What is the island of Shikotan. Schikotan Island

What is it like to live far from the big earth? Let's just say: you can live. The main principle is to wait and wait. The authorities declare ambitious plans for the development of the Kuril Islands and is insistently called tourists there. At the same time, we, Sakhalints, were not all there, and it is necessary to judge changes, mainly according to optimistic reports on the governor's trips. About what was able to see with his own eyes, these travel notes.

The sea is "our all", and for the inhabitants of Shicotan - the road of life, and the only one.

"Igor Farhutdinov" is about to approach the shore, guard ships are thrown into the eyes, which guard the bay, the white-blue houses on the hill, in which the military and a new school live. While the landing and checking of documents is underway, local attractions can be viewed.

You need to go only "to someone" and "for some reason", just so, to nowhere, it will not work.

The historic building from the water with the words "glory of the party" and a rusty vessel, the jacket of the jacket on the shore is morally adjusting the arrivals on the time of time.


On the island there are two villages - Malokurilskoye, where the motor ship moisters, and the destroying (included in the South Kurilsky urban district). We had to live in the destroyer, so the most impressions remained from this place.

The road that hangs fog, takes only a few minutes. On the way of sightseeing - the monument to the workers of the sea, the local landfill, selected by the power of the site under the runway, the ruins of old buildings, huge tanks for fuel.

Fishermen, military and state employees are who lives here. Protected, teach and treat. Plus those who have retired. According to official data, the rural population of the entire urban district is 3824 people, and this is 9 villages: Mendeleevo, Otrada, Lighthouse Lovtsova, Rig Rudny, Zadauchev, head, Oak, Crazodskoye, Malokuril. About 2.5 thousand people live on Shikotan, and before the 1994 it was 7.5.

In Krapzodsk, there is a 4-room hotel, in the same building there is a working dining room (before it was a restaurant). Near the library, the house of culture, two stores, the fishing processing plant is a center. The most beautiful buildings, the pride of the village - the hospital and the school.

The asphalt on the island is not, so in dry weather, people swallow dust, and in the rain, shoes are needed.

In the Soviet years, six canning plants worked: three in Malokuril, three in the destroyer. In 1977, the fishing objects of Shikotan united into one enterprise - the Rybobybnat "Island" in the subordination of Sakhalinrybprom, which was subsequently the largest fish-processing complex of the USSR. It came here students and experts invited by Ornotarour from 20 regions of the country. In the early 90s, the volume of fishing and canned food fell sharply, and the 1994 earthquake accelerated the destruction of the plant. Hundreds of inhabitants left the island forever.

The first question that I asked me talkative to the local resident: Whether we came to establish, otherwise everyone promises! In some sense, yes.

Disadvised Island

With the Internet very bad, but people adapted him somehow minor portions. Rising at a high point of the village and I am trying through the megaphone to enter Sakh.com - "Wheel" is spinning for a long time, leaving hope, but alas. However, people are heard and wait that Rostelecom is about to start laying the underwater fiber-optic cable to the southern chickens. Rather.

Want to find authoritative people - go to the library and school. The local school is located on the top of the hill (in the tsunamiba-safe zone) in a picturesque place. It is simply a miracle, but children in it are only 128 people, 11-graders this year released in the world. Obviously, they built with the back for the future, fifty years. We failed to talk to the teachers, on this day we passed the exam. Nearby, the track turns down and suddenly appears the sidewalk, laid out with a tile - this is the path to the hospital.

There were no such buildings of libraries yet. Women are working here wonderful, met warmly. Leading librarian Nina Isupova tells historical facts, shows books about Shikotan, speaks about the "bearded people" Ainai. About how four Russian ship under the command of Captain Martyn Shppberg made sailing to the shores of Japan, and on the way back the Russian researchers studied the islands of Shikotan, ITUURUP, Mr. and Kunashir.

