Amanita dried medicinal properties. Fly agaric treatment in folk medicine

- Amanita muscarina (Fr) Quel. Plate family - Agahcaceae.

Amanita muscaria is a saprophyte mushroom with a fruiting body in the form of a hat on a stalk 7-15 cm high. The stalk is white, narrowed upwards, tuberous-thickened downwards, a hat 7-20 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms almost spherical, in mature mushrooms convex or almost flat with a slightly striated edge. The skin is bright red or orange, with large white or yellowish warts. The flesh of the mushroom is white, under the skin of the cap is yellow or reddish, without a special smell.

In the fruiting body of the fungus, highly toxic alkaloids muscarine and muscaridine were found, causing severe poisoning, as well as trimethylamine, choline, and the antibiotic dye muscafurin, which belongs to colicoric acid derivatives that have antitumor effects.

Fly agaric is highly poisonous! We were taught about this from childhood, and therefore, when they see a hat burning like a bright flashlight, many mercilessly knock it down with their feet or a stick. And this is explained by the fact that as a result of poisoning by this forest dweller, suffocation, convulsions, and loss of consciousness occur.

The religious hymns of the ancient Indians who lived in the countries of South America contain references to the narcotic and intoxicating properties of the red fly agaric, which was used by many tribes to prepare a water decoction and, together with alcohol, was used at various ritual celebrations. By the way, the cult of sacred mushroom-idols among the inhabitants of Guatemala, Mexico and Peru existed already several millennia ago. The Indians called mushrooms "divine" and believed that they allow you to find out the causes of the disease and treat them.

In folk medicine, the red fly agaric was used in the treatment of cancer patients and pulmonary tuberculosis. Water-alcohol extracts, drops and tinctures of fly agaric, according to V. G. Nikolaev (1964), were rubbed with rheumatism. Kipel, Kuprievich, Shein, Chalovsky and other authors have information about this (D.K. Tes et al., 1974).

Similar indications of the same use of the fungus are found in the "Healers" of the XVII-XVIII centuries (N. I. Orlov, 1953).

The Eskimos, Koryaks and other peoples of Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Alaska highly valued fly agaric as a remedy for nervous and mental disorders. In moderate doses, these peoples used it to raise their tone, relieve physical fatigue, and the doctors of central Russia knew recipes for various drugs containing fly agaric, which were used to treat tumors, diseases of internal organs, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, functional impairment of the spinal cord, rheumatism , gout and especially eczema and other skin lesions.

For a long time it was believed that the poisonous properties of fly agaric are manifested due to the presence of muscarine alkaloid in it. However, a detailed study of the chemical composition of the fungus found that it also contains ibotenic acid, muscinol and a number of other potent compounds, including trimethylamine, choline and the antibiotic dye muscafurin, which belongs to colicoric acid derivatives, which differ (have) antitumor activity.

In all likelihood, when used correctly, these substances can have a beneficial effect on the human body.

In any case, in recent years, scientific medicine has shown considerable interest in the fly agaric, since it has been found that the juice, ointment or decoction of the fly agaric perfectly heals the skin affected by X-ray irradiation, and not only heals, but also acts prophylactically: in patients who have applied under under the supervision of doctors, fly agaric ointment, as a rule, skin dermatitis did not occur (L. I. Stekolnikov, V. I. Muros, 1979).

The red fly agaric is used to prepare the drug Agancus muscarius, used in homeopathy for vasospasm, epileptic and choreic conditions, multiple sclerosis, tonsillitis, functional disorders of the spinal cord and severe menopause (S. E. Zelinsky, 1958).

Fly agaric red has a strong insecticidal property (the ability to kill insects), which is why it got its name,

Most often, fly agaric is used to kill flies and bedbugs. Flies instantly die even from the smallest doses of fly agaric infusion.

The destruction of flies is of great prophylactic importance in the prevention of infectious, gastrointestinal diseases spread by these insects. Due to the strong poisonousness of the fly agaric, special care should be taken when handling it.

How to use:

  1. Cut the hat and leg of the fly agaric into small pieces, pour over with water or milk and put on the table in a plate near the window. Put the filter paper in the plate so that the paper protrudes beyond the edges of the plate. As the infusion dries in the plates, replace it with fresh. Use to kill flies.
  2. Pour the fly agaric broth into plates, put blotting paper in them, as in the first method. Use to kill flies.
  3. Boil the hat and leg of the fly agaric into a liquid gruel and lubricate the cracks in which the bugs nest with it. You can also use fresh fly agaric juice.
  • With arthritis and arthrosis. Hold a few hats for two days in a dark, cool place, chop and put in a jar. Pour in vodka so that it covers the mushrooms by 1 cm, insist in a cool place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and rub into sore spots.
  • With rheumatism and sciatica. Finely chop a small fly agaric and pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. Put in a dark place at room temperature for a month. A thick jelly-like mass is formed in the jar, which is rubbed on sore spots.
  • Cut 3-4 red fly agarics and pour 3 liters of boiling water into a basin. Soar sore joints and use for compresses for soft tissue bruises.
  • For pain in the muscles and spine. Fill a clay pot with pieces of red fly agaric, coat with dough and bake in a hot Russian stove. Then strain the contents of the pot through cheesecloth or strainer. The resulting thick liquid should be stored in tightly stoppered bottles. Use for rubbing.
  • With paralysis, sciatica, polyarthritis, rheumatism. Rub the fly agaric in half with sour cream and apply on a cotton napkin to the sore spot.
  • With osteochondrosis, neuritis, neuralgia. 200 g of chopped fly agaric caps pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 5 days in a dark place, then strain and filter. Store the finished tincture in a dark place for up to 6 months. Use for rubbing, compresses and lotions as an anesthetic.
  • With cancer and astheno-neurotic syndrome. Fill a half-liter jar with mushroom caps (how much will go in), pour vodka to the top and leave for 3 weeks in the refrigerator, and then another 2 weeks - in a dark place. After that, strain and drink the tincture in a “slide”: starting with one drop per 0.5 glass of water (or milk) in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, reaching 20-25 drops at a time, and then “going down” to 1 drop. After 2-3 weeks, health will improve. The fact is that fly agaric, in addition to antitumor and antibiotic, also has a sedative effect. It calms the nerves. Cancer patients need to undergo a course of treatment with fly agaric every six months.

Homeopathic tincture of fly agaric

Line up 29 clean boiled bottles, each filled with 10 ml of 30% alcohol (or good quality vodka). In the 1st bottle, add 2 drops of fresh fly agaric juice, cork and shake vigorously 30 times. Then take 2 drops of the resulting solution from this bottle and transfer it to the 2nd bottle, shake it 30 times. Transfer 2 drops of the solution from the 2nd bottle to the 3rd and so on. From the prepared solution in the last, 29, bottle, take 20 drops and add them to the 30th bottle, where 100 ml of alcohol is poured, shake 30 times. Homeopathic tincture is ready. Its shelf life is unlimited. Store in a cool dark place.

Take 5 drops of tincture per glass of cold boiled water 1-2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and at night. When a positive effect is achieved, make the medication more rare - once a week, then, focusing on the patient's well-being, - one dose per month.

