Methodical development. Career guidance in elementary school

Speech to the pedagogical council

Scriabina L.A.

Career guidance in elementary school

At present, the issue of the formation and development of a successful personality, confidently adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, is becoming increasingly important.

Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession seems to be one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

In order for students to learn to understand themselves, to objectively evaluate their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

The purpose of this direction: the development of cognitive abilities of students on the basis of creating the most diverse impressions of the world of professions.


To acquaint students with the diversity of the world of professions;

To form concrete and visual representations of the essential aspects of the profession;

Develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the child.

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic.

The problem in elementary school is that the lessons of acquaintance with professions in the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, already in elementary school it is necessary to introduce him to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, that is, the professions of people who are well known, whose work children observe day after day. The first professions that a child learns about are the professions of his parents and those people that he often encounters in everyday life. The child daily observes how people work, what they do at work. Parents usually talk about their work only in the most general terms, without overloading the child with unnecessary information, so random details sometimes seem to be an essential feature of the professional activities of parents. The external side of adult activity remains more essential for children than its meaning.

The words "work, work, work" are one of the first words in a child's vocabulary. He knows that if mom is not at home, then she went to work. Dad should not be disturbed when he is working. You need to work in order to have money, with which people buy everything necessary for life: food, clothes, medicines, etc. All adults should work; only sick and elderly people who have already retired do not work. Children also do not work, but they go first to kindergarten, and then to school to learn and choose their profession.

It often happens that a child continues to do what his parents did - a “working dynasty”. With children of primary school age, it is necessary to talk about the fact that there are many professions in the world and it is very difficult to choose your own business. In order to navigate the world of adult professions, to understand what you like to do and why, it is good to observe the work of adults in advance.

Have I, a primary school teacher, thought about the importance of this problem? No. But intuitively, I still carried out work in this direction and continue to do it, and quite regularly.

Acquaintance with professions in my class, I start from grade 1. In career guidance, I use a variety of forms: meetings with parents, with people of interesting professions, master classes, creating presentations about various professions, competitions, exhibitions of drawings, reading books, class hours, quizzes and other types of work.

1 class Class hour "Rainbow of Professions", conversation about different professions, drawing competition "Rainbow of Professions" - who I want to become; excursion to the Fire Safety Museum, class “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, acquaintance with the profession of a firefighter; interesting meetings - the story of grandfather Volkov V.A. about the profession of a military pilot.

2 cells Class hour “I am talented”, group project “What I can do best”. At the lessons of the surrounding world, we get acquainted with the profession of a geologist, agricultural professions, we talk about “The work of people in the fall”, “Spring work in the garden, garden, field”. In April 2016, Viktor Igorevich Vasiliev, an actor and chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus, came to our gymnasium. The guys saw the animated films "The Stork" and "Stupid Miss and the Reasonable Pan", as well as played and were able to feel like on a real film set.

3 cells As part of interesting meetings - a master class from the parent Mesengiser N.S. dentist. She told the children about the structure of their teeth, taught them why it is necessary to take care of their teeth and how to care for them.

My years are growing

will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

what to do?

Essay writing what i want to be when i grow up. For your attention, I present excerpts from these works.

Preparing for this teachers' council, I began to look at this direction in the upbringing of our children with different eyes, I realized the importance of this moment and now I will review the plan for the educational work of the class for the next year

Career guidance in elementary school
the first step towards choosing a profession.

Logvina E.V.,
deputy director for water resources management,
gymnasium №6

« When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to,

for him, not a single wind will be favorable. Seneca.

In Kazakhstan, a phased transition to 12-year education will begin in 2015. A feature of the concept is the introduction of pre-profile training at the second stage of education.

One of the important tasks of the school is to prepare the student for a conscious and responsible choice of life and professional path. The younger generation has always faced the problem of professional choice.

There are many programs for pre-profile and profile training for students in grades 8-11, but still a teenager does not have time to make an informed choice, since the list of professions offered is large, and knowledge about them is minimal and is given in fragments.

