Career guidance in elementary school. Career guidance in elementary school (from work experience) Materials for career guidance in elementary school

Speech to the pedagogical council

Scriabina L.A.

Career guidance in elementary school

At present, the issue of the formation and development of a successful personality, confidently adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, is becoming increasingly important.

Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession seems to be one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

In order for students to learn to understand themselves, to objectively evaluate their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

The purpose of this direction: the development of cognitive abilities of students on the basis of creating the most diverse impressions of the world of professions.


To acquaint students with the diversity of the world of professions;

To form concrete and visual representations of the essential aspects of the profession;

Develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the child.

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic.

The problem in elementary school is that the lessons of acquaintance with professions in the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, already in elementary school it is necessary to introduce him to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, that is, the professions of people who are well known, whose work children observe day after day. The first professions that a child learns about are the professions of his parents and those people that he often encounters in everyday life. The child daily observes how people work, what they do at work. Parents usually talk about their work only in the most general terms, without overloading the child with unnecessary information, so random details sometimes seem to be an essential feature of the professional activities of parents. The external side of adult activity remains more essential for children than its meaning.

The words "work, work, work" are one of the first words in a child's vocabulary. He knows that if mom is not at home, then she went to work. Dad should not be disturbed when he is working. You need to work in order to have money, with which people buy everything necessary for life: food, clothes, medicines, etc. All adults should work; only sick and elderly people who have already retired do not work. Children also do not work, but they go first to kindergarten, and then to school to learn and choose their profession.

It often happens that a child continues to do what his parents did - a “working dynasty”. With children of primary school age, it is necessary to talk about the fact that there are many professions in the world and it is very difficult to choose your own business. In order to navigate the world of adult professions, to understand what you like to do and why, it is good to observe the work of adults in advance.

Have I, a primary school teacher, thought about the importance of this problem? No. But intuitively, I still carried out work in this direction and continue to do it, and quite regularly.

Acquaintance with professions in my class, I start from grade 1. In career guidance, I use a variety of forms: meetings with parents, with people of interesting professions, master classes, creating presentations about various professions, competitions, exhibitions of drawings, reading books, class hours, quizzes and other types of work.

1 class Class hour "Rainbow of Professions", conversation about different professions, drawing competition "Rainbow of Professions" - who I want to become; excursion to the Fire Safety Museum, class “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, acquaintance with the profession of a firefighter; interesting meetings - the story of grandfather Volkov V.A. about the profession of a military pilot.

2 cells Class hour “I am talented”, group project “What I can do best”. At the lessons of the surrounding world, we get acquainted with the profession of a geologist, agricultural professions, we talk about “The work of people in the fall”, “Spring work in the garden, garden, field”. In April 2016, Viktor Igorevich Vasiliev, an actor and chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus, came to our gymnasium. The guys saw the animated films "The Stork" and "Stupid Miss and the Reasonable Pan", as well as played and were able to feel like on a real film set.

3 cells As part of interesting meetings - a master class from the parent Mesengiser N.S. dentist. She told the children about the structure of their teeth, taught them why it is necessary to take care of their teeth and how to care for them.

My years are growing

will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

what to do?

Essay writing what i want to be when i grow up. For your attention, I present excerpts from these works.

Preparing for this teachers' council, I began to look at this direction in the upbringing of our children with different eyes, I realized the importance of this moment and now I will review the plan for the educational work of the class for the next year

One of the priority tasks of modern education is to prepare a student for a conscious professional choice. In reality, a schoolchild, especially in adolescence, cannot independently make a professional choice, since he is not yet ready to fully realize all aspects of his future life. He needs support from adults, psychological and pedagogical support, joint activities of the school, family, society. Insufficient formation of motives for self-development of the student's personality and her readiness to choose a future profession is an important problem that needs to be addressed without delay.

In order to answer the question about the relevance of career guidance classes in primary school, it is necessary to briefly describe the stage of formation of professional self-awareness at this age. The stage of concrete visual representations of the world of professions covers the period from 2.5-3 years and continues until the beginning of pre-adolescence (10-12 years).

In the process of development, the child saturates his consciousness with various ideas about the world of professions. He symbolically tries to play the actions of the driver, nurse, teacher, etc., based on observations of adults. In elementary school, when cognitive activity becomes the leading one that determines the development of a student, it is important to expand his ideas about various professions. It is still difficult for him to understand some elements of professional activity, but in each profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images, specific situations from life, stories, interesting cases and impressions of an adult (employee).

