The abstract lesson on the topic "Changes in the conditions of development of the peoples of Eurasia" (10th grade history). Wrecker Empires of the Ancient World The Offensive of the barbarians in Eurasia Test

Studying a new material:

Today at the lesson we will look at the new topic: "Changes in the conditions of the development of the peoples of Eurasia". Let's see the highlights of the development of the peoples of Eurasia. Recall, because of what the great resettlement of peoples occurred, and how Christianity arose.

Students write the subject of the lesson in notebooks.

stage of calculus and motivation:

Plan for the study of a new material:

Peoples in Europe at the beginning of a new era

Nomadic tribes of Asia and China

The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples

The emergence of Christianity

The study of the first question of the "Peoples of Europe at the beginning of a new era" was built at work with the text on the memo. Students characterize the public affairs and features of the economic development of German tribes ("barbarians") at the beginning of our era.

Algorithm for the disclosure of the development of tribes.

The impact of natural conditions for economic development.

Features of the economy.

Development of property forms.


Prerequisites formation of statehood.

The result is summarized: at the beginning of the I millennium N. e. The ancient Germans and other tribal unions (including Slavic) were prerequisites for the emergence of the state. They led to the decomposition of a tribal system.

And what changes occur at this time at nomadic peoples?

One of the most powerful nomadic peoples of this period of Gunns took an active part in the great resettlement of the peoples, which began in the III-GIV. n. e. The task is: how did this event affect the development of the peoples of Europe and Asia?

During the conversation with the class, the second question is studied "The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples":

Remember why this name got this stage in the development of peoples and states?

What demographic and climatic factors led to the great resettlement of peoples? After the explanation of the teacher about climate change - a small glacial period, hunger, epidemics, uprisings in China (the uprising of "yellow dressings" 184-208)

Call the reasons why the states of Central Asia and China could not resist the invasion of the Huns?

The students are concluded that under the blows of the nomadic tribes, the states of Central Asia (the Kushansky Kingdom and Khorezm) were declining, the Parthian kingdom broke up. Nomads began to threaten European peoples.

On the territory of the Roman Empire there is also many changes and in the economy, and in politics and spiritual life. In the Judean province of the Roman state in the first century n. e. The Christian doctrine originated.

Question student:

What layers of the population of the Roman Empire became followers of the new faith and why?

Religious beliefs in the ancient world before the emergence of Christianity. Riema Religion.

The gospel is a holy book about the life of Jesus Christ.

The first Christians in Rome.

Distribution and adoption of Christianity.

Religious beliefs in the ancient world before the emergence of Christianity. Riema Religion.

What beliefs existed in the ancient peoples of the world? What did they unite them? What is paganism?

Who worshiped ancient Romans, conclude that

AT Ancient Rome Particularly revered the gods guarding the family: the goddess of Vesta (the goddess of a homely hearth and fire), Lara (patron spirits of the family, kind, crossroads, cities), Penates (soda-patrons of a homemade hearth). It is known that the Romans could worship not only their own, but also eastern gods. Pupils are invited to explain why interest in Eastern beliefs was particularly common during the Empire. Further, schoolchildren learn that the temple dedicated to all of the gods was erected in ancient Rome, - Pantheon, where everyone could pray to his revered God.

What did the state control over religious beliefs indicate? What was the name of the Supreme Priest? Whom of the emperors who occupied this position do you know?

What kind of people believed in one God and when this faith originated?

How did Jews called their god? What was the name of the Holy Book of Jews?

The gospel is a holy book about the life of Jesus Christ.

A new religion was originated in Judea - Christianity. Judea in the first century n. e. It was the Roman province, determine the location of Jerusalem and Nazareth - cities where Christianity originated, as well as the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem. Pupils get acquainted with a new concept - the Gospel. When Jesus Christ has grown, he opened the purpose - to be a preacher of good, love for people. In the painting "Christ in the desert" of the artist I. N. Kramsky is depicted moment when Jesus takes a difficult decision: to follow this purpose, devote all of his life to carry people to the words about good and mercy. It was the choice of a difficult path of selfless service to people in the world where there was a lot of violence, cruelty, lies. Jesus with his 12 students (apostles) in different cities appealed to the people, urging to take care of her soul, committing good deeds. Samoa famous people He became his Nagorno sermon.

The first Christians in Rome.

The doctrine of Christ was not forgotten after his execution on the cross. His disciples continued to carry people the ideas of their teacher. They argued that Christ - the Son of God - will return to Earth. The first followers of Christ were residents of Rome - poor Rome. Among Christians were also people from noble families.

Who called Christians?

Why did the authorities of Rome subjected Christians to persecutions?

Distribution and adoption of Christianity

Over time, the Christian faith began to take public men standing in power. Roman emperor Konstantin in 313 n. e. Made Christianity the official religion of the state. (Konstantinov Dar).

In the future, the Christian religion began to spread at the beginning in Europe, and then in other parts of the world.