And on July 3, they found themselves in the area of \u200b\u200bCape the edge of the world, they came here here, "Nina Mikhailovna shows on the map, and in about this place they slow down, spent. Three Makushki Sopiops were visible in the distance, it was a toy, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and, possibly, Mendel. And then I decided to go to the island of Shikotan a little - it was just opposite the Malokuril Bay. I got out, I liked the bay - a round, deep, convenient for the parking of ships (however, when the wind blows from the north, the ships twisted in every way), and decided to score fresh water. They scored 14 barrels (in the place where we have "firefares", in this river), after which they made a note in the journal: "Water is very sweet" (and it is), as well as "People we have not seen, but foci There were warm. " On July 7, they were already on the island of green, recording "the place is smooth. Green." Now on all these islands: Polonsky, Green, Yuri, Anuchino, T Plyflieva - Stand Outdoor ...

We say goodbye, and photo for memory.

Employees of the library Nina Isupov, Ekaterina Xinkevich, Svetlana Reshetnikova

The house of culture wears the famous name "Morning Motherland". As the Acting Director of the institution Valery Totsky, about 150 people attend the acting director and sections: please - dancing for children, fitness, pop and theater mugs, literary living room. Trying the day to show cartoons, but children do not come. Because adults are also not shorter viewing. Cinema is spacious, but empty.

Of course, the rolling movies of the first magnitude we can not show, it is expensive. Discos were also not in demand, to whom to go to them? Fishermen work at 18 o'clock a day, they are not up to dancing, youth little, if you leave to learn, then rarely come back.

To the question, where, for example, young celebrate weddings, the interlocutor replies that there is no cafe in the village, before there was a restaurant with a loud name "Imperial," - worked one day a week (let's say on Fridays) and also empty. For the sake of two or three people, it did not make sense, so closed.

And the wedding and in our village can be noted, I saw a couple of times, "Valery Totsky smiles and moves to her beloved theme about talented children and their successful speeches at district competitions.

You can go to have fun in Malokurilsk, the bus between the villages is for free, but until 17 o'clock. Return will be on a taxi, the price of a trip is 350 rubles.

Shop nonsense, deputies who have recently visited Shikotan ,. Goods are brought from Vladivostok and from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, so the prices most correspond to our, bread costs about 50-60 rubles, tomatoes 160-200 rubles, cucumbers 200-250, greens, fish, dairy, meat products in assortment, big choice Local baking.

Near the shop of industrial goods, where everything is for sale - from rubber slippers to new products of the last collections of clothing. This is a sad joke, of course. With clothes here a sad picture. And maintenance due to the lack of competition, as it seemed to the author, remained at the level of Sakhalinrybprom. Where are you going, all roads lead to Rome.

Well resting those who have a car. Hour ride - and you are in the beautiful bay. Who has no, they are pleased with the beauties of the bay crab. You can go to the sea next to the existing fish factor. This folk embankment is called the "fifth pier." Stones, footprints from fires, rest of concrete and probably not very safe bottom for bathrobes.

Interesting feature The local village: people on a working day on the street will rarely. They look at passersby from windows with curiosity. Many greelly greet. They tell what kind of hard work is - bending your back on fishwork, but love your work ... If you live here longer, you can dig a unique destiny for plot stories. And in the village flies flocks of huge ravens and click with your keys in front of your nose. To intimidate them, they are naked to "shameful post."

Our island is disliked, - tells the interlocutor from among the old-timers of the village. - After the 1994 earthquake here, it is built under the resettlement program, it seems 4 houses. True, there, on the site, where the cross is worth it, the land has been excavated, will build a rental house.

Road? To Malokurilsk Po federal Program Built what is called, the money was buried. On the Kuril program here a lot of "buried". Claiming facilities They built, launched promised, but the hands did not reach the finish. The reconstruction of energy supply systems promised. The money was mastered, and the result was a meager, for it good, apparently, and planted. But I'm not going to run away from here, because I can't breathe without these sobes and fog. You are in a warm jacket dressed up, and I, look at how dressed! This is my favorite climate, and those who lived here all their lives, and then drove into Krasnodar - they have already died either back and returned.

And people ask to build a public bath. June 15 should have turned off warmth, in houses will be raw and cold, there are still no summer. It's not necessary to warm up

That's how we live here, the woman sighs and recommends to come to Shikotan in August, when golden time, sun, blue bays, happiness.

