Classroom names on May 9. Cool hour to Victory Day Cool hour on topic

Purpose: to form knowledge of students about the heroic history of the people;


- to educate the sense of love for his homeland from schoolchildren, pride for their country, respectful attitude towards people of the older generation;

- to expand knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War;

- Considerate interest in the past and true region, to show what contribution to family members in the defeat of the enemy, mass combat and labor heroism of Pradedov, their readiness for any labor benefit from the Motherland;

Form of carrying out: Class hour with elements of the musical and literary composition.
Classroom time

Every year in May our country celebrates Victory Day. And today, as many years ago, in the distant, forty-fifth, this holiday remains joyful and sad at the same time. People's pride will never disappear from the memory of the Great Victory, the memory of the terrible price, which we paid for it. Day 9, 1945 knows the whole world. Our country went to this day 4 years. But what are these years ...

- What is war? How do you understand what this word mean, your associations? (children's responses)

Pupil: War ... is severe no word.

War ... sad no word.

War ... no word sacred

In longing and glory these years,

And we have another

Still can not be ... and no ...

Teacher: At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great began Patriotic War.


1. In the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. From every 100 guys of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return back. 97 out of 100! Here she is, war!

2. Want - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and villages, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War is 32 thousand blown factories and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.

3. When it is 900 days and nights of a blockade Leningrad. It is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on peaceful people.

4.Wang - this is 20 hours at the machine per day. This is a crop that grew up on the salty from sweat of the earth. This is bloody corn on the palms of the same girls and boys like you.

5. Wayed ... from Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - this is if you count in a straight line.

6. Looks little, right? An airplane is about 4 hours, but for the first 4 years of 1418 days.

Teacher: People died, did not spare their lives, went to death to drive fascists from our land. In those coherent years of war, children quickly adults. In the heavy time for the country, they already realized themselves as a particle of their people. At the fronts and in partisan detachments, the children fought along with adults.

Hero guys will never be forgotten: Lenya Golikov, Volodya Dubinin, Valya Catik, Marat

Cases, Zina Portorova and many, many others.

Little heroes of a big war. They fought next to the elders - fathers, brothers. Fought everywhere. At sea, like Boria Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arcasha Kamanin. In the partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. In Kerch Catacombs like Volodya
Teacher: And far from advanced thousand and thousands of women, children, old people worked in the rear: they grown bread, they collected weapons, sewed clothes. And waited. Waiting for their loved ones: husbands, fathers, sons, brothers. Waited and believed that they would return. And it helped, supported fighters in difficult moments.

Teacher: Women not only worked in the rear .. They were medical examinations, doctors, nurses, scouts, television. Many soldiers saved delicate good female hands from death.

Pupil: Quiet, guys, a minute of silence

Memory heroes almost

And their voices once sounded,

In the morning they met the sun,

Our peers is almost.

Among us there are no those

Who went to the front and did not return.

But the memory of them is alive.

I ask everyone to stand. The heads of the head before the greatness of the Soviet soldier's feat. Almost the memory of all the dead is a minute of silence.

minute silence

Teacher: In April 1945, Berlin's assault began, who led the Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Red Victory Banner Walked Over the Reichstag Building. We do not have to forget these terrible events, so that the tragedy of war never repeated. It is a pity that human life is not infinite, only the memory can extend it, which one conquers time. Ancient said: "If the war is forgotten, the new one begins." Remember this!

Thousands of Russians in commemorative days come to the grave of an unknown soldier in Moscow, at the Piskarevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, on Sapunsk, in Sevastopol and other sacred places. The feat of the Soviet Army - the liberator is not only in our country. In Germany, a monument to the liberator is in Germany in Trepps - Park. The soldier is the winner, whose chest pressed the German girl saved by him.

Teacher: And now it came - the great long-awaited day is the Victory Day! Day May 9 became a day of victory in the war with fascist Germany. On June 24, 1945, a parade of Victory on Red Square took place.
In all cities of our country and many other countries are solemn rallies. And in the forefronts are veterans - those who passed the war. Honor and praise you - warriors liberators!

Teacher: Our people know the price of the world, peaceful life.

The world is morning, full of light and hopes.

The world is blooming gardens and perfect Niva.

The world is a school bell, this is a school, in the windows of which the sun.

It is good to wake up and know that you have a beautiful day ahead that you do not threaten anything, and all your dreams come true. Good to be happy!

The teacher reads the Final Poem:

A long time ended the war,

And on the chest of their order

Burn as memorable dates -

For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad

And for the blockade of Leningrad,

For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,

For all fragments from shells.

And at night you still

Fights under the Bug somewhere

And "Messers" Strach in the emphasis,

And from the hollow do not climb.

Calls to the attack Lieutenant,

But immediately falls, combat ...

And at home will wait for a long time

But only wait funeral.

On the same day and hour

To meet you in a hurry to friends,

But every year less than you,

And you for this you forgive,

That they failed to save you,

Did not heal your wounds.

