What is the feeling of the Motherland for Tvardovsky. The theme "big" and "small" homeland (on the poem

The first poems of the Tvardovsky appeared in the press in 1925. But all that is written in the poet until 1929, he himself considered helpless and did not include later in the collection of writings.

In the first collections "Road", "Zagor'ye", "Rural Chronicle" Tvardovsky writes about the new village, about the villages of the village. He turns to the theme of peasant labor, reports its poetry. In verses of the 1930s, Tvardovsky creates a generalized image of a person from the people who embody spiritual beauty, high morality (cycle of poems about Danilla, "Ivushka", "Your Krai-Hofty will not grow ...").

Already in the collections of the 1930s, a kind of ethical manner of Tvardovsky appears. The basis of its poetry is the traditions of people's poetic creativity: the installation at a time-shalor, not complicated by metaphors and poetic figures; The use of a folk word, proverbs, sayings, introduction in verse of sustainable poetic folklore turns. From folk poetry entered into creativity of the tward, some permanent motifs, such as the motive of the road, at home, testing the hero on the way to happiness or to the goal. You can talk about the deeper influence of the People's Poetic Creative Psychia on the Potening of the Tvardovsky. This affects those worldwind principles that are based on the image of Ge-Roy and determine its nature: traditional peasant values, People's Morality, People's Relationship to Labor. Such quality and determined the authentic peoples of the poetry of Tvar-Dov.

In the 1930s of the 1930s, such features are developing as narrative, events, which later will lead the Trev-Dov to the genre of ballads ("Father and Son", "Ballad on Comrades," "Ballad of Refinance"). During the Great Patriotic War in Tvardovsky's poetry merge publicistic on-fire, lyrical emotionality, an epic look at the event. Military pore poems are combined into the collections "Retribution" and "Front Chronicle". The Military Poetry of the Tvardovsky was not theatic difference from the creativity of other poets. The main topics are uncompressed Motherland ("Smolensk region"), high courage and patriotism of the Soviet soldier ("When you pass through the columns ...", "border", "New Year's word"), sacred revenge ("retribution").

The theme of the war, the memory of those who died for freedom of the Motherland remains one of the main in the work of the Tward and in the post-war period ("I killed under Rzhev ...").

And the dead, fragravy there is an even one: we fell for the homeland, but she was saved ...

Post-war verses of Tvardovsky are filled with philosophical meaning of time. The poet talks about the meaning of life and creativity ("No, life did not fit me ...", "recognition"), about the honor of a person, about the connection of a person with nature ("Talking with Paduna", "Snow will darken blue ...").

By the end of the 1960s, Tvardovsky understood a lot and overpowering:

... volunteer or unwittingly, it happened not that, not so.

The history of the Soviet country, he perceives as a harsh experience that future generations should take into account. He judges himself and his peers from high moral positions, understands that the poet's duty to speak truth, "no matter how bitter." Tvardovsky considers it necessary that every person will have to lie everything to correct mistakes in life. In the poem "Hour My Morning, an hour of control ..." The poet is confident that you can still turn the story:

But not an inactive ropot of the distressed of your soul. Attaching experience to experience, my hour is my top.

Introduction to Czechoslovakia in 1968. The Soviet tanks were painted from the Tvardovsky lyrics. He perceived this act as an obstacle to freedom, as the collapse of all hopes ("What do you want a manhood of Viny ...", "Marx, Engels, Lenin, to know ...").

Tvardovsky feels his tragic guilt for what pro-comes in our country. He painfully analyzes his own biography, and through it - the biography of the entire generation, rises to the philosophical understanding of "fierce fate":

I know no my guilt is that others did not come from the war, in the fact that they are who older who are younger - remained there, and not about the same thing that I could, but failed to save, - Not about that, but still, yet, yet ...

The sense of suggestion of common fate was an integral part of the thinking of the poet in his late lyrics. His poems are a conversation with himself, alone. Material from site.

Generalizing the topics of late creativity - I and the world, I and the way of life, I and death, I and the people. This is the experience of knowledge through self-knowledge. In the lyrical cycle of "Memory of Mother", the poet in the memoirs travels with the mother on the roads of her life and everything is Naro-yes. The motive of communication of times organizes the whole cycle and merges with my home, sources. The memory is inherent not only to man, but also nature. In poems, "as uncomplying with these pines in par-ke ...", "lawn in the morning from under the machine ...", "Birch" memory for-childbirth is a metaphor of communication in everything in the universe, the expression of one. The poet exacerbately feels the end of the personal being of a separate person, the death of life. But the community of everything in the world, the flow fluidity allows you to overcome this limb, to gain a continuation in the descendants, in the rustle of trees, in the blizzard. The tragedy of the inevitable end is enlighted by the POP of non-resolution of life ("We say goodbye to the mothers ...", "time, soon on the massacre").

From the establishment of the facts of socialist construction through the comprehension of the People's Soul in War, the Tvardovsky war came to the philosophical understanding of the life and fate of a person and the country.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • tvardovsky Lyrics about time and about yourself
  • writing the theme of nature in the work of the Tward
  • nature of Poetry Tvardovsky
  • poetic metaphors in the poetry of the Tvardovsky
  • analysis of the poem of the Tward Snow will darken blue

