Open class hour by May 9th. Methodical development of the classroom on the topic "Victory Day

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Methodical development The class hour is intended for students of grades 5-11, contains brief information about large battles and events of the Second World War, as well as the history of the celebration of Victory Day.

Objectives of the event:

  • To educate patriotic feelings to their homeland, pride for her heroic past, respect for participants in the Great Patriotic War, readiness for sacrificial actions in the name of the greatness and prosperity of the republic.
  • To form a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe terrible danger that fascism is carried, war, crime against human life.
  • Promoting the expansion of ideas about the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War, about courage, courage.

Objectives of the event:


  • Immerse children into the atmosphere of wartime.
  • Expand the knowledge of the student about the events of 1941-1945.
  • Answer interest in the study of the historical past of our homeland.


  • Education from students of grateful memory about the ordinary Soviet people who beat fascism, feelings of pride for their country.
  • Education of respect for the feats of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the feeling of pride for them.
  • Education of respect and gratitude to the veterans of the Second World War.
  • Education of honesty, nobility, compassion.
  • The continuity of the heroic traditions of older generations to ensure a happy future of their homeland.
  • To promote the upbringing of patriotism and love for your "small" homeland.


  • Develop interest in learning history.
  • Expand the knowledge area to enrich vocabulary students.

F.oRMbut Organizations of childrenclass hour in the form of a lecture - a seminar.

Event flow

1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down. Today we are on the eve of a beautiful day - the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. And this class hour I want to start a poem:

The victory was dreaming, dreamed.
There was a road life every moment ...
Here I asked: how ... was war? ..
"Usually," said old man,
War neither is what business.
The world is that the main thing, son ".
To be the world - you need courage here:
Prevent unfortunate time ...

For all of us, the Great Patriotic War is a story. But every self-respecting person should know her, because it is the story of our homeland, our relatives and loved ones.

We dedicate to this event to our class hour "Victory Day".

2. New topic

Student report

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. Long 4 years before May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the birthplace from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations, for us.

War. The word is short, but terrible.

It is impossible and imagine that they feel and how participants and eyewitnesses of the events of seventy-year-old presses live with their terrible memories.

War. It is a terrible word, instantly sheltered all major and small villages, no one bypassed. I did not bypass this news and our city - Makeevka.

There was the shortest night a year. People slept peacefully. And suddenly:

War! War!

The war mercilessly invaded childhood, climbed his youth, plunged into despair of old people. Many residents of our city participated in the battles at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Only women, children, old men remained in the rear. They worked at the factories, digging the trenches, built defensive structures, quenched on the roofs of the incendiary bombs to save their homes from the fire. Tens of thousands of women, adolescents, elderly people stood up to machines, mastered tractors, combines, cars in return to the front of her husbands, fathers and sons. The main motto of the whole country was: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!".

In the rear selflessly worked for the front, on the front fought for those who stayed at home. Nazis destroyed and burned hundreds of cities, tens of thousands of settlements. They made unheard of atrocities.

Teacher:The largest battles and events of the Great Patriotic War, who have become a turning point in those harsh years of war, can be called the defense of Moscow, the blockade of Leningrad, the Stalingrad battle, Kursk arc, the assault of Berlin.

On September 8, 1941, Leningrad blocade began. About the ninettes of days fought, worked and lived in the ring of the blockade of Leningrad.

Reader 1:

We have this buying road
And the best is not necessary as a reward.
We competed here and drove the enemy,
And here we broke through the blockade!

Teacher:All winter in 1941 was the battle for Moscow. And Moscow has surrender. The defense of Moscow ended on April 20, 1942. The defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow was the beginning of the root fracture during the war. Before the whole world, the legend of the invincibility of the Hitler's armies was debunk.

Reader 2:

Forgetting in the smoke, in the trench clay,
That sleep happens to
We are a merciless way to Berlin
Opened the battle for Moscow.

Teacher:In February 1943, the battle under Stalingrad ended victoriously. The fascists were inflicted a crushing blow, from which they could not recover until the very end of the war.

Reader 3:

Here the order of courage will come
On the chest of land
No wonder this chest is exterminated,
With death beat life
And the death of the enemies found.
And defeated life
In battles near Stalingrad!

Teacher:A full victory on August 23, 1943 ended the historical battle on the Kursk arc.

Reader 1:

Those fights -
As a measure of our strength.
That's why she and the road
Kursk Great Arque ...

Teacher:During 1944, the capitals of the Soviet Socialist Republics of Vilnius, Chisinau, Kiev, Minsk, Riga, Tallinn were released from the fascist troops.

And now the long-awaited victory! The assault of Berlin is 1945.

Student report

On May 8, 1945, an act on the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany was signed. It happened at 22:43 on Central European Time and at 00:43 - Moscow. From 1:00 Moscow time entered into force the act. Therefore, in European countries, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, and in Russia - the 9th. Interestingly, although the act of surrender was adopted, the Soviet Union continued to officially remain in a state of war with Germany until 1955, when the relevant decision was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The ninth of May, a plane landed on the central airfield named after Frunze in the city of Moscow, which brings the act of Capitulation of Germany to the capital. Victory Parade took place on Red Square on June 24. He took the parade of Marshal Georgy Zhukov, commanded the parade Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky. The solemn march passed through the area of \u200b\u200bthe counterproof shelves of fronts. The commanders of the army and fronts went ahead, the Heroes of the Soviet Union carried the banner.

This holiday is traditionally celebrated on May 9th. It symbolizes the resistance and self-sacrifice of the peoples of the Soviet Union. Together, the price of monstrous losses, managed to defend their native land and defeat the largest war, which ever happened in the history of mankind. Such cruel battles with the participation of millions of soldiers and tens of thousands of cars have never been even in the entire history of the development of human civilization.

Teacher:War is 4 years old, it's 1,418 sleepless days and nights, these are 20 million dead Russian people, which means 22 people for every 2 meters of land, which means 13 people every minute.