In this regard, the preparation of the student for the choice of profession should begin already in elementary school. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in high school and later in adulthood, already in elementary school, he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, i.e. professions of people well known, whose work children observe every day.

But the problem in elementary school is that the lessons of acquaintance with professions in the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part. Therefore, the task of the primary school teacher is to introduce students to various professions in extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities.

Together with the teachers of the elementary school of our gymnasium, we studied the experience of both Kazakhstani colleagues and the experience of colleagues from Russia, and developed an exemplary program for career guidance in elementary school, which we called "The world of professions through the eyes of children".

The relevance of the creation of the program.Primary school age is called the pinnacle of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, looking at an adult from the bottom up. But he is already losing his childish spontaneity in behavior, they have a different logic of thinking. Teaching is a significant goal for him. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future profession, he fantasizes what he will be like. This age is characterized by curiosity, curiosity, a great desire and ability to collect information about the world of professions and willingly choose the appropriate role in gaming activities.

Program goal:development of extra-curricular activities that most effectively form younger students' interest in the world of professions and respect for working people.

Program objectives.

To create a special environment in the gymnasium that allows one to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of all professions;

- Cto form in younger students an idea of ​​the diversity of professions in the modern world;

To teach schoolchildren, through professional tests, practical skills for self-service at home, in a gymnasium;

Develop and provide pedagogical support for the process of career guidance in elementary school.

Expected Result.The program "World of professions through the eyes of children" will allow schoolchildren and their parents to develop an understanding of the importance of purposeful early acquaintance with the world of professions and respect for any work, the need to gain knowledge about the diversity of professions, to form an attitude towards people of any work as the highest value of society.

Program sections:

1. Creative contests and projects.

2. Extracurricular activities.

3. Meetings with people of different professions.

4. Excursions to production.

Preparing for career guidance in the primary grades is aimed at expanding the horizons of students, the formation of a value attitude towards work in children.

A treasure trove of acquaintance with the world of professions are world knowledge lessons when studying topics: in 1st grade"T ores of man". In 2nd gradethe acquaintance of schoolchildren with the work of the people around them continues, their ideas about different professions deepen -"Professions of our parents".In 3rd gradestudents continue to get acquainted with the work of the people around them and their professions- "Teacher", "Farms", "Professional holidays", "Livestock ». In 4th gradethe ideas about work received by students in grades 1-3 are generalized and developed, a respectful attitude to work, to working people is brought up, ideas about various professions are expanded and deepened- "Farming", "School and production". Thus, over the course of 4 years of study, younger students accumulate a rich stock of professions.

Great help to the teacher in vocational guidance is provided by technology lessons. This academic discipline is based on a unique psychological and pedagogical basis - the subject-practical activity of the child. Because of this, it has a huge development potential.

Organization and holding extracurricular activities everyone's favorite direction of career guidance. Here we can include: class hours, holidays, quizzes, contests, projects.

With pleasure, teachers use such a direction as organization of excursions . The teachers and the parent committee organized excursions to the library, the store, the medical office, the post office, the museum, and the sewing industry.

Interesting Conversations with invited experts . It is only important to remember that specialists need to be trained and their speech should be directed in a direction understandable to children. Usually, first of all, they turn to parents who can come and talk about their profession.

In every class it is desirablearrange a standcareer guidance called "World of Professions". In this corner there may be books, photographic materials, one way or another related to the profession. In the process of conducting a lesson, this corner must be addressed so that it is not something artificial, non-working.

Having worked on this program for only a year, I can say with confidence that studying under the program allows you to create conditions for the beginning of acquaintance of children with the world of professions, gives direction in the right choice of future profession for students. The result of all our year-long work was the defense of projects by students of grades 1-4. The theme of the projects is "Profession of my parents". The guys with great pleasure, proudly told about the professions of fathers and mothers: “My mother is an accountant”, “My mother is a teacher”, “My father’s profession is to defend the Motherland”, etc.

