Zodiac sign Sagittarius life expectancy. Horoscope of centenarians: how long do zodiac signs live on average

American scientists conducted a series of astrological studies and confirmed the guesses of the ancients about the influence of heavenly bodies on the health and life expectancy of people, establishing a clear pattern between the date of birth of a person and his long life. The reliability of the results was made possible by analyzing the dates of birth and death of more than sixty thousand people from all over the world. The objects of study were both modern inhabitants of the planet and people who lived on Earth several centuries ago.

It became possible to talk about a clearly traceable relationship between the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born and the duration of his life became possible after analyzing the first five thousand dates. Upon completion of the scientific work, scientists came to the conclusion that Taurus can be safely called long-livers, but the stars assign the shortest life to Scorpio. The sign of the zodiac also affects the health of its “ward”, which largely determines the period of a person’s earthly life.

How many years of life are "programmed" in each zodiac sign, and what diseases can significantly reduce them?


The zodiac constellation did not stint on a long life for both women and men. Women can expect at least 78 years of life, men - 79 years. The main scourge of Aries' health is stress, which leads to insomnia, migraines, and heart disease.

  • Tip: Treat life philosophically! This will save your head from heavy thoughts, gray hair and prolong your life.

  • Taurus

    Long-playing life is promised by the stars to all Taurus. Women have every chance to celebrate their 80th anniversary, and men, having overcome this milestone, will pass away closer to 82 years. However, the tendency of Taurus to obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system and joints, can significantly shorten the years allotted by heaven.

  • Tip: Pay due attention to the vulnerabilities of your health, and it is quite possible that it will serve you faithfully for up to 100 years!

  • Twins

    The average life expectancy for men is 78 years, for women - 85. Geminis are prone to seeking meaning in their lives and thinking about its frailty. They are often overcome by boredom and despondency, turning into depression. As a result, problems with the respiratory system, weight and diseases of the limbs may arise.

  • Tip: Watch your diet carefully and avoid any debilitating diets. Your body is especially prone to exhaustion.

  • crayfish

    The period of life of women reaches 73 years, men - 68. Early "meet with God" those representatives of the sign who ignore the rules of a healthy lifestyle and do not visit doctors. It's all to blame for their suspiciousness and fixation on illnesses, and not on recovery. Cancers often suffer from vascular diseases, myopia and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Tip: The stars indicate an increased susceptibility to oncopathologies, so do not forget to take mandatory preventive measures.

  • lions

    Most women and men of this sign manage to live up to 74 years if they sound the alarm in time in case of serious illnesses. Their peculiarity is to hide all the problems in themselves and not complain, often becomes the cause of a neglected disease. Poor health can provoke a weak cardiovascular system, back and eyes.

  • Tip: Let your family and friends take care of you and your health!

  • Virgin

    For women, the stars measure the life path up to 81 years, for men - up to 77 years. Virgos are not deprived of health, although most of them have a vulnerable digestive system and suffer from disorders associated with her work. But, even despite this, astrologers call Virgos the most healthy centenarians.

  • Advice: Arrange fasting days for your stomach more often, eat only healthy food and never overeat. In this scenario, the stars are ready to give you a few more years of life.

  • Scales

    Libra is not the longest living representatives of the zodiac circle (women up to 77 years old, men up to 73 years old). However, they have the opportunity to argue with stubborn astronomical statistics and win a few extra years of life if they take care of their weak immunity. The high protective properties of the body will help Libra avoid other potential risks - diseases of the skin, lower back and kidneys.

  • Tip: Keep your health in a dry and warm place, as the stars advise you to avoid cold and high humidity.

  • scorpions

    Scorpions live a relatively short life - women on average up to 62 years old, men up to 63 years old. Astrologers explain this by the fact that Scorpios are difficult to treat. They prefer to complete their life path before reaching a ripe old age, if only to get rid of any medical intrusion into their lives.

  • Tip: Life will be longer without doctors if you pay enough attention to the prevention of diseases of the throat and genitourinary system.
  • archers

    Poor health of Sagittarians affects their life expectancy. The musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems with a full bouquet of chronic diseases literally shorten the life of Sagittarius. Women rarely cross the 73-year-old threshold, and men rarely cross the 69-year-old threshold.

  • Tip: Sagittarius women should pay special attention to hair, nails and skin, Sagittarius men to the prostate.