At this stage, a certain visual basis is created, on which the further development of professional self-awareness is based. That is why it is very important to create the most diverse palette of impressions about the world of professions, so that later, on the basis of this material, the student can analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully.

The more professions a child is familiar with and the wider his understanding of the world of professions, the fewer mistakes he will make in the future in the process of forming a professional plan.

Thus, the main task of career guidance work in the primary grades is to expand the horizons and awareness of the child about professions in the process of communicating with adults and organizing work on professional self-determination.

Students in grades 1-4 are still far from choosing a profession, but career guidance work correctly placed among them should become the basis on which the professional interests and intentions of students in the upper grades will develop in the future.

In the course of education in primary schoolall academic subjectscan be used as an opportunity to form an interest in the work of adults in younger students.

career guidancein math classcan be carried out by holding short conversations about the profession mentioned in the condition of the problem or in solving problems, as well as showing the role and significance of this subject in the life and work of people.

Lessons from the environmentalso make a certain contribution to solving the problems of labor education and career guidance. For example, in the study of the topic"A tree in a person's life", you can talk about the professions of the forest industry (forester, forester, machine operator in woodworking, etc.).When studying the topic "Nature of our region"Students get to know the characteristics of the work of people in their area. For example, children are invited to solve a crossword puzzle, in which the word denoting the profession is encrypted vertically, and the objects of work of this professional are written horizontally.

At the lessons of the Russian language younger students also perform a large number of tasks related to a particular profession: the teacher gives the children cards with various names of professions, and students must write in their notebooks 5-7 items of work of this professional (for example, a doctor: bandage, pills, cotton wool, iodine , heating pad, brilliant green, etc.).

It is desirable to include vocational guidance game procedures in the structure of elementary school lessons, which will diversify the lessons and make them more emotionally rich.

Role-playing games, such as "Shop" (at a mathematics lesson), "Library" (reading lesson), "Guide" (a lesson in natural history (local history)), have significant career guidance potential. In such games, as a rule, the didactic task of the lesson is integrated with the career guidance one. For example, in the game "Shop" students are invited to play the roles of a cashier, sellers of various departments, an administrator, but at the same time, during the game, a didactic task (strengthening oral counting skills) and educational (communication culture) are solved.

Thus, for more effective education in children of interest in the work of adults, it is necessary to include information about professions in the learning process. Conversations, excursions, work with illustrations and language material can be successfully carried out in the lessons of reading, the Russian language, mathematics, as well as in extracurricular career guidance classes.

Forms of extracurricular activities:

  • Class hour "Professions of our parents."
  • Oral magazine "In the world of professions".
  • Hour of communication "My favorite hobbies".
  • Journey into the world of professions.
  • Meetings with representatives of different professions.
  • Festival of professions.
  • The game "All professions are needed, all professions are important!"
  • Excursions to enterprises and institutions.
  • Operation My Parents' Professions.
  • Competition of drawings (essays) "Golden hands of grandmother (grandfather)".
  • Competition for young craftsmen.
  • Competition for the best craft.
  • Competition for young announcers.
  • Hour of communication "What I want to become."
  • Competitive program dedicated to proverbs about work.
  • Holiday "Praise the hands of the mother."

Currently, there are many different technologies and methods of conducting classes with younger students. For vocational guidance classes, the main motivation is game motivation, which develops into educational motivation. The child becomes an interested party in the development of his abilities, as he can try himself in various areas of adult life. Each lesson deals with a particular profession, students have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the world of professions, as well as explore their abilities in relation to the profession in question.

For several years, our school has been implementing the regional educational module "Start in the Profession", developed by the State Committee of the Republic of Mordovia for Labor and Employment.

The following topics are expected to be covered in elementary school:

Journey into the world of professions

Man and work

Professions around us

All professions are needed, all professions are important

How to get a profession

All works are good, choose to taste

The choice of the profession of the future

City of masters

The career guidance educational module is aimed at strengthening the individual resources and capabilities of the individual, its activation and development, and the formation of social competence. The module provides for the gradual formation of the skills and abilities necessary for making an informed decision on the choice of a profession in students at the final stage of the course. Classes are organized in accordance with the leading areas of age-related activities.

An important link in the system of career guidance work with students is the relationship between the school and parents. Practice shows that parents usually take an active part in determining the life and professional plans of their children.