Homeopathic indications for use or medicinal pathogenesis of fly agaric

(according to T. D. Popova)

  • Epilepsy. Chorea. Tiki. Alcoholism, alcoholic delirium. Psychoses during infectious diseases, with great excitement, incoherent loquacity. Depression. Headache. Dull headache in the frontal region, involving the region of the nasal bones. Unilateral headache. Pain as from a nail driven into the head. Sensation of icy coldness in the head. Extreme sensitiveness of the scalp. Vertigo with inclination to fall backwards. Ecstatic behavior with inadequate laughter, increased tones in the voice, singing, desire to hug interlocutors. Delusional statements with unwillingness to answer questions asked.
  • Itching and burning in the eyes. Extreme sensitivity of eyelids to touch. Blepharospasm (convulsive contraction of the eyelids). Blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids). Conjunctivitis. Blurred vision. Dark flies before the eyes. Myopia (nearsightedness). Diplopia (double vision). Twitching of eyelids and eyeballs. Asthenopia (quick onset eye fatigue during visual work). Cataract.
  • Pain in the ears, stitching pains along the Eustachian tubes. Hyperemia and swelling of the auricles, as in chilliness. Itching in the ears.
  • Itching and irritation in the nose. Sneezing with runny nasal discharge. Heightened sense of smell. Nosebleeds.
  • Spasmodic tormenting cough, especially when the patient is nervous or as soon as he falls asleep, with little expectoration. Hemoptysis. Short, labored breathing with the need to take a deep breath. Profuse perspiration in chest at night. Laryngotracheitis.
  • Angina pectoris, with stitching and burning pains in the heart, radiating to the left arm. Strong heartbeat. Arrhythmia. Whitening of the fingers, tips of the ears and nose, followed by hyperemia. Angioneurosis of the extremities.
  • Increased salivation, bitter saliva. Ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue. Toothache. Halitosis. Attacks of great hunger, mostly in the evening. Belching of air and food. Nausea, vomiting immediately after eating. Heaviness and convulsive pain in the stomach. Abdominal distension, garlic-smelling flatus. Constipation with extremely difficult stool. Dysentery-like diarrhea, especially in children. Typhoid fever. Burning in anus. Scanty urine with an admixture of stringy mucus.
  • Increased libido with flaccidity of the penis. Weakness and sweat after intercourse. Premature, very painful menses, with sensation of prolapse of the uterus. Strong pressure on the bottom. Skin irritating leucorrhoea. Sexual arousal. Itching and burning in milky nipples. Itching and irritation of the genitals.
  • Tired feeling in the neck, back, especially when sitting and lying down. Pain in the muscles of the back. Cross joint injury: left arm and right leg and vice versa. Crack in the joints. Sensation of weakness in the limbs, while maintaining sufficient strength in them. Trembling of limbs. Cramps in the thumbs. Numbness, feeling of current, ice needles, crawling, burning, increased sensitivity to cold in the limbs, painful chilliness. Paresthesia. Neuralgia. Redness and cracking of the lips. Bubble eruptions over the upper lip. Redness, swelling, burning, itching of the skin. Violently itchy, millet-like eruptions on the skin.

Makeenko T.V. Brochure "Treatment with fly agaric".

Signs of fly agaric poisoning: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased sweating, salivation, shortness of breath, cyanosis, pupillary constriction, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Treatment: gastric lavage through a tube, saline laxative inside, forced diuresis, atropine 1-2 ml of a 0.1% solution intravenously until the symptoms of poisoning disappear.

Emergency first aid:

  1. Give the patient to drink 0.5-1 l of water and induce vomiting by putting fingers in the mouth and irritating the root of the tongue. So do it several times until the stomach is completely cleansed of food debris, that is, to clean water.
  2. Give the patient a saline laxative to drink - 30 g of magnesium sulfate in half a glass of water.
  3. In the absence of a laxative, give the patient an enema with 1 glass of warm water, in which it is desirable to add one teaspoon of soap chips from laundry or baby soap to enhance the action.
  4. Give the patient 15 drops of belladonna tincture (belladonna), or 30 drops of Zelenin, or 2 tablets from among any belladonna preparations available in the home medicine cabinet (becarbon, besalol, bellalgin, bellataminal, belloid, gastric tablets with belladonna extract). More than the indicated number of drops and tablets should not be taken!
  5. Deliver the patient to a medical facility.

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Fly agaric treatment is not the most familiar, even frightening phrase. If we remember that "everything is poison, and everything is a medicine," the fly agaric treatment is not perceived so categorically. From this article you will learn, fly agaric tincture on alcohol - what it helps from, what recipe it is prepared for and what requirements it must meet. You will learn what medicinal properties the mushroom has, how to ensure its safe use and what to do if poisoning does occur.

A mushroom with a bright red hat, strewn with convex white specks, has been perceived by a person since childhood as a mortal danger. In its pulp, in the cap, highly toxic compounds are really concentrated. True, the lethal dose is not one hat at a time, but about a dozen (but you should not check for yourself).

The pulp of the psychoactive mushroom is soft, white, thick. The cap is thick-fleshed, the stem is cylindrical, with a thickened base. The name of the fly agaric is telling - the mushroom is detrimental to insects, the flies cannot drink the water accumulated in the mushroom cap, under the influence of toxic substances they lose their mobility and drown.

Even a child knows what a fly agaric looks like, but few people know that animals actively eat it and even people ate it in difficult times. Deer, moose, goats and cows also do not always refuse the red and white “delicacy”. But it all depends on the area in which the mushroom grows. It turns out that the composition of the fly agaric, its toxicity, directly depends on the place of growth.

Chemical composition

There are several toxic compounds in the fruit mushroom body at once, and some demonstrate a psychotropic effect.

Fly agaric composition:

  • Ibotenic acid- during drying, it transforms into muscimol, and the acid itself and its metabolite penetrate well through the BBB. It is fraught with the death of brain cells.
  • Muscimol- the main psychoactive ingredient of fly agaric. Its effect is sedative-hypnotic, dissociative.
  • Muscarine- causes vasodilation, a decrease in cardiac output, at high doses it provokes poisoning with nausea, vomiting, salivation, increased sweating, and a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Muscazon- this is the name of the breakdown product of ibotenic acid under ultraviolet influence. Its psychoactive effect is insignificant (compared to other components).
  • Muscarufin- an antibiotic that in a small amount enhances the work of the endocrine glands, raises the overall tone of the body. As an antitumor component it is used in homeopathy. In high doses, it is toxic.

And yet, everything is controlled by the question of dose. So, French researchers found that with the right dosage, the red fly agaric can be considered a good sedative, a component of drugs against insomnia.
Important! In Finland, Holland, Norway, they know how the fly agaric is useful, and use its capabilities in medicine. Microdoses of fly agarics are used by alternative medicine as a remedy for anxiety disorders and a number of other pathologies.

Medicinal properties

The same muscarufin (the red pigment of fly agaric) is used as a natural antibiotic, a natural antitumor agent. A serious experiment was conducted on laboratory mice, which showed that muscarufin inhibits the development of sarcoma.

Diabetes and more can be controlled with fly agaric

Red fly agaric - medicinal properties:

  • Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin. Used strictly externally. Crushed, heated mushroom caps are turned into gruel, which is used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
  • Treatment of oncological diseases with fly agaric tincture is a well-known practice of traditional medicine. On specialized forums you can find detailed reviews about such treatment. Official science has studied the effect of red fly agaric on tumors (benign and malignant) in laboratory mice, and their results can be encouraging.
  • Treatment of ODA pathologies. Again, we are talking about external use, about lubricating alcohol tincture of diseased joints, certain parts of the spine. The compress is a sterile gauze, which is folded into 4 layers, moistened in alcohol tincture, applied to the skin until completely dry. The wound-healing properties of fly agaric are also known - fresh mushrooms with torn caps are kneaded, and this pulp is fixed with a bandage on the wound. But a doctor's consultation is required!
  • Fly agaric is also used for vision problems, flies before the eyes, conjunctivitis, cataracts. As he treats and pain in the ears, swelling of the ears.
  • Ointment and alcohol tincture can be useful for articular pathologies, sciatica and arthritis. The ointment is made by mixing the pounded pulp of fly agaric and sour cream.

People with cardiovascular diseases, according to many researchers, can feel the positive effect of fly agaric in microdoses. Mushroom extract, they are sure, will help patients with ischemia of the heart, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

And diabetes can be controlled with the medicinal properties of fly agaric. For women, the mushroom can help with painful periods, menopause.

In foreign sources, you can find more than one study, the authors of which note that blanching the fruiting bodies of the fly agaric deprives it of most of the toxic substances - ibotenic acid and muscimol ((Rubel and Arora 2008; Marley 2010). Blanching clears mushrooms of hallucinogens and makes them edible in a small dosage, the researchers assure.

You will learn more information about the beneficial properties of fly agaric from this video.

Application in traditional medicine

Tincture of a poisonous mushroom can alleviate the patient's condition during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis. Dermatological pathologies can also reduce their severity, if dosed, systemically take fly agaric tincture.

