Temple of Venus and Roma. The most ancient temples of Rome, preserved to this day, the temple of Venus and Roma

Temple of Venus and Roma in Rome

Adrian himself was good architect and built a large double temple of Venus and Roma (a deity, in which the city of Rome personifies) in Rome (Fig. 217-219) near the Arch of Titus, between the Republican Forum and the Coliseum. Stories about clashes between Adrian and Apollodor from Damascus, the builder of the Forum Trajan, deserve confidence, as Apollodor, as his main work shows, was a supporter of the Hellenizing direction in architecture, and Adrian sought to develop a Roman vaulted roman style on an Helinistic basis. Therefore, it is unlikely that Apollodor built Pantheon, the most remarkable work of the Adrian era, although he is attributed to the vaulted term Trachana (see below).

The composition of the temple of Venus and Roma is based on the Hellenistic composition of the peripteral surrounded by the peristyl, that is, it takes the composition of the Wespasian forum, but increases the temple and reduces the outside the courtyard. The temple stands on a step of pedestal, which highlights it even stronger from the peristyle, one-story and absolutely broken in front of the mass of the peripterator. The peristil had quite frequently supplied columns, its outer walls were dissected by pilasters. It is very important that peristil, covering the lower parts of the peripterator, reduced its plastic monumentality and pointed out the viewer located on the middle point of the temple, on the importance of the courtyard surrounding temple. The very temple is designed to perceive from this courtyard (since otherwise his outdoor order is not visible to Dovis), i.e., with a close point of view, which the viewer puts peristil. At the point of view from the courtyard, the column of the porticors of the temple and quite wide intercolambos perform on the fore and draw the viewer inside.

Fig. 217. View from the Colosseum to the forum Romanum. From left to right: Arch Konstantin, Arch Tita, the ruins of the temple of Venus and Roma

Fig. 218. Rome. Temple of Venus and Roma

Fig. 219. Rome. Temple of Venus and Roma

Special appointment of a double temple (CP. Already Erehechyon) spawned a kind of scheduled solution of two killes, addressed to each other apsides. The value of the temple of Venus and Roma consists mainly that there is an old Greek peripter in it (Fig. 219) and each kellee is equipped with apside and a horse, which goes back to the Basilica (Wed. Palace on Palatin - Fig. 174). The inner walls were treated with niches with statues in them, vaults - kacetas; In apcils, sitting statues of deities were rushed. Thus, Adrian, carried away by the Hellenistic culture and based on its architecture on the Hellenistic compositions and forms, nevertheless, in the most basic finally, it shares with an Hellenistic tradition; It transfers the main accent inside the building and develops a problem of a closed internal vaulted space.

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Not preserved

History Creation and Description

The temple of Venus and Roma is the most characteristic work of the Arian time architecture. Built in 121-135. In this temple, built on the project of the emperor himself, found a vivid expression of eclecticism inherent in this time, "there were trends in Roman architecture with elements borrowed from Greek architecture.

The temple was standing on a large rectangular platform in a length of 145 m and a width of 100 m. The temple floor was raised over this platform through the steps characteristic of the Greek architecture, and not the usual Roman podium. The temple was a peripter of the Corinthian order, who had ten from the front side of ten, with longitudinal twenty columns. The roof of the temple was double. The interior room had an unusual device: the transverse wall divided it into two cells. In the depths of each cell there was a large niche, which was placed the statues of the goddesses: in one Venus, in another Roma. Pronaos was located before each wit. Cellee, who went to the forum, was devoted to the goddess of the city of Rome - Roma, the other - the goddess Venus. The ceilings in both prows and cells were boxwlies.

Thus, Roman vaulted overlap inside the temple was combined with characteristic of Greece duscate roof. Exceptionally rich interior decoration The temple, the cornice combination of curves of lines of arches and ASID niche with the Greek warrant differ sharply according to style from the works of Apollodore Damasky, the leading architect of the previous era, which undertook to the Laboison and subordination of the decoration of the structure.

The emperor sent apallodor, then in exile, the project of the future temple. The architect sharply criticized the idea, in the root differing from his creative principles, which he preached all his life. As a result, the angry emperor executed one of the genious architects, which the world had ever seen.

The construction occupied the entire territory from Basilica Maxation to the Colosseum Valley.


  • Architecture of the world. Conference Materials: "West-East: Antique tradition in architecture", Issue 3, Moscow 1994

It is believed that in ancient Rome was the largest temple of an ancient Rome. There is a temple in the eastern part Roman ForumAnd he is dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty Venus and Roma.

History of the temple

The architect of this temple was Emperor Adrian, who was distinguished by love for architecture. The construction of the temple began in 121, and was completed during the reign of the heir to Adriana - Anthony Fium. The temple was badly injured during the fire of 397 and was restored by the emperor Maksenzi.

