An abstract of open lesson on the development of the speech "Tree of polite words". Abstract of extracurricular activities "grow a magic tree" a tree of polite words with their own hands


extracurricular events

"Grow magic tree»

Grade 2.

Prepared and spent:

Primary school teacher

Hizriev Larisa Mustafaevna

"Grow a magic tree"


    detection of quantity vocabulary polite words used by guys;


    form an understanding of the moral importance of polite words that guys are used when communicating;

    expand and consolidate the dictionary of the most commonly consuming polite words.


    Tree of politeness

    Leafs with words


The form: the game, creative occupation, conversation.

Methods: dialogue, collective creative activity.

Structure occupation

1.Organizing time

Greeting. Seaming in places. Opening word about the topic of classes.

2. Ready about politeness

Everyone can express his kind attitude to the world with the help of certain words - "good", "magical." They live next to us, we use them constantly! These are words of greetings, gratitude, requests, forgiveness, respect and apologies. What are these words? When do you need to say "magic" words? Why are they "magic"? (Answers Guys.)

Guys, all of you know the word "Hello". And who knows from you, what does this word mean? That's right, this is the word greeting, so, for a long time, at the meeting, people wished each other health, as the most important in life.

Today we will remember and consolidate knowledge of polite words. What is politeness?

Politeness is the ability to behave so that others be nice to communicate with you.


To never end.

She is fixed over the years

3. Game. And now we will play the game: "politely impolitely" Let us try to determine which connoisseur of politeness rules.

If politely - clap twice, ignorantly - sit quietly

    Say hello to meet;

    Push and not apologize;

    Help climb;

    Raise fallen things;

    Do not get up referring to the teacher;

    Do not give way in transport;

    Do not notice mom's discontent;

    Contact "you" to the elders;

    Thank for help;

    Help convey heavy bags.

Do you always communicate with people with people with people?

4. "Tree of courtesy"

Guys See what we have (demonstrate the "wood of courtesy"). Our tree is completely without leaves! It is necessary to help him get dressed! But our tree is magical, and therefore, he should have magic leaves! Here we have leaflets with words, but not all of them are "magic", your task is to find a leaf with "magic", i.e. A polite word and glue it to our tree.

Well, look at what beautiful, the magic tree did it happen! Now this tree will stand in our class and remind you of what you need to be polite.

5. Summing up:

Well, guys, we remembered polite words and raised a "magic tree" in my opinion, we got great! Well done boys!

We all learned sometime

Walk, draw, speak.

Let's remember guys

How good and polite to be.

Meeting friends and acquaintances

With a smile in the eyes, I look,

Be polite very easy to me

I "Hello" first will say.

Invented by someone beautiful -

For help thank you

The usual word "thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

Saying good, we are all "goodbye"

Always say each other

"Please" - if the desire

Ile request to execute.

How much in the light of useful,

Beautiful and affectionate words.

Please, only be polite,

After all, it is the basis of the foundation.

And polite to be very simple:

Be kind - the usual advice,

No matter what kind of growth

And how old are you already.

Politeness at school begins

To never end.

She is fixed over the years

And remains with a person forever.


1. Fixing vowels, a sequence account within 10.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children of grammatical forms of connected speech, the knowledge of children of wild animals and their young.

3. Fastening the knowledge of children of "polite" words, the ability to use them properly in speech.

Materials: letters, numbers, pictures with the image of wild animals, letter,


Educator:Guys, a letter from an old man was coming to us.

He asks to help forest residents, they can't get to the forest school, because the evil wizard was enchanted everything around, and only then would come to life, who could find an answer to everything. But to help forest residents get to school, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

The answer of children: Yes.

Educator: Well, here is our first obstacle - river.

River, the river is deep, do not see the bridge anywhere,

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of the stones with numbers from 1 to 10).

Educator: To enter the forest, the stones should be disassembled.

Take a stone with a number that comes after the number 5.

Take the stone facing the number 4.

Take a stone with a number worth between 7, etc.

