Educational competitions for preschoolers. All-Russian children's creative competitions

International and all-Russian competitions for preschoolers are becoming more and more popular and in demand. Their importance is increasing every day, so educators are trying to involve boys and girls, pupils of preschool educational institutions, to participate in these exciting activities. And at this time, every parent dreams that their little preschool child learns to create, compete with peers, and win from childhood. Many begin to collect a children's portfolio, where they put all the diplomas of participants and winners of all-Russian Internet competitions for preschoolers. If you also have a wonderful baby growing up, do not miss the chance for his development.

The most interesting children's competitions for preschoolers 2018 - 2019

To answer the question of what creative competitions for preschoolers are most in demand in 2015-2016, it is necessary to remember what our preschoolers like to do and how they can show themselves. Someone will try to say that each child is individual and loves his own, which is why it is so difficult for parents to determine the direction that will become a priority for him. Others will argue that young children do not yet know how to do quality work, so it’s not worth getting involved in competitions. But those who are ready to work together with the child and contribute in every possible way to his development do not think so. Therefore, caring parents have a child who can draw, read poetry expressively, sing songs, make crafts, and make presentations, albeit with the help of older friends. Yes, it is difficult, but it is for this that it is worth trying to take part in various events. Remote creative Internet competitions for preschoolers are now being held on our website and are planned for 2018 - 2019 in the following areas:

  • drawings;
  • presentations;
  • crafts;
  • fairy tales.

Complete interesting tasks and rejoice in your successes together with the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

What do creative contests for preschoolers give parents and their children?

Performing any work, a person improves his skills, learns something new, gains experience. The same thing happens when preschoolers participate in a competition for preschoolers. This is not a test, for which they will receive a deuce if the tasks are not completed. This is a creative process that brings the family closer together and firstly receives an excellent work, and then a corresponding assessment from the jury. By participating in all-Russian competitions for preschoolers, children can receive:

  • new knowledge on various topics;
  • expanding your horizons and vocabulary;
  • ability to work with information.

Parents, watching their child and helping them in completing tasks, receive "their fruits":

  • the child develops perseverance, a desire to study, a desire to work independently;
  • there is an opportunity to identify creative talents in children;
  • the family becomes a strong core that can cope with any business.

Children receive diplomas of participation in the All-Russian distance competition, and this is the best material for filling out a portfolio that will be useful for entering the best school, an elite class, a studio where they can truly develop a child’s talent. And how nice it is to show diplomas and certificates of participation of a child in various Internet events to their dearest relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles.

The theme of children's all-Russian competitions for pupils of preschool educational institutions

I want every child to reveal his talent from childhood. That is why the range of topics of all-Russian competitions for preschoolers is so wide. The subject matter is almost limitless. Many sites hold creative contests on the eve of the holidays. Certainly, events related to the New Year, Mother's Day, March 8, Victory Day and other holidays will be held. Interesting work can be done on other topics:

  • autumn fantasies;
  • fairy tales of children's writers;
  • travel around the world;
  • childhood;
  • to the edge, our Motherland;
  • the world of animals and plants;
  • favorite cartoons and books;
  • our teachers and many, many others.

Follow the news of our website and participate in new all-Russian competitions for preschoolers in 2018-2019.

How to take part in children's competitions for preschoolers, paid and free?

Can a small child himself find an all-Russian or international competition for preschool children, study his situation and decide that he will participate in it? It certainly sounds funny. However, you should not immediately be skeptical and deprive your son or daughter, a pupil of a preschool educational institution of the senior or middle group, from participating in the next exciting event. The child must be offered and shown. After all, he still does not know at all what it is, so adults should show children those activities that will be interesting and useful to them.

You still decided that a child who is 3 - 6 years old will participate in the competition, then hurry up to help him bring the idea to its logical conclusion. First of all, adults should study the Regulations on holding a remote Internet competition and determine in which nomination it will be possible to better show the child's talent. Then parents or educators must fill out the application correctly, help to formalize the work. The competition for preschoolers can be free or with payment of the registration fee. If it is necessary to pay an organizational fee for the competition, then this concern will also fall on the shoulders of adults. It remains to send all the materials to the specified address and wait for the moment of summing up.

Looking for a competition site for preschoolers? He is with us! Follow the links, choose for yourself a task that will be within your strength and to your liking. With such an approach to business, victory is sure to be guaranteed. If not for the first time, then for the second or third time: the main thing is not to lose heart and support the little contestant, who is still only a preschooler!

