Debt, Evgeny Ivanovich - Military topographers of the Red Army. Debt, Evgeny Ivanovich - Military Topographers of the Red Army Combat Path of Soviet Military Topographers


Military topographers and geodesists played a crucial role in the outcome of the Great Patriotic War. Worked often under sighting fire, they counted with jewelry accuracy counted the position of the enemy's troops and made detailed maps for the Red Army.

First Assistants Artillerystov

Maps that allowed not only to focus on unfamiliar area, but also aimed at the enemy points, called the eyes of the army. Moreover, such "eyes" for different types of troops were different. So, for example, Soviet aviation needed small-scale maps, which allowed themselves to navigate in flight and solve navigation tasks, but artillery needed the most accurate and detailed large-scale maps so as not to waste time and shells on the shooting.

Artillerymen called topographers and geodesists by their first assistants, because at the moments of the offensive, they went ahead of the battalion, determining the coordinates of the firing positions and observation points of the enemy and developing the supporting geodesic network. In total during the war, according to researchers, the geodesic service has identified more than 200 thousand reference points for artillery. This work was carried out before the deployment of artillery parts, when experts led to the firing positions of theodolite moves and developed networks of supporting geodetic points, which tied combat orders: tools, observation points, batteries.

The coordinates of the firing positions of the enemy of the geodesists on flashes from shots and even on smoke from guns. Often to apply the enemy's position on the Maps of the Military Topographers and with the help of aerospaces, which did reconnaissance aircraft: in such pictures, studying everything, right up to small spots and strokes, they could see the disguised weapon and calculate its coordinates. In his memoirs, the captain of Ivanov wrote: "Wherever the outbreaks arose, the grids of threads of three theodolites have imagined in them inevitably. The topographic "plug" was obtained. On the tablet "Forks" became points, sometimes triangles. At the point and costs the battery enemy. 5 minutes after the report about this operational duty, as somewhat high-power guns thundered. Shells went to the target, on the enemy battery. "

One of the countless feats - the captivity of the German general-Feld-Marshal Paulus - the Soviet Army is obliged to a group of the Topographers-Decifers of the Don Front, which, having studied a lot of aerosries, was able to accurately determine the headquarters of the fascist troops hidden in the ruins of Stalingrad.

The value of accurate cards was noted by the partisans they were especially needed. The Hero of the Soviet Union General Mikhail Naumov called the map weapon commander. "You can not give me either machine guns, no cartridges, provide only a good card, and I will feel armed," the historians lead his words.

Defenders of the city

The blockade of Leningrad rallied geodesists, cartographers and topographers. Living and working in unheated premises, experts have developed more and more new cards.

From September 1941 and to January 18, 1943, the topographers of the Leningrad Front amounted to 319 nomenclature sheets of the map scale 1: 10,000, which were printed by a circulation of 790 thousand copies. A single map reflected all the structures of defensive belts, as well as engineering structures in each of the districts of the city and the region.

The main task in the blocks of the blockade was to stop the city's art crews. Each night, the detachments of the geodesists were installed theodolites on the roofs of the high buildings and segged out the shots. Such contradictory duty allowed to instantly determine

coordinates and transfer them to artillery headquarters. So, thanks to the work of military topographers in December 1941, the Red Army managed to destroy the heavy German Mortira "Big Berta".

Petersburg climate has created additional difficulties in geodesists. If at night, it was possible to navigate the lights at night, then the optical intelligence was relied on the smoke from the guns, which could shift from the light blow of the wind or dissolve against the background of a gray misty sky. At first, the accuracy of the calculations was low, but the geodesists of the 61st detachment of Lieutenant Colonel M. N. Lopatina developed and began to apply a new way of rapid and reliable determination of the coordinates of enemy guns. Special sectoral systems have been created, in which geodesic observational posts included. Theodolites of observation posts located in the areas of the commercial seaport and the Vyborg bridge were oriented on the spire of the Petropavlovsk fortress.

The work did not stop for a minute. Expressive and freezing geodesists worked in groups of three people: one shot shot, the other handed over the coordinates, the third rested, so, by replacing each other, the specialists continued to supply the army with the exact data on the situation of the enemy.

In winter, when the ice on the Neva and the Finnish bay became strong enough to move the technique, military geodesists and artilleryrs did everything in order not to give german army Log in the city by ice. For this, special cards were developed with benchmarks for the defending city of the military.

During the war years, the Leningrad geodesists showed themselves as a teacher: soldiers and equipment officers were not always familiar with the Aza military topography, and for them, the topographic departments officers organized classes on which they were taught to navigate the terrain. The partisans also trained in memory to draw the scheme of the route traveled with all landmarks.


The topographic headquarters of the Leningrad Front, as historians celebrate, received the task to develop a full-scale plan of Berlin in the fall of 1943. At the rate of the Supreme Commander, it was believed that in the conditions of the blockade of the city, it was the Leningrad Topographic Service that was able to maintain both equipment and specialists with sufficient experience. And Leningrad specialists did not fail: in their memories, the commander of the 9th Rifle Corps of the Hero of the Soviet Union General I. P. Roshoy wrote that the plan developed by geodesists, the plan allowed them to accurately plan the capture of Gestapo and the eye objects of the German command.

The work on the preparation of this plan was completed in December of the same 1934, but only developers and the Main Command knew about him. The large-scale document contained the location of railway stations, tramway, factories and military schools. In addition, the addition to the plan was the booklet with photos of the main objects. In total, more than 400 particularly significant objects were reflected.

For its work, including on the creation of the Berlin Plan, the cartographic part of the Leningrad Front received the Order of the Red Banner.

Since C1944, military topographers, in addition to maps, began to develop large layouts of those areas on which the command planned to conduct operations. Layouts were often made by their girlfriend, right up to snow and sand, but were incredibly accurate: they were displayed at them with geodesic detachments as a military position

entry techniques and trenches over the years. Command clocks worked out on such layouts of the offensive tactics and fighting.

Layouts created by geodesists played an important role in the successful holding of the Berlin operation. The storming of the city was worked out by Marshal Zhukov on the unique collapsing of Berlin's unique collapsing layout, which was developed by the topographic service of the 1st Belorussian Front. In addition, there were huge importance for the operation detailed plans Berlin, developed specifically for attack aircraft. They indicated not only landmark buildings, metro stations and street names, but also underground communications.

The development of such cards and layouts was carried out on the basis of the data obtained by the "train-lithograph", geodesic and motorized topotroces, as well as with the help of aerial photography, which fighters and attack aircraft were carried out.

Special thanks in the preparation of the material, express the association of cadastral engineers and OJSC "Regional Administration of Geodesy and Cadastre"

Every year on February 8 in Russian Federation The day of the military topograph is marked. It was established in February 2003 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 395 and is celebrated since 2004. The date of the holiday was established in honor of the adoption on February 8, 1812, provisions for military topographic business. In accordance with this decree, a structure responsible for providing russian army cartographic and topographic materials. In fact, it is worth saying that the topographic service in Russia is much longer.

At the origins of military topography

Stormy development of topography began under Peter I, which paid great attention to the improvement of military engineering, geodesy, cartography. In 1711, the apartmentmaster part appeared as part of the Russian army, on which, including the tasks of providing the Russian army with cartographic materials. In the apartment services, the posts of individual officers involved in mapping issues, collecting information about the terrain were introduced. These were the first Russian military topographers. In Moscow, a school of mathematical and naval sciences appeared, in which future geodesists and topographers were trained. When in 1763, the General Headquarters was established, 40 headquarters and obuch officers - geodesists and topographers were included in its composition, which marked the beginning of the military topographic service created later. In 1797, his own imperial Majesty of depot cards was created, which was drawn by the preparation, printing and storage of topographic maps and atlases. The director of the map of the map was subordinate to the apartment general of the Russian army. Major General Count Karl Ivanovich Ottreman (1766-1831) was appointed as director of the depot of the cards (1766-1831) - a professional military engineer who was coming from the nobles of the Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt. Having received engineering education, Karl Opperman began military service in the Hessian army, and then asked for Russian citizenship. Empress Catherine II replied affirmatively and, as it turned out, not in vain. Karl Opperman made a great contribution to the formation of a domestic military topographic service, engineering troops and, in general, to strengthen the defense capability of the Russian Empire. Under the superior of the Opperman, the service of the card was held by the service 22 of the officer, seconded from the engineering department, apartment departments and army divisions. In 1801-1804, it was the depot of cards prepared and published a capital map of the Russian Empire. On February 8, 1812, the depot of the cards was renamed the military-topographic depot, after which it was reconnected directly to the military minister. For the period from 1812 to 1863. The military-topographic depot turned into the chief body of the Russian army, which was responsible for the supply of cartographic material.