Educator: Entered the forest, we go quiet so that I did not hear an evil wizard. As in the forest quietly, as if everyone died.

Educator: Guys, and here a note, read?

Answer one survey - where does the Bear live?

The answer of children: In Berloga.

Educator: What is the name of the young marsh?

The answer of children: Bear.

Educator: The answer is faithful, so our bears came out of the Berlogs.

Educator: Where does Lisa live?

The answer of children: In the hole.

Educator: What is the name of the cub fox?

The answer of children: Lysteat.

The answer is faithful, that's our fox with lisates

Educator: Where does the hare live?

The answer of children:Under the bush.

Educator: Where does the protein live?

The answer of children: In Dupel.

Educator: What is the name of the young squirrel?

Answer children: Lachats.

The answer is true, that's our protein with luckers.

But to go to the Forest School, we must solve the following tasks:

1) Winter came, the hare built a house from snow. Posted near the house flowers. How many colors planted the hare near the house?

The answer of children: In winter, the colors are not planted.

Educator: But we are met by an old lady

Antique-lady: Guys, what are you great, the obstacles overcame.

Educator: And why are you so sad, the old man is a mandrel?

Antique-lady: Yes, the evil fairy enchanted my forest, and my most favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will come to life and green when good people come to him, and many good, good Words Will say.

Educator: Guys, let's help the old man's forest to revive the forest, and his favorite tree "Polite words."

Educator: Children, what are polite words do you know?

The answer of children:

Educator: Do you know when they need to say and do you always do it?

The answer of children:

Educator: Now we will pass the lesson of courtesy.

Hello! Word, where are you from? Hello, what does this mean? - So be healthy - so people meeting, wished each other health.

There are three children and read poems, passing the right word, and the rest of the children in the chorus insert it.


I put on glasses and flippers

And in the underwater world dived.

I said Karasu: "Hello!",

But silent silent smoked,

Only in response the tail was walked.

We walk down the street,

Disable clear step.

General will meet

Garksham: "We wish the health!"

So that the ringing is in the ears.

The rules of good behavior are all saying chorus.

If you met a friend,

Although on the street, at least houses

Do not be shy, do not breathe

And say the pogrom: "Hello!"

Educator: And there is a word that you can say hello and say goodbye. This word - Hey!

Mole got out on white light

And he said the hedgehog: "Hello!

We have not seen so many years.

Give your wife hello.

And now goodbye. Hey!

And there is no clock as not. "

Educator: Here is another polite word - "Please". In this word and respectful request and response, gratitude and reverence.

Rule for educated children everyone says chorus.

If you ask anything,

Then first do not forget

Light your mouth and say:

"You are welcome!"

Educator: "Be healthy!" These words in the old days mean not only kindness, but also power. No wonder in fairy tales, "Good Movements" won, and one of the Russian warriors called Dobrynya.

Be kind to everyone who weakens.

Let him not afraid of a sparrow.

Sogram Kitten, Puppy Puppy

And the moth do not drive away from the flower.

Do not hurt and midges.

Do not forget, be kind!

Rule repeat the choir.

If you do not want to choose,

I really ask you, be wise,

Polite word request Start:

"Be kind! Please!"

Educator: "Welcome!" You will meet with these words with good.

Bear Bear to guests

Hop to pamper.

In Berloga, the door opened, said: - "Welcome!"

Educator: In antiquity, when you wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they told him: "Save you God!" And these words "save are:" My thanks, I do not regret. "

All choir repeat the rule.

If in a word or case

Anyone helped you

Do not hesitate to loudly, feel free to say: thanks!

Educator: "Sorry!" It is necessary to say when you are inadvertently offended, or caused trouble.

Spanking sparrow paws.

Chirping embarrassed: "Well, sorry!",

Spider angry: "Well, sorry!"

Spoiled the network - carry a fly! "

If you hurt someone by chance

Ile stepped on the leg inadvertently,

Just do not silent, just do not hum

Long do not pull, tell me: "Sorry."

Educator: "Bye!" By this, the children say goodbye to the old man as a friend. You can still say goodbye: until soon! See you! Wish a good way!

