Regulations on state accreditation of educational activities. Accreditation of an educational institution

Dear applicants!

In accordance with Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.10.2018 No. 1163 "On the postponement of days off in 2019" 31.12.2019 acceptance of new applications for licensing educational activities, as well as for state accreditation on paper will not(applications can be sent electronically using the corresponding ones on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow).

Acceptance of documents in pursuance of notifications and issuance of documents, as well as acceptance and issuance of documents for affixing an apostille will be carried out from 9.00 to 15.00.

01/01/2020 – 01/08/2020 (holidays) receiving and issuing documents will not be carried out.

From 01/09/2020, the acceptance and issuance of documents will be carried out in accordance with the work schedule of the point of acceptance and issuance of documents.


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.10.1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people”, disabled people of groups I and II are served out of turn at trade enterprises, public catering, household services, communications, housing and communal services, in healthcare institutions, education, culture, legal services and other organizations serving the public.

New functionality appeared on the Portal of the Mayor of Moscow

You can apply for state accreditation of educational activities using city electronic services and services on the official website (portal) of the Mayor of Moscow.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered on the portal of the Mayor of Moscow will be able to remotely send an application for issuing, reissuing a certificate of state accreditation, as well as receive a duplicate.

The possibility of submitting an application and attached documents in electronic form will make the process of providing services easier and more understandable for applicants. All stages of the application process will be displayed in real time in your personal account on the portal of the Mayor of Moscow.

On payment of the state fee for the actions of authorized bodies related to state accreditation

Attention Applicants!

For the provision of public services, a state fee is paid in the amount established by subparagraphs 77, 127, 129 - 131 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

for issuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities:

for the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education - 15,000 rubles;

for the main educational programs of secondary vocational education - 35,000 rubles for each enlarged group of professions and specialties included in the certificate of state accreditation;

for reissuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities in connection with state accreditation in relation to previously unaccredited educational programs:

basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education - 15,000 rubles;

each enlarged group of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education - 35,000 rubles;

for reissuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities in other cases - 3,000 rubles;

for the provision (issuance) of a duplicate of the certificate of state accreditation- 350 rubles.

Confirmation of the authority of the organization to conduct educational activities with the provision of documents of the established form to graduates provides for the systematic conduct of state accreditation of the educational institution, the result of which is:

  • obtaining by schools of documentary evidence of the right to conduct educational activities in programs of various levels;
  • prolongation of previously issued permits of the established form, if the term of the previously valid ones is coming to an end;
  • issuance of a duplicate (temporary certificate);
  • legal refusal to issue permits.

What is state accreditation

The demand for educational services is growing, and this favors the development of organizations that are able to provide these services, but the problem of the need for educational services is not only a quantitative indicator: it is necessary to ensure the quality of these services. This requires the creation of a quality assurance system for educational activities. Such a system is the state accreditation.

Save this for yourself so you don't lose it:

Read important information about the procedure for school accreditation in the magazine "Handbook of the head of an educational institution":

- Reissuance of a license for educational activities of preschool and general educational organizations (legislative changes!)
- Conducting an accreditation examination in the course of state accreditation of educational activities (checklist for manager)

Accreditation of educational institutions is a system of education quality control that allows taking into account the interests of all parties interested in the development of education and combines public and state forms of control. Citizens as consumers should have a guarantee that during training they will not be deceived and they will be given knowledge with the help of which they will be able to make a successful career and improve their lives in the future. This guarantor is the state accreditation. The state must control all levels of the educational process, and state accreditation is one of its control tools.

State accreditation is carried out in the manner prescribed by law in several stages:

  1. The head of the educational institution or an authorized representative of the institution submits to the executive authority or other authority that performs the tasks of the accreditation commission, an application on the need for a planned monitoring procedure.
  2. The accreditation body analyzes the provided documentation for the availability of all necessary reports, and then conducts a comprehensive assessment of the materials provided for licensing, followed by a positive or negative decision.
  3. The head of the school or an authorized employee is provided with a certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution or a reasoned refusal, which may be the basis for an appeal.
  4. The work of an accredited educational institution is subject to periodic planned control.

An important nuance: the successful implementation of each subsequent organizational step is impossible without passing the previous stage. For the convenience of representatives of schools, organizations of additional education, each stage of accreditation is supported by documents of the established form, therefore, in case of additional questions and difficulties, you can quickly seek advice in order to identify problematic issues in a timely manner and quickly eliminate them, guaranteeing promptness of procedural moments.

For certain groups of educational institutions that are privately owned by religious organizations, companies with foreign capital, using a network form of implementing program content, as well as providing distance learning services, special conditions for attestation assessment are established, which is confirmed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1039 dated 11/18/2013

Ensuring the proper quality of educational services implemented on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is one of the priority tasks of state policy. Carrying out mandatory assessment procedures, the content of which, without exaggeration, determines the future of schools, kindergartens and institutions of additional education of all forms of ownership, is a legal norm, and without its observance, the organization of the educational process in the country in the new time is impossible to ensure. In light of this, it is important for the management staff and teachers to be aware of what state accreditation of educational institutions is, which is conceptually a procedure for recognizing the compliance / non-compliance of the content and procedure for training and education in a particular educational institution with the requirements of federal state standards, and be aware of the significance of this procedural moment. In the absence of careful preparation of reporting documentation, coordinated work in facilitating the activities of an authorized monitoring mission, there are significant risks of refusal to obtain or prolong accreditation.

Certificate of state accreditation of an educational institution: registration and re-issuance

The general conclusion on the results of the accreditation of an educational institution is drawn up by the chairman of the commission based on the conclusions for each educational program submitted by the members of the commission. The results of the work of the accreditation commission are brought to the attention of the staff of the educational institution at the pedagogical council.

The work of the accreditation commission in an educational institution is considered completed after the meeting of the pedagogical council following the results of accreditation. The final completion of its work is the submission of the accreditation conclusion, signed by the chairman and members of the commission, to the district education committee. This document is the basis for issuing (prolonging) a certificate of state accreditation of an educational institution, therefore it must contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the educational institution and branches in which the expert assessment was carried out.
  2. A list of materials confirming the compliance of the content and procedure for the implementation of software products in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Characteristics of the quality of training students according to the declared program content with analysis and expert recommendations.
  4. Date of issue of the document.

The deadline for submitting an opinion cannot exceed two weeks after the end date of the accreditation procedure provided for by order of the district education committee. The results of state accreditation are submitted for review to an authorized person and published on the official Internet resource of the executive body. These procedural features give the right to update the state register data and prepare title documents.

For educational institutions with state accreditation, the following factors are the basis for reissuing a certificate:

  1. Carrying out the reorganization of the educational institution, changing the actual address or official name.
  2. Changing IP data (relevant for private schools).
  3. The need for accreditation assessment of the compliance of educational programs that have not previously been implemented, but are subject to inclusion in the content of the general education of the educational institution, with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Reissuance of a license in connection with the abolition of certain educational services and software products.
  5. Loss of state accreditation in relation to individual levels of education while maintaining a license for core activities.
  6. If there is accreditation from an educational institution that is to be enlarged by joining another educational organization, it is necessary to re-register before the expiration date of the permit document from the reorganized institution, in the event of a merger of several organizations - until the nearest expiration date of one of the available certificates.
  7. The procedure for reissuing a document confirming the successful completion of licensing by the school provides for the mandatory payment of state duty.

The term of accreditation of an educational institution is 12 years. In case of loss or damage to the certificate, the school has the right to apply with an application of the appropriate content to the accreditation body to obtain a duplicate, the decision to issue which is made within ten working days. The authorized body has the right to refuse to issue a duplicate if the issuance of a copy of the document is not within the competence of this accreditation representative office, the educational institution cannot issue a license confirming the right to provide educational services for the declared program content, and also if the authorized person in the package of documents submitted along with the application revealed inaccuracies and errors that, after the notification was sent to the school address, were not corrected within two months.

Documents for accreditation of an educational institution

Accreditation of educational institutions is carried out on a scheduled basis every five years. In order to initiate actions on the part of the accreditation commission, which can be authorized to implement legal procedures by a federal executive body or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the applicant organization must draw up an application in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 18, 2014 No. 193.