In the first grade, we had a pedagogical project "Children are our future"

Under the guidance of the teacher, groups of students and parents were formed in the following areas:

Health, citizen, intelligence, communication, family

Parents together with their children presented the material according to the following scheme:

  1. Profession name
  2. The history of its formation, prospects
  3. What is the need for a profession, what benefits does it bring
  4. What are the advantages of the profession can be determined
  5. What personality traits need to be developed in order to succeed in this business? What qualities do you already possess?
  6. Knowledge of what subjects of the school curriculum is necessary to become a professional in this field?
  7. Why do you love your profession?

Then there was a collective defense of the project - a joint presentation by parents and children of the results of their work (later we sent this work to the competition of methodological developments "Constellation of Ideas" as part of the republican action and became winners)

Vocational guidance at school is carried out in order to prepare students for a conscious choice of a profession while coordinating their personal interests and needs with the changes taking place in the labor market. This goal is realized both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

A well-built system of career guidance at the primary level contributes to the formation in the minds of schoolchildren of various ideas about the world of work and professions, instills in them a careful attitude to the results of work, as well as an understanding of the significance of the work of specialists for the life and development of society.

Career guidance in primary school

At present, the issue of the formation and development of a successful personality, confidently adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, is becoming increasingly relevant.Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession seems to be one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing. Career guidance today is an integral part of the program to improve the quality of education.The purpose of career guidance in elementary school is to expand knowledge about the world of professions and form an interest in knowledge and the world of work, through the organization of a variety of leisure, research and work activities (electives, hobby groups, work under the guidance of adults); expanding initial ideas about the role of labor in people's lives, about the world of professions and providing students with the opportunity to "try on various professions" in a game situation; development of motivation for study and work through a system of active methods of cognitive and career guidance games; identification of general trends in the development of the child's abilities in joint activities with parents and teachers; development of children's creative abilities in the process of getting to know professions.The problem in elementary school is that the lessons of acquaintance with professions in the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part. The program is aimed at creating conditions for systematic and regular classes outside of school hours.

Career guidance in elementary school is considered a propaedeutic stage.The purpose of this stage is the formation of love and a conscientious attitude towards work in children of primary school age, an understanding of the role of work in the life of a person and society, the development of interest in the world of professions, including the professional sphere of activity of parents and the immediate environment.At this stage, students are involved in various types of cognitive, playful, socially useful work activities. Early acquaintance with various types of human activity not only expands the general outlook of the child, but also, which is especially important, opens up the possibility of early manifestation and concretization of his interests and inclinations. All pedagogical experience suggests that a person who, from childhood, sets himself specific (albeit many times changing) goals related to his future profession, tries to realize his future place in society, is unlikely to join the army of "difficult" teenagers and socially disadvantaged youth population.Forms of vocational guidance work in elementary school.1. conversations with children and parents;2.meetings with people of different professions;3.excursions to museums;4. class hours for vocational guidance;5.decoration of a classroom corner and a school stand;6.compositions, competitions, defense of projects;7. parent meetings on career guidance topics.8. Games (there are many games and exercises aimed at comprehending individual elements of the profession being studied. Career guidance games that are offered to schoolchildren both during lessons and after school hours include a whole class of games united by the name "Guess the profession." This : “Profession with a letter ...”, “Who uses in work?” (name professions that use a given tool or material, for example, a mirror or needle), “Association” (guess the conceived profession using associative questions like “What smell (color) of the profession?”, “Is work related to communication with people?”).

Abstract of a class hour on vocational guidance for the 2nd grade

"That's when I become an adult..."

The goal is to create a positive motivation for educational activities at the beginning of the year, the prerequisites for a conscious choice of profession in high school.