The temple of Venus and Roma was built in part on the territory of the former Golden House Nero. When the temple was built, the architect of Rome Apollodor, the former Triana's beloved, subjected to the work of Adrian Sarkazma, saying that the statue of God in the temple did not correspond to the sizes of the temple, and that if Venus stands, she wouldreed her head in the ceiling. For these words, Apollodor was accused of state treason and executed.

Another restoration of the temple was subjected to the 4th century at the time of the short Board of Flavia Evgenia. Flavius \u200b\u200btried to restore the shackled position of the paganism of the ancient Rome and tried to restore and restore the pagan temples.

The temple of Venus and Roma suffered greatly in the 9th century, as a result of a strong earthquake. About 850 Dad Leo Fourth ordered to build a new church - Santa Maria Nova On the ruins of an antique temple. After a serious restructuring in 1612, this temple was renamed Church of Santa Francesca Roman.

For centuries, most columns that surrounded the temple of Venus and Roma disappeared. Only a few columns remained in their place, while the rest were replaced by trees.

Temple architecture

The temple of Venus and Roma was huge sizes. Its width was 110 meters, and the length is 53 meters. Inside the temple there were two rooms, in each of which the statues of the gods were installed. In one - Venus, and in the other Roma. Statues were established in such a way that Venus looked to the east, to the Roman Forum, and Roma to West, on the Colosseum.

The temple was surrounded colonna, and from his entrance towards the Colosseum led a monumental staircase. According to the legend, Adrian did not accidentally invented build a temple, which would be devoted to two deities at once. Venus was the goddess of love that they had written like Amor. Adrian tried to beat the symmetry of the names Amor and Roma in architecture.

After 26 years of restoration, the temple of Venus and Roma is open to visit. A ticket for visiting the temple also makes it possible to visit, the Roman Forum and Palatina.

Temple of Venus and Roma on the map

The construction occupied the whole territory from the basilica to the Maxation and the Colosseum Valley, and was erected on a pedestal in a length of 145 m and 100 meters wide. The temple was built under the Emperor Adriana in 135 N. er, on the place where the portico of the Golden House of Nero once was located.

The temple occupied the central part of the portico: it was built from two killer, one opposite the other, with a common inner wall. Cellee, who went to the forum, was devoted to the goddess of the city of Rome - Roma, the other is devoted to the goddess Venus.

see also

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Excerpt characterizing the temple of Venus and Roma

Pierre, I do not remember myself from fear, jumped up and ran back to the battery, as the only asylum from all the horrors surrounded him.
While Pierre entered the trench, he noticed that there was no hear on the battery, but some people did something there. Pierre did not have time to understand how people were. He saw the oldest colonel, aside to him lying on the shaft, as if he was considering something at the bottom, and saw one, seen, a soldier who, breaking forward from the people who kept his hand, shouted: "Brothers!" - And I saw something strange.
But he did not have time to figure out the fact that the colonel was killed that the screaming "brothers!" There was a twisted that in his eyes it was a pinch pin in the back of another soldier. As soon as he ran into the trench, like a thin, yellow, with a sweatiest face in a blue uniform, with a sword in his hand, came to him, shouting something. Pierre, instinctively defending himself away from the push, since they, without seeing, they fled against each other, put his hands and grabbed this person (it was a French officer) one hand for his shoulder, the other for proudly. Officer, having released the sword, grabbed Pierre for a collapse.
For a few seconds, they were both frightened eyes on someone else's face, and both were in bewilderment about what they did and what to do. "Are I taken prisoner or is he captured by me? - thought each of them. But, obviously, the French officer more inclined to the thought that he was captured, because the strong hand of Pierre, moving with an invalid fear, was all stronger and tightly squeezed his throat. The Frenchman wanted to say something that suddenly the kernel was low and terribly walked over his head and terribly, and Piear seemed that the head of the French officer was tearing away: so quickly he bent her.

September 29, 2018

Rome is one of the most ancient cities in the world and for many centuries ago he was the largest center of public and political life. A special place in the life of the ancient Romans was held by religion. The first temples dedicated to the pagan gods began to erect in the royal period, in about the 6th century BC. These the most ancient temples of Rome have survived to this day - their ruins and today can be seen in Rome. Let's get acquainted with them.

The ruins of the ancient temple of Vesta dedicated to the Roman goddess of the family hearth are in the ancient part of the Eternal City, at the Roman Forum. Presumably the temple appeared in the VI-V centuries BC. Round in terms of structure was surrounded by the outer side of the colonnade. The sacred fire was constantly burned in the temple, which was supported by the Zhyshny Vesta goddess - Vestnakov, and inside the saint who kept sacred relics.

Contemporaries can see only three fifteen meter columns, altar, as well as a source of Juturna, whose water was considered healing.

One of the most ancient religious buildings of an ancient Rome, which was lucky to continue to the present day, is considered to be the Temple of Saturn. His ruins can be seen at the Roman Forum. Saturn is the God of Earth and fertility, in ancient times he was especially revered by the Romans, he was erected by temples and his name was called new cities. By giving, in ancient times Italy was called Saturn land.