In an application for accreditation of an educational institution, the following data must be submitted:

  1. Full and abbreviated name of the educational organization, the content of which is subject to scheduled expert assessment, actual location, contact details (including a link to the official website), registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If the institution has branches, similar data should be submitted for each of them. It should be noted that the school has the right to be accredited simultaneously with branches.
  2. Taxpayer ID.
  3. A list of educational programs, the right to implement which requires prolongation (as well as a list of new software products, if it is planned to expand the educational complex), indicating the areas and level of education, forms of education. If the organization operates as part of a network form or provides educational services remotely, information about this should also be provided in this paragraph.
  4. A request to send a notification to the school about the acceptance of an application for accreditation of an educational institution and the start of evaluation and monitoring activities.

In an application initiating accreditation measures in relation to an educational institution of a non-state form of ownership, it is additionally necessary to indicate the passport data of the individual entrepreneur (for a foreigner - with Latin transliteration), a copy of all pages of the passport, and the personal account number in the pension insurance system. As for the complex of program content planned for implementation, the requirements for its compilation remain unchanged.

According to paragraph 8 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1039 dated November 18, 2013, when submitting an application to the accreditation body, it must be supported by:

  1. Information about the implemented software products (it is necessary to fill out the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 667 dated July 6, 2015).
  2. The original or a copy of documents confirming the network form of implementation of educational programs, as well as agreements confirming the fact of cooperation with other educational institutions.
  3. Information about the availability of public or professional public licensing in Russian, foreign or international organizations.
  4. A power of attorney confirming the right of an authorized person to act on behalf of the MA.
  5. A complete description of the documentation provided.

Get a standard diploma

Updating knowledge about the normative regulation of the educational activities of educational organizations, the requirements for the qualification of a teacher (teacher), the development of basic educational programs of a general educational organization will help training according to the program

Carrying out state accreditation

The newest history of national education, which began in 1992 with the adoption of the first edition of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", is marked by the de facto monopoly of the state on the accreditation of educational programs and educational institutions. Initially, accreditation was the subject of activity of the Ministry of Education, in recent years it has been handled by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. In recent years, accreditation of educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the following legal acts:

  1. Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1039 dated 11/18/2013, fixing the content and procedure for the implementation of state accreditation.
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1052 dated August 15, 2019, regulating the introduction of changes in the procedure for the implementation of accreditation activities.
  4. Qualification requirements for experts and expert organizations involved in the licensing of schools (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 556 dated May 20, 2014).
  5. Rules for payment for the services of experts in order to reimburse expenses associated with the implementation of core activities (regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 370 dated April 24, 2013).

Since the state accreditation of an educational institution is primarily an expert assessment procedure, the nature of its implementation can be influenced not only by objective, but also by subjective factors. Representatives of the executive authority, ensuring the implementation of the control function in education, are obliged to involve specialists in monitoring missions that meet a number of requirements, including:

  1. The presence of a completed higher education.
  2. Work experience in the educational profile - at least 5 years.
  3. Formed knowledge about the current standards governing the procedure for the provision of educational services, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and the procedural features of accreditation.
  4. Skills in working with large volumes of reporting documentation, application and interpretation of a wide range of evaluation and control procedures.

In order to create the most objective system of expert activity, specialists responsible for issuing accreditation to educational institutions must be not only competent in a certain area that is the subject of state control, but also specially trained and familiar with the technologies of expert activity. The difficulties in staffing activities aimed at assessing the quality of education also include the need to adequately assess the needs for human resources, in particular, for specialists who must organize and conduct testing of students' knowledge, as well as deal with the problems of technical support for this activity. These tasks require staff with knowledge of a wide range of training programs, testing experience, skills in statistical processing and interpretation of results, measurements and reporting.

In order for the data obtained during the implementation of measures to assess the quality of education to be used in the interests of long-term monitoring, as well as for making informed decisions in the field of education management, test results must be valid, reliable and timely. Rapid preparation and distribution of test materials, as well as timely receipt of data from the testing sites require good organizational skills. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the effectiveness of public-state accreditation is largely determined by the availability of modern information support.

It is important to note that the expert assessment procedure is preceded by the issuance of an order for an educational institution to pass accreditation - a local order that determines the procedure for the participants in the educational process in connection with the upcoming licensing. School principals should take note of the fact that representatives of the accreditation body not only accept applications and related documents for inventory, but also check the status of an educational organization in public authorities as part of interagency cooperation. The purpose of such a check is to identify the fact that the educational institution has a license to provide educational services, the absence of unfulfilled orders or administrative acts regulating the suspension of educational activities in certain areas of education. In the event of a discrepancy, the responsible specialist will send a notification to the OS, on the basis of which it is necessary to provide the required documentation support within two months. Otherwise, the risks of receiving a negative response as a result of the accreditation check increase significantly.

Direct expert assessment is carried out with the obligatory departure of a group of specialists to the school. The composition of the expert commission (including its leader), the timing of the assessment with the mandatory preparation of the administrative act are assigned to the specialist responsible for the accreditation of public and private educational institutions.

  1. After the composition of the accreditation commission is approved by the order of the district education committee, the chairman organizes its work, first of all, by distributing duties among the members of the commission. Each member of the commission is responsible for the accreditation of one of the levels of education.
  2. Upon arrival at the educational institution, the members of the expert group present to the head or official who performs his duties, documents proving the identity and level of professional responsibility, as well as a copy of the administrative act received from the representative of the executive authority. School representatives must provide all the necessary conditions for the work of the expert team, namely workplaces with computers connected to the Internet. At the same time, the term for accreditation of an educational institution is set on an individual basis, taking into account the scope of the forthcoming expert work.
  3. When analyzing the activities of the school, authorized specialists can evaluate not only the reporting documentation provided with the application, but also information posted in the public domain - on the official website of the organization. In cases where it is necessary to license the activities of institutions that implement educational programs exclusively through e-learning tools, the current procedure for state accreditation of an educational institution provides for the need to provide experts with free access to a closed information and educational environment.

School accreditation: what is checked

State accreditation is the process of recognizing the compliance of the quality of educational services provided with established standards developed by accrediting bodies.

An obligatory stage of the accreditation procedures is the study of a package of documents prepared by the school administration that demonstrates a high level of education quality: the educational program, the educational and financial and economic activities plan, the charter of the school, certificates of the material and technical condition of the institution, internal school control reports and other accompanying papers.

After a three-month stage of reviewing documents, the accrediting bodies carry out a direct check, during which they evaluate: the management model used in the institution, the social security of schoolchildren, the state of school infrastructure and premises (classrooms), educational support staff of the organization and teaching staff. Members of the commission analyze the level of students' progress and the degree of mastering the educational program (should be at least 60%), self-education and the qualifications of teachers.

Denial of accreditation of an educational institution

In cases where unsatisfactory results are obtained based on the results of expert monitoring procedures or false data are identified in the reporting documentation submitted to the executive authority, the regulator may issue a refusal to accredit the educational institution, guided by clause 69 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1039 dated November 18, 2013. In this case, it is important for the management of the educational institution to clearly understand the procedure for their actions and provide comprehensive assistance to graduates for whom the problem of obtaining diplomas becomes acute.

Experts in the field of education agree that the algorithm of actions in the absence of planned accreditation is determined taking into account the specifics of a particular case. Thus, according to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 67 of 07.05.2013, the school has legal grounds to ensure the conduct of the educational process in the presence of a license, but at the same time, the issuance of state-recognized diplomas to students is not provided until the problem is resolved. Students may (but are not required to) transfer to another institution or continue their education by making sure they are able to take an examination assessment at an educational organization accredited for the relevant software products.

Recall that the receipt of a refusal based on the results of accreditation licensing or the expiration of the certificate of accreditation of an educational institution indicates the illegality of issuing diplomas of the established form, and failure to comply with this requirement provides for bringing to administrative responsibility in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 19.30 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the heads of public and private schools, institutions of additional education need to carry out thorough work in terms of preparing a package of documents and cooperating with an expert commission, and in case of a refusal, provide explanatory information to the teaching staff, students, parents, abandon the practice of issuing diplomas before re-accreditation, which can be done in a year.

Accreditation of educational institutions: problems and solutions

The key feature of the Russian educational system in terms of accreditation is the actual monopolization of this function by the state, which, of course, does not imply the establishment of independent organizations that could perform the function of independent accreditation agencies. The absence of the concept of "accreditation agency" in educational theory hinders the formation of an understanding of how this structure should function, what results it should contribute to, and what internal mechanisms exist for organizing and ensuring these processes, although this practice is widespread in the world.

