Her election headquarters will be headed by the ex-head of NTV Igor Malashenko. As before it came: the chronology of the "presidency" of Ksenia Sobchak

At the end of the reception of documents from self-promoters on January 7, the CEC reported on 67 applicants for participation in the presidential elections 2018. The record number of wishes to become candidates political scientists explain the "Sobchak effect".

Candidate Agen

On Sunday, January 7, at midnight, the deadline for submitting applications from self-promoters for the presidency of Russia has expired. The intermediate results of the presidential campaign on January 7 brought the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilov. "After 2012, our election legislation is maximally liberalized. As in the registration of parties (we have about 70), and according to the registration procedure in the presidential elections. To this moment, we have stated 67 applicants, of which 21 from the parties, 46 self-promoters, "said the head of the CEC in an interview with Russia 1 TV channel. In the presidential elections in 2012, before the liberalization of party and electoral legislation, it was much more difficult to register - self-promoted and candidates from non-parliamentary parties had to collect 2 million signatures in their support.

Elections 2018 have already become recorded by the number of potential candidates in the last 20 years. More potential election participants - 78 - was only in 1996.

How become candidates

According to the law "On the presidential election" to nominate the candidate, political parties should hold a congress, and self-configuration - to collect an initiative group of at least 500 people (representatives of the Central Election Commission should be present at these events). After that, potential candidates must submit a package of documents to the CEC. And if the centrist won't find grounds for refusing, the potential candidate can open the electoral account and start collecting voter signatures. Applicants from parliamentary parties (" United Russia", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR and" Fair Russia ") from this are released. Potential presidential candidates from the political forces that are not presented in the State Duma, you need to collect 100 thousand signatures. Even more - 300 thousand signatures - it is required to collect self-promoters. By law, you need to pass no more than 7.5 thousand signatures from one region.

Only after checking signatures in the CEC, the candidate is considered registered. On January 7, there was the last day when the documents in the CEC could serve self-promoted. For applicants to the post of head of state from political parties there are a few more days - until midnight.

Registration of candidates ends on the evening of January 31. By February 10, the CEC should approve the final list of candidates. Until March 16, a campaign in the press and the election debate will continue, and the voting itself will take place on March 18.
Record since 1996, the number of candidates is "nominal", said RBC Vice-President of the Center for Political Technologies Boris Makarenko. "There was a liberalization of the legislation on the parties: the power moved from hard clamps to manipulative regulation," the political scientist said. According to him, the authorities ceased to be afraid of competition from politicians, which "don't represent anything like anything," and now "Logic is such - let a hundred colors bloom, because they still get started, not having time to collect the right number of signatures."

The candidate excitement is associated with the nomination of TV presenters Ksenia Sobchak and Catherine Gordon, who made it "for the sake of a personal PIAR," the political confersultant Dmitry Fetisov believes. "They served as an example for other persons who want to increase their recognition. And it is unlikely that this situation is now happy in the presidential administration, because a large number of shuffle promoters turns the election in clowning, which is already directly at the legitimacy of the elections, "the expert believes. The founder of the Foundation for the fight against corruption Alexei Navalny led the election campaign from the beginning of the year, but unlike Sobchak and Gordon, he rather played the role of politics, and did not think of the categories of PR, so it was unlikely to be an example for others, an expert believes.

The RBC source in the CEC also tied an increase in the number of people who wish to become President of Russia with Sobchak. Because of it, interest in the elections in humans said, as Pamfilov said, "with the Crank". "People who love to show and want to remind themselves, suddenly decided to go to the polls so that in the future it somehow monetize, earn. But almost all of them will be dropped and understand it perfectly, "the source said. Ksenia Chudinova's spokesman Sobchak did not comment on the connection of TV presenter's nomination with an increase in the number of applicants for the presidency.

Speaking about candidates "With Crank", Pamfilova mentioned a candidate who would certainly have to pass the documents at exactly 22 hours 22 minutes (according to TASS data, numerology is fond of self-imaging Vasily Pugachev). On January 7, the CEC adopted documents from the Samimalizer Tristan Priegiagin, heads of the public movement "Children of the USSR", in the election program of which contains a proposal to recreate the Soviet Union and move to the planned economy. On the same day, documents in the CEC submitted a temporarily disabled resident Chelyabinsk region Victor Cherepanov. On January 5, the CEC refused to register several groups of voters on the nomination of candidates for president, including supporters of the owner of the Goldengirls Lucky Stripport Club owner, who did not provide certificates of income, foreign real estate and major costs.