Peaceful, the disadvantaged psychology of the heroes of the 60-70s, living far from their native places, wellguled Vasily Shukshin in his stories. He also wrote "The Word of the" Little Motherland "(so the author himself, in quotes, entitled), where he presented a psychological portrait of a man torn off from the edges of the edges tormented by this, as well as the" wounder "in his reflexes he looks in his eyes Countrymen. "Those - wrote Vasily Makarovich, - who had to leave (for a variety of reasons) from their homeland (it is clear that I mean the so-called small homeland), - and there are a lot of such - they are involuntarily carried in the soul of some kind of damage, the feeling of guilt and sadness Over the years, sadness weakens, but does not pass at all. Maybe, from here, there is our awkward embarrassment in front of countrymen, when we come to them from large "centers" on a business trip or on vacation. I do not know how others, and I confuse something and look. I see some easy irritation and discontent of my countrymen something, maybe, by what I went, and now, you see, - arrived "(Shukshin. P. 65).
An unleashing of such psychological nodes writer and engaged in his prose, where readers bribed his confessional, when "everything will tell, as in spirit." "I would like to figure it out," Shukshin continues. - Is it my homeland, where did I born and grew up? My. I say it with a feeling of deep rightness, for all my life I carry my homeland in my soul, I love her, alive, she gives me strength when it happens hard and bitter ... I do not speak myself this feeling, I do not apologize for him in front of countrymen - it My, it is - I ... when I will die if I am conscious, at the last moment I have time to think about the mother, about children and my homeland, which lives in me. I have nothing more expensive. "(Ibid. P. 66).
Ends up its reflections of Shukshin extremely important conclusions, the essence of which he probably more than once and did not think well. Therefore, I will quote them entirely: "Motherland ... I live with feeling that someday I will return to my homeland forever. Maybe I need it, I think I am to constantly feel the life of the "margin of safety": there is always where to return if you become short. It is one thing to live and fight when there is where to return, another thing, when to retreat nowhere. I think that a Russian person is in many ways the consciousness of this is - there is still where to retreat, there is, where to breathe, get together with the Spirit. And some huge power might be sinking there, in the homeland, some kind of life-quality strength, which must be touched to find the lost pressure in the blood. It can be seen, the vitality, the resistance of the Spirit that our ancestors would bring there, lives with people and so on, and it's not for nothing that it believes that the native air, native speech, a song, familiar from childhood, the gentle word of the mother doctor's soul.
I was ashamed for a long time that I am from the village and that my deck knows where - far away. He loved her silent, did not say much. He served valid, as in sin, in a fleet, where at that time, I don't know how now, there was a sucho of some kind of jungle: the guys are mostly all of the cities, from large cities, I gave up with my country. But then - and then, in life, I noticed: what is the open person, the smaller he is ashamed or afraid, the less desire causes people to touch it in him before the place that he would like to not touched. Looks at some clear-clear eyes and simply says: "Vytsky". And with him bribes smooth. I was surprised - how good it was, did not hide more with my village. Of course, the Motherland will forgive me this young fool, but he will continue to hide something that I love and what I think. That is, it is impossible to bother with your love, but as they press - I say straight.
Motherland ... And why does the thought live in the heart that sometime I will stay there forever? When? After all, it is unlikely in life ... Why? Maybe because it will go out with me together. Can be seen so. Bless you, my homeland, work and mind human! Be happy! You will be happy, and I will be happy "(ibid. P. 69-70). A sense of love for a small homeland usually comes to a person over the years or under the influence of tragic family circumstances (for example, early orphanhood) * [* And Alexander Yashin, and Nikolai Rubtsov, and Vasily Belov, their fathers lost in war. Writer Vladimir Lichutin in the sketch "Divis-Mountain" back in 1978, accurately noticed: "The grateful generic memory to the small homeland awakens suddenly, as if obeying the messengers of the sickness and the headed soul." It is suddenly. Lichutin, being at the highest literary courses in Moscow, squeezed in his homeland. He wrote all his Pomeranian pedigree, found in the XVII century. Yakov Lichutin's feed, whom Lomonosov invited Chichagov's first Russian expedition to the first Russian expedition]. It is renewed and responsible, serious. No, truth, the rules without exception. To which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was in every sense of a harmonious personality, but exclaimed with sentimental excitement: "... we have a whole world of Alien. Fatherland us Tsarskoye Village! " But in this blessed place near St. Petersburg, he spent only lyceum years when he was a "fan of friendly freedom, fun, grace and mind." Yes, they were for his whole life for him and his friends memorable. But the homeland of Pushkin is still considered Moscow. He himself, well remembering his relationship, sincerely and mentally confessed: "Moscow! I love you as a son ... "* [* the Russian capital is somehow not taken to consider a small homeland. In vain. In Moscow, of course, there are always many visitors and non-cried inhabitants. But Moscow, like the capital, for the Russian man always played a special personal role. Marina Tsvetaeva about her so wrote: "Moscow, - what a huge, stony house! Everyone in Russia is homeless, we will come to him. " I will not argue with the maximalism of Tsuenevskaya youth, who argued about the livestock of Russian people, but the poetess is accurate in that sooner or later we come to the sacred stones and the walls of Moscow. I say it myself, half-friendly, half haggars, so as not to develop this topic further. The reproaches that have been sounding in recent years and caused by claims, part of Moscow, in the "alien" of Moscow (Valentin Rasputin even called in the hearts of the "stepmother" in the hearts), after all, believe, be temporary. No, Moscow to us, Russian, mother ("Mother", as she sang in the Vologda vintage songs), the symbol of debris, the pride of our homeland. In this sense, I fully agree with the position of Dyakon Alexander Shumsky, who protects Moscow from unfair reproaches.
(I am writing these lines in the Tula Polenov to early Easter 2004. Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, Moskvich by birth, the author of the famous Moskovsky Dvoric landscape, traveling on OK, discovered these beautiful places and settled here. They, like Moscow, appeared. For him, a small homeland. But what is interesting: the French Buhval for the same Moskvich I.S. Turgenev language somehow does not turn to call him a small homeland. We love and honor his estate Spassky-Lutovinovo. So, a small homeland for Russian person can only be in Russian land - automat.)]
The same young laughter was characterized by Muscovite M.Yu. Lermontov. He admired: "The Blue Mountains of the Caucasus, I greet you! You trembled my childhood; You wore me on your wild ridges, clouds dressed me, you were taught to the sky, and with that time I dream about you about heaven. " The Caucasus poet romantically considered his homeland, although he ruined him. The wiser was Grandmother Mikhail Yurevich, who transported his dust from Pyatigorsk cemetery to the native tarchang.
The love of the "Ryazan Ryazan Ryazan" and to the "City of Vseason" Moscow for Sergey Yesenin became a drama. Konstantinovo village in modern Russian culture is considered the most famous symbol of poetic small homeland, although the poet himself, coming to Oka, missed and rushed at the very first opportunity to go to the capital. To oppose "paradise" and "homeland" (remember the shittostatic lines about the call of Rati Holy to quit Russia?) Yesenin could only from afar. "In the sky - Paradise, and on Earth - Valdai," the Patriarch Nikon was divorious without Jennic antagonism. But the poet was ingenious about the fact that I understood the essence of my creativity, when the question, myself, delivered: "Why am I a poet?", Replied: "Because I have a homeland."
Teacher Rubtsova and Belova Alexander Yashin Tomis was the same spiritual thirst. Only, unlike Yesenin, he severely asked himself, he was executed, rushed, constantly rushing from Moscow to the edge of the forests and heaven. Malaya Rodin Alexander Yashin - Vologda district center Nikolsk, the village of Bludnovo at the same time he brought a bright joy and constant pain and anxiety. Love and jealousy in the soul of the poet mutually intertwined. A strong feeling splashed into the story "Vologda Wedding", completely ambiguous, by no means a URS-patriotic and non-discrepancy. The poet and here rushed here, I was sought to remember Sholokhov, "to eliminate" the topic in his sense, reaching the challenge, to the sharp criticism of his countrymen. The following lines-covenant Nikolay Rubarov are facing him, and to all of us: "And you love and regret, at least a native surrounding area ...", but I sometimes didn't want to "sorry" Alexander Yakovlevich.
This line of Russian literature continued further - the works of Viktor Astafieva, Fyodor Abramova, Boris Mozhaeva, Vladimir Tenryakova, right up to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and she began on the literature of populists-populists in the XIX century. The fate and creativity of them were constantly bred with those who walked in the knowledge of their homeland and the life of their countrymen in another way - through the heart "you", through Christian forgiveness and intimate repentance, which means that another understanding of Russia is Vasily Belov and Valentin Rasputin , Vasily Shukshin and Victor Likhonosov, Vladimir Lichutin and Vladimir Krupin ... Among this direction, everything, without exception, writers are clearly "tied" to their small homelands. We are proud to say that Sholokhov - Don, Shukshin - Altai, Belov - Vologda, although this is a societary writer in their essence. But to say that Tendryakov - Vologda (or, as for some reason, Vladimir Krupin, Vyatsky, in which he, grip, have already recorded), it is impossible. And call Solzhenitsyn by the Kislodsky writer is simply inconvenient.
Vasily Belov in his story-essay "Bobish Ugor" very tactfully said about Alexander Yashin's happiness, with a complex feeling of which he died. Here Yashin, coming with a friend to his house on the Bobrous Ugron, greets: "Hello, my native land." Belov continues: "You didn't know that I heard these words we were speaking in a low voice, but if I knew, and I would know what you knew, I would not really be ashamed. I am grateful to you for the fact that my presence during your meeting with my native land did not look familiar. In addition, it is so natural to greet home. But I know that it is probably unnatural about this naturalness. Because again, the words and a conversation about all this is a category less in relation to the subject of the conversation, and vulgarity lifts me for each row. So poor our language is when trying to talk about the innermost "(Belov. Stories and Tale. P. 228-229).
In the story "The usual case" Ivan Afrikhanovic, having come to the grave of his wife Katerina, also greet her, but, remembering her, he suddenly be sorely asked: "Where are you, Katerina? "In this very" strange ", it seems to be the question of not the" poverty "of our language sounds, and the depth of the intimate nature of the hero that does not require unnecessary words.
Alexander Yashin, let him give him back, literally instilled in the Vologda Writers a sense of a path that should always be associated with a sense of homeland. I instilled in my example. A lonely log house, standing in a pine forest on the Bobrous Ugor, away from the village, became a symbol of a literary skete, where the poet tried from time to time to hide from all his distils. He did not understand what it was impossible.
Alexander Yashin belonged to that generation of village inhabitants, who, as it was believed, was embarrassed into people, that is, left for cities. In such a break, a conflict with tradition has already walked. In the book "Lad", Vasily Belov wrote that earlier "to tear off the man from the Motherland meant to destroy not only the economic, but also the moral basis of life" (Belov. Lad. S. 115). Many of the former villagers who left the Earth believed that their homeland was "dark" and "dough", but they will give her light. The tragedy of not one Soviet generation expressed in aphoristic lines of the poet Anatoly Potrev:

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Smolensk Earth. Smolenshchina - the edge is so generous on glorious names. South Smolensk is located a small town of Pochinok (I go to it several times a year), and 12 km from him, Zagorne - a place where A.T. was born more than 100 years ago. Tvardovsky.

Objectives lesson:

  1. Talk about Motherland A.T. Tvardovsky. Based on the facts of biography, determine the theme of poet poems.
  2. Develop the concept of lyric hero.
  3. Secure skills:
    - compare the poems of different authors;
    - work with the textbook;
    - expressively read, passing the ideas and feelings of the author.
  4. Intensify educational activities of students, stimulate and develop mental activities.
  5. Relieve a sense of patriotism, pride for your small homeland.

Equipment: Multimedia Projector, Screen, Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Announcement of the topic and tasks of the lesson.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Comparison as an analysis of analysis to identify common topics.

Name well-known poets, singers of their native nature and land. (S. Yesenin, I. Bunin, A. Tolstoy)

What unites these poets and their works? (Love for native land. Sensation of human and nature communications, expression of mental sentiment, human states through the description of nature.)

3. Explanation of the new material.(Slide number 1)

  • Teacher's introductory word. The identity of the writer is known through his work, and the fundamental principle is the attitude of a person to the places where he was born and grew. A.T. Tvardovsky rushed his love for his native land, to its origins after all his life, not forgetting about him in years of joy, nor in the godine of the troubles and separation. The image of a small homeland is viewed in many of his works. (Slide number 2)
  • Working with a textbook. Reading students of passages from the "autobiography" of the poet.

(before the words "Since then, I am writing ..." Literature. 7kl. studies. - Readings for general education. Institutions. at 2 h / Avt.-Cost. V.Ya. Korovina)

So, the poet was born on the farmers of Zagorje Pozyinkovsky district of the Smolensk region 21 (8) June 1910 in the family of a rural blacksmith, as you know, the blacksmiths were always the most necessary and respected people on the village. On the line of the father, the ancestors of Tvardovsky were agricultures, grasshoppers, along the Mother of the Mother of the Military, owned the estates, ruined, became one-names. Zagorie and repair, River Lucia, Borki - these names are the components of the Maly Motherland of the Tvardovsky. The house in which the poet was born was not preserved to the present day. Years of repression and war erased from the face of Zagorne. (Slide No. 3) In the autumn of 1943, Tvardovsky, together with the parts of the 32nd cavalry division, was near his native farm and was shocked seen: "I did not even know the ashes of the father's house. Neither the village, nor the garden, no brick or a column from buildings - everything is listed bad, high like hemp, grass, which is usually growing on the ashes. I did not find any signs of the land of the earth, which, closing my eyes, I can imagine a stack with which all the best is associated with me. " (But not everyone knows that the farm was not dead in war, but much earlier, when the Tvardov family was evicted from there.) [1]