In view of the fact that the representatives of the regulator act in accordance with well-established mechanisms, the accreditation of non-state educational institutions, characterized by the presence of unique features and specifics of the organization of the educational process, has recently raised the most questions. It gives hope that at present Russia is on the way to establishing an institution of public (or public-professional) assessment of the quality of education, to the development of effective procedures in the field of assessing the quality of education, organizing consulting and audit in the direction. At the same time, we are also seeing the formation of new quality assurance agencies, concerned with the creation of internal mechanisms for ensuring the quality of their activities, which should soon lead to a change in the situation for the better.

No less important is the psychological aspect of the problem, which is mostly not taken into account due to the importance of evaluation activities. Accreditation is included in the educational system, in the system of managerial relations, in the system of interpersonal communication. The main postulate of accreditation is the assessment of the educational process and program content. In domestic pedagogical science, there is an opinion that psychologically, to a large extent, it is through assessment that the social impact on the activity of the individual is carried out. This means that the success, completeness and quality of the implementation of the goals and objectives of accreditation, the effectiveness of its results will largely depend on the nature of the assessment. Thus, without comprehensive monitoring, the development of the educational environment is impossible, which necessitates the accreditation of educational institutions of additional education.

School teams, being included in accreditation, satisfy their need to correlate the results of their activities with the results of other educational institutions by comparing the final results. The driving force behind these processes is evaluation, which must be accurate and devoid of subjectivity. To ensure the objectivity of monitoring procedures, accreditation requires:

  1. To involve in the implementation of a set of planned measures only respectable and competent experts with the necessary experience.
  2. Use the services of several, not one specialist.
  3. Divide the actions of accrediting experts into an examination, which is carried out by some and into a conclusion based on the results of the study, which must be done by others.
  4. Organize expert training courses.

Thus, accreditation as a systemic phenomenon, the system-forming factor of which is assessment, and the elements are people, can be characterized not only in terms of efficiency, usefulness, but also morality.

Article 92 State accreditation of educational activities

1. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out for basic educational programs implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, with the exception of educational programs for preschool education, as well as for basic educational programs implemented in accordance with educational standards.

2. The purpose of state accreditation of educational activities is to confirm compliance with federal state educational standards of educational activities in basic educational programs and training of students in educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs directly engaged in educational activities.

3. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out by an accreditation body - a federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education, or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education, in accordance with the powers established by this Federal law, according to the statements of organizations engaged in educational activities.

4. State accreditation of the educational activities of educational organizations, the founders of which are religious organizations, is carried out on the proposals of the relevant religious organizations (if such religious organizations are part of the structure of centralized religious organizations, on the proposals of the relevant centralized religious organizations). During state accreditation of the educational activities of spiritual educational organizations, information is provided on the qualifications of pedagogical workers with theological degrees and theological titles.

5. The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education, during the state accreditation of the educational activities of an organization engaged in educational activities and having branches located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizes the state accreditation of educational activities carried out in such branches, in cooperation with the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of conducting an accreditation examination.

6. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, the accreditation body decides on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation of educational activities on the specified educational programs in relation to each level of general education to which the declared for state accreditation of basic general education programs.

7. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for basic professional educational programs, the accreditation body makes a decision on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation of educational activities for these educational programs in relation to each level of vocational education for each enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training, to which include the main professional educational programs declared for state accreditation. The main professional educational programs that are implemented in an organization engaged in educational activities and belong to the enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training that have state accreditation are educational programs that have state accreditation.

8. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for basic professional educational programs, organizations engaged in educational activities declare for state accreditation all the main professional educational programs that they implement and belong to the corresponding enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The accreditation body makes a separate decision on state accreditation of educational programs declared for state accreditation and implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, including in each of its branches.

10. An application for state accreditation and the documents attached to it are submitted to the accreditation body directly or sent by registered mail with a return receipt. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to send an application for state accreditation and the documents attached to it to the accreditation body in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature. The forms of the said application and the documents attached to it, as well as the requirements for their completion and execution, are approved by the federal body

11. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out based on the results of an accreditation examination, which is based on the principles of objectivity of its conduct and the responsibility of experts for the quality of its conduct.

12. The subject of the accreditation examination is to determine the compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization carrying out educational activities, according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation, to federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the accreditation examination). When conducting an accreditation examination of educational activities in educational programs that ensure the implementation of educational standards, accreditation examination in terms of the content of training students is not carried out.

13. Experts with the necessary qualifications in the field of basic educational programs declared for state accreditation, and (or) expert organizations that meet the established requirements, participate in the accreditation examination. Experts and expert organizations cannot be in civil law relations (experts are also in labor relations) with an organization carrying out educational activities when conducting an accreditation examination in relation to the educational activities of such an organization.

14. The accreditation body accredits experts and expert organizations and maintains a register of experts and expert organizations on electronic media. The specified register is placed by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet.

15. Qualification requirements for experts, requirements for expert organizations, the procedure for attracting, selecting experts and expert organizations for conducting an accreditation examination, the procedure for their accreditation (including the procedure for maintaining a register of experts and expert organizations) are established by the federal executive body exercising control functions and supervision in the field of education.

16. Payment for the services of experts and expert organizations and reimbursement of expenses incurred by them in connection with the accreditation examination are made in the manner and in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

17. Information about the accreditation examination, including the conclusion drawn up on the basis of the results of the accreditation examination, is posted by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet.

18. The adoption by the accreditation body of a decision on state accreditation of the educational activities of an organization engaged in educational activities is carried out within a period not exceeding one hundred and five days from the date of receipt of the application for state accreditation and the documents attached to this application, provided that these applications and documents comply with the requirements, established by the provision referred to in paragraph 29 of this Article.

19. When making a decision on state accreditation of educational activities, the accreditation body issues a certificate of state accreditation, the validity of which is:

1) six years for an organization carrying out educational activities in basic professional educational programs;

2) twelve years for an organization carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs.

20. The forms of the certificate of state accreditation and its annexes, as well as the technical requirements for these documents, are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education.

21. Upon termination of the license to carry out educational activities, the state accreditation is terminated from the date of the decision to terminate the license.

22. An organization that carries out educational activities and has arisen as a result of reorganization in the form of separation or separation is issued a temporary certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by the reorganized organization and which had state accreditation. The period of validity of a temporary certificate of state accreditation is one year. An organization carrying out educational activities and reorganized in the form of joining another organization carrying out educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration of the certificate of state accreditation of the reorganized organizations carrying out educational activities. An organization carrying out educational activities that arose as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, a certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration of the certificate of state accreditation of the reorganized organization carrying out educational activities , which expires earlier.

23. The accreditation body refuses state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs declared for state accreditation, related to the relevant levels of education or to enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, if one of the following reasons exists:

1) identification of unreliable information in the documents submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities;

2) the presence of a negative conclusion drawn up on the basis of the results of an accreditation examination.

24. The accreditation body deprives an organization engaged in educational activities of state accreditation of educational activities in educational programs related to the relevant levels of education or to enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, if one of the following grounds exists:

2) repeated violation during the period of validity of state accreditation by an organization carrying out educational activities of the legislation in the field of education, which entailed the unlawful issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications of the established form;

3) expiration of the period of suspension of the state accreditation (in the absence of grounds for the renewal of the state accreditation).

25. An organization carrying out educational activities is deprived of state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs declared for state accreditation, relating to an enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training, if there is a reason for depriving state accreditation for one or more basic professional educational programs implemented by it.

26. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to apply for state accreditation not earlier than one year after the refusal of state accreditation or deprivation of its state accreditation.

27. For the issuance of a certificate of state accreditation, reissuance of a certificate of state accreditation and the issuance of a temporary certificate of state accreditation, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

28. The regulation on state accreditation of educational activities is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1039
"On state accreditation of educational activities"

December 26, 2014, September 9, 2015, April 20, 2016, January 18, October 5, 2018, August 15, 2019

In accordance with Part 28 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the accreditation bodies), in accordance with Part 9 of Article 108 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" before January 1, 2017, reissue, on the basis of applications from organizations engaged in educational activities, certificates of state accreditation (hereinafter referred to as certificates) issued to them before September 1, 2013 in relation to the main educational programs they implement, for the validity period of the existing certificate, indicating in appendix to the reissued certificate of levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, which include state-accredited educational programs.