  • Capricorn

    Capricorns are very hardy. They courageously endure numerous diseases that relentlessly pursue them until old age. Not only do some of them have to endure more than a dozen illnesses in their lifetime, they are also prone to high injuries. The incessant attack on health does not allow Capricorn women to live longer than 80 years, and men - 77.

  • Tip: In adulthood, the threat to the joints, hearing, biliary tract and digestive system is high.

  • Aquarius

    On average, all Aquarians live up to 72 years. The health of both men and women Aquarius is difficult to explain with medical logic. In the heat, Aquarians can easily catch pneumonia, and in the cold of winter, they won’t even sneeze from hours of walking without a hat.

  • Tip: Beware of diseases associated with blood circulation, vision, gastrointestinal disorders and stress.
  • Everyone knows that health and longevity are influenced by a lot of factors - from genetics to ecology. It turns out that the zodiac sign also plays a role. Astrologer V. Tuev analyzed the horoscopes of 1296 men and 504 women who lived for more than 85 years, and identified the star "top three".

    The results of his research aroused the interest of scientists: after all, they had long established that life expectancy directly depends on the character of a person, his attitude towards himself and the world. And this largely determines the constellation under which you were born. Gerontologist Natalia Zotova claims that the characteristics of the zodiac signs identified by Tuev completely coincide with the psychological portraits of the main types of centenarians.

    As it turned out, Libras live the longest- representatives of the sign, symbolizing balance and wisdom. People born under the auspices of Libra, as a rule, are sociable, easily join any team, adapt perfectly in a variety of conditions, and experience failures with a smile. Libras are born peacekeepers and diplomats, they avoid conflicts and aggression in every possible way.

    Among the best qualities of Libra are sympathy, courtesy, nobility, good nature, easy attitude to life, the ability to make friends and cooperate, the desire for justice, love for intellectual pursuits.

    And most Libras from birth know the secret of beauty and inner harmony. After all, Venus herself tells them! What does this have to do with life expectancy? The most direct. Scientists, researchers and people of art in different ways came to the same conclusion: beauty, indeed, can save the world.

    For example, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the father of domestic rocket science, evaluated any work in terms of ... external perfection, even when it was just a weld. If the spike looks good, then its quality is excellent.

    Writer Ivan Efremov In The Razor's Edge, he defined beauty as "the optimal form of adaptation" when a minimum of energy is expended on one or another action. That is why, in his opinion, a person unconsciously reaches for the beautiful.

    Well, let's summarize. Libra in all conceivable and unthinkable ways try to avoid stress and hope only for the best. Such a “formula of life” completely coincides with the conclusions of gerontology: stress shortens the age, an optimistic attitude prolongs it. By the way, if you are familiar with the basics of psychology, you probably noticed that the characteristics of the Libra sign are very close to the description of a sanguine person. And this is also not accidental: it has long been proven that people with this temperament live longer than others.

    Second place went to Pisces women. Their secret of longevity lies in the ability to sincerely sympathize, empathize. One typical Rybka admitted that once, trying to get a responsible position, she deliberately, on her own initiative, refused to fight, giving way to a rival. “I felt with every fiber of my soul how my competitor longed for victory, how much she would suffer if she lost.” Our heroine decided to retire, although she knew that she herself had excellent chances of success. And, what is very important, she did not regret for a minute, did not feel like a victim - on the contrary, she was happy for her rival.

    In addition, gentle, romantic, dreamy Pisces have a very strong stress defense mechanism. On the wings of imagination, they easily fly away to the world of their own illusions, in which there are no problems, where you can swim serenely on the waves of your dreams. By the way, such trips not only contribute to peace of mind (which ultimately prolongs life), but also help to turn fantasies into reality.

    And close the "top three" women born under sign of Aquarius. The problems that everyone faces in everyday life are of little interest to them. Typical Aquarians look down on the world, somewhat detachedly. All their plans and hopes are directed to the distant and certainly beautiful future. Such a position in life lays in their subconscious a kind of “longevity program”. In addition, Aquarians highly value friendship, they are peaceful and friendly, which allows them to avoid conflicts.

    Does this mean that other signs of the zodiac have little chance of living to a hundred years? Of course not. It’s just that Libra, Pisces and Aquarius were a little more fortunate: the stars voluntarily endowed them with the character traits necessary for a long life. Well, everyone else should take an example from them and cultivate the necessary qualities on their own.

    Let's look at some theory. John Eddy once said: “I have been studying astrology for many years, but I have never seen a case where any chart was rectified in the same way by two professional astrologers. At the same time, there are any number of cases of the opposite nature. I know one person to whom each of a dozen famous astrologers put their Ascendant”.