Portal " World of preschoolers» organizes a series of competitions for pupils of kindergartens, as well as pupils of preschool age of organizations of additional education. You can choose any competition and take part in it. Competitions are ongoing, and you can participate in any of them. Placement of works of participants takes place in albums of competitions in portal group "The world of preschoolers in the social network Odnoklassniki". Therefore, you no longer need to self-place work.


Contest Founder : Electronic media "Portal" World of Preschoolers "

Jury email address

The main goals and objectives of the competitions:

  • awaken and combine the creative creative potential of pupils of preschool and preschool education;
  • to strengthen the prestige of the institute of education and upbringing;
  • develop the creative abilities of the child;
  • to identify gifted, creative, creative pupils and teachers of preschool and preschool education.

The topic of any competitive material submitted to the competition must correspond to the name of the selected competition.

Conditions for participation in competitions.

  1. Choose a competition in which your pupils will participate.
  2. Pick up the work, photograph them.
  3. Fill out an application.
  4. Pay the registration fee if it is required by the conditions of participation.
  5. Scan (or take a photo) of the payment receipt.
  6. All files - application, photos of work, scan of payment - archived. That is, all files must be in the same folder and the folder must be archived. If several pupils of one teacher participate in this competition, then all works should be in one archive.
  7. Send the zipped folder to the e-mail of the portal for contests - [email protected]

Arrangement fee

The funds received from the registration fee will be used for the development, execution of documents, as well as for the development of the portal.

The payment amount is 40 (forty) rubles. for ONE child's work. If the teacher submits works from 5 participants to the competition, he receives a letter of thanks

The method of payment of the registration fee is specified in


The playground of my dreams.

Competition for children 3-7 years old.
How do preschool children imagine their playground? What should be there? What do preschoolers dream about?

creative work,
collective work,
mixed media,
Photo reports;
Free nomination;
Acceptance of work -

Calendar holidays

Permanent competition for children 3-7 years old. Dedicated to any calendar holiday that your kindergarten celebrates.

Reception of works at any time. Send a letter with the materials of the competitive works to the mail of the portal with the note "Calendar holiday".
Summing up every week, distribution of documents - every subsequent Monday

Ah, summer!

Competition for children 3-7 years old.
The competition accepts any work that reflects the name of the competition .

Nominations - any work of a child, a subgroup of children, a group, collective craft that reflects the name of the competition - "Ah, summer!" Acceptance of work - June 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018
Summing up every week, distribution of documents - every subsequent Monday.

"Let's make the boring fun!"drawing with crayons on asphalt

Nominations - any work of the child, subgroups of children, group, collective drawing with crayons on asphalt, which reflect the name of the competition - "Let's make the boring fun!" Acceptance of works - Summing up every week, distribution of documents - every subsequent Monday.

I am an illustrator

Competition for children 3-7 years old. Drawings reflecting the name of the competition are accepted for the competition. You can illustrate any work that is interesting and familiar to the child.

Nominations - drawings of a child, subgroups of children, a collective drawing that reflects the name of the competition - "I am an illustrator." Acceptance of work - June 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Competition for children 3-7 years old. Any works, drawings of crafts reflecting the name of the competition are accepted for the competition.

July 01 - 25, 2018. Summing up - July 25 - 31, distribution of diplomas - July 31.

Policeman Uncle Styopa

Competition dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police
Competition for children 3-7 years old. Any works, drawings, crafts, reflecting the theme of the competition are accepted for the competition.

Competition nominations - drawings, crafts, appliqué, design, any creative manifestations of a child Acceptance of work - June 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018

I love football!

Competition dedicated to the World Cup Competition for children 3-7 years old. Any works, drawings, crafts, reflecting the theme of the competition are accepted for the competition.

Competition nominations - drawings, crafts, appliqué, design, any creative manifestations of a child DATES
June 25 - July 25, 2018 Summing up - July 25 - 31, distribution of diplomas - July 31.

The best kindergarten ever!

Competition for children 3-7 years old. Any work reflecting the name of the competition is accepted for the competition.

Competition nominations - drawings, crafts, applique, design, any creative manifestations of the child. Acceptance of work - June 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018

All-Russian competition "Summer vacation"

Summer rest!

Competition for everyone - children, parents, teachers! Entries that reflect the name of the competition are accepted for the contest!

