teach children the rules and norms of behavior, model familiar situations and introduce the world. Some stories are not just teaching kindness, but also ridicule bad character traits characteristic of children.
  • Fairy tales Samuel Marshaka Fairy tales Samuel Marshaka Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, playwright, literary critic. Known as a tales of fairy tales for children, satirical works, as well as "adult", serious lyrics. Among the dramatic works of Marshak are especially popular with the play-tales "Twelve months", "smart things", "Koshkin House" poems and fairy tales Marshak read from the very first days in the gardens, then they put them on matinees, in junior grades, they are taught.
  • Tales Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferova Tales Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferova Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov - Soviet writer-storyteller, screenwriter, playwright. Gennady Mikhailovich brought the biggest success. During the cooperation with the studio "Soyuzmultfilm" in collaboration with Heinrich Sapgir, more than twenty-five cartoons were released, among which "the train from Romashkova", "My Green Crocodile", "how a frog was looking for dad", "Hosaric", "how to become big" . Cute and good stories of Tsyferov familiar to each of us. Heroes who live in the books of this wonderful children's writer will always come to help each other. His famous fairy tales: "I lived in the light of the elephant", "about chicken, sun and a bear", "about Chudaki Farming", "About the steam", "The story about a piglet" and others. Collections of fairy tales: "How a frog was looking for dad", " Multicolored giraffe "," Azer Romashkovo "," How to become big and other stories "," Bear Diary ".
  • Tales Sergey Mikhalkov Fairy Tales Sergey Mikhalkova Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - Writer, Writer, Poet, Basinist, Dramaturgome, Military Correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, author of the text of two hymns of the Soviet Union and the hymn Russian Federation. Poems Mikhalkov read in kindergarten, choosing "Uncle Step" or no less famous poem "And what do you have?". The author returns us to the Soviet past, but over the years it does not become obsolete, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become a classic.
  • Tales SUYEEVA Vladimir Grigorievich Tales SUYEEVA Vladimir Grigorievich Steev - Russian Soviet Children's Writer, Illustrator Artist and Director-Animator. One of the prosecutors of Soviet animation. Born in the family doctor. Father was a gifted man, his fascination with the art was converted and son. With the youthful years, Vladimir Suteev as an artist-illustrator was periodically published in the journals "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Friendly guys", "Sparking", in the Pioneer Pravda newspaper. He studied in MVTU. Bauman. From 1923 - artist-illustrator of books for children. Sheyeev illustrated the books of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as its own works. Fairy tales, which V. G. Suteev composed himself, written concisely. Yes, he does not need a verbose: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works as a multiplier that locks each character's movement so that it is a whole, logically clear action and a bright, memorable image.
  • Fairy tales of Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy A.N. - Russian writer, extremely versatile and fruitful writer, who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collection of poems, more than forty pieces, scenarios, processing fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.), primarily a prose, master of fascinating narration. Genres in creativity: prose, story, story, play, libretto, satire, essay, journalism, historical novel, science fiction, fairy tale, poem. The popular fairy tale of Tolstoy A.N.: "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino", which is a successful alteration of the fairy tale of the Italian writer of the XIX century. Colleges "Pinocchio", entered the Gold Foundation of World Children's Literature.
  • Tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910) - one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Thanks to him, not only works included in the treasury of world literature, but also a whole religious-moral course - the Holp. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote a lot of instructive, living and interesting fairy tales, Basen, poems and stories. His Peru belongs to many small, but beautiful fairy tales for children: Three bears, as uncle Semyon told about the fact that he was in the forest, lion and doggy, a fairy tale about Ivan-fool and his two brothers, two brothers, an employee of Emelyan and Empty drum and many others. Tolstoy very seriously referred to the writing of small fairy tales for children, he worked a lot over them. Tales and stories of Leo Nikolayevich and to this day are in books for reading in elementary school.
  • Fairy Tale Charlet Perra Charles Fairy Tales Persian Charles Perra (1628-1703) - French storyteller writer, critic and poet, was a member of the French Academy. It is impossible, probably find a person who would not know a skaz about a red hat and a gray wolf, about the boy from his finger or other not less memorable characters, colorful and such close to the child, but also an adult. But all of them with their appearance are obliged to the wonderful writer Charle Perso. Each of his fabulous story is the folk epics, her writer has processed and developed the plot, having received such delightful works, readable and today with great admiration.
  • Ukrainian folk fairy tales Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk fairy tales are in many ways echoing in their style and content with Russian folk fairy tales. In the Ukrainian fairy tale, much attention is paid to household realities. Ukrainian folklore describes a folk tale very brightly. All traditions, holidays and customs can be seen in the plots of folk narches. What Ukrainians lived that they had and what they were not, what they had dreamed of and how they went to their goals as clearly laid in the meaning of fabulous stories. The most popular Ukrainian folk fairy tales: Mitten, goat-deresses, punctured, Serko, fairy tale about Ivasik, spikelets and others.
    • Riddles for children with answers Riddles for children with answers. A large selection of mysteries with answers for having fun and intellectual classes with children. The riddle is just a quarter or one sentence in which the question is concluded. In the riddles mixed wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, strive for something new. Therefore, we often encounter fairy tales and legends. Riddles can be solved on the way to school, kindergarten, use in different contests and quizzes. Riddles help your child's development.
      • Riddles about animals with answers Riddles about animals love children of different ages. Animal world Diverse, so there are many riddles about domestic and wild animals. Riddles about animals are a great way to introduce children with different animals, birds and insects. Thanks to these mysteries, children will remember, for example, that the elephant has a trunk, a bunny has big ears, and the hedgehog has broken needles. This section presents the most popular children's riddles about animals with answers.
      • Nature Riddles with Answers Riddles for children about nature with the answers in this section you will find riddles about the seasons, about flowers, about trees and even about the sun. When entering school, the child should know the seasons and names of months. And with this will help the riddles about the seasons. The riddles about the flowers are very beautiful, funny and allow children to learn the names of flowers and room and garden. The riddles about the trees are very entertaining, the children will learn what trees in the spring bloom, which trees bring sweet fruits and how they look. Also, children learn a lot about the sun and planets.
      • Riddles about food with answers Delicious riddles for children with answers. In order for kids to eat one or another food, many parents come up with all sorts of games. We offer you funny food riddles that will help your child treat power from a positive side. Here you will find riddles about vegetables and fruits, about mushrooms and berries, about sweets.
      • Riddles about the world around the world with answers Riddles about the world around the world with answers in this category of mysteries, there are almost everything for a person and the surrounding world. The riddles about the profession are very useful for children, because at a young age, the first abilities and talents of the child are manifested. And he in the first one thinks who wants to become. Also in this category includes funny riddles about clothing, about transport and cars, about a variety of items that surround us.
      • Riddles for kids with answers Riddles for the smallest with answers. In this category, your kids will get acquainted with each letter. With the help of such mysteries, children will quickly remember the alphabet, learn how to put syllables and read words correctly. Also in this heading there are riddles about the family, about notes and music, about numbers and school. Cheerful riddles distract the baby from a bad mood. Riddles for the smallests are characterized by simplicity, humor. Children with pleasure they solve them, remember and develop in the game process.
      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this category, you will learn your favorite fabulous heroes. The riddles about fairy tales with the answers help to make a magical way to turn the fun moments at the present show of fabulous experts. And funny riddles are perfectly suitable on April 1, Carnival and other holidays. Riddles of deception will appreciate not only children, but also parents. The ending riddles may be unexpected and ridiculous. Flacking riddles increase the mood and expand the horizons of children. Also in this heading there are riddles for children's holidays. Your guests will not be bored!