Project “Affordable additional education for children. Affordable additional education Main provisions of the priority project “Affordable additional education for children Implementation plan of the project Affordable additional education

The presentation deals with the implementation of the project "Affordable additional education for children"

« Affordable additional education for children in the Udmurt Republic» in the municipality "Krasnogorsk district» (report at the August conference)

The development of the system of additional education today is one of the conditions for the development of society as a whole and ensuring that the competencies of new generations meet modern challenges. One of the changes in the system of additional education is the transition to the new management principles laid down in the federal priority project "Affordable additional education for children".

1. In 2017, Udmurtia became one of the pilot regions for the implementation of the priority project "Affordable additional education for children", aimed at modernizing the system of additional education for children, improving the quality of educational programs and increasing the availability of educational services.

The project is planned to be implemented in 6 stages and completed in November 2021 on the basis of the approved passport of the priority project "Affordable Additional Education for Children".

And the fact that this priority project on additional education is included in the portfolio of the Government of the Russian Federation demonstrates the importance of the tasks for the development of this particular level of education.

2. The main result of the implementation of the priority project should be the creation in each region of the Russian Federation of modern regional systems of additional education for children.

Ensuring the implementation of the "May Decrees" of the President of the Russian Federation in terms of coverage of at least 70 - 75% of children aged 5 to 18 years with high-quality additional education programs and 18% of coverage of children with technical and natural science programs.

3. The core of the system of personalized additional education in the Udmurt Republic is a regional model center, which, among other things, performs the functions of a personalized accounting operator. It will carry out, among other things, maintaining registers of educational service providers and the educational programs they implement, and ensure that the participants in the system comply with the established rules.

4. A large role in the modernization of the system of additional education is assigned to the Regional Model Center and support centers, “leaders of change” in cities and regions of the republic. In the Krasnogorsk region, the Krasnogorsk Center for Children's Creativity has been appointed as a support center

5. So that children and parents can get complete and reliable information about circles and sections and choose the most interesting ones, a site has appeared - Navigator of additional education.

The Navigator is an Internet resource where parents can see all the available opportunities - public and private circles, volunteer centers, clubs and sections at universities, classes on the territory of employers, and in the Krasnogorsk region - circles organized by the Center for Children's Creativity, schools, children's gardens, houses of culture, children's and youth sports school, children's art school.

A lot of work has been done in the area to fill the navigator. At the moment, 38 programs have been downloaded, these programs have been distributed among registers, so that the navigator will work in full force, and parents can apply for the selected circle, administrators in the district schools will need to organize further work.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the schools of the district for the work done in the framework of this project.

6. In order to enroll in a section or circle, parents must have a certificate of additional education, which is issued once and is valid until the child reaches 18 years of age.

The issuance of a certificate of additional education is the next stage in the implementation of the priority project "Affordable additional education for children" in Udmurtia.

Since August 1, in all cities and districts of Udmurtia, as well as in our district, the issuance of accounting certificates has been organized. And as you understand, here we are talking not about a specific document, but about the right of families to choose the service of additional education, which is provided through the Service Navigator in the form of an identification number indicated in the certificate. The child, as before, will be able to attend sections and circles for free, only now the budget money will “go” to the very organization that the child’s family has chosen - this is a completely new funding model based on the principle “money follows the child”.

It is assumed that children will have the opportunity to study free of charge in any organizations, including those where previously parents had to pay their own money, provided that the latter are included in the regional register of providers of additional education services. The funds on the certificate will be replenished annually. Depending on the cost of the educational program, the certificate can be sent to study in one or more programs. Each child (family) will have their own personal account in the electronic information system, in which it will be possible to select circles and sections in a special navigator, enroll in programs, track the receipt of services and write off funds from the certificate, evaluate the educational program and much more. Using the certificate, the child (his parents) can independently form his educational trajectory.

The introduction of a model of personalized financing of additional education for children in the Krasnogorsk district will begin on September 1, 2019.