Competition nominations - drawings, crafts, presentations, photo collages, stories, news material, everything that can reflect the name of the competition. Acceptance of work - July 03, 2018 to August 31, 2018

E-mail portal for contests - [email protected]

All-Russian competitions for preschool teachers -

Goals and objectives of the competition:


Competitions of the federal level for teachers, teachers, educators. Profile and creative competitions for teachers, teachers. 20000 participants!

Join now!

Competitions for schoolchildren

Competitions for schoolchildren, preschoolers, children, teenagers. Interesting creative competitions. Federal level of participation.

Lots of winners!

Generalization of experience 2015-2016

Generalization of pedagogical experience + Certificate with a mark on the passage of editorial expertise. The ability to generalize, present and replicate one's experience is the most important indicator of the teacher's competence level.

Competition for teachers, teachers 2015-2016 | Academy of Pedagogy

All-Russian creative competition for teachers, teachers "Pedagogy of creativity"

The purpose of the competition: stimulation of creative and innovative activities of teachers, teachers, educators

Competition objectives:

Actualization of the intellectual and creative abilities of teachers;

Mobilization and application of accumulated knowledge, formation of creative potential through the appropriate organization of the educational process;

Creation of a favorable innovative environment in the teaching staff, overcoming the stereotypes of professional activity.

Competition subject.

To participate in the Competition, master classes, pedagogical projects, pedagogical essays, personal websites of teachers, design of stands and wall newspapers, design of the office and options for organizing the educational space, as well as works that did not fit into any of the other competitions, are accepted.

Participants of the Competition for teachers, teachers, educators "Pedagogy of creativity".

1. Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (preschool educational institutions; secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children) can take part in the Competition.

2. Each participant can submit several works for the Competition. Participation can be individual or joint.

The editors of the journal "Educational projects "Sovenok" for preschoolers" together with the editors of the scientific and methodological journal "Concept" and with the Department of Creative Pedagogy ANO DPO "MCITO" as part of a project to popularize a creative approach to teaching and educating the younger generation, announce the All-Russian competition of professional skills of educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions "Modern Kindergarten - 2016".The following categories of citizens can become participants in the competition:

- (A) heads of preschool educational institutions;

- (B) their deputies for academic, educational or scientific work;

- (C) educators and teachers;

- (D) other employees of educational authorities.

The competition is held in order to identify and further provide information and methodological support for the best educational technologies of a modern kindergarten, designed to manage the educational process and develop teaching teams to update the content of education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The competition accepts developments that reflect the innovative experience of the preschool educational institution (classes, concepts, description of work experience, programs of experimental and innovative sites, abstracts, programs and development of circle systems, courses, trainings, educational events, evenings, parent meetings, etc.) on the subject of activity preschool educational institutions.

Competition results presented in five categories:

- "The best leader of a modern kindergarten";

- "The best leader of the educational process modern kindergarten";

- "The best leader of the educational process modern kindergarten";

- "The best teacher modern kindergarten";

- "The best teacher modern kindergarten.

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Material from the site

Calendar of All-Russian and International Distance Olympiads and Competitions for Primary Schools: Schoolchildren of Primary Grades and Preschoolers 2015.

Distance Olympiads of the Snail Center

Goals and objectives of the distance Olympiads of the Snail Center:

  • checking the level of knowledge of students
  • formation of the skill of independent appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills for using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

subject week

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

family competition

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. contests

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

control test

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Summer camp

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Organization and holding of distance competitions, olympiads, subject weeks for schoolchildren.

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Pedagogical development: all-Russian competitions for educators.

"The best New Year's costume of a preschool teacher"

Dear educators, music directors, physical education instructors, we invite you to take part in the competition for the best New Year's costume. To participate in the competition, photos of preschool teachers in costumes of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters are accepted.

"The best New Year's decoration of preschool educational institution"

At the end of the competition, the winners of the competition will be awarded free diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order certificates of participants, both during the period of the competition, and after completion.

"Our Christmas tree is a green beauty!"

The portal invites preschool teachers and their pupils to take part in the competition for the best Christmas tree decoration. Photos of Christmas trees or decorations for Christmas trees made by hand are accepted for participation in the competition.

At the end of the competition, the winners of the competition will be awarded free diplomas. All teachers who have placed the children's work can, if they wish, order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition period and after completion.

"Symbol of the year 2016 with your own hands!"

According to the Eastern calendar, the symbol of the upcoming 2016 is the Fire Monkey. She is considered one of the most intelligent, active and very wayward representatives of the animal world.