We have one bad contract to build a house, but I didn't do anything and seemed to be imprisoned him, "they tell two teenagers and ask" do not look around to shoot them on the camera. "

Are you not boring here? What do you do?

We have cool, all day we walk, fresh breathe, - guys laugh are lying.

If at sunset climb on this staircase, wait until the dust is asced and the lanterns will be lit, the village will appear in the new world. And it seems no province.


Decent portowdown. Beautiful school I. kindergarten, There are playgrounds and new houses (rental for military and bright yellow state employees, all promise to build 7), the famous Schicotan Arena sports complex and a cafe: they go here to celebrate the holidays and residents of the destroyer.

With rental homes, not everything is smooth, local is called their "boxes" and tell passions about fragile walls and ceilings. To start living there, you need to invest a lot of money. Improvement near homes? This can be seen in the photo.

Every summer, the Japanese arrived here, arriving at the islands on visa-free exchanges to worship the graves of the ancestors.

The ship's approach is an event in the village. Of course, the chiptes want to go to Sakhalin more often, but there is practically no such opportunity. Tickets sold out for a month or two forward.

With the appearance of the opportunity to buy a ticket over the Internet, the corruption component disappeared, "says Alexander's local resident, - and then you have to buy a queue, you kind of first, and when time to buy, you are already the 41st. Now you can plan a vacation for two or three months ahead, build exit from Sakhalin. But if you need to go urgently, then you are the prisoner of the island. Seasonal workers go infinitely, they also occupy all the places, and we are moved away. Helicopter? It is to go to the administration, ask, justify why I need to fly on family circumstances ... So there are many of us. And how much will it be?

The city-forming enterprise here is the Island fishing factor, it can be seen how the site is actively prepared for the construction of a cans. They promise to create 800 new jobs, but it is still difficult to imagine where these hundreds of lucky will live.

There are a piece of land in the Pacific, which is the extreme southeastern point of Russia: a place whose residents are among the first in our country there are dawn. Here, clean mountain streams flow on mossy stones, and the ocean waves are broken down on the shore of the bays and peninsula surrounded by fantastic rocks. Here the difference with Moscow in time reaches 8 hours. There are no asphalt roads here, in the port of Malokurilsk there are combat ships, and the shores are still bristingly bristly with tower guns. It was here that the famous Soviet film "Robinson Kruzo" was shot.
This is Shikotan Island. And it is from him, from the south-east side, Russia begins.

Zyclone rolls behind the cyclone ... But, only the weather pohes,
Again the waves, tiredly sighed, go to the red cliffs to bow.
Again in the bays blossoms water and soar over the Rock of Orlans,
And go, the ships leave shikotana shining bays ...

V. Bogdanov

Shikotan Island is the place of the world. Just 10 km from the village of Malokurilskoye, his main attraction was stretched at a small pass - Cape The Edge of Light. Overlooking the ocean with 40 meter cliffs, the cape reaches from the shore a fairly narrow kilometer and leaves a very strong impression.

From the top platform, there is a stunning view of the boundless expanses of the Pacific Ocean, and it seems that there is nothing more and in fact. Although, fairness, it should be noted that a little east is a cabré cape, where Schppberg Lighthouse is located.

The name "Shikotank" (Japanese Sicotan) occurred from the Aynian words "Shi" - Big and "Kotan" - settlement, city. This is the largest island of Small Ridge smoked. It stretches from the northeast to the southwest by 27 km, the width of the island - 5 - 13 km, and the area is about 225 square kilometers. SAMI high Point - Mount Shikotan (412 m). It is partially included in the territory of the State Natural Reserve "Small Kuriles".

The world learned about this wonderful island thanks to the second Kamchatka expedition, which took place in 1733-1743. Its first name is figure, it very accurately displays the characteristic rugged bank line. Subsequently, this small section of Sushi began to wear the name of his primary retainer - the Russian navigator M. P. Shppberg. Today it is more famous as the island of Shikotan, that in translating from the local language means "the best place."

Okhotsk Sea near Kunashir Island, c. Toy.

