A gift for March 8 with your hands a girl. Bookmark for book - Simple and necessary gift

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Today's post is fully dedicated to the topic "Gifts on March 8 with their own hands," because such a present is always the best due to its originality.

I turned to Yandex and he found 146 million results to this request, which indicates the tremexy popularity of the topic. Today we will only touch on the small part of the information presented on the unstashes of the World Wide Web! And let's start reviewing from the one thing in which we usually bring gifts for March 8 ...

Gifts on March 8 do it yourself: the best ideas

You can not even imagine what you can do on this beautiful day!

How to make a paper bag on March 8?

You can do a gift bag from paper without much difficulty using elegant models that offer us this selection.

Everything is simple: choose the handbag you like the finished template, print it on paper (as dense as possible). Now you have to cut the resulting stamp and glue it strictly according to the instructions. Handbook ready.

By the way, the template does not necessarily choose with a finished pattern. There is also clean layouts, your child can do their decoration.

As a result, the original and practical belts for the gift.

An interesting option for a paper handbag is this model:

In the store, of course, you will not go with such, but for presenting a gift on International Women's Day, she just right.

Wonderful Tulip Pencil

This gift is also easy to make it yourself. You will need the following materials:

  • dense cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

At the first stage, we draw a template of our future pencils and cut out the details from it.

Next, bend the template on dotted lines.

Now you need to connect the parties with high-quality glue.

At the final stage, glue the bottom. Such a stand for pencils can be given to teachers and teachers of kindergartens.

Bookmark for book - Simple and necessary gift

Also from paper material are obtained. Let us offer two the most simple in the manufacture of the option. So, we will need fat cardboard, better colored, bright wrapper paper, scissors, glue, and everything you want to decorate your craft.

First option. Cut from our cardboard square 10x10 centimeters. We add it diagonally 2 times. After that, cut the finished figure into 2 parts, as shown in the picture.

The resulting corner must be glued and decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, ribbons, or some appliqué.

Manufacture the second option Bookmarks for even students of junior classes. First, 10 centimeter strip of 6 cm wide is cut out of the cardboard. It is folded as shown in the pictures.

The ends of the obtained "envelope" either leave as they are, or cut out a semicircle or heart-shaped. We connect two halves using the applique.

I think this bookmark will like the girls.


They can diversify and decorate the weekly hairstyle of the owners of beautiful long hair. But it is not necessary to buy gum for hair in the store, you can make a unique thing alone. It will be much more interesting. The beauty of which you see in the picture are made from girlfriend.

To sehe gum-flower, we need:

  • cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • rubber;
  • beads;
  • needle.

So, proceed. First we make 3 types of cardboard circles with diameters 5, 6.5 and 8 cm.

Templates obtained in this way apply to the selected tissue base, we supply chalk and cut the part - 5 circles of each type.

1) Now take one circle and turn it in half (see picture).

2) We repeat the procedure again, turning in half the semicircle received in half.

3) Now we have a detail that resembles a petal. We need to flash it with a needle back.

4) By analogy, we make petals from the remaining 4 circles of this species and collect them on our thread. Having finished, we turn the thread and we have such a nice flower.

5) Similarly, we make flowers and from all circles.

6) The resulting 3 flower connect together.

7) On the large lower flower is sewn the usual.

8) Little top flower in the middle decorate a contrasting bead or pebble.

Great gift mom - photo frame

Despite the digital technologies, the usual photos are still popular. Agree, it's nice to consider pictures on the photo paper. And if they are, it becomes double pleasure. It is possible, so relevant in our days a gift for March 8 in the form of a man-made photo frame, which is able to make literally any person. The technology consists of two steps. It is also universally in terms of donation: you can even use as a children's gift.

First you need to prepare a paper base - it should be dense, so it is better to prefer the cardboard. The size is determined by the form - the future frame and holes for the pictures. The latter can be done completely different: a rectangle or a square, a rhombus or a circle, in general, any other figure.