Participation in student career guidance projects gives each student the opportunity to conduct research in the area of ​​interest to him. Performing the practical part of the work, students also have the opportunity to try themselves in the chosen profession, to conduct the first professional tests. Thanks to the projects, their learning motivation is also enhanced.

In this way, Carrying out work on career guidance in the lower grades, we create conditions for educating schoolchildren in a conscious attitude to work, a sense of duty in choosing a profession, love and respect for work and working people, respect for public property, natural resources and the environment.

And in conclusion I want to say:"The future belongs to those who are faithful to their dream."

In the modern world, the requirements for the psychophysiological individual characteristics of a person are steadily growing, and the goals and nature of work, thanks to market relations, present people with the need for ever higher professionalism in their chosen profession, readiness for continuous professional development and personal development. In such a situation, school vocational guidance becomes more relevant than ever and should provide quality training for schoolchildren of all ages.

is a set of actions to identify in schoolchildren inclinations and talents for certain types of professional activities, as well as a system of actions aimed at developing readiness for work and helping in choosing a career path. It is implemented directly during the educational process, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular work with students and their parents.

Preparing students for an independent, conscious choice of a profession should be an obligatory part of the harmonious development of each individual and be inseparably considered in conjunction with the physical, emotional, intellectual, labor, aesthetic education of the student, i.e. be integrated into the entire educational process, and therefore career guidance in schools is one of the most important components in the development of both an individual person and society as a whole.

Goals of school career guidance

Tasks of school vocational guidance work

  • Conducting information work with students: acquaintance with professiograms, information about current and future needs in the labor market, working conditions and possible wages, further development within the chosen profession
  • Obtaining, studying and using information about the possibilities, inclinations, interests of schoolchildren in order to help them in their independent choice of profession.
  • Development and implementation of a large number of different options for profile education: programs, lessons, forms, methods, excursions, etc.
  • Support for schoolchildren at risk who may have problems with employment: lagging behind in learning, from correctional classes.
  • Together with institutions of higher or secondary vocational education, ensure the preparation and smooth transition of students to the next level of education.

The main components of vocational guidance for schoolchildren

Since professional orientation as a whole is a large, complex system that includes many aspects and directions, five main components can be distinguished: economic, medical and physiological, pedagogical, psychological and social.

Economic component- consists in studying the structure of labor resources of the labor market from a demographic point of view, working conditions, the unsuitability of the resulting workers, ways to increase motivation to work. It is also a process of assistance and gentle guidance towards the choice of a particular specialty, taking into account both the interests of the child and the planned needs of the market.

Medico-physiological component- assistance in choosing a profession, taking into account the individual physical capabilities or medical contraindications of the student. Acquaintance of students with the requirements of various professions.

Pedagogical component- consists in educating schoolchildren of socially significant reasons and motives for choosing a profession.

Psychological component- reliable study, identification of the psychological aspects of professional suitability, personality structure and the formation of a certain professional orientation.

Social component- consists in the study of various information related to professions or the labor market as a whole: popularity, prestige, profitability, public opinion, the degree of satisfaction with the chosen profession. Also, in the social component of career guidance, work is underway to form value orientations among schoolchildren for a conscious choice of a future profession.

Career guidance at school is undoubtedly a necessary component along with basic education, and thanks to the constant work on building an integral system, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, children get the opportunity to independently decide on a profession, engage in research projects for development and a deeper acquaintance with professions with the help of teachers and parents.

For maximum effectiveness, vocational guidance should be an ongoing process that begins in kindergarten, smoothly transitions to school and continuously accompanies the student throughout the entire path of education to the graduation class, gently helping and guiding him. Thus, the starting point of the difficult path to choosing a profession is the older groups of the kindergarten, where in a playful way the child gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, the diversity of the world of professions, instills respect for other people's work and a desire to choose the best and most interesting profession for themselves. Role-playing games help both parents and the educator, and the child himself. The former get an idea of ​​the desires, inclinations and abilities of children, while the latter, in addition to just having an interesting time, begin to acquire skills and abilities that will be useful in later life, trying on one or another profession. Career guidance in kindergarten is described in more detail in our material Career Guidance for Preschoolers.