Given the favorable strategic position of this territory, the "struggle" is carried out for her between the two countries: Russia and Japan. The country of the rising sun is more than half a century trying to return the Kuril Islands. Shikotan Island has already belonged to her from 1885 to 1945. Another important historical milestone is the strong earthquake of 1999, after which the large number of local people left these lands. To date, the situation is adjusted.

lighthouse Shppberg

Islands in the waters of Shikotana

aivazovsky Island is an uninhabited island located in Chicotan's church bay. The name is given in honor of the Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.
alexey Gnechko Island island (rock) in 50 meters from the north-eastern part of Shikotan Island.
island of Griga
the island of the distant is an uninhabited island in Dimitrov Bay.
The name is substantiated by the location of the island in the Far Terrace of the Bay.
the island of the ninth shaft is a uninhabited island in the Church Bay (Aivazovsky).
The name is inspired by the famous picture of the Aivazovsky "Ninth Val".
igor Farhutadinova Island - Island (Rock) near the bay of Mayak.
sergey Kapitsa Island - Island near the bay.
island Middle - Uninhabited island in Dimitrov Bay.
The name is connected with the location in the waters of the bay.

Island Bays

Shikotan Island Map shows how often the coastline is cut. Therefore, among the attractions that he is known, numerous bays are distinguished in a separate group: Malokurilskaya. It is considered the most "comfortable", since the gentle shore allows ships to moor directly at the pier. Here the rainy taiga vegetation is common, which is characteristic of this region.

Dolphin. This bay is named by the name of the same vessel, at the beginning of the 20th century, studies of this territory were conducted. It is famous for dangerous stones that are burning in courts, and a picturesque lagoon formed at the mouth of the island river. The bay in the winter months is ice, which distinguishes it from the rest.

Crab. Here, as in other coastal areas of the island, the extraction of Far Eastern crabs and sairs are prey. Its depth reaches 15 meters, which makes it a transit point for all fishing vessels. The bay is a lighthouse, named after the island's discoverer.

agathas them bay agatela look like the gloomy sky Shikotana

Church. This is the most attractive place for lovers of marine landscapes. The proof of this is its other name - "Aivazovsky Bay".

at the sea offshore Shikotana can be found floating jellyfish

Capes of Island Shikotan

Numerous sharp sushi ledges are also unique attractions that characterize the island as one of the most picturesque.

Cape Edge of Light in the north of Shikotan Island

Cape The edge of light is high, wave and long, like a rolled scarf. 20 minutes walk and .... spread out the Pacific Ocean. Everything, Russia ended. Next - for 8 thousand km of water - only America. Under the legs, at the bottom of the 50th abyss, fighting the stones of heavy waves. Wet wind tears clothes and thoughts. Amazing place.

They say here very strong earthly magnetism - Kuriles are located on the crest of the giant submarine ridge, once crushed up when colliding tectonic plates, and nearby the deepest ocean groove with the Mariana depression. Seismic activity is still very high, and oxygen in the air is so much that you are constantly in a state of the strongest euphoria, although it would be enough for this and visual perception of the nature of the islands through the edge.

Cape Voloshin

This is a very picturesque cliff folded by rocky rocks. He was named after the Russian Watercolor - the artist, who at the beginning of the 20th century created the shelter for creative people in a crisis life situation. Curiles and today are the place of pilgrimage of famous "masters of the brush", which draw inspiration from a unique source of natural beauty.

Earlier it was believed that the mountains of Shikotan were destroyed by the time of volcanoes, what a lot on Kurilh. Now it has become clear that these are just breeds pushed up during lithospheric slabs.

Shikotan is located on a latitude of 43 degrees. The climate here is monsoon, the vegetation is subtropical, but the weather changeing is rain, strong fogs.

The proximity of the ocean affects. In good weather from the island, the actual volcano of toy (1819 m) is visible at the next island of Kunashir. Cape Voloshin (66 m), Otradnaya, Unnamed, Snezhkova, Crab and Tsunovists, is also worth seeing.