Topographer housing

In 1822, a hull of topographers was created under the leadership of the Military Topographic Depot. Its responsibilities included direct topographic and topogeodesic support for the Russian army, bringing topographic material to headquarters and troops. The composition of the housing of the topographers included officers - geodesists, cool topographers, cool military artists, closed artists, pupils of topograms and artists, Topographers of Unter-Officer China. Employees of the topographers were engaged in topographic filming, creating cards and plans, surveying the terrain - not only in the interests of the military department, but also the Geological Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Public Protection, the Committee for the construction of public roads. In 1832, there were 70 officers and 456 topographers into the composition of the housing of the topographers. 8 mouths were created. The first company, with a number of 120 people, was called the Military Topographic Depot. The remaining seven mouths acted throughout the Russian Empire. The management of the hull of the topographers was carried out by General-Farmaster General Staff through the Military Topographic Bureau.

In the origins of the organization of the hull of the topographers stood Major General Fedor Fedorovich Schubert (1789-1865). In 1803, at the age of fourteen, Schubert began the service as a colounded with the retinue of his imperial majesty in the apartment departments, then participated in a number of military campaigns at the beginning of the XIX century. During the Patriotic War of 1812, Captain Schubert in the post of apartment of the 2nd Cavalry Corps was not only engaged in his direct responsibilities, but also showed courage and courage directly during battles. Adjutant General Baron Fedor Karfovich noted in the report that Schubert personally helped him under the enemy's fire to keep the cavalry shelves from the retreat. The courage of Schubert contributed to his rapid advancement in the ranks - soon he was awarded the title of lieutenant colonel, and then colonel. He served in the positions of the Ober-apartment officer in the Infantry and Grenadier Corps. In 1819, Colonel Schubert was transferred to the chief headquarters - to the position of chief by the head of the 3rd separation of the military topographic depot, and next year he became the head of the triangulation and topographic shooting of the St. Petersburg province. Then, in 1820, the 31-year-old Colonel Schubert was produced in Majora General. Since Schubert was developing a project to create a hull of topographers, it was in 1822 and appointed the position of director of the corps. After three years, he became the manager, and in 1832 - Director of the Military Topographic Depot. At the same time, General Schubert was performed and the duties of the General Starmaster General of the Russian Army. In 1866, the hull of the topographers was transformed into the hull of the military topographers, which headed the head of the military-topographic department of the General Staff. It is noteworthy that so far in the Russian armed forces, the practice of combining the posts of the topographic service and head of the Military Topographic Department of the General Staff is preserved. By 1866, the number of the hull of military topographers was 643 people. It served 6 Generals, 33 headquarters, 156 Ober officers, 170 class topographers, 236 Topographers of Unter-Officers, 42 Topograph Student. It should be noted that in 1866, a military topographic department was created as part of the main headquarters, replaced by a military topographic depot as the central government authority of the military-topographic service. As for the military topographic depot, it was liquidated. Military topographic departments were also created in the headquarters of military districts - Orenburg, West Siberian, East Siberian and Turkestan. For the rest of military districts, it was envisaged to have 2-4 second-hand officers and cool topograph from the hull of military topographers. In 1877, in accordance with the new position on the corps of military topographers, the number of personnel of this service was reduced to 515 people. At the same time, 6 general posts remained in the corps, 26 posts headquarters, 367 Ober officers and class topographers. It should be noted that civilian officials who were part of the corps of military topographers were called cool topographs, and had the relevant civilian ranks on the table about the ranks of the Russian Empire. In addition, in 1890, the Regulations on the field administration of troops in the peacetime, which provided for the staff of the topographers in various compounds. Thus, 5 headquarters of the host of military topographers were seconded at the headquarters of the army, and in the staff of the corps - 2 ober-officers and 1 younger topograph. In 1913, the holiday of military topographers was established - February 10 (in honor of Rev. Ephraim Sirin). As the technical means of technical means in service with the Russian army, modernization of topographic activities also occur. So, after distributing in the Russian Empire of the telegraph network, a method for determining geographic longitudes, based on telegraph transmission time between the defined paragraphs developed by Colonel Forst, began to be used. In 1915, in connection with the advent of aviation, the officers of the military topographers began to actively use the aerial photography method. In early 1917, photometric (later photogrammetric) parts were created.

How did military topographers in the Russian Empire taught

You should also tell about the training of topographers officers in the Russian Empire. The topographic service, in contrast to the service in the Guards, cavalry parts, in the navy, never used special prestige, was associated with the need for a long and painstaking study, complex, routine work. Therefore, among the officers - topographers there were few people from noble families. For a long time, future topographers studied their work and only after 8-12 years of work and passing exams they received an officer rank. The first educational institution, where specialists in topography and geodesy were prepared, there was still a school of mathematical and naval sciences, opened by Peter I. In 1822, after the creation of the hull of the topographers, the Topographers School was opened in St. Petersburg. In the "Supplement to the Regulation on the Topographer Corps", the basic principles of the organization of training officers - topographers were listed and declared the creation of a school of topographers. On October 22, 1822, the school was openly - as a two-year, with a four-year term of learning. From this point, October 22 is considered the traditional annual holiday institution, which is preparing military topographs of the Russian army. The first edition of the Topographers School was held in 1825. There are only 12 officers who received the rank of ensign. In 1827, the second edition of officers took place, after which every year the Russian army began to be replenished with new officers - topographs. The small state of the military topographer caused a small number of graduates of the school of topograms. But, as they say, graduates of the school they took "not by quantity, and quality."

In 1832, the Topographer School was renamed the school of topograms, which was associated with the lack of those benefits that were confined for specialized schools. When all topographers of the housing of the topographers were summarized in the company, the company stationed in St. Petersburg and made up a school of topograms, in which 120 topographers of the 1st and 2nd grades were listed. In 1863, the school of topographers returned the same name - the Topographer School, at the same time, for graduates of the Topographers, the right to enter the geodetic department of the Academy of General Staff was granted. On December 24, 1866 (January 5, 1867), the new name of the Topographers School was approved - the military topographic Junker School. In the school were expanded learning programs. However, in 1883-1885 The set in the school was not carried out due to the growth revolutionary movement in the country. After resuming in September 1886, the set in the school, it was again deprived of the privileges of the remaining Junkers schools and in such a status existed until 1892, when he was reigning the right to graduates to receive a survey department of the General Staff Academy. In 1906, an additional geodesic class was introduced into the school, the number of which was determined at 10 people. In just 95 years of the existence of the School - from 1822 to 1917, more than 1.5 thousand specialists in the field of military topography and geodesy with officer-rank were prepared. Topographers officers played a crucial role in ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Empire, participated in all possible military campaigns. Moreover, the level of vocational training and education allowed the leaders of the corps of military topographers in case of needing to take on the leadership of the main headquarters. Among the officers of the military-topographic service of the Russian Empire were outstanding scientists who made a great contribution to the development of topography as science. November 15 (November 28 - on a new style) of 1917, an order was issued about the demobilization of the Russian army. However, the host of military topographers continued its existence under the new name until 1923 - as the structure of the military topographic department as part of the All-Russian Chief Staff (Walway), established on May 8, 1918 and existed until February 10, 1921, when he was merged with the field RKKKA headquartum at the headquarters of the Red Army.