In 1945, Stalin signed a decree that May 9 becomes a public holiday and weekend. However, in 1948, Victory Day became a working day. Parads and festive events were resumed again only in 1965. At this time, the holiday of May 9 finally became the day off.

The first Victory Day was celebrated as never in history. On the streets, people hugged and kissed each other. Many cried. On the evening of May 9, the victory was given in Moscow in Moscow, the largest in the history of the USSR: thirty volleys from a thousand guns. Since then, Victory Day was and remained one of the most important and revered holidays in Russia and the CIS.

After the collapse of the USSR, for some time the parade on the day of victory was not carried out, they resumed this tradition only in 1995. And from that time the parades pass annually. By tradition on this day, wreaths are assigned wreaths to monuments of combat fame and military valiation, veterans meetings, participants of that war are held, solemn events and concerts are arranged, the festive salute rattles.

Since 2005, the Patriotic Promotion "Georgievskaya Ribbon" is held in order to return and instill the value of the holiday to the young generation. "Georgievskaya Ribbon" is presented in the figure.

On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, everyone can learn in hand, a bag or antenna of the Georgievskaya ribbon car in memory of the heroic past of the USSR, as a symbol of military valor, victory, combat fame and recognition of the merit of front-line.

Reader 2:

Four years from sunset before dawn
We kissed the victory!
Dreaming about one to the dawn
It has come silence, victory!

Teacher:72 years passed, as the Great Patriotic War ended, but her echo still does not subside in human souls. Yes, the time has its own memory ...

Memory is a recognition. Memory is moments. Memory is loyalty to living. And no matter how much water flowed into the fly, we will always be magnifying this war "Great."

Why do we re-remember this terrible war again? Because worry about the future. We must remember the past so that fascism does not repeat again.

Let's remember it always. And now, guys, let's continue the proverbs: "Let's say there is no war!", About that "great" war so that it has never been on our beautiful planet.


  • War is good to hear, yes hard ( see).
  • If you want the world, be ready ( to war).
  • Do not take without courage and ( fortress).
  • Who skillfully owns weapons, that enemy ( will overcome).
  • The enemy wanted to smear, but I had to ( sorry).
  • In battle to visit - the price of life ( discover).
  • Together for the world stand - war ( not to happen).

Thank you guys, you know the proverbs well ...

Recall today and those who are no longer anyone who has not returned from the battlefields who did not survive until today.

Reader 3:

Let's bow down the great years
The glorious commanders and fighters,
And marcharals of the country, and ordinary,
Let's bow and dead, and alive.
All those who are not forgotten,
Bow, bow my friends.
All world, all the people, all the earth.
Let's bow for the great battle.

Reader 4:

Quiet, guys, a minute of silence
Memory heroes almost
And their voices once they sounded
In the morning they met the sun,
Our peers is almost.
Among us there are no those
Who walked to the front and did not return.
Recall through the century, after a year,
About those who no longer come.

Teacher: Almost the memory of the heroes who did not come from the war, a minute of silence (Minute silence)I ask everyone to stand. Please sit down.

On May 9, it is customary to congratulate each other and veterans with the holiday of victory, as well as to thank the living and fallen participants of that war for defending their native land and provided for many years peaceful sky over the head of descendants.

Unfortunately, direct participants in combat operations are practically left. Information carriers are descendants of the heroes and children of war. They accepted the baton from veterans and now transfer information about those events to the next generation.

The dead are also not forgotten, on this day there are live flowers on monuments and fees, fraternal graves.

The best gift to eyewitnesses and participants of those events, living and deceased will be the memory of their feat and warm words of gratitude. Also a good gift will be flowers and Georgievsky ribbons - a symbol of the Great Victory. At this time, lilac flowers, the bouquets of it schoolchildren usually give veterans.

Also, educational institutions and organizations provide chef assistance to veterans, help on households, organize solemn events and their meetings with fellow soldiers.

But the best gift for the remaining veterans will be systematic assistance, both organizations and individuals, and the feeling of what is always remembered about them, and not only on a festive day.

3. Fixing

Let's remember the largest battles and events of the Great Patriotic War, which became a turning point in those harsh years of war ( defense of Moscow, Leningrad Blockade, Stalingrad Battle, Kursk Arc, Berlin Storm).

4. Reflection

Song of the "Victory Day" of the composer D. Tukhmanova and the poet V. Kharitov. Students of the class come out with pigeons cut out of cardboard and attach this symbol of the world to the poster. (Poster with painted sun and blue sky is hanging in advance on the board).

Teacher:Our class hour is finished. I hope that you will always remember the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War, you will respect the WWI veterans not only on the eve of this day, but also throughout the year, and if possible, help them in life. I wish you to be kind people and patriots of your republic.

Municipal General Education
Secondary school № 92
Urban district city Voronezh

Methodical development
Extracurricular activities
(2 class)

Subject: "The feat of the people
Live in centuries

Acquaintance with the heroic pages of the history of our Motherland. Education of the sense of patriotism through the study of the history of the native country, respect for the past of their people, love for the Fatherland.

Lugovskaya Svetlana Dmitrievna

a computer;
multimedia prefix for presentation;
presentation of the teacher;
song recording;
drawings of children about war;
"Memory Tape" (making children during the event).

The course of the event.

On May 9, 2010, 65 times will tear off the victory. And in the memory of the people
to this day, the alive of the suffering of military years and the immeasurable courage of the people.
(Slide 2)
1 student
Today will be the day of memories
And in the heart closely from high words.
Today will be a day reminder
About the feat and valor of fathers.

The phonogram of the song "What is the Motherland begins", Muz V. Basner,
sl. M. Matusovsky. (Slide 2)

Today we mentally move into the past of our Motherland.

Year 1941. June 22, day off. 4 o'clock in the morning, people still slept. Many were away from home, on vacations, on vacation. The war found them all suddenly.

2 student
June clone in the evening sunset,
And white night flooded the sea,
And he was heard a ringing laughter guys
Do not know who do not know grief.