3. If an organization carrying out educational activities has a temporary certificate issued before September 1, 2013 in connection with a change in its name to bring it into line with the state status established during state accreditation, the certificate is issued on the basis of an application from the organization carrying out educational activity, and the decision on state accreditation previously adopted by the accreditation body, indicating in the appendix to the certificate the levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, which include state-accredited educational programs.

4. Certificates are re-issued (issued) by accreditation bodies in accordance with paragraphs 2 and this resolution within a period not exceeding 15 working days from the date of registration of the application of the organization engaged in educational activities.

5. Establish that the main professional educational programs of higher education (training programs for scientific and pedagogical staff in postgraduate (adjuncture), residency programs, assistantship-internship programs), for which the certificate expires after September 1, 2013, but no later than entry by virtue of higher education in terms of training highly qualified personnel carried out based on the results of mastering these programs, as well as for which there are students completing their studies in such programs in the period from September 1, 2013 until the entry into force of these federal state educational standards, are considered educational programs that have state accreditation until it passes in the prescribed manner before January 1, 2017.

Paragraph two became invalid on January 1, 2016.

on state accreditation of educational activities
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1039)

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for conducting state accreditation of the educational activities of educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs directly engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as organizations engaged in educational activities), for the implementation of basic educational programs (for except for educational programs of preschool education) (hereinafter, respectively - educational programs, state accreditation).

2. State accreditation is carried out in relation to educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities, in accordance with, as well as in relation to educational programs implemented in accordance with educational standards approved independently by federal state budgetary educational institutions of higher professional education "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov" and "St. Petersburg State University", educational organizations of higher education, in respect of which the category "federal university" or "national research university" is established, as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, the list of which is approved by the decree of the President Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations that set educational standards on their own).

3. Educational activities on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center are carried out by private organizations engaged in educational activities without obtaining state accreditation in accordance with Part 2 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center".

Educational activities on the territory of the innovative scientific and technological center are carried out by organizations engaged in educational activities without obtaining state accreditation, if this is provided for by the project rules in accordance with part 3 of article 21 of the Federal Law "On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".

4. State accreditation is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science or the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the accreditation bodies), in accordance with the powers established and

5. State accreditation in relation to educational programs implemented in a branch of an organization engaged in educational activities located on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the branch) is carried out by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes state accreditation in relation to educational programs implemented in an organization carrying out educational activities, in cooperation with the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, on whose territory the branch is located.

II. Requirements for the application for state accreditation and the documents attached to it

6. State accreditation is carried out on the basis of the application for state accreditation and the documents and information attached to it, specified in paragraphs 8-10 and these Regulations, submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities to the accreditation body (hereinafter, respectively - the application, attached documents).

7. The application includes the following information, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations:

a) when conducting state accreditation in relation to educational programs implemented by an educational organization or an organization providing training:

full and abbreviated (if any) name of the educational organization or organization providing training, location, contact phone number and e-mail address, address of the official website in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), the main state registration entry number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

full and abbreviated (if any) names of the branch (branches) of the educational organization or organization providing training, location (during state accreditation for the main educational programs implemented in the branch (branches);

taxpayer identification number, code of the reason for registration with the tax authority;

a list of educational programs declared for state accreditation, indicating the levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, forms of education, information on the use of a network form for the implementation of an educational program, as well as on the implementation of educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies;

information about the need (about the absence of the need) to send to the address of the educational organization or the organization providing training, in electronic form, information on the progress of the state accreditation procedure;

confirmation of the accuracy of the information contained in the documents and materials posted by the educational organization or organization providing training on the official website on the Internet;

b) when conducting state accreditation in relation to educational programs implemented by an individual entrepreneur:

surname, name, patronymic (if any) (for foreign citizens and stateless persons, such information is additionally indicated using Latin letters based on the information contained in an identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation) of an individual entrepreneur, place of residence, data an identity document, as well as a contact phone number and e-mail address (if any), the address of the official website on the Internet (if any), the main state registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;

taxpayer identification number, insurance number of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system;

a list of educational programs declared for state accreditation, indicating the levels of education, which include educational programs being implemented, forms of education, information on the use of a network form for the implementation of an educational program, as well as on the implementation of educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies;

information about the need (about the absence of the need) to send to the address of an individual entrepreneur in electronic form information on the progress of the state accreditation procedure;

confirmation of the accuracy of the information contained in the documents and materials posted by the individual entrepreneur on the official website on the Internet (if any).

8. An organization carrying out educational activities shall attach to the application, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations:

a) a copy of the document on state registration of an organization engaged in educational activities in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state (for foreign organizations engaged in educational activities);

b) a copy of the identity document of an individual entrepreneur (for an individual entrepreneur);

c) a power of attorney or other document confirming the right of the person who sent the application and the attached documents to the authorized person of the organization carrying out educational activities to act on behalf of this organization;

d) information on the implementation of educational programs declared for state accreditation, according to the forms approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science;

e) documents containing information on the presence (or absence) of public accreditation in Russian, foreign and international organizations and (or) professional public accreditation;

f) a description of the submitted documents.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by paragraph 8.1 from August 29, 2019 - Resolution

8.1. When placing the documents specified in subparagraphs "a", "d" and "e" of paragraph 8 of these Regulations on the official website of an organization engaged in educational activities on the Internet in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the head, the organization carrying out educational activities, have the right to indicate in the inventory of the submitted documents information containing a link to their placement, without providing the accreditation body with such documents on paper or electronic media.

9. Private educational organizations whose founders are religious organizations, including spiritual educational organizations, attach to the application, in addition to the documents and information specified in paragraph 8 of this Regulation, a representation of a religious organization (if a religious organization is part of the structure of a centralized religious organization, - representation of a centralized religious organization) and a copy of the certificate of registration of a religious organization (centralized religious organization) on the territory of the Russian Federation.

10. An educational organization that sets educational standards on its own, attaches to the application for state accreditation in respect of educational programs of higher education implemented in accordance with such standards, in addition to the documents and information specified in clause 8 of this Regulation, copies of the administrative acts of the educational organization on the establishment of educational standards with the application of relevant educational standards.

When placing educational standards on the official website of an educational organization on the Internet in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the head, the educational organization has the right to indicate in the description of the submitted documents information containing a link to their placement, without submitting such documents to the accreditation body on paper or electronic media.

11. An organization carrying out educational activities for the implementation of professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, indicates in the application information about the availability of a license to carry out work using information constituting a state secret, corresponding to the degree of secrecy.

The application and attached documents submitted to the accreditation body for state accreditation by an organization carrying out educational activities for the implementation of professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret should not contain information constituting a state secret.

12. An application from a diplomatic mission or a consular office of the Russian Federation, a representative office of the Russian Federation at an international (interstate, intergovernmental) organization (hereinafter referred to as a foreign agency), which has a specialized structural educational unit (hereinafter referred to as a specialized unit), is signed by the head of the foreign institution (the person acting in his capacity) . Attached to the application:

a) a copy of the regulation on a specialized unit (with the presentation of the original or a duly certified copy);

b) curricula for basic general education programs implemented by a specialized subdivision;

c) information about the educational literature used in the implementation of educational activities by a specialized unit, in the form

d) information on the implementation of educational programs in the form approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science;

e) calendar study schedule;

f) schedule of training sessions;

g) minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council for the last 3 years;

h) work programs of educational subjects used in the implementation of educational activities;

i) information about the basic education of teachers and the disciplines they teach in the form approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science;

j) a description of the submitted documents.

13. Attached documents executed in a foreign language shall be submitted with duly certified translation into Russian.

14. The application forms and the information attached to it on the implementation of educational programs, as well as the requirements for their completion and execution, are approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

III. The procedure for the submission by an organization carrying out educational activities of an application and attached documents, the procedure for their acceptance by the accreditation body

15. The application and attached documents are submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities to the accreditation body in one of the following ways:

a) on paper - by an authorized representative of an organization carrying out educational activities (in case of state accreditation in relation to a foreign institution - by an authorized representative of a foreign institution or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter referred to as an authorized representative), or by registered mail with a list of attachments and a return receipt;

b) in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature - through public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", regional portals of state and municipal services.