Class hour progress

-Hello guys! So the new school year has come, now you are second graders!-How was your vacation? How did you get back to school? (children's answers)-I am glad that you all came to class today in a good mood, rested, cheerful. But do you only have cheerful feelings (regret that the holidays are over and you have to study again.)- Well, you are still children, although you have matured noticeably over the summer, and the main thing is your occupation. studies. Probably, sometimes you want to become an adult so much that you no longer go to school ... (yes)-Today we are dreaming about the time when you become adults (slide)- When I was a child, I also wanted to grow up as soon as possible, but I just don’t remember why? Can you help me remember? (Slide, children's answers)- Well done, it turns out that adults can do so much that children cannot, everything that you said can perhaps be combined (slide). Adults are independent.What do adults do every day except weekends? (work)-Why? (slide, children's answers)-Of course, to make money (slide), to benefit people (slide), and besides, work can also be interesting for a particular person (slide).- When you become adults (slide), you will also have to choose a job. Do you know what professions are? Try to guess my riddles (see the appendix.)- Well done, you know a lot of professions, but how among so many options to choose only one that will bring benefits, pleasure, and money? (?, slide). And although you will not have to choose soon, you can already prepare for this choice now. How? (children's answers.)-Well done! Right! (Or "If you still find it difficult to answer this question, then I will prompt")Slideshow and discussion:- collect information about professions,- observe the work of adults in life,- visit special museums where you can "touch" professions,- try yourself in different activities to understand what you like to do the most- and, most importantly, learn! After all, school is the first step in any profession.

Conclusion: reading and discussion of the poemD. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?" (see attachments)


Joke about professions

We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking
And we dream soon
Mom and dad get older
Not just to dream
And who to be decide and become.

Sasha proudly plane
Lucky on a string.
He's getting ready to fly
So, it will grow up ... (pilot)

At pilot Borya friend
Paint all around.
Rain on the window
So, it will grow ... (artist)

At artist sister
He can sing very loudly.
Birds sing along to Nastya,
So it will grow ... (singer)

At singers there are neighbors
Twins Denis and Fedya.
Water is boiled in the evenings
So they will be ... (cooks)

cooks with Valera in a quarrel,
He again argues about tastes.
He loves debate
So it will be ... (deputy)

Deputy friends with Marina.
The one that dances forever,
After all, the beautiful Marina
Become a dream (ballerina)

Ballerina friends with Dasha.
Dasha feeds porridge from a spoon
Capricious doll Katya -
Growing up ... (educator)

caregiver goes to school
Together with a cheerful boy.
Jan juggles the ball
So it will be ... (circus performer)

Jan- circus performer familiar with Ivan
Distrustful and strange.
He follows Uncle Dron
And dreams of becoming ... (a spy)

At spy have a brother.
Kolya is too curious
He is passionate about science
So it will grow ... (scientists)

Our scientist with friend Vasya
Swimming at home on a mattress.
Deftly rounded the sofa
Vasya, brave ... (captain)

captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with manna porridge.
And then they treated with cabbage soup.
They want to become ... (doctors)

At doctors have three girlfriends
Dress up in pillows.
Galya, Masha and Vera
By calling ... (fashion designers)

fashion designers love gosh,
Because he's good.
He wrote them a sonnet
So it will grow ... (poet)
poet brother - Stepashka,
He taught the insect all year
Jump from glass to bucket.
Styopa - young ... (trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima
The whole day they were looking for a mine.
Dima jar under the fence,
Buried to become ... (sapper)

At sapper Older brother,
He is always happy to help everyone.
Cats from a tree remover,
Lyova - the future ... (rescuer)

Our rescuer walks in pairs
With a kind girl Tamara.
She treats animals with a decoction,
Wants to become ... (veterinarian)

At veterinarian Then we
The mice have all left the house.
He will find them by questioning everyone,
Tima, local... (detective)

Detective ours on the couch
Found Ani's hairpin.
Anya is learning the role of Alice,
To become big ... (actress)

For actresses - applause
And flowers, and compliments.
He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”
Glory - cinema-... (director)

Producer abandoned the theater
He vacuumed the floor with Danka.
Road world around
Danka. He will be ... (environmentalist)

At ecologist neighbor
I made a stool myself,
Also a home for the birds.
So, he will become ... (carpenter)

Was carpenter at the birthday party
Volodya's on Sunday.
Papa Vovka automatic
Gave it to grow ... (soldier)

Everything soldiers they walk in formation.
Orders handed out to the heroes
And sent back to battle
Roma - brave ... (general)

General resigned,
After all, he sold his shoulder straps
Tolya, little trickster -
Growing up ... (seller)

Salesman Oleg in winter
Sold three snowdrifts.
Fortresses Oleg lepetel -
He is hereditary ... (builder)

Work builder everyone needs
Everyone needs a delicious dinner
Doctor to treat everyone
And a teacher to teach.
You need a pilot to fly...
Well, who do you want to be?