With oncology

Oncology is the general name of diseases, the mechanisms of development, the course and, of course, the treatment of which can vary significantly. Therefore, although herbalists often recommend a fly agaric tincture against absolutely all types of cancer, selectivity in such a serious treatment is needed. Consult with your doctor, with a phytotherapeutist, perhaps the tincture will be useful, an adjuvant in your case.

You can drink tincture in two ways:

  • Single dose - in the evening before bedtime, the first dose is 1 drop diluted in 1/3 cup of water. Daily dosage increases by exactly 1 drop. After this, the medicine is taken 10 drops for 5 days, after which the dose must be reduced.
  • Two-time reception - also start with 1 drop, but divide the application into morning and evening reception. During the week, be sure to drink sorbents (Polysorb, for example) to remove toxins from the body.

The standard reception scheme is 3 cycles. But in each specific case, it is necessary to clarify the scheme and the very rationality of such treatment. If after using the tincture a person becomes worse, you need to stop using it, drink sorbents or rinse your stomach.

For joint pain

For joints, fly agaric tincture can be used primarily as an anesthetic. Its effect is compared with that of hydrocortisone. But even such a poisonous mushroom in the correct dosage gives an effective effect, but at the same time softer than a synthetic drug.

How it works? Alkaloids in the composition of the tincture deeply affect metabolic processes, organizing a decongestant and analgesic effect. The compress acts on the inflamed nerve, which soothes the pain, relieves signs of inflammation. But, alas, the fly agaric tincture cannot heal. For truly progressive therapy of joint pathology, other means are needed.

With osteochondrosis

The principle of action of the tincture is the same as for joint pain. The medicinal composition is used for compress. The action of the drug is due to the direct influence and indirect. Direct exposure is a reaction in a specific zone of inflammation, indirect is due to the absorption of microdoses of alkaloid into the blood. There is an opinion that before applying the tincture externally, you need to sit for a while in a hot enough bath to increase blood circulation.

Amanita tincture compress fights degenerative changes in the spine

We can say that the compress on the fly agaric tincture, which is used in the treatment of degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the spine, stimulates the launch of "repair" cells to the sore back. That is, it is impossible to cure osteochondrosis directly with fly agaric, but it is possible to reduce pain, activate the body's resources. Doses, the scheme of application of the tincture is individual, the doctor must prescribe it to the patient.


Toothache, injuries, bruises, migraines, headaches - it turns out, according to folk medicine, these ailments are also treated with fly agaric tincture. To relieve an annoying toothache, a cotton swab is moistened in medicine and applied to the gums (not moistened abundantly). It is not worth keeping the cotton wool in the mouth for more than 15 minutes.

To anesthetize a bruised or injured area, rub it with fly agaric tincture until absorbed. 3-5 drops is enough, you should not take more for rubbing.

And with a severe headache, excruciating migraine, rub the temporal zone with tincture. 15 minutes after rubbing the whiskey, rinse thoroughly with warm soapy water (all face and hands should also be washed). Places of treatment are lubricated with a baby or moisturizer.

The use of red fly agaric and in is very common.


The main contraindication is that the use of dried fly agaric, its tinctures, ointments, etc., is initially a risky undertaking. Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom that is very easy to get poisoned. It is possible to use medicines made on the basis of the fungus only according to indications and according to a doctor's prescription. If you are not sure that you understand the types of fly agaric, do not pick mushrooms yourself, refer to pharmacy products.

Attention! Strictly observe dosages, keep away from children, do not engage in uncontrolled use - this is what is most important in such therapy.
  • drink and take externally for children and adolescents;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with unstable mentality;
  • people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, drug addicts.

Fly agaric is indeed both a poison and a medicine. Poison will be any use of the fungus and its preparations that are not recommended by the doctor, that does not correspond to the prescribed scheme, without reading the instructions for the drug. How to take fly agaric tincture, in each case, the doctor writes to the patient.

How to prepare alcohol tincture

For oral administration

Fresh fly agaric caps are crushed (without preliminary grinding!), Packed into half-liter containers. These containers must be packed in polyethylene, buried in the ground to a depth of 50 - 100 cm. Due to immersion in the ground, a stable temperature regime will be maintained.

The jar should be in the ground for 45 days, this will make it possible for the healing juice to stand out and ferment. The juice already has its own properties, it is not as toxic as a fresh mushroom. Bioactive substances in it, on the contrary, are activated. After fermentation, the raw material is filtered, mixed with medical alcohol in equal proportions.

Attention! It is safer to use the pharmacy version, this is a 100% high-quality drug that can be used at home.

For outdoor use

This tincture is also not so easy to prepare. Small and medium mushroom caps should be cut into small pieces. They fit into a clean jar. The pieces need to be tamped, and then pour vodka so that the alcohol covers the mushroom mass by 2 cm. The jar needs to be wrapped in something, left in a cool, dark place. The tincture should stand there for 40 days.

There is also a faster recipe for making tincture for rubbing and compresses. Raw materials are crushed with a meat grinder, juice is squeezed out of mushrooms (through several gauze layers). The juice is mixed with medical alcohol, left to infuse for 6 days in a dark and cool place.

You will clearly see the preparation of the tincture in the presented video explanation.

Fly agaric harvesting

The collection begins at the end of summer, ends at the beginning of October. You need to collect young and mature raw materials, wormy and rotten mushrooms do not need to be touched.


Mushrooms collected in the Far East are considered the most healing. The best fly agaric will be the one that is collected at the end of the season, already before the first frost. Mushrooms are not cut with a knife, only with hands (in gloves).

Usually only hats are collected. If there are no spores on the fungus (that is, white spots), they may have been washed away by rain. Such mushrooms are also suitable for harvesting, but they will not be as useful. The collected mushrooms are brought home, and further manipulations with them are carried out so as not to endanger households and pets.


It is impossible to dry fly agarics in the oven or stove - with this method of harvesting, the mushrooms will lose their healing properties. First, it is recommended to dry the mushrooms in the sun, i.e. natural way. By heating the fly agarics with the sun, the ibotenic acid in them will turn into muscimol. If it is not possible to dry the mushrooms in the sun, drying can also take place in a dry, ventilated room.

Toadstools should dry in the sun

It's not worth overdrying. The medicinal mushroom should not be so dry that it crumbles directly in the hands. Store medicinal raw materials in paper or linen bags. So that the dangerous ibotenic acid does not remain in the mushrooms, it is believed that they should rest for at least 2 months. At the same time, it should be understood that about half of all the useful properties of the fly agaric loses during the year of storage.

Where to buy fly agaric tincture

Pharmacy form of tincture this is the safest treatment option for fly agaric - and then only if it is recommended by a doctor. Fly agaric tincture is quite affordable, in a pharmacy its price ranges from 600 to 700 rubles per 50 ml.

You can buy a ready-made tincture from our partners Phyto-Doctor Pharmacy, at a price of 630 rubles per 50 ml. Detailed instructions are attached to the drug.

You can find out more details and consult about the use of Amanita tincture by clicking on the link to the Phyto-Doctor manufacturer's website or by calling: 8-800-511-84-02

Expert opinion

Interesting information about different types of fly agaric can be found in Mikhail Vishnevsky's book "His Majesty the fly agaric". Mikhail is an authoritative Russian mycologist, the author of more than one scientific book on mushrooms. He notes that in folk medicine, fly agaric is used quite successfully: in the form of tinctures, lotions, ointments. But at the same time, the mycologist emphasizes that there are still no exhaustive scientific studies on the effectiveness of such an application.

In folk medicine, fly agaric is used successfully: in the form of tinctures, lotions, ointments

The positive effect of the fungus in some cases, according to Vishnevsky, is associated with a general physiotherapeutic effect. By itself, steaming or rinsing already gives the desired effect, without being tied to a specific product.

Mikhail writes that there is no doubt about the poisonousness of the mushroom, but at the same time, no deaths due to its use have been registered. In a word, mycology (the science of mushrooms) can be interesting not only for specialists, but also for everyone who wants to learn more about this kingdom, including about the treatment with fly agarics. An entire chapter is devoted to what medicinal properties it demonstrates in Vishnevsky's book.