The tree of "polite words" grown, the forest came to life.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

The answer of children:

Educator: What did we do?

The answer of children:

Kizyma Galina Vasilyevna

    Tree Third "Good Tales"

    You know a lot of fairy tales. Each fairy tale has good characters and villains. Let's determine all together who is kind, and who is angry.

    Ivan - Tsarevich and Baba Yaga

    Seven Cats and Gray Wolf

    Blue beard and c-finger boy

    Cinderella and stepmother

    Pinocchio and Basilio Cat

    Karabas Barabas and Malvina.

    (Attach the heroes to the tree.)

    All right, fairy tales you know well. Let's put the following tree.

    Tree fourth "polite and kind words"

Now we will do that there will be no bad words at all. All bad words we will replace good and kind. (Everyone is given a card with a word)

Rough, evil, greedy, sad, grief, enmity, deception, cruelty, ugliness.

What other words do you still know? (Children's responses: "good health", " have a good day"," Be kind "), etc.

(Attach the kind words to the tree.)

Let's play a little. I will read the poem, and your task is to take a good word in meaning.

Invented by someone just and wisely -

At the meeting greet ... ("Good morning!")

Severe old stump,

When hear: ... ("Good afternoon!")

Boy polite and developed

Says, meeting: ... ("Hello!")

Melts icy glyba

From the word good ... ("Thank you!")

When you get scared for pranks

We say: ... ("Sorry, please!")

And in France and in Denmark

They say, saying goodbye: ... ("Goodbye!")

All of you with great love

I wish you great health.)

Here is our garden and filled with "good trees." So take care of your
Garden, do not let him overweight by weeds, fill it with sunlight, good words and good deeds.

I give you these little hearts - the symbols of two beautiful qualities - kindness and politeness.

All the best, thank you!

Self-analysis open class "Kindness and politeness"

The topic of this lesson was determined for students of primary classes as one of the formatives of the ethical behavior of younger students, aimed at moral education Pupils.

The purpose of the classes was to introduce children with important human qualities - kindness and politeness;

The tasks were:

- to form in the consciousness of children the concept of "kindness", "politeness";

Expand the knowledge of children about the kindness and its role in the life of every person;

Bring up goodwill, the ability to give warm and kindness, consuming polite words in their speech;

Adjust self-esteem;

Develop communicative skills.

Understanding, fragments of reading passages about polite words, music, smile song, "Song of the Leopold Cat". For disclosure, methods used: visual illustrated, partial search; Form of work: conversation, game, played role situations on the themes of polite behavior.

When generalizing, the guys were offered symbolic "hearts", in which the "applied" of the kindness would "fit" and direct the behavior of small children. I believe that the tasks are fulfilled, students worked with interest over the theme, they were associated with examples from life.

Thus, cultural and cognitive competence of students were formed, children received knowledge of the correct behavior in society. The goal was achieved. The lesson was personally oriented.

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"Travel around the country of courtesy"

Subject « Travel to the country of courtesy. "


Teaching children in general culture of behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards each other.


    Expand the knowledge of pupils about polite and kind words and their application in life situations,

    To develop in children the ability to analyze their actions, the ability to conduct a dialogue, use various appeals depending on the situation (talking by phone, rules of behavior in public transport).

    Enrich and adjust the vocabulary.

    Develop logical thinking and speech, cognitive interest in language.

    Brought up good, respectful attitude towards each other.

    Rail a culture of communication.

Equipment: Dictionary, details for the practical part: phones, basket;

distribution material for independent work - Cards for the selection of synonyms for the word "kind", incisionable proverbs about kindness.

Event flow:

A wizard comes to me every morning and brings me wonderful fairy tales. But today I said the wizard: "I don't need fairy tales. We will go to an unusual journey" to school of courtesy ". Then the wizard gave me white list Paper and said that all their names were wonderful on it. Guys, do you believe in miracles? I believe too.

Now we will try to create a small miracle.

(On the Sheet of Watman Paraffin written the names of children). We call the assistant and together with it moistened in the watercolor brush, paint the sheet. When the names appear, read them.