The 1994 earthquake caused a significant damage to the island, after which most of the population left him. Shikotan Island seemed to be created for tourists - here is a soft smoothed relief, instead of severe taiga - forest-steppe. There are no bears and other predatory animals, quite often found in the neighboring islands. There are no volcanoes, the nature is calm, and the island itself is similar to an amazing botanical garden, where acacia and spruce, birch and tees, hydrangea and fir, wild grapes and larchs are adjacent.

Cabozodskoye and Malokuril settlements are all settlements of the island. They are interconnected. The overwhelming majority of the population of the island are occupied by the prey and processing of fish, mostly Sairi. In Malokurilsky, the shops of CJSC "Rybobomybnat Island" are located, in Krapzavodsky - CJSC "Hydrostroy".

the village of Malokurilsky, the population of Malokurilsky - 1,200 people.

church in the village. Malokurilsky in the village of Shikotan

"Island fishing factor" is located on the island of Shikotan (Kuril Islands). The company was established in 1999 on the basis of the production capacity of the former fish conservation plant No. 24, seriously affected during the earthquake 1993.

The main products of the enterprise are canned food from Sair. Sarah - Fish Family Macrolesechukov. Its meat is an essential source of protein, fat, mineral substances, indispensable amino acids. In Saire contains Taurine - a very rare amino acid that reduces blood cholesterol. The Island Rybobybard is the only coastal enterprise in the world located in the area of \u200b\u200bSayry's fishery.

Not far from Malokurilsky, 15 minutes by gravel road, after a short lift on the all-wheel drive car, you can find a minorilian tank hitch ... Here on the tank holotan, the tanks are inconsistently rust patriotic War. Given that these tanks were released until 1946 inclusive, tanks in any case almost 70 years. Antiques right on combat position ...

The beauty and splendor of the island of Shikotan simply fascinates. Those who at least once visited these places will pull here again and again. They never forget this amazing land, the eastern edge of Russia, the edge of the world, the region, where the dawn is born ...

Neither before, after the visit to Shikotan, I did not experience admiration for any natural attractions. Camchatka volcanoes are cool, Maldives - Ok, Baikal - Cold, Northern Lights in Hibinz - need to quickly remove and dump somewhere in warmth. On Shikotan I was struck by everything. Beautiful landscapes here can be removed in all directions and anywhere. Because of this, in Shikotan, I first began to shoot seriously. At the same time, the island is absolutely friendly for a person: the most scary beast here - fox, the only poisonous plant - Iprint - meets quite rarely.

Now in the media write a lot about the possible transfer of Kuril Japan. In this context, I want to tell me what territories are we talking about. And do it, not circulating some kind of land blinds on the edge of the card, but clearly, showing the uniqueness of these places on the example of Shicotan. Shikotan is an island from the very small Kuril ridge, which geologically rather is a continuation of the Japanese Island of Hokkaido than the Russian Kuril Islands. This is the largest and only permanent population of small smoky.

1. Course separated the Pacific Ocean from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. But Shikotan does not apply to the main Kuril ridge, but is located a little south and therefore completely surrounded by the ocean.

2. Regarding other Kuril Islands, its size is small enough. Length and width are approximately 20 and 10 kilometers. The photo below is not Shikotan, but one of the islets near his shore.

3. The most dangerous of animals here is a fox, and the only poisonous plant is a yappet.

4. The rocky shores of the island are raised with numerous bays with sandy beaches.

5. The highest mountain Shikotan has a height of more than 400 meters.

6. In this place island, I also removed the spherical panorama.

7. The East Coast of the island is climbing rocks. Very harsh place.

8. Cape Edge of Light. The towering peaks of the mountains are hidden behind the veil of the clouds, and the quadrocopter rose to almost her border itself. Over the cape, I removed a very beautiful spherical panorama, I recommend to see.



11. We now turn to the southern coast. It is much more friendly.

12. Near the coast, many picturesque islets are scattered. At one of them, the military once had long decided to produce rabbits. Everything went great, they quickly multiplied by diluting the diet of the military with their meat. But in one of the winters on the island on ice came Lisa ... and the story ended.