A large number of applicants helps to get rid of the overall feeling of stagnation in russian politics And to attract interest in the campaign, the political analyst Abbas Galymov is sure. As a result, "Intrigues of the second level" appeared in the elections: whether someone will be able to shift the candidate from the Communist Party of Pavel Bescrain from the second place, whether the Sobchak will be able to "squeeze" the Navalny from the liberal field, the political scientist believes.

Contendent pool

Among the potential candidates for the 2018 election, including the current president, Vladimir Putin (it goes like a self-configuration), Pavel Grudlin (Communist Party), Chairman of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Ksenia Sobchak ("Civil Initiative"), the co-founder of "Apple" Grigory Yavlinsky, business - Budsman Boris Titov (Growth Part).

The founder of the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption Alexei Navalny to the Presidential Race was not allowed and announced a boycott of elections. As the reason for the refusal of refusal, the centers pointed out the outstanding criminal record of the oppositionist on the "Kirovale" case. December 25, in one day with Navalny, businessman Sergei Polonsky and journalist Oleg Lurie (both of them have been submitted to the CEC (both of them have a criminal record of severity articles). Journalist Lurie said RBC that Navalny for him "Nobody", he did not know that the opposition politician was going to submit documents on the same day, and therefore their joint appearance in the CEC was the "absolute coincidence".
Putin has more money

According to the CEC, more than 400 million rubles arrived at the Putin's election fund for January 5. (Maximum permissible amount on Russian legislation). The largest sponsors of Putin's nomination were the United Russia party, the Krasnodar Regional Cooperation Foundation, as well as the Moscow, Sverdlovsky and Tatarstan support funds for regional cooperation and development.

Putin Foundation turned out to be more than all other candidates for the presidency, combined. A total of 13 candidates who managed to open their accounts have been received by more than 656 million rubles. Among the remaining candidates, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (more than 200 million rubles) became the leader in terms of the volume of assembled funds.

The remaining candidates have collected significantly less funds: Titov - 20.7 million rubles., Sobchak - 19.44 million rubles., Yavlinsky - 15 million rubles, Maxim Suraykin ("Communists of Russia") - 450 thousand rubles, Kostroma deputy Vladimir Mikhailov - 200 thousand rubles, Chairman of the Party of Social Reforms Stanislav Polishchuk - 110 thousand rubles, Ex-Deputy from LDPR Roman Khudyakov ("honestly") - 100 thousand rubles, Journalist Ekaterina Gordon - 50 thousand rubles, Sergey Baburin (Russian National Arctic Union) - 30 thousand rubles, President of Mortaker Elvira Agurbash (Alliance Green) - 8 thousand rubles, Pavel Smyrna - 1066 rubles.

Now the news that (35) wants, discuss everything. If you suddenly lived on another planet for the last couple of months, we have made a chronology of events. Well, to completely dormant not to seem.


The newspaper Vedomosti reported that the presidential administration approved a candidacy of a woman who could run for the post of President of Russia in 2018. And this is Ksenia Sobchak.

Fake Canal

There were rumors about journalists and politicians in the headquarters of Ksenia. The channel "Mediarsarachi 2.0" then said: "About Sobchak, the truth - many existing journalists and PR will be recruited in her headquarters." This is confirmed by Russian BBC. And almost immediately in Telegram, a channel was created under the name "Ksenia Sobchak", there was such an entry: "I really decided to run a candidate for the highest post in Russia, that is, president. Questions on my program and everything else traditionally take on Twitter: https://twitter.com/xenia_sobchak Thank you! ". "Mediarsarachi 2.0" promptly stated that the channel this - Fake, although refers to the official Sobchak account in Twitter.

Discover Sobchak

After the story with Telegram Ksenia wrote in Instagram: "Dear friends! I do not have a telegram channel, and all messages except those you see in my official instagram, Facebook and Twitter, Fake. Do not be fooled on the provocations of enemies. " For some time, everything was dumbfounded, and Ksenia paid all attention to the new on the channel "Friday!".


Ksenia Sobchak starred for the November cover Glamor. To the question of the editor-in-chief of the Edition of Mary Fedorova: "Tell me now as a potential candidate for the most all-hour post in the country: You do not think that your past in the show business will hurt you?" Sobchak: "Someone, maybe it would be damaged, but I think will help. I just just such a person - like an anthill cake. Many different layers, but in the end I am one cake. I communicate S. different peopleI wonder everything, I want to know everything, to participate in everything, to learn every second - my life consists of it. "

Chichvarkin and Vitorgan

"You understand perfectly well what you do a legitimate Putin and knock Alexei Navalny. I will be forced to send you and your whole team ... If you do it, "Yevgeny Chichvarkin in a special video event. Sobchak's husband (45) of such a relationship did not suffer and answered Chichvarkina. "Yes, you yourself", "said Vitorgan in Facebook.