    The story of the rectification of Winston Churchill's birth chart has become widely known. The present time of his birth was published only after his death. During Churchill's lifetime, many attempts were made to rectify his horoscope, but none of them even came close to the actual time of birth (1 hour 30 minutes in the morning). The situation was somewhat better with the horoscope of Adolf Hitler. A fairly large number of astrologers have practically come to a consensus about the time of the Fuhrer's birth. The range of opinions was small (25-30 degrees of Libra on the Ascendant).

    J. Dean believes that the main reason why different astrologers rectify the same cards in different ways is as follows: 1) rectification is a very laborious and complex matter that requires the highest skill from astrologers; 2) rectification techniques are varied, but it is not yet clear which of them is more reliable; 3) there is no objective evidence of the validity of at least one method of rectification.

    The outstanding work of Dr. Diehl is devoted to the correlation of physiology and astrology. Beginning in the 1940s, he used a stopwatch to record five stages during childbirth: 1) the first noticeable expansion of the vagina; 2) the appearance of the fetal head; 3) first breath; 4) the first cry; 5) cutting the umbilical cord. The third and fourth moments almost always occur less than one minute apart, but in some cases can be 15-20 minutes apart. The fourth and fifth moments are rarely more than one minute apart and may be interchanged. The second and fifth moments can be 30 minutes apart, but the usual time difference between them is 2-3 minutes.

    What is the moment of birth? The process of birth is just the opposite of death. At the time of death, the highest essence of a person - his Christ Self, Consciousness or Spirit leaves the body. During birth, the opposite is true - Consciousness is embodied in the body. This is the birth. In normal childbirth, it most often happens in the womb. Therefore, most often the astrological time of birth is earlier than the time that the client says.

    Here is the natal chart of our president for the time calculated by Pavel Globa
    (taken from http://www.dni.ru/society/2009/3/2/160405.html)

    Click to enlarge

    Here is the natal chart of our president, rectified by Vitaly Dreider
    (taken from http://www.astrology-online.ru/article-draider-03.ru.shtml)

    click to enlarge

    With this study, I am not trying to hurt my colleagues in any way, but simply trying to figure it out and state the facts - to be more objective.

    Asc in scorpio is very similar: gait, eyes. At first glance, the time calculated by Vitaly is more accurate, the directorates work well. But for some reason, only the dates of professional activity were taken, and one of the most important dates in his life was not taken from them - 03/02/2008 - the day of his election as president of Russia. Probably because this date did not really fit into his calculations. Such an event should reflect internal motives - the progressive Sun should work. In rectification, three main methods should be clearly traced: progressions, directions and transits, and it would be nice to check solariums. From this natal chart it is not clear that Medvedev worked as a teacher at the institute.

    Pavel Globa, as a resident of St. Petersburg and having great connections, could simply find out the time of birth of Dmitry Medvedev from acquaintances and correct it a little.

    I won't go into detail about these two cards. And I will give one, but a very powerful factor that casts doubt on the correctness of the calculation of the time of birth of the president, Vitaly and Pavel. People who are not involved in astrology may actually laugh at it after reading the following. I don't laugh, but I try to have fewer mistakes in astrology. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

    In my work, I also did not immediately come to such a technique. She was born into astrological practice. When one client asked a question about changing jobs, and her prospects turned out to be distant, she said: “thank God at least I will live to see this time.” I replied that I did not look at the duration of her life, but in vain. How can you interpret anything, predict the future, when the natal chart is incorrectly rectified AND FROM IT IT SEEMS THAT THE PERSON SHOULD ALREADY DIE LONG AGO. Therefore, I recommend checking cards for life expectancy.

    After checking the natal charts calculated above, it turns out that our president should already be in heaven. This all comes to the point of absurdity, which means that the calculated time of birth is incorrect. Here is the technique of Pavel Globa himself, which, by the way, works very well.

    Life expectancy calculation

    The arithmetic mean of some factors extracted from the horoscope is derived, namely:
    1) Almuten (ruler) of the fourth house shows the fear of death and the interruption of our being;
    2) ASC subdispositor, the ruler of the degree from which ASC begins, since ASC is associated with life and it shows in a concentrated form how a person’s life will develop, a form of manifestation of life initiative;
    3) Alcocoden, which is directly related to the natural course of life, it is he who determines the brightest, life-prolonging, life-harmonizing events, how much life will be protected by the field that generates it, which does not allow to die, until when the death magnet will not work.