15. Gnchko Island.



18. Oh, you would see what a stunning spherical panorama I did above this place ...




22. Aivazovsky Bay or, as its local, church.

23. There are two major islands at the entrance to the bay: Aivazovsky and the ninth tree.

24. The ninth shaft is darker, unlike 90% of Shikotan and other islands, it is not covered with a banma.



27. Let us consider the bay coast in more detail.

28. The general view disappeared behind a ribbon cloud. But you can see it entirely on a spherical panorama! And there you can see and below, and on the fact that above, on the side, on top and generally everywhere!


30. Aivazovsky Island.

31. If you are already tired of spherical panoramas, then this look, probably not worth it.


33. Star Bay.


35. Dimitrov Bay.

36. Such weather on Shikotan rarely happens for a rarely, so look at the spherical panorama made above the bay.



39. In those rare moments, when the sun and a piece of blue sky appears above you, everything looks just great. Not only from above, but also from the height of human growth. As I already wrote, beautiful landscapes here can be removed in all directions and anywhere.

40. Middle Island.

41. But the same kind of unsuccessful time. There is no rain, it is simply cloudy lowered to the ocean level, and you go / fly through it, collecting all these drops hanging in the air.


43. As I already wrote, the island is almost entirely covered with a banmafemy - this is a bamboo, a height of knee somewhere. He opposes the strongest wind, confidently clinging for all the surfaces. In hollows often try to grow trees. Many, it even comes out, but in the end, some strong Typhoon picked them, and the story begins with the beginning.


45. Faffes grows on the marshylasics.

46. \u200b\u200bAnd even flowers.

47. Valley of one of the river.

48. Powered by Typhoon trees.

49. In this photo, many old military "directions" can be seen.



52. Part of the roads are still used by local residents. On a regular car, it is not necessary for them, and every year it becomes more difficult to do it even all-wheel drive SUVs.

53. By the way, the earth in this place has a hexagon shape. Do not believe - look at the spherical panorama in the "Little Planet" mode.

54. The military left behind not only the roads.

55. This is the island of the ninth tree again.

56. Now the vegetation on it can be considered closer.

57. Previously, people were poured on the island - to change the beacon batteries. Now the Lighthouse looksches the family of raven.



60. And this is my favorite photo from Shikotana. Cape Krab and Schppberg Lighthouse.

61. Lighthouse is still Japanese, but they look after him.

62. After the arrival of how the island switched to the USSR, he was taken by the Soviet military. All the shores were exposed to the trenches.

63. As a tool around the perimeter, the island was putting tanks.

64. These tanks were delivered to defend the Malokuril Bay.

65. This tote of tank firepoints consists of tanks IC-2 and IS-3.






71. And at least no one has fallen on the island, all the tanks are safely rusted, and the trenches threaten the banmafemy, the funnels from tank shells here still remained. Apparently, someone trained. I wonder how many shells lie at the bottom of the ocean ...

72. Gradually, Shikotan begins to attract tourists.



75. So far, it is mostly wild tourists-shoes, but in fact the island could well attract and lovers of more civilized recreation. The island is small and in combination SUV + legs all the most distant places on it can be visited by departures one day. In general, I did it.

76. But still the basis of the island economy is a fishing. On the shores of the Crab Bay lies a lot of rusty ships. Here is the fish fabor.






82. In the background, the village of Kabobzodskaya.

83. View of the village from the depths of the island.

84. The biggest village of Islands is Malokuril.

85. In the Malokuril Bay, even more abandoned ships.

86. At the entrance to the bay at Cape Chromova stands the lighthouse.

87. Here I took off another spherical panorama (everything is the last).



90. Our love with Shikotan happened at first glance, and he was about that.

91. Chromova Bay and Cape Trident away. Unfortunately, its trumperity can be estimated only from the side of the ocean.

92. The consequences of the Chicotanian earthquake of 1994.

93. They say scrap metal is unprofitable from here.




97. Malokurilskoye - the largest settlement of Shikotana.

98. Here is a civil port.

99. The only connection of the island from the Big Earth today is the ship Igor Fakhutdinov (left). There are also helicopters, but they are roads and whimsions for the weather, and she is here a Surov.