Prepared? Now include your fantasy for the design of the base. The framework of the photo frames can be wrapped with ribbon or colored tissue stripes, or decorate beads, buttons, shells or pebbles. By the way, any of these jewelry can be painted with gouache or watercolor paints by choosing an interesting color gamut.

Doing a photo frame, do not forget to immediately decide the question with the fastening - will it hang on the wall or stand on the table?

Double Surprise - Joy is doubly

A sweet gift to a woman will be doubly pleasant to get if they presented it in the original frame. Even ordinary candy. For example, in such an amazing frame in the form of a heart that resembles a pink bouquet.

For the manufacture you need to stock in the following materials:

  • white hard cardboard;
  • double-sided red or burgundy paper for the origami format A-4;
  • sweets that destroy the framing frame;
  • ordinary toothpick;
  • adhesive-pencil;
  • narrow transparent scotch;
  • ruler and circulation.

In the first stage, we prepare the basis: from the cardboard, we carefully cut the heart - in the diameter, 20 cm is enough. On its back side, there are two straight lines on his back - one shares in half, the second is its height. Crossing lines We celebrate the point. We take a circulation and blacks of 5 centimeter in diameter Circle (in Fig. Noted by a dotted line). Having retreated from the center to 1 cm down, black arc - diameter 4 cm. It turns out a figure like an oval.

According to this sketch, we cut out the inner oval circumference.

The next stage of work is the preparation of roses by the refill method. Cut from paper 30-centimeter strips width in half acetimeter, and screw themselly tightly on the toothpick. It must be made under 40 pieces.

The resulting spirals weaken slightly so that they "disappear" and glit free to the parallel side.

From the obtained billets, select 28 pieces and make "petals" from them, squeezing closed spirals on the one hand. Then, from the remaining, choose 3 pieces and harvest the "eyes" - the spiral is squeezed on both sides. In addition, another 6 "closed" spirals will be required.

We post these details on our heart - how, solve yourself. Try different options, and just deciding, glue roses to the cardboard.

Fur key chain - a cute and pleasant thing

For the manufacture of the fur keyword, we need a small piece of fur, perfectly if it is a sandy, a fragment of the skin or leatherette from the old bag or gloves. There is also a fishing line, which is used when weaving beads, or strong threads, and a standard key ring. From tools - scissors and needle.

  1. A piece of fur is folded with fur inside, and the edges are flashing. Just leave the hole to turn off the workpiece.
  2. According to the identical method, we make a leather strap. If you want to make a thinner strap, you can immediately flash the blank on the right side, having fed its edges.
  3. We skip the strap through the ring.
  4. We need another leather item. Cut the rectangle
  5. Also, we sew it, folding the right side inside. Fix in it strap.
  6. The basis of our bag should be beatened by the edges inside.
  7. We return to the fur billet: on the basis, we tighten it with threads.
  8. Now decide, use or not decorative elements And go on.
  9. Start the final stage. Fur lumps put in the bag and sew, along the way we attach beads in the case of decoration. Upon completion of the work, the end of the fishing line (or thread) hide in the bag. Our keychain is ready.

Origami - beautiful and touching

Pretty simple together with children to cook mom or grandmother festive flowers. We for the rescue comes Japanese Origami technique. How and what to do - it is clear according to the following schemes.

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

It is no secret that any girl just adores surprises and gifts. But if on a regular day, a girl can forgive his lover if he forgets to make her some present, then on March 8 to stay without gifts - it's just a catastrophe for her. In this long-awaited beautiful day, a woman dreams of an original and creative gift that she would remember for many years.

Unfortunately, the fantasy of many of our men is such that further principle: "Children - ice cream, women - flowers" she does not move. Representatives of the strong floor most often prefer to give women flowers, sweets, soft toys, perfume, cosmetics, etc. So, if you want to surprise your lover, we bring to your attention 10 ideas of original gifts on March 8.

If you do not know what a gift to choose, then the winning will choose a present that is useful for the girl. For a girl who loves to engage in the gym, you can give a subscription for a year in a fitness room or pool, girls who love household - supernovy combine, multicooker or other household appliances.