16. The accreditation body, within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the application and attached documents, conducts their acceptance according to the inventory and registration.

17. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application and attached documents, checks (including using the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction) the compliance of the organization engaged in educational activities, as well as the application and attached documents with the following requirements:

a) assignment of state accreditation to the competence of the accreditation body;

b) the presence of a license to carry out educational activities on educational programs declared by the organization carrying out educational activities for state accreditation;

c) expiration of 1 year from the date of refusal of the organization carrying out educational activities in state accreditation or deprivation of state accreditation;

d) the absence of an unfulfilled order to eliminate the identified violation of the requirements of the legislation on the formation of an accreditation body (with the exception of an order issued before the submission of documents for reissuing a certificate of state accreditation in accordance with subparagraphs "a", "c" and "d" of paragraph 78 of these Regulations, as well as an instruction issued by an organization engaged in educational activities, only in terms of the implementation of educational programs in its branch (branches) that are not declared for state accreditation of educational activities, or only in terms of the implementation of educational programs for preschool education, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional educational programs);

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, paragraph 17 was supplemented with subparagraph "e"

e) the absence of an administrative act of the accreditation body on the suspension of state accreditation in full or in relation to individual levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, paragraph 17 was supplemented with subparagraph "e"

f) the correctness of execution and filling of the application and the attached documents, the completeness of the attached documents.

18. If the organization carrying out educational activities, as well as the application and attached documents comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 17 of these Regulations, the application and attached documents within 10 working days from the date of their registration are accepted for consideration on the merits. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application and attached documents for consideration on the merits, sends to the address of the organization carrying out educational activities, or hands over to its authorized representative a corresponding notice.

19. If the organization carrying out educational activities complies with the requirements specified in this Regulation, and if the requirements specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 17 of these Regulations are not met, the accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application and attached documents, sends to the address organization carrying out educational activities, or gives its authorized representative a notice of non-compliance.

The notice of non-compliance contains information that the application and the attached documents cannot be accepted for consideration on the merits due to their non-compliance with the established requirements (indicating inconsistencies), as well as information that state accreditation is required within 2 months from the day the accreditation body sends a notification of non-compliance, submit to the accreditation body a correctly executed and completed application and attached documents and (or) missing documents.

20. In the event that an organization engaged in educational activities, within 2 months from the date of sending a notice of non-compliance by the accreditation body, submitted a correctly executed and completed application and attached documents and (or) missing documents (hereinafter referred to as documents submitted on the basis of a notification), the accreditation the body carries out their acceptance and registration in accordance with paragraphs 16 and these Regulations.

If the application and the attached documents comply with the requirements specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 17 of these Regulations, the application and the attached documents are accepted for consideration on the merits within 10 working days from the date of registration of the documents submitted on the basis of the notification. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application and attached documents for consideration on the merits, sends to the address of the organization carrying out educational activities, or hands over to its authorized representative a corresponding notice.

21. In case of non-compliance of the organization engaged in educational activities with any of the requirements specified in subparagraphs "a" - "e" of paragraph 17 of these Regulations, or the organization engaged in educational activities fails to provide, within 2 months from the date of sending by the accreditation by the notification body about the non-compliance of the correctly executed and completed application and attached documents and (or) missing documents, or the non-compliance of the documents submitted on the basis of the notification with the requirements specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 17 of these Regulations, the accreditation body refuses the organization engaged in educational activities, in accepting the application and attached documents for consideration on the merits and within 10 working days, respectively, from the date of registration of the application and attached documents (from the date of registration of documents submitted on the basis of a notification) or from the date of expiration of a 2-month period returns their organization by sending it to its address (by post with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, if these documents were submitted by the method specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 15 of these Regulations) or by delivery to an authorized representative. The fact of delivery of the application and attached documents to the authorized representative shall be certified by his signature.

22. The accreditation body, after accepting the application and the attached documents for consideration on the merits, draws up an accreditation file of the organization carrying out educational activities, which is subject to storage in the accreditation body in the manner established by the accreditation body. Accreditation work includes:

a) application and attached documents;

b) the administrative act of the accreditation body on the conduct of an accreditation examination;

c) conclusion on the results of accreditation examination, reports on accreditation examination;

d) administrative acts of the accreditation body on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation, on reissuing a certificate of state accreditation, on providing a duplicate of a certificate of state accreditation, on suspension, renewal, termination, deprivation of state accreditation;

e) a copy of the certificate of state accreditation (temporary certificate of state accreditation, duplicate of the certificate of state accreditation) with attachments.

23. If the interaction between the accreditation body and the organization carrying out educational activities was carried out using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the accreditation file is formed by the accreditation body in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature".

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 23.1

23.1. The accreditation body checks the accuracy of the information contained in the documents submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities.

24. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to submit an application no earlier than 1 year after the refusal of state accreditation or deprivation of its state accreditation.

IV. The procedure for conducting an accreditation examination

25. State accreditation is carried out based on the results of an accreditation examination, the subject of which is to determine the compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization carrying out educational activities, according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation (hereinafter referred to as accreditation examination). When conducting an accreditation examination of educational activities in educational programs that ensure the implementation of educational standards, accreditation examination in terms of the content of training students is not carried out.

Accreditation examination is carried out separately in relation to educational programs implemented in an organization carrying out educational activities, and in each of its branches.

26. Accreditation examination in relation to educational programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, together with its branch, is carried out simultaneously (in the organization and branch), taking into account the list being implemented and the volume of academic disciplines (modules) determined by the curriculum.

27. Experts who have the necessary qualifications in the field of educational programs declared for state accreditation (hereinafter referred to as experts), and (or) expert organizations that meet the established requirements (hereinafter referred to as expert organizations) participate in the accreditation examination.

28. The accreditation body accredits experts and expert organizations and maintains a register of experts and expert organizations on electronic media. The specified register is placed by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet.

The term of accreditation of experts and expert organizations is 5 years.

29. Qualification requirements for experts, requirements for expert organizations, the procedure for selecting experts and expert organizations for accreditation examination, the procedure for accreditation of experts and expert organizations and its termination, including the procedure for maintaining a register of experts and expert organizations, are established by the Federal Supervision Service in the field of education and science.

30. Involvement of experts and (or) expert organizations to conduct an accreditation examination in relation to educational programs implemented in an organization engaged in educational activities, and in each of its branches, is carried out on the basis of an administrative act on the conduct of an accreditation examination and a civil law contract concluded with them .

31. The administrative act of the accreditation body on conducting an accreditation examination, which determines the composition of experts and (or) representatives of expert organizations (hereinafter referred to as the expert group), indicates:

a) full name of the accreditation body;

b) the full name of the organization carrying out educational activities, or the branch in which the accreditation examination is carried out;

c) start and end dates of the accreditation examination;

d) last names, first names, patronymics (if any) of experts and (or) representatives of expert organizations included in the expert group (hereinafter referred to as members of the expert group), indicating the person from among the members of the expert group appointed by its head;

e) information on assigning to the members of the expert group the educational programs declared for state accreditation, indicating the level of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training;

Information about changes:

Paragraph 31 was supplemented by subparagraph "e" from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

f) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee of the accreditation body who monitors compliance with the work procedure of the expert group during the accreditation examination and is responsible for considering the conclusion of the expert group drawn up based on the results of the accreditation examination.

32. The administrative act specified in paragraph 31 of this Regulation is issued within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application and attached documents for consideration on the merits and is posted on the official website of the accreditation body on the Internet within 3 working days from the date of its publication.

33. Accreditation examination is carried out with the departure of the expert group to the organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations.

The procedure for the work of the expert group, which includes, among other things, the procedure for conducting an accreditation examination (with or without the visit of an expert group), the powers of the members and the head of the expert group, the procedure for compiling an accreditation examination report and the conclusion of the expert group, is established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and science.

34. An accreditation examination is carried out without a visit to an organization carrying out educational activities, if educational activities for educational programs declared for state accreditation are carried out by a foreign institution.