The Temple of Saturn was erected at the foot of the Capitol Hill in the second half of the 5th century to our era. For its history, the construction has not been burning during fires during fires, but it was restored. Today only a few portic columns survived and part of the foundation. On the frieze you can see the inscription on Latin:

Senatus Populusque Romanus Incendio Consumpm Restituit

That in translation sounds like: " The Senate and the people of Rome destroyed by fire restored».

In the republican period under the temple was located the treasury, where not only the Roman treasury was kept, but also important state documents.

Portuna Temple is one of the few antique structures that managed to live to the present day. In the ancient Roman mythology, Portun was considered the god of doors, keys and livestock, security guard and exit. The temple is located on a bullish forum. In the Republican times, a small port was located here and the market on which lively trade in cattle was performed.

The first temple of Portuna appeared in the III century BC, but the structure that can be seen today is dated to the first century BC. From the previous construction, only part of the foundation was preserved, found during the excavations.

The temple is the oldest, who lived to this day, marble construction in Rome. It was built approximately in 120 BC. On the bullish forum, not far from the Temple Portuna. It is dedicated to the hero of ancient Greek mythology, deified Hercules, the cult of which through Greek colonists was distributed in Italy.

The legendary Ancient Roman commander and statesman Guy Julius Caesar was second in history, after the founder of Rome Romulus, deified Roman. After just two years after the cruel murder of Caesar, starting from 42 to AD. The elaboration began in his honor. Unfortunately, only a small part of it came to this day, but the ruins, which can be seen today in his place, give a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow impressive in size this building was more than two thousand years ago.

Three high columns and part of the podium are all that preserved from the temple of Venus ancestral on the Caesar forum. He was erected back in 46 BC. At the direction of the great Julia Caesar in gratitude to Venus, fertility, beauty and love, for the help of victory over Pompey. The cult of Venus was of particular importance in the life of the ancient Romans, who considered her by their patroness.

The preserved ruins of the temple are located on the imperial forums, or Fori Imperiali, in the center of August forum, built on the request of the first Roman emperor in the 2nd year of our era. It was a majestic structure, richly decorated with white marble, sculptures of the kings and the great Roman commander, the sacred statues of gods and mythological characters.

In 79, our era at the Roman Forum was erected in the honor of the two deified emperors of Flaviev - Vespasian and his son tit. From majestic Temple There are only a few columns, as well as some bas-reliefs that are currently stored in museums.

The temple of all the gods - Pantheon - spread out on Rotonda Square, or Piazza Della Rotonda, in the historic center of Rome. This facility was built by the perrmanis of Emperor Adrian in 126 N. e. To this day, it remains the current temple. Pantheon is a unique sample of ancient Roman architecture, its design features indicate great achievements in the field of antique engineering.

There are a lot of outstanding Persons in Pantheon, among which the Italian kings of Umberto I and Vittorio Emmanuele II, the Queen of Margarita Savoy, as well as famous painters and architects of the Renaissance Rafael Santi, Baldasar Peuruszi, and others.

According to historians, the most majestic religious structure of ancient Rome was the temple, built into the glory of the goddesses of Venus and Roma, patrons of the eternal city. He was consecrated in 135 n. e., during the reign of Adrian. The architect of this monumental structure was the emperor himself performed.

Ruins that can be seen today near the Colosseum give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of ancient structure. The pedestal on which the temple was erected has a length of 145 meters and a width of 100 meters.

Modern Rome is not just a city with a long, centuries-old history, this is a real open-air museum, the exhibits of which are surprisingly finding a place among modern buildings. One such example is the Adrian Temple located on the Stone Square (Piazza di Pietra). Part of the ancient Roman structure turned out to be built into the building of the XVII century, built on the project of Carlo Fontan.

The temple into the glory of the deified emperor Adrian was erected by his adoptive son and receiver Antonin Fii in 141-145 of our era.

The Temple of Antonin and Faustina is one of the few well-preserved pre-Christian forum temples. According to the decree of the emperor Antonina Fiya, formerly deeply by a religious person, in the Roman Forum, in the middle of the II century, the temple was erected in honor of his late Faustina's spouse. When the emperor died, an eagle was released at the farewell ceremony in the sky, which symbolized the deification of Antonin. On Frieze, the portico can be seen Latin inscription:

Divo Antonino et Divae Faustinae EX S (Enatus) C (ONSULTO)

which in Latin sounds like: " Divine Antonina and Divine Faustina by decision of the Senate».

One of the largest structures located at the Roman Forum is a basilica dedicated to the emperors of Maxance and Konstantin. The height of the books of the basilica, built in 312, was 39 meters, and the area of \u200b\u200bjust one of the neuta exceeded four thousand sq.m.

The most ancient temples of Rome, preserved to this day