2. Gift-Animal

If your girlfriend loves animals very much, then she can make an original gift - an animal. Only best to give non-banal wavy parrots or hamsters. And bring a goldfish in a beautiful little aquarium, or a small thoroughbred dog, a kitty, a decorative rabbit. This "live" present will always remind your choices about you and please her eyes. Do not forget to also buy with animals a little feed for start.

3. Gift - Original Bouquet of Candy

It will look very romantic and festively if you connect such two banal gifts into a single composition as flowers and candy. Purchase for your favorite chic bouquet of sweets, or try to make it yourself. Such an original gift will be not only beautiful, but also tasty.

4. Gift - Gold Jewelry

Often, men give their women on March 8 precious decorations. It will not be too original if you give the usual ring or earrings. Pick up the jewelry of this that most characterizes your favorite, make engraving on the product, give the decoration with an exclusive design, etc. Such a gift will never forget. When presenting a gift, do not forget to make a romantic atmosphere for larger romanticism and celebration.

5. Gift - Accessory

Girls who are very strictly followed by fashion and prefer a variety of accessories in their wardrobe, you can give original exclusive bags, gloves, scarves, belts. Only a gift must be high-quality, and whenever possible brand. Give your girlfriend the opportunity to paint before your girlfriends new items of the season - and then she is yours forever.

6. Gift - Popular Aroma

Perfume, as a rule, is not the most original gift to a woman, but if you give her high-quality branded perfume in well-known firms, then your gift can hardly be called banal. Just buy real spirits from Kenzo brands, "D & G", "Adidas", and not cheap Chinese fakes "KEMZO", "ABIBAS" and others. Also, if your girlfriend loves a variety of flavored candles, you can give a set of luxurious aromosave.

7. Gift - the latest gadgets and adaptations

I think that no girl will refuse and will be delighted with the new phone Latest Model, Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop. What could be better for a man than to see a stormy delight of a woman from the seen desired gift, and also sealed in the original packaging.

8. Gift - a ticket to rest

What a girl does not dream gorgeous and comfortably relax, and even with his loved one. And what if you give her such an opportunity and present a ticket to an exotic roast country or a ski snow resort. Moreover, such an unexpected gift will be and for you a good presentation.

If you can't decide how to congratulate the girls on International Women's Day, think about the ideas of a gift on March 8 with your own hands! Just select among the many ideas exactly the one that will enjoy - all of them are fresh, original and help you pleasantly surprise the beautiful half of humanity.

Gifts do it yourself for the smallest

Little girls first need congratulations with such bright dates - be sure to tell them about the history of the holiday, about its traditions to add a tuition note. It is best to remember the heard babes will help, of course, gifts!


Since young princesses simply adore to play with dolls, give them a toy - just not a simple, but made with your own hands! From such gifts on March 8 will not be refused by any baby - after all, the exclusive soft girlfriend, like your daughter or younger sister, will no longer have anyone.

For example, you can make it possible to make a pretty Waldorf doll, a toy from kapron tights, a Tilde among the needlewoman with their own hands. All these toys do quite simply - it is enough to have the skills of sewing and cutters manually at the initial level.

Braided bracelets

Decorations - one of the inalienable attributes of the female image, and young girls too. This does not mean that you have to give your children jewelry - there is a danger to quickly lose costly things.

Try instead of expensive jewelry to consider the ideas of gifts in the form of braided bastards with your own hands - they are easy to do from beads, beads or just weave from shoelaces in Moulin technique. In addition, try weighing bracelets from rubber.

On March 8, it is possible to make stylized bracelets - in gentle pastel colors and with the figure 8 - by the way, turned on the side, it symbolizes infinity, and this sign in lately It is very fashionable to use in your wardrobe.

Magic costume

Another option of gifts for March 8 is a carnival costume of a magical fae! The fact is that all the girls love to watch cartoons in which the fairies personify good, beauty and magic.

That is why each baby wants at least one day - March 8 - to become similar to his favorite characters. And what is the fairy without wings?