In school vocational guidance, it is advisable to single out 4 large stages that differ in goals, objectives and methods used depending on the age of students:

Primary school, grades 1-4

At this stage, the acquaintance with professions started in kindergarten continues through career guidance lessons with invited specialists, excursions, thematic extracurricular activities, matinees, etc. Primary schoolchildren are developing a value attitude to work, by direct inclusion in various types of educational and cognitive activities (game, labor, social, research), interests and the need to learn develop.

Already in elementary school, it is important not to miss the moment and in time to interest the children in the upcoming choice of profession. A large number of circles, additional classes on interests will be of great help. For students from grade 3, psychological games and activities can be gradually introduced.

To obtain detailed material on the possibilities and structure of career guidance in elementary school, you can refer to the article "Vocational guidance in elementary school, grades 1-4".

Secondary school, grades 5-7

With the transition of children to secondary school, career guidance continues with a variety of games: business, career guidance, psychological. This achieves an expansion of knowledge about the world of professions and provides an opportunity to take the first steps towards choosing an interesting profession for oneself. Schoolchildren begin to realize their interests and opportunities, acquire basic ideas about the directions of possible specialties, get acquainted with the requirements that various professions impose.

A detailed description of career guidance at this stage can be found in the material Career Guidance in Secondary School, Grades 5-7.

Secondary school, grades 8-9

With the approach of the first graduating class and the first serious state exams, vocational guidance works from games and excursions to targeted assistance by students of a further profile of education, which will narrow the circle of possible choice of professions and facilitate further educational and labor paths.

In grades 8-9, the active diagnostic work of the school psychologist begins, lessons are given for a conscious choice of profession. Schoolchildren study more serious specialties that place high demands on employees (Ministry of Emergency Situations, education, medicine, etc.). Extracurricular activities and in-depth hobby groups begin to play an even greater role in understanding one's own values ​​and interests and making a conscious choice of profession.

The school psychologist, together with teachers, conducts individual and group consultations on the choice of a particular profession, an adequate balance of interests, abilities, health of the child and the requirements of the profession.

The end of secondary school is devoted to a separate material "Vocational guidance in secondary school, grades 8-9".

High school students, grades 10-11

This is the most important stage of school vocational guidance, the success of which largely depends on the quality of work in primary and secondary schools. The school psychologist is further expanding consulting activities for students and their parents. Presentations of the leading universities of the city are held at the school, excursions to open days are organized.

Much attention is paid to self-development and self-training of high school students, discussion and possible adjustments of further professional plans, preferences for the chosen professions are finally formed, readiness for them is assessed.

The article "Vocational guidance for high school students, grades 10-11" offers a detailed description of the process of career guidance in high school, choosing the required exams and the necessary steps for entering a higher educational institution.

Working with students

  • Meetings with interesting people, representatives of professions, representatives of higher educational institutions and employers.
  • Excursions to enterprises, universities.
  • Extracurricular activities, hobby groups, in-depth study of subjects.
  • Assistance in determining the need for additional education and choosing courses at school or outside of it.
  • Student survey.
  • Comprehensive career guidance support throughout the entire time of schooling (consultations, testing, classes, trainings, etc.).

Working with parents

  • Individual conversations and consultations for parents of students.
  • Lectures for interested parents about their contribution to the child's choice of a profession and obtaining an appropriate education.
  • Conducting classroom and school-wide parent-teacher meetings.
  • Parent survey.
  • Creation of an initiative group of parents who are ready to help organize and accompany excursions, attract interesting people to speak in front of the class or talk about their profession on their own.
  • Involving parents to help with temporary employment of high school students during the holidays.
  • Together with parents, create and lead circles of various directions (artistic, sports, theatrical, intellectual).