Riddles about professions

Who is more useful in the days of illness And cures us of all diseases? Answer (doctor)
Last time I was a teacher The day after tomorrow - the driver. He must know a lot Because he ... Answer (artist)
Brings a glass eye Click once - and remember you. Answer (Photographer)
Who teaches children to read and write, Love nature, respect the elderly? Answer (Teacher)
Will fly up into the sky like a swallow, Dive into the lake as a fish. Answer (Jumper into the water)
Tell me who's so delicious Prepares cabbage soup smelly meatballs, salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? Answer (Cook)
Here on the edge with caution He paints iron with paint, He has a bucket in his hand He himself is colorfully painted. Answer (Malyar) He, going on his round, He puts on a medical gown, He puts medicines in a bag, Then he walks to the barnyard. Answer (Vet)
This sorceress This artist Not brushes and paints A comb and scissors. She possesses Mysterious power: Who will touch He will become handsome.(The hairdresser)
We must fight fire We are partners with water. We are very much needed by all people, Answer quickly, who are we? Answer (Firefighters)
I'll throw a stick, I won't kill a jackdaw, I don't pluck feathers, I don't eat meat. Answer (fisherman)
We will rise when you sleep And sift the flour in a sieve, Let's heat up the oven, To bake bread in the morning. Answer (Baker)
Sharpens parts on the machine This staff member...(Turner)
The horn sings, the horn sings! We drive the herd to the meadow. We graze cows all day As soon as it becomes hot - we drive into the shade. (Shepherds)
In the circus, he is the funniest of all. He has great success. It remains only to remember The merry fellow, as he is called.(Clown)
The earth awaits his work, As soon as the dawn lights up the rays. In the spring he combs the fields, Autumn will come - shear.(Farmer)
They put dexterous two hands Heels on shoes. And heels - Also the work of these hands.(Shoemaker)
We are suffering from a cold again, We call the doctor at home. He will give us sick leave.And who is he as a specialist.(Therapist)
Hidden here is the question: Doctor with thread and needle What's the name? remember And give me a quick answer.(Surgeon) In the book sea it is endless The real captain. Find any book Help us quickly!(Librarian)
silver needle I led a thread in the sky. Who is brave White thread He sewed the sky, but hurried: Has the tail of the thread fluffed up?(Pilot)
Fun job, enviably from the heart! Whistle when the huntYes, wave your wand!
No one in the world can do thatWith one handStop the flow of passers-byAnd skip the trucks. Answer (Cop)
He will pass along the wagon -Find stowaways.His friend is sitting in the workshop -He takes care of the quality. Answer (Controller)

This doctor will removeI have easy appendicitis.The scalpel is his best friendWho is that doctor? …! Answer (Surgeon)
I will find them in the restaurant -These people in capsThey conjure over potsWith ladles in hand. Answer (Cook)
How can you see through the wall? In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to. And meanwhile he saw through it Not only me, but also my heart. Answer (radiologist)
This doctor is not just a doctor, He heals people's eyes Even if you can't see well You can see everything with glasses. Answer (Oculist)
He worked in the sweet shop for a day,The dessert result turned out -Eclairs, cake, Napoleon.Now think, who is he? Answer (Confectioner)
Lunch in kindergartenThe cook samples the dishes.But my mother is not aroundWho sets the table there? Answer (Nanny, teacher assistant)
Chalk writes and draws,And fights with mistakesTeaches to think, reflect,What's his guys name? Answer (Teacher)

He will show us the whole city,It will tell you everything about him.And we are waiting for questionsAnd he will find an answer to everything. Answer (guide)
In the firm, he considers profitEveryone gets paid.And he is not too lazy to countAll taxes all day. Answer (Accountant)
Everyone is glad to see himWhen there is a waterfall in the kitchen. Answer (Plumber, plumber)
I jumped down - I hung on a flower, I touched the Earth - The flower has turned.Answer (Parachutist)

Proverbs about labor

    You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    Without good work there is no fruit.

    Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.

    I did not know how to sew with gold, so strike with a hammer.

    Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!

    Who does not work shall not eat.

    If only there was a hunt, every work would improve.

    A small deed is better than a big idleness.

    The work of the master is afraid.

    Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie.

    To take on everything - to do nothing.

    There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.

    Without work and rest is not sweet.

    Every person is known by the work.

    Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

    Every skill comes with hard work.

    Love for work is in people's minds.

    To work with joy, and from work with pride.

    Business - time, fun - hour.

    They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

    The morning hour gives us gold.