3 student
That very long day a year
With his cloudless weather
We gave us a common trouble
At all, for all 4 years. (K. Simonov)

4 student
Sad willow touched a pond,
A month is sailing over the river,
There, at the border, stood in the post
At night, the fighter is young.
Black shadows in the fog grew,
Cloud in the sky dark
The first shell broke away away
So began war.

Without the ad war, fascist troops attacked our homeland. The Great Patriotic War began. Above the country hung the threat to the loss of independence and freedom. At the factories, factories, institutions have passed rallies and meetings. And everyone swore like one to defend the native country.
Then the posters "Mother's Mother calls" appeared and the song "Sacred War" was written.

Song sounds "Sacred War", music. A. Alexandrova, SL. V. Lebedev - Kumacha (in the record)
Showing a Poster "Homeland -" (Slide 4)

5 student
Get up the people! Hearing the cry of the earth.
At the front, the soldiers of the Motherland left.
With the fathers there were their sons near
And the children went on the roads of war.
For the Dnieper, the soldiers went for the Volga.
Fought for your favorite land.
For every city, each village.
For everything on my earth grew.
For a children's smile, a bright class,
For the world, for the happiness of each of us.

One of the first battles was at the border Brest Fortress. NOT expens the nightingale their predestal song. Earth trembled from the salvos, the flurry of the metal and the fire fell on the buildings of the fortress. The bright sky has become red. Defenders of the fortress for about a month led an unequal battle and caused big damage to the fascists.

Show slides "Brest Fortress"
(while reading the poem "Reflection in the Brest Fortress")
(Slides 5 - 10)

6 student
"Reflection in the Brest Fortress"
I knew that you could overheet the brick,
He is not steel.
I knew that you could not save,
And there will be crushed stone, battle.
I knew that it was possible to tear
In emphasis to drive Fugas,
When the brick does not disassemble -
So laying baked.
But he melted on fire here,
He glasses, like glass.
His touch scary to me
So that the fingers burned.
And all the wall - it is a wall.
She has been thrown in the sand.
And what about those soldiers war
Shooted here could not? (A. Smolnikov)

7 student
The best sons and daughters sent his homeland to the front. Thousands of people voluntarily went into the army, partisan detachments, folk militia.

· 8 student
Instead of the men who went to the front at factories and factories, old men, women, children stood up to the machines. They did weapon. The collective farms supplied the army with food. The heroes of the rear were hundreds of thousands of people.

The army in the first months of the war was forced to retreat. On July 10, the Germans have already captured the Baltic States, Belarus, Moldova, most of Ukraine. For three weeks, our troops lost 3,500 aircraft, 6,000 tanks, more than 20,000 guns and mortars. We died a lot of our soldiers. Many soldiers were captured.
Hitler attached great importance to the seizure of Moscow. He believed that he was only his troops to enter Moscow - and the Soviet people will be conquered. His plan to capture the Nazis called "Typhoon!"

What is Typhoon? (Hurricane destroying everything on his way).

But these plans were not destined to come true.
Our people have surrender. By the end of 1941, the enemy was stopped near Moscow.
Soviet troops were able to stop the powerful enemy grouping literally at the walls of the capital (12 km from the modern border of the north of the city), the mistake of the enemy Typhoon.
The battle near Moscow is marked by mass heroism and self-sacrifice of Soviet people. For the prowess and courage, manifested in battles, 40 parts and compounds were awarded the Guards title, 36 thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals, 181 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And ahead was a battle on the Kursk arc, near Stalingrad, ahead was the retreat of the enemy and the victorious march of our warriors to Berlin.
But what kind of heavy war years were.

9 student
Thunder and smoke. Fire and blood.
Flame in the kingdom of darkness.
At six in the morning - the attack again,
Seven - Again the attack!
Ahead of the fire of the barrier -
Deadly wall.
But gets up, saying: "I need!"
The very first foreman.

10 student
If necessary, it means that you need!
"I need" the platoon gets up.
Robed grenades
The machine gun is visible.
Need to support brave
Jacing Major: "Forward!"
And, by telling a detachment,
Ahead of it gets up.

Song "Eh, Roads", Muses. A. Novikova, SL. L Oshanin.
Display slides about war (slides 11 - 43)

In our country there is no family who did not experience the pain of loss. Motherland remembers the names of his sons and daughters. And your relatives participated in this great war. Let's remember their names.

Song "Cranes", music. Ya.Frenkel, sl. R. Ghamzatova.
(Slide 45)

On the board slide obelisk "Memory Tape".
Children attach a photo of their relatives, call the name, degree of kinship, report participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Over 26 million people our country has lost in World War II. Language of numbers Skup But you still listen and imagine if we were dedicated to every victim for one minute of silence, we would have to be silent 20 million minutes, it is 38 years old for remembered moments.

11 student
Radiation memory generation
And the memory of those who are so holy honor
Let's, people stand up for a moment
And in the sorrow, stand up, and rub.

Minute silence. (Slide 46)

Peaceful time came, but the scars of that war remained. Each city, each village has memorial complexes, monuments. There are such monuments and in our city.

Display slides with photos of monuments. (Slides 47 - 55)
Song "Hymn Voronezh"
The author of music and text - S. Grebennikov.

Dance composition.
(Song "Archangel Mikhail" sounds.)

12 student
The world in every home in every country!
The world is life on the planet!
The world is the sun on our land!
The world is needed by adults and children!

1. Immerse children into the atmosphere of the Times of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945,

2. To introduce some military terms;

3. Expand the horizon;

4. Develop attention, thinking, semantic memory, imagination;

5. Relieve a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: Printing crossword.

Travel course:

Today we will talk about the Great Patriotic War. I hope that this lesson will help you get a little more knowledge about this very important event for our country. No wonder every year on May 9, we solemnly celebrate the Victory Day, one of the most important holidays of our people.

Let's start with the warm-up. I will call the phrase, and if you agree, raise your hand.

➢ In 1945, the USSR attacked Germany. (No, Germany - in the USSR.)