Organizational and methodological activities

  • Carrying out vocational guidance work at school, creating our own and adapting existing programs for the vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
  • Assistance to teachers and school staff with the selection of material, in conducting classes, diagnostics and consultations.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of career guidance work at school

To conduct a qualitative assessment of career guidance work at school, 5 effective criteria and 2 procedural ones can be distinguished. Successful criteria include:

Sufficiency of information about the chosen profession and methods of obtaining it.

A student can make a conscious choice of a profession, only knowing about its place in the market, working conditions, requirements for knowledge and physical characteristics. If there is enough information received, the student clearly understands himself in the chosen profession and the necessary steps to obtain it.

The need for a conscious choice of future profession

If a student is active in searching for information about certain specialties without pressure from outside, independently tries himself in areas of interest for possible activities or has drawn up a plan for further actions, then the criterion for the need for a reasonable choice of profession can be considered completely satisfied, and the task facing the schools is completed.

Schoolchildren's awareness of the social significance of labor

In the process of school vocational guidance work, schoolchildren should be instilled with an attitude towards work as a vital value. For schoolchildren in grades 8-9, this attitude is directly related to the need for a conscious choice of profession, which directly affects the quality of their future life.

Awareness of schoolchildren of their capabilities and interests

Under the guidance of school, experienced specialists, the student eventually becomes aware of his desires, values, physical and moral capabilities and, based on them, makes a choice of a further career path. A large role here is given to school psychologists and teachers for the most correct determination of the characteristics of the child.

The presence of a plan for further steps towards obtaining a profession

The student must make an informed choice of profession, based on the variety of information received about the labor market, taking into account their own opinions and opportunities. After the perfect choice, the high school student should also have a good idea of ​​all the further steps, which, as a result, will lead him to the desired profession. The presence of such a plan indicates the success of the school vocational guidance work.

Two procedural criteria for the effectiveness of school career guidance activities can be called:

The individual nature of career guidance

Any action taken must take into account the individual interests, abilities and capabilities of each student.

The orientation of vocational guidance on the comprehensive development of the individual

Schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to independently choose a profession, try their hand at various areas and specialties, plan future steps to obtain the desired specialty, and teachers and parents can only actively contribute and help without making a choice for the child.

Expected results of school career guidance

If there is an existing system of school career guidance that accompanies the student throughout the entire period of study, students will successfully form a conscious attitude to work and logically complete the process of choosing a profession, taking into account their interests, opportunities and requirements imposed by the labor market. The result will be further successful socialization of graduates and their easy entry into the professional world.

Career guidance in primary school

O.Yu. Boyko

MBOU "Secondary school No. 82"

Professional orientation in a general educational institution is a system of measures that contribute to the professional self-determination of the individual, the formation of a future professional who is able to use his inclinations and abilities with the greatest benefit for himself and society. The issues of choosing a profession are fundamentally of interest to an older teenager when he thinks about choosing a specialty, an educational institution in which he will master it. But the basis for professional self-determination should be laid at the stage of concrete, visual representations of the world of professions long before adolescence. Therefore, career guidance in elementary school is considered a propaedeutic stage.

The purpose of this stage is the formation of love and a conscientious attitude towards work in children of primary school age, an understanding of the role of work in the life of a person and society, the development of interest in the world of professions, including the professional sphere of activity of parents and the immediate environment.