Why did the pagan beliefs of the ancient peoples gone into the past, and the Christian religion exists today?


Thus, the great relocation of peoples was the time of the most important changes in the lives of European and Asian tribes and states, the consequences of these changes were reflected in the settlement of peoples, their lifestyle, culture.

Slide 3.

Basic terms and concepts.

Great relocation of peoples, barbarians, gunns, Christianity, soldiers' emperors, columns, goths, vandals, western THE ROMAN EMPIRE, Eastern Roman Empire,

Slide 4.

Offensive of barbarians in Eurasia

Peoples of Europe Nomadic Tribes of Asia and China. The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples The emergence of Christianity.

Slide 5.

Peoples of Europe

In the 1 -2 century, the corresponding number of the world was 250 million. HUMAN. The main part in Eurasia. In the Roman Empire about 50 Mill. Man, as much in China, in India - 40 Mill. Several million in America, Africa and South-Southeast Asia on the northern borders of the Roman Empire on Rhine and the Danube, Celtic and German tribes lived, east of Slavs and Finno-Fugoras. Between the Danube and Dnipro, the tribes is ready. The population of Central and Eastern Europe is only 5 Mill. The Germans provided a stubborn resistance to the Roman legions, which were called by the barbarians (not understanding Latin) the tribes of Europe were farmers leading the natural economy. The power was in the hands of a birthday nobility and military leaders * Konongov "the power of them became hereditary.

Slide 6.

Nomadic tribes of Asia and China.

Eurasia (from the Danube to Juanhe) the type of farming of living tribes was determined by natural conditions. The steppe was nomadic farming. Not easy was the relationship of nomads with agricultural tribes. In response to raids, the ancient empires arranged the expedition, but bucked. Nomads had permanent settlements, forced prisoners, grow millet. The main wealth was cattle and slaves. Significant was the property stratification. The largest nomadic communion at the beginning of the new era was Huns. Union of Huns from 24 tribes. Represented a serious threat to China. China's population paid them tribute. In the 1st century, Han's empire created a horseman and caused Hunnam defeat. Part of them recognized the power of the empire. And others went to the West.

Slide 7.

The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples

In the 2nd century as a result of climate change, a cooling occurred, which has reached the maximum of the 5th century. This affected all the lives of people. As a result of climate change, the offensive of the desert began, and in the north the swamps. Hunns attacks on the Han Empire resumed. In China, the reduction in the sowing area caused hunger. The population declined from 50 Mill. Up to 7, 5 mil. The struggle for the power and uprising of the peasants led to the breakdown of the Empire. Under the blows of nomads, the state of Central Asia came into decay. The Parfyan kingdom has surrendered. An indium rapidly affected by raids and changes in the climate.

Slide 8.

The emergence of Christianity.

Christianity Christianity originated in Judea - the provinces of the Roman Empire. Jews did not accept the teachings of Christ, who was considered a Messiah (Savior). He argued that people of all nationalities, the poor, rich are equal to God, urged to show mercy to enemies, forgive them. At the insistence of the High Priests of the Jewish Church, he was crucified on the cross, the disciples moved his body into a cave. According to the New Testament, on the third day after death, he resurrected and left his covenants to students. His death as a victim for the sins of people. According to the Christist, only humility opens the way to the kingdom of God. In 1 - 2nd centuries, Christianity is widespread in the Roman Empire among the poorest population and slaves.

Slide 9.

Sunset of the Roman Empire.

Golden Age of Rome. The crisis of the Roman Empire. Christianity in the Roman Empire. Falling the Western Roman Empire.

Slide 10.

Golden Age of Rome

The shocks that have covered Asia did not go around the Roman Empire, but at the beginning of the 2nd century it reached its power. Under the emperors of Triana (98 - 117) and Andriyan (117 - 138), the territory of the state was expanded. Received the development of the norm of Roman law. Economic ties developed between different areas of the empire. Wealth flushing in Rome turned the life of the plebs in a solid holiday. Roman culture received a huge development. Vergiliya, Horace, Juvenal, Lucian - these names are forever entered the story. Received the development of the philosophy of Stoicism: Seneca, Epicate, Mark Azeri.

Slide 11.

Crisis of the Roman Empire

The crisis of the Empire by the end of the 2nd century climate change was struck by the Roman Empire. The deserts undermined the farms of North Africa, the cooling hit Italy and Gaul, Spain. Plague, the uprising of slaves and peasants, difficulties with taxes led to civil wars. Soldier's emperors changed in power. Under these conditions, landowners, the emperors began to endow the land of veterans - legionnaires, landowners to endow slaves of free earth slaves and columns did not pay taxes, all the calculations took on the land owner. Instead of trade, natural exchange. The basis of the economy becomes huge estates, the centers of the crafts arise these changes led to political stabilization. The columns became the main source of soldiers for the army. With diocletian (284 - 305), the power of the empire was restored. The entire population received the rights of citizens. Four parts: Gallium, Italy, Illyria and East. Diocletian took the management of the East, and his successor Konstantin Byzantine

Slide 12.

Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Christianity Although the Roman authorities showed tolerance to the religions of conquered peoples, but Christianity was viewed as a hostile religion. Christians were traveled on the Arena of Colosseev. Pursued. The reason for the faith of a single God and intolerance towards other cults. But gradually the number of Christians increased and attitudes towards this religion. The preaching of humility and non-violence began to be considered as a means of deduction in the obedience of slaves and columns. Many noble Romans become Christians. In 313, Emperor Constantine recognizes Christians of the right of church increases, it is exempt from taxes. By the end of his life, Konstantin himself be baptized. There was a rivalry of various Jearhov, but 325, a symbol of faith and heresy were adopted. Under the emperor, Julian was an attempt to weaken Christianity, but at the Feodosia, all religions were prohibited, except Christianity.

The collapse of the empires of the ancient world presentation on the World History of the 10th grade. BASIC COURSE. Smirnov Evgeny Borisovich.

The peoples of Europe in the 1-2th century, the corresponding number of the world was 250 million. HUMAN. The main part in Eurasia. In the Roman Empire about 50 Mill. Man, as much in China, in India - 40 Mill. Several millions in America, Africa and South-Southeast Asia on the northern borders of the Roman Empire on Rhine and the Danube, Celtic and German tribes lived, east of Slavs and Finno - Ugors. Between the Danube and Dnipro, the tribes is ready. The population of Central and Eastern Europe is only 5 Mill. The Germans provided a stubborn resistance to the Roman legions, which were called by the barbarians (not understanding Latin) the tribes of Europe were farmers leading the natural economy. The power was in the hands of a birthday nobility and military leaders * Konongov "the power of them became hereditary. Thus, although the state has not yet been, the decay of the birth relationship has fallen.

Nomadic tribes of Asia and China. Eurasia (from the Danube to Juanhe) the type of farming of living tribes was determined by natural conditions. The steppe was nomadic farming. Not easy was the relationship of nomads with agricultural tribes. In response to raids, the ancient empires arranged the expedition, but bucked. Nomads had permanent settlements, forced prisoners, grow millet. The main wealth was cattle and slaves. Significant was the property stratification. The largest nomadic communion at the beginning of the new era was Huns. Union of Huns from 24 tribes. Represented a serious threat to China. China's population paid them tribute. In the 1st century, Han's empire created a horseman and caused Hunnam defeat. Part of them recognized the power of the empire. And others went to the West.

The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples in the 2nd century as a result of climate change, there was a cooling, which has reached the maximum of the 5th century. This affected all the lives of people. As a result of climate change, the offensive of the desert began, and in the north the swamps. Hunns attacks on the Han Empire resumed. In China, the reduction in the sowing area caused hunger. The population declined from 50 Mill. Up to 7, 5 mil. The struggle for the power and uprising of the peasants led to the breakdown of the Empire. Under the blows of nomads, the state of Central Asia came into decay. The Parfyan kingdom has surrendered. An indium rapidly affected by raids and changes in the climate.

The emergence of Christianity. Christianity Christianity originated in Judea - the provinces of the Roman Empire. Jews did not accept the teachings of Christ, who was considered a Messiah (Savior). He argued that people of all nationalities, the poor, rich are equal to God, urged to show mercy to enemies, forgive them. At the insistence of the High Priests of the Jewish Church, he was crucified on the cross, the disciples moved his body into a cave. According to the New Testament, on the third day after death, he resurrected and left his covenants to students. His death as a victim for the sins of people. According to the Christist, only humility opens the way to the kingdom of God. In 1 - 2nd centuries, Christianity is widespread in the Roman Empire among the poorest population and slaves. Someone from historians said: Christianity won because he was defeated Spartak you agree?

The Golden Age of Rome Shocks, which embraced Asia, did not go around the Roman Empire, but at the beginning of the 2nd century it reached its power. Under the emperors of Triana (98 - 117) and Andriyan (117 - 138), the territory of the state was expanded. Received the development of the norm of Roman law. Economic ties developed between different areas of the empire. Wealth flushing in Rome turned the life of the plebs in a solid holiday. Roman culture received a huge development. Vergiliya, Horace, Juvenal, Lucian - these names are forever entered the story. Received the development of the philosophy of Stoicism: Seneca, Epicate, Mark Azeri.