During September after registration in personal account parents will be able to choose their favorite program of additional education for children on the portal of additional education for children in Udmurtia at . independently or, having come to the organization, apply for the circle or section you like, then conclude an agreement with the organization. 8. “Maximum efforts must be made to make it (additional education) really accessible to the growing generation, since these are not just expenses, these are investments” V.V. Putin.

Good luck to everyone in the implementation of the priority project "Affordable additional education for children"

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"Affordable continuing education in action."

Implementation of the priority project

"Affordable additional education for children"

Pushkareva Tatyana Valeryanovna

director of MBOU DO Krasnogorsk CDT



Passport of the federal priority project in the field of education "Affordable additional education for children"

Passport of the regional priority project "Affordable additional education for children"

Summary plan for the implementation of the priority project



  • Agreement on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the regional budget of the Udmurt Republic for the implementation of measures to form modern managerial and organizational and economic mechanisms in the DO system
  • Agreement on cooperation between the Government of the Udmurt Republic and the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Fund for New Forms of Education Development"



in 2018


Implementation of the model of personalized financing of additional education for children in 50% municipal districts and city districts, covering 25 % of the total number of children

Number of children aged over 5 to 18 years old covered by additional educational programs - 75%

Number of children aged over 5 to 18 years old covered by additional educational programs of technical and natural sciences - 18 %


Science Education Sphere 1

  • Organizations of additional education
  • Organizations of preschool education
  • General educational organizations
  • Organizations vocational education
  • Higher Education Organizations
  • and etc.

Sphere of culture 2

The sphere of sports and youth

politicians 3

Non-state sector 4

art schools

Music and art schools

Health and social policy 5

Centers and clubs at the place of residence

Sports schools implementing sports training programs

Coverage of children

161 thousand children

Non-governmental organizations

171 thousand children









  • MAOU "Krasnogorsk Gymnasium"
  • MAOU DO DYuSSh of the Krasnogorsk region
  • MBOU "Valamaz secondary school"
  • MBOU "Krasnogorsk secondary school"
  • MBOU "Kurinskaya secondary school"
  • MKOU "Arkhangelsk secondary school"
  • MKOU "Baranovskaya secondary school"
  • MKOU "Vasilyevskaya secondary school"
  • MKOU "Debinskaya secondary school"
  • MBOU DO Krasnogorsk CDT
  • MBU DO "Krasnogorsk Children's Art School"
  • MKU "Krasnogorsk orphanage"
  • MBU MKSK "Krasnogorsky"
  • MBUK "Krasnogorsk Regional Museum of Local Lore"
  • MBUK "Krasnogorsk inter-settlement library"
  • MBUK "Krasnogorsk House of Crafts"


The leaders and teachers of the educational institution took part in moderation sessions, seminars, webinars, videoconferencing, completed advanced training courses



Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated August 11, 2017 No. SED-26-01-06-858 "On Approval of the Rules for Personalized Financing of Additional Education for Children in the Perm Territory"(pdf, 207.21 Kb)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated July 28, 2017 No. SED-26-01-06-839 "On the appointment of the head and approval of the composition of the Regional Model Center for Additional Education for Children of the Perm Territory" (pdf, 1.68 Mb)

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated July 19, 2017 No. SED-26-01-35-1188 "On the direction guidelines on the introduction of personalized financing of additional education for children"(doc, 106 Kb)

Chashchinov E.N. Regional Model Center for Additional Education for Children of the Perm Territory (pptx, 2.9 Mb)

Zhadaev D.N. Priority project of the Perm region "Affordable additional education for children" (pptx, 4.64 Mb)

Shurmina I.Yu. A complex of modern managerial and organizational-economic mechanisms in the system of additional education (pptx, 725.94 Kb)

The Ministry of Education of Russia ensures the development of a system of measures for the development of additional education for children.

Within the framework of the federal project "Success of every child" of the national project "Education", by 2024, additional education should cover 80% of children aged 5 to 18 years. The federal project provides for updating the content of additional education in all areas, improving the quality and variability of educational programs and their implementation in a network form so that they meet the challenges of the time and the interests of children with different educational needs, modernization of infrastructure and improvement of professional skills of pedagogical and managerial personnel.