And here in place of these meetings

The grandchildren of veterans come.

It has long over the war.

For a long time, soldiers came from the war.

And on the chest of their order

They burn like memorable dates.

You all who ruled that war -

In the rear of Il on the battlefield, brought a victory spring, -

Bow and memory generations.

(S. Kochuurova)
Author: Gnutova Olga Sergeevna
GBOU SPO RO "Konstantinovsky Agricultural Technical School"
Konstantinovsk, Rostov region
Russian language and literature teacher

Description of the material: I suggest you a class script for students of the SPO on the topic: "Victory - how much that means."
This material will be useful to methodologists and class managers, managers of local history activities, educators educational institutions.

Patriotic education of students.
Education of patriotism, feelings of pride for the heroic past of their people.

Deepen the ideas of students about the Great Patriotic War.
Education of the feeling of pride in our people.
1. Fragment from the film "They fought for their homeland."
2. songs "Alyosha", "Victory Day".
3. Posters "1941 - 1945", "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."
4. Exhibition of books about war.

The form: Collective creative business.

On the chalkboard the topic and epigraph of the class hour.
Recall everyone named,
I remember your grief ...
It is not necessary for it!
It is necessary alive.
Robert Christmas.

Preliminary work:
learning poems
1. Cycle conversations about the events of 1941 - 1945
2. Library lesson on the topic: "Wars of hard years".

Class hour.

The song "Get up, huge" song sounds.

On May 9, our country recalls the Terrible Years of War. This is a holiday of victory over a cunning and terrible enemy - fascism, which brought a lot of grief to every person. Today we will recall those terrible days when war broke out over the civilian sky of our country.

Student 1:
Against us shelves focusing
The enemy attacked a peaceful country.
White at night, white at night
Began this black war!
Only wants or does not want,
And will get from the war:
Soon even days, not only nights,
They will become black for him!

Student 2:
Quiet, guys, a minute of silence
Memory heroes almost
And their voices once sounded,
In the morning they met the sun,
Your peers is almost.
Among us there are no those
Who went to the front and did not return.
Recall through the century, after a year,
About those who no longer come.

Minute silence.

Student 3:
June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
There is a fragile moment
Until the first shots of war.
In a second, the world will blow up
Death will behave parade-alle
And forever goes out the sun
For millions on Earth.
Mad flurry of fire and steel
Will not turn back.
Two "Super God": Hitler - Stalin,
And between them a terrible hell.
June. Russia. Sunday.
Country on the edge: not to be ...
And this is a terrible moment
We never forget ...

Student 4:
We are not here, because the date
As an evil fragment, the memory is burning in the chest.
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You are on holidays and on weekdays come.
He defended you on the battlefield
Fell nor stepping without stepping back
And the name has this hero -
The Great Army is a simple soldier.

The melody of the song "Alyosha" sounds.

Student 5:
It seemed that it was cold, and they were slightly blocked from the dew.
I'll drop, which went through herbs and flowers, they were shaking German binoculars.
Flower, in Rosinka all, to flower a trick.
And the border guard stretched out his hands.
And the Germans, king coffee to drink, that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.
So all the silence breathing that the whole earth was still sleeping, it seemed
Who knew that between the sky of the world and the war of all about some 5 minutes left.

Student 6:
It was a day like a day, the sun was shining, and the wind was sharing on the grass.
I wondered, looking in User: Father on the front, in war.
And suddenly lighter became in the sky, a joyful wave
I came to us the news: victory! And no fights, and there is no war!
On the stove, the grandfather cried the old, the tears without hiding like a male.
And our mother smiled, a smile of happiness, finally.
4 years old Pope waited with her, as if the age.

Student 7:
Let's bow down the great years
The glorious commanders and fighters,
And marching country and ordinary
Bow and dead and alive,
All those who cannot be forgotten
Bow, bow, friends
All the world, all the people, all the earth!
Let's bow for that great fight!

Student 8:
Let our voice hear everywhere in defense of people.
Flourish on the spacious forests and fields.
Peace and friendship sun climb all higher
Do not be mixed in a powerful choir "No War! Peace - yes !!! "

And after 1418 days and nights, after the beginning of a terrible war, a victory came. (Song "Victory Day") sounds

Congratulations on Victory Day!
Let there always be the sky blue above you
And the sun warm warms you,
Let mom and dad go with you,
And your hearts do not know the loss.
Student 9:
Cranmasha suffered.
In the world - silence.
On the big earth one day
The war ran out.
We will live, meet the sunrise,
Believe and love.
Just not to forget it!
Just not to forget
How did the sun in Gary
And sculpted me
And in the river - between the shores -
The roofing flowed.
Were black birch
Long year,
Tears were smelted
Vdovo - forever.
This memory - believe, people
All the earth is needed ...
If we are for war,
War will come again.

Class hour by May 9 on the topic "Last battle, he is hard most"

Cool hour dedicated to Victory Day

The people die when it becomes a population. And he becomes the population when he forgets his story.