➢ Went of 1418 days. (Yes)

➢ The word "Fatherland" is similar to the words "Motherland", "Department". (Yes)

➢ G. K. Zhukov - legendary commander of times of the Second World War, Marshal of the USSR. (Yes)

➢ The feat is when a person becomes a famous, popular. (No, this is when he commits a noble act risking his life.)

➢ The USSR exceeded Germany in the number of weapons and soldiers to the beginning of the war. (Not)

Former participants Wars are called veterans. (Yes)

➢ Leningrad is a block for city. (Yes)

➢ Intelligence is a collection of information about the enemy, the terrain necessary to assess the situation and making a decision. (Yes)

To plunge into the atmosphere of the War years, let's perform the following tasks. I will call you a couple of words. Try to tie them in your imagination, remember. Then I will call the first word of the pair, and you are the second.

war - the world sniper - bullet

fight - Fear Airplane - Bombing

wound - Hospital Letter - Family

front - Rear Feat - Hero

scout - Watching Partisans - Forest

reward - General Victory - Holiday

In the next task, I will ask you to think about what the data of the word groups have to the Second World War:

➢ Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk. (The names of the cities for which brutal battles were blown.)

➢ G. to Zhukov, K to Rokossovsky, A. M. Vasilevsky, I. S. Konev. (Commander)

➢ V. Talalikhin, D. Karbyshev, N. Gastello, A. Sailors. (Heroes)

Teacher. What do you think is terribly in the war? (The response of children.) And how do you imagine a hand-to-hand fight? (Children's responses.) Try out of four "confused" lines to fold the poectors that have become famous poectors, J. Drunina, participants of the War.

He knows nothing about the war.

I just saw a hand-to-hand.

Once - in reality. And hundreds of times in a dream.

Who says that in war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

Of course, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were scared. But they, in spite of everything, climbed into the attack and with the cries of "Hurray!", "For the Motherland!" Beyi fascists, because they knew that besides them, no one would protect his native land, family, loved ones. Caught yourself, they often uttered such an proverb. Pick up the "key" and decrypt it:

Answer: "There are no two deaths, but one will not be able to power." (Read columns.)

The following task is called "Choose the Word". As the second word of the first line refers to the first, so the second word of the second line should be treated first

➢ Moscow - Russian.

Berlin - ... (Fascists, Germans, Hitlermen.)

➢ Airplane - Sky.

Tank - ... (field, meadow, earth.)

➢ Feat - Glory.

Betrayal - ... (shame, grief, misfortune.)

I want to open in front of you just a few pages of the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. I will start with the story about the Smolensk battle, which took place in the summer of 1941. It is known that Smolensk is called the "city-key", "key" to the goal of Moscow. Throughout the centuries-old history of Moscow, the enemies have repeatedly tried to capture our capital, and often the path to her lay through Smolensk. And always this glorious city was up to protect the white-named, providing the enemy of serious resistance. So it was this time. At the beginning of the war, the fascists have a significant superiority in the number of weapons and troops. They dreamed with one lightning strike "open" the gate to Moscow. But they did not succeed. Under Smolensky, fierce, bloody battles. Two months of stubborn resistance expensive did the Nazis. Many of them dreamed of a victorious march to go through the streets of Moscow, found their death on the fields of Smolensk region.

The Soviet Guard was born in the Smolensk battle. The best of the best, the heroic parts of the Red Army was assigned this title. It was considered an honor in them.

Almost at the same time, a new formidable weapon was applied to the Belarusian city of Orsha for the first time on the battlefield - a reactive mortar, which was horror and panic on the fascists with its unprecedented power of the salvo fire. It was called, as you have already guessed, affectionate women's name "Katyusha". Why? Even before the start of the wars, the authors of Matvey Blanter and Mikhail Isakovsky wrote a song about the girl and her beloved, which serves in the army. This song has become incredibly popular. Even you are familiar to the lines:

Apple tree and pears flourished,

Swim fogs over the river ...

Katyusha became one of the symbols of the country. She was sang everywhere: both on the front, and in the rear. She was like a piece of happy peaceful time, reminded of the Motherland, about loved ones and beloved people. It turns out that this song also fought. That is why the fighters called New Weapons "Katyusha".

What other types of weapons do you know? (Children's responses.)

Take the match and try laying out the model of any kind of weapon, such as a plane or tank. (Children work.)

Finally - independent work. Sold out the crossword "Military". If you actively participate in today's lesson, you will not work with him to cope. (Children receive crossword puzzles, work.)

1. Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Army during the Great Patriotic War. (Stalin)

2. Old warrior. (Veteran)

4. Synonym for "Fatherland". (Motherland)

5. Artillery weapon with female name. ("Katyusha")

6. This noble act makes a person risking his life. (Feat)

7. Legendary commander Times of the Second World War. (Zhukov)

8. Protective headdress of the warrior. (Helmet) vertically.

9. Swift attack. (Attack)

10. Blocked city. (Leningrad)

11. Collect information about the adversary. (Intelligence service)

12. Armed Forces of the country. (Army)

Teacher. And now continue, please phrase: "Today I learned ...".

Class hour By the Day of Victory "Another then we were not in the world ..."

purpose: Formation of knowledge of schoolchildren on the events of the Great Patriotic War, about Soviet heroes, contribute to the formation of an active civil position; Patriotism instill.
- Educational: to introduce schoolchildren with the events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War;
- educational: the upbringing of the feelings of love for his homeland, pride for their country;
- Developing: Development of skills to allocate the main thing, form the skills of working with the text.
Type of lesson: The lesson for the formation of new knowledge (Multi-Turoke)
Equipment: Projector, computer with columns, song "Sacred War", Presentation "Victory Day", Distribution Material "Katya Susanina", "Flame Languages" (Scotch for gluing) in the number of children (by couples).
On the desk: Eternal flame.
Preparatory work: Preparation of schoolchildren reports about Alexander Matveyevich Matrosovye, Ulyana Gromovoova, Zina Portnova, Poster preparation by the guys of the 1st grade and memorizing the lines from the poem Andrei Kolacheva

Challenge lesson class hour:


II. New topic.

The word teacher.
Dear teachers and disciples! Today we have gathered to honor the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War.
Slide №1
The 70th anniversary of the Great Victory approaches.
On this day and joy, and sorrow near. There is no family in Russia, which the war bypassed. Therefore, on this day, the day of victory, each family remembers those who stayed on the battlefields, and those who, after the war, established peaceful, good life.
And this class hour I want to start with the words:
Slide number 2.