Official confirmation

The newspaper "Vedomosti" published the official TV presenter (in him, by the way, was a lot), in which she confirms his participation in the elections. "I am responsibly treating any actions on a public field, and, realizing all the risks and incredible difficulties of such a task, I decided that my participation in the presidential election could really be a step towards such a necessary transformation. Contrary to the attempts of officials to compromise me and use for their own purposes, contrary to the attacks of my friends-Liberals, contrary to speculation of sofa political scientists, my nomination may also become useful for the opposition, and for the whole society, "Ksenia wrote and laid out in Instagram video message ( For some reason, against the background of the kitchen or restaurant). In addition, the SobchakprotivVseh.ru election site appeared.

In favor of Navalo

And Trump, and Sobchak were leading a realistic show on TV. Ksenia Anatolyevna from 2004 to 2012 led an unforgettable "house-2" on TNT and helped endless participants to build their love. Donald Trump (among other things) became famous thanks to his show "Candidate". It's there he pronounced an epochial phrase you. ARE FIRED! ("You're fired").

And Trump, and Sobchak - active social network users. They have something to say, for any occasion: sports, cinema, colleagues in the workshop and, of course, politics. Donald and Ksenia's posts are collecting hundreds of comments, and then they are also discussed for months. By the way, about your desire to run for the presidency. In general, subscribe!

And Trump, and Sobchak is full of haters. Again, watch social networks. Of course, no one goes to rallies against Xenia, but in just a couple of hours, so many memes have appeared in the network, devoted to the president, which does not have to doubt: these people are moving at all the feeling of delight and love. So what? Black PR is also PR: let them say (and draw).

Parents of our heroes are successful people. Trump generally repeated many times that there are many ways to become successful, but most effective - just be born in a good family. Donald's father, Fred Tram, became famous as a successful businessman, and Father Xenia, Anatoly Sobchak, was the first mayor of St. Petersburg and the famous legal.

And Trump, and Sobchak love money (and do not hide it). They are absolutely not ashamed to talk about their desire to live well, comfortable and so that everyone envied. We quote Ksenia: "I love money very much. I have a phobia poverty. I do not know how to save, postpone, all the time I am afraid that I will have a terrible bony poverty. "

And Trump, and Sobchak write books. Trump teaches to build a business and tells how to become successful (we argue, did you hear a couple of quotes?), And Sobchak answers the question "Who are such sucament and where they come from" in their monumental labor "Encyclopedia Loch" and gives advice, how to marry millionaire.

Trump and Sobchak - Synonyms Scandal. It is difficult to find people who do not know who is such a tramp, and who is such a sobchak. It will not just will find those who treat them indifferent: both of our hero know how to cause a reaction (and what else!). Perhaps, if Ksenia becomes president, they with a colleague Donald will find a common language. Well, or we get the most explosive mix in history. In any case, it will not be boring.

. And he became. Hint.

Yuri Drum Van is already in the transfer of Ksenia called. We are waiting for!

March 18, eight candidates will claim Russian throne. The Central Election Commission approved the final list of election ballots. It has the name of one single woman - Ksenia Sobchak.

The most influential policy of the North Caucasus and the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, she compared with Stalin, and the capture of Crimea called the occupation. In front of the Americans, she apologized for the fact that Russian hackers intervened in their elections. It acts boldly. She is beautiful and rich. Ksenia Sobchak creates the impression that in the Russian presidential election, the liberal-democratic opposition competes with the current president Vladimir Putin. In fact, no struggle is not. All have long decided. Nevertheless, the participation of the TV host and opposition activist in the presidential race, which will end in Russia on March 18, is very important for the Kremlin. Thus, it seems the impression of the present electional struggle.

Friendship as proof

Sobchak is the only prominent female candidate in the Russian election campaign. Moreover, she is a daughter former friend and the head of Putin Anatoly Sobchak, the mayor of the native city of the President of St. Petersburg. In the 90s of the last century, Putin worked in the Sobchak team, and they were tied up close bonds. Sobchak was considered a convinced democrat and in the biography of Agent KGB Putin, friendship with him should testify that russian president The same political beliefs.

Undoubtedly, Sobchak refreshes the current campaign - not only due to its attractive appearance. She drives a lot, performs at rallies, he came even to Chechnya, where many politicians do not be drunk. Recently, Sobchak visited the United States, where, however, did not cause special hype, since it is clear that she will get a little votes.