F. Abramov

The script is compiled in the traditional form: information block and front conversation with children. Given the chamber nature of the event (this is not a rally, not a school holiday, but confidential communication in the classroom), an excessive pathos should be avoided, loud words about patriotism. Each can determine its role in this event: Preparation of oral communications, musical design, reading poems, participation in the discussion.

The most difficult thing is to create the right atmosphere during the class hour. The difficult age of children, the need to stay after lessons, the theme of the class hour is itself - all this does not cause greater enthusiasm from modern nine-graders. Therefore, it is very important to prepare children, to configure that it will be necessary to fulfill your duty - to give the debt of memory to the defenders of the Fatherland, remember the Great Patriotic.

It is necessary to explain that it is not easy to give debts and do not really want. Therefore, it will have to make themselves, cross through the laziness, suppress the playful mood, tune in to a serious wave. This is very small. Total 45 minutes, and millions of lives given for their homeland for victory.

Objectives: expand the presentation of children about the Great Patriotic War; bring up respect for the heroic past of the country, awaken sympathy for the people of the older generation; form a positive assessment of such moral qualities as self-sacrifice, heroism, patriotism; form an active life position, encourage children to active resistance Attempts to blacken the history of the country.

Form of: hour of memory.

Preparatory work:

1-2 weeks before the class hour, configure children, to warn that the "hour of memory" is being prepared, in which everyone will have to take part;

The task of each student is to name the name of the fighter who died in war, to say when and where he died, where he was buried (ask parents, neighbors, acquaintances, you can take information from newspapers, radio, television);

Assign a group of children who will prepare informational messages based on the script materials;

Suggest children who can expressly read, learn poems from the text of the script;

To instruct several students to prepare the music design of the classroom: to execute the song " The last fight", Find music for silence minutes.

Equipment: Tape recorder or computer for musical design.

Registration: Georgievsky ribbons, flowers, posters, paintings of battles, battles, photographs of the commander.

Classroom plan

I. Introductory word.

II. Information block.

1. "Last battle, he is difficult."

2. Victory banner.

3. Marshal of Victory.

4. Victory Parade.

III. Stories of children on the topic "Soldiers of Victory".

IV. Minute silence.

V. Front conversation on the topic "Non-vacretful reflections".

Vi. Final word.

Classroom time

(Song "Last Fight" sounds (from k / f "Liberation").)

I. Introductory word

May 9 - this is a special day. This is the day of the celebration, and the day of memory. In all Orthodox churches, memorial services will be held in memory of the warriors who fell on the battlefields.

On such services, there are always many people - old and young, women and children, rich and poor, people of different nationalities - all of them unites common grief and the overall memory of that terrible war. But the one who does not go to the temples, for whom this war has already become a distant history, too - at least for a moment, the tears will remember the tears of Mom, grandparents, when he heard a familiar voice voice: "A minute of silence comes ...".

(Included by the metronome, teacher or one of the leaders reads Poems S. Goodzenko.)

We do not need to regret, because we did not regret anyone.

We are in our combat, as before the Lord God, clean.

Alive, it was greeted from blood and clay overcoats,

On the graves of the dead bloomed blue flowers,

Bloomed and opled ... the fourth autumn passes.

Our mother is crying, and the rovel silently sad.

We did not know love, did not have experienced happiness crafts,

We got to share the hard fate of the soldiers.

Classroom teacher. "My generation" - so called this poem of the Poet-Frontovik Semen Goodzenko. We are in eternal debt to them, because for our life they paid their sufferings, their blood. And we can give this debt only with memory and respect. Our today's class hour is only a small grain of this debt. Let's just listen, remember how it was (reads a class plan recorded on the board).

II. Information block

"The Last Fight, he is difficult."

Leading June 1/22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. In the plans of Hitler, it was to seize the territory, wealth of our country, most of the inhabitants to destroy, as representatives of the defective race, the remains of the population to drive out of the Urals, in the amateur forests and swamps. And for hundreds of years to install new orderwho should hold on to the domination of the highest race - Aryans. All our people rose to the struggle against such order. For many 4 years, the war was walking, millions of soldiers were ranging on the battlefields, but our people still expel the fascists from their land. Blood is inscribed in the history of Russia and the battle near Moscow, and Stalingrad, and the Kursk arc, and the removal of the blockade of Leningrad, and the liberation of Europe. The last fight, the last major battle of the Great Patriotic War is a battle for Berlin.

Leading 2. May 1945 Our troops, freeing the homeland, chasing the Nazis to their Logov. It was necessary to destroy the enemy so that fascism was never revived. And here our soldiers are already under Berlin. The last offensive operation of the Soviet troops, which was called "Uranus" unfolds. This is not 1941, when the Fascists walked on our land with a parade step, and hundreds of thousands of our fighters died, did not have time to make a single shot. Now Soviet troops are superior to the enemy and by quantity, and the quality of weapons. Berlin's take operation was developed by the best commander, and no one doubted success. But the enemy understood that this is his last chance. This made the Berlin battle one of the most stubborn and bloody on Eastern Front. The Nazis defended their last line, and there was nothing to lose.