The crisis of the Roman Empire crisis of the Empire by the end of the 2nd century climate change was struck by the Roman Empire. The deserts undermined the farms of North Africa, the cooling hit Italy and Gaul, Spain. Plague, the uprising of slaves and peasants, difficulties with taxes led to civil wars. Soldier's emperors changed in power. Under these conditions, landowners, the emperors began to endow the land of veterans - legionnaires, landowners to endow slaves of free earth slaves and columns did not pay taxes, all the calculations took on the land owner. Instead of trade, natural exchange. The basis of the economy becomes huge estates, the centers of the crafts arise these changes led to political stabilization. The columns became the main source of soldiers for the army. With diocletian (284 - 305), the power of the empire was restored. The entire population received the rights of citizens. Four parts: Gallium, Italy, Illyria and East. Diocletian took the management of the East, and his successor Konstantin Byzantine

Christianity in the Roman Empire. Christianity Although the Roman authorities showed tolerance to the religions of conquered peoples, but Christianity was viewed as a hostile religion. Christians were traveled on the Arena of Colosseev. Pursued. The reason for the faith of a single God and intolerance towards other cults. But gradually the number of Christians increased and attitudes towards this religion. The preaching of humility and non-violence began to be considered as a means of deduction in the obedience of slaves and columns. Many noble Romans become Christians. In 313, Emperor Constantine recognizes Christians of the right of church increases, it is exempt from taxes. By the end of his life, Konstantin himself be baptized. There was a rivalry of various Jearhov, but 325, a symbol of faith and heresy were adopted. Under the emperor, Julian was an attempt to weaken Christianity, but at the Feodosia, all religions were prohibited, except Christianity.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 4 V. Increased the onslaught of tribal unions of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe on the Western Roman Empire of climate change forced the whole tribes to translate into the territory of the Empire. Another reason for the invasion was the onset of the Huns, which reached the Northern Black Sea region. He was tested ready and Sarmatov. Barbarars rushed to the Empire service was instructed to guard borders. Westges did not stand the oppression of the authorities rebelled and defeated the Romans in 378. After the death of Feodosia, the Roman Empire broke up. In 410, the King of West and Allarich captured Rome. But the strongest blow to the Huns (Athylla). In 476, the last emperor Romulus August was overthrown. 16 Zagladin N.V. THE WORLD HISTORY. The history of Russia and the world from ancient times until the end of the 19th century: a textbook for grade 10. - 7- ed. - M.: TID "Russian Word - PC", Chapter 5. Maps are taken on the site