Scientific studies on the effectiveness of fly agaric

There is an opinion that can no longer find primary sources, but demonstrates a large-scale citation that fly agaric tincture helps with oncology. But there is no reliable information that people have cured cancer with the help of fly agaric, no. There are reviews and stories on the Internet, but they work “on trust”: no medical documentation is attached to them.

In homeopathy, the red fly agaric has been used for a long time, in orthodox medicine its use is currently limited.

Fungoterapevt I. A. Filippova assures that plant poison is not as dangerous as modern chemotherapy drugs. The side effects of chemotherapy are much more serious than the effect of the red fly agaric. The specialist also notes that with controlled use, the composition of the fungus is quickly and without consequences excreted by the kidneys. But, despite strong evidence, studies that have found the beneficial properties of muscarufine, fly agaric has not yet been widely used. Only a few doctors use it in the treatment of various diseases.

On a note! A lot of work devoted to the study of fly agaric was carried out by Olard Dixon. In his work "The Mysteries of Amanita" you can, among other things, find information about the medicinal properties of the fungus and research on these properties.

Let's remember children's fairy tales. It tells that the fly agaric is a deadly mushroom that needs to be avoided. Indeed, the red fly agaric is one of the brightest representatives of psychoactive poisonous mushrooms. Belongs to the genus Amanita.

It has been used as an intoxicant since ancient times. But despite this, it still continues to be used in medicine, and in general, a very interesting representative of the forest.

Description and photo of the Red Amanita

Despite all the danger posed by the red fly agaric mushroom, nevertheless, it is very attractive. Strongly stands out among the general mass of mushrooms. You will definitely not pass by when you see this red hat.

From Latin -

However, we recommend teaching children from childhood what this forest representative hides and that in no case should it be touched. After all, even touching the fly agaric with bare hands, and then getting substances on the mucous membranes can lead to serious consequences.

Let's take a closer look at the appearance of this mushroom in order to find out what is really worth fearing.


The hat is exactly the part for which the authors of legends, folk tales and fairy tales love the dangerous fly agaric so much. It has a bright red color and a glossy sheen. Therefore, even in cloudy weather, it does not go unnoticed. From above, the mushroom seemed to be sprinkled with white flakes. These small warts, located in discord, make the hat of this mushroom as attractive and interesting as possible. By the way, the diameter of the fly agaric, depending on the place of growth and the individual characteristics of the soil, varies from 8 to 20 cm.

All young mushrooms have cone-shaped caps, and the edges are close to the stalk. However, with age, the hat flattens out and becomes like an umbrella.

Over time, by mid-autumn, the hat becomes completely flat.

As for the pulp, it has a white tint. Toward the end of summer, the skin has a light yellow or light orange color. However, the smell is not very pronounced.

As for the width of the plates, they have indicators from 8 to 12 mm. The color of the plates varies from beige to white. The plates are arranged in discord, and are not always amenable to any interpretation. Also, between them are smaller intermediate plates.


The fly agaric leg also attracts attention. Its height varies from 7 to 20 cm, depending on age and growing conditions. In diameter, it is from 1 to 2.5 cm. As for the shape of the leg, it has a cylindrical appearance, and the base is simplified by several centimeters. The leg has a yellowish or white tint. In adulthood, the leg becomes full.

If you look at the leg, then in adulthood you can see that a ring-skirt is formed on it from a very thin fabric.

Its edges are uneven and look like a tutu, slightly torn at the edges.

The spores that fall out between the plates sometimes linger on the stalk. And the spore powder itself is white.


By the way, the pulp of fly agaric is very changeable. If the hat has an orange-red tint, then this specimen is already quite old. Its flesh becomes beige or yellowish. But mushrooms with a bright red cap on the cut, on the contrary, have dense white flesh. The pulp does not have any unpleasant odor. It is ordinary, mushroom, even fragrant. The pulp itself is elastic and does not change color when interacting with oxygen.

As for the pulp of the leg, it is easily divided into fibers and is also quite elastic. However, with age, it can become a little hollow, and its contents become like cotton wool.


The plates are quite thin and arranged in discord. A white spore powder ripens in them.

Depending on age, the plates have a shade from white to orange.

When and where does the fly agaric grow

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the place where the fly agaric grows. Of course, they are based in central Russia, but have also been seen to the north. In addition, these dangerous mushrooms inhabit the territory of Eastern, Northern and Western Europe. Found throughout North America.

The fungus chooses cool and moist dense forests for itself. Most often forms mycorrhiza with birch and spruce. They love acidic soils, and it is here that you can see the brightest representatives of fly agaric. Mushrooms grow here with voluminous hats, and their height reaches 25 cm. They love the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere, but they do not treat the strong heat in the best way. They nest mainly in the shade. However, if for some reason direct sunlight begins to fall on the fly agaric, its hat will quickly crack, as a result of which the mushroom will lose its attractive appearance.

Less common, but still found in the mountains, where the upper boundary of the forest passes.

In our country, fly agaric can easily be found in deciduous or mixed forests. Fruiting time from August to October. In July, these mushrooms may also appear, but on condition that the summer turned out to be quite hot.

In August and September, the mushroom especially shows its poisonous properties, so you need to be careful.

Chemical composition of Amanita muscaria

Surprisingly, the red fly agaric has a chemical composition that has not yet been studied to the very end. However, it is believed that the mushroom contains alkaloids dangerous to human health. Among them are muscarine, ibotenic acid, muscimol and other orange-red pigments that are harmful to humans.

However, it contains many amino acids, but they have a dangerous neighborhood, so it is not recommended to take fly agaric for food or for treatment on your own.

fruiting season

The fruiting season of this fungus is quite short, but in any case, shorter than that of other mushrooms. It ripens really well by August, and in October the growth season is already over. It turns out that you can find this fly agaric in the prime of life only for one and a half to two months at best.

However, if the summer turned out to be hot, and by September the weather became cooler, without too bright sun, then the fruiting period can last all of October, and reach mid-November.

In general, everything is very individual and depends on the place of growth.

By the way, the more fertile and acidic the soil, the more likely it is that the fly agaric will live longer.


Amanita muscaria should never be eaten. This is a poisonous and also psychoactive flu. It has an intoxicating effect, and also harms human health, starting with the gastrointestinal tract, ending with diseases of the liver, kidneys, nervous system and the entire circulatory system.

Unfortunately, fly agaric poisoning is rare, but it can still be fatal. However, this is possible for people who have eaten about 15 hats, while having weak immunity and resistance to toxic substances.

Cases have been recorded when, after the use of this mushroom, people experienced loss of consciousness, amnesia or lethargic sleep. People complain of hallucinations, attacks of severe pain, as well as pain in the stomach and intestines.

Role in animal life

The significance of the red fly agaric for animals has not yet been clarified. However, cases have been proven when sick forest dwellers began to unquestioningly eat fly agaric. And over time it got better.

It is believed that animals eat fly agaric instinctively, as it can numb pain and induce a state of euphoria. This is a kind of natural anesthesia or anesthesia that relieves animals from pain.

Despite the fact that forest dwellers feed on this fly agaric, the chemical composition of this fungus does not change, it still remains harmful. Therefore, if the animal was very ill or experienced health problems, the fly agaric only accelerates the time when death occurs.

However, there are benefits from fly agaric. This red mushroom relieves pain and makes the last hours or days of the animal's life a little easier.

Video footage from the forest

The similarity of red fly agaric with other species

Of course, outwardly, red fly agarics repeat some representatives of the mushroom kingdom. With whom can they be confused?

Royal fly agaric

Yes, these mushrooms are very similar. At least they have a peculiar shape both at a young and at a mature age. So, in the early stage of development, the royal fly agaric has a cone-shaped hat, which begins to rise with age, and gradually becomes flat.