By the beginning of 2020, more than 110 Quantorium children's technoparks will appear with a coverage of 385,000 children, at least 15 mobile technology parks for children from villages and small towns, and at least 15 additional education centers in educational institutions of higher education with an annual coverage of 6,000 .children; regional centers for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and talents of children and youth will open in 16 other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To form an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing children's abilities and talents, by 2024, the work of regional centers in three areas (science, sports, art) in all regions of the country will be organized. An important task of such centers is to educate young talented children, to motivate them to actively participate in the development of their region. Regional centers will become coordinators of interaction with educational organizations where gifted children study in order to help each child build an individual educational trajectory and provide tutor support.

By replicating experience open lessons Projection, Lessons of the Present and other similar events of the Ministry of Education of Russia ensure the development of mechanisms for early vocational guidance for children and their education according to individual curricula in accordance with their chosen professional competencies.

The Ministry of Education of Russia ensures the approval of the target model for the development of regional systems of additional education, which, in particular, will introduce a system of personalized financing and registration of children in additional education and a public navigator for additional general education programs. This will help families choose those that meet the needs and levels of children with different educational needs and abilities.

physical Culture and sport

One of the priority tasks of the Ministry of Education of Russia is the creation of conditions for ensuring a healthy lifestyle, the development of mass sports, the formation of a system of motivation for children and adolescents to healthy lifestyle life. The modern system of school and mass sports, additional education of a physical culture and sports orientation are of leading importance in the processes of educating a child's personality and have ample opportunities aimed at socialization and personal development children and youth, contribute to the improvement of personal indicators of physical fitness, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, the development motor activity and motivation for physical culture and sports.

Mass sports is one of the tools of physical education of children and youth. First of all, mass sports are represented in extracurricular activities in schools and in the activities of organizations of additional education of physical culture and sports.

To solve this problem, conditions have been created for the development of school sports clubs, which include a systematic approach within the framework of classroom and extracurricular activities of the physical culture and sports direction in general education organizations, organizations of additional education for children.

Every year, the Ministry of Education of Russia, together with the Ministry of Sports of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, approves the All-Russian consolidated calendar plan of events aimed at developing physical education and sports in schools, organizations of additional education, colleges and universities.

All activities for the development of mass sports are carried out by the Ministry of Education of Russia in cooperation with the All-Russian federations for sports and physical culture and sports public organizations.

Mass sports and health-improving events at the intra-school, municipal and regional stages are represented by competitions, sports days, sports holidays, days of health and sports, thematic weeks, contests and promotions.

Number of institutions of additional education for children, associations and scientific societies:

  • 12 353 Total
  • of them 5 192 schools
  • of them 2 871 center

Number of people involved in organizations:

  • 10 232 036 Total
  • of them 2 017 049 in schools
  • of them 4 068 675 in the centers

Tourist bases and children's health institutions:

  • 374 Total
  • of them 172 center
  • of them 21 school
  • of them 92 sports schools and 14 sports schools of the Olympic reserve

You can download the video at:

Everyone who plans to study under the programs of physical culture, sports and choreography must have medical documents on admission to classes.

List of places for issuing and activating certificates of additional education (Order of the Department of Education of the Mayor's Office of the City of Yaroslavl)

Priority project "Affordable additional education for children"

The development of the system of additional education today is one of the conditions for the development of society as a whole and ensuring that the competencies of new generations meet modern challenges. One of the changes in the system of additional education is the transition to the new management principles laid down in the federal priority project "Affordable additional education for children".

Since January 1, 2018, the Yaroslavl Region has been one of the 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are implementing a system of personalized financing of additional education for children (PFDO) - certificates of additional education.