From military topographic school to school

In 1923, the Corpus of the Military Topographers of the Red Army was renamed the Military Topographic Service of the Red Army. So the history began with a qualitatively new structure. At the headquarters of the Red Army, a military topographic department was created, after creation in 1935, the General Staff of the Red Army, in turn, included in its composition as a department. IN Soviet army The military topographic service was further developed and, in fact, formed in the form in which it exists and is currently. As part of the staff service, the military-topographic service had its own bodies in the headquarters of compounds, operational associations, and also had its own special parts and institutions to which topographic, geodesic, aerial photographic detachments, card warehouses, cartographic factories. The main task of the military topographic service remained the preparation and preparation of topographic maps, collecting geodesic data, the organization of topographic training for troops, research work in the field of cartography, geodesy, aerial recovery.

After the start of transformations in the military sphere caused by the October Revolution and the construction of the Red Army, it was necessary to create a special educational institution for the preparation of military topographers. The fact is that, in accordance with the order of the Council of People's Commissars on Naval Affairs No. 11 of November 14, 1917, military-educational institutions of the old Russian army were supposed to disband. At the same time, in the order of the chief commissioner of all military-educational institutions of the Russian Republic No. 113 of November 18 and No. 114 of November 28, 1917, it was specified that special technical and naval military schools, a military topographic school and the main gymnastic The fencing school is not subject to disbandment. This moment was very important, since it demonstrated the focus on the preservation of the experience that was accumulated by military-educational institutions. Nevertheless, on January 2, 1918, the Executive Committee of the Council of Plokhansk, which was defined as the place of the collection of the military-topographic school sent on vacation, decided to dissolve the School. But this dissolution was only a formal moment in the history of this military-educational institution. July 18, 1918, in accordance with the order of the Commissar on Military Affairs, the first Soviet military topographic courses on the basis of the former military topographic school were opened in the city of Volsk. However, since Pohshansk was in the hands of Belochov, who decided to transfer the personnel of the Junkers of the Military Topographic School in Novonikolaevsk, and then in Omsk, it was decided to open the Soviet military topographic courses not in Volsk, but in Petrograd. The head of petrograd courses was appointed former teacher Geodesy G.G. Insurance, Military Commissioner - E.V. Rozhkov. Already on December 16, 1918, classes began on courses. This day is considered a day the foundation of the Soviet school of military topographers. For the passage of training, 50 people were credited, another 11 people continued to study on the elder course. By April 1, 1919, 131 cadet were trained on courses. Soviet power managed to hire a number of prominent scientists and teachers, which provided a normal educational process on courses and the transfer of knowledge and experience to the new generation of cadets. In 1919, a three-year training course was established, and on June 5, 1919, 10 cadets, completed training on the elder course, were distributed as a topographer in the working and peasant Red Army. These were the first military topographers prepared by the Soviet authorities.

Meanwhile, the person's personnel of the school of school continued to go to Novonikolaevsk. In the fall of 1919 there were even adopted new cadets. When Novonikolaevsk liberated parts of the 5th Army Eastern Front RKKA, it was decided to continue the learning process of cadets. For the leadership of political life was appointed by a military commark F. Parfenov. On February 7, 1920, the school was renamed in-Siberian military topographic courses. Soon they were translated into the liberated Omsk, where they were located in the building of the Omsk Cadet Corps. In 1921, Omsk Military Topographic School was opened on the basis of courses. As of November 1, 1921, 147 cadets were trained in it. On November 9, 1922, the Omsk Military Topographic School was officially called the 2nd Omsk Military Topographic School, and in early 1923 they were replied to Petrograd. In Petrograd, both military topographic schools were connected, after which the only military-tech topographic institution was reborn again - Petrograd military topographic school. In 1924, at the first congress of military topographers, it was decided to raise the level of training in a military topographic school. This decision was facilitated by the speech of the head and commissioner of the military-topographic department of the headquarters of the Republic of Armenia A. I. Artanova, who drew attention to the narrow-social nature of training at school. Therefore, in 1925, school curriculum programs were decided to improve the level of political work in an educational institution, to create courses for improving command staff (CUX). In addition, commanders from a wide variety of troops were sent to school, which decided to receive military topographic education. In 1928-1929. School was attacked by aerosette. Positive shifts in the organization of the school training process could not not be marked by her own leadership. In 1929, the head of the military-topographic department of the RKKKA headquarters A. I. Artanov praised school for good training classes equipment, especially noting the photo laboratory classes, transformer and assembly, military and terrain classes. Simultaneously with the improvement of the training base, the number of cadets increased, since the Red Army needed increasingly the number of military specialists - topographers who were sent to the further passage of the service to army compounds. The training courses began the preparation of photogrammetricists, the advanced training of specialists - topographers, geodesists, cardographicists, as well as retraining on topographic specialties of commander of the combustrian profile, artillery players, military engineers. The school cadets passed an internship in parts of the Red Army as younger commander. In 1937, the military topographic school was transformed into the Leningrad Military Topographic School. Graduates of the school received the military rank of lieutenant. From the second half of the 1930s. Lieutenants, issued by the school, took part in a number of military conflicts, primarily - in the battles at Lake Hasan and on the Khalhin Gol River. The first serious test was part in the Soviet-Finnish war.

Military topographers during the war years

Polon features and covered in combat fame of teachers and graduates of the Leningrad Military Topographic School in the Great Patriotic War. After departing to the front of the head of LwT, Language A. Guseva, the school was headed by Colonel K. Harin, who first led by the educational department. On June 30, 1941, the cadets of the school began to prepare for the defense of the Stogo-Krasnoye camp, but then were returned to Leningrad. Sophiers who have passed control tests, in July 1941, were ahead of schedule were made to lieutenants and were released on the front. In connection with the war, the school has passed on an accelerated one-year learning date. The main task of the School during the war years was the accelerated training of specialists for the artillery topographic service, carried out in the 4th special educational detachment. In July 1942, Colonel K.N. Harin, who headed the school, left for the front, and the new head of the educational institution was Lieutenant Colonel P.S. Pasha, who, in turn, arrived from the rows of the army. In the time described, the school was deployed in Ababkovo and only in January 1945 it was decided to return to Leningrad. On April 5, 1945, the school was awarded the Red Banner and was assigned the name "Leningrad Red Banner Military Topographic School." During the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 3,000 graduates of the Leningrad Military Topographic School were awarded orders and medals.

The Great Patriotic War almost in the first months revealed the main disadvantages of the pre-war organization of the military topographic service in the Red Army. First, it turned out that in the troops there were no necessary number of cards, there were simply not enough in some connections. The reason for this was the location of warehouses of cards on the western border of the Soviet Union. The retreating Soviet troops were forced to destroy card warehouses in the Baltic, Western, Kiev military districts, so that the most valuable secret information did not get the coming opponent. In the territories occupied by Hitler's Germany, there was a number of most important objects of the military topographic service - a cartographic factory in Kiev, a workshop of an optical-mechanical profile in Lviv, cartographic units in Riga and Minsk. Secondly, given that before the war, the bulk of the military-topographic parts of the Red Army was stationed in the west of the Soviet Union, from the very first days of the war, their personnel went to the front. The losses of the military-topographic service in 1941 amounted to 148 officers, 1127 sergeants and soldiers, 15 civil servants. Considering that military topographers are a narrow profile specialists, to prepare not only special education, but also to obtain the necessary experience, we can say that in the first months of war these losses were irreparable. Therefore, I had to translate the Military Topographic School for the maximum accelerated duration of the training, since the lack of military topographers in this situation was felt particularly acute. The military topographic service in the most difficult conditions of the Great Patriotic War had to solve a very extensive range of tasks, to which they treated: creating and updating topographic maps, edition of topographic cards for existing and rear units with huge circulations, delivery, storage and issuance of cards, photography of the terrain, including numbers directly during the fighting, control accuracy of binding elements of combat orders of artillery; location of landmarks; Tactical interflaring of aerosries and determination of the coordinates of the enemy's goals; Topographic exploration of the area. The military topographic service did not forget about such an important task as the organization of the overall topographic training of troops, which was also under the jurisdiction of military topographers. At the same time, no matter how difficult military topographs on the fronts were not canceled, and the tasks of further studying strategically important areas in other regions of the Soviet Union, including - and away from the front line, Far East and in Central Asia, in Siberia in the Urals.