Remunted reflux of lesson in the 10th grade in the textbook of Zaglin N. V., Simonia N. A. Universal history from ancient times to end XIX. at. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2015. The subject of the lesson: "Changes in the development conditions of the peoples of Eurasia" 1. The event for extracurricular activities in history. Topic: "Changes in the conditions of the development of the peoples of Eurasia." The objectives of the lesson: 1. The students need to be an idea that the IIIV century was the time of change associated with the great resettlement of peoples. 2. Students should characterize the factors that led to the great resettlement of peoples, the social structure of "barbar", to allocate the peculiarities of the management of the economy, compare the lifestyle of nomadic and sedentary tribes; Reveal the essence of Christianity and indicate the reasons for its popularity among the poor layers. 3. Learning work with the card, training text, message. (The message about the emergence of Christianity is given in advance student). Equipment: textbook, map "Great Migration of Peoples". Homework: Paragraph 12, Questions, Map, Records, Presentation Type of lesson: Studying a new material. Plan Abstract lesson. 1. Comparative characteristics of the lifestyle of sedentary and nomadic tribes. 2. Great relocation of peoples and its consequences. 3. The history of the emergence of Christianity and its essence. The teacher calls the tasks facing students at this lesson. The study of the first question of the "Peoples of Europe at the beginning of a new era" was built at work with the text on the memo. Students characterize the public affairs and features of the economic development of German tribes ("barbarians") at the beginning of our era. Algorithm for the disclosure of the development of tribes. 1. The impact of natural conditions for economic development. 2. Features of the management of the economy. 3. Development of ownership forms. 4. Lifestyle. 5. Prerequisites for formation of statehood. The result is summarized: at the beginning of the I millennium N. e. The ancient Germans and other tribal unions (including Slavic) were prerequisites for the emergence of the state. They led to the decomposition of a tribal system. And what changes occur at this time at nomadic peoples? For a response to this question, students get a task to compare the lifestyle of nomadic and sedentary tribes. The work continues with the algorithm of studying the tribes on the second point of the textbook "Nomadic Tribes of Asia and China". Pupils make the necessary records in the notebook, and then orally conduct a comparative analysis of the lifestyle of nomadic and sedentary peoples. In the course of the discussion, the teacher makes clarifications and additions. The disciples come to the conclusion that the nomadic peoples, as well as in the settlement, there was similar processes of formation of statehood. 1. One of the most powerful nomadic peoples of this period of Gunns took an active part in the great resettlement of the peoples, which began in the III IV centuries. n. e. The task is: how did this event affect the development of the peoples of Europe and Asia? During the conversation with the class, the second question is studied "The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples": 1) Remember why this name received this stage in the development of peoples and states? 2) What demographic and climatic factors led to the great resettlement of peoples? After explaining the teacher about climate change - a small glacial period, hunger, epidemics, uprisings in China (the uprising of the "yellow bandages" 184208) 1) Call the reasons why the states of Central Asia and China could not resist the invasion of the Huns? The students are concluded that under the blows of the nomadic tribes, the states of Central Asia (the Kushansky Kingdom and Khorezm) were declining, the Parthian kingdom broke up. Nomads began to threaten European peoples. The result is written in the notebook. 1. On the territory of the Roman Empire also occurs a lot of changes in the economy, and in politics and spiritual life. In the Judean province of the Roman state in the first century n. e. The Christian doctrine originated. The question of the third "The emergence of Christianity" is studied by the report submitted by students. Question class - on the basis of the message, write down the basic postulates of Christian verbation and answer the question: what layers of the population of the Roman Empire became followers of the new faith and why? After hearing the posts, the disciples respond that Christianity initially enjoyed the poor and slaves, as they answered their aspirations. At the end of the lesson, students summarize their activities to study new material. It is concluded about the great resettlement of peoples as the time of the most important changes in the lives of European and Asian tribes and states, the consequences of these changes were reflected in the resettlement of peoples, their lifestyle, culture. Extracurricular event on history for senior classes. Historical KVN. Objectives: expand the horizons, add the material of the school program, to promote the development of sustainable interest in history, teach comparable facts; Continue the formation of teamwork skill. Design: 1) Dates are placed on the board, 2) the names of historical personalities interspersed to the task number 3, 3) names on sheets to task number 4. The class is divided into 3 teams. Categories: 1. Chronological tasks. 2. Idioms . 3. Names. 4. Have they lived? 5. Not sent deposits. 6. Drawings. 7. Crossword.  Summing up. Teams represent themselves. Each team itself determines who will work at the board with dates, and at this time the remaining team members perform the task number 2. I Chronological tasks. I team II team 1) 1242 2) 882 g. 3) 1147. 4) 1097 g, 5) 1914. 1) 1380 g. 2) 1649 3) 1709. 4) 1881 III team 1) 862 2) 1480 g. 3) 1812. 4) 1861 5) 1905 5) 1918 G. II Winged expressions (in what cases say?) 1 Team 2 Team 3 Command 1. Hannibal Gate. 1. Dragon laws. 1. Between Scylla and 2. And you, Brut! 2. Go to Kanosce. Charibda. 2. Trojan horse. 3. Augiyev Stables. 