Host 3. On the Berlin direction, the Germans acted a large grouping of the Army "Vistula" and "Center" (about 1 million people). Hitler turned Berlin into an impregnable fortress. The central district was most carefully strengthened, where Reichstag and the Imperial Office were located. The city was divided into 9 sectors, which were associated with the progress. The subway was widely used for secretive maneuver. From the Soviet side, 2.5 million people participated in the operation, our army was 4 times more guns and mortars, 4 times more tanks, 2 times more aircraft.

The main role in the capture of the German capital was given to the armies of the 1st Belorussian front, which was commanded by Marshal G.K. Zhukov. But the troops of the 1st Ukrainian and 2nd Belarusian fronts were actively involved in this operation.

Leading 4.16 April our army went to the offensive. The battles were heavy, bloody, the fascists were desperately resisted, but our troops managed to close the ring of the environment. Another group of Soviet troops met with the Americans. The enemy defense turned out to be dissected. One part of the fascists desperately tried to break through the environment to surrender to the Americans.

After stubborn battles, Nazis managed to break the ring of the environment briefly. But a few units were broken to the West. The storming of the German capital began on April 26th. Fights walked day and night. The whole city was saturated with defensive structures, the subway was flooded, the houses exploded to overcoat the streets, and most importantly - until the very last moment of people chasing on slaughter, so that they hold the defense. Soviet troops were forced to literally storm each house.

The leading 5.29 April began fighting for Reichstag, each floor of the building had to take with the battle. And on the roichstag roof, a red banner flashed. An indiscriminate shooting was still heard, the death of our soldiers flew out of houses and basements, but it was already clear to everyone that the Third Reich was crushed. On May 1, representatives of the Hitler's headquarters requested a truce, reporting on Hitler's suicide. However, Zhukov on the orders of Stalin demanded a unconditional surrender. Hitler's command is the requirement rejected, and the last assault on the central part of the city began, where the imperial office was located. The battle for this object continued all night from 1 to 2 May and ended with the capitulation of the fascists. On behalf of Stalin, the Capitulation Act signed Marshal G.K. Zhukov. The remains of the Berlin garrison (more than 134 thousand people) surrendered. For this city, a very high price was paid - the losses of our troops were even higher than during the Stalingrad or Kursk battle. Hundreds of thousands of our soldiers never returned home, they remained to lie in someone else's land in order to end forever with fascism.

Victory Banner

Leading 6. Banner as a banner: Red rectangle, sickle and hammer, inscription "150th Cutuzov Odritskaya Order rifle division" This combat tie was officially awarded the title "Victory Banner". On April 30, 1945, the regimental scouts - Sergeant Mikhail Egorov and Junior Sergeant Meliton Cantarius established this banner on the rooftop roof. Fighters from other units also installed the red flags over Berlin, but this banner was special. Nine such banners were delivered by airplanes to Berlin. And only one of them, at number 5, was empty over Reichstag. This banner was installed literally under the enemy's fire - a lot more fascists continued to resist, sitting in the ruins of houses, on the roofs, in basements. But it was necessary to show everyone that Reichstag was taken that the fascism came the end. And the Red Banner over Reichstag was the best thing Proof. In 1945, after the Parade of Victory, this banner was sent to eternal storage at the Central Museum of Armed Forces.

Marshal Victory

Leader 7. "Marshal of Victory" - all George Konstantinovich Zhukov called this so-called. Zhukov - the great commander XX century. One modern historian noticed that Russia every century gave birth to a commander, whose genius alleged the state and nation. In the XVIII century It was A.V. Svorov, in the XIX century. - M.I. Kutuzov, and in the XX century. - G.K. Zhukov. Biography Zhukova is a biography of a warrior. Even the name of the village where he was born - shooting - associated with a weapon. The Zhukov family was very poor: the father was sapped in the city, the mother was interrupted by different earnings. Konstantin Georgievich Zhukov received his fighting baptism tsarist army, on the fronts of the First World War. He became a good cavalidist, he served until the Officer officer, was awarded two George crosses. After the revolution, he joined the Red Army. Machine-gun and cavalry courses are all his military academies.

Leading 8. The colonical talent of Zhukov manifested itself in the battles on the Khalkhin-goal river, where our troops under his leadership surrounded and defeated the Japanese army. In this battle, the enemy losses amounted to 61 thousand servicemen. Soviet troops lost 18.5 thousand people. For this combat operation, Zhukov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But the most bright talent of the Zhukovoye-Commissioner revealed during the Great Patriotic War. "Where the beetles, there and the victory," the soldiers said. Zhukov led the most responsible battles of the Great Patriotic War: Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk battle. He led the Storm of Berlin. He was the first to sign an act of unconditional surrender of Germany. It was he who in 1945 he accepted the Victory Parade on Red Square.