Combat Path of Soviet Military Topographers

The colossal experience gained by military topographs during the Great Patriotic War was used in the postwar years. It was the post-war period that became an epoch highest development and strengthening the military-topographic service of the Soviet army. The overall complication of the military in the second half of the twentieth century. It demanded from the military-topographic service of saving a number of new important tasks. These were: the creation of a global space geodetic network and the rationale for the geocentric coordinate system for the use of rocket; creation of digital maps of large scale for high-precision weapon guidance systems; creation of means of observation of spacecraft and new topogeodesic equipment; Improving moving means of topogeodesic support for solving urgent tasks in an operational tactical link; creation of electronic topographic cards for automated control systems for troops, etc. Accordingly, the solution of these tasks required the overall improvement of the qualifications of military topographs, improving their preparation. In the post-war period, an educational process has improved in the Leningrad Military Topographic School. Thus, with the emergence and improvement of rocket-nuclear weapons, a mandatory study of nuclear weapons and protection against nuclear weapons was introduced into the program of training of officers and in curricula. In addition, military topographers begin to receive more extensive knowledge on a variety of extremely important disciplines for any officer. Cadets of schools are beginning to explore military engineering training, missile weapons and artillery, a car business, radio electronics. Does not forget the School and give knowledge cadets on military pedagogy and psychology - after all, many of them have to not only work in the field of topography, but also to lead the personnel. In 1963, the School received a new name - the Leningrad Military Topographical Red School. The further development of the armed forces required the transition of the majority of military-school institutions of the country from among the middle military schools to the highest military schools. In 1968, the Leningrad Military Topographic School was renamed the Leningrad Higher Military Topographic Command Red Blank Order of the Red Star School. Accordingly, a four-year learning date was established, a transition to the department of the Department was carried out. 11 departments were created in the school: photothopographics, photogrammetry, geodesy and astronomy, higher geodesy, radioceodesia and electronics, cartography, tactical disciplines, higher mathematics, physics and chemistry, Marxism-Leninism, foreign languages, as well as the disciplines of the Russian language, automotive training, physical training. As in other senior military schools, a battalion for providing the educational process appeared in the Leningrad Supreme Military Topographic Team School. Since the school became higher, for his bosses, a regular category "Major General, Lieutenant General" was established, for the deputy chief of the school - one step below. Heads of the Department, their deputies and senior teachers corresponded to the staff category "Colonel", teachers - "Lieutenant Colonel". In 1980, the school was assigned the name of the Army General A. I. Antonova.

A serious test for Soviet military topography in the 1980s was the war in Afghanistan. Martialctions On the territory of another state, especially with such a complex and diverse terrain, were a real exam for a military topographic service. Boris Pavlov, who led the topographic service of the 40th Commercial Army, recalled in an interview published in the military-industrial courier for 2009, recalled that at the initial stage of hostilities in Afghanistan, the Soviet command did not possess large-scale cards of the entire territory of this state (see: Umansev, V. According to exact landmarks. Afghan dusts were looking for any opportunity to get Soviet cards // Military-industrial courier, 2009, No. 8 (274)). The largest card was a maximum map of 1: 200,000. Accordingly, the task of creating such maps of larger scale in front of military topographs - first 1: 100,000, and then 1: 50,000. As the officer recalls, "35: 100,000 The troops of the 40th Army were provided by 1985 by 70-75 percent, by 1986 - almost all 100%. And the scale of the scale of 1:50,000 was provided completely somewhere by 1986-1987. " Topographic training of Soviet officers Boris Pavlov assessed as weak, noting that his subordinates from the topographic service of the army had to carry out numerous topographic training classes for the officers of all units, and even lieutenant-topographers in this case acted as teachers before the elders officers. In general, the topographic service in Afghanistan, with its tasks, coped with respect to the second half of the 1980s. We were able to provide large-scale topographic maps all the divisions in this state.

Topographers remain "the eyes of the army"

In 1991, in connection with the reforms conducted in the country and the cessation of the existence of the Soviet Union, the Leningrad Higher Military Topographical Command Red Banner Order of the Red Star School was renamed St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographical Command School. In 1993, a five-year training was introduced in the school, two faculties were created - topographic and geodesic. Then, in the era of renaming military schools to institutes, the School received a new name - the Military Topographic Institute named after A. I. Antonova (Military Institute (Topographic)). In 2006, the Institute was included as a branch in the famous Military Space Academy. Mozhaisk. Since 2011, the former military topographic institute is part of the Academy as the Faculty of Topgeodesic Support and Cartography (the so-called "7th Faculty"), with the departments of topogeodesic support, cartography, higher geodesy, photothopography and photogrammetry, metrological support of weapons, military and special equipment. The faculty continues the training of officers - specialists in the field of military topography and geodesy.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that the difficult 1990s were noted by numerous issues for military topographers. Reducing the financing of the armed forces, low salaries, the inattention of the state to the elementary needs of military specialists - through all this had to go through and military topographs. Many of them were forced, by virtue of circumstances, leaving "to the citizen", and, must be said, having a good practical education and extensive experience, as well as "bright heads", were perfectly settled in civil companies. After all, the need for highly qualified specialists in the field of topogeodesia is also felt in the most important sectors of the Russian economy. At the same time, many officers of the Soviet quenching remained at military service and made a huge contribution to the formation of military topography already in the post-Soviet Russia.

In modern conditions, an electronic, much more convenient in circulation has long come to replace the old paper cards. Military topographers are equipped with the latest mobile geodesic complexes that fix the smallest changes in the area during the route movement. Transmit to the coordinates of the troops These complexes can take 50 km away. At the same time, and from paper cards completely, the army does not refuse - after all, the technique technique, and in the event of its failure or interruptions can come to the revenue and the old tested grandmatch. An experimental center of geospatial information and navigation of the Southern Military District has been created in the Southern Military District. With the help of the latest developments in the field of digital and IT technologies, the military topographers of the XXI century monitoring the state of the radio navigation field of satellite navigation systems GLONASS and GPS, provide the Systems of the Military District ACS and high-precision weapon complexes with geospatial information. Within 10 minutes, servicemen can expand the latest equipment and proceed to perform combat missions. As noted on the site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in service with the experimental center there are software and hardware complexes "VIITIT" and "AC", the moving digital topographic system "Volynets". The technical equipment of the center allows you to perform tasks in front of military topographs both directly at the location of the constant dislocation and in the field, if necessary, putting forward to the terrain.

In connection with the cessation of the existence of the USSR, in 1991, the military-topographic service of the Armed Forces of Russia was formed, which in the following 1992 was transformed into the topographic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The head of the topographic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the same time is the head of the military-topographic department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, the Colonel Zaliznyuk Alexander Nikolaevich is held by Colonel, before 2013 to 2015. He held the position of chief engineer of the military-topographic department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Russian military topographers continue to solve a number of complex tasks in the interests of strengthening defense russian state. It remains to wish people of this complex and the right military profession not to lose and constantly improve their skills, to do without loss, and most importantly - always remain the right country.


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"VIZH", 1999, 6

Soviet topocards were better German

Colonel A.A.Shavin

Military topographic service of the Red Army and topogeodesic support for troops in the initial period of war.

The experience of the past and modern warrior indicates that the success of various military operations depends on the careful planning and ensuring and ensuring the maximum full preparation of troops. In the aggregate of these events, each of them is equally important, since the underestimation of some one can lead to a catastrophe. If there are all the factors necessary for the success of the factors, the process of managing troops becomes, for the loss of it, as a rule, leads to the defeat. To carry out reliable and clear control of troops in the absence or lack of necessary topogeodesic information (topographic cards, aerial photographic documents, initial geodesic data for artillery firing) is almost impossible. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, not enough, and sometimes there were no cards, for the provision of which the military topographic service (BTS) of the Red Army was responsible. This is evidenced by archival documents and memories of veterans - active participants in the war. Major Major General V. Tolsky, reporting on the events of the first days of war, the head of the auto-terminal control General Lieutenant General Ya.N. Fedorenko, noted: "The command composition of cards did not have, which led to the fact that not only individual tanks, but also wandered the whole divisions" (1), the former commander of the 10th Army (October 1941 - February 1942) Marshal of the Soviet Union F.I. Golikov wrote: "There were only two copies of the card. One was in me, the other - the head of the army headquarters" (2). Commander 186th rifle Division 62nd Rifle Corps General Major N.I. Biryukov noticed: "The only copy of the card, which I managed to reclaim the headquarters of the 21st mechanized building from the head of the headquarters, took from me the commander of our building General-Major I.P. Pockets" (3). It is clear that it was impossible to establish reliable control of troops in such difficult conditions.