3. Achilles Fifth. 3. Pirrova Victory. The names of historical characters are written in advance on the board. Teams should relate the names and excerpts with the descriptions of their lives and activities. III Do you know their names? 1. The only literate peasant in the village of the abyss of the Kazan province, reading the royal law on the abolition of serfdom, stated to fellow villagers that they hide the "real will" that, in fact, the whole earth should go to the people. For this he was devoted to the court and shot. 2. An outstanding fighter against slavery in America, the son of a poor farmer who has lived a hard life, elected in 1860 by the US President. It was killed in 1865. 3. One of the figures of "People's Will", the king's killing participant on March 1, 1881. 4. A great fighter for the liberation and association of Italy, a person of exceptional courage and inexhaustible energy. Requested from the post of head of state. 5. One of the leaders of the French Revolution, by profession, the doctor fought for a decisive revolutionary action, published a favorite job newspaper "Friend of the People". 6. Headed the American army, which was struggled for freedom in 17751783. against England. Talented commander, became the first US president. 7. In 1882 he translated into Russian "Manifesto ..." of Marx, and next year he created in Geneva the first Marxist group "Labor Liberation". 8. Founder and head of the South Society of Decembrists, the author of the Russian True program. Executed along with other Decembrists in July 1826. 9. Favorite writer youth of his time. The author of the age of "Sorokovka" and "Who is to blame?". Living abroad, published the newspaper "Bell" and the Almanac "Polar Star", in which the fortified law was objected. Names: Ignatius Grinevitsky, Abraham: Lincoln, P. I. Pestel, Jean Paul Marat, Anton Petrov, G. V. Plekhanov, A. I. Herzen, George Washington, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Iv lived? On the board, the sheets with names are postponed, the teams must determine which of them existed in reality. 8. 1 Hammurapi Team Hopec Apollo Set Solon 2 Team 3 Team Poseidon Hercules Spartak Odyssey Tutamos III Dionis Herodotus Democritus Pericles Prometheus V Not sent deposits. Teams receive envelopes with messages. They must establish who, when and in connection with which could send each of these reports. 1 Team 2 Team 3 Command 1.Moscow Flames. People are not visible. Coldly. Hungry. 2. Certify the troops in full readiness. Disclosure manifest. 3. The unapproachable fortress is taken. Continuing the referee. 1. Horde is hordes. From the screen of the wheels and Rzhana horses are not heard of a human voice. 1. Mind Yaroslavl. Replenishment came up. We are going to release Mosk Wu. 2. Released to the Neva with a squad. The militia of the software comes. 2. The enemy is broken by NGO. The generals are captive. Charles wounded. 3. The troops are bred on wives. Russia black and sea powder. 3. Based on Voronezh, the shipyard Good, we build a larger lera. There will be azov taken. square. Where is Trubetskaya? VI draws. Teams define a historical fact for a comic matter. 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 1. Where and when the most peaceful animals suddenly "filmed" people? 1. What Russian city was "evil" character? 1. How to drive from Derpta to Yuriev? 2. What is the distance between Tsargrad and Kon Staninopole? 2. The ruler of which huge state lived in Saraj? 2. When Russia rules "Money Bag"? 3. For what staircase no one ever walked? 3. Who are he saying that he stopped the sun and moved the earth? 3. When in the military history of Russia threatened "pig"? VII Crossword. Answers: 1. Peter. 2. Nikolay. 3. Mikhail. 4. Catherine. 5. Alexander. 6. Konstantin. 7. Paul. 8. Son. Keyword: Romanov. Crossword 1 2 3 4 7 6 8 March 5, 1613. 1. 1. This king was famous for his numerous reforms, thanks to which Russia went to a new path of development. 2. The name of the last king of Russia. 3. Call the name of the first king of the Romanov dynasty, walked for the kingdom 14 4. With this queen in Russia, there was an "era of enlightened absolutism." 5. Call the name of the king, glorified by the fact that he freed the peasants. 6. Who was supposed to join the throne after the death of Alexander I, but refused to conclude an unequal marriage. 7. The son of Peter III and Catherine II, strengthened absolute power, introduced a tough censorship and supported the domestic manufacturer. 8. Who had Peter I Alexey Mikhailovich? Summing up Answers: I Chronological Objectives. 1242G. Ice Battle, 1380 - Kulikovskaya Battle, 882 - Foundation of Kievan Rus, 1649. Cathedral Code, 1147, the foundation of Moscow, 1709 - Poltava Battle, 1097 - Lubachest Congress, 1881 - The murder of Alexander II 1914 - the beginning of the I World War. 1905 - Bloody Resurrection. 862 - Variagov's vocation, 1480 - standing in the thief, 1812 - Borodino battle, 1861 - Cancellation of serfdom, 1918 - the end of the I World War. II Winged expressions 1. Team1) Danger near, 2) Petached betrayal, 3) littered, dirty place. 2. Team1) Brutal laws, 2) go for humiliation, 3) a weak, vulnerable place. 3. Team1) to be between two hazards, 2) a gift with intent, 3) victory equal to defeat. III Do you know their names? 1. Anton Petrov, 2. Abraham Lincoln, 3. Ignatiy Grinevitsky, 4. Giuseppe Garibaldi, 5. Jean Paul Marat, 6. George Washington, 7. G. V. Plekhanov, 8. P. I. Pestel, 9. A . I. Herzen. Iv lived? Lived: Hammurapi, Heops, Solon, Spartak, Tutmmos III, Herodotus, Democritus, Pericles. V not deposited deposits 1. Moscow fire during Patriotic War 1812 2. The uprising of the Decembrists. 3. Russian War 17871791, Suvorov A. V. 4. Capturing Kiev Khan Batym. 5. Nevskaya battle, Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. 6. Peter I, before the second Azov campaign. 7. People's militia of 1612, Minin and Pozharsky. 8. Peter I, Poltava Battle. 9. The uprising on the Senate Square of 1825. VI draws 1. England, XVI century. 2. This is the same city. 3. According to feudal. 4. In Kozelsk. 5. Khan Golden Horde. 6. About Nikolae Copernicus. 7. This is the same city. 8. Ivan Kalita, XIV century. 9. Ice Battery 1242