Museum "Korporne" opened on June 21, 1988. But at first a huge work was carried out on recovery. The first on the farm Zagorne appeared a memorable stone. The brothers of the Tvardovsky - Ivan Trifonovich and Konstantin Trifonovich, his sister Anna Trifonovna, (Slide No. 4), the younger brother of the poet Ivan Trifonovich Tvordovsky, who had lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was fulfilled at the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And then he moved to his homeland, he made all the furniture for the exposure, Ivan Trifonovich was the director and a museum as a museum until the end of his days. (Ivan Trifonovich Tvardovsky went away on June 19, 2003. He is buried in the village of Seltso, which is located in a kilometer from the farm)

  • The beginning of a correspondence tour of the tanning. (Slide number 5)

On the territory of the museum complex there is a house with a built-in cattle courtyard. There is no genuine things in the museum, since the family of the poet - parents, brothers, sisters - was repressed and expelled in Trans-Urals. Before you a simple life of the family. On the wall - a clock with a pendulum, a mirror in a carved frame. The stove and the wooden partition separated the bedroom, where the Iron Parental Bed is worth, for children - flaps. Opposite the door is a large wardrobe, which divides the doors to two parts. On the table covered with a lace tablecloth, - a huge samovar. Near wooden hard sofa and several Viennese chairs. In the corner there is a chest of drawers. On it a sewing machine of foreign production. Household rugs are settled on the floor. In another "red" corner of the hill, under the "images of holy wings", - an angular table with a stap of books.

Left hanger with painted towers. Things characterizing the period of the 1920s and 1930s are collected by researchers of the Smolensk Museum-Reserve during expeditions in the surrounding area with the controversial villages of the Pozyinkovsky district. (Slide number 7)

(Slide number 8) in the livestock is a stall for a cow, for a horse, as in the usual peasant farm. This could be fitted with the cold sense from the house to do not walk on the cold and snow in winter.
(Slide No. 9) in front of the house you can see a hay barn and a bathhouse in which the young Selmor AT worked. - So signed the Twardovsky's first notes in the Smolensk Village newspaper.

(Slide No. 10) for the house, somewhat, there is a forge. It has a horn with furs, anvil, on the walls you can see the tools of the blacksmith.

(Slide No. 11) Well, Young Yelnik, Apple Garden - It is also details of the past life:

  • The student prepared expressively reads from the textbook "Brothers" (1933).

(The footnote at the end of the poem) is explained about the bitter fate of the Family of the Tvardov poet wrote in his works, for example, in the poem "Brothers" (1933):

How are you brother?
Where are you, brother?
What are you, brother?
On which White Channel?

This is about the eldest brother Konstantine, and about all people-brothers who, as the enemies of the people, were bent for the construction of the Belomorsky Canal. All lifestyles in the harsh taiga region fell on fragile shoulders of Maria Mitrofanovna, because The father was constantly in the separation from the family, earning the urgent bread.

4. Primary use of learned knowledge.

Questions to class:

1) So, with what events in the family of Tvardovsky are connected by the final of the poem?

2) What do you know about the concept of a lyrical hero?

Help: The lyrical hero is the image of that hero in the lyrical product, experiences, thoughts and feelings of which are reflected in it. It is not identical to the image of the author, although reflects his personal experiences related to those or other events of his life, with his attitude towards nature, public life, people. Any personal experience of the poet only then becomes the fact of art when it is an artistic expression of feelings and thoughts typical of many people. The lyrics are peculiar and synthesis and fiction. [2]

It is known that the artistic thought is based on the lyrical work given in the form of a direct experience. But it is impossible to forget that lyrical experiences are closely related to the real life of the one who creates this experience. [3]

3) What feelings is experiencing a lyrical hero, remembering your childhood?

5. Checking homework.

Students read the poem of the poet: "The snow fenced blue ...", "July - Makushka Summer ...", "played smoky ravines ...", "at the bottom of my life ...", "That day, when the war ended ...", "I I know any of my guilt ... "and D.R.

  • Activation of thinking of students .

Questions to class:

  1. What did the poet wrote about? What vitality did he argue with his work?
  2. Do you agree with the words A.I. Solzhenitsyn, who noted "RUSSIANCHEST WALLA, FRAMEMENT, Forestry, the sorrowful nobility of the best poems of the Tvardovsky"?
  3. What are the main themes of his poems?
  4. What questions do the front-line poet?

Conclusion: Tvardovsky's landscape lyrics is characterized by philosophy and visual power ("July - Summer Makushka"). The world of childhood and adolescence on the farm Zagorier sounds in many works of the poet: from the first to the last - in the poem "by the right of memory". The topic of "small homeland", the "memory" line becomes the main in the work of the poet. Appeal to the past, to the memory allows you to comprehend the highest moments of being. Memory nourishes the lyrism of the poet, restores what was genuine happiness and joy.

  • Continuation of correspondence excursion.

As you know, all children grow up and sooner or later leave their homes. It happened with Tvardovsky: the favorite edge was a deaf place that did not give opportunities for the disclosure of the talent, in which the poet himself was very sure. But the attitude of Tryphon Gordeevich to the hobby of the son of the literature was complex and controversial: he was proud of him, he doubted the well-being of his future destiny if he was literary. Father preferred reliable peasant work with writing "fun", hobby, which, as he believed, should pass from his son. Let us turn to the "autobiography" of the poet.

  • Working with a textbook. Pupils read an excerpt from Avtobiography. (Since 1924 ... the cause of significant changes in my life ") (Slide number 12)

At the eighteenth year of life, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky left his native Zagorne. By this time, he was repeatedly in Smolensk, once visited Moscow, personally met with M. V. Isakovsky, became the author of several dozen printed poems. His manil is a big world. But the separation was not easy. After moving to Moscow, A. T. Teddovsky most acutely felt the connection with a small homeland. (Slide number 13) and classic unforgettable lines were born:

Happy me.
It is gratifying to me
With the thought of living his beloved
What is in my native country
There is my land is a harder.
And I'm still satisfied -
Let the reason be ridiculous -
That in the world is mine
Mining station.

Mining station (1936).

(Slide No. 15) There is another memorable place in the city of fixing. On the central square of the city, near the culture house on June 21, 2010, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the poet's birth, the bust of A. T. Tedovsky was solemnly opened, the author of which is the sculptor Andrei Kovalchuk.

Resident residents are proud of their famous countryman and sacred all that is connected with his name. After all, the most expensive thing that every person has a place where he appeared on the light, Malaya Motherland, and she is always in his heart.