  • Take 2 long segments of thick, well-bending wire for the upper wings and 2 - for the lower. Bend slices in half, giving them the shape of the wings.

  • Each wing separately cover the cloth. Alternatively, take transparent categorous stockings and just pull them on the frame. Connect the wire to each other. Some needlewomen are not fixed, but stitches the details among themselves.

  • Use paints, sequins, buttons, beads and feathers to complete the design of the gift with your own hands.

Do not forget about the magic wand!

Gifts for loved ones

The kids figured out, but what are the ideas of gifts you can use on March 8 for adults?


Since March 8 is celebrated at the very beginning of spring, it is still possible to return frosts! Therefore, care for the health of loved ones will be the best gift this time.

show more

Reed Khasanova

What can be given to his beloved girl for March 8 - such a question is asked almost every man at the beginning of spring. Of course, I want to please and pleasantly surprise your half, but it often happens that the male floor is lost in guesses and does not even represent that you can present and what to give a girl on March 8. Most importantly, a gift should be chosen with love.

To accidentally not offend and do not upset your favorite, you need to carefully consider each version of the present

Dear gift for your beloved girl

Dear and universal gift to the girl on March 8 is jewel. It would seem, the simplest decision, but not so simple such a gift to pick up. If this is a ring, then you need to know the girl's hand size of the finger. The chain on the neck or bracelet on the hand must be made in an unusual weaving. You can add a chain with a pendant with a pebble or a small suspension.

Souvenir is suitable precious Materials. For example, a statuette for your desktop or a gem in the original frame or on the stand.

Modern gadget It's never too late to update. A girl who watches novelties of smartphones will be pleased to get the last model. It can also be a compact laptop, a tablet or electronic book. To such a gift is appropriate to immediately pick up a beautiful case.

If the girl drives his car, then an excellent gift will be accessories for him. For example, a leather case on the steering wheel, navigator or a powerful speaker system.

Dangerous gift, because it carries with you greater responsibility, but if you are sure of 100%, too ... a girl who loving animals will sincerely get ready to drink a homemade pet: a thoroughbred cat or a dog. Of course, such a gift is appropriate only if the girl has no allergies on the wool and it really dreams of a domestic animal.

Additional list of expensive presents For your beloved girl:

  • swiss watches - such a stylish and expensive gift will lead the girl in the real delight;
  • high-quality, branded accessory: handle, business card holder, notebook, belt, or bag, gloves;
  • certificate in boutique fashion shoes;
  • dear perfumes - only if a man knows exactly what fragrance a girl likes;
  • professional camera;
  • a set of expensive cosmetics;
  • branded bijouterie;
  • a small mirror made of silver and decorated with rhinestones Swarovski.

Silver Rim Mirror

Inexpensive gifts for March 8 may be as exquisite and pleasant. Sometimes it happens that the budget gift It turns out more mental And the "real" rather than the present is a huge value.

Picking up a gift to his girlfriend, you need to repel from her interests, because she loves to engage in free timewhat dreams of

Many girls love to do needlework, so as a gift you can pick up a variety of ribbons, fabrics, threads, beads, an embroidery textbook or painting for coloring by numbers and many other little things.

The easiest and most inexpensive option is cute soft toy And a set of sweets, if the girl like these presents. You can also give fun board game And there is a lot of evenings over it.

Soft toy and set of sweets as a gift

Any gift is required need to add a chic bouquet Flowers and warm words. And then the surprise for his beloved girl will definitely succeed.

Original gift to the girl on March 8, made by hand

The girl will be very nice if the young man will present her homemade gift by March 8. After all, this will mean that he did not regret the time and strength to please his beloved, and this is very valuable in relationships.

  • casket for different trifles from cardboard, wood or felt;
  • congratulatory video with photos of a girl and funny songs;
  • pie or cake - especially if it is presented for breakfast in bed with a cup of fragrant tea;
  • poems or song, if there is talent to writing.