Why, in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War in our army, suddenly revealed a sharp disadvantage of everything necessary for victory over the enemy, including topographic maps and other documents with information about the locality, how long it continued and how the optimal output from the situation created, Talks in the published article.

The Flame of World War II was already gone in Western Europe, when the leadership of the USSR in the fireman began to strengthen the military topographic service of the Red Army, who lost many military geodesists, topographers and cartographers, people in the vast majority of honest, who know their business in the tragic 30s as the head of the management of military topographers Comkor I.F. Maximov, Head of the Leningrad Military Topographic School Combrig N.M. Gravel and many others. Vacant places were filled with less experienced leaders and not so qualified specialists. So, in 1937-1938. Head of the Geodesic Faculty of the Military Engineering Academy named after V.V. Kuibysheva - the forge of team frames of the PTS - becomes an adjunct of the same faculty V.N. Chernyshev. He heads the PTS of the Red Army also recent adjunct M.K. Kudryavtsev. In total, the three-year experience of staying him at such a responsible post did not slow down to affect the first hours of the War: The stock of topographic maps and material and technological means, consisting of parts and units of the PTS, was lost. In order to meet the increased demand of the CTC in the frames, the number of students of the Geodesic Faculty of Academy and the Military Topographic School cadets, the courses of improving command staff were opened. By the beginning of the war, the lack of the superior composition of the MTS was almost completely felt up with young graduates of the listed military-educational institutions.

In 1939, the Military Topographic Department of the General Staff is transformed into the management of the military-topographic service, which in 1940 began to be called the military-topographic department of the General Staff (GSH). For a new, numerically increased management assigned tasks for the advance preparation of probable theaters of hostilities in topographic and cartographic terms, providing troops with topographic maps and catalogs of the coordinates of geodesic points and topographic training of troops.

In 1939-1940 The headquarters of the Moscow and border military districts introduced topographic departments abolished in 1936 and transformed into the management of military topographic work. In addition to the management of topographic parts and topographic-geodesic work on the territory of the districts on these departments, the supply of coordinate troops and coordinate catalogs of geodesic items was included. In the headquarters of the armies, the topographic service was represented by the topographic department, in the headquarters of the corps - the topographic separation department of the operational department. In the headquarters of divisions on the staff of such a service was not envisaged. Providing parts of the compounds by cards was placed, as a rule, on the operational separation topograph.

By June 1941, the number of field parts of the service has increased significantly. For example, only 3 geodesic, 10 topographic, 3 motorized topographic and 2 aerial troops were deployed in the west direction. At that time, they performed tasks for the advance topped-proof training of the territory of probable hostilities, carrying out the development and concentration of geodetic

tapes, the geodesic provision of airfield construction and fortified areas directly in the border strip, made and updated topographic maps. For the troops of Western districts, the Dunaev Moscow military-cartographic factory, several cartographic parts, including two newly created in Minsk and Riga, were published.

The most formed and previously existing parts of the CTS were reinforced by vehicles, equipped with new tools and devices, cardotizmation equipment. Optical-mechanical workshops were created for the repair and alignment of special equipment in the Baltic and Kiev special military districts. The placement in the industry of orders for the manufacture of special bodies and care agents for front-line hiking topographic kits was envisaged. But, as it turned out, it was too late: the German fascist troops stood along the western borders of the USSR. By the beginning of the war, the overall stock of topographic cards in WTS warehouses was about 550 million copies. Approximately half of it was kept on 21 warehouse warehouses of Western districts, including 58 million cards were located on the Baltic, 88 million on the Kiev specialist - 76 million, unfortunately, named warehouses in contrast to the field parts of the vehicle service They did not have, and some of them (in strict accordance with the postulate "to fight with small blood in someone else's territory") were unnecessarily posted in the immediate vicinity of the state border (Districts of Belostok, Kaunas, Lviv, etc.). To get out with a proposal to the head of the General Staff and insisted on the optimal placement of the warehouses of cards, ensuring their vehicles, the young head of the MTS did not dare. After the war, the Lieutenant General of Technical Forces retired MK Kudryavtsev with bitterness recognized that "the placement of warehouses near the state border was erroneous. The question about their redeployment was in terms of work for 1941, but it was not possible to resolve it until June" (4).
[Approx. zhistory.: Understanding the non-academic accuracy of memoirs, it can be assumed that this phrase could be written specially. The fact is that Lieutenant-General Tech. MK retired troops Kudryavtsev carried a certain responsibility (like beetles), because the question may arise here: "Was it planned" to "replicate" those warehouses in real life or is it his post-war "reflection" (rear)?] .

Using the combat experience of topogeodesic support for troops in operations on the Khalkhin-goal river (May - August 1939) and in the war with Finland (November 1939 - March 1940), parts of the CTC were preparing for special work in combat conditions. To this end, in the Western Special, Transcaucasian, Odessa and other military districts in 1940, the exercises of the PTS parts were carried out together with the troops of the districts. In February - March 1941, at the charges of the supervisors of the topographic departments of the headquarters of military districts and their deputies held in the GSH, worked out problems on the topogeodesic provision of troops in operations.

According to the plans of topographic and geodesic works 1939-1941. Almost all field parts of the PTS, which were in the European part of the USSR, performed geodesic work and topographic shooting in the strip between the old and new borders. Therefore, before the beginning of the war, topographic surveys were completed and fired outdated cards in Bessarabia, in Western Ukraine, in Western Belarus, on the Karelian Isthmus and partly in the territory of the Baltic States. On the border strip were drawn topographic maps Scale 1: 25000 and smaller. It should be noted that the scales of 1: 25000 and 1: 100000 were drawn up in a single coordinate system, on a solid geodetic basis, manufactured mainly on the results of aerial photography, and therefore their quality was quite satisfactory.

The 1: 100000 scale cards and the smallest were also created on a part of the foreign territory to the Berlin - Prague line - Vienna - Budapest - Bucharest. However, modern topographical maps of deep districts of the USSR clearly lacked. Even a 1: 500,000 scale map was compiled only to Moscow Meridian, on the entire territory of the USSR there was only a scale map of 1: 100,000,000. In this regard, the army general S. M. Shtemensko in his book "General Staff during the war" wrote: "Maps of the most appointment and different scales were required extremely much. And it should be noted that before the war, the cards needed, to a significant part The territories of our state were not compiled. We had quite modern topographic cards only before the turn of Petrozavodsk, Vitebsk, Kiev, Odessa. When the enemy pushed us for this line, the lack of cards were also added to all other things. East of this turn topographic maps of scale 1: 50000, 1: 100000 were only on the districts of Moscow, burnt

who, Kharkov, Rostov-on-Don and some others, and, for example, there were only obsolete cards of the simper and two-limit scale on the territory of the Caucasus.

I must say that the "cutting" bands of cartographic security, limited lines of Berlin - Prague - Vienna - Budapest - Bucharest in the West and Petrozavodsk - Vitebsk -Kyev - Odessa in the East, was performed in 1939 by the head of the LDKA General Staff B.M. Shaposhnikov's own blue pencil on the working map of the head of the GSH Colonel M.K. Kudryavtseva. In the first harder months of war, this card signed by Boris Mikhailovich played the role of a kind of security certificate for both M.K. Kudryavtsev, and for his subordinates, including the head of the Topographic Department of the Western Special Military District (Western Front), Participant of many Pamir expeditions Colonel I.G.Dorofeev, almost divided the tragic fate of the commander of the district of General Army, D.G. Pavlova and his headquarters of Major General V.E. Klimovsky.