Leading 9. Zhukov was a man of very strong will, strong character. He could obey Stalin, arguing with the leader. Zhukov some are accused of seeing victory at any price, not the coast of soldiers. But the famous historian Vadim Kolinov denied it. Yes, indeed, many military operations in which the famous commander took part was accompanied by considerable victims. But in percentage of the number of fighters, these losses were much smaller than those of other military leaders. Who walked the war knows that Zhukov does not need excuses. On that war it was impossible to win a little bit, just unmanned the enemy from her home. Fascism had to be destroyed by anything. After all, if the Nazis won, the current prosecutors of the Great Commander could hardly argue in the silence of their cabinets about the bloodthirsty of Marshal Zhukov and about the rationality of his orders. Georgy.

Konstantinovich Zhukov entered the story along with our great victory.

Victory parade

Lead 10. Long years Tests. Long years of battles. Millions of the dead ... and all this for one day - the day of victory ... On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. And exactly after 4 years, June 24, 1945 in Moscow, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square. He took the parade of the victory Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. He commanded the parade of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky. At the request of Stalin, Zhukov had to take a parade on a white horse. For Rokossovsky, also picked the horse. In the parade should be attended by one consolidated shelf from all fronts, summary shelves of the Navy and Air Force. The shelves included the heroes of the Soviet Union, the holders of the Order of Fame, famous snipers, and ordinarians.

Leading 11. In the course of the parade, our soldiers had to fold German banners at the foot of the Mausoleum, but a few days before the parade it was decided to flush enemy standards. To fulfill this maneuver, he had to train two hundred soldier-bannamers to complex rebuilding techniques adopted by the Old Roman legionnaires. Opened the parade of the Banner of Victory. This is a banner that was established over the Reichstag fighters of the 756th rifle regiment of Egorov and Cantaria. On the day of the parade in Moscow, it was raining. But universal excitement was so great that no one noticed rain.

Lead 12. Under the battle of the Kremlin Quararants, Marshal Zhukov left the Spassky Gate on the White Kone. To meet him with a checker, he left Rokossovsky. In front of the mausoleum, Marshals stopped against each other, and in absolute silence everyone heard the voice of Rockustovsky: "The troops of the Army and the Moscow garrison for a parade of victory are built!" Zhukov and Rokossovsky began to travel around and welcome troops. The square was literally shocked from the thousandth "Hurray!".

In all frames of the newsreel, the most amazing event of the parade - march 200 of the bannamers who gave the German banners on the platform, to the foot of the mausoleum. After a parade, the fascist flags were collected and sent to museums, and the platform, where they lay, as well as the gloves of the bannamers were burned. This was a complete disinfection from the defeated fascist infection. The next parade of Victory passed in 20 years. It was then that in 1965, May 9 was officially declared a festive day.

III. Debt of memory. "Soldiers of Victory"

Leading 13. 4 years walled, 4 years worked the car of extermination of people. Until now, the exact number of our dead soldiers is unknown. Very expensive paid our people for this victory. And the banner, and marshals, and the parade - all this is important and necessary for victory, but the main winner was our soldiers. It was he passed on military roads from the border to Stalingrad. It is a Merz in the trenches, buried to the ground and got up to the whole height under the fire of German batteries, it was he walked on the tanks with a rifle and grenade, he was released from the fascist uncleanness of the country of Europe, it he took Berlin. Soldiers of Victory: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Georgians, Moldovans - representatives of dozens of nationalities climbed to war with fascism and became one people in this war - the victorious people. It is impossible to remember all namely - their millions of those who have lost themselves who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in German captivity. But if each of us in the Holy Victory Day remembered at least one name, there would be no forgotten soldiers throughout Russia. Let's remember the dead, call names, battles, dates.

(Children in a chain stand up, call the names of the fallen soldiers, the date and place of death and burial.)

IV. Minute silence

Classroom teacher. I suggest to honor the memory of all the fallen minutes of silence in the Great Patriotic War.

(Music sounds, all children get up.)

Please sit down.

V. Frontal conversation on the topic "Non-vacretful reflections"

Classroom teacher. Guys, raise your hands who saw a newsreel personnel on which our soldiers meet with flowers in the cities of Europe, in Moscow in the Belarusian station? Who drew attention to the faces of people, on the face of soldiers? (Children raise hands, express.)

Indeed, on these frames, everyone is simply filled with happiness. With what admiration, everyone looks at our warriors who saved the world from the fascist plague. Then it seemed that no one would be able to overcome these fabulous warriors and all nations in non-demand debt before them. But years have passed. Bogatyri became veterans. Is it possible to say that we paid your debt before them? (Children's responses.)

Is it possible to say that we fulfilled our duty to those who died by protecting our country?

Approximate answers of children:

Monuments of the dead in war, the fraternal graves are also very poor, some abandoned.

There are few movies, stories, poems and songs about war, young people know the recent history, believes all sorts of balls.

Now there have been a lot of attacks on our soldiers. Our warriors are called invaders, monuments demolish, insult their memory.

Many still soldiers are not buried, missing.