35. An accreditation examination is carried out by decision of the accreditation body without visiting an organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch, if educational activities for the implementation of educational programs declared for state accreditation are carried out:

a) a Russian educational organization located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) an educational organization established in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation and carrying out educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

c) a foreign educational organization carrying out educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, paragraph 35 was supplemented with subparagraph "d"

d) an organization carrying out educational activities and reissuing a certificate of state accreditation in respect of previously unaccredited educational programs, with the exception of educational programs containing information constituting a state secret;

Information about changes:

Paragraph 35 was supplemented by subparagraph "e" from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

e) an organization carrying out educational activities specified in clause 7 of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", with the exception of organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs that do not have state accreditation and receive a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities for the first time, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs containing information constituting a state secret;

Information about changes:

Paragraph 35 was supplemented by subparagraph "e" from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

f) an organization carrying out educational activities, in respect of which there is information on an independent assessment of the quality of training of students in the educational programs declared for state accreditation, taken into account during state accreditation in the manner established by section V.1 of these Regulations.

36. When conducting an accreditation examination, the expert group uses:

b) documents and materials received at the written request of the expert group (in the case of an accreditation examination without visiting - at the request of the accreditation body) from the organization in accordance with the list of documents and materials required for the accreditation examination, established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and science;

c) information on an independent assessment of the quality of training of students in relation to the educational programs declared for state accreditation, provided for in Section V.1 of these Regulations;

d) information about the results of assessing the quality of training of students obtained in the course of assessing their achievement of learning outcomes according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 36.1 from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

36.1. The documents and materials required for the accreditation examination are submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities for the period corresponding to the period of obtaining education in the educational program. These documents and materials may be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including on an electronic medium.

It is not allowed to request from an organization engaged in educational activities, documents and materials that are not included in the list of documents and materials required for an accreditation examination, established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, as well as documents and materials on paper in case of their placement on the official website on the Internet or storage in the electronic systems of an organization carrying out educational activities in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the head. The head of the organization carrying out educational activities is responsible for providing the expert group with access to such documents, their relevance and reliability.

When conducting an accreditation examination with a visit to an organization engaged in educational activities, the expert group has the right to familiarize itself with the original documents and materials posted on the official website of the organization engaged in educational activities on the Internet to confirm their authenticity.

When conducting an accreditation examination for educational programs implemented by a foreign institution, documents and information submitted in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Regulations are used.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 36.2 from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

36.2. In case of failure to submit documents and materials in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 36 of these Regulations, an act is drawn up on the failure to submit documents during the accreditation examination in the form established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, which is signed by the expert and the head of the expert group (hereinafter - Act).

In the case of an accreditation examination with a visit to an organization carrying out educational activities, the head of the organization carrying out educational activities, or an authorized representative, must be familiarized with the act with a handwritten mark on it.

The act must contain:

surname, name, patronymic of the head of the organization carrying out educational activities, or an authorized representative;

surname, name, patronymic of the person who is a member of the expert group who requested documents and materials;

the date of sending the request for the submission of documents;

a list of documents not submitted upon a written request for the submission of documents;

compilation date.

The act is attached to the expert's report on accreditation examination, provided for in paragraph 41 of these Regulations.

37. When conducting an accreditation examination with a visit to an organization engaged in educational activities, or its branch, members of the expert group present to the head or other official of the organization engaged in educational activities, or its branch, identification documents, and the head of the expert group presents a copy of the administrative act accreditation body on conducting an accreditation examination. An organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch, provides for the work of members of the expert group workplaces with access to the Internet.

38. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to educational programs implemented exclusively with the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, the expert group is provided with access to the electronic information and educational environment in order to analyze the achievements of students and determine the possibility of mastering educational programs by students in full, regardless of their location.

39. If the accreditation examination is carried out in relation to educational programs implemented using the network form:

a) in the presence of state accreditation in relation to educational programs from an organization carrying out educational activities, with which an agreement has been concluded on the network form for the implementation of educational programs, the accreditation body takes into account the results obtained earlier during state accreditation, and accreditation examination is carried out only in part of educational programs, independently implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities;

b) in the absence of state accreditation in relation to educational programs from an organization engaged in educational activities, with which an agreement has been concluded on the network form of implementing educational programs, the accreditation body takes into account the results obtained during the development of educational programs by students in an organization participating in the implementation of educational programs in a network form .

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 39.1 from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

39.1. If, during an accreditation examination with a visit to an organization carrying out educational activities, an expert reveals a discrepancy between the content and (or) quality of training of students with the requirements of federal state educational standards, he must inform the head of the expert group about the discrepancy identified.

The head of the expert group informs the head of the organization carrying out educational activities, or an authorized representative, about the identified discrepancy between the content and (or) quality of training of students with the requirements of federal state educational standards.

An organization carrying out educational activities has the right, within 5 days from the date of receipt of information about the identified discrepancy between the content and (or) quality of training of students with the requirements of federal state educational standards, to take measures to eliminate the identified discrepancy and submit to the expert group documents confirming the elimination of the specified discrepancy, in including in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature

41. Upon completion of the accreditation examination, the members of the expert group prepare reports on the accreditation examination in terms of the educational programs assigned to them (hereinafter referred to as accreditation examination reports).

In the event that the educational program does not comply with federal state educational standards, copies of documents certified by the organization carrying out educational activities, certified by the organization carrying out educational activities, confirming the specified discrepancy, are attached to the report on accreditation examination.

42. Head of the expert group:

a) organize and coordinate the work on the accreditation examination;

b) upon completion of the accreditation examination, prepares, based on the reports on the accreditation examination, the conclusion of the expert group, drawn up on the basis of the results of the accreditation examination (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion of the expert group), and on the day the accreditation examination is completed, the term of which is established in the administrative act of the accreditation body, sends it and accreditation review reports to the accreditation body.

43. The accreditation body, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the opinion of the expert group, sends a copy of it to the organization carrying out educational activities, or hands it over to the authorized representative against signature, and also places it on its official website on the Internet.

44. The conclusion of the expert group contains the following information:

a) the date of drawing up the conclusion of the expert group;

b) the full name of the organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch, in which the accreditation examination was carried out;

c) information about the documents and materials submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch during the accreditation examination, as well as information about the preparation by the expert group of the act provided for in paragraph 36.2 of this Regulation (if any);

d) a description of the content and quality of training of students in the educational programs declared for state accreditation, indicating the identified inconsistencies in the content and (or) quality of training of students with the requirements of federal state educational standards (if they are eliminated during the accreditation examination, with a note on their elimination) or a conclusion on the compliance of the content and (or) quality of training of students with the specified requirements for each educational program declared for state accreditation.

46. ​​The report on the accreditation examination contains a description of the content and quality of training of students in an organization engaged in educational activities, according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation, a list of documents and (or) materials considered during the accreditation examination, as well as information on the results of assessing the quality of training students with an indication of the assessment tools used and tools for assessing the achievement of learning outcomes.

If a non-compliance of the educational program with federal state educational standards is revealed, the report should contain an indication of the item of the specified standard in respect of which the non-compliance was revealed, and a detailed description of the identified non-compliance. The accreditation examination report shall be accompanied by copies of documents certified by the organization carrying out educational activities, confirming the specified discrepancy, or copies of documents and materials posted on the official website on the Internet, certified by the electronic signature of the head of the organization carrying out educational activities.

If in the course of the accreditation examination by the organization carrying out educational activities, changes are made to the documents that eliminate the identified inconsistencies, the relevant information is entered in the report and copies of the documents are attached.

49. The accreditation body considers the conclusion of the expert group and decides on the compliance or non-compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization engaged in educational activities, including in each of its branches, with federal state educational standards in terms of each level of education, an enlarged group of professions, specialty and areas of training, which include educational programs declared for state accreditation.

Based on the results of consideration of the conclusion of the expert group, the employee of the accreditation body responsible for its consideration draws up an act on the results of the accreditation examination, containing conclusions on the compliance or non-compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization engaged in educational activities, including in each of its branches, federal state educational standards. The form of the act on the results of the conducted accreditation examination is established by the accreditation body.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 49.1 from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

49.1. The conclusion of the expert group is negative if it contains:

a) information about the non-submission by the organization carrying out educational activities, or its branch, to a member of the expert group or its head of documents and (or) materials in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 36 of these Regulations;

b) information about the inconsistencies in the content and (or) quality of training of students in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards declared for state accreditation, identified during the accreditation examination and not eliminated during the accreditation examination, in terms of:

structures of the main educational programs and their scope;

personnel and material and technical conditions for the implementation of educational programs;

results of mastering educational programs.