Before the beginning of the war, the development of instructions on topogeodesic support for troops were not completed, in which the part of the VTS and the newly created topographic departments of the headquarters of military districts were keenly needed. His author, the former head of the Military Topographers of Comkor I.F. Maximov, which made a lot to reorganize the topographic service from the category of engineering and technical, production in the military, was repressed, and almost completed work was delivered to specialhran. Later, on the basis of summarizing the experience of troops in Mongolia and in war with Finland, training aids have been developed for military maneuvers and teachings. The most valuable of them turned out to benefit the topogodesic or topographic (on terminology of pre-war years) to ensure the hostilities of the troops developed by the group of teachers of the Military Engineering Academy, including the participants of the Soviet-Finnish War (6). The published and sent to the part and educational institutions of the PTS in April - May 1941 and at the beginning of the war, it performed the functions of the corresponding instruction.

Thus, despite the efforts of the leadership and the entire personnel of the PTS of the RKKK, the planned activities for strengthening the production capacity of the service and mapping the territories of the Western TVD to implement completely before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War failed. Completed the work already in its course.

On June 22, 1941, as a result of a sudden attack of fascist Germany in the USSR, part of the RKKU VTS, which deployed and performing special tasks in the border strip, especially in Lithuania, Latvia, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, suffered significant losses in personnel and technique. Field teams of topographers and geodesists who worked in a large area and at a significant distance from one of the other, were in the war zone. Torn from the bases of their detachments, they joined the border guards and parts of the Red Army, participated in the battles, made their way and left the environment. Large losses suffered 5, 16, 17, 31 and 75th topographic and geodesic TCC troops. For example, the 31st motorized topographic detachment, which provided by the geodesic data of Brest, Osovo and Grodno fortified areas, lost more than half of the personnel. In difficult conditions, the command of the detachment managed to take out of the opponent's hit by hitting the opponent and save part of the geodesic tools. Later, all these detachments were allocated to the rear for re-formation and dunklement. The total losses of the personnel of the field parts of the TTS in the first three months of the war amounted to 148 officers, 1127 soldiers and sergeants, 15 employees (7). Two cartographic parts (in Riga, Minsk), an optical-mechanical workshop (in Lviv), and a somewhat late Cartographic Factory, turned out to be in the territory trained in the opponent. For having a few personalized service, this was a rather tangible damage.

Especially injured by the army and district warehouses of topographic cards, which kept about 200 card wagons. On the first week of the war was destroyed, and then captured by the enemy a large district warehouse of maps deployed in Minsk. It was not possible to evacuate his reserves: the retreating troops demanded the cards only to the areas of Eastern Minsk, and even then in a small

quantities, from the rest refused. Some part of the cards still managed to evacuate from the district warehouses of the Baltic and Kiev special military districts, but for a long time, the wagons in the way with them, if necessary, was difficult to find enough. Army warehouses that were near the border were also destroyed or captured by the enemy in the first days of the war, a significant number of cards hit his hands. Map stocks due to the impossibility of exporting them mostly underwent. Taking into account the losses of the inviolable stock of cards stored directly in the troops, 250 - 300 million copies were lost.

Thus, in advance created reserves of excellent quality topographic cards of the territory of the Western border space, for the most part were not used. At the same time, the troops of the Red Army, especially the Central and South-Western Fronts, did not have the necessary cards at all. Instead of large-scale topographic maps (1: 50000 and 1: 100000), it was necessary to use small-scale (1: 500000 and 1: 10,000,000), which in a small amount supplied rapidly moved topographic departments of front-line headquarters. With the departure of our troops abroad, Bryansk - Kursk - Kharkov - Zaporizhia, east of which other cards, except for the Card of the territory of the USSR, the scale of 1: 1000000 was almost no, the position with the cards was even more deteriorated. The lack of maps adversely affected the possibilities of combat use of both rifle compounds and parts of the Red Army and aircraft, armored equipment and artillery. It was a difficult time for a military topographic service, which required as soon as possible to correct the created position. It was necessary to immediately, at least partially, to fill the stocks of cards of combat areas, as well as to create new cards of the extensive territory, to which they were not created in the pre-war 20-25 years.

With the beginning of the war before the WTU of the General Staff, a difficult task was faced: Conducting the current work on the topogeodesic support of troops in the conditions of the heavy situation of 1941, in the shortest possible time organizationally rebuild the service on a military way, to make the topographic parts that have suffered large losses, form new, correctly distribute their strength and funds in the front of the current army.

To this end, on the basis of topographic departments of the headquarters of the Leningrad, Baltic, Western Special, Kiev Special, Odessa and Transcaucasian military districts, topographic departments of the headquarters of the Northern, North-West, Western, South-Western, South, Transcaucasian fronts and headquarters of the armies were formed. Later, due to the established situation, the topographic departments of armies headquarters are reorganized into topographic departments of operational departments of armies (9). At the same time, 2 military-cartographic factories are created (in Sverdlovsk and Saratov) and 11 field detachments of the PTS (mainly topographic and motorized topographic). Part of these detachments was transferred to the front, and part was used for topogeodesic work in the rear of the current army. Maps of various departments of Moscow and Leningrad are attracted to the publication of maps. Equipment of parts by special topogeodesic equipment, weapons and transport in the conditions of retreat of troops and evacuation of local institutions to the east was carried out with great difficulty.

Thanks to the measures taken by the WTU General Staff, by August 1, 1941, as part of six fronts, there were 21 detachments (4 geodesic, 11 topographic and 6 motorized topographic). However, these detachments were distributed to the fronts were very uneven, due to the difficulty of unloading parts. On the less active northern front, 6 detachments worked, on the south-west - 7, and on the most important Western front - only 2. By the fall of 1941, the fields of the CTS managed to redistribute, taking into account the emerging situation, and some of them were charged to the duty to produce topographic shooting And correct outdated cards in the rear areas, others have been translated into the TTU reserve to enhance topographic front-line services.

By the same time, the activities of the PTS of the Red Army in the interests of the army were aimed at ensuring troops with topographic cards, initial geodesic data and photocoups.

In the first months of the war, the provision of troops with topographic cards was carried out with great difficulty. Therefore, the GSH and the topographic departments of front-line headquarters, the main attention was paid to solving this paramount task. After analyzing the established situation, the GUY layer adjusted the system of providing troops of the army by topographic cards spent in conditions of even peacetime.

The basis of the system was laid by the principle of providing troops with cards from above - down the chain of warehouses: Central - front-line - Army - Corps. Then the cards were to be delivered to the headquarters of divisions, brigades and regiments for issuing them to the destination to the platform commanders inclusive. However, in practice, unforeseen difficulties were revealed. So, in front and army links, the work on ensuring the troops of the cards was carried out by topographic services of the respective headquarters, and it must be said, the case was right there, then in the tactical (from the division, shelf and lower), it was not sufficiently prepared in this regard by the general commander . There have been cases when even if there are cards in higher headquarters, they did not reach parts and units, and as a result, the troops carried unjustified loss of personnel and military equipment. The shortage of vehicles also led to failures in the work of the troops of the troops. Taking into account the identified disadvantages in the late 1941 - early 1942, a number of additional measures corrected were carried out: head and rear warehouses began to be created in fronts, of which the troops were mainly and were provided with cards; The supervisors of the topographic services of fronts and armies began to highlight the vehicles; In the headquarters of divisions and regiments were assigned persons responsible for accounting and saving cards, as well as for providing parts and divisions. Division headquarters issued cards from their warehouses headquarters of the regiments, and those - the headquarters of battalions. Delivery of cards was made by means of receiving. In the troops, the card came, as a rule, simultaneously with preliminary combat orders. The compounds and parts arriving in the front were supplied with cards when their approach to the fighting area. To deliver a large number of cards from rear warehouses, transport aviation was used. When there were no individual nomenclature sheets of cards on front warehouses, the headquarters of the topographic departments of the headquarters published maps with the help of their cardatoattess. The most chassis in the first period of the war was the so-called tactical maps of 1: 500,000 and 1: 100,000, the proportion of their use of troops was 35 and 65 percent. respectively.