- Guys, what do you think, what kind of person is easy to live in the world: good or evil?

- Who, in your opinion, kind man?

- What should I do in order to be kind?

- Today at the lesson we will meet with the rules of courtesy.

And she will help us in this very majesty politeness. She came not with empty hands, but with magic items to help us get into the "school of courtesy."

The whole secret is that only a polite, educated and kind person surrounding people are always kind. Only such a person everyone loves and respected.

- Why are we not attentive, polite and good friend to friend? After all, it is not so difficult!

Politeness for adults and children is important, politeness - a wonderful and kind and good country.
Politeness It is necessary since childhood everyone learns, courtesy, guys, particle magic.

If we are polite every day and an hour -
Will the world happier in millions of times!

You have a little life experience, but many of you already know some rules of polite relationship with others. But what rules of courtesy, we prepared her majesty politeness, so that we knew them and easily hit the school of courtesy.

(The rules of courtesy appear on the screen, children read them in turn.)

    Do not hurry the first to sit at the table.

    Do not talk while eating.

    Do not forget to close your mouth when you chew.

    Not tea.

    Do not go back to pop up the door.

    Do not interrupt the speaker.

    Do not swing your hands.

    Do not show your finger for anyone.

    Do not interfere in someone else's conversation, without uttering "Sorry"

    Do not forget to apologize if someone pushed someone.

    Do not take a view of the bus that you do not notice the standing elderly person.

    Do not hold hands in your pockets.

Guys, why a person needs these rules? Is it impossible to do without them?

The rules of politeness with you are needed everywhere and always. Otherwise, people would not be able to communicate with each other, help, respect each other. And in general, there would be at the level of a caveman.

- Tell me guys, and from what words usually people begin to communicate?

- People begin to communicate with dating.

That's right, people begin to get acquainted with the words "Hello." This is the most common and at the same time important wordFrom which the communication of people begins, which characterizes a person as polite and friendly.

- What does the simple, ordinary word "Hello"?

- When people greet, they wish each other health.

Each word has its own mystery, the story of its origin. And we will open this mystery with you now, and find out when this word appeared.

In very distant times, when the cave people lived: they did not have words either "Hello" nor "goodbye". But one day they got sick and could not recover, and the one who was with them instead of a doctor (because there were no real doctors), told them:

- You are sick because you do not want one friend a friend. Is it possible to be a healthy person if no one wants health? Cave people made up and decided to talk when meeting each other the word "Hello" - it means to be healthy.

"Hello," they said to each other and immediately felt better.

Since then, people greet each other. That's why they say that the word "Hello" is a magical word that can help a person in healing.

And today, Majesty is politeness herself, she gave me a heart that magic words knows. Let's listen to what simple, but dear words you know. And for this, we will transmit this light from hand to hand, and call magic words. (Children transmit little heart from hand to hand).

Well done! How many magical words you know!

Guys, we taught poems about the magical words, let's tell them.

(Children read poems about kindness).

1. Good day! - They told you. Good day! - You answered.
How two threads tied the warmth and kindness.

2. We wish: "Good way!" It will be easier to go and go.
Let us lead, of course, a good way to good something.

3. Hello! - You will tell a person. Hello! - He smiles in response.
And, probably, it will not go to the pharmacy, and will be healthy for many years

4. For what we say "Thank you"? For everything that is done for us.
And we could not remember who they said, how many times.

5. Cancel if the word "please"? We repeat it commemorated.
No, perhaps, without "please" it becomes uncomfortable.

Guys, do you like when they are politely treated? What happens if people stop talking to each other polite words? Each of us loves when they are treated politely, but we should not forget about the words of assistants. We have to talk with anyone as you wanted to talk to you.

Look, guys, a kind wizard sent us an invitation to school of courtesy. Do you think why the director of this school is the sun? (The school principal is the sun, because it is warm, good, all warms).

Are you ready to go there? Well, then open the doors.

