Calm deep lake.

The dream where you swim in the lake foreshadows a hidden danger threatening you.

Sailing on the lake on a rowboat - do a crazy act, which you will bitterly repent of.

If you are sailing on a large lake on a large ship, you will have a long journey that will bring you a lot of new impressions.

Water skiing on the lake means striving to speed up the course of events, which is unlikely to succeed.

Fishing in the lake means a long absence of your husband, when you have to pull the whole load of worries around the house alone.

A calm lake in calm weather means a happy marriage and complete understanding between spouses who love each other.

A stormy lake in the raging weather foreshadows obstacles in love.

A clear lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, suggests that you will fully fulfill your duty to your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be destroyed by the interference of competitors.

The muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the location of an influential person.

Clean sandy bottom - do the business you like.

The swampy deserted shore of a dreaming lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs.

The wooded coast is a sign of affection and friendly disposition.

Drowning in the lake - you will find yourself in a critical situation, which you can only get out of thanks to resourcefulness and cunning.

Seeing a mermaid in the lake is a warning dream: do not succumb to illusions that can lead you to a dead end.

Seeing the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake - you will succeed in what you have been striving for so long and unsuccessfully until now.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Posted by: Guest

pay for a ticket - pay for a ticket.

confidence in victory - confidence in victory.

to depict the battle of Borodino - to depict the battle of Borodino. share about your achievements - share your achievements. to prove that you are right - to prove that you are right.

indicate shortcomings - indicate shortcomings.

report on the work - report on the work., report on the work done.

to explain the rules of conduct - to explain the rules of conduct. headache pills - headache pills.

Posted by: Guest

1.the athlete was wearing a warm sweater knitted from pure wool.

2. the outside of the hut was whitewashed with slaked lime.

3. A freight train loaded with sand was slowly passing by the station.

4. the table was covered with a homespun tablecloth.

5. every people, invited and uninvited, gathered a multitude.

6. Potatoes fried in ghee were served as a side dish.

7. A horse forged on all four legs does not stumble.

8. Models of new costumes were demonstrated, cut and sewn by experienced craftsmen.

9. the papers are yellowed, like money - still intact, tattered, smeared, cross-greased crosswise.

10. part of the way had to be done on unpaved roads.

11. vitamins are found mainly in raw, uncooked vegetables.

12. There was little firewood in that war winter, they lived in unheated premises.

13. in some places the track of an abandoned, untouched road peeped out from under the snow.

14. he was on his way to Moscow, for fun, he humbled unworn horses.

15. fishermen ate fish soup and potatoes baked in ash.

16. Among other paintings in the exhibition, several watercolors stood out.

17. there are fresh and fresh frozen meat on sale.

18. I have sown bread, and your baker strives to bake with bran.

Posted by: Guest

the storm has already died down, the wind has eased.

as it comes around, it will respond.

the frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Posted by: Guest

language is thinking. to learn a language - to expand the boundaries of your consciousness. from the language comes to a large extent cognition, the study of the surrounding world. the language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful national. the connection and culture of the people with the language is especially clearly manifested at the phraseological level. a large number of proverbs, sayings reflect national traits, with the linguistic imagery that goes back to the people, their way of life, customs, traditions. other goals of the native language are comprehension of the culture of their people, knowledge of its originality, the formation of one of the most important value orientations - the awareness of the importance of the native language in the life of the people, the development of the spiritual and moral world. in the conditions of our multinational state - this is also the knowledge of the culture of the people in its meeting with other cultures, awareness of the diversity of the spiritual and material world, recognition and understanding of the values \u200b\u200bof the culture of another people, the ability to live and communicate in a multinational country. learning the mother tongue is often associated only with dreary school lessons. but we have been teaching him all our lives! just talking every day, we forget about the joy of learning the language. and the speech of some generally degrades, sinking to primitive slang. delving into the mystery of the language, we assimilate the golden treasures of the people and educate a creative personality in ourselves. what joy awaits everyone who understands the depth of the word, realizes in heart and mind the need for constant study, knows the happiness of spirituality. in fact, happy is the one who has cognized in reality the spell of the native word, brought up in himself a thirst for knowledge and maintains it throughout his whole life.

Decision 2656.. Find sentences that use the same punctuation rule for a dash. Write down the numbers of these sentences. (1) Lake Baikal is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water, the most

Task 21... Find sentences that use the same punctuation rule for a dash. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

(1) Lake Baikal is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water, the deepest lake on earth. (2) It is not for nothing that the people from ancient times have called Baikal the sea. (3) The lake stretches in a giant crescent for 636 km from southwest to northeast. (4) The area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of Lake Baikal is thirty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two square kilometers, on which countries such as Belgium or Israel could fit. (5) The length of the coastline is two thousand kilometers. (6) Baikal amazes people with its solemn beauty, primordiality - poems, songs, myths and legends are dedicated to it. (7) “Baikal, it would seem, should suppress a person with its grandeur and size: everything in it is large, everything is wide, free and mysterious. (8) He, on the contrary, elevates it, "VG Rasputin wrote about Baikal.


In this task, we select all sentences in which the sign specified in the task is put (colon, comma or dash), and determine which rules are associated with the setting of this sign. We need to find one of the repeating options and write down all the sentences that correspond to the same rule. If one of the sentences is missed or at least one extra is written out, no point is given for the task.

Consider those sentences in which a dash is put, and in each case we define a rule.

(1) Lake Baikal is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water, the deepest lake on earth. - dash between subject and predicate.

(4) The area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of Lake Baikal is thirty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two square kilometers, on which countries such as Belgium or Israel could fit. - dash between subject and predicate.

(5) The length of the coastline is two thousand kilometers. - dash between subject and predicate.

(6) Baikal amazes people with its solemn beauty, primordiality - poems, songs, myths and legends are dedicated to it. - A dash between parts of a non-union complex sentence.