    Alkokoden - according to Arabic astrology, a very important indicator of the longitude of life. This is the planet, the ruler of the sign, where Hyleg is located. Hyleg is the name of the celestial body, which in the horoscope signifies the life force of the individual and is sensitive to the conditions of health, life and death. The classics of astrology gives the following rules for determining Hyleg:

    1. The Sun is Hyleg if it is in the 1st, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th house.
    2. If this provision is absent, then the Hyleg is the Moon standing in house I, VII, IX, X or XI.
    3. If this is not the case, then Hyleg is the ruler of the 1st house, the Ascendant, or, according to some authors, the degree at which the Ascendant is located.
    For example: in a certain horoscope, the Hyleg is the Sun. The sun is in Aquarius, the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. Thus Uranus is alcocoden. Now you need to study the position and aspect of Uranus. If it is well aspected, a significant number of years of life can be inferred; without aspectation - the average number of years; poorly aspected - the smallest number of years of life.

    Anareta is also important here - the planet that stands in relation to Hyleg in the worst aspect. This is the "destroyer of life", used in the old days to determine the duration of life: by measuring the distance and speed of the anareta.

    We look at astrological factors in the natal chart, and the corresponding arithmetic number from the table, where we replace the signs with houses (for example, Mercury in the 3rd house - we look at the number corresponding to Mercury in Gemini, it turns out 110.

    Corrections to the readings in the table

    In the horoscope, there are other factors that need to be taken into account to clarify life expectancy.

    A planet in the 4th house on 1C is not taken into account.

    Guardians of the Sky and fictitious planets are not taken into account in the calculation of life expectancy, but they influence our lives. This is, so to speak, a heavenly OTK, heavenly control, and he watches how our life goes, what kind of body we got and what guarantee it has, otherwise the body will suddenly die earlier. In order to fully fulfill your program on Earth, you must follow the temple of your Soul. A musician cannot perform even a short piece if his instrument is not tuned and kept in perfect order. Do not think that you can deceive someone if you do not do anything to improve your health. Everyone is offered various healing methods during his life, which he can choose.

    The genius of birth. If the Genius of birth is “evil”, then half of the points are subtracted.
    The connection of planets with a subdispositor or almuten is not taken into account.
    Wheel of Fortune on ASC or Nadir, or Cross of Fate do not count.

    Royal degrees: 18° Aries, 9° Gemini, 7° Leo, 25° Virgo, 13° Scorpio, 11° Capricorn, 30° Aquarius. If important points fall into them, they are taken into account. For example, if a subdispositor falls into the royal degree, then the number of points is doubled. Destructive degrees: 23° Aries, 13° Gemini, 10° Leo, 1° Libra, 19° Scorpio, 19° Capricorn, 4° Pisces - reduce the number of years by half.

    Black and White Moons are not taken into account, these are other problems.

    The ascending node doubles the score.

    The setting node reduces the number of points by half. (Orbis for Jupiter is 2-3 degrees, for Neptune 1-2 degrees, for Mercury up to 5 degrees). Let's say that a planet in a certain sign has 110 points and it is in conjunction with the Ascending Node - this is already 220 years old.

    The stars have a great influence on life expectancy. But for them to work, they need to be turned on, their epigones must be connected, otherwise they will work at half strength. We will now consider only some of the stars. To add or subtract the number of points for stars is necessary only to the arithmetic mean. Orbs for stars are very small, you can stick to the following values:

    Regulus, Spica and Shedar increase life by 3 times.

    Polux is the star of immortality, Polux can give full regeneration. A person generally does not know when he will die, everything depends on him.

    Vega, Rigel, Alfekka or Gemma doubles life.

    Arcturus adds 15 years.

    Sirius gives life only in conjunction with the ASC subdispositor in an orb of 4 minutes. He puts a person outside of time, that is, a person does not age for a very long time.

    Bellatrix takes 15 years.

    Castor is one of the death stars in infancy, a very short life.

    Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Antares, Algol reduce life three times.

    Algorab, Capella, Vindemiatrix and Shedar reduce life in half.

    Achernar takes 15 years

    Proxion takes 25 years.

    The polar star star takes 20 years of life.

    The constellation Ursa Major is all the stars of this, the constellations add 20 years each, and the star Mizar - 30 years, since it is with Alcor, which adds 10 years. Ras - Alhag (Ophiuchus) doubles. Shaf adds 50 years (orbis 2 minutes). Labrum gives as much as the mother lives. Toliman gives as much as his father lives. Increases the life of rich people.