Yes, and in Russian voters, it is not yet particularly popular. She is an interesting media celebrity, but no more. Most voters are not even perceived seriously of its statements, which can be called radical and scandalous. Perhaps because it is a woman, and besides, young and attractive, or because it represents the Russian elite (VIP-person, as they call privileged and rich) and relates, rather, to the category of entertainment show business, rather than to politics. At least, the Russian voters perceive it. More than her political program, their memory crashed offensive statements to complete fellow citizens. "Ass here's that size? And passengers should look at it? " - said Sobchak about the stewardess, who protested against dismissal from work because of his external view. Another time Sobchak said: "I do not like fat people ..." She calmed down a little only after the birth of Plato's son in 2016. His father is the actor Maxim Vitorgan, for which after a series of love scandals and novels, she married five years ago.

Putin compared to her - beggar

Last week also it turned out that Sobchak is the richest of all presidential candidates. And in Russia it is not the best prerequisite for political success. True, it is not about some unimaginable amount: Sobchak reported that over the past six years it earned 404 million rubles. Compared with Putin's friends and colleagues, this is a negligible amount. But the Russian with an average earnings she can impress. In addition, Sobchak admitted that she has two apartments in Moscow, one in St. Petersburg, and there is still a house in the suburb of the capital. Sobchak goes to Bentley Continental GT Speed, though 2008. Russian citizens With difficulty can believe that all these wealth Sobchak has earned honest labor of the TV presenter.

Compared to it, Putin is just a beggar. For the same period, he earned 38 million rubles. From the eight candidates, he is the third poorest. It is worse than the income of income in the liberal economist Gregory Yavlinsky and the nationalist of Sergey Baburin.

Sobchak was born in 1981 in the family of Soviet intellectuals. Father - official, lawyer and teacher, mother - historian. When Ksenia was 11 years old, her father Anatoly Sobchak became the mayor of Leningrad, modern St. Petersburg, the second most important of the Russian city, which from a historical and aesthetic point of view always kept the championship. The country has just come to himself after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, and the Euphoria of Freedom reigned everywhere, and those who preached democracy were considered an avant-garde of the nation. So there was Sobchak.

Great President

In 1995, Mother Ksenia, Lyudmila Nastov, became a deputy of the Russian State Duma, and the policy took the central place in the family. In addition, she allowed the Sobchak family to occupy a privileged position. At that time, the girl did not impose his imprint.

In those days, the Sobchak Mayor was already led by the young and ambitious Vladimir Putin, who held a very important post of the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the City Hall. Opinions about how Putin was a close friend of the Sobchak family, diverge. Anyway, but Ksenia itself refuted the statement of the media several times that Putin is even her godfather. Although Sobchak at the 12th age, he was really present, however, only as a guest, which with the father of the girl tied more than just working relationships.

After the announcement of Sobchak about a desire to run for the presidency, some media began to speculate whether the famous TV presenter would have agreed with the president to play the role he prepared her. Thanks to her, a woman, the elections are more interesting, and in addition, it contributes to a little more of life and the atmosphere of show business. Due to the concerns that the appearance of the election will be low, the Kremlin is important to "diversify" an extremely boring campaign. And although Sobchak refutes the Navalo on cooperation with Putin and that she plays the role prescribed by her Kremlin, in the eyes of many voters, it remains only a pretty puppet.

It seems that Ksenia Sobchak is not 36 years old, as she reports at the very beginning of its "speech of the presidential candidate", and from the strength 16. Although usually, even adolescents, the total negation takes place towards this age. It is not surprising that the veterans of the political scene were perceived as tragicomedy this appeal "candidate" in a man's shirt from the kitchen.

Rumors that Ksenia Sobchak intends to nominate his candidacy for the presidency of Russia, first appeared in September. The journalist then was sluggishly denied.

On October 18, in his "Instagram", she posted a link to the Sobchak against All, where it was placed, as it is now fashionable, video call about intention to run.

Potential candidate with its own (most likely) kitchen appeals to the people. In the background - two bananas (I remember the song about a monkey, which got very early), a salad bowl, full of oranges (I remember the first Ukrainian Maidan with "fried oranges"), as well as the apple and pear ones lying in individual plates (apple, understandable, already Many thousand years symbolizes temptation, the pear points to the upper right corner, which means movement forward. Also in it, if you wish, see the phallic symbol).

The Ksenia is dressed in a freely sitting shirt, very similar to the removed from her husband, Maxim Vitorgan.

The appeal of a candidate woman in a man's shirt with a kitchen can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it looks like antiformist - the image of a woman "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen" is considered to be the dream of all patriarchal chauvinistic men. On the other hand, the Soviet intelligentsia decades led political conversations in the kitchen, and, most likely, the choice of location and clothing is associated with this fact, and not with the desire to pump feminists.