Guys, read the motto of this school - "Good man like a sunshine." How do you understand this proverb? What do you think, what does the word "kind" mean?

Kind. - Making good others, responsive.

- Such who is borne by well-being.

See guys, what unusual lessons are in the school of courtesy.

Doodle lesson.
Music change.
Communication lesson.
Mood lesson.

So, the firstgoodness lesson . What do you think guys, why are kindness of kindness in the school of courtesy? (In the school of politeness passes the lesson of kindness, because the sun is light, good, radiant, warm).

And what proverbs and sayings do you know about kindness?

But the wizard prepared two more proverbs, but he confused words in them, and we must collect them. Who will be my assistant?

Children collect proverbs.

"When the sun is warm, when Mother is good."

"Look at the one who does not make anyone."

- And so let's check what words "friends" with the word "kind." (Cards with words.)

- What person can we call good? Guys, what words you did not connect with the word "kind", why?

Now we will play in the game "Good Sunshine".

In each of us there is a small sun. This is the sun - kindness. As the sun, kindness illuminates with its rays and gives people warmth, caringness and attention. I will touch the sun with a rake to you, and you will need to tell me what good deed you committed lately. (Teacher selectively adopted by the "magic wand" to the guys.)

Music change .

And now let's dance a little.

Communication lesson .

- We are with you guys, remembered polite words that help people communicate.

- Look at the screen. You see different life situations with which we have to face daily.

- What picture of the characters behave correctly? Why?

- Today in the lesson of communication we will learn to communicate so that everyone is nice to everyone.

Bear called me.
Yes, as I started, as he began to roar.
- Wait for the bear, do not worry,
Explain what you want?
But he is only "Mu" yes "Mu"
And why, why -
I don't understand!
Hang, please tube.

- What do you think, why didn't we have a conversation? How to properly start talking on the phone?

Representation of yourself
Explanation of the goal of your call
Gratitude and farewell.

And now let's try to show the right telephone conversation.

(Invitation wishing).


1. You call to a friend to learn homework. What conversation will take place, how will it end? You should show us now.

(Situation is played). Children comment on the correctness of telephone conversation.

2) You call the teacher to find out the schedule of lessons. (Situation is played). Children comment on the correctness of telephone conversation.

Rings the call, the call rings again.
Again calls us to a lesson.

Mood lesson.

To show care, attention to people need to be understood: a man is sad or rejoicing, angry or fear. Now we are practicing in determining the mood of people.

Please look at the faces of these gnomes? What do they express?

(Joy, chagrin, fear, anger, surprise ...)

- What gnome would you have a pleasant to communicate?

- We are more pleasant to communicate with a cheerful gnome.

- What are you most often you?

Rules for all people who surround us:

It is impossible:

Clap on the shoulder when you appeal to a person

Waving his hands.

Take clothing.

Scratch your head, tear yourself at your ear.

Radiant fingers on the table.

Sneezing, coughing, yawning without closing.

- So, we visited the school of courtesy today. And now I want to check what the sun taught you, what rules did you remember?

The game "politely is impolite"

The conditions of the game are simple:

If - you agree with me, and a good act,

Do not sit, do not silent, clap your hands.

Well, and if bad act and did not happen to you,

You are then all together, walk together.

1. If there are no places in the tram, you should not buy a ticket,

Anyway, you are going standing, it is better to save money.

2. If you have become sad, you need to boost them.

3. If you give you a book, you will reply: "Thank you."

4. If you went to the movies, and it goes long ago

You need to scroll loudly: "Who dreamed without us to start"!

5. If a friend came to you, you imagine her friend.

6. If someone suddenly randomly come to your leg

No matter how apology, we will not forgive the act.

Well done boys! With this task you coped.

- Well, it's time to say goodbye. I would like to know what your mood is? You have pictures of girls and boys on the tables. Dorisite, please, their faces. Show me what you now feel.

I am glad that you have a great mood.

Today you helped me so well, you were good, friendly owners. Thank you all.


"Be polite."


Pedagogue of additional Education E. A.


year 2013.