In 1942, at the initiative of the GSH and with the direct participation of experienced military specialists, a special cartographic train was equipped - a mobile military-cartographic factory, which entered the HTC history called "train-lithograph". He followed the troops of the army, and his personnel promptly compiled and published intelligence and corrected topographic maps, cities plans, combat schedule documents. The train team had to work under bombing and shelling for several days in a row without rest, carrying losses, but the tasks of the front command were performed exactly on time. For combat merits and manifested by commanders and redarmers, the courage and dedication train-lithography by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

As already noted, at the beginning of the war of the inland regions of the European part of the USSR, it was clearly lacked, which created a threat to the violation of the entire system of ensuring the troops. So, the maps of 1: 100,000 and larger there were only individual sites (polygons, military camps, new buildings, etc.), the card of the main part of the territory was only old, in a metric scale. Therefore, before the PTS of the Red Army there was a great importance: in extremely short time, in a complex military situation, mapping areas that could become fields of battles. To fulfill its management, the service guide immediately started, sending backup, newly formed and displayed from the fronts to re-form field parts of the MTS. At the same time by military-cartographic factories (Moscow name Dunaev, Saratov and Sverdlovsk), Moscow, Kharkiv

and the Rostov cartographic parts, two newly formed cartographic detachments, research and test landfill VTS, the editorial and publishing department of the PTS, enterprises of the General Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography (Hugk) of the NKVD of the USSR, other organizations (the factory of the Pravda newspaper, Goznak) literally during the day And at night, maps were made and published. General planning of field topographic and geodesic works, preparations for the publication and printing of cards, distribution of regions in queues and parts, control over the implementation of tasks carried out the GSH traffic.

As a result of selfless and intense labor, a month after the start of the war map, the scale of 1: 100,000 had all the troops operating in the Western Front strip to the line Kalinin, Mozhaisk, Eagle, and the Rostov and Kharkov cartographic units in cooperation with civilian civil organizations managed to This time is to provide the same cards of parts and connections in the strip of southwestern and southern fronts. By the end of 1941, part of the PTS and the Hugk divisions of the Hugk produced new shooting of cards on a total area of \u200b\u200b520 thousand square meters. km, mainly the scale of 1: 100,000, corrected the old ones, the total of 2638 sheets of originals were drawn up and 200 million copies of cards were printed.

After fulfilling the activities listed measures, ensuring the troops of all fronts, the cards have improved significantly. The Soviet government and the Supreme Command highly appreciated the activities of the military topographic service to create new cards of the country's territory east and southeastern Moscow to the Volga River inclusive, awarding a large group of governing and engineering and technical workers with orders and medals in May 1942. Head of VTS M.K. Kudryavtsev and his deputy F.Ya. Gerasimov was awarded the next military rank of Major General.

Along with the supply of troops, the RKKK CTC cards provided artillery with source geodesic data, since artillery fire can be effective only when the fire positions of the batteries, the observation points of their commanders, the position of the means of artillery exploration, goals in the arrangement of the enemy with sufficient accuracy are "tied" to the geodetic points And market oriented. As the experience of the first months of war showed, the topogeodesic support of artillery needed the production of significant work in terms of work: in the development of geodesic and so-called artillery geodetic networks, binding of artillery combat orders, determining the location of goals and landmarks, providing consumers with a special artillery card, coordinate catalogs of geodesic items, Intelligent schemes and other graphic documentation. Only with the successful implementation of all this artillery was able to suddenly and effectively affect the target of the enemy, invisible from firing positions. At the beginning of the war, when heavy defensive battles were conducted in the border areas, the binding of artillery positions was produced along a large-scale map [It can be assumed that here a mistake and more logical to understand not "large-scale" type 1: 25000, but "small-scale", i.e. scale type 1: 100 000 - zhistory.] followed by refinement of location target targets. This required an additional cost of shells and excluded the surprise of artillery fire. Therefore, before the artillery topographic service (PBX), a task was delivered: to prepare data for firing on a complete geodesic basis. By this time, the PBX did not have enough qualified personnel, and the assistance provided to her. Thus, in the spring of 1942, TWU GSH sent to the disposal of the main artillery department of 200 graduates of the Leningrad Military Topographic School, which later in the troops were called artillery topographs. At the same time, on the basis of the analysis of the first half of the war, the Regulation on the work of the military-topographic service of the Red Army to ensure artillery in combat conditions was developed and enacted. In particular, the tasks of topographic parts for topographic artillery should be determined, the requirements for the density and accuracy of special geodetic network items, as well as the principles of the interaction of VTS and PBX units in the preparation of artillery firing.

But, despite the assistance rendered, the main volume of geodesic works was performed as before the forces of the field parts of the BTS. Its divisions were attached to armies, where they performed tasks according to the plans of artillery headquarters. In extremely difficult conditions, military geodesists and

the topographers developed the reference networks, the binding of fire facilities, according to outbreaks of the shots of enemy guns, serifs, with the help of optical means (theodolites), their coordinates were determined. The coordinate lists and the location schemes of certain supporting artillery items were transmitted directly to the topographic department of the army, and the results of the binding elements of combat orders - the head of the topographic service of the army or the senior head of the artillery group. Such tasks were performed under the conditions of continuous effects of aviation, artillery and mortar fire. German snipers hunted military surveyors and topographs. A great contribution to the success of the controlarian struggle was made by the VTS divisions on the Leningrad Front, detecting heavy long-range worms of the enemy. So, for example, on the night of December 12, 1941, they were seen from three points of the terrain of the railway super-heavy German mortist "Big Berta" caliber of 420 mm, which had time to do several shots in Leningrad. According to geodesists, Mortira was destroyed by our bombers.

Thus, in the interest of artillery, the personnel of the field parts of the CTS performed the necessary and enormous work. Thus, only for the first year of war on the Soviet-German front, about 62 thousand geodetic points were opened, more than 20 thousand firepoints of artillery batteries were tied, the coordinates of 5.5 thousand important objectives of the enemy were determined, more than 500 baselines of the rangels of anticented artillery rangers were measured. Parts.

The experience of war with Finland showed the extremely important importance of aerial sphere, which in 1941 under the conditions of the overwhelming domination of the German-fascist aviation was carried out in very limited sizes. Nevertheless, its effectiveness was high. Already in August 1941, in the preparation of an offensive operation, the Western Front, the Western Front prepared an aerial photography of the strip of enemy defense. Military topographers in conjunction with the personnel of the Aerophotus of the 1st Air Army were decrypting aerial photographs. The revealed enemy military facilities (fireproof positions of artillery and mortars, machine-gun nests, bludges, places of accumulation of military equipment, warehouses of ammunition, etc.) were denoted at the reconnaissance carges, which after reproduction were issued for troops, and the coordinates of objects were transmitted to artilleryrs. These data to a certain extent facilitated the heavy fate of the Red Army troops, with their help our artillerymen successfully hit the enemy's goals.