    And now let's calculate the life expectancy according to the horoscope calculated by Vitaly Dreider.

    1) The ruler of the 4th house - Uranus (16 degrees Virgo) in the 10th house corresponds to Capricorn - 30 years.
    2) Subdispositor Asc (4 degrees Scorpio) - Mercury (10 degrees Virgo) in the 10th house corresponds to Capricorn - 50 years.
    3) Alcocoden is Mercury (Sun - Hyleg, stands in Virgo) in the 10th house corresponds to Capricorn - 50 years.
    The arithmetic mean is 43 years maximum. Stars do not fall into orbits, there are no destructive and royal degrees. The President is already 44. Although Vitaly made a horoscope earlier. But the Sun - Hyleg - the life force - is struck by Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. According to the given time at 11:06 rectified by Vitaliy, the native should already be in heaven. We draw our own conclusion.

    We calculate life expectancy according to the horoscope calculated by Pavel Globa

    1) The ruler of the 4th house - Mars (27 degrees of Scorpio) in the 12th house corresponds to Pisces - 50 years.
    2) Subdispositor Asc (27 degrees Scorpio) - Saturn (14 degrees Pisces) in the 3rd house corresponds to Gemini - 40 years.
    3) Alcocoden is Mercury (Sun - Hyleg, stands in Virgo) in the 9th house corresponds to Sagittarius - 20 years.
    Arithmetic mean - 37 years maximum. Stars do not fall into orbits, there are no destructive and royal degrees. We draw conclusions.

    Consider the natal chart of Dmitry Medvedev, rectified by me

    click to enlarge
    The following events were taken for rectification:
    08/3/1996 - the birth of a son

    MRS-direct (control 5 at home) - PLT-N (control ASC) : 90.0
    MRS-direct (ex. 5 at home) - to IC: 90.0
    cusp 5-direct - NEP-N (ex. 4 houses): 180.0
    cusp 5-direct - PLT-N (ex. ASC) : 120.0
    cusp 5-direct - to IC: 60.0
    11/9/1999 - the first appointment to a government position as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    MER-transit - to MS: 72.0
    SUN progressive - MER-(exercise 10 at home) : 45.0
    H.6-direct - MER-(control 10 at home) : 90.0

    02/9/2003 - Dmitry Medvedev got into an accident when he was the first deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia.

    URN-transit (ex. 3 houses) - to ASC: 100.0 (the karmic aspect of sentagon acts suddenly and unpredictably)
    PLT-transit (ex. ASC) - to the cusp of the 3rd house: 45.0
    progressive house 3 cusp - to house 8 cusp: 90.0
    PLT-direct (ex. ASC) - to the cusp of the 3rd house: 100.0
    URN-direct (ex. 3 houses) - to the cusp of 3 houses: 100.0

    March 2, 2008 - Election as President of Russia.

    SAT-transit - to the cusp of the 6th house: 120.0
    SUN progressive - to MS: 45.0
    house cusp 6 direct - to MS: 90.0
    cusp 10th house - to PLT-N (ex. ASC): 45.0
    PLT direct - to MS: 40.0

    All these events coincided with the time 12:42


    1) The ruler of the 4th house - Neptune (18 degrees Scorpio) in the 12th house corresponds to Pisces - 120 years.
    2) Subdispositor Asc (19 degrees (destructive) of Scorpio) - the Moon (1 degree of Taurus) in the 5th house corresponds to Leo - 50 years divided by two, it turns out 25.
    3) Alcocoden is Mercury (the Sun is Hyleg, stands in Virgo), in the 9th house it corresponds to Sagittarius - 20 years.
    The arithmetic mean is 55 years maximum. Stars do not fall into orbits. We draw conclusions.

    Who is a long-liver and who will die young ... Quite an interesting statistic:

    American scientists conducted a series of astrological studies and confirmed the guesses of the ancients about the influence of heavenly bodies on the health and life expectancy of people, establishing a clear pattern between the date of birth of a person and his long life. The reliability of the results was made possible by analyzing the dates of birth and death of more than sixty thousand people from all over the world. The objects of study were both modern inhabitants of the planet and people who lived on Earth several centuries ago.

    It became possible to talk about a clearly traceable relationship between the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born and the duration of his life became possible after analyzing the first five thousand dates. Upon completion of the scientific work, scientists came to the conclusion that Taurus can be safely called long-livers, but the stars assign the shortest life to Scorpio. The sign of the zodiac also affects the health of its “ward”, which largely determines the period of a person’s earthly life.