Inattentive mushroom pickers will not immediately notice the difference in color. The fact is that the red fly agaric has a pronounced red or red-orange hue. While the royal fly agaric, on the contrary, has a brownish light or dark shade of the cap. But in conditions of poor forest lighting, these nuances are difficult to see, since the entire cap of the mushroom in both cases is covered with peculiar growths and warts of a white or beige hue.

However, you need to be careful, since both mushrooms are highly poisonous.

Caesar mushroom

Amanita muscaria has a very dangerous resemblance to Caesar mushrooms. They grow in southern Europe. They have very similar hats. Caesar mushroom grows in Italy and Spain, and even in the southern part of Russia, is a delicacy. And if you confuse these two types, you can seriously suffer from the consequences. However, attentive mushroom pickers can see that these two types of mushrooms can be easily distinguished from each other by the plates, which are located on a golden yellow stem.

Also, you can cut the pulp. In the royal mushroom, the flesh has a brown tint, while in the red fly agaric it is boiling white.

How poisonous is Amanita muscaria?

Unfortunately, the red fly agaric is truly poisonous. Given the set of substances contained in its composition, it can lead a person into a state of extreme intoxication, cause him to have fits of anger or laughter, as well as various kinds of hallucinations. In especially neglected situations, people felt a loss of consciousness, fell into a lethargic sleep and completely lost their memory.

Unfortunately, sometimes deaths have even been known.

But what kind of psychoactive effect does fly agaric have on a person?

Hallucinogenic effect of Red Amanita

As mentioned above, the composition of the red fly agaric contains muscarine, ibotenic acid and muscimol. If you examine the fruiting body of this fungus, you can find other toxic substances that are responsible for the hallucinogenic effect. For example, ibotenic acid is highly toxic. That it can provoke the death of brain cells. For a long time it was believed that muscarine itself is a psychotropic substance. However, after a lot of time, as well as research by scientists, it was proved that muscimol, which is combined with the work of ibotenic acid, has a psychotropic effect. There is a kind of expansion of blood vessels, as well as a decrease in heart beats per minute.

As soon as muscarine enters the body in large quantities, it begins to provoke hallucinogenic properties.

People who have had fly agaric poisoning describe that at some point they began to experience a strong feeling of anger or vice versa, happiness. Over time, this condition began to grow. There was a kind of anxiety, increased heart rate. There is an unexpected release of energy that a person could hardly cope with.

Gradually, strange things began to appear.

The person falls into a state of drowsiness. In this state, sounds are amplified, and simple steps can be regarded as the strongest sound.

In such a situation, a person begins to see various situations that do not really have a place to be. There were cases when, when poisoned by red fly agaric, people heard shots, ran around the apartment, trying to escape, although in fact the loud sound was nothing more than simple steps.

Psychotropic and toxic properties of substances

The psychotropic properties of the red fly agaric deserve special attention. These mushrooms contain special psychoactive substances in their composition, as a result of which they tried to use this mushroom in folk medicine, as well as in all kinds of religious ceremonies.

For example, if you turn to the history of the northern peoples, you can find out that they used these mushrooms in order to get drunk. It is believed that the action of this mushroom is very similar to severe intoxication. As a result of exposure to substances on the body, severe hallucinations begin to appear, and the state of a person quickly changes from strong anger to a state of joy.

Patients say that at first they experienced a strange visual effect. All the objects that appeared before them began to split in two, sounds appeared that accompanied various color phenomena and visions that did not really have a place to be. After that, a kind of loss of consciousness occurred, which ended in amnesia.

By the way, a very interesting fact. Reindeer, when they see red fly agarics under a layer of snow, immediately try to eat them. The fact is that in this way they get much more energy.

Also, the local northern peoples continue to dry these mushrooms. After the mushrooms are dried, pieces are bitten off from them, experienced and washed down with water. This is a kind of local energy. As for psychoactive and toxic substances, they are perfectly soluble in hot water. Therefore, if fly agarics are boiled in several waters at once, while waiting for the mushroom to boil, then you can save it from toxic effects.

However, eating red fly agaric continues to be dangerous, since the effect can be different, and not always positive.

Important! It is worth noting that the red fly agaric is a healthy and delicious food in Japan. It is also reported that there this mushroom is boiled in three waters at once, after which it becomes edible. However, only the most daring gourmets decide to taste it.

It is believed that after eating this mushroom, a person can easily laugh for about 2 hours, or vice versa, falls into terrible despair. All this time, a person is in captivity of a hallucinogen, he can even lose consciousness. Substances act on the psyche almost immediately after use. Some experience a strong feeling of suffocation, fall into convulsions.

Also, this is a special kind of drug that is used by sophisticated drug addicts.

However, often the use of red fly agaric does not go unnoticed for the psyche. It is loosened, the nervous system stops working in its proper mode. Therefore, people have an acute shortage of an additional dose of energy, so they sit down on the use of red fly agaric. This is a kind of addiction, which, of course, must be fought.

Help with poisoning

It is terrible if you are a victim of fly agaric poisoning. Of course, this condition must be dealt with as soon as possible. But what to do in order to quickly rid yourself of the consequences of poisoning?

If you have just consumed fly agaric, it did not have time to pass through the intestines, which means that it is absorbed into the body, you need to act urgently. To do this, you need to go to the restroom and use the “two fingers in your mouth” method to try to induce an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Do this until the entire contents of your meal is out of the stomach.

Before the doctor arrives, try to drink as much water as possible. But at the same time, you do not need to try to seize the fly agaric with any other products. Indeed, sometimes the combination can be fatal.

In any case, whenever it turns out whether you have used fly agaric or not, urgently call a doctor or go to the nearest medical facility on your own.

If a fly agaric was eaten by a child, in this case, you should go to the hospital immediately.

What needs to be done in order to get rid of the consequences?

For starters, the doctor will find out what exactly you ate. And also, be sure to ask about your condition. After that, get ready for a not very pleasant procedure, as a result of which your stomach and intestines will be washed.

It is also possible to install an enema.

In addition, you will have to spend several hours under the influence of droppers. This is necessary in order to replace the destructive properties of fly agaric with useful substances. Also, be sure to use saline.

The next step you will need to stay under the supervision of a doctor for a specified period. If your condition is more or less, then in this case you will have to be under observation for one or two days. If the condition leaves much to be desired, then the time spent under the supervision of a doctor varies.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Despite all its dangerous properties, fly agaric is an integral element of many medicines. Let's find out what kind of drugs we are talking about

Ointment for sciatica and arthritis

Ointment from the red fly agaric perfectly fights diseases such as arthritis and sciatica. It can be either prepared at home or purchased ready-made. Many pharmacies sell this remedy, which is also effective against skin diseases.

Preparing this ointment at home is quite simple. To do this, you need to collect fresh fly agaric. Be sure to clean them and prepare for use.

You will need sour cream in the same amount as mushrooms. For example, for 500 g of mushrooms, 500 g of sour cream.

Mushrooms need to be chopped into very small pieces. After that, they are thoroughly mixed with sour cream. It turns out a kind of gruel, which must be applied to the problem area. If for some reason the ointment does not go well, then we recommend that you grind the entire mixture in a blender. Apply the ointment to the problem area, then put on the film and tie a bandage.

Leave the product on for 2 hours to 12 hours. For example, it is great to do this procedure at night. In the morning, simply remove the bandage and rinse off the ointment under running warm water. By the way, the prepared ointment will be stored for only 10 days. It is desirable to move it into a glass or ceramic container and send it to the refrigerator.

However, before using such a remedy on yourself, be sure to consult a doctor.

For varicose veins

Another fly agaric can be used for varicose veins. To do this, you will need 300 g of mushroom caps. They need to be washed well, and then pour 500 ml of water. Put on fire.

Cook until boiling, after which the fire must be reduced to a slow one. Cook, stirring constantly for another 15 minutes. Then strain the mixture and leave it to cool. Rub it on problem areas where there is varicose veins. You can also do compresses. For example, moisten a cloth in a warm or hot liquid, and apply it to the problem area. The rag must be wrapped and left for a long time.

Use in cosmetology

You will be surprised, but fly agaric can even be used as a cosmetic product. After all, he ideally fights with various skin imperfections, for example, rashes, acne, and so on.