Aerial view activities have increased significantly after in January 1942, at the insistence of the GSH, the headquarters of the Air Force instructed to equip special aerial photograppens on one of the combat aviation link, the fronts obliged to improve the quality of aerial photography and ensure the topographical service of the front of the air photographs. It should be noted that the airproof service of the Air Force, headed by the Major General of Aviation Major D. Balkovsky, reacted to this task with great interest and understanding. To perform aerial photography, pilots and navigations have become highlighted, which have experienced such work. At the same time, the head of the CTC of its directive ordered the topographic departments of the front heads to create photogrammetric groups for treating aerial-spare materials. The core of each such group was the divisions of the PTS parts. Groups worked in cooperation with the cardotizmation units of topographic front service services. The largest photogrammetric group (47 people) - "Photogramcenter" - was created on the Kalinin front. It included: separation of the 32nd motorized topographic detachment, photogrammetric office of Air Force, artillery photovvod, representatives of the intelligence and engineering departments of the front headquarters. The group had photo laboratory equipment and a lithographic machine for reproduction of graphic documents. Its tasks included: decryption decryptions and determination of the coordinates of objects (targets) on them, the manufacture of photosham and aerospace with a coordinate grid, correcting topographic maps in images, as well as the operational compilation of new reduced accuracy maps. The "photogramcenter" initially obeyed the headquarters of the air army, and from June 1942 - the topographic department of the headquarters of the Front. The planning of aerial spare parts was conducted by the reconnaissance department when

mediocre participation of the topographic department. The close interaction of intelligence and topographic bodies was quite effective. Comparison of the results of aerial phony and other types of intelligence showed that it gives the most accurate and reliable intelligence information about the terrain and the opponent. For example, the first field testing of the results of the work of the "Photogram Center", produced by the Special Commission of the Kalinin Front in the Rzhev region, showed that all engineering facilities and artillery positions were identified by 100 percent., Blinds (dugouts) and dzotes are 60-70 percent. In general, the reliability of the decryption of military objects was estimated not lower than 70 percent. In the first half of 1942, photogrammetric groups were created on all the fronts that existed at that time. In the same 1942, the "Regulations on the interaction of the military topographic service with Aero-Service Air Force" was developed, approved by the head of the Air Force Headquarters and the head of the RKKA PTS. This provision operated until the end of the war and had a large organizational importance in the topogeodesic provision of troops. Improving the quality of aerial photography and the subsequent decryption of enemy objects contributed to the "Guide for decrypting aerial photographs" developed by the team of authors and airproof service.

In a short time, many military topographers have mastered the art of decrypting the objects of the enemy on aerial photographs, which almost no longer eluded from them. In practice, combat work between aviators and topographs was distributed as follows. Aircraft of the air armies produced aerial photographer, airproof service units of the air armies showed an aircraft, photographs were printed, partially decrypted the enemy objects. Then the aerofotorghuba passed the films and snapshots of the topographic service of the front, which made detailed decrepitation of the enemy objects, was manufactured by reconnaissance cards, photoshhem and photographs, put them on and after the report, the headquarters of the front headquarters adjusted to the troops. The interaction of the MTC with aerial service of the Air Force raised the meaning of aerial sphere, rightly called by aerial photographic intelligence during the war. Community Commanders and Chiefs, making decisions on battle, operation and during their conduct along with these other types of intelligence successfully used the latest intelligence cards. Despite the lack of experience and the limited actions of the Soviet intelligence aviation (due to the temporary superiority of the opponent's aviation), in the first year of the war, more than 28 thousand aerial photographs were drilled on all fronts and about 700 pieces of originals were produced. In the future, the volume of this work has increased significantly. Only for the period of defense of Leningrad, for example, almost 66 thousand pictures were drilled.

The aerial photographs received from the Air Force not only allowed the coordinates of the invisible points of the enemy military objects invisible from the ground observation points, the topographic parts were plans for settlements, usually turned into an opponent in resistance nodes, the topographic maps of the territory occupied by the enemy were made by large-scale railway and railway circuits and separate sections of the defense of the enemy, etc. By 1942, at all fronts, reconnaissance cards (schemes) were widely widespread, which were made according to the aerial photography, with the addition of their information of other types of intelligence and included in the number of key documents published by the topographic units of the fronts. By the end of the first period of war, more than 600 thousand lists of intelligence cards and schemes were printed by the forces of this service.

By this time, additional types of work on the topogeodesic provision of troops were determined. So, for example, it turned out that due to the insufficient topographical literacy of the commanders of various types of troops, especially designed from the stock, there were difficulties in oriented on the ground and in the conduct of the card, in the correct display of the front edge on it, the arrangement of combat orders, which often led to To the transfer of erroneous information about the location of both their troops and the enemy troops. In this regard, military topographers of some fronts obliged to determine the position of the front edge and apply it to the map.

After an exceptionally snowy winter of 1941/42, specialists of the hydrometeorological service predicted the possibility of a strong spring flood and flooding a significant part of the territory where elements of combat order of the troops were placed Northwestern Front. According to the headquarters of the headquarters of the edge of General Colonel N.F. Vatutin Military topographers got a task to make a map of possible flooding of the area when lifting the water level in rivers and lakes. Soon such a card was made. Commanders of parts and connections, the heads of services studied the terrain on it, accounted for the probable sections of flooding, amounted to and implemented a plan for warehouses, equipped new ways of the import of material means and ammunition.

On Bryansk and Karelian fronts, new types of special cards were required, in particular cards for tanks and other techniques. To draw up such cards, topographers together with tankers were in advance of the areas and directions of the upcoming actions of armored troops, highlighting impassable places for tanks, anti-tank obstacles, etc. The original in this way is operational and in the required quantity was multiplied by the topographic front service for the supply of appropriate compounds and parts.

The forms created with the direct participation of topographers were created in the direct participation of topographers - topographic, printed paint pale colors and serve as the basis of various combat graphic documents, including intelligence schemes and maps. On this occasion, the Marshal of the Soviet Union I. S. Konev wrote in his memoirs: "As shown by the course of hostilities, as well as checking on the terrain of artillery fire efficiency, the forms were drawn up with great accuracy and completely reflected the enemy defense system and the location of his fire funds . Blanchets, as they were then called, brought to the commander of the company and the battery commander, were the main document for organizing the offensive and attack "(11).

As you can see, in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, the military topographic service, having divided the borrowing of the Supreme Command with the entire Red Army, when preparing for the reflection of possible aggression, suffered large human losses, lost its special cardas saving and cardotosecase, huge stocks of topographic cards. However, due to the high organizedness and dedication of personnel, it managed to rebuilt in a short time on a military paw, in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities to ensure troops with cards, initial geodesic data and photocoups. In 1942, it became for the military topographic service the year of the fracture, when a difficult situation was replaced, created in the first months of the war, but also achieved an advantage in ensuring troops with cards in comparison with the topographic service of the German fascist army. It was forced to recognize the opponent himself. "Adheres to the opinion that in Soviet Russia nothing significantly was done and the cartographic case did not go further than the old verst cards of the royal time, we were involved in a big mistake. It turned out that the Soviet Russia was created cartographic production, which, according to its plans, a wide organization, Works and their quality exceeded everything that it was somewhere else, "said General Wehrmacht B. Kariberg (12).

1. Tsamam RF, f. 38, op. 11360, 2. l. 13.
2. Military. - Eastor. magazine. 1966. N: 5. P. 74.
3. Military. - Eastor. magazine. 1962. N: 4. P. 82.
4. Kudryavtsev MK About the military topographic service and topogeodesic support for troops. M.: Rio VTS, 1980. P. 129.
5. Shtemenko S. M. General Staff during the war years. M.: Milivdat. 1968. P. 128.
6. Gramitsky D.S., Krepe A.I., Toropkin F.M., Kharin K.N. Topographic provision of hostilities forces. M.: Ed. Military Engineering Academy of the Red Army named after V.V. Kuibyshev, 1941. P. 151.
7. Kudryavtsev MK Decree. cit. P. 131.
8. Sharavin A.A., Molchanov BB. Whose topokards were better? //Ven.-istor. magazine. 1990. N: 4. S.81-82.
9. In 1942, the topographic departments of operational departments of the armies were again transformed into topographic departments.
10. The buildings of their rear usually did not have the connection included in their composition were supplied with army warehouses.
11. Konev I. S. Notes of the commander of the front 1943-1944 .. M.: Science, 1972. P. 243.
12. Cariberg V. Die Heuen Kartenwerke Der Sovjets. Potemiaims Geographischen Mittelungen, 1943. Heft 9/10.

Colonel A.A.Shavin,
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Zhistory Supplement:

All geographical maps depending on the scale are conventionally divided into the following types:

Topographic plans - up to 1: 5000 inclusive;
- large-scale topographic cards - 1:10 000; 1:25 000; 1:50 000;
- Medium-scale topographic cards - 1: 100,000; 1: 1 000 000;
- Small-scale topographic cards - 1: 1 000 000 and higher