\u003e\u003e History: the offensive of "Varvarov" in Eurasia

The offensive of "Varvarov" in Eurasia

In II-IV centuries. There were times for change in the appearance of the world. The largest gloomapplications of antiquity entered the period of decline. The time began the Great Peopia Resettlement. Not only nomads, but the farmers left the hurry places and rushed to new territories. The type of public relations, which is called feudal, was formed.

Peoples of Europe

In I-II centuries. The total population of the world amounted to about 250 million, the people who were distributed on ground Shar. Net. The bulk of the population was concentrated in Eurasia in areas with a warm, humid climate - in the belt of states stretching from the shores Mediterranean to China's plains. Within the limits of the Roman Empire, about 5 ° million lived, a person (in Italy itself - 7-8 million), about the same - in China, at least 40 million people lived in India. Several million people numbered in America, Central and South Africa, the tropics of Southeast Asia.

The north of the Roman Empire Gpanitsa, which was held by Rhine and the Danube, lived Celtic and German tribes (Kimvra, Teutons, Alamans, Frank, Vandals, etc.), Eastern - Slavic and Finno-Ure. Between the Danube and Dnipro were land unions of the Gothic tribal associations (they included both Germanic and Thracian, Sarmatian, Slavic tribes).

The population of Central and Eastern Europe was small (no more than 5 million people). Their lands with the predominance of forests and swamps did not imagine great value for the Romans, and they had a resistant consent. In 9. Three selected legigor Oktavian Avgyta were defeated by Germans in the Teutoburg Forest. All this caused Roman Empire Restor to the fortification of the northern border, placement along the garrisons along it. They had to beat raids tribes that were considered barbaric (word « barbaros » in gleically meant « he who govern » ), Germany, do not know Latin, were represented by the Romans savages.

The tribes of Central and Eastern Europe, being farmented, did not build large cities. In L - V BB, they prevailed NEW settlements, populated, as a rule, relatives. Crafts, weapons and tools were developed from iron. The farm was mostly natural, although commodity and money relations were also gradually developed.

Slavement in the German tribes did not receive a wide range of distribution. The captives captured in the intergregnated clashes were killed, sold to the Romans or left in settlements, the GDE was distinguished by the land plot, part of the products of which they gave it to the owner. Since the fields were fascinated, the archaeologists suggest that the land belonged to individual families, although the forests and meadows were probably in the general use of Selyan.

Peculiar was the organizational of the life of the German tribes. With the existence of unions, the tribes, numbering hundreds of thousands of people living in a large area, considering the opinion of all members of the tribe was impossible. Under these conditions, the land of the Union tribes were on Okyga, in which meetings were held the most authoritative and rich representatives of settlements (relatives). They solved the questions of the war and the world, the quarrel between different tribes included in the Union, elected Latan - the connoisseurs of customs, iGA. The role of the judge.

Along with the birthbroken, Military leaders are a special role - Konounda (Princes). They headed the battle squads, which consisted of the most stronger and deft young people. These squads not only protected the territory of the Tribal Union, but also the skilled raids on their neighbors, sometimes they hired to serve to the Romans.

Konounds were not always considered a relationship with the opinion of childbirth, often the Own wars, which were the main source of enrichment. The bourges (fortresses) were built with a squad (fortresses), where bad wealth were kept. Crafts made there, shopping centers arose there. Initially, the conjants were elected by representatives of the podenal nobility or a friend, but over time, their power became hereditary.

Thus, although the state among the ancient Germans and others (in particular, Slavic) tribal associations at the beginning of L Millennium N.E. It has not yet been formed, many prerequisites for the formation have already been present. The elevation of the conundations, the concentration in their hands of power and wealth, the high degree of property in the communities marked the decomposition of a tribal system.

Nomadic tribes of Asia n China

On the extensive expanses of Eurasia, from the Danube to Juanhe, stretched the tower of steppe lands, in the south of the deserted deserts of Central Asia, the mountain peaks of Tibet and Himalayas, in the north - forests and swamps of the Eastern European Plain and Siberia. There was little suitable for processing land. The main value of the nomadic tribes living here was cattle, especially horses that gave meat, milk, skins, and also served as a means of movement.

Steppe spaces provided the ability to feed a large amount of livestock only with a nomadic lifestyle. In the summer, in the south of the steppes, grass pulled out, which forced nomads to move to the server. In winter, when in the north the land covered the trick and shoved ice, they returned to the southern pastures.

Each nomadic tribe controlled the flame territory, which he believed. There was a constant struggle for the best pastures between various tribes. The west of them were enjoyed on the worst lands. Destroyed or enslaved.

The relations of nomads with agricultural peoples were not easy. Avalanches of equestrian warriors often collapsed on the neighboring sedentary tribes, taxed them, gone their settlements, took people into slavery. At the same time, the nomads fought almost all adult men, which allowed them, despite the relatively small number of tribes, put large forces. Military expeditions undertaken by the empires against nomads, more often, it turned out to be meaningless. It is easy to hide from heavy, low-base infantry in the vast steppes, nomads applied to the enemy sudden strikes.

A nomadic lifestyle did not mean that the cattle breeding tribes did not have permanent settlements at all. On the territory controlled by them, there were separate foci of agriculture (for example, the Gyanna forced prisoners addressed to slavery, grow millet), trade centers and crafts. Significant development achieved property stratification in the nomads environment. The main indicator of wealth was cattle and slaves.

One of the most powerful nomadic peoples at the beginning of the new era was Huns. The first major association - the Union of 24 tribes - originated in the Gynnov still in the ILL century BC Under their authority, there were studs from Transbaikal to the River Juanhe.

Huns were a serious threat to China, in every raid they took tens of thousands of prisoners. The settled population of China's core was paid to the gyans tribute. However, in the first century, Han Empire created strong horse armies that could fight nomads. At the same time, the methods of diplomacy, bribing tribal leaders, their disunity were used. They turned out to be quite effective, the Huns by the middle of the I century suffered serious defeats, their tribal union split. Well from the Gyan tribes recognized themselves with the dancy of China, part of the way to the West, in the steppe of Kazakhstan, and then to the boots of the Caspian and Azov seas, pushing the tribes living here, in particular and Alanov.