In the poem "Vasily Terkin" (the head "Oh yourself") Tvardovsky wrote:

I left the house once
I called the road to the distance.
Not small was loss
But light was sad.

And years with sadness gentle -
Between anyone else -
Excide the angle, my former world
I'm in my heart.

7. Reflection and summing up lesson

Questions to class: What's new we learned today? Would you now have to distinguish the poem of the Tward from the poems of other poets? Changed your perception of previously learned poems? What tasks liked more?


Without a doubt, Smolenshchina was moral and aesthetic support in the work of A.Ttvardovsky. She feeds his life-giving huge talent of the great Russian poet, deeply reflecting in his best poems, poems.

Setting marks.

Homework: Read the memories of Twardovsky in the textbook, use them when preparing a story about the poet.


  1. Farm "Zagorie" - Museum-Usadba A.T. Twardovsky http://kultura.admin-smolensk.ru/476/museums/sagorie/;
  2. Literature: Ref. Materials: KN. For students / L64 S.V. Turaev, L.I. Timofeev, K.D. Vishnevsky and others - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. P.80 - 81;
  3. Skovnikov V.D. Lyrics // Theory of Literature: Fundamentals. Probl. to East. Lighting. - M., 1964. - KN.2: Birth and genres of literature. - p.175;
  4. Romanov R.M. Alexander Tvardovsky: Pages of Life and Creativity: KN. For students Art. CR classes shk. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 60C.;
  5. Tvardovsky A.T. Poem. Poems. - M.: Art. lit., 1984. - 559c. (Classics and contemporaries. Poetic. B-ka);
  6. "Malaya Motherland" in poetry A. T. Tvardovsky: reading lyrical lines ... http://www.rodichenkov.ru/biblioteka/;
  7. On the homeland of Tvardovsky http://lit.1september.ru/article.php?id\u003d200401210;
  8. Museum-estate A.Ttvardovsky - 15 years http://www.museum.ru/n13689.

The first verses of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky were printed in Smolensk newspapers in 1925-1926, but the fame came to him later, in the mid-30s, when the "Country of Murai" (1934-1936) was written and published - the poem about the fate of the peasant Solenik, about his difficult and difficult way to collect farm. It clearly manifested the original poet's original talent.

In their works of the 30-60s. He embodied complex, turning time events, shifts and changes in the life of the country and the people, the depth of a nationwide-historical disaster and the feat of one of the most cruel wars, which experienced humanity, rightfully taking one of the leading places in the literature of the XX century.

Alexander Triomponovich Tvardovsky was born on June 21, 1910 on the "Farmers of the Podposhovo", belonging to the village of Zagor of Smolensk province, in a large large family of a farmer-blacksmith. Note that later, in the 30s, the Tvardov family has suffered a tragic fate: during collectivization they were smoked and exiled to the north.

From an early age, the future poet absorbed love and respect for the Earth, to the hard work on it and for a blacksmithing case, whose master was his father Tronon Gordeevich - a very original, steep and rigid person and at the same time competent, read, who knew the competent Many poems. A sensitive, impressionable soul possessed the mother of the poet Maria Mitrofanovna.

As the poet remembered the poet in the "Autobiography", long winter evenings were often dedicated to their family to reading out loud books of Pushkin and Gogol, Lermontov and Nekrasova, A.K. Tolstoy and Nikitin ... It was precisely then in the soul of a boy and a drastic, turbulent thrust arose, which was at the heart of which was very close to nature rustic life, as well as traits inherited from their parents.

In 1928, after the conflict, and then a gap with his father, Tvardovsky broke up with a blinding and moved to Smolensk, where he could not get a job for a long time and was interrupted with a literary earnings. Later, in 1932, he entered the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute and at the same time he went as a correspondent to the collective farm, wrote to local newspapers articles and notes on changes in rural life. At this time, except for the prose story "Diary of the Chairman of the collective farm" he writes the poems "Path to Socialism" (1931) and "Introduction" (1933), in which conversational, prosecated verse, called the poet himself subsequently "riding with disassened winds". They did not become poetic luck, but played their role in the formation and rapid self-determination of his talent.

In 1936, Tvardovsky came to Moscow, entered the Filology Faculty of the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy, Literature (MiFli) and in 1939 he graduated with honors. In the same year, he was called into the army and in the winter of 1939/40. As a correspondent of the military newspaper participated in the war with Finland.

From the first to last days of the Great Patriotic War, the Twardovsky was its active participant - a special correspondent of front-line seal. Together with the current army, starting the war on the south-western front, he passed on her roads from Moscow to Königsberg.

After the war, in addition to the main literary work, actually poetic creativity, he for a number of years was the chief editor of the magazine "New World", consistently defending the principles of truly artistic realistic art. Heading this magazine, he promoted the entry into the literature of a number of talented writers - Prosaikov and poets: F. Abramov and Baklanov, A. Solzhenitsyn and Yu Tridonova, A. Zhigulina and A. Prasolov, etc.

The formation and formation of the Tvardovsky poet belongs to the mid-20s. During the period of work by the rural correspondent of Smolensk newspapers, where since 1924 his notes have been published about the village life, he prints there and his youthful, unassuming and even imperfect poems. In the "Avtobiography" Poet read: "In the newspaper" Smolenskaya Village "in the summer of 1925, my first printed poem" New Izba "appeared. It began like this:

Smells fresh pine throat,
Yellowish walls shine.
We will listen to the spring well
Here on the new, Soviet way ... "

With the advent of the "Country of Moravia" (1934-1936), testifying to the entry of its author at the time of poetic maturity, the name of the Twardowsky becomes widely known, and the poet himself more confidently declares itself. At the same time, he writes the cycles of the "rural chronicle" and "about grandfather Danil", the poem "mother", "Ivushka", a number of other notable works. It is around the "Country of Muravia" it is grouped by a folding controversial artistic world of the Twardovsky from the late 20s. And before the start of the war.

Today we otherwise perceive the creativity of the poet of that time. It should be recognized as a fair remark of one of the researchers about the works of the poet of the early 30s. (With the famous reservations, it could be distributed to all this decade): "The acute contradictions of the collectivization period in the poems, in fact, not affected, the problems of the village of those years are only named, and they are solved superficially optimistic." However, it seems to "the country of the vigor" with its peculiar condition and construction, folklore flavor, it is unlikely to be attributed unconditionally, as well as the best poems of the pre-war decade.