In order to get rid of skin problems on the face, it is necessary to make masks with fly agaric.

You will need 200 g of hats. They are carefully crushed, put in a blender.

There you also need to add one more spoon of your favorite oil. For example, grape seed.

Everything is thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

Add a couple of drops of an essential oil, such as tea tree oil.

After that, apply the resulting mixture to a previously cleansed and steamed face. Spread it evenly so that the mixture covers all the places where the rashes are common.

Red fly agaric tincture

We should also talk about fly agaric tincture, which has excellent properties for the body.

ATTENTION! For outdoor use.

This tincture has excellent healing properties. Despite the fact that it contains many toxic substances, it still has an antibiotic effect, as well as good antitumor properties. Has a wound healing effect. Also, the red fly agaric contains many vitamins and antioxidants that can act on problem areas as regeneration at the cellular level.

However, there are contraindications for the use of tincture.

  1. For example, it cannot be used by people under the age of 18.
  2. Treatment with fly agarics should be abandoned to women who are pregnant and lactating.
  3. Also, it is worth abandoning the fly agaric for people who have dysfunction of the cardiac system.
  4. Those who have a liver disorder and mechanical damage to the dermis.

Remember that you need to take tincture only in strictly defined dosages. Unfortunately, if you exceed the dosage, then this can lead to serious consequences, namely, poisoning, which can cause side effects.

  1. For example, nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Consciousness gets confused.
  5. Increases sweating.
  6. Increased salivation.
  7. You can observe the strongest disorder of the stool.
  8. The excitability of the central nervous system increases.
  9. The person experiences severe hallucinations, both auditory and visual.
  10. You can notice the expansion of the pupils, as well as loss of consciousness.

If you notice one of the above symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance. In the meantime, you need to drink as much water as possible, with rehydron diluted in it.

So, how to prepare and infuse the tincture yourself?

For its preparation, only hats are required. But the legs are not needed.

  1. So, rinse the fly agaric caps well and clean them from growths.
  2. Then, cut into small cubes, dip into a bottle and fill with vodka.
  3. You need to insist on this setting for 40 days. In this case, the bottle should be in a dark and cool place.
  4. Due to the effects of toxins, alcohol will turn red over time. After the fly agaric has been infused, the agent is filtered.

Important! By the way, it is still recommended to leave large pieces of mushrooms in a container. They can be used very well for lotions.

But this is far from the only recipe for making an effective tincture. For example, you can use a less expensive recipe. You only need four hats, which you finely chop with a knife. They also need to be moved to a 0.5 bottle and pour vodka into it. Insist 30 days, and then strain. But the gruel can be used as a healing mask.

Such an external tincture is perfectly used for the treatment of varicose veins, for oncology, as well as for other skin problems. In addition, it shows a good effect in the treatment of joints. The healing properties of the tincture are widespread. They help to get rid of arthrosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

To do this, you will need a small piece of cotton fabric.

  1. It must be thoroughly moistened in tincture.
  2. After that, place the pieces of tissue on the joints that have been affected by the disease.
  3. After that, you need to apply a compress on top, and carefully wrap everything with cling film so that moisture does not leak out.
  4. Next, wrap the treated area with a warm scarf or blanket.

If you have severe pain in the joints of the hands and arms, you need to wear cotton gloves that have been previously moistened with tincture. Put on rubber gloves on top and stay in this state all night. In the absence of rubber gloves, plastic bags can be easily used.

Such inflammatory processes quickly disappear due to external influences.

With dermatitis

Unfortunately, many people suffer from dermatological problems. They start with acne and end with various rashes that need to be dealt with very carefully. Especially this state of affairs worries girls. That is why, if you made the tincture in advance, while not throwing away the raw materials, namely the mushrooms, then be sure to contact them.

You need to get them, then mash them thoroughly with a fork or blender. The resulting slurry should be placed on problem areas. However, be careful not to burn your face. Therefore, the exposure time of the mask should be in the range of two to five minutes, until you begin to experience a strong burning sensation.

What to do after?

And after that it's very simple. You wash off the tincture, after which some kind of nourishing cream is applied

Also, every time before going to bed, you can wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad dipped in the setting. The mixture does not need to be washed off, leave it straight all night. The main condition is that the face must be absolutely clean, without any cosmetics.

Fly agaric and religion

Fly agaric is very often found in various beliefs, rituals, and so on. Especially, it concerns the average Russian history.

Fly agaric has always been considered a healing mushroom that kills those who do not respect it. At a time when they believed in paganism and Perun was considered the main God, the fly agaric was considered his representative on earth. However, he mercilessly punished those who allow themselves to disobey the Slavic god.

In general, despite the fact that the fly agaric is no doubt strong and poisonous, it has never caused fear. Even in children's fairy tales it occurs as conditionally dangerous flu, however, nowhere is it said at all how dangerous it is to health.

In Japan, the red fly agaric is considered a dangerous harbinger of death. Here they know about its properties, so they try to bypass it. Nevertheless, the inquisitive Japanese use fly agaric as a delicacy.

The red fly agaric is a dangerous mushroom, but at the same time, it is very beautiful and alluring. Therefore, if for some reason you decide to pick it, you can admire it, but in no case eat it. If it is vital for you in order to start any treatment, nevertheless, initially we recommend that you consult with your doctor. And if you get the go-ahead for all this, then you can be congratulated. You can start treatment.

Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. And the fly agaric is the mushroom that you can look at, admire, photograph, but in no case eat.

Famous mycologist about fly agaric and eating it

Since ancient times, the red fly agaric has been considered a poisonous mushroom, which you can’t even touch. Many are surprised when they find out that it has medicinal properties, and moreover, that it is edible. The use of the fungus is wide, especially in medicine.

Fly agaric medicinal properties for the human body

Despite the fact that this mushroom is poisonous, medicines are made from it. The red mushroom is used for painkillers, stimulants and anti-varicose drugs. Its use relieves pain from spasms, rheumatism, neuroses and tumors. Treatment is carried out with menopause, tuberculosis and intestinal spasms, as well as urea. Its healing properties can rejuvenate the body. From it you can make tincture and cream. Probably not to find a person who was not interested in the question: fly agaric if you eat what will happen? Red raw fly agaric cannot be used internally, it leads to poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of fly agaric

It is impossible to prescribe treatment based on the fungus for pregnant and lactating mothers, people with individual intolerance. For children under 16 years of age, the red look is also contraindicated. The drug with the composition of the fungus should be taken in the indicated dosages.

Edible fly agaric - types of fly agaric and description

You can find edible varieties in every forest. The most common is Caesar (caesarean mushroom). Its cap is fleshy and 6-20 cm in diameter. Initially, it is egg-shaped and has a white veil from which a red or reddish-orange cap emerges. The plates are yellow-orange widened towards the middle. The leg is cylindrical at the bottom with a tuber. The flesh is white and has a pleasant smell.
The saffron species is edible. The cap diameter is 3-9 cm, flat orange. There is not much mucus on the mushroom, the plates are white or milky, soft. They are not the same length. The stem is swollen at the base and covered with small scales. The pulp is slightly sweet.

The use of fly agaric is also allowed. Its hat reaches 15 cm, brown with rare white remains of the bedspread. The plates can sometimes be not only white, but also reddish. The stem is thin, a tone lighter than the cap. The flesh is soft and breaks easily. This fungus is smelly, gives off strong dampness.

The pineal fungus is often found near residential buildings. His hat resembles a ball with rare scales. Juvenile is white, mature is dirty greyish. The stalk is thick to the base, expanded, also rough. The pulp is dense with a pleasant smell. Watch a video selection with photos of edible fly agarics.

Fly agaric red and panther - description of properties

These species have unique medicinal properties, the use of which cannot be replaced by any plant. Panther species will be used for medicines for diseases of the veins and blood vessels, atherosclerosis and impotence. Its healing infusion easily gets rid of warts.
Red fly agaric medicinal properties and application are a little more extensive. He treats a serious illness such as epilepsy. A mushroom remedy eliminates skin diseases and some pathologies of the spinal cord. Its use will relieve old ulcers and abscesses. Red fungus will calm a nervous breakdown.