Song "Sacred War" Sounds Composer: A. Alexandrov, Words: V. Lebedev-Kuma

We just breathe a war ...

Slide number 3.

Such words, you can characterize the memories of each front line of the Great Patriotic War.

Four long year, 1418 days, walked on the ground the most bloody and the most terrible in the history of mankind of mankind of war.
Slide number 4.

On June 22, 1941, in 3 hours and 15 minutes, the German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union. So the domestic war began great.
Slide number 5.

"Russia must be eliminated," Hitler declared at its rate on August 1, 1940. Soldati. german army He said: "You must be aware that you are the representative of the Great Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must apply the most cruel and most ruthless measures. Know any Russian. Do not stop if you are old man, a woman or a girl in front of you. "
Slide number 6.

And thousands of German guns opened a hurricane fire on the ground, where the apples ripened, where children slept.
Slide number 7.

Adolf Hitler's army wrapped bombing strikes at Soviet airfields, railway sites, naval bases and peaceful cities.
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people rose to the defense of the native land. For a long 4 years and until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the birthplace from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations, for us. Video ("The first days of war" / video CD from the Kremlin to Rehestag, - M.: Republican Media Center, 2000)
Every day the Great War was a feat on the front and in the rear of the enemy, the emergence of the boundless courage and perseverance of Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland.
Slide number 8.

The first months of the war were exormably difficult: Soviet troops carried large losses, forward was very hard. But went ahead!
One of these heavy battles were fighting in the winter in the winter of 1943 in the Pskov region, where they accounted for each meter of native land. Gibbles Heroes. One of them was Alexander Sailors.

Message student
Slide number 9.

"Alexander Matveyevich Sailors"
The feat of Alexander Matrosov entered the history of the Great Patriotic War, and became a bright example of a real valor, love for his homeland and his people.
In 1941, after an attack of the German-fascist invaders, the Soviet Union, the sailors were summed up into volunteers and after a while he was enrolled by the cadet of the Military School. In 1943, given the extremely difficult position at the front, he was ahead of time at the front of the same cadets.
February 27, 1943 were fierce battles near the small town of Chernushki Pskov region. Krasnoarmeys did not miss the machine-gun fire of enemies, and a serious obstacle was the continuous machine-gun line of one of the suits. Despite the desperate attempts to destroy the fire of the enemy, they all ended in failure. Three soldiers tried to take firepoint, All three fell dead by brave.
Then the guard of the ordinary Alexander Satrosov began to make their way with grenades and automatic machine to the fascist machine gunner, seated in Jot. Despite the fact that he was noticed by the fascist, sailors stubbornly made his way to the firing point, when the enemy shifted the fire to the side. Finally, he managed to get to Zota to the maximum close distance - one by the other flew grenades, but, unfortunately, they exploded at the Dzota himself, without causing any harm to the enemy.
Literally in a second, the quiet ordinary made a long jump to the firing point. Immediately on his movement, the enemy answered the long machine-gun queue. Sales sailors, on the outcome were cartridges, the grenades are all ended, and a few seconds remained at thought.
Shot on the ambrusure soldiers, distracted the enemy, and immediately rushed with the cry "Forward", the rest of the soldiers ran behind him. The coming enemy machine gun forced everyone to heal again, and then Alexander Satrosov rushed to Dzot, closed his breast the firing point of the enemy.

The path for Soviet soldiers turned out to be open, and in an hour the village was taken. This feat of Matrosov, as well as many feats of other soldiers of the Red Army, became a real symbol of courage, love for his homeland. Such feats made a significant part in the victory of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders.
Alexander Matrosov in 1943, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded, posthumously.
In Ufa there is a monument to Alexander Matrosov.

- Guys, what was the feat of Alexander Matrosov? ( Alexander Satrosov in 1943 at Chernushka Point to soviet soldiers were able to go further closed with their breast the firing point of the enemy than opened the way for the Red Army).

The word teacher
Slide number 10.

The melody "Farewell Slavica" V.I. sounds Agapkin
The fascists turned our cities and villages into ruins, mocked over the civilian population, our prisoners of war, Morious hunger, burned in the furnaces. In the occupied (captured) territories, the enemies of the fascists were established " new order" The local population was used for compulsory works: clearing the roads, construction of fortifications, etc. He was punished for everything: for refusing to work, for movement at night. In these territories, death camps, concentration camps, prisons were created. Brutal violence over people were produced.
But people resisted from the last strength!

Message student
Slide number 11.

Message "Ulyana Gromova"
Ulyana was a tenth-grader when the Great Patriotic War began. Ulyana Gromova was a decisive, brave underground, was distinguished by the hardness of belief, the ability to instill confidence in others.
It takes an active part in the preparation of young guidance combat operations, distributes leaflets, collects medicines, keeps work among the population, campaigning Krasnodonians to disrupt the plans of the occupiers for the supply of products, to recruit youth to Germany. In October 1942, it was introduced into the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard".
When arrest began in Krasnodone, Ulya, together with Maya Peggivanova tried to contact prisoners, developed escape plans. But on January 10, the police themselves were arrested, she fell into fascist dungeons. With dignity held herself Ulyana Gromov at interrogations, refusing to give any testimony about the activities of the underground workers.
"... Ulyana Gromov was suspended by the hair, cut out on his back a five-pointed star, cut off his chest, caught the body with rotable glands and the wounds sprinkled with salt, put on a hot plate. Torture continued for a long time and mercilessly, but she was silent. When, after the next beatings, the investigator Cherenkov asked Ulyan, why she keeps himself so defiant, the girl replied: "Not for that I entered the organization to then ask for forgiveness; I regret only one thing that we had little to do! But nothing, perhaps, we will still have time to rescue the Red Army! ... "from the book A.F. Gordeyev" Feat in the name of life "
After brutal torture on January 16, 1943, she was executed by the executioners and threw mine in Shurf No. 5.
"Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star was carved on her back, the right hand was broken, broken the ribs" (Archive of the KGB with the Soviet of the USSR, d. 100-275, vol. 8).
He was buried in the brother grave of heroes on the central square of the city of Krasnodon.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

- Guard, what is the feat of the Ulyana Thunder? ( Despite the ruthless torture of Ulyana Gromova, the participant of the underground organization "Young Guard" was to give any testimony about the activities of underground workers)
It was especially difficult to survive this war for children. Let's remember the world famous diaries of Tanya Savicheva.
- What are they talking about? ( They talk about how people survived in a blockade Leningrad and ka died the family Tanya).