Do it yourself for a girl you can make tree from joint photos. To do this, you will need:

  • self-adhesive film of brown and green;
  • several small photo frames;
  • photographs;
  • decorative decorations.

In the photo frames you need to insert the most beautiful photos with a girl. A brown film cut the trunk of a tree with branches, and from the green - the crown. Stick on the wall or special panels, and in the branches place photos within.

Tree with joint photo on the wall

Additionally, you can decorate the tree with flowers, birds, nests, a silhouette of a cat - all this can be cut out of the same film as a tree.

Instead of a tree, you can depict a huge vase in which flowers will stand, and on them - photos. Or place photo frames on the background of a big heart from a red film

On March 8, it is important not only to give my girlfriend a gift and a bouquet of flowers, but, if possible, arrange such festive atmosphere, which will allow her to truly relax and feel like the most beautiful, desired and beloved.

The simplest thing you can do is not to allow her all day to cook or cleaning, but to make these things yourself. And even better, send your favorite in a cafe with girlfriends or going shopping, and at this time it is to make a romantic dinner.

Dinner does not need to be made of complex dishes. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of romance: put candles, a table to add a festive tablecloth, get beautiful cutlery, put flowers and enable pleasant music.

Can be done original surprise with the help of friends. For this you need to inflate many balloons, draw a big poster with the words of congratulations and get up under the window of your beloved girl.

When she comes out (invite her by phone), choir to scream compliments, nice words or small quit and let go of the balls into the sky. All this will look very impressive.

Gifts for March 8 can be practical, and can and unusual. Most often these are intangible presents, and gifts-emotions.

For example, you can give your girlfriend a ticket to the master class on dancing, baking cakes, training for artistic photography or acting. Here you need to choose depending on the interests of your beloved girl. If possible, it is advisable to go to such an event together - joint work of creativity will bring together and will give a lot of positive emotions.

A great gift is a journey. If the budget allows, it would be good to unexpectedly for a girl to arrange a vacation in the middle of spring in warm edges

But it will help to distract from the everyday bustle even a short trip to the cottage or on an excursion to another city for a couple of days. Russia has many old cities in which there is something to see and what is impressed.

Flowers can also be an unusual gift if they are correctly present. For example, you can order a huge bouquet of roses with a note: "From the mysterious stranger" or "Your Romeo" and send with a courier to his girlfriend to work. Such a present certain will not leave the girl indifferent and will effect the effect of surprise.

Delivery of bouquet courier

If the girl loves to be photographed and not afraid of the camera, then a wonderful gift can be photo session in professional photo studio. It is necessary that the girl there is offered the most unexpected images, a new makeup and style - such a photo session will remember for a long time. And high-quality photographs will long be the subject of envy for all girlfriends.

Practical gift

There are such girls who all gifts will prefer something practical, that come in handy in the house or at work. You can ask in advance in your beloved, whatever she wanted to get on March 8, so as not to give her an unnecessary bauble, which she will not use.

  • Charger for a smartphone or an external battery is a useful thing that will always stay in touch.
  • Notepad for culinary entries - if the girl has a recipes stored, as it fell: in newspaper cuttings, in files on the desktop of a computer, on passages of paper, then such a gift will have to be likewise.
  • Jewelry casket or different little things - this thing is always useful, even if the girl does not wear jewelry.
  • An organizer for scarves and scarves is a very convenient find in order to organize space in the closet. Moreover, scarves are so hard to store in a neatly folded stacker, especially silk.
  • Lunch box will appreciate the girl who watches his food and eats only that food that is cooked at home. Hermetically closed containers will allow me to wear lunches to work with the convenience, without fear that the food is soles in the bag.

Photo of a practical gift for your woman - organizer for scarves and scarves

Gift former girl on March 8

After parting with the girl sometimes there is some kind of inactive. If parting passed due to ridiculous nonsense or a stupid quarrel, then you can try to return the location of the girl to yourself, giving her a bright and cute gift on March 8.

If friendly relationships are supported after parting, then a small gift can be given a former girl, which does not bind it

For example, a funny soft toy or a colors vase, a picture, a small bouquet of simple colors.