We talk so long about the background, on which Ksenia Sobchak acts, because there is no particular about the appeal to speak. Quintessence of her 3.5-minute speech:

"Whatever they promise, for whatever they appear - we oppose."

There is no positive agenda in handling: "They all got it." "They" in this case are all who had previously ran into presidents.

It seems that Sobchak is not 36 years old, as she reports at the very beginning of the performance (in fact, 35 - approx. Look), and from the force 16. Although usually even adolescents go to the age of 16, and they start, and they start, Let it timidly and uncertain, understand what they want in this life.

Candidate President of Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak wants one to return the column "against all", but for now this graph is not ready to speak in this quality. If the slogan of Zhanna D "Ark was:" Who loves me - for me! ", - That is the likely slogan Sobchak:" Who is against everyone - for me! ".

The article in the "Vedomosti" is slightly more substantial, but also in it most program initiatives are calls to "cancel" and "stop".

Veterans of the political scene, against whom calls to vote Sobchak, expected negatively assessed the initiative of the journalist (talking about her nomination by a presidential candidate as a matter of the fact that the election was not yet announced).

According to Gennady Zyuganov, the participation of Sobchak in the election will turn them into the "tragicomedy". "I have a book" The report went. " I give the statements of the most evil Russophobes. And there is, in this company, and Ksyusha, who called our country and the people with genetic cushion. I do not imagine the opportunity to advance ... Especially since she wants to become the president of the country, giving people and the country such an assessment. It seems to me that it is impossible even in Burkina Faso. Therefore, turning it in the mixture as shameful, "the leader of the Communist Party believes.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in turn, said that "a person who has many years in politics should be a candidate for president." "A person did not go away the country, he does not know anything, he did not manage anything. No appropriate knowledge. It is dangerous simply. First, no one chooses her. This is a fake, a fake candidate, "the leader of the LDPR believes.

Commentary Gregory Yavlinsky about the Sobchak initiative: "Prokhorov-2018. It is clear from where it appeared, it is clear where it goes after the election. The same rakes, only in profile. Come on? " - Posted by the founder of the "Apple" party in his Twitter.

Balked for the presidency in 2004 and scoring a little less than 4% Irina Khakamad stated that it belongs to the nomination of the journalist "normal". "No one hopes that she will be president. If she were an experienced politician, this is another story ... She, I understood, wants in such a form of provocative arrange such as farce, because most of the elections, in general, also farce, well, that we have the same and the same Everything is clear in advance, "Khakamad said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The TV presenter Maxim Galkin suggested that the Sobchak team looked like in the case of her victory in the election: "If Xenia is president, then Ksenia Borodina is the Prime Minister. Girls can sit right on Red Square, there is also a frontal place, they are accustomed. Health Minister is purulent. The Minister of Foreign Affairs - cords, we still do not like anywhere, and he can send a clever at international negotiations. Finance Minister - Mavrodi. Tych soar.

The Chairman of the State Duma - the organizer of the rap battle of Versus Battle on the nicknamed restaurant. The Committee on Youth Affairs is definitely Diana Shurygin. Animal Protection Committee and ambient - Alexey Panin. With such a team, no one who will be against everyone will be against everyone, everyone will be for one. Normally".

Comment Another colleague Sobchak, journalists and activists of the Bozhenni Mountains where shorter, but expressively : "Here is a guy Gaddy. I decided to run, creature. " Later, the Narca expanded his idea somewhat: "The only possibility of Ksenia to get out, without writing itself forever in the ranks of the scum, is to officially replace the name Sobchak on the anti-sob. In order for the Xenia of the anti-rack in bulletins "(the author's spelling is preserved - approx. View).

Western media also did not miss the Sobchak initiative, calling it (traditionally) "Russian Paris Hilton". The most humiliating commentary for oppositionists has published Independent, directly in the title, saying that Sobchak's candidacy can "split the opposition."

According to experts surveyed by Guardian, Sobchak's nomination will give legitimacy to the elections and can revive the presidential race in which "Putin's elderly opponents behave boring."

In the ABC material, Sobchak is named by the Russian Television Star, which will offer the long-awaited alternative to liberals, the dissatisfied board of Vladimir Putin as its decision to participate in elections.

The most voluminous material about Ksenia Sobchak published New York Times, however, on the level of an examination of the author of the article says that at the very end he quotes Viktor Shenderovich, calling him the "most famous political humorist of the country."

Yes, indeed, Shenderovich could be so called when Ksenia Sobchak still went to school. But in 2017 it is the same as to call Kiton's Basher the greatest comic of modernity.

In your opinion