V. Features of conducting accreditation expertise during state accreditation

50. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to an educational program implemented by a private educational organization, the founder of which is a religious organization (with the exception of spiritual educational organizations), the confirmation of the educational qualification of its teaching staff is carried out taking into account information about the qualifications of teaching staff who have theological degrees and theological titles and participate in the teaching of subjects, courses and disciplines (modules) that provide religious education (religious component) and are included in ongoing educational programs.

When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to an educational program implemented by a spiritual educational organization, confirmation of the educational qualification of its teaching staff is carried out taking into account information about the qualifications of teaching staff with theological degrees and theological titles.

In order to ensure that the peculiarities of the educational activities of a private educational organization, the founder of which is a religious organization, are taken into account, when conducting an accreditation examination, the expert group includes experts from among the employees of religious organizations that meet the requirements for experts specified in paragraph 29 of this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the requirements for experts ), and (or) representatives of expert organizations that are religious organizations and meet the requirements for expert organizations specified in paragraph 29 of this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the requirements for expert organizations).

51. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to educational programs implemented by a foreign institution, the inclusion in the expert group of experts who meet the requirements for experts, and (or) representatives of expert organizations that meet the requirements for expert organizations, is carried out on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the manner

52. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to educational programs of higher education that ensure the implementation of educational standards implemented by an educational organization that sets educational standards independently, an accreditation examination in terms of the content of training students is not carried out in accordance with Part 12 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation". Accreditation expertise in relation to the quality of training of students is carried out based on the level of the educational program being implemented by analyzing the educational achievements of students.

53. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities, which is under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body in the field of security, the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of state security, the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of defense, the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and regulatory - legal regulation in the field of internal affairs, inclusion in the expert group of experts who meet the requirements for experts, and (or) representatives of expert organizations that meet the requirements for expert organizations, is carried out on the proposal of one of the indicated federal executive bodies in the manner determined by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

54. Experts who meet the requirements for experts and (or) representatives of expert organizations that meet the requirements for expert organizations, admitted to the in accordance with the established procedure for carrying out work using information constituting a state secret, corresponding to the degree of secrecy.

55. To conduct an accreditation examination in relation to professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities, which is under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body in the field of security, the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of state security, the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of defense, the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and regulatory - legal regulation in the field of internal affairs, the procedure for the work of the expert group, the list of documents and materials requested by the expert group in accordance with paragraph m 36 of this Regulation, are agreed with the relevant federal executive body.

56. Members of the expert group conducting on-site accreditation expertise in relation to professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities, or its branch, are allowed to enter the organization engaged in educational activities, or a branch, upon presentation by them, in addition to documents specified in paragraph 37 of this Regulation, a certificate of access to information constituting a state secret, in the appropriate form and instructions to complete the task. The travel documents of such a member of the expert group, as well as the indicated certificate and prescription, are issued at the place of the main work of the member of the expert group.

57. Reports on accreditation examination and the conclusion on the results of accreditation examination in terms of professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret should not contain information constituting a state secret.

Information on the conduct of an accreditation examination in relation to professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, posted by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet in accordance with paragraphs 32 and of this Regulation, should not contain information constituting a state secret.

58. To conduct an accreditation examination in relation to professional educational programs in the field of information security, the procedure for the work of the expert group, the list of documents and materials requested by the expert group in accordance with paragraph 36 of this Regulation, are agreed with the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorities authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 58.1

58.1. When conducting an accreditation examination in relation to educational programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities, for which there are no students completing their studies in the current academic year, documents and materials requested by the expert group (accreditation body) are submitted by the organization engaged in educational activities for the period of implementation educational program.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by section V.1 from August 29, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of August 15, 2019 N 1052

V.1. The procedure for taking into account information on an independent assessment of the quality of training of students during state accreditation

58.2. When conducting state accreditation, information is taken into account on an independent assessment of the quality of training of students in an organization engaged in educational activities, according to educational programs declared for state accreditation, with the exception of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the federal executive authorities specified in part 1 of Article 81 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

The expert group takes into account the results of an independent assessment of the quality of training of students received by the accreditation body, carried out within 3 years before the day the organization carrying out educational activities submits an application for state accreditation by legal entities performing an independent assessment of the quality of training of students in accordance with Article 95.1 of the Federal Law " On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as organizations) that:

a) use, when conducting an independent assessment of the quality of training of students, assessment tools that have received recommendations from the federal educational and methodological association in accordance with the model provisions on educational and methodological associations in the education system and (or) agreed upon by the council for professional qualifications (if any);

b) refer to all-Russian or other associations of employers, associations (unions) or other organizations representing and (or) uniting the professional community in the professional field;

c) engage for an independent assessment of the quality of training of trained experts, whose qualifications correspond to the levels of education and professions, specialties and areas of training in respect of which the specified assessment is carried out.

58.3. The expert group also takes into account the results of an independent assessment of the quality of student training, obtained as part of international comparative studies in the field of education in accordance with the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations.

58.4. The results of an independent assessment of the quality of training of students are taken into account during state accreditation when submitting to the accreditation body information on an independent assessment of the quality of training of students, including information on the compliance of the organization that conducted it with the requirements specified in paragraph 58.2 of this Regulation, the list, presentation form and procedure for accepting which are established Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

58.5. If the results of an independent assessment of the quality of training of students confirm the conformity of the quality of their training according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation to the results of mastering the main educational programs established by federal state educational standards, accreditation examination in terms of the quality of training of students is not carried out. The report on accreditation expertise indicates information about the results of an independent assessment of the quality of training of students.

58.6. If the results of an independent assessment of the quality of training of students do not confirm the compliance of the quality of their training according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation with the results of mastering the basic educational programs established by the federal state educational standards, the accreditation examination is carried out in accordance with sections IV and these Regulations.

VI. The procedure for making a decision on state accreditation, on refusal of state accreditation, on suspension of state accreditation, renewal of state accreditation or deprivation of state accreditation, issuance of a certificate of state accreditation

59. Based on the conclusion of the expert group and the act on the results of the accreditation examination, the accreditation body, including with the participation of the collegial body of the accreditation body (hereinafter referred to as the collegial body), makes a decision on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation.

The decision to suspend state accreditation, renew state accreditation or deprive state accreditation is taken by the accreditation body, including with the participation of a collegial body.

The collegial body is a permanent body and acts on the basis of the regulation approved by the accreditation body. The personal composition of the collegiate body is determined by the accreditation body. Decisions of the collegiate body are drawn up in a protocol and are advisory in nature for the accreditation body.

60. The decision of the accreditation body on state accreditation or on the refusal of state accreditation is taken within the time period established by part 18 of article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". In the case provided for in paragraph 20 of these Regulations, the period for the adoption by the accreditation body of the said decision is calculated from the date of registration by the accreditation body of the documents submitted on the basis of a notification of non-compliance.

The basis for terminating the consideration by the accreditation body of the application and the attached documents and returning them to the applicant is the entry into force of a court decision on the administrative suspension of activities or on the annulment of the license for educational activities during the state accreditation procedure.

61. The decision on state accreditation (on refusal of state accreditation) is formalized by an administrative act of the accreditation body.

62. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to withdraw an application at any stage of state accreditation before a decision is made by the accreditation body.

63. When making a decision on state accreditation, the accreditation body, in accordance with Part 19 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", issues a certificate of state accreditation (hereinafter referred to as the certificate), the validity of which is:

a) 6 years - for an organization carrying out educational activities for the implementation of basic professional educational programs;

b) 12 years - for an organization carrying out educational activities for the implementation of basic general education programs.

64. In accordance with part 22 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", an educational organization or an organization providing training that has arisen as a result of a reorganization in the form of separation or separation is issued a temporary certificate for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by a reorganized educational organization or organization providing training, and which had state accreditation. The temporary certificate is valid for 1 year.

65. In order to obtain a temporary certificate, an educational organization or an organization that provides training that has arisen as a result of reorganization in the form of division or spin-off, submits to the accreditation body one of the methods provided for in clause 15 of these Regulations, an application for the issuance of a temporary certificate, drawn up in the form approved by the Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science. An educational organization or an organization providing training shall attach to the application the documents specified in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 8 of these Regulations, as well as in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations (for an educational organization founded by a religious organization).