If the relationship is over, but the former girl still does not leave attempts to return everything, then to put the point beautifully, you can hand it on March 8 some nice, but at the same time a neutral gift. For example, a souvenir or keychain, a flash drive or a set of candies. It is impossible for the gift to be ambiguous and giving a girl false hope.

List of simple giftsthat do not oblige anything:

  • soap roses in a beautiful box;
  • stand in the form of a tree for earrings;
  • little wooden casket covered with varnish;
  • photo frame;
  • antistress toy.

Wood coasters for earrings

On International Women's Day, all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are worthy of attention and gifts. Therefore, men should not be bought up on compliments, affectionate words, flowers and gifts. It is not important how much the present is, and how much attention a man will give his beloved, which is surrounding warm, tenderness and care.

A few more interesting ideas for gifts for your beloved girl you will learn by looking at the video:

March 6, 2018, 10:47

We offer a selection of ideas of gifts on March 8 with your own hands. In this article, we collected original crafts for children and adults, detailed master classes and the most useful advice. If you want to please close people with something simple and at the same time very beautiful and made from the soul, these unearned lessons will be useful to you.

Any child wants to make a gift to mom on March 8 - in this selection you will certainly find excellent ideas. In addition, you can easily find crafts to school (for classmates and teachers), something for your beloved grandmother and just family friends of all age. Flowers, candles, candy gifts - all this and something else for your inspiration!

All materials that we will use to create gifts for March 8 are very simple. Most likely, you already have everything you need. If this is not the case, you will not be difficult to find it in departments for creativity or hypermarkets.

We have gathered the most popular, but not banal gifts. Choose what you like most and boldly take about the work. A gift for International Women's Day can be done even for 15-20 minutes!

Flowers made of paper

Crafts for March 8 from paper are very popular. We suggest you make a beautiful and very gentle bouquet Colors in the technique of quilling. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent, because it is difficult to find a woman who will not appreciate the flowers. This simple handicraft is an excellent gift for mom, grandmother or teacher.

We need:

  • wire;
  • colored paper;
  • decorative twigs;
  • decorative butterflies (or cardboard and stencil);
  • styrofoam;
  • flower pot or basket;
  • super glue;
  • glue stick;
  • needle for queening.

Please note that the flower pot or basket can be easily replaced by packaging paper.

Earlier, we have already told you what. The article on the link you will find useful tips on choosing paper for crafts in this technique, as well as information about how to replace the needle for queening if you do not have a ready-made option.

Let's start creating colors. To do this, we cut all paper on a strip of 0.5 centimeters wide. It is desirable that the length of each strip is at least 50 centimeters. However, to create not too large petals, there will be enough sheets of the A4 format, which we will share on the strips (cut along, not across).

We take a strip of white and tightly screw it on the needle, form a very dense "bobbin". Then pull out the needle and with the help of your fingers we give the details of the petal form. Well press the end. The tip can be put on the adhesive pencil. Make at least 10 petals per flower. The number of petals determine the number of colors in the cradle for March 8.

Fold the yellow strip in half, and then in half. Leaving 1-2 mm from above, make a fringe for the entire length of the resulting detail. Mix the undisputed strip glue and twist the part in the flower is the middle of the flower.

We connect the yellow dive with the petals with the help of a superclone, it is necessary to do it with the "Point" side. Petals should look a little up. Make the required number of daisies.

Now we will deal with legs. To do this, cut off a small piece of wire (the length depends on the desired size of the colors). Omitting the entire wire with a green paper strip. Top we make the same dense bobbin as on the billets of petals. Raise it a little up and drip a superclone drop. Connect with a flower yourself.

You can arrange a resulting gift in packaging paper. Even more interesting there will be a bouquet supplied in the pot. To do this, on the bottom of the basket or kashpo glue a piece of foam and simply stick the wire legs to the base. Between the colors we skip decorative leaves, and on top of a beautiful butterfly.