At this stage, students are involved in various types of cognitive, playful, socially useful work activities. In the process of teaching in elementary school, all subjects can be used as an opportunity to form an interest in the work of adults in younger students. Professional orientation in mathematics lessons is carried out by holding short conversations about the profession mentioned in the problem statement. The lessons of the surrounding world also contribute to solving the problems of labor education and career guidance. For example, as part of the study of the topic “Human Economy”, you can talk about the professions of the rural industry (milkmaid, combine operator, poultry house, etc.), while studying the topic “Journey of the Kolobok”, students get acquainted with the work of people, thanks to which bread appears on the tables (flour grinder, baker, kneader, etc.), as part of the study of the theme "Tree in human life", they get acquainted with the professions of the forestry industry (forester, forester, machine operator in woodworking, etc.). Topic " To make the path happy” teaches students to master the rules of behavior on the roads. Children get acquainted with the professions of a driver, an inspector. Children get acquainted with animal husbandry and crop production as branches of agriculture, learn about the work of livestock breeders in the classroom. In the classes "What kind of industry is" knowledge is formed about industries (mining, electric power, metallurgy, mechanical engineering ...). In the Russian language lessons on the development of speech, younger students use the words: director, doctor, agronomist, turner, teacher, educator, policeman, driver. Students perform vocabulary work with these words: they put stresses, perform sound-letter analysis, emphasize unstressed vowels that need to be remembered. Technology lessons are based on a unique psychological and pedagogical basis - the subject-practical activity of the child. As a result, they have great development potential. Development of oversubject skills:

· constructiveness - as a general ability to put forward design ideas;

· expediency - as the ability to seek and find means and methods of work that would meet the exact goal;

· variability, flexibility - or the ability to put forward and develop not one, but several project ideas, several options for solving the same problem;

· a sense of style and stylistic harmony - as an understanding of the relationship and unity of the surrounding subject environment.

The forms of vocational guidance work in elementary school include:

1. Games (The career guidance games that are offered to schoolchildren both during lessons and after school hours include a whole class of games united by the name “Guess the profession.” These are: “Profession with a letter ...”, “Who uses in work?” (name professions that use a given tool or material, for example, a mirror or a needle), “Association” (guess the intended profession using associative questions such as “What smell (color) does the profession have?”, “Is work related to communication with people?").

2.Meetings with people of different professions;

3. Excursions to production;

4.Class hours for vocational guidance;

5.Decoration of a classroom corner and a school stand;

6.Compositions, competitions, defense of projects;

Lessons of acquaintance with professions within the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part, therefore career guidance work should be part of systematic and regular classes outside of school hours.

A well-built system of career guidance at the primary level contributes to the formation in the minds of schoolchildren of various ideas about the world of work and professions, instills in them a careful attitude to the results of work, as well as an understanding of the significance of the work of specialists for the life and development of society.


Joke about professions

We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking
And we dream soon
Mom and dad get older
Not just to dream
And who to be decide and become.

At artist sister
He can sing very loudly.
Birds sing along to Nastya,
So it will grow ... (singer)

At singers there are neighbors
Twins Denis and Fedya.
Water is boiled in the evenings

So they will be ... (cooks)

cooks with Valera in a quarrel,
He again argues about tastes.
He loves debate
So it will be ... (deputy)

Deputy friends with Marina.
The one that dances forever,
After all, the beautiful Marina
Become a dream (ballerina)

Ballerina friends with Dasha.
Dasha feeds porridge from a spoon
Capricious doll Katya -
Growing up ... (educator)

caregiver goes to school
Together with a cheerful boy.
Jan juggles the ball
So it will be ... (circus performer)

Jan- circus performer familiar with Ivan
Distrustful and strange.
He follows Uncle Dron
And dreams of becoming ... (a spy)

At spy have a brother.
Kolya is too curious
He is passionate about science
So it will grow ... (scientists)

Our scientist with friend Vasya
Swimming at home on a mattress.
Deftly rounded the sofa
Vasya, brave ... (captain)

captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with manna porridge.
And then they treated with cabbage soup.
They want to become ... (doctors)

At doctors have three girlfriends
Dress up in pillows.
Galya, Masha and Vera
By calling ... (fashion designers)

fashion designers love gosh,
Because he's good.
He wrote them a sonnet
So it will grow ... (poet)

At poet brother - Stepashka,
He taught the insect all year
Jump from glass to bucket.
Styopa - young ... (trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima
The whole day they were looking for a mine.
Dima jar under the fence,
Buried to become ... (sapper)

At sapper Older brother,
He is always happy to help everyone.
Cats from a tree remover,
Lyova - the future ... (rescuer)

Our rescuer walks in pairs
With a kind girl Tamara.
She treats animals with a decoction,
Wants to become ... (veterinarian)

At veterinarian Then we
The mice have all left the house.
He will find them by questioning everyone,
Tima, local... (detective)

Detective ours on the couch
Found Ani's hairpin.
Anya is learning the role of Alice,
To become big ... (actress)

Riddles about professions

Who is more useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases?

Answer (doctor)

Last time I was a teacher

The day after tomorrow - the driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...

Answer (artist)

Brings a glass eye

Click once - and remember you.

Answer (Photographer)

Love nature, respect the elderly? Answer (Teacher)

Will fly up into the sky like a swallow,

Dive into the lake as a fish.

Answer (Jumper into the water)

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

Answer (Cook)

Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hand

He himself is colorfully painted.

Answer (Malyar)

He, going on his round,

He puts on a medical gown,

He puts medicines in a bag,

Then he walks to the barnyard. Answer (Vet)

We must fight fire

We are partners with water.

We are very much needed by all people,

Answer quickly, who are we?

Answer (Firefighters)

I'll throw a stick, I won't kill a jackdaw,

I don't pluck feathers, I don't eat meat. Answer (fisherman)

We will rise when you sleep

And sift the flour in a sieve,

Let's heat up the oven,

To bake bread in the morning.

Answer (Baker)

Sharpens parts on the machine

This staff member...


The horn sings, the horn sings!

We drive the herd to the meadow.

We graze cows all day

As soon as it becomes hot - we drive into the shade. (Shepherds)

In the circus, he is the funniest of all.

He has great success.

It remains only to remember

The merry fellow, as he is called.


The earth awaits his work,

As soon as the dawn lights up the rays.

In the spring he combs the fields,

Autumn will come - shear.


They put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes.

And heels -

Also the work of these hands.


Proverbs about labor

· You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

· Without good work there is no fruit.

· Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.

· I did not know how to sew with gold, so strike with a hammer.

· Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!

· Who does not work shall not eat.

· If only there was a hunt, every work would improve.

· A small deed is better than a big idleness.

· The work of the master is afraid.

· Get up early - step further.

· Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie.

· To take on everything - to do nothing.

· There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.

· Without work and rest is not sweet.

· Every person is known by the work.

· Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

· Every skill comes with hard work.

· Love for work is in people's minds.

· To work with joy, and from work with pride.

· Business - time, fun - hour.

· They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

· The morning hour gives us gold.

· Bread is not given for free.

· The owner is the one who works.

· Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

· Patience and a little effort.

Life does not stand still: modern production is developing, new technologies, new professions, a new approach to life are emerging. That is why, in recent years, I have been working more actively on the topic "Vocational guidance work in elementary school". This problem today in pedagogy, as you know, is very relevant.

I see the urgency of the problem, first of all,

- in motivation that performs the function of its regulation and support

- in the formation of a younger student's attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity.

What is the scientific and practical my work:

- targeting a specific profession

– training in self-esteem skills

- development of the emotional component of psychological readiness.

We keep up with the times at school and our task as teachers is to give not only knowledge, but we teach children to live not tomorrow, but live here and now. From an early age, we are working on the formation of a child's attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity. And it is the age of the younger student that is most favorable for such formation.

The purpose of my work:

  • to develop the cognitive abilities of students on the basis of creating the most diverse impressions of the world of professions;
  • to form educational and educational motives;
  • give them the opportunity to test themselves in a game situation close to reality;
  • to form holistic knowledge, needs for creative activity;
  • develop intellectual and creative abilities.

Hence it follows main tasks vocational guidance in elementary school:

  • to introduce students to the diversity of the world of professions;
  • to form concrete and visual representations of the essential aspects of the profession;
  • to cultivate industriousness, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in bringing things to the end, respect for the results of one's own and others' work;
  • understanding of the role of labor in human life;
  • development of interest in various professions.

In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, i.e. with the professions of people who are well acquainted, whose work children observe every day.

The age of a younger student is most favorable for the formation of an attitude towards oneself as a subject of future professional activity, but career guidance should be structured in such a way that the child is interested. And what is interesting for a younger student? It's a game.

Therefore, I spend my acquaintance with professions in role-playing game and not only at class hours, family holidays, excursions, but at all lessons. I carefully think over this activity during the preparation of educational and thematic plans for the coming academic year. Each lesson deals with a particular profession, students have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the world of professions, as well as explore their abilities in relation to the profession in question.

In the lessons of mathematics, reading, the world around me, I use role-playing games aimed at solving educational and educational problems. These are games: “Shop”, “Library”, “Guide” and others. Game exercises not only contribute to the assimilation of knowledge, but also activate cognitive processes, stimulate independence and self-control.

It is no secret that it is much more pleasant to live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, creativity. At the lessons of speech development, I conduct a game - the composition “Beginner Journalist”. The student acts as a journalist, interviews parents, neighbors, processes information and writes an essay.

At the lesson of the world around, in the course of practical work, the children planted flowers. Then I spoke for the first time about the profession of florist.

It was a surprise for me that this profession interested not only girls, but also boys.

On their own, from additional sources, the guys learned a lot of interesting things about this profession.

In technology lessons, it is very important that the child wants to create something of his own, unique, unlike the model that we often offer teachers. Therefore, getting acquainted with the technique of paper plasticity when making the “Sea Animals” panel, the guys master a lot of techniques for working with paper: folding, corrugating, cutting, twisting.

Children learn to create three-dimensional figures, which is not so easy to do. I, in turn, try to give an idea of ​​what kind of profession such skills can be useful. For example, when considering the profession of "architect", attention is paid to the development of abilities related to observation, eye, spatial-figurative, creative thinking.

A lively interest and a creative approach to this type of work activity allows me to conclude that such professions as a designer, fashion designer, architect are already of interest to children, and some of them even see themselves in these professions.

In the process of work, students share encyclopedic knowledge about marine life, which is very valuable for me. It's also a profession. scientist. Children learn to comprehend the basics of research work, intellectual work.

Such lessons in creativity arouse interest in a particular area of ​​work. And so that the children have the opportunity to choose what and how to create in the lesson, I tried to interest them as much as possible and give them the opportunity to express their creative imagination and independence of each of them, and then career guidance goes beyond the scope of the lesson.

Meetings with representatives of various professions of our city have become traditional.

So, in the 1st grade, we invited an employee forestry.

The students themselves prepared material on this topic, gave many examples from the life of their pets.

During the excursion to the airport, we got acquainted with the professions pilot and stewardess.

And three of the guys decided to connect their lives with the sky .

The meeting with the honorary citizen of our city Farit Gazizullin did not leave anyone indifferent. An outstanding personality is a geologist, artist, musician.

He introduced us to his main profession - geologist and the children discovered a fascinating science - geology.

His story included visual material: photographs, drawings, paintings, videos from the expedition sites. Important points such as:

  • the history of the profession (where the word came from, how the face of the profession changed, etc.);
  • content of labor;
  • professionally important qualities;
  • restrictions on working in this profession;
  • interesting cases.

A survey of students shows that with such a system of work, interest in new professions is growing from year to year, because there are a great many exciting professions. In addition, children acquire the skills of self-esteem and self-realization, which develops the emotional component of their psychological readiness for professional self-determination.

Working in this direction, I came to the conclusion that to choose a profession :

  • desire to learn
  • pact with oneself
  • examination of professions and their characteristics,
  • emotional desire,
  • pragmatism.

And in conclusion, I want to say: "The future belongs to those who are sacredly faithful to their dream."