We are silent when we hear insults to the winners of the winners, we do not know how to protect their memory.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, they say that the war is not finished until the last soldier is buried. In this case, we still will end soon, because tens of thousands of soldiers are not committed to land. For many years, various search engines have been operating in Russia, which are wanted in the fields, in the forests of uniform warriors, betray them. This work has been going for many years, but still all new and new remains are. But how can you cut those who spread dirty, defamatory facts about our fighters, who insults their memory in the press, on television, in books and films? (Children's responses.)

Vi. Final word

Classroom teacher. Overall pain, and common grief, and the common joy of victory - all this combines people of different nationalities in one people, about which they say abroad: "these are Russians."

Read the words of the Russian writer Fyodor Abramova (reads the epigraph).

That is why the victory day is celebrated throughout Russia, therefore heroes are remembered, the places of battles, therefore they restore the burial of the fallen warriors. It is not necessary for it, it needs alive. To remain the people, you need to save your memory.

The purpose of the event is:Education of historical literacy and feelings of patriotism among the younger generation, the formation of a sense of involvement with historical events during the war years.

Event flow

Leading: Every year in May our country celebrates Victory Day


Our light May!
Our May go!
All the people came to the holiday
The whole area is red sings,
Sings about joyful spring
And about the distant glorious day
About the bottom of the victory in the war!

Leading: - Long, painful 4 years later, this war lasted on the territory of our state, which was then called the Soviet Union. All the people rose to the defense of their fatherland, so the war was calleddomestic. Everything from Mala to Velik, they went to fight with the enemy, who came to our land with war: to capture, destroy, wash with the face of the earth, burn the village and village, echelons to steal captive and kill the Russian people.


Through the century after year
About those who no longer come -

War - tougher there is no word,
War - sad there is no word,
War - Light No Word
In longing and glory these years.
And we have another
It can not be not yet.

The song "Sacred War" is fulfilled, the words V. Lebedeva-Kumacha, Music A. Alexandrova.

Leading: On June 22, 1941, without the announcement of the war, voraing violating the attack agreement between Germany and the USSR, the German fascist troops suddenly invaded the territory of our Motherland. So the Great Patriotic War began.

"Attention! Says Moscow! We convey an important government message. Citizens and Citizens of the Soviet Union! Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German Armed Forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. "

Country bloom. But the enemy is from around the corner
Turning the raid, went to us the war.
At that terrible hour
Stainfully becoming a wall
All youth took the weapon to defend the fatherland's native.

Not only adults, but also children rose to the defense of the Motherland. Going into battle, the fighters gave an oath to the Motherland in the fact that they will act rapidly and boldly, without sparing their lives for the death of the enemy. The will of his own, his strength and blood will give their drops behind the drops for the happiness of their people and a hotly beloved homeland!


That's forty first year, the end of June,
And people went to sleep calmly on the eve.
But the whole country already knew in the morning,
What began a terrible war


June ... clone in the evening sunset.
And white night flooded the sea,
And there was a ringing laughter guys
Do not know who do not know the grief.


June. Then we did not know
From school evenings stepping,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war,
And he will end only in the 45th. in May.


So all breathe silence
That the whole earth still slept seemed
Who knew that between the world and the war,
A total of some 5 minutes left.

Leading: Ended a short night on June 22, 1941. Dawn was approaching ... And suddenly the border guards paid attention to our Western, which, because of the border, the dark cloud was moving, which quickly approached and filled all the sinister roar. No, it was not a thundering cloud, it rushed Armada fascist aircraft. She crossed the air borders of the Soviet Union and began his terrible business - the bombing of cities, railway stations, military and civilian objects.

Following the fascist airplanes hit the enemy artillery, went to the course of tanks with crosses on the towers, and after them the infantry. The very bloody and brutal, most heavy and tragic war from all wars, who were on Earth, began.

The Great Patriotic War began ...


That longest day per year,
With his cloudless weather
We gave us a common trouble
For everything, for all four years.
Leading: War and youth ... war and mother ... and widows. ... But the worst thing, the most inhuman isWar and children. Children of war ... they were killed by the wars with the machines, buried their loved ones, frozen, died with hunger in a blockade Leningrad


Children of war - and blows cold.
Children of war - and smells of hunger
Children of war - and end hair:
On bangs of children's ... gray stripes.


Girls girls seven years old
Like two fillings.
On children's face noticeable
Big, heavy longing.


She is silent, about anything you ask
I'll joke with her - silent in response,
As if she was not seven, not eight,
And a lot, a lot of bitter years.

1st presenter: Children met war in different age. Someone is quite a bluer, someone teenage. Someone was on the threshold of youth. The war found them in the metropolitan cities and small villages, at home and visiting grandmothers, in a country camp, on the front edge and in the deep rear.

2nd presenter: From school bench, guys went to the front. Those who fought at the front gave all their strength to achieve victory over the enemy. Many of them did not return. And only women and children remained at home.

Performed song "Dark Night".