100. I sailed on it.

In total, I stayed on Shikotan four days. It should have been smaller, but poor weather, all things ... In general, I do not regret what was delayed. And I hope to return.

Curiles, like Kamchatka, are called the edge of light. The chain of the tiny islands of the convex arc stretches along the Pacific Ocean on the eastern border of Russia. Island archipelago only looks small on the map. In fact, its length is 1200 km! Shikotan is considered the biggest island of small Kuril ridge.

Country of sleeping volcanoes

Curiles are administratively included in the Sakhalin region. The island arc is divided into two major parts - a large coaster ridge and a small one. Great ridge, in turn, consists of three groups of islands - northern, middle and southern. Small Kuril Ridge is separated from a large South Kuril Strait. It is significantly smaller in size - only about 100 km. The archipelago includes six large and a number of small islands.

Shikotan is located on the very north of the ridge and is characterized by the most impressive sizes. His name happened by adding the two Ayn \u200b\u200bwords "Shi" - Big and "Kotan" - settlement. Aina - the people who inhabit these places in the antiquity. The island has a slightly elongated shape. With a length of 27 km, its average width is about nine kilometers. The narrowest part does not exceed five kilometers.

The surface of the sushi is a chaotic combination of small hills and rocky arrays. Local volcanoes have long been dead. To those, for example, the peaks of Tomari and the Notor are. However, from time to time, earthquakes occur here. Here come to see cozy bays, rocky coastal ledges, stunning sunsets and sunrises.

The climate on Shikotan cannot be called harsh. Officially, it is referred to as a moderate marine. Moderation manifests itself in everything - both in temperature and precipitation plan. The average summer temperature varies within 13-16 °, although there were cases when the thirty-permanent heat was known. Winter average temperature ranges from 0 to -5 °. Again, there were cold winters, when in February the air temperature dropped to -24 °.

Photo: Fog - Fresh Guest on the island

Winter on the island is softer than on the mainland. True, frequent guests here are thaw and snowfall. During the year, 1240 mm of precipitation falls per year. Moreover, the average rate of precipitation is evenly distributed over all months of the year. On the island there are places with a special microclimate. For example, the west coast warm the warm waters of the soy river, and the east cools the Pacific Curil.

Wow! What bays here!

The island is known for its picturesque coves. In the north, from the South Kuril Strait, is the Malokuril Bay. Its natural decoration is the extinct volcano chicotan height of 405 meters. He snars on the shore among the thick thickets of trees. The entrance to the bay limit two capes - Duminov and a trident.

Photo: The shores are cut by numerous coves

The water mirror is embedded in the island in the form of an oval diameter near a kilometer. Since the depth here reaches 15 m, the quiet harbor is used for mooring of large vessels. At the shore of the bay, the village of Malokurilskaya spread out, which performs the port function. Neat two-storey houses lined up at the foot of the hills. His population does not exceed 2 thousand people.

Another bay is called crab. No need to explain where she has such a name. Parameters - dimensions, depth - very similar to the Malokuril Bay. The entrance "guard" Cape Anama. On the shore, on the background of hots, the village of Kabobzodskaya spread. Until 1947, he was called Annama. Then the settlement was renamed, because a factory for the processing of fish and crabs appeared. The new name has taken place.

There is still a star bay on the northeast coast. It is formed by the cape of the same name, which far goes to the sea. The depth here reaches 10 m. During strong winds, small ships are covered in it. Nearby is the dolphin bay. Do not think that it was called in honor of popular marine mammals. So called a research vessel, which studied these places with a hundred years ago. The bay is rather cunning, because it is replete with sharp stones. But very picturesque lagoon at the mouth of the river island.

Southeast coast is cut immediately by several bays. These places are most dangerous during the tsunami, as the height of the wave here can reach 10 m! Dimitrov bay focuses high cliffs. In the center of the water, sticks out an island medium with a maximum mark of 42 meters. Input cape has an island higher. It is called far and has a height of 62 meters. During the low tide, you can walk on foot. In winter, the water area does not freeze, so round year Can serve as a parking lot for small vessels. Rocks are securely protected from Western and Northern winds.