Purpose: to bring up respect for the elders; repeat the rules of courtesy; Develop the desire to be attentive to others.

Round 1. Shooting Sloves .

If you met a friend,

Although on the street, at least at home -

Do not be embarrassed, do not breathe

And tell the pogrom ... ( hello).

Sparrow broke out

Ceatroom threads.

Chirping is embarrassed:

Well…( sorry).

Mole got out on white light

And he said the hedgehog ... ( hello).

If the company met,

Not hastily, not in advance,

And per minute of parting

Tell everyone ... ( Bye).

If you ask anything,

Then first do not forget

Light your mouth

And say… ( you are welcome).

When I give something,

I have been told: ... ( Thank you).

You will give something -

Thanks not forby !

If you do not want to choose,

I ask you - be wise,

Polite word request Start:

Be ... ( kind),

Be ... ( dobry).

If, in a word or case

Anyone helped you

Do not hesitate loudly, boldly

Speak … ( thank you)!

Round 2. Guys, guess the riddle:

There is a joy of girlfriend

In the form of a semicircle

On her face she lives;

Then somewhere will suddenly leave

That suddenly return

Let longing her afraid!


Round 3. Question-answer. The commands are set on one question, for the correct answer, aware of the token.

Question. What do you have to do if the elder comes into your room, and you sit?

Answer. You need to get up, squeeze the chair, and you can only sit after the invitation.

Question. How to behave at the entrance of the older class?

(Students must give a corresponding answer.)

Question. How should you behave when meeting with elders on the street at home?

Answer. Stay, say hello.

Question. How to behave when talking with elders?

Answer. Talk standing, do not lay hands in pockets, stand straight, talking calmly.

Question. If you appeal to the eldest, how should you call them? On "you" or "you"? (Corresponding answer.)

Question. You sometimes have to meet with old men, disabled or with women who need help assist: go around the street, to carry something, climb the mountain, along the stairs, etc. How should you do?

(Achieve an appropriate answer.)

Question: What words do we speak when meeting?

Answer: ("Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "I am glad to see you," how do you feel? ")

Question: What words do we speak when parting?

Answer: ("Goodbye", "before tomorrow", "to the meeting", "happy path", "all the good", "good")

Question: What words do we speak during breakfast, dinner, dinner?

Answer: ("Pleasant appetite", "Thank you", "Thank you", "everything was very tasty")

Question: What words do we speak before bed?

Answer: ("Good night", "Good Night", "pleasant dreams")

Question:During the game you are inappropriately pushed a friend and he fell. What do you do?

Answer: (Apologize and help get up.

Question: You gathered to draw a drawing, you have no needed pencil, and a friend has. What do you do?

Answer:(Ask politely: "please")

Round 4. Situation.

Once, the old man was walking down the street, leaning on a large bitch wand. He was very old and bent from the old age, so I went, looking at my feet. To meet him, lifting his head up and looking at something in the sky, a boy went. He ran into an old man. The old man became very angry at the boy. But the boy said something, and the old man immediately supposed.

What did the boy say, why grandfather stopped angry? (Sorry, please or forgive please.)

Round 5. "Be careful."

Teacher:Again will spend the game. I will ask you to do something if you please with a polite word - perform; If you please without a polite word - do not perform. Game to all understand

-stand up please;

- Pretty;

- shook in your hands, please;

- Some, please;

- turn your feet;

- Get places with a neighbor;

- Share a neighbor handle, please;

- Create a handshake with the neighbor, please;

- Go to the door;

- Get back the handle leaving your neighbor;

-sit down please.

Round 6. Who will call more polite words? Teams distribute leaves and each team for the allotted time writes their own options, the teacher checks the answers and count the amount.

(For example: please, thank you, good morning, day, evening, night, sorry, sorry, goodbye).

After the end of the Round, summarizing the entire quiz. All tokens are calculated in both teams, rewarding the victorious and losers in promotional prizes.

Abstract direct educational activities,

in integration S. educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations"," Speech Development "

in the older compensation group for children with ONR

educational situation "Tree of polite words"


educator speech therapy group - Skorobogatova Olga Fedorovna

teacher-speech therapist - Kalashnikova Irina Vladimirovna


Education of culture of behavior in children.