This craft is perfectly complemented by vintage paper butterflies. If you like homemade paper flowers, you can see how to make a dahlia hand for the holiday. This is no longer quilling, but the technique is also interesting.

Roses from bead

This master class of a gift for March 8 will not be difficult even for children: we will make a beautiful festive rose from the beads with your own hands. This is another option for presenting flowers to beloved women who will definitely like the recipient. Similar handicraft - a great gift for the holiday for mom, sister, grandmother or girlfriend. The main value of such colors is stunning appearance and durability; Such gifts are stored for years.

Beads can be beneficial to book on Aliexpress. Large selection of colors, excellent quality, good feedback, low price - Check yourself on the store page for this link.

We need:

  • wire for beadwork;
  • green beads;
  • beads for the base.

In this case, you will not need complex circuits for beading. The flower is assembled from several petals, and this greatly simplifies the task. This means that the master class will starve even beginners.

We start with weaving greenery. To do this, we bite a few pieces of wire and prepare the green beads. We will need 13 beads for one leaflet. Take a look at the photo, how the rows are built.

At the end of each petal we make a small nodule. For one rose from the bead, we will need at least 5 leaves of green. It will be beautifully placed 1-2 additional leaves on the flower stem, but it is not necessary.

Then we join one row, constantly increasing the number of beads by 2. That is, in the third row - four bispers, in the fourth - six, etc. You need to make 8 rows.

After that, at the edges of each petal, skip a row of beads to the very base to complete the sheets beautifully and round the edges.

To diversify the composition, you can add multiple green petals than more. It is better to weigh them immediately - to the assembly of the flower.

Petals slightly twist to the center and insert each other. Wires are gossiped with each other - just spin it.

Under the base of buds, we place green leaves. In the center of the stem, we place a couple of green leaves. The stem itself wept with an extra piece of wire so that the handicap looks neatly.

Original gift On March 8 is ready! You can give one rose by making it large - with a long stem. If you wish, you can weigh some more colors and arrange them in a beautiful homemade festive bouquet.

Heart from candy

What woman will refuse sweet to their main holiday? But to give candy just so little boring, let's love them pretty! We will have a very beautiful Present on March 8, which will have to taste to girls and women of any age. You can make it with your own hands for a girlfriend or offer such a craft to a child ( primary School, kindergarten) As a gift for a teacher or educator.

We need:

  • hacksaw;
  • skar;
  • corrugated paper (white and color);
  • acrylic or aerosol paints;
  • english pins;
  • any decor.

The inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be enjoyed on Aliexpress (see this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high resistance - universal option for various crafts.

The polystyrene foam is the most material that can be found at the bottom of the boxes in which household appliances were packaged. Carefully look at if you have this material left for you to create crafts for March 8. If there is nothing suitable, replace it with foam. However, note that the foam foam will be unpleasant when cutting and turning.

On a piece of polystyreneol, we draw a big heart. This can be done in a stencil or hand. Great idea - cut the heart out of paper, and then simply circling its outline; So you will not be mistaken.

Cut the heart with the help of hacksaw and process the edges of the skin so that the handicap is smooth.

In the center of the future gifts, we draw another heart, and then carefully displaced the middle part. We do it with the help of hacksaw and hammer. The edges are also better to handle the skin so that the recipient does not notice the odds in your festive gift.

The side parts of the crafts are covered with a corrugated white cardboard, its remnants can be fixed on the bottom (meaning recess). Use the superclamp to securely fix the decor. Internal part of the box lay out pink corrugated paper. Beautifully drape the edges of the product, excessive cut. The bottom can be treated with acrylic paint or paint from the canister. If there is nothing suitable, take it with corrugated paper.

A gift for March 8 is almost ready! We need to place your favorite recipient candy. For the reliability of fixation, English pins will be required. Confirm on one candy is just sticking the needle to a fantasy (from two sides). We complement the festive handicraft with decorative colors.

You got a great sweet gift that the addressee will accurately like. Complete the composition of the flower bouquet - and the recipient will be fought! Flowers and candy are a standard gift for March 8 and for mothers, and for grandmothers, and for girls, but all this can be presented very unusual and with a soul.