The beginning of the great resettlement of peoples

In the LL century, global climate changes began, there was a cooling, which has reached the maximum of the V century. During the so-called small glacial period in the south, the onset of the desert began, in the north the terrain was blocked, the nature of vegetation was changed. These changes had a great influence on the life of the peoples of Eurasia.

The struggle for earth between nomadic tribes aggravated. Huns began to move to the west and south, resizing the attack on China. The Han Empire turned out to be harder to resist their onslaught.

Climate change caused the fall in the yield, the development of sowing areas in China, hunger, the spread of vagrancy, cases of cannibals were accompanied by epidemics, including the plague. Multiple the number of uprisings and hungry riots. The population vinyl into its disasters of emperor and officials. In 184, China enclosed with difficulty suppressed by 208. The uprising "Yellow Armbands ». The main ever slogan was the requirement of a new one happy life. Its symbol was considered yellow.

From the middle of the II to the middle of the III century, due to the city, epidemics and the uprisings, China's consulting population decreased from 50 million to 7.5 million people. The small peasantry was completely broken, only the "strong houses" were preserved, which switched to native economy. The authorities were forced to collect taxes with naores (grain and craft products). Money has been canceled, lost the importance of the exchange.

We acquired a great influence in the course of the fight against the uprising of the inadequitals stopped reckon with the imperial courtyard. The struggle for power led to the decay of the Han empire, on the ruins of which three independent states arose in the third century. At the same time, climate change increased the economic importance of the south of China, where the possibilities of highly productive farming are preserved.

Under the blows of the nomadic tribes and due to the deterioration of the conditions of agriculture to the III century, the state of Central Asia (Kyshan Empire and Khorezm) came into decay. The Parfyan kingdom broke up, the state of the Sassanid dynasty appeared on EGO lands.

In the smallest extent, climate change and raids were touched India, Only the northern part of it turned out to be covered by waves of raids.

The emergence of Christianity

Christian teachings originated in the Judean Province of the Roman Empire, where the majority of the population was the Jews who professed one of the religions of salvation - Judaism.

Judea has repeatedly experienced the invasion of Egyptian conquerors, Assyrians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans. The Jews considered themselves a special, chosen people and hoped that a single God, Yahweh, would send them the Savior, the Messiah, which would shine their offenders. However, when Jesus Christ (Now science recognizes that he was a real historical person), who called himself the Son of God, began to preach his teaching, showing wonders, the adherents of Yahweh found an EGO impostor outstanding himself for the Messiah. They did not accept the teachings of Jesus. He argued that people of all nationalities, poor and rich are equal to God, urged to show mercy to work, forgive them.

At the insistence of the High Priests of the Jewish Church, Jesus was accused of blasphemy and sentenced to the Roman authorities to crucify on the cross. Subsequently, the cross became a symbol of Christianity.

The disciples moved the body of Jesus to the crypt hollowed in the rock. According to the New Testament, on the third day, after death, Jesus returned to the world and left the covenants to his disciples. These covenants play a special role in Christian creed.

The death of the Son of God was considered by Christians as a smile sacrifice, which the creator brought as a sign of reconciliation with people, showing that their suffering and experiences are close and understood. Resurrection had to save people from fear of bodily death, to encourage them first of all to take care of the life of the spiritual. According to Christian views, not only the observance of church rituals, but also humility, the failure of evil by force opens the path to the kingdom of God. Belonging to it gives consolation from everyday adversity in life and the salvation of the soul after death, Christians believed that COGDA all people will come to the kingdom of God and will live according to the Testations of Jesus, he will return to the Hallole of Glory (the Second Coming) to judge sinners and make the righteous .

In I - II centuries. Christian teaching gradually spread both in Asian countries and in the Roman Empire. Of particular popularity, it originally used among the poorest layers of the population and slaves.

Questions and tasks

1. Indicate demographic and climatic factors that led to the great resettlement of peoples.
2. Describe the public attributes of tribes, which the Romans called "barbarians". how natural conditions Influenced on the peculiarities of the economy of the German tribes? What prerequisites for the formation of statehood took place in the tribal associations "Varvarov"?
3. Compare the lifestyle of nomadic and sedentary tribes. Why did the gyanns displaced agricultural tribes with their habitats? Explain the reasons why GOCODAPCTVA Central Asia and China could not resist the invasion of the Gynnov.
4. Tell us about the emergence and distribution of Christianity. What layers of the population of the Roman Empire became followers of the new faith?

3Arladin N.V., Simonia N.A. , History. The history of Russia and the world from ancient times until the end of the XIX century: a textbook for grade 10 of general educational institutions. - 8-e ed. - M.: LLC TID PYC WORD - RS., 2008.

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