66. Extension of the period of validity of a certificate (temporary certificate) is not allowed.

67. A certificate without an attachment is invalid.

68. Acquisition, accounting, storage and filling out certificate forms (temporary certificate) and annexes to it are carried out in the manner established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

69. The accreditation body, in accordance with Part 23 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", refuses state accreditation of an organization engaged in educational activities if one of the following grounds exists:

a) identification of false information in the documents submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities;

b) the presence of a negative conclusion of the expert group.

70. The decision to issue a temporary certificate is drawn up by an administrative act of the accreditation body.

71. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of the decision on state accreditation (on the issuance of a temporary certificate), hands the certificate (temporary certificate) to an authorized representative or sends the certificate (temporary certificate) to the address of the organization engaged in educational activities, by registered mail with notification about delivery.

Part 24 of Article 92 and Part 9 of Article 93 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 72.2

72.2. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of revealing a discrepancy between the content and quality of training of students in state-accredited educational programs, and federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the discrepancy between the content and quality of training of students), decides to suspend state accreditation in full or in relation to individual levels of education , enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training and establishes a deadline for eliminating the identified inconsistency in the content and quality of training of students.

The decision to suspend and renew state accreditation is formalized by an administrative act of the accreditation body.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 72.3

72.3. If, within the period established by the accreditation body, the organization carrying out educational activities has not eliminated the identified discrepancy between the content and quality of training of students, the accreditation body decides to deprive it of state accreditation in full or in relation to individual levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training. The specified decision is made within 10 working days from the date of expiration of the period for eliminating the identified discrepancy in the content and quality of training of students (in the event that the organization carrying out educational activities does not send a notification about the elimination of the identified discrepancy with the attachment of supporting documents) or from the day following the day of signing the act, establishing the fact of non-elimination of the identified inconsistency in the content and quality of training of students based on the results of checking the information contained in the specified notification about the elimination of the identified inconsistency by the organization carrying out educational activities, and is drawn up by an administrative act of the accreditation body.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 72.4

72.4. The accreditation body makes a decision to deprive an organization engaged in educational activities of state accreditation in relation to educational programs related to the relevant levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of information about the fact of repeated during the validity period state accreditation of the violation by this organization of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, which entailed the unlawful issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications of the established form. The specified decision is formalized by the administrative act of the accreditation body.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 72.5

72.5. Upon liquidation of an organization engaged in educational activities, termination of its activities as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, division or accession, termination by an individual of activity as an individual entrepreneur, the state accreditation is terminated from the date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the liquidation of the legal entity, on termination of its activities as a result of reorganization or from the date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs on the termination of the activity of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 72.6

72.6. The accreditation body, within 5 working days from the date of the decision to suspend, resume, deprive the organization engaged in educational activities of state accreditation, shall bring this decision to the attention of the organization engaged in educational activities, its founder (founders), the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, carrying out state administration in the field of education, or the local government body exercising management in the field of education in the municipality on whose territory the organization carrying out educational activities is located, as well as to the attention of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.

VII. The procedure for the provision by the accreditation body of a duplicate certificate

73. In case of loss or damage of the certificate (attachment to it), the organization carrying out educational activities shall be provided with a duplicate of the certificate with an attachment (hereinafter referred to as the duplicate of the certificate).

74. To obtain a duplicate certificate, an organization carrying out educational activities submits to the accreditation body one of the methods provided for in paragraph 15 of these Regulations, an application for a duplicate certificate, drawn up in the form approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. The organization carrying out educational activities shall attach to the application the document specified in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 8 of these Regulations.

75. The decision of the accreditation body to provide a duplicate of the certificate is made within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application for the provision of a duplicate of the certificate and is formalized by the administrative act of the accreditation body.

76. A duplicate of the certificate is issued on the form of the certificate marked "duplicate".

77. The accreditation body, within 5 working days from the date of the decision to provide a duplicate of the certificate, hands the duplicate of the certificate to the authorized representative or sends the duplicate of the certificate to the address of the organization carrying out educational activities by registered mail with a return receipt.

VIII. Grounds and procedure for reissuing a certificate

78. The certificate is reissued for the period until the expiration of its validity in the following cases:

a) reorganization of an organization engaged in educational activities in the form of transformation, change of location or its name, change of the surname, name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur indicated in the certificate;

b) state accreditation in relation to previously unaccredited educational programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities;

c) re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities in connection with the termination of the implementation of individual educational programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities;

d) deprivation of state accreditation in relation to certain levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training or educational programs in accordance with paragraphs 72.3 and 72.4 of these Regulations;

e) changing the codes and names of enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training for vocational education specified in the annex to the certificate, when established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the established scope of compliance of individual professions, specialties and areas of training professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in the previous lists of professions, specialties and areas of training.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 78.1

78.1. In case of reorganization of an organization carrying out educational activities in the form of joining another organization carrying out educational activities, the certificate for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by the reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration of the certificate of the reorganized organization carrying out educational activity.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 953, these Rules are supplemented by clause 78.2

78.2. In the event of the emergence of an organization engaged in educational activities as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, a certificate for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration date of the certificate of the reorganized organization engaged in educational activities, the validity of which expires before.

79. To reissue a certificate, an organization engaged in educational activities submits to the accreditation body one of the methods provided for in paragraph 15 of these Regulations, an application for reissuing a certificate drawn up in the form approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. paragraphs 8 - 12 of part 18 Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

83. Re-issuance of the certificate in accordance with subparagraphs "b" - "e" of paragraph 78 of this Regulation is carried out by making changes to the annex to the certificate in terms of the relevant levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training.

84. The decision to reissue the certificate is formalized by the administrative act of the accreditation body.

85. The accreditation body, within 10 working days from the date of the decision to reissue the certificate, delivers the reissued certificate (reissued attachment to the certificate) to the authorized representative or sends the reissued certificate (reissued attachment to the certificate) to the address of the organization engaged in educational activities by registered mail with notification about delivery.

86. For reissuing a certificate, a state fee is paid in accordance with Part 27 of Article 92 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in the amount and procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

Dear applicants!

In accordance with Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.10.2018 No. 1163 "On the postponement of days off in 2019" 31.12.2019 acceptance of new applications for licensing educational activities, as well as for state accreditation on paper will not(applications can be sent electronically using the corresponding ones on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow).

Acceptance of documents in pursuance of notifications and issuance of documents, as well as acceptance and issuance of documents for affixing an apostille will be carried out from 9.00 to 15.00.

01/01/2020 – 01/08/2020 (holidays) receiving and issuing documents will not be carried out.

From 01/09/2020, the acceptance and issuance of documents will be carried out in accordance with the work schedule of the point of acceptance and issuance of documents.


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.10.1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people”, disabled people of groups I and II are served out of turn at trade enterprises, public catering, household services, communications, housing and communal services, in healthcare institutions, education, culture, legal services and other organizations serving the public.

New functionality appeared on the Portal of the Mayor of Moscow

You can apply for state accreditation of educational activities using city electronic services and services on the official website (portal) of the Mayor of Moscow.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered on the portal of the Mayor of Moscow will be able to remotely send an application for issuing, reissuing a certificate of state accreditation, as well as receive a duplicate.

The possibility of submitting an application and attached documents in electronic form will make the process of providing services easier and more understandable for applicants. All stages of the application process will be displayed in real time in your personal account on the portal of the Mayor of Moscow.

On payment of the state fee for the actions of authorized bodies related to state accreditation

Attention Applicants!

For the provision of public services, a state fee is paid in the amount established by subparagraphs 77, 127, 129 - 131 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

for issuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities:

for the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education - 15,000 rubles;

for the main educational programs of secondary vocational education - 35,000 rubles for each enlarged group of professions and specialties included in the certificate of state accreditation;

for reissuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities in connection with state accreditation in relation to previously unaccredited educational programs:

basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education - 15,000 rubles;

each enlarged group of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education - 35,000 rubles;

for reissuing a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities in other cases - 3,000 rubles;

for the provision (issuance) of a duplicate of the certificate of state accreditation- 350 rubles.