During the war, Tvardovsky did everything that was required for the front, often acted in army and front-line press: "wrote essays, poems, feuetones, slogans, leaflets, songs, articles, notes ...", but the main work of war years - the creation Laro-epic poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945).

This, as her poet himself called, "the book about the fighter" recreates a reliable picture of front-line reality, reveals the thoughts, feelings, the experiences of a person in war. Parallel to Tvardovsky writes the cycle of poems "Front Chronicle" (1941-1945), it works on the Book of Essays "Motherland and Alien" (1942-1946).

At the same time, they were written such masterpieces lyrics as "two lines" (1943), "the war - there is no tough word ..." (1944), "in the field, streams, ..." (1945), who were first published Already after the war, in the January book of the magazine "Banner" for 1946

Back in the first year of the war, the lyrical poem "House of the Road" (1942-1946) was completed and soon after her end. "The theme of her, - as the poet noted, - the war, but from the other side than in Terkina, - from the side of the house, family, wives and children of the soldier who survived the war. The epigraph of this book could be lines taken from it:

Let's, people never
Do not forget about it. "

In the 50s. Twardovsky was created the poem "For a distance - Dal" (1950-1960) - a peculiar lyrical epic on modernity and history, about a turning point of time in the lives of millions of people. This is a detachable lyrical monologue of the contemporary, the poetic story about the difficult fate of the Motherland and the people, about their complex historical path, about internal processes and changes in the spiritual world of the XX century.

In parallel with "For Dal - Dal", the poet works on a satirical fairy-tale poem "Terkin on that light" (1954-1963), depicting "Kossiness, bureaucracy, formalism" of our life. According to the author, "The Poem" Terkin in that world "is not a continuation of the" Vasily Terkina ", but only turns to the image of the hero of the book about the fighter to solve the special tasks of the satirco-journalistic genre."

In the last years of the Life, the Tvardovsky writes a lyrical poem-cycle "on the right of memory" (1966-1969) - the work of tragedy sound. This is a social and lyric-philosophical meditation about the painful ways of history, about the fate of a separate personality, about the dramatic fate of his family, father, mother, brothers. Being deeply personal, confessional, "on the right of memory", at the same time, expresses a popular point of view on the tragic phenomena of the past.

Along with major lyrol-epic works in the 40-60s. Tvardovsky writes verses in which the "brutal memory" of war pierced ("I was killed by Rzhev's", "that day, when the war ended,", "the son of the deceased warrior", etc.), as well as a number of lyrical poems, who made up the book " From lyrics these years "(1967). These are concentrated, sincere and distinctive meditation about nature, man, homeland, history, time, life and death, poetic word.

In another 50s written in the late 50s. And in its own software poem "All the essence in the same Testament ..." (1958) the poet reflects on the main thing for himself in working on the word. It is about the purely personal beginning in creativity and the full dedication in search of a unique-individual artistic incarnation of life truth:

All the essence in the same Testament:
What I say, until Tia,
I know it better than everyone in the world -
Alive and the dead, - I only know.

Say the word to anyone else
I could never for anything
Contribute. Even lion Tolstoy -
It is impossible. HE will say - let him be God.

And I'm only mortal. For his answer,
I'm talking about in my life:
About what knows best of all in the world
I want to say. And so, as I want.

In the late verses of Tvardovsky, in his heartfelt personal, in-depth and psychological experiences of the 60s. First of all, complex, dramatic paths of folk history, sounds the harsh memory of the Great Patriotic War, respond to the difficult fate of the pre-war and post-war village, cause a heart-szvuk of the events of folk life, find the sorrowful, wise and enlightened decision "Eternal Topics" lyrics.

Native nature never leaves the poet indifferent: he violands himself, "like after Martam blizzards, / fresh, transparent and easy, / in April - suddenly a picked / pre-verbal birch", he hears the "vague language or gomon / in the vertices of the age-old "(" To me sweet was that Sonoye's noise ... ", 1964), the larks, which argued the spring, reminds him of a distant childhood time.

Often the poet builds his philosophical meditation about the life of people and change generations, about their connection and blood kinship so that they grow as a natural consequence of the image of natural phenomena ("Santa Santa ...", 1965; "Lawn in the morning from under the machine ... ", 1966;" Bereza ", 1966). In these verses, the fate and soul of the human directly closer with the historic life of the Motherland and Nature, the memory of the Earth's father: they are reflected in them and reflect the problems and conflicts of the era.

A special place in the work of the poet is occupied by the topic and image of the mother. So, at the end of the 30s. In the poem "Mother" (1937, first published in 1958) in not quite ordinary for the tward-shaped white verse with a rare force, not only the memory of childhood and a deep sone feeling, but also an aggravated poetic rumor and disgrace, and most importantly - increasingly detecting themselves and stringy lyrical gift of the poet. These poems are clearly psychologically, in them, as it were, reflected in the pictures of nature, in the signs of rural life and life inseparable from it - such a close heart of the poet Maternal appearance arises:

And the first foliage noise is still incomplete,
And the trace of green for dew grainy
And the lonely knock of the roller on the river,
And sad smell of a young hay
And the echoes of late Babi songs
And just the sky, the blue sky -
Every time you remind me every time.

And quite differently, the feeling of sons of sorrow in the cycle "Memory of Mother" (1965), painted not only by the acute experience of irrevocable personal loss, but also the pain of nationwide suffering during repression years, sounds deeply tragedy.

In the edge where they were taken by Gurt
Where neither sat near, not the fact that cities,
In the north, Taigue locked,
Everything was there - cold and hunger.

Ho certainly remembered mother,
A little speech will go about everything about the fact that
As I did not want to get it there, -
It was very much a cemetery.

Tvardovsky, as always in its lyrics, extremely concrete and accurate, right up to the details. Ho here also the image itself is deeply psychologized, and literally everything is given in sensations and memories, you can say, the eyes of the mother:

So-juice, not in a row
Between centuries and sniffs,
And at least where far away from the housing,
And then - the graves immediately behind the barracks.

And she happened, saw in a dream
He so much home and yard with all right,
And the swamp is in the ridden side
With crosses under the birch of curly.

Such a beauty and grace,
Litled Bolshak, smoke pollen roads.
- I wake up, I wake up, - Mother told, -
And behind the stamina - the cemetery taiga ...