    How many years of life are "programmed" in each zodiac sign, and what diseases can significantly reduce them?


    The zodiac constellation did not stint on a long life for both women and men. Women can expect at least 78 years of life, men - 79 years. The main scourge of Aries' health is stress, which leads to insomnia, migraines, and heart disease.

    • Tip: Treat life philosophically! This will save your head from heavy thoughts, gray hair and prolong your life.


    Long-playing life is promised by the stars to all Taurus. Women have every chance to celebrate their 80th anniversary, and men, having overcome this milestone, will pass away closer to 82 years. However, the tendency of Taurus to obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system and joints, can significantly shorten the years allotted by heaven.

    • Tip: Pay due attention to the vulnerabilities of your health, and it is quite possible that it will serve you faithfully for up to 100 years!


    The average life expectancy for men is 78 years, for women - 85. Geminis are prone to seeking meaning in their lives and thinking about its frailty. They are often overcome by boredom and despondency, turning into depression. As a result, problems with the respiratory system, weight and diseases of the limbs may arise.

    • Tip: Watch your diet carefully and avoid any debilitating diets. Your body is especially prone to exhaustion.


    The period of life of women reaches 73 years, men - 68. Early "meet with God" those representatives of the sign who ignore the rules of a healthy lifestyle and do not visit doctors. It's all to blame for their suspiciousness and fixation on illnesses, and not on recovery. Cancers often suffer from vascular diseases, myopia and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    • Tip: The stars indicate an increased susceptibility to oncopathologies, so do not forget to take mandatory preventive measures.


    Most women and men of this sign manage to live up to 74 years if they sound the alarm in time in case of serious illnesses. Their peculiarity is to hide all the problems in themselves and not complain, often becomes the cause of a neglected disease. Poor health can provoke a weak cardiovascular system, back and eyes.

    • Tip: Let your family and friends take care of you and your health!


    For women, the stars measure the life path up to 81 years, for men - up to 77 years. Virgos are not deprived of health, although most of them have a vulnerable digestive system and suffer from disorders associated with her work. But, even despite this, astrologers call Virgos the most healthy centenarians.

    • Advice: Arrange fasting days for your stomach more often, eat only healthy food and never overeat. In this scenario, the stars are ready to give you a few more years of life.


    Libra is not the longest living representatives of the zodiac circle (women up to 77 years old, men up to 73 years old). However, they have the opportunity to argue with stubborn astronomical statistics and win a few extra years of life if they take care of their weak immunity. The high protective properties of the body will help Libra avoid other potential risks - diseases of the skin, lower back and kidneys.

    • Tip: Keep your health in a dry and warm place, as the stars advise you to avoid cold and high humidity.


    Scorpions live a relatively short life - women on average up to 62 years old, men up to 63 years old. Astrologers explain this by the fact that Scorpios are difficult to treat. They prefer to complete their life path before reaching a ripe old age, if only to get rid of any medical intrusion into their lives.

    • Tip: Life will be longer without doctors if you pay enough attention to the prevention of diseases of the throat and genitourinary system.


    Poor health of Sagittarians affects their life expectancy. The musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems with a full bouquet of chronic diseases literally shorten the life of Sagittarius. Women rarely cross the 73-year-old threshold, and men rarely cross the 69-year-old threshold.

    • Tip: Sagittarius women should pay special attention to hair, nails and skin, Sagittarius men to the prostate.


    Capricorns are very hardy. They courageously endure numerous diseases that relentlessly pursue them until old age. Not only do some of them have to endure more than a dozen illnesses in their lifetime, they are also prone to high injuries. The incessant attack on health does not allow Capricorn women to live longer than 80 years, and men - 77.

    • Tip: In adulthood, the threat to the joints, hearing, biliary tract and digestive system is high.


    On average, all Aquarians live up to 72 years. The health of both men and women Aquarius is difficult to explain with medical logic. In the heat, Aquarians can easily catch pneumonia, and in the cold of winter, they won’t even sneeze from hours of walking without a hat.

    • Tip: Beware of diseases associated with blood circulation, vision, gastrointestinal disorders and stress.


    Pisces women manage to live up to 75 years, and men - up to 71 years. Astrologers have recognized them as the most painful sign of the zodiac. They can see old age only if they overcome numerous diseases of the lungs (shortness of breath), joints (arthrosis), skin (lichen, nail fungus).

    • Tip: Not all Pisces love water. Be careful when using it, and when taking water procedures