The project invites preschool teachers and their pupils to take part in the New Year's competition and show in their works how bright and diverse the symbol of 2016 can be. At the end of the competition, the winners of the competition will be awarded free diplomas. All teachers who have placed the children's work can, if they wish, order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition period and after completion.

"Give Mom a Smile"

Dear teachers, we invite you and your little pupils to take part in a children's art competition dedicated to the most beautiful holiday, Mother's Day. At the end of the competition, the winners of the competition will be awarded free diplomas. All teachers who have placed the children's work can, if they wish, order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition period and after completion.

"The best methodological development on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions"

Today, road safety is one of the most important tasks that all institutions of our society, without exception, must solve. Particular attention is paid to this problem in preschool and primary school age.

In this regard, the goals of the competition are to promote safe traffic and prevent accidents involving children. All participants of the competition can order certificates in electronic or printed form if they wish. The winners will be awarded with free diplomas.

"Magic feather"

All-Russian competition of children's poetry

We invite pupils of preschool educational institutions under the guidance of teachers to take part in the All-Russian competition "Magic Feather". The main objectives of the competition are: development of poetic abilities of preschoolers; identification and support of gifted children.

Upon completion, the winners will be awarded with Diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition both in the name of the author and in the name of the curator.

"Handicraft Fair"

All-Russian creative competition for preschool teachers

The project "" invites educators and other teachers of preschool educational institutions to take part in a competition of creative works performed without the participation of children. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded with Diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"Wonders of nature"

Competition for the best crafts made from natural materials

At any time of the year, nature presents us with many gifts that, due to the imagination and fantasy of the master, can turn into wonderful works. The process of creating crafts from natural material is especially useful for children, as it allows them to develop fine motor skills, perseverance and creative thinking. The project "" invites pupils of preschool educational institutions under the guidance of curators to take part in the "Wonders of Nature" competition and demonstrate their ideas and abilities to create crafts from natural materials.

"Autumn Kaleidoscope"

All-Russian competition of children's creativity

"A dull time! Eyes of charm! ..." - how can you disagree with the great poet. Let's look out the window, and before us is a riot of color.

Autumn painted the streets and avenues! And what a beautiful autumn forest! Guys, rather pick up brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, let's draw autumn.

Dear teachers, "" is waiting for the work of your little pupils to participate in the competition for the autumn theme and wishes everyone good luck! Upon completion, the winners will be awarded with free Diplomas. All teachers who have placed the children's work, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"Gold brushes"

Painting and drawing have been and remain the most popular types of fine arts, and works of art created using a wide variety of techniques never cease to delight the eyes of true connoisseurs of beauty. The project "" invites teachers of preschool educational institutions to take part in the competition "Golden brushes" and present their masterpieces at the all-Russian level.

All participants, if desired, can order certificates in electronic or printed form. The winners will be awarded with free diplomas.

"The best master class. Crafts from junk material"

Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the competition. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to the problem of increasing the amount of solid household waste and various problems associated with this situation, including environmental ones. All teachers, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"Our Little Friends"

All-Russian competition of children's creativity, dedicated to favorite animals.

Dear teachers, we invite you and your pupils to take part in the All-Russian competition, the main goals of which are: the development of the creative potential of preschoolers, instilling love and responsible attitude towards animals. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded with free Diplomas. All teachers who have placed the children's work, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"The best mini-museum in DOW!"

After summing up the results of the competition, the winners will be awarded with free Diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"Intellectual development of preschoolers"

All-Russian competition for the best methodological development

"Game as a leading activity of a preschooler"

All-Russian competition

Dear teachers of preschool educational institutions, the project invites you to take part in the All-Russian competition, the purpose of which is the theoretical and practical improvement of existing and the discovery of new forms of play as the main activity of a preschooler in the process of education and training. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded with Diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the period of its conduct and after completion.

"Literary and Musical Lounge" (All-Russian Festival)

In 2015 Literature (by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation) the problem of fading interest in the origins of literature and art in general is especially relevant. In this regard, the goals of holding literary and musical drawing rooms within the framework of educational institutions are: the formation of cultural thinking in children based on the integration, analysis and synthesis of literary, musical and artistic art; enrichment of the spiritual world of pupils, correction of their emotional sphere; development of creative abilities.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions are invited to participate in the Festival. Each participant of the festival, without exception, is awarded with a nominal DIPLOMA!