The church bay was called the Synticists Temple, which was in the local village in Japanese times. An eloquent evidence is the preserved foundation. Over water stroke, two islands are hired - the ninth shaft and Aivazovsky. The Japanese, respectively, called the "Island of Ducks" and "Little Island". The bay of lighthouse is located near Cape Crab. Her rocky shores cut through streams. Small islands and cliffs at the entrance to the bay serve as natural windings, so there is an anchor parking for small ships.

In the immediate vicinity of Shikotana there are several large islands. On the other side of the South Kuril Strait is the island of Kunashir. Sprupping Shppberg separates Shikotan from the uninhabited Islands of Polonsky. 20 km to the southwest is a group of islands called fragments. The Japanese consider them their own and called flat islands. There are no people on the archipelago, but on the shores in abundance, sea birds will be treated.

Territory Ain.

People constantly lived on Shikotan from the first millennium to our era. They were engaged in collecting, fishing and hunting for whales, seals, and also bred dogs on meat. Archaeologists found a lot of evidence of the time. The indigenous people called themselves Aina. Their well-being continued until the Japanese is coming to the island. The first military skirmish occurred in 1725.

Russians opened the island in 1733 during the second Kamchatka expedition. Because of the cut offshore line, he was initially called figure. Later, he changed the name several times - was the island of Shpampberg, Chicotan, twentieth (by number in the Kuril Ridge) and, finally, Shikotan. From 1733 to 1855, he was consisting of Russia, and then, after the Crimean War, he had to give Japan along with southern smokers.

TO eND XIX. century the Japanese was brought to Shikotan of all Ainov who lived on South Kurilla. Soviet troops occupied the island in September 1945. It was the end of World War II. A year later, the island officially entered the South Sakhalin region. In 1956, a declaration was signed between the USSR and Japan, which defined its status. Until now, Shikotan remains controversial territory.

Currently, the island has a port and fish consumer plant. Fishermen on an industrial scale catch cod, Cambalu, Sair, Minttai, squid and crab. Shikotan is a scientific base - there is a hydrophysical observatory here. Since the island enters the border guard, border guard ships are deployed on it.

Photo: Nature Shictana Surova, but picturesque

In 1994, a strong earthquake of magnitude 8 points occurred on the island, which caused Tsunami. This led to human victims and even changed the look of the island. The height of the wave, which collapsed ashore, in some reached ten meters! The number of dead amounted to 11 people. About hundreds of buildings were destroyed. The whole island dropped into the ocean 0.6 m. The echoes of the earthly elements were felt not only in Kurilla, but also in Japan.

The end of the world

The main attraction of Shikotana is the Cape, who is called - the Edge of Light! It is located on the northeast coast. This is a fantastic spectacle! The fifty-meter rock is vertically breaking into the sea. The unusual name of the Cape gave Geographer Yuri Efremov. In 1946, he headed the Kuril Complex Expedition. Since then, this place has attracted romantic tourists. This can be reached on foot and by car. Cape "lit up" in the popular movie about Robinson Cruzo.

Photo: Here is the "Edge of Light"

Part of the island is part of the reserve "Small Kuriles". And this is not good! Here, only the birds have 72 species. A man in Shikotan feels comfortable because there is no snakes and such large predators like bears. Fauna is represented by foxes and straps. Of the plants, trouble can deliver the Iprint - its pollen causes the appearance of ulcers on the skin. Birch groves here are adjacent to the bamboo thickets!

From man-made attractions worth noting the Tank IS-2. He was installed in the village of Malokurilskone Honor of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the island from Japanese militarists. There is also a church in the name of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow. The grave of Yakov Storozhev, the last leader of the North-Uveter Ainov preserved. But the main hit Shikotan is still awesome landscapes!

How to get

To visit Shikotan requires a pass to the border border! The application should be submitted at least one month before the planned arrival. To get to the island, first will have to fly to South Sakhalinsk. From the port of Korsakov to Shikotan goes a motor ship. The duration of the seabed is 2 days. On the way you can see the rookery of the sea seals and dolphins, which often accompany the ship.

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