In the last of the poems of this cycle: "- Where are you from this song, / Mother, for old age? .." - there is so characteristic of the play of the poet's motive and the image of the "crossing", which in the "country of the Muravia" appeared as movement to the shore " new life, "in" Vasily Terkina "- as the tragic reality of bloody fights with the enemy; In verses of "Memory of Mother", he absorbs the pain and sorrow of the fate of the mother, bitter humility with the inevitable limb of human life:

Exhausted - experienced,
And from whom what is the same demand?
Yes, nearby
And the last transportation.

Water carrier,
Annaya gray
Transport me to the other side
Side - home ...

In the late lyrics of the poet with a new, stable strength and depth, the topic of the continuity of generations, memory and debt in front of those who died in the fight against fascism, which is a piercing note in the poem "At night, all wounds hurt ..." (1965), "I know, No my guilt ... "(1966)," They lie, deaf and dumb ... "(1966).

I know no of my guilt
In the fact that others did not come from the war,
That they are who older who are younger -
Stayed there and not about the same speech
That I could, but I failed to save, -
It's not about that, but still, yet, yet ...

These verses are the stronger and deeper by their tragic inappropriateness, the feeling of involuntary personal guilt and responsibility for the human life torn off the war. And this uncomfortable pain of "cruel memory" and guilt, as it was possible to see, belongs to the poet not only to military victims and loss. At the same time, thinking about a person and time pearated by faith in the province of human memory, turn the approval of the life that a man wears and keeps in himself until the last moment.

In the lyrics of the Tward 60s. The essential qualities of its realistic style, the democracy, the inner capacity of the poetic word and the image, rhythm, and intonation, all the poems with external simplicity and non-versatility, revealed with a special fit and force. The poet himself saw the important advantages of this style primarily in the fact that he gives "in all the powerful impressivity of reliable paintings of living life." At the same time, his late poems are peculiar to psychological deepening and philosophical saturation.

Tvardovsky owns a number of solid, containing renewed and independent judgments about literature of articles and speeches about poets and poetry ("Word about Pushkin", "On Bunin", "Poetry Mikhail Isakovsky", "On Poetry Marshak"), reviews and reviews of A. Block, A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelstam and others who entered the book "Articles and Notes on Literature", withstood several publications.

Continuing the traditions of domestic classics - Pushkin and Nekrasov, Tyutchev and Bunin, a variety of traditions of people's ethical creativity, not bypassing the experience of prominent poets of the 20th century., Tvardovsky has demonstrated the possibilities of realism in the poetry of our time. Its impact on modern and subsequent poetic development is undoubtedly fruitful.

The topic of the motherland in the poem A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Khorkin"

Objectives lesson:

    awaken interest in the history of the war, cause an emotional response when a war conversation; contribute to the education of patriotic feelings;

    improve the ability to analyze the lyrical work; form the skill of the study of the artistic work within the framework of literary local history;

    develop the cognitive activity of students through research work at the lesson;

    rise love to the native edge through the ratio of the writer to his "small" homeland.


    multimedia installation;

    presentation "Cute Small Motherland", "The theme of a small homeland in the work of A.Ttvardovsky"

    literature textbook for grade 8, Part 2, Author-compiler G.I. White;

    text of the poems, individual chapters A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Khorkin" (printout);

Lesson plan

  1. Check the main homework

    Teacher's introductory word Theme of a small homeland in Lyrics A.Ttvardovsky (on the presentation "The topic of a small homeland in the work of A.Ttvardovsky")

    Analysis of the chapters of the poem


  1. Organizational moment, motivation

Hello guys sit down. My name is Julius Valeryevna. I really hope that our joint work will benefit everyone: I will share with you what I know and I can, and you will try to learn what you will come in handy in the future. Look, you have everything you need on the tables to ensure that our joint work is effective and pleasant: printing of the heads of the poem, which we will analyze with you, notebooks and notes, diaries for recording homework and ratings. We will try to be only five and fours.

  1. Checking the main homework (in the master class format is not assumed)

  2. Introduction to the topic (Presentation "Cute Malaya Motherland")

At the last lesson, in addition to the main homework, my students received a small creative task: to place a photo of your beloved corner of the native village in the form of a slide. We collected them in the overall presentation "Cute Small Motherland" and offer her attention to you.

    Teacher's introductory word

Why do you think it was proposed to be a creative task on this topic and what is the connection between him and the study of creativity A.Ttvardovsky? (Alleged responses of students: in the works of A.T. Tvardovsky also present the topic of a small homeland)

You are absolutely right. Let's make sure of this, reviewing the presentation "The theme of a small homeland in the work of A.Ttvardovsky"

Let me remind you that Alexander Triomponovich Tvardovsky, whose creativity we continue to study, born on June 21, 1910 on the farm of the Zagor of Smolensk province in a large family of a rural blacksmith. Smolensk is located in the Central District of Russia and stands on the shore of the Dnieper at that time it was poor, but very beautiful city. Childhood and youth Tvardovsky spent in the forest wilderness, in his native farm, where "in the shadow of the birches" juts a rustic forge of his father. And although later the poet graduated from the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature and became one of the most famous writer in the Soviet Union, he forever retained blood connection with his native places.

In the article "On the Motherland of Big and Small", the Twardovsky wrote:"... in the creations of genuine artists - and the biggest, and more modest in their meaning - we accurately recognize the signs of their small homeland. They brought their Don, Orlovsk-Kursk, Tula, Pridneprovskiy, Volga and Zavolzh, steppe and forest-steppe, Ural and Siberian native places with them into the literature. They approved in our reader presentation a special appearance of these places and edges, colors and smells of their forests and fields, their veins and winter, heat and blizzards, echoes of their historical destinies, echoes of their songs, a kind of charm of a different local word, which sounds not in the disadvantage With the laws of the Great, Single Language. "

These words fully apply to the work of the poet itself:

On the Khutorsky deaf coup,
In the shadow of the bitter birch,
There was a forge in Zagor
And I have grown with her from birth.
And the heat of the mountain
Under a wigbed ceiling
And freshness of the floor of the earth
And the smell of smoke with a party
We are familiar with me since then, perhaps,
How there going to the father for lunch
Mother kept me on hand
When she was twenty years old.

But these heartfelt lines noticed and appreciated M.V. Isakovsky, at that time, the writer already known in Smolenc region. And the poems were what ...

Who can expressly read this poem? You have prints with text.

Breasts with poverty
Yellowogryry oats
Something warm, something ripe
Veins from our strip.
Give a foot by my barefoot
By barbed zhynburg,
Give a shiny mow
Sold up my strip.
Under oatums
Hot then we share.
I doubly then happy
If I'm visiting ...