Personalized additional education for children is a system that provides for the consolidation of the state's obligations to pay for the education in which the child is primarily interested. In fact, the personal certificate will be assigned budgetary funds to pay for circles and sections of additional education, which a child aged 5 to 18 years old can use in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership (municipal or private organization of additional education, and even individual entrepreneurs). By introducing a system of personalized additional education for children, several important tasks are solved at once:

- children get the opportunity to study free of charge in any organizations, including those where previously parents had to pay their money, provided that the latter are included in the regional register of providers of additional education services;

- competition in the market of additional education services for children is increasing, and hence the quality of educational services provided; organizations begin to focus on the real educational needs of children. The presence of a certificate in a child means that his family has the opportunity to influence the offer of educational programs (according to the general law “demand creates supply”);

- educational organizations providing high-quality and in-demand services have the opportunity to attract additional budget funding;

- there is a "recovery" of educational programs and additional education services financed from budgetary funds at different levels, their orientation towards what is really interesting for children;

- access of new organizations (private and individual entrepreneurs) to budgetary funds is opened on equal terms with municipal institutions.

What is a Continuing Education Certificate?

Additional education certificate - this is an official confirmation of the child's ability to study in circles and sections of additional education at the expense of the state. The certificate itself is not material and the only important thing is that the child is included in a special register (nothing critical, today we are all included in different registers). The presence of a child in the register is a signal to the state that it is necessary to pay for his education. That is, a certificate is, in fact, a tool for realizing the “right” of children to receive free education.

What is the Continuing Education Certificate for?

What we know to be free is paid for by someone else and remains free for us as long as it is consistently paid for.

Despite the importance of additional education, recognized, including at the highest level, neither in the Constitution of Russia, nor in any of federal laws our rights to receive additional education free of charge are not secured. No one will take away the right to education as such, but the state is not obliged to pay for additional education. So what does this mean in practice? After all, today we can enroll in free clubs without any certificates.

Indeed, the current system of additional education implies that there is at least one institution in the municipality where we can come and enroll for free. But today it is this institution that determines what kind of circles they will be, and we sign up where there are places left. If we do not sign up, there will be someone who will sign up for us. After all, the state directly owes us nothing, it simply finances the activities of the institution.

But the essence of additional education is not to give development opportunities to those whose interests coincide with the directions of the work of the institution, but to take into account the needs of all children and give them the opportunity for their individual development.

What is the principle of the certificate? Specifying in it that the certificate is nominal. Presenting a certificate to a child is intended to change the situation described above. Indeed, for an institution, a certificate is money that it can earn only when it interests a child to come to study with him. You can’t just take and write down someone else, because in this case the money will remain with the child and will not reach the organization. If a child wants to go to another organization to study, then the institution will lose money along with him. All this is designed to stimulate institutions to develop, taking into account the modern needs of children.

A personal certificate of additional education is your money that you can spend exclusively on the education of your child. The state, providing you with a certificate, this time already, guarantees you free additional education in the amount determined by the certificate.

At the same time, as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin noted at the end of 2014: no matter what you choose, “the main thing is that the child, the parents should have a choice: to receive additional education on the basis of a school, or in a municipal creative center, or in a non-state educational organization so that it is accessible and that really well-trained specialists work with children.

What does the certificate of additional education give and how to use it?

The additional education certificate is used by parents to choose and enroll in circles and sections offered by various organizations and even individual entrepreneurs, at no cost to them. family budget or with a small surcharge. Any certificate can be used to enroll in any program included in the region-wide navigator. Municipal and state organizations are required to enroll children under a certificate, private organizations are also entitled to accept certificates as payment under contracts.

By receiving a certificate, you also get access to the personal account of the information system, which, in fact, is your access to your personal account.

When choosing circles and sections, you use the available free "enrollments" and / or money directly assigned to your certificate, which can be used to pay for additional education received by children in municipal and private organizations.

Organizations interested in additional education for your children undergo independent certification of programs and are included in the register of educational service providers located in your personal account. You just have to choose among them. And based on the results of the child's education, evaluate the chosen program. Thanks to you, the program registry will include the best organizations offering high-quality and interesting programs.

At the same time, due to the circumstances set forth above, enrollment in municipal circles and sections without using a certificate will not be carried out from September 2019. But you should not worry about this circumstance - you can always get a certificate as soon as you decide to apply for training.

Memo to parents

Frequently Asked Questions from Parents When Obtaining a Continuing Education Certificate and Answers to Them

How to get a DO certificate

Obtaining certificates of personalized financing as part of the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable additional education for children" will begin in the Municipal Education System of the city of Yaroslavl from April 15, 2019.