Leading: During the war years, over 26 million of our citizens died. A minute of silence almost the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for peace and happiness on earth, for our life with you.

Please get up! (Passes a minute of silence)


Eternal Glory and Eternal Memory
Fallen in cruel battle!
Beat bravely and steadily with enemies
You for your depth!

Do not Cry!
In the throat, take the moans, bitter moans.
Memory of the fallen be decent!
Always worthy!

As long as the heart is knocking - remember!
Some price conquered happiness, -
Please remember!

Leading: In the spring of 1945, the Great Patriotic War was over.
On May 8, 1945, an act of a complete and unconditional surrender of fascist Germany was signed, and on May 9, he declared the Great Victory Day of the Great Soviet people over Hitler's Germany. Our army defeated the fascists and freed the peoples of the whole world from this greatest evil. And still in our country on May 9, Victory Day is celebrated!

The price of victory is composed of many factors:

  1. Thanks to the talent of military leaders and commanders, a powerful battle armywhich was able to give a decent fiction to the enemy.
  2. Desperate faith of our people in victory.
  3. And the most terrible fee for the victory is 27 million worried about the lives of Soviet people who have fallen in battles who died from RAS and hunger who died in death camps and under bombing.


So back on the earth's planet
I did not repeat the trouble.
We need,
So that our children
I remembered it
Like us!
I'm not in vain worried
So that the war was forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience.
She is
How power we need ...


We were not in the world
When it thundered salute from the edge to the edge.
Soldiers Gave you to the planet
Great May!
Victory May!


Today the holiday is included in every house.
And the joy towards people comes next.
We congratulate you on the Great Day,
Happy Has Fame!
Happy Victory Day!

Performed song "Victory Day". Sl.v Kharitonova, Muses. D. Tukhmanova.


Victory! Nice victory!
What happiness was in her!
Let it be clear forever heaven.
And the herbs will be green.

Victory! Victory!
In the name of the debris - victory!
In the name of living - victory!
In the name of the future - victory!

Do not forget this date to us,
What committed to war
Winner - Soldatu
Hundreds of a bow left!

Thank you soldiers you
For life, for childhood and spring
For silence
For a peaceful house,
For the world in which we live.

28.08.2015 3690 483 Egorova Lidia Vladimirovna

Purpose: To form knowledge of students about the heroic history of our people;

- to educate with the younger students a sense of love for his homeland, pride for their country, respectful attitude towards people of the older generation;
- to expand knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War;
- Considerate interest in the past and true region, to show what contribution to family members in the defeat of the enemy, mass combat and labor heroism of Pradedov, their readiness for any labor benefit from the Motherland;
Form of carrying out: Class hour with elements of the musical and literary composition.

Classroom time
Every year in May our country celebrates Victory Day. And today, as many years ago, in the distant, forty-fifth, this holiday remains joyful and sad at the same time. People's pride will never disappear from the memory of the Great Victory, the memory of the terrible price, which we paid for it. Day 9, 1945 knows the whole world. Our country went to this day 4 years. But what are these years ...
- What is war? How do you understand what this word mean, your associations? (children's responses)
Pupil: War ... is severe no word.
War ... sad no word.
War ... no word sacred
In longing and glory these years,
And we have another
Still can not be ... and no ...
Teacher: At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began.
Student: June. Clone in the evening sunset
And white night flooded the sea,
And he was heard a ringing laughter guys
Do not know who do not know grief.
Student: June. Then we did not know
From school evenings stepping,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war,
And it will end only in the 45th, in May.
Pupil: All breathing silence
That the whole earth still slept seemed
Who knew that between the world and the war,
A total of some 5 minutes left.
1. In the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. From every 100 guys of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return back. 97 out of 100! Here she is, war!
2. Want - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and villages, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War is 32 thousand blown factories and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.
3. When it is 900 days and nights of a blockade Leningrad. It is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on peaceful people.
4.Wang - this is 20 hours at the machine per day. This is a crop that grew up on the salty from sweat of the earth. This is bloody corn on the palms of the same girls and boys like you.
5. Wayed ... from Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - this is if you count in a straight line.
6. Looks little, right? An airplane is about 4 hours, but for the first 4 years of 1418 days.
Teacher: People died, did not spare their lives, went to death to drive fascists from our land. In those coherent years of war, children quickly adults. In the heavy time for the country, they already realized themselves as a particle of their people. At the fronts and in partisan detachments, the children fought along with adults.
Hero guys will never be forgotten: Lenya Golikov, Volodya Dubinin, Valya Catik, Marat
Cases, Zina Portorova and many, many others.
Little heroes of a big war. They fought next to the elders - fathers, brothers. Fought everywhere. At sea, like Boria Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arcasha Kamanin. In the partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. In Kerch Catacombs, like Volodya Dubinin. In the underground, like Volodya Shcherbatsevich.
And neither a moment did not flour the young hearts!
Pupil: Young Impressive heroes,
Young you stayed forever.
Before your suddenly revived
We stand without raising the age.
Pain and anger is now the reason
Thanks to all you all
Small persistent men
Girls worthy of poems.
Teacher: And far from advanced thousand and thousands of women, children, old people worked in the rear: they grown bread, they collected weapons, sewed clothes. And waited. Waiting for their loved ones: husbands, fathers, sons, brothers. Waited and believed that they would return. And it helped, supported fighters in difficult moments.
Teacher: Women not only worked in the rear .. They were medical examinations, doctors, nurses, scouts, television. Many soldiers saved delicate good female hands from death.
Pupil: Cannon rumble, bullets whistle.
Wounded with a soldier shell fragment.
Sisters whispering:
"Come on, I will support
Wanish I will give up! "-
All forgot: weakness and fear,
I made him on my hands from the battle.
How many love and heat in it!
Many sister saved death.