* Is it possible to understand from this poem that we are talking about a relative to the poet?(Yes)

* Find signs that helped you understand it.(Personal pronouns "ours", "My"; the word "foot" characteristic of the local show; accurate and bright description of the field, familiar since childhood; consumption of verbs in the 1st person of units., This makes it clear that the author writes about yourself, etc.)

* What feelings of the lyrical hero are transferred in this poem and with the help of which fine-expressive means is emphasized?(The author with warmth and tenderness writes about his native land, expressing his love with the help of epithets: "yellow-angry oats", "hot, then"; metaphors: "breathe with a breast of poverty", "Oatmeal Niva"; a repeating verb "Dai" expressing desire The lyrical hero is to work on the native field, feel the charm of the "barbed dressing"; the author transfers the smell, familiar since childhood and gives a direct assessment of the state of the lyrical hero: "doubly ... happy.")

This feeling to the native edge will carry A.T. Tvardovsky through all his life and creativity(Teacher reads by heart):

For a thousand lit.
From the mother-in-law
Suddenly the wind behaves
Familiar - Familiar ...
For a thousand lit.
From native threshold
Sideways, white
Will smell,
Olkhova, Lozova
Foliage dusty
Smeared ferry
Otava Green
Yellowing flax
And warm grain
Current Earth ...

So, can we argue that in lyrics A.T. Tvardovsky shows the topic of a small homeland. (Yes).

It is from love for the native land that the love of "big" homeland begins, especially brightly manifested in difficult time for the whole country. Maybe the trembling attitude of the Tvardovsky to his Smolenc region made it possible to poet during the Great Patriotic War to write a book that immediately became the necessary, like bread and weapons, and remained one of the best works about the feat of the people in the war. You have probably guessed that I mean Alexander Trifonovich Poem "Vasily Torkin".

This is a poem about the war, about the victory of our people. War is a terrible phenomenon, cruel. But so far there are anger on earth, hatred, there will be wars that cause wounds to people from the life of sons. We, Russian people, are peculiar to a special love for their native land, to the place where we grew up to our homeland. This love of the time of the century is manifested in readiness to defend, without sorry for life, his fatherland.

And I offer you a problematic question, to answer which the analysis of individual chapters will help us.

    Stopping a problematic question: Is the homeland and a small homeland in the Poem "Vasily Terkin" implemented in the Poem?

    Study of the chapters of the poem

1. Chapter "About me".

You have printouts called "Quote". It will be filled in parallel during the lesson.

One of the chapters of the poem is called "About me", the story is carried out on behalf of the author himself.

* Let's expressively read this chapter and try to find the signs of the relatives for the poet of the region.

(The teacher reads the text, students are watching, working with a pencil, and the signs of Smolencins are noted.)

* What do we learn about the Smolensk Territory and the author of this chapter?(The guys call the samples of Smolencins and separate facts from the life of the Tward: Forest, thick, green, where every leaf is joyful and fresh from the first summer rain; It grows nuts in it, where the author ran with friends behind nuts; the coniferous spare with the ant spirit The smell of resin; singing of birds, river, native courtyard, halars from branches, school teacher, parents and sisters, etc. - all this pops up in the author's memory.)

* What language means uses the author to convey the high emotionality of this chapter?(Children note the use of personal (s) and attractive (my) pronouns; epithets, comparisons, metaphors; rows of homogeneous members, repeated repetition of a negative particle; incomplete sentences, inversion, common appeals to the native side; estimated vocabulary, etc.)

* What do we learn from this chapter about the hero of the poem Vasily Turkin?(He countryman of the author.)

* What do you think the Twardovsky did Kurkina with his countryman?(The guys express their opinion. The teacher summarizes the said and leads students to the idea that all this strengthens the lyrical start of the book.)

* Is it possible to say that the head "About me", where the author with love remembers and describes the native land, is associated with the way "big" homeland? Justify your answer.(Yes, you can. Communication "Malaya" and "Big" Motherland is obvious: the war is a terrible time for the whole country, the pain of all the people, and every person is experiencing feelings like copyright. This is directly stated in the poem: "... with our our Victory / I am going, I'm not alone. "," I am robbed and humiliated, / like you, one enemy. "," My friend, is not easy to me, / as you with a deaf trouble. ")

2. Study of other chapters (group work).(Students are divided into groups, each group will work on a separate chapter; chapter offers teacher.)

* Try now, working in groups, find the signs of Smolensk region and determine the link "Malaya" and "big" homeland, confirming their thoughts by the text of the poem. (To prepare for about 6 minutes)

( 1 group works with the head of "Award". The guys find and comment on the lines, where the hero recalls the "Rodibov Selms", his barefoot childhood, where he dreams of charm of local girls. It should not pass by the students and sadness of the author, which sounded at the end of the chapter ("And not wearing mail / in the edge of his Smolensky.", "No way, there is no right / to visit the native village.") Unity "Small" and "Big "Motherland clearly sounds in the last stanza chapter.

2 groups works with the head of "Harmon". Students should celebrate the song ("The parties of the Native Smolensk / Sad Memorable Motif ...") that the fighters were warmed in a casual privala. Then - a fun dance whose music is a harmonic fighter, of course, also brought from the house. Memories of the house, sadness and mischievous fun, soldier's unity, mental pain and courage - everything connected in the native melody.

3 Group works with the head

"Oh Hero." The guys can easily find a line about the native edge of the author and the hero, comment on the feelings transferred by the author, and will contact the image of the "small" homeland with the "big", confirming their thoughts with the words of the last stanza, sounding as a conclusion about their unity.

If time allows, you can continue to work on other chapters ("General", "on the Dnieper", etc.). The whole poem gives an infinitely large material for a conversation on how the images "Big" and "Small" Motherland are being created.)

    Work in the notebook (conclusions)


    Reflection. Let's summarize: They will answer the problem: whether the theme of the Motherland and Malny Motherland has been implemented in the poem.

    Analysis and evaluation of students' work

Our lesson comes to an end, but inexpecting the storehouse of our literature, which serves as a source of inspiration. We will be invincible as long as the memory of the heart is living in us, the memory of past generations and pride for our great homeland and the people. Our lesson is over, but the conversation about the war on this does not end.

Only one lesson.
Only forty five minutes:
What helped you?
Note in his life?
Ile flew like a moment -
Just one moment?
But if inspiration touched you,
He touched the soul,
And thoughts appeared,
That means we are with you

No wonder worked!