Educational tasks:

1. Fixing vowels, ordinal account within 8.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children of grammatical forms of connected speech, the knowledge of children of wild animals and their young.

3. Improve the skills of the "Rules of Behavior in the Forest"

4. Fastening the knowledge of children of "polite" words, the ability to use them properly in speech.

Developing tasks:

1. Develop creative imagination

2. Development of shallow and general motility, visual attention.

3. Develop logical thinking.

Educational challenges:

1. Formation of a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of the task, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

2. Educating emotional responsiveness.

3. Brigade careful attitude towards forest inhabitants.

Methodical techniques:

1. Game (use surprise moments)

2. Visual (use of illustrations)

3. Sensual (reminder, pronigrating individually, chorus; search questions, individual answers of children)

4. Encouragement, Analysis of Classes

Materials : letters, numbers, pictures with wild animals, letter, ball medium soft, oak leaflets, paper flowers, audio record from the movie "About the Red Hood", "Fucking together" (minus one), relax "Morning", Sweet Surprise For children, gifts for guests.


1. Children have knowledge of the culture of behavior in the forest, the correct consumption of polite words in speech, about wild animals and their young.

2. They understand the importance of consuming polite words. Carefully relate to nature, show compassion for everything alive.

3. Summary to form complex words, nouns with diminishing suffixes.

4. Differentiate sounds in free speech.

5. Poems expressively read.

6. Able to complement the poems rhymes.


1. Organizational moment. Music recording quietly - Relax "Morning"

Educator . 1,2,3,4,5 - become a circle to play!

Fit a new day. I smiled at you, and you smiled at each other. And think about how good that we are all together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate, we are healthy. Let's wish each other good morning, and will help us to do our magic ball. We will pass the ball with two palms, smile and say, my friend - Good morning ...... (Masha) and give the ball to the following. (At the end of the exercise, music subsides and children pass to their places)

1.1 Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, a letter from an old man was coming to us.

He asks to help the forest, because the evil wizard was enchanted everything around, and only then would come to know everything, who could find an answer to everything. But to help the forest and an old-sized forest, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

The answer of children: Yes

But first we remember the rule:

Every day is always everywhere,

In class, in the game

Loudly, clearly speak

We never rush.

Educator : Well, here is our first obstacle - river (image of the river)

River, the river is deep, do not see the bridge anywhere,

To suck further, it is necessary to call the letters to call: a, o, y, s, and, u (children call the vowels with whom they met in class, the teacher lay out them in the form of a bridge. All letters on magnets).

On the board appears image of the forest (big photo)

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 d 8, all numbers on magnets).

Educator : To enter the forest, the stones should be disassembled.

Let's decompose them in order. What pebble will we start? (1), what are the pebbles for him? (2), after which you need to put? (3), etc. up to 8 pebble.

What pebbles is between 3 and 5?, For 6?, Before 2?, After 4?

Calculate from 8 to 1. And now the choir is from 1 to 8, and now in a whisper from 2 to 7.

Well done, coped with the task, go further.

Educator : The recording of the music "Sounds of the Forest" sounds. They entered the forest, we go quiet so that I did not hear an evil wizard. How in the forest quiet! Guys, what are the rules of behavior, we must perform in the forest?

Answers children: do not break the branches of trees and shrubs, do not tear flowers, do not silent, do not shout, do not break the bird nests, etc.

Because of the layout of the tree, white owl appears (toy) in the paw holds a note.

Educator : Guys, and here a note, read? (The teacher himself can come up with tex notes)

Answer the question - where does the Bear live?

The answer of children: In Berloga.

Educator : What is the name of the young marsh?

The answer of children: Bear.

Educator : The answer is true, so our bears came out of the Berloga (I put a picture on the blackboard with the image of a bear and bear. And so on each animal).

Educator : Where does Lisa live?

The answer of children: In the hole.

Educator: What is the name of the cub fox?