Pupil: Quiet, guys, a minute of silence
Memory heroes almost
And their voices once sounded,
In the morning they met the sun,
Our peers is almost.
Among us there are no those
Who went to the front and did not return.
But the memory of them is alive.
I ask everyone to stand. The heads of the head before the greatness of the Soviet soldier's feat. Almost the memory of all the dead is a minute of silence.
Minute silence
Teacher: In April 1945, Berlin's assault began, who led the Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Red Victory Banner Walked Over the Reichstag Building. We do not have to forget these terrible events, so that the tragedy of war never repeated. It is a pity that human life is not infinite, only the memory can extend it, which one conquers time. Ancient said: "If the war is forgotten, the new one begins." Remember this!
Thousands of Russians in commemorative days come to the grave of an unknown soldier in Moscow, at the Piskarevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, on Sapunsk, in Sevastopol and other sacred places. The feat of the Soviet Army - the liberator is not only in our country. In Germany, a monument to the liberator is in Germany in Trepps - Park. The soldier is the winner, whose chest pressed the German girl saved by him.
Pupil: We are here with you not because the date
As an evil fragment, memory is burning in the chest.
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You are on holidays and weekdays come.
He defended you on the battlefield.
Fell, nor step without stepping back.
And the name has this hero -
The Great Army is a simple soldier.
Pupil: And in Berlin, in the festive date,
Was erected to stand in the centuries,
Monument- Soviet soldier,
With the girl saved, on hand.
He stands like a symbol of our glory.
Like a lighthouse glowing in the MGL
This is he - a soldier, my power,
Guards the world on the whole earth!
Teacher: And now it came - the great long-awaited day is the Victory Day! Day May 9 became a day of victory in the war with fascist Germany. On June 24, 1945, a parade of Victory on Red Square took place. (Slide)
In all cities of our country and many other countries are solemn rallies. And in the forefronts are veterans - those who passed the war. Honor and praise you - warriors liberators!
Pupil: May holiday -
Victory Day
Notes the whole country.
Outfit our grandfathers
Martial order.
They are calling them in the morning
For a solemn parade
And thoughtfully from the threshold
I am
Grandmothers look.
Pupil: Friends come to the grandfather.
Come to the grandfather friends
Come on Victory Day.
I love to listen to a long
Their songs and conversations.
I do not ask them to repeat
Software stories:
After all, repeating
Again to lose
Comrades of the military,
Which are still looking for
Awards combat.
One sergeant, another major,
And more - ordinary.
I know:
It is difficult every year
Talk first
About how the army is ahead
With the hope of Stegal. About what is there palfa,
How in the heart of the bullet
-Sudged, - they are shy, -nud!
Do you remember how in July?
I silently sit down
But sometimes sometimes
What I'm in the sight looking
What am I getting ready for battle.
That those who write letters to me
No longer await a response.
That even summer in war -
Other summer.
Come to grandfather friends
Celebrate victory.
Less than them
But I believe:
They will come, come ...

Teacher: Our people know the price of the world, peaceful life.
The world is morning, full of light and hopes.
The world is blooming gardens and perfect Niva.
The world is a school bell, this is a school, in the windows of which the sun.
It is good to wake up and know that you have a beautiful day ahead that you do not threaten anything, and all your dreams come true. Good to be happy!
The teacher reads the Final Poem:
A long time ended the war,
And on the chest of their order
Burn as memorable dates -
For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad
And for the blockade of Leningrad,
For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,
For all fragments from shells.
And at night you still
Fights under the Bug somewhere
And "Messers" Strach in the emphasis,
And from the hollow do not climb.
Calls to the attack Lieutenant,
But immediately falls, combat ...
And at home will wait for a long time
But only wait funeral.
On the same day and hour
To meet you in a hurry to friends,
But every year less than you,
And you for this you forgive,
That they failed to save you,
Did not heal your wounds.
And here in place of these meetings
The grandchildren of veterans come.
It has long over the war.
For a long time, soldiers came from the war.
And on the chest of their order
They burn like memorable dates.
You all who ruled that war -
In the rear of Il on the battlefield, brought a victory spring, -
Bow and memory generations.
(S. Kochuurova)

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