Beautiful rose candles

Candles are one of the best gifts for women. It is romantic, beautiful and very cute. Especially in the event that a gift is made with your own hands, but looks like buds of beautiful roses. Candles will become excellent presentation for Mom (primary and high school children can do it under adult supervision), girlfriends of any age and beloved mother-in-law or sister.

Of course, you can find beautiful candles in any hypermarket, but in fact they do not go to any comparison with homemade. Just imagine how it would be nice to a person who will receive a unique thing as a gift, over which you worked so well.

We need:

  • several white candles (the simplest);
  • candles with a metal base ("floating" candles;
  • dry food dye or red-pencil red (pink) color;
  • wooden skeletal;
  • metal plate or saucepan.

If you have crayons or styling pencils, you will be enough to take one of them and open up or grasp one of them. However, for saturation will be better to add a dry food dye. If you do not have pink or red dyes, use others - nothing terrible (modern roses are yellow and blue, and any other).

In the metal bowl, mix the dyes and soda in the same paraffin from old candles. Rope-fittils Save - they will come to us. Metal candlesticks also do not throw away - we will put our roses in them.

Put the plate on water bath Or on a very slow fire and melt the mass. It should resemble the kissel by consistency and be evenly painted.

Next, we need an old cutting board or any other surface that is not too sorry to roll up with a knife. With the help of a tassel, make a few blurry drops: downstairs they should be slightly above - wider. Paraffin remains do not remove with water bath.

When the mass applied to the surface, slightly cooled, gently squilt it with a knife and roll into the tube around the wick. Form the petal by hiding the bottom of the fingers.

Gradually increase the mass of petals around the wick. Each new petal is a bit adjacent in the center and flex back, giving the form of bud.

Please note that the petals should not be the same form. Nothing terrible if the outer part of the petals is wider. So even more convenient.

Paraffin, which you did not remove from the bath, distribute the metal candlesticks. In this mass, stick the shaped bud and wait until the mass grabs. Ready!

If you want to make aromatic candles, add 10-12 drops to a mixture essential oil Roses. So when burning the candle, the room will be filled with an excellent aroma. Additionally, the festive cracker can be decorate with dry sparkles. When contacting with fire, they do not smell, and the candles are made of elegant.

Another great idea is colored petals. If you have several food dyes and the ability to put several plates on a water bath at once, then the petals can be made two or more colors, and then combine them in an arbitrary order or alternately.

This gift is appropriate to be presented even to an unfamiliar person. For example, such candles will be good as a gift to women-colleagues. Absolutely nothing terrible if your gifts on March 8 will be homemade, because it is always highly appreciated.

If you do not have floating candles or you want to "plant" a rose in a jar, take a look at this instruction. However, note that the jar is needed not normal, but with a wide neck, so that the paraffin does not glare when burning.

Topiary for the holiday

Another great gift for March 8 is homemade topiary. This handicraft seems difficult, but even children will cope with her. Topiary - a wonderful gift for mom with your own hands. In addition, it can be given to a teacher or grandmother. The cauldron can be the central decoration of the holiday and will serve for a very long time.

In this video class, the foundation for the festive Topiary is a strong paper. However, there is nothing terrible in order to replace it with something. For the crafts for March 8, ready-made decorative flowers, roses made of satin ribbons, kanzashi flowers, paper flowers on skewers, tulips and roses from beads (instructions can be viewed above), beads from felt or phoamyran.

In short, choose any material and make festive flowers, and then just stick them into the ball and place, as shown in the video master class. Such a gift will have to taste the girl of any age. If you have a child, and you are going to make a crawl on March 8 to school, take this instruction for weapons.

Choose any of the classes presented and delight your favorite women with pleasant homemade gifts! Do not forget to supplement the gift with sweets or flowers so that it becomes even more enjoyable. Your works will be accurately rated. All presented instructions will help you make win-win gifts with your own hands, which always like women and girls of any age.

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