Fly agaric treatment - fly agaric recipes

The medicinal properties of the fungus have found their application in tinctures, ointments and rubbing. Recipe for ointment for sciatica. Grind fresh mushrooms with an equal amount of sour cream. At night, put the ointment on sore spots, wrap it in a bag and a scarf. Wash it off in the morning with soapy water. The product is stored in a glass container. The tincture also cures cancer. Break open 4 small caps and place in a dark glass dish. Fill them with 150 gr. alcohol and insist 14 days in the dark. Then express and take internally, diluting with milk. Start with 2 drops, doubling daily. On the 11th day, the dosage is reduced by 2 drops. This tincture is allowed in small quantities, so drink it only once a day.

How to cook fly agaric recipe

The medicinal properties of the mushroom are best proven in pure juice. Its use is relevant for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Cut fresh hats and put them tightly in a bottle, close with a nylon lid and put in the cellar. The tincture should stand for 50 days, after which strain the finished juice. Treatment is carried out with pure juice. Take it in a teaspoon 3 p. per day with a glass of water. At the time of treatment, you should adhere to a diet, namely, exclude smoked and fatty foods. Treatment with pure juice is also prescribed for skin diseases.

Fly agaric red use is possible?

This mushroom can be eaten only in dried form. To do this, the hats are dried in a ventilated area until cooked. Doctors recommend using them after six months. During this period, the effect of bad substances will be minimal, and the healing properties will remain. Eat no more than 2-4 hats per day, depending on the size.

Red fly agaric medicinal properties use in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of the fungus have been used in the treatment of varicose veins. You need to prepare the following composition: cut 6 mushrooms as small as possible and put in a liter jar. Close the lid and send under the bed until the juice appears. Strain it and squeeze out the rest of the pulp. Juice should be diluted 1:1 with warm water before use. Such a tincture is applied with a cotton swab, then wrap the treated areas with a bandage. Treatment is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. The tincture is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Among the people, treatment with a decomposer has shown itself well with myoma and mastopathy. They get rid of ear, toothache and headache.

Fly agaric tincture on vodka for joints

Since the medicinal properties can have an analgesic effect, they are used for pain in the joints. The tincture is prepared with vodka. Rinse and chop fresh mushrooms, leave in the cold for 3 days. Then transfer to ceramic dishes and pour vodka 1 cm above the pulp. The closed product is infused for 14 days in the basement, then filtered. The use of fly agaric tincture for alcohol is only external. It is applied not to open skin, but through 2-3 layers of gauze. In the early days, you can also use the pulp, after 4 days after infusion, its medicinal properties weaken.

Syn .: poisonous mushroom, bore, old man.

Amanita muscaria is a well-known agaric mushroom, the red hat of which is covered with white small spots. The mushroom is moderately poisonous, has many medicinal properties: antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, etc. It is used in folk medicine, homeopathy, and cosmetology.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

In medicine

The red fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom (among all species of the genus it is considered moderately poisonous), it is not eaten, since fly agaric poisoning is possible), and the fly agaric is not used in official medicine in Russia. However, in folk medicine, homeopathy is known for its medicinal properties. Possessing antispasmodic, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral properties, red fly agaric is used in folk medicine for many diseases: rheumatism, oncological neoplasms in the early stages, tuberculosis, diseases of the excretory system, colitis, etc. The medical use of red fly agaric is legal in many countries of the world: the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, UK, Japan, New Zealand, Italy, Canada, Denmark, USA, Switzerland and Russia. Amanita mushroom is prohibited for treatment in Arab countries, in Israel, in Australia. In France, fly agaric is used to obtain sedatives, sleeping pills.

In the field of homeopathic medicine, the healing properties of fly agaric became known almost 2 centuries ago. The homeopathic preparation Agaricus (Agaricus muscarius), based on an alcoholic extract of fly agaric, is successfully used for spasms of muscles, blood vessels, paralysis of the bladder, parkinsonism, epileptiform convulsions. In the treatment of fly agaric joints, the pain syndrome decreases.

The use of red fly agaric is effective in leukemia, in some gynecological diseases. In folk medicine, the treatment of cancer with fly agaric is practiced in the form of a tincture, when there are no metastases in the presence of a tumor. Possessing antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal medicinal properties, fly agaric in the form of an infusion or ointment is used externally to treat wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite, and some skin diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

Absolute contraindications to the use of tincture and other medicinal products from the red fly agaric are pregnancy, lactation and age up to 18 years. Taking an alcoholic tincture of fly agaric inside can provoke poisoning of the body, therefore, the external use of the fungus is practiced to a greater extent.

Amanita muscaria is a mushroom of medium toxicity. Other representatives are considered deadly poisonous - mushrooms of the genus Amanita. The toxic effect of fly agaric is caused by the alkaloid muscarine. A lethal dose of muscarine is 3-5 mg. Muscarine acts on the parasympathetic nervous system. Signs of fly agaric poisoning are: dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, increased sweating, lacrimation and sharp constriction of the pupils, loss of consciousness.

Raw red fly agaric mushrooms contain a small amount of muscarine alkaloid -0.0002%, which is not enough for serious poisoning. In the process of cooking (boiling), muscarine is not destroyed, but "passes" from the fruiting bodies into the water decoction. Based on this, after two or three times boiling with draining the broth, the fly agaric becomes non-toxic. In dried fly agaric mushrooms, muscarine remains in the mushroom in an insignificant amount.

When using red fly agaric and products from it (alcohol tincture, ointment, infusion), it is especially important to observe dosages, personal hygiene (thorough washing of hands after using the fungus in any form), work with gloves. Do not allow the tincture of the fungus to get into the places of skin damage, mucous membranes and open wounds. Fly agaric for children is contraindicated.

In case of poisoning, the patient is given first aid: they give up to 1 liter of water to drink, induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach, then they give a saline laxative to drink or make an enema with soap chips. The patient must be shown to the doctor. Taking 15 drops of belladonna (Belladonna) tincture or other preparations containing the extract of this plant (besapol, becarbine, bellalgin, belloid, bellataminal) also normalizes the patient's condition after poisoning.

In cosmetology

The healing properties of the red fly agaric are known in cosmetology. Fly agaric extracts practically do not contain toxic substances, however, they have a valuable complex of enzymes and antioxidants with high biological activity: they increase firmness and elasticity, smooth the surface of the skin, and help stimulate the natural process of cell renewal.

Face creams of the Amanita Against series are used to care for problem skin, even out the tone of the face, brighten pigmented areas, fight the appearance of age wrinkles. Healing creams based on fly agaric extract provide first aid for joint pain, cellulite, varicose veins, providing full care and protection of the skin, have an antioxidant, immune-modeling effect.

On the farm

For the destruction of flies, bedbugs have long been used a fly agaric hat. People have noticed that rain moisture accumulates on old red hats, and insects that fall into the liquid die. It was this insecticidal property that became the reason for calling the mushroom "fly agaric". At home, fly agaric is cut into pieces, poured with water or milk and placed on a windowsill in a plate, then putting blotting paper. A sheet of paper should protrude slightly beyond the edges of the plate so that flies land on it. In order to destroy bedbugs, the gaps are smeared with gruel from boiled fly agaric or fresh mushroom juice.


Amanita muscaria (lat. Amanita muscaria) is a psychoactive poisonous mushroom of the genus Amanita, or Amanita (lat. Amanita). It belongs to the Amanitaceae family (lat. Amanitaceae), of the Agarikov order (lat. Agaricales). Fly agaric belongs to the basidiomycetes.

Botanical description

Amanita muscaria is a mycorrhizal agaric. Fruiting bodies are mostly large, have a central stalk, at the beginning of their development they are enclosed in a common veil.

The cap of the mushroom is thick-fleshy, up to 20 cm in diameter, at first spherical in shape, then flat-convex, the skin is bright red or orange-red, which brightens with age. The edge of the cap is smooth or ribbed. The surface of the fly agaric cap is dotted with white or yellowish hue with numerous wart spots. In young fly agaric mushrooms, flakes on the cap are rarely absent; in old specimens, they are often washed off by rain. The plates of the fungus are of a light yellow hue, in old fly agarics they are yellow. The pulp is odorless, soft. Spores are smooth, ellipsoid or cylindrical, binuclear, spore powder is white.