"Steps to Success"

Festival of Pedagogical Ideas

Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Steps to Success". The purpose of the Festival is to identify and disseminate the innovative pedagogical experience of workers at all levels of the educational system. Methodological developments of classes, lessons, events, projects, programs, etc., which are based on a fundamentally new idea or sets of ideas (discovery) are accepted for participation in the Festival.

All-Russian Festival "Information and Communication Technologies in Education"

Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival "Information and Communication Technologies in Education". In the modern educational system, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is one of the most important indicators of the level of professional competence of a teacher.

The main ICT tool of any education system is a personal computer, the software of which (MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Publisher) allows the teacher to significantly expand the scope of the lesson or lesson, make it more diverse and interesting. The most common forms of using ICT in the educational process are: creating presentations, working with an interactive whiteboard, Internet resources, using educational programs, including copyrighted ones, and many others.

Articles, abstracts of classes, lessons, events using ICT, as well as presentations are accepted for participation in the Festival. Each participant of the Festival without exception is awarded with a nominal DIPLOMA!

All-Russian Festival "Educational Programs"

Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival "Educational Programs". Participation in the Festival is an opportunity to present your pedagogical experience, implemented within the framework of one subject, and distribute it in the educational system at the All-Russian level. Each participant of the Festival without exception is awarded with a nominal DIPLOMA!

"STEP INTO THE FUTURE" (Festival of pedagogical projects)

Creation of a pedagogical project is a search for new ideas, tasks and methods in education, or the implementation of existing ones in terms of personal experience and worldview. In this regard, participation in the festival "STEP INTO THE FUTURE" provides an opportunity not only to present their pedagogical experience, implemented within the framework of one subject, but also to disseminate it in the educational system at the all-Russian level. Each participant of the festival, without exception, is awarded with a nominal DIPLOMA!

"Pedagogical development" (Festival)

The ability to develop is the most important property of a person throughout his life. The development of a teacher is not only advanced training in order to develop professional competence, but also the search for new forms of self-expression and self-determination in the modern educational system.

The result of this difficult path, as a rule, is the creation of a professional portfolio or a personal website of a teacher, which presents not only biographical information about its owner, but also the main stages of pedagogical activity, scientific papers, articles and other educational and methodological materials. Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian festival "Pedagogical development".

The festival is held in the nominations "SITE" and "PORTFOLIO". Each participant of the festival, without exception, is awarded with a nominal DIPLOMA!

Regulations of the All-Russian creative competition for preschoolers and students in grades 1-11 "Autumn Inspiration"

We invite everyone to take part in our wonderful competition!

Competition theme:

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare enlightenment spirit

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, paradoxes friend,

And chance, god is the inventor.

Purpose of the Competition

To provide participants with an excellent opportunity in a competitive form to develop and demonstrate their intellectual and creative abilities, to activate extra-curricular and out-of-school activities.

Procedure for the Competition

The competition is held for preschoolers and students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and other educational institutions. Children's competitive works and joint works of children and adults are accepted for participation.

Acceptance of works from November 1 to November 30, 2015 inclusive. Definition of winners - weekly. Publication of the competition results after December 10, 2015.

Diplomas are sent to participants within ten working days after receiving the application.

Competition nominations:

  1. Acting skill. Audio recordings, photo and video materials of stage groups, classes, groups and readers are accepted for the competition.
  2. Ball gown. Photo and video materials of dance groups, ballroom couples and dancers are accepted for the competition.
  3. Vocal art. Audio recordings, photo and video materials of vocal groups, duets and soloists are accepted for the competition.
  4. Headdress. Photo and video materials, sketches of your carnival and festive headdresses are accepted for the competition.
  5. Pets. Any creatively designed works made by you, telling about your pets: dogs, cats, etc., are accepted for the competition.
  6. Carnival costume. Photo and video materials, drawings and stories about carnivals and your carnival costumes are accepted for the competition.
  7. My favorite dish. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your favorite porridge, candy, jam, etc. are accepted for the competition.
  8. My videos. Your favorite video materials taken by you on: cell phone, digital camera, video camera are accepted for the contest.
  9. My main holiday. Any creatively executed and designed works telling about your favorite holiday are accepted for the competition.
  10. My achievements. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about achievements that you are proud of.
  11. My friend. Photos, stories, creative works about your dear friends and girlfriends are accepted for the competition.
  12. My favorite animals. The competition accepts any creatively designed and executed works that tell about interesting wild animals.
  13. My cartoon. Drawn, plasticine, computer, etc. shot by you are accepted for the competition. cartoons.
  14. My observations. Your observations of people, living and non-living nature, processes, in the form of presentations, photographs, drawings and stories are accepted for the competition.
  15. My crafts. Photos of any of your crafts from any materials are accepted for the competition: plasticine, paper, wood, etc.
  16. My recipe. The competition accepts presentations, photos, videos, drawings and stories about your favorite recipe.
  17. My drawing. The competition accepts photographs of your drawings, made in any style and technique, with paints, pencils, charcoal, chalk or on a computer.
  18. My style. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your style of clothing are accepted for the competition: business, sports, romantic, country, military, etc.
  19. My talisman. Photos, stories, creative works about talismans that protect and help you are accepted for the competition.
  20. My fantasy project. Photos, stories, creative works "from the realm of fantasy" are accepted for the competition.
  21. My photos. The competition accepts your favorite photos taken on: a cell phone, a digital camera, or from photo albums.
  22. My future profession. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about the professions that you want to master.
  23. My collection. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your collections of stamps, postcards, corks, candy wrappers, etc. are accepted for the competition.
  24. My computer graphics. Computer drawings, images processed by you, etc. are accepted for the competition.
  25. My favourite game. The competition accepts presentations, photos, videos, drawings and stories about your favorite board, word, mobile or computer game.
  26. My favorite toy. Photos, stories, creative works about your favorite toy are accepted for the competition.
  27. My favorite book. The competition accepts stories about books that have made an indelible impression on you, made you re-read them again and again.
  28. My favorite fairy tale. Stories, drawings, crafts, etc. are accepted for the competition. about your favorite fairy tales.
  29. My presentation. Presentations made by you on any interesting topics are accepted for the competition.
  30. My hairstyle. Photo and video materials, sketches of your daily and festive hairstyles are accepted for the competition.
  31. My web page. The competition accepts Print Screen of your pages on social networks, personal sites, sites of schools, classes, etc.
  32. Musical creativity. Audio recordings, photo and video materials of musical groups, young composers and performers are accepted for the competition.
  33. National traditions. Presentations, photographs, crafts, drawings and stories about your national traditions and customs are accepted for the competition.
  34. Festive costume. Photo and video materials, drawings and stories about your festive costumes are accepted for the competition.
  35. Professions of my parents. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your parents' professions are accepted for the competition.
  36. Publicism. Any of your literary works are accepted for the competition: stories, fairy tales, poems, essays, etc.
  37. Family heirloom. Photos, stories, creative works about family heirlooms dear to you are accepted for the competition.
  38. Wall newspaper. Presentations and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, team are accepted for the competition.
  39. Choreography. Photo and video materials of dance groups, ballroom couples and dancers are accepted for the competition.
  40. I am a researcher. Your practical and theoretical research papers and projects are accepted for the competition.
  41. I like sports. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your sporting achievements and favorite sports are accepted for the competition.
  42. I am doing a crossword. The competition accepts any work performed by you and creatively designed, containing questions, an empty crossword puzzle grid, a completed crossword puzzle grid with answers.

All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, master classes and scenarios for educators and musical directors of preschool educational institutions.

New Year's Eve is the busiest! This holiday leaves no one indifferent! Christmas magic is felt everywhere!

It's time to give free rein to your imagination and make crafts, for example, a cozy snow-covered house in the forest with an elegant Christmas tree in the yard, mold your Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka from plasticine, draw a mouse for good luck as a symbol of the coming year. This is the time when you don’t have to go to the store to get a gift, but you can make it yourself! Whatever we list here, we will still not surpass the imagination of our young participants, their parents and teachers. Therefore, without further ado - the most magical competition of the project is open and waiting for its participants from all over the country!

Each preschooler can send his New Year's craft, drawing or Christmas tree toy to the competition. The flight of your imagination is not limited by anything. The work can be done both independently and with the help of a teacher or parents.

We also invite poetry lovers to the competition - the corresponding nomination “Artistic reading of a New Year's poem” is open for them. We are waiting for your videos and we will be glad to hear sonorous voices!

Educators can also take part in the craft and drawing competition along with their pupils and present their work. A competition for scripts for New Year's morning performances and master classes on creating Christmas tree decorations and New Year's crafts is also open for teachers. At the same time, in addition to the script, you can always send a video recording of the event.

In total, the competition provides 5 nominations for children and 6 nominations for teachers.

The interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

All the details about the competition are on the page and in the position.