Slide number 12.

Children and war are not compatible. There is a saying: "There is no children in the war."
- How do you understand her? ( When the war in the country, which is accompanied by shooting and hunger, then there is no difference with an adult you are a man or a child, she does not spare anyone.)

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, children had to part with childhood:
Teacher reads poem.
I did not know him from the books -
Brutal Word - War!
Floor spotlights
She broke into our childhood.
Steel fatal tons
Serena night anxiety
In those days, we did not play the war -
We just breathe a war ...

These words, taken by us in the epigraph of the lesson, brightly paint the life of children, your peers in the difficult years of war. But they did not hide, but got up to the shoulder next to adults and performed the tasks set before them.

Student performance.
Slide number 13.

The message "Zina Portnova".
From the first days of war everywhere in the country, millions of people rushed to the front.
Yesterday's schoolchildren, students, youth deposited the military registration and enlistment offices, they demanded - did not ask! - I convinced, and when it did not help, then with a sincere feeling, they went to the brass - overestimated (years) for a year, and even for two years.
The war is the case of men, but the young citizens in the heart felt their involvement in what was happening on their native land, and they, genuine patriots, could not stay aside from the tragedy played in their eyes. They walked literally to everything to become a construction of the defenders of the Motherland. In parts, they were also called in their own way: brother, daughter, pupil. At the front, they are all possibly on a par with adults, they did their soldiers
For courage, fearless and manifested heroism, tens of thousands of sons and daughters of regiments, Jung and young partisans were awarded orders and medals. And the high title Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded Zina Portorova.
Zina Portnova was born in Leningrad, she studied at school number 396. In 1941 he graduated from the 7th grade. Immediately after Zina exams, together with the younger sister, Galya went on vacation to aunt in Belorussia. Here they caught war and Hitler's occupation. The girls went through the hardest path of 60 km to get to the grandmother in the village of Zui. Zina found the underground youthful organization "Young Avenger". From this point on, its difficult, complete dangers of life began. She distributed leaflets and reports on the progress of the battles of our army. Good knowing german, the girl mined very important information about the enemy, learned to aptly shoot, observe the strictest conspiracy. Soon she was entrusted with a complex and dangerous task, under the guise of a working in the kitchen, constantly in school at retraining of the command formulation of Hitler's troops. She learned completely secret data on the enemy forces. With her participation, not one dozen officers was destroyed. When in the dining room, it was dangerous to be, Zina and sister were crossed into the partisan detachment.
Once after the task of Zina was captured by enemies. It was subjected to severe torture and tortures. But everything is in vain. Young guerrilla was silent. Then the head of his headquarters took over the interrogation. But he did not come out. Taking advantage of the fact that the Gestapovets turned to the window, Zina grabbed the gun from the table and killed an officer from one shot. But she was grabbed and thrown into the basement. In the frosty January morning, 1944 was led by the execution. Put on the edge of the pit. Zina did not see anything. She is thrilled eyes. Zina was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In Vladivostok port was a motor ship called her name.

- Guys, what is the feat of the Win? ( Zina performed dangerous tasks, introduced into an organization to obtain data on officers. When it was arrested. At interrogations, even with torture was silent)

The word teacher
Slide number 14.

In January 1944, the liberation of the USSR's territories from the German fascist invaders began. On January 27, the blockade of Leningrad was finally lifted. But a huge number of Russians, Soviet people remained in the fascist captivity. Where was not sweet. You will learn about life in German captivity from the letter of Kati Susanina.

Work in groups
Distribution material "Katya Susanina".
Conversation for read:
- Guys, what event struck you from Kati's story?
- Is it easy to live in a military captivity? ( In the military captivity he lived very hard: they fed badly, forced a lot to work and beat their feet)
- What happened to mom Kati? Why? ( Mama Kati killed the Germans, because she did not want to take her husband and said that he would come and would swee them from here)
- What did the girl believed? What did you dream about? ( Katya believed that her father is alive and he will revenge the Germans to her and for mom)
- Did her dream come true? ( Yes, the Russians won and "twitched" the fascists from our country)

The word teacher
Slide №15

Abstract of the class hour for the Victory Day for 8-9 Class "Song in Soldiers Schinel"

The song can also break the enemy, like any weapon

A. Aleksandrov

Class hour dedicated to the music of military years.

Soviet Songs of the War years contain a huge charge of morality and patriotism. This charge can be sent to patriotic education Teenagers. War years songs are a classic of Soviet song. Acquaintance with such music can give children the criteria for assessing the musical work at all and songs in particular. In form, this event can be called an hour of communication. It can select two parts: an information block (short stories about the history of the creation of songs), an interactive conversation - a discussion and a musical minute - singing songs.

Goal: expand the presentation of children about the Great Patriotic War, familiarize with the history of the creation of famous songs; To form in children a positive attitude to the songs of the war years, the rejection of attempts to distort and delineate the history of war; raise artistic taste, aesthetic feeling; Awakening the desire to sing and listen to the songs of the Great Patriotic War.

Preparatory work with children:

Prepare a creative group (6 children), distributing the material of the information block between them (just one photocopy of the script);

Modify the words of songs that children will sing at the end of the classroom.