The answer of children: Lysteat.

The answer is faithful, that's our fox with lisates

Educator: Where does the hare live?

The answer of children: Under the bush.

Educator : What is the name of the cub haunted?

Answer children : Zaitat

The answer is true, that's our bunny with rashes.

Educator: Where does the protein live?

The answer of children: In Dupel.

Educator : What is the name of the young squirrel?

Answer children : Lachats.

The answer is true, that's our protein with luckers.

Once again I clarify with the children of whom we were freed from the evil char of the wizard.Educator : We continue the journey.

1) Winter came, the hare built a house from snow. Posted near the house flowers. How many colors planted the hare near the house?

The answer of children: In winter, the colors are not planted.

Music sounds and an old ladder appears (the speech therapist in the old man's dressed suit)

Educator : But we are met by an old lady

Antique-lady: Guys, what are you great, the obstacles overcame.

Educator: And why are you so sad, the old man is a mandrel?

Antique-lady: Yes, the evil sorcerer joined my forest, and my most favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will live and green when good guys come to him, and many good, good words will say.

Educator : Guys, let's help the old man's forest to revive the forest, and his favorite tree "Polite words."

Fizkultminutka (go beyond the old-fashioned forest and repeat all his movements (high raising his knees, on the socks, jumping "through the bodie", "subject to the branch", etc., all moving to the music "Fun having fun")

An old ladder: Well, here and came. (There is a branch from the tree in the vase, there are "fallen" leaves and acorns)

"Educator: Children, what are polite words do you know?

The answer of children:

Educator: And let's, we will read the elderly woods about polite words, maybe then and the tree will come to life?

Educator: We all learned sometimeWalk, draw, speak.Let's remember guysHow good and polite to be.

Children read poems

Meeting friends and acquaintancesWith a smile in the eyes, I look,Be polite very easy to meI "Hello" first will say.
Invented by someone beautiful - For help thank youThe usual word "thank you"We must not forget to speak.
Saying good, we are all "goodbye"Always say each other"Please" - if the desireIle request to execute.

"Good evening", "Good afternoon"
Tell us everything is not too lazy!
"Good morning" we say
In the morning woke up, mom.


If it came on the leg
Even by chance, even a little bit,
Immediately say: "Sorry"
Or better - "Sorry."

How much in the light of useful,Beautiful and affectionate words.Please, only be polite,After all, it is the basis of the foundation.
And polite to be very simple:Be kind - the usual advice,No matter what kind of growthAnd how old are you already. (After each read poem on s-L tree Had leaves with polite word)

Antique-Lesovka: Puzzles of politeness

Talk to friends is not too lazy

Smiling: "kind ... day"!

Farewell to each other

We will say ... "Goodbye."

A friend is not in resentment to blame

It is better to rather .... Together.

Before what it is beautiful,

The word is kind ... "Thank you."

As it looks like the word "kingdom"

On the friendly ... Hello.

When to blame, you hurry:

"I ask you, please ....ize"

In someone else's conversation, never make sure

And adults are better not ... interrupt!

Everyone will say for a piece of fare
Leaving, all ... "Goodbye."

To go to a friend -
Let's say it ... "So far.

If friend sneeze ready,
Remember the phrase "be healthy!". (An old man hanging leaf on a tree)


Be kind to everyone who weakens.

Let him not afraid of a sparrow.

Sogram Kitten, Puppy Puppy

And the moth do not drive away from the flower.

Do not hurt and midges.

Do not forget, be kind!

Rule repeat the choir.

An old ladder: Guys, see, the tree of "polite words" grown, the forest came to life (the phonogram "Forest Noise" sounds.

There is a recording of music from the movie "About the Red Hood" and the old man, the Lesovka invites everyone to dance. Then thanks all the children for the help and gives the basket with candy. Children politely say goodbye to him and "go" home.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

The answer of children:

Educator: What did we do?

Answer children

Educator: Did you like our journey? Let us make, pleasant to our guests, and give them the first spring flowers that we made with your own hands.

Children give gifts and occupation ends.