    Bread is not given for free.

    The owner is the one who works.

    Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

    Patience and a little effort.

    Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Poems about work and professions

D. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?"

Every business

Special smell:

The bakery smells

Test and muffin.

Past the carpentry

You go to the workshop -

Smells like shavings

And a fresh board.

The house painter smells

Turpentine and paint.

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Driver's jacket

Smells like gasoline.

Worker's blouse -

Machine oil.

Smells like a confectioner


Doctor in a bathrobe

Pleasant medicine.

loose earth,

Field and meadow

Smells like a peasant

Following the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only idleness

Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you choke

Rich slacker,

Very unimportant

It smells guys!

G. Ladonshchikov "Asterisk"

Mom sees the whole capital.

Mom is building a new house

Yes, such

What to settle

Half a district may be in it.

The house is growing

Every day

And every hour.

As if the sky is propping up

Metal carcass.

And above the topmost beam,

Where is the crane

Electric welding light

Lights up with a bright star.

This is mom-

Brave Welder -

Holding a star in his hands

And above her

A flock of white

Clouds are floating.

L. Olifirova

"Who do you want to be, children?"

What do you want to be, kids?

Answer us quickly!

- I want to be a driver.

Carry different loads.

- I dream of ballet.

Better not to have him in the world.

- I want to be a great doctor.

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy.

Ate it - there are no diseases!

- In paints I do not have tea.

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait.

I'll do it, no doubt!

- You are with me, friends, do not argue,

I want to be number one in sports.

To score a puck for me is a trifle,

I play for Spartak!

- I want to become a pianist.

A wonderful artist.

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart.

- I dream of becoming

Children's educator.

Sing, walk, play with them.

Celebrate birthdays.

All professions are great.

All professions are important.

We know that our hands

The Motherland will need.

R. Sef"Strange affair "

Strange affair,

Or maybe not -

once upon a time

In the world

Once upon a time


He was a shoemaker

Forty five years

But about him

They said:


Strange affair,

Or maybe not -

once upon a time

In the world

Once upon a time


Was he


seventy years old

But about him

They said:


Strange affair,

Or maybe not?

V. Usyk "In the shop"

I approached the seller

At the grocery store:

I would like a bag of time

And a cask of zeal.

Forces - two hundred kilograms,

Five kilos of aggression.

If it's not hard for you,

Weigh two minds to me?

And perseverance, two packs,

mood bottle,

Pour me memory

And a piece of skill.

And the seller told me

Grocery stores:

Everything will be, just not

Medicines for laziness.

And without it, alas,

All that is assigned here

No matter how much you want

Will be wasted.

I stumbled like a lamb

I say to the ignoramus:

What to do, I know myself

You sell first.

The seller, thinking, got up,

Without batting an eye,

Didn't convince me

Fulfilled orders.

The game in elementary school "All work is good!"

Goals: expand, systematize students' knowledge about professions; generalize knowledge on technology (device of tools, manufacturing technology of products); develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills; instill interest in working professions, work.

Equipment: cards with a picture of a house; paints; brushes; student work.

Game progress

I. Topic message.

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson, a lesson-game "All work is good!".

A profession is an occupation, a favorite thing, a pile of life. Therefore, a favorite thing is chosen once and for life. But how hard it is to choose! After all, I want to become a doctor, and a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That's why now you need to prepare for a serious choice. What do you know about professions, we will find out today.

There are many professions in the world,

But you must choose the one

What is dearest to you in the world,

To dedicate yourself to work.

II. Game part.

1. Getting started.

Reader 1.

Warmed by gentle light

We are on sunny Earth.

The day comes with dawn

In every city, village.

Reader 2.

The clear morning is calling

In the field, mine, to the factory:

Work begins!

And we have our own concerns.

Reader 3.

Time is not wasted:

So that everything is always clear -

We know mathematics on "five",

We love to build and draw.

Reader 4.

We learned to be friends

Appreciate a good deed

Grow up - we will all be ourselves

Do with these hands.

I want to know a lot -

Choose a case on the shoulder.

2. The game "Mysterious word".


Yes, there are countless professions,

There is time to look

What do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

The teacher shows cards, each of which has a word written on it, but the letters in it are presented in the most unthinkable way. Students have to guess which word is encrypted:

barks yavsh pravov schaknemki

zhirnene jevitol rtomas

(Fisherman, seamstress, cook, bricklayer, engineer, driver, sailor.)