Registration: Attributes of the Seasons of the Great Patriotic War (posters of photography, grade, images of orders and medals); On the board - theme, epigraph.

Music design: Music recordings of songs ("Square", "Dark Night", "Blue Wrock", "Sacred War").

Classroom plan

I. Introductory word.

II. Information block:

1. Songs against songs.

2. "Dugout".

3. "Dark night".

4. "Blue handkerchief."

5. "Sacred War."

III. Interactive conversation on the topic "Old songs about the main thing."

IV. Final word.

V. Music Finals "Wellness, Friends!".

Classroom time

I. Introductory word

Classroom teacher. Guys, every day you hear dozens of songs. Some songs acquire crazy popularity and are suddenly forgotten. But there are such songs that have experienced their time and become a classic. Classic means exemplary, impeccable, flawless. The authors of these songs caught some nerve, some secret mechanism that affects the listener even after decades. And makes the song eternal. These eternal songs include the songs of the Great Patriotic War. Let's read the topic of today's classroom (reads). Now read the epigraph (reads). What do you think, can the song be a fighter or formidable weapon?

Approximate answers of children:

The song can be a fighter, as she leads into battle.

While people sing songs, they believe in victory.

The song combines people and makes them stronger, so it can be a formidable weapon.

The song can raise the spirit of warriors, lift them on the feats, so the song is a formidable weapon.

In the songs, the soldiers sing about what they are expensive for which they will fight to the last drop of blood.

The song helps soldiers in their front-line life, so we can say that the song will fight with the soldiers, and therefore the song is also a fighter.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, the song is both a fighter, and a formidable weapon. Today we will talk about the songs of the Great Patriotic War. These songs were accompanied by our soldiers at the front and met in the liberated cities, the songs raised into battle and helped to survive the loss of loved ones, the songs were walking along with the infantry and drove with tankers on the dusty roads of war, the songs climbed into the sky on wings with red stars and furries maritime wings . The song is a musical chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. I pass the word creative group, which prepared the information block of today's class hour.

II. Information block

Songs against songs

Pupil 1. And songs really fought!

German scientist Eberhard Dickman told our writer Vadim Skeinov that in Germany before the war did not sing lyrical songs at all - some marches were heard everywhere! Germany was glorified in these marches, the German nation chased, the Führer and Nazi leaders were praised. These songs had to raise the fighting spirit of German soldiers before going to the East to conquer the living space. With such a martial spirit, the German soldier crossed the border of our country, and the Nazi marches were poured on our land. And everywhere, in all corners of Russia, all our people rose against these marches: soldiers and sailors, old people and children, people of all nationalities rose to the struggle to never hear these Nazi marches on their land.

What songs inspired on the struggle of our people? I will list only the names: "Nightingale", "Darkzhanka", "Blue Pockets", "Dark Night", "Katyusha", "Square", "Oh, my mist, rustum". These were not marching, but lyrical songs. They mentioned love, about hometown, about spring, about birchings, nightingales. And these songs won! Because with these songs, our people protected not a living space, but native land, native birch trees, loved ones and loved ones. Our group has prepared a story about the history of the creation of several songs. Today we will listen to the songs of the Great Patriotic War, we learn about the history of their creation, mentally move to those fortieth thunderstorms, imagine that our great-grandmothers felt and the great-grandfather, when they heard these songs on the front or in the rear.


(Song sounds "Dugout".)

Student 2. No, probably, in our country, a person who would not recognize this song.

You are far away nowar.

Between us snow and snow.

I'm not easy for you,

And to death four steps.

These lines poet Alexei Surkov wrote in 1941 in the dugout, in the "snow-white fields near Moscow". He did not assume that he writes the words of a nationwide-known song. He just wrote his wife a letter in verses, described his feelings after difficult fights for Moscow. A year later, the composer K. Listov was passing in Moscow. He came to the editorial board of the front-line newspaper, where the poet of Surkov worked and asked to give something "song". The poet suggested this lyrical letter. The composer immediately composed the melody and recorded it on an ordinary notebook - ranked five lines, recorded notes and left. The words and melody of the song were published in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The song turned out to be very warm, sincere, a little sad, but she didn't give up to the fighters, but contempt for death. This song was a song - a fighter, participated in the struggle and helped the approach of victory. She fell in love and sank on all fronts, as well as another song that you now hear.

"Dark night"

(Song sounds "Dark Night".)

Pupil 3. Song "Dark Night" from the movie "Two Fighters" first performed a nationwide favorite Actor Mark Bernes, who played a major role. The song immediately remembered the audience. She was written literally in one breath. The film "Two Fighters" was filmed in 1942 at the Tashkent film studio. Music wrote the famous composer Nikita Theologian. According to the director in the film, sincere song was to be sounded. As soon as the director explained the composer the condition and feelings of the hero, Nikita Theological immediately sat down at the piano and played a melody of the future song without stopping. So the first time this music was born. It entered the film without a single change. At all the fronts, this song sounded in moments of a short rest, in breaks between battles. For the native house, for a crib, our soldier fought for his beloved, until he ended over our country "Dark Night" of War.

"Blue scarf"

(Song "Blue Pockets".)

Pupil 4. Song "Blue Watch" Moscow lovers of jazz have hooked before the war. But this light jazz song would have forgotten very soon if it were not for the People's Artist of the Soviet Union Claudia Shulzhenko. In 1942, she asked the young Lieutenant, an employee of the front-line newspaper, write other words on this melody. Lieutenant composed all night. So a song with war words appeared.

I immediately liked simple, taking the words for the soul, "Schulzhenko said. - They had a lot of truth. Each warrior has one native woman, the most beloved, close and expensive, for the mountain, suffering, deprivation, for separation from which he will revenge the enemy.

Smrochit machine gun

For blue handkerchiefs

What was on the shoulders expensive!

It was the second birth of a song. With the new text of the "Blue Platlets" took its place in combat positions and reached our soldier to Berlin. About how the "blue handkerchings" fought, such episodes of war say. One day Schulzhenko gave a concert in the aviation regiment. After the concert, one of the pilots told her that the "blue handkerchings" will be with the pilots in all fights and the first downed "juncher" or "Messer" they will dwell to her. Waiting for Shulzhenko had not long. On the same day, this pilot hit the fascist "messerschmitt". "Schulzhenko's songs, like shells and cartridges, we needed in battle," the soldiers and officers said.

"Holy war"

(Song Song "Sacred War".)

Pupil 5. The main song of the Great Patriotic War is "Sacred War". This song contained a charge of such a force that so far many people have a lump rolling to the throat and tears come to the eyes when they hear: "Get up, the country is huge, get up, for the death fight ..."

"This is an anthem of revenge and curse Hitlerism" - so told her song by composer A. Alexandrov. He recalled that during the war, this song was always listening to standing, with some special impulse, holy mood, and not only fighters, but also the performers themselves were often crying.

Pupil 6. This song was born on the very first days of the war. For one night, the poet V. Lebedev-Kumach wrote a poem, which was immediately printed in the newspapers. In one of the newspapers, this poem read the composer A. Alexandrov. He was the head of the song ensemble and dance of the Red Army. The poem made such a strong impression on the composer that he immediately sat down for the piano. Another day Alexandrov had already rehearsed a new song with an ensemble. And after a day, the choir first performed a song in the Belarusian station, from where in those days went to the front of the fighting echelons.

Pupil 5. This is what contemporaries wrote about this first performance (reads).

"... In the waiting room, it was incomplete from freshly sustained platform boards - a peculiar stage for a speech. The artists of the ensemble rose to this exaltation, and doubt involuntarily originated: is it possible to act in such an atmosphere? In the hall - noise, sharp commands, sounds of radio. The words of the lead that announces that the song "Sacred War" will be performed for the first time, drown in general hum. But the hand of Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrova and the hall gradually subsides ...

The excitements were in vain. From the first clocks, the song captured the fighters. And when the second verse helped, an absolute silence came in the hall. Everyone stood up as during the exercise of the hymn. Tears are visible on harshs, and this excitement is transmitted to performers. They also have tears in their eyes ...

Song subsided, but the fighters demanded a repetition. Again and again - five times in a row! - Sang an ensemble "Sacred War" ... "

Student 6. So began the combat path of this song, nice and long way. From this day, the "sacred war" was adopted by our army, with all the people, became the musical anthem of the Great Patriotic War. She was sang everywhere - in the front edge, in the partisan detachments, in the rear. Every morning, after the battle of the Kremlin Quararants, she sounded on the radio. In the chronicles of Patriotic War there are many heroic episodes telling how this song-hymn entered the battle. One of them belongs to the spring of 1942. A small group of defenders of Sevastopol took defense in a cave, wounded in a rock. Gitlerians fiercely stormed this natural fortress, threw it with grenades. The forces of defenders melted ... And suddenly the song was heard from the depths of the dungeon:

Get up, the country is huge,

Get up for death

With fascist power dark,

With a damn orde ...

Then he was heard strong explosionAnd the fragments of the rocks were filled with a cave ... Soviet soldiers did not surrender to the hated enemy. Many military leaders said that this song could compare with the "whole armored corpsus".

III. Interactive conversation on the topic "Old songs about the main thing"

Classroom teacher. Today you met the story of several songs of the Great Patriotic War. What impression was these songs on you? How do your family treat these old songs?

Approximate answers of children:

These songs love grandparents, grandparents, love to watch the transfer, know by heart.

When in the family a celebration and all relatives are going, the old songs always sing at the table.

Such songs like "Sacred War" cannot be singing just like that. This is a very strong song. This is something holy.

The impression is frost on the skin and a lump in the throat. The same and parents - the great-grandfather died in war.

Classroom teacher. "Old songs about the main thing" - in a TV show with such a name now perform songs of war years. Modern artists. What do you think about the most important thing in these songs?

Approximate answers of children:

Love, house, family, children.

Motherland, freedom, pure sky above head.

Debt, loyalty, honor.

Classroom teacher. At the beginning of the classroom, we talked about the fact that songs like soldiers, they also fought. And the main song of the Great Patriotic War - "Sacred War" still at the forefront. And in our time, she fights. Suddenly, rumors began to appear that the alleged words of this song wrote a rubbed German back in 1916 in connection with the First World War. And the poet Lebedev-Kumach assigned them to himself or simply stole. Philology scientists exposed this lie. Firstly, there is not a single handwriting text belonging to Peru of this very German itself, secondly, Lebedev-Kumacha preserved dozens of drafts with the variants of this poem, which indicates a hard work on the text. Yes, and this song could not appear before the First World War. The soldiers did not understand the essence of this war and did not want to fight - where to take such a heat of patriotism, such an energy? What do you think, why were all these accusations in general? It would seem, well, what's the difference, who wrote it?

(Children express their assumptions.)

The fact is that it is not just a song - this is a hymn of the greatness of the people who won fascism. To delineate our victory, begin to "attack" on his song ... This is all the same annoying desire to inspire us the thought of our second-time, inferiority. Like, what can create these Russians? Everything is great only from the Germans. This myth has already dispelled our great-grandfathers, watering the red flag over Reichstag. Several generations of our people got a good vaccination from these myths. How does modern youth, do not get pronounced these myths?

Approximate answers of children:

Need more to learn about the war.

You need to learn to respect yourself, our people, our story.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, you need to learn to respect your story, our people, their heroes. It is necessary to have their national dignity.

Vi. Final word

Classroom teacher. The Great Patriotic War goes further from us. It goes and the generation that remembers this war. But does not go away about the feat of the people. She stays in books, photographs, films, in the stories of the great-grandfather. But the songs keep not just memory - they retain the soul of the people. Listening to these songs, you realize that fascism won not fabulous warriors, but the most ordinary people. They were scary, cold, hurt. But they survived. This is the power and greatness of our great-grandfather. And the songs of them helped to win, so the songs are also veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And in these May victorious days let's remember them.

V. Music finals "Wellness, friends!"

(Music includes, children sing songs that have learned during the classroom.)