The stem of the mushroom is up to 20 cm long, 2.5 - 3.5 cm in diameter, cylindrical in shape, tuberous at the base, white, hollow closer to the cap, has a white or yellowish ring. The tuberous base of the stem is fused with the sac-shaped sheath. The base of the leg is covered with white warts in several rows.


Amanita muscaria prefers to grow in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests of the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, in particular in birch and spruce forests on acidic soils. This mushroom is found singly or in groups from June to mid-autumn. In Russia, it grows everywhere. This type of fly agaric is considered moderately poisonous, it is collected only for medicinal purposes.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, red fly agarics with white drops and a thick stem are harvested. For the preparation of medicines from the mushroom, only hats are taken. They are not washed, but broken into pieces with their hands (you need to work with gloves), then they are poured with vodka or alcohol. Alcohol tincture is stored in the refrigerator, its medicinal properties are preserved for 3 years.

In order to obtain powder from the fly agaric mushroom, the caps are dried and then crushed. Dried fly agaric is well preserved in a glass container, in a dark place. Dried raw materials and powder are stored in a place that is hard to reach for children.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the red fly agaric has been little studied. Highly poisonous alkaloids (muscarine, muscimol, muscaridine, ibotenic acid), choline, orange-red pigment muscarufin, mushroom tropintoxin, trimethylamine, betanine, puterescine, essential oil, chitin, enzymes, xanthine were found in the mushroom.

Pharmacological properties

The hallucinogenic properties of the red fly agaric determine some of its toxic components: the alkaloid muscarine, muscimol and ibotenic acid. The first studies of the red fly agaric date back to 1869, when scientists Schmideberg and Koppe (Germany) discovered the alkaloid muscarine in this fungus, similar in therapeutic effect to acetylcholine. From the influence of muscarine, a sharp narrowing of the pupils is observed, the pulse weakens, breathing becomes intermittent, blood pressure drops, and the patient's condition clearly worsens. About 3 kg of fly agaric mushrooms contain a lethal dose of muscarine for humans. However, one red fly agaric contains an insignificant amount of this alkaloid (0.0002%), which does not cause significant symptoms of poisoning. The antidote to toxic muscarine is atropine, which normalizes cardiac activity, and recovery occurs in a day or two.

Subsequent scientific studies in England, Switzerland and Japan discovered psychotropic toxic substances in the fly agaric mushroom: muscazone, muscimol and ibotenic acid. In terms of composition, they differ quite a bit from each other. It is these toxins that cause a hallucinogenic effect, then there is a transition to an anesthetic-paralytic state, during which there is pronounced fatigue, loss of consciousness and prolonged sleep. Despite some toxicity, the benefits of fly agaric have also been identified. Scientists say that in small doses, this mushroom increases immunity, the activity of the intrasecretory glands.

In the course of histological studies, the antitumor activity of the fly agaric was established. Experiments were carried out on small animals, the results of which pleasantly surprised scientists: internal tumors (provided there were no metastases) of rodents that ate fly agaric in a dosed amount significantly decreased in size and disintegrated into several parts. It has been noticed that fly agaric toxins help with tumors located above the human diaphragm (tumors of the lungs, breast, brain, fibrocystic mastopathy). At the same time, during the treatment of the underlying cancer, the activity of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system improves.

Amanita occupies a special role in homeopathy. The red fly agaric was introduced by Samuel Hahnemann into homeopathic medicine in 1828 in the form of Agaricus muscarius, made from fresh mushrooms. The drug is recognized as effective in many diseases: epilepsy, coordination disorders, cataracts, frostbite, burns and wounds, some skin diseases.

It has been experimentally established that the orange-red pigment of the fly agaric mushroom muscarufin has antitumor and antibiotic properties. Ethanol extract of fly agaric inhibits the growth of sarcoma in mice. Extract in small doses can be used as an antidote to atropine. A fungotherapist, a member of the International Association of Fungotherapy I. A. Fillipova noticed that plant toxins (fly agaric poisons) in comparison with modern chemotherapy drugs affect the body ten times easier and more sparingly, do not cause serious side effects, and are also quickly excreted by the kidneys from organism. According to the findings of homeopath T. Popova, fly agaric treatment can be recommended for polyarthritis, polyneuritis, and some forms of alcoholism.

Application in traditional medicine

Amanita has long been used in their practice by healers and traditional healers. The healing properties of the red fly agaric are used by traditional medicine to treat many diseases. Various healing tinctures and ointments are made from a poisonous mushroom. Fly agaric stimulates the immune system. The use of fly agaric is advisable for helminths.

In folk medicine, fly agaric has been used for hundreds of years as an external remedy in the form of a tincture for abscesses and rheumatic joint pains. Fly agaric for joints can be useful not only in the form of rubbing alcohol tincture. With rheumatoid arthritis, an ointment from this fungus, lotions from fly agaric infusion are effective. The use of fly agaric tincture is advisable for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

The people use poisonous, and at the same time therapeutic fly agaric for diseases of the nervous system, paralysis. The power of the fungus in oncology is known. It is believed that fly agaric can help in the early stages of cancer, with leukemia, and reduces pain in the presence of a tumor. The mushroom is effective for stomach discomfort, some gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation.

To treat a number of different diseases in folk medicine, fly agaric tincture is used. This tool is effective for some gynecological, skin, joint, eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, cataracts), male sexual weakness, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Fly agaric tincture on alcohol eliminates spasms of blood vessels, relieves epilepsy, convulsions.

Treatment with fly agaric tincture will be effective for otitis and ear diseases, toothache, bad breath.

Strong wound-healing properties of fly agaric are also known. An infusion of fly agaric on alcohol is effective for tightening difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, frostbite, and some skin diseases. In folk cosmetology, fly agaric tincture is used for age spots.

History reference

Researchers of shamanic culture believe that even in ancient Indian mythology, the legendary soma drink was prepared from fly agaric. It was noted that after the use of these poisonous mushrooms, visual and auditory hallucinations occurred, and a change in consciousness was observed. As a result of intoxication of the body, a person falls into a narcotic sleep. Observing similar phenomena in animals (particularly deer) that ate the mushroom, the Saami (ancient northern European aborigines) learned about the narcotic effects of fly agaric. Ancient Viking warriors swallowed a few pieces of fly agaric before the upcoming battle. As a result, fear and pain from wounds were dulled in people, and warriors with clouded consciousness fought selflessly, no matter what.

Manuscripts of the 16th century describe to readers the lost culture of the ancient tribes of the Maya and the Aztecs, who used poisonous fly agaric mushrooms in ritual ceremonies. To get to the afterlife and see their dead relatives, many peoples of the world (Indians, Saami, Maya, Aztecs, Koryaks, Kamchadals, etc.) prepared and consumed dishes from fly agarics.

Along with the narcotic and intoxicating effects of poisonous fly agarics, their medicinal properties were also noted. Watching animals eating fly agaric in small doses, people learned about the possibility of using mushrooms for treatment. The use of fly agaric in medical practice was recommended by Paracelsus (XVI century) for the prevention of tuberculosis and diabetes. It is known that many alkaloids in the composition of the fly agaric lose their toxicity, therefore, after culinary processing, fly agarics are eaten in Europe, North America, and Asia. The peoples of the Far North have long had a tradition of using poisonous fly agaric.

The Latin name of the fly agaric "Amanita" comes from the name of the mountain Amanon (it was famous for the abundance of edible mushrooms Amánit). The origin of the Russian name "fly agaric" is associated with the insecticidal properties of the fungus: the fly agaric was used to fight flies, preparing mushroom sugar syrup for insects. Initially, only the species Amanita muscaria was called "fly agaric", a little later the name was extended to representatives of the entire genus. The peoples of the Far North have their own ethnic names: vanak (Chukchi), okai (Evenki).


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