3. Competition "builders".

Teacher. We are the first to invite masons to compete.


I want to become a builder as soon as possible.

I will learn how to build houses and palaces

And the schools where the children will go.

The task. Compose a drawing of a house from a picture cut into pieces

Rice. 1. A sample cut into pieces of the picture

Teacher. Now painters enter the competition.


Time to paint the room

The painter was invited.

But not with a brush and a bucket

Our painter comes to the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought

metal pump.

Paint splatters on the wall

The sun shines in the window.

The walls turned blue

Like the sky above.

The new house is almost ready

Will accept tenants for the holiday.

On the board are attached drawings of the house, made on a sheet of paper. 2-3 students should color the houses to their liking so that it is beautiful and fast.

Rice. 2. House for coloring

4. The game "Guess the proverbs."

Teacher. While our "painters" are working, I suggest you guess the proverbs. I will start the proverb, and you will continue it. Without labor - ... (you can’t take the fish out of the pond).

Without hunting - ... (no work).

Without craft - ... (as without hands).

To live idle - ... (only smoke the sky).

If there was a hunt - ... (any work will work out).

Without an ax, not a carpenter, ... (without a needle, not a tailor).

Love business, ... (you will be a master).

5. The game "Who lost his instrument?".

Lost and found received a lot of things. Who do you think lost them? Name the profession of the owner of these items:

scissors spatula bulb

saucepan thermometer sieve

brush measuring tape wrench

calculator weight pointer

6. Quiz "Guess the profession."

1) Who plows, sows, harvests bread? (Grain grower.)

2) Who bakes bread for us? (Baker.)

3) Who dispenses the medicines? (Pharmacist.)

4) Who dresses us fashionably?

Who sews a suit for the day off?

Everyone knows - he ... (tailor).

5) He comes to us with a letter straight to the house - who is he? (Postman.)

6) Here on the edge with caution, he paints iron with paint;

He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted colorfully. (Painter.)

7) At night, at noon, at dawn, he carries out the service in secret,

On the path, on the shore, blocking the path of the enemy. (Border guard.)

8) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is it? (Astronaut.)

9) Who is the most useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor.)

10) The elder brother serves the dear Fatherland.

Protects our lives, he is ... (soldier).

11) The cat's ear got sick, the house was in turmoil.

Grandfather grumbles, sister whimpers,

The soup in the cat bowl is getting cold.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where to treat a kitten? (At the vet.)

12) The frog burst into tears: a speck on the abdomen,

Spot on the leg - be careful!

Who will treat this disease? (At the dermatologist.)

13) A mote fell into the eye of a handsome crane on the fly.

Guys, which doctor should a crane go to? (To the optometrist.)

14) Sister Dasha was born - our joy, our grief.

Bread does not eat, spits porridge,

To whom to go with sister Dasha? (To the pediatrician.)

15) A girl sits on an iron bird,

Lowers arrows, raises loads. (Crane operator.)

7. Contest "Technologist".

On the table under certain numbers there are products obtained by bending, cutting, gluing, sawing, sewing, knitting, etc. The teacher calls the technological process, and students must choose the product that matches it.

8. Competition "Find the extra".

Words are written in large letters on the board or on the card. It is necessary to cross out the “extra” word that is not related to this technological process. For example: needle, thread, nail, measuring tape, thimble. (The word "nail" is superfluous, since it is not used when working with fabric.)

1) Brush - glue - ruler - knitting needle - scissors.

2) Yarn - knife - knitting needles - scissors.

3) Saucepan - spoon - grater - hook.

Musical pause.


We love to work very much

We like to work.

Everyone copes with a difficult task,

Will cope with any job.

They say I'm fighting

Combat, so what.

My mom is fighting

Well, then who am I?

Clean it up once a year

I decided on a frying pan.

But then four days

They couldn't wash me.

Ira, Olya, Katerina

lit up to embroider,

They tried their best

Accept more orders.

They say skillful

The girl is reckless.

But any job I

I'll finish it to the end.

We all sang ditties -

Is it good, is it bad.

And now we ask you

For you to clap!

III. Summary of the game.

Final word of the teacher. Well done boys! Today you have shown your skills and knowledge in technology, you have told a lot about different professions.

As you can see, children, there are many professions - choose one for yourself,

So that she becomes the work of your